O' OO 1 1 PEATHIS OAR P0FTHANKS IHADCASTLE, - AtHaion n M'îsMury base liketo jTuesday, May 4, 1948, IHacei Mar- Mra Majy iraey w-eid ireto gurite rtr- i, early beloved wife hnk-ber frIinds for kind tireugit-I cf Por-cy Lawrence liardcastle, futlness during h'em il-mess-. The flow- aý frui aii to er ii.1ged 30 years, Resting et tire ~er, crds frit nd is-ts e hor Mrris Cirapel,.B.owmianvil-,lo, until kGspital wero a great help uand mlucir Friday tmon. )Service un Orono TAG DAY TRIS SATURDAY "WHAýT TIME IS IT?" is a question that cau. be, ans.wered readily by a linl person, with a Braille watch. ..Any hlind person in Canada, is able to purchiase from Thre Canadien National hIstitute for 'the Bliad at cost or less, typewriters, Braille writers, watches, cards, games, tape maeasýures and other appliances. These nIl help blind peo- ple to adjust to life without sight during their working and their leisure hours. To render this a 1nd other valuable serviices to blind people and. to carry onti ts programme of prevention of blindness the C.N.I.Rý.. needs youir support. Tag- Days will ho conducted thi, Saudyia- co-mnities throughout West Durham ON TARIO0 ONTARIO HOUSINO, PLAN FIFTY PEI'CENT* REDUCTION 0F D OWN PAYMENTS ON NEWLY CONSTRUCTED LOWER COST HOUSES UNDER THE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT ACT (ONTARIO) The Province of Ontarlo will arrantge for the loan of fifty per cent of the difference' between tire amount of tire first mortgage I and the sale price of a newy constructed bouse, the Provincial edvances not to ex- ceed $1,250,00 on any one bouse. Thre loan will be repayable on a twenty year emortization plan with interest et 3Y2 per cent per annum. SatisfactQry evidence will be requi.red tIret the am-ount of tIre first mortgege adJvance is a reasonable propor- tion of thie value. Appl'icaion fzormsidl-lneesrinomainmyh otzeJo, THE DEPA!ýRTMENT 0U LNNI'GadDEEOMN ,Rom ni4Û02, East Block, Qeer-sPrTrntOtro The Honýouratirle Dana Porter, K.C. 1Ministe,- WARNING NOTICE RE CORN BORER IN DURHAM COUNTY Ail long Corn stubble or otherCorn rem- nants, no mi ter where they m-iay be, in huildfings, i yardl, garden Ar fields, must be gather and *Nûed, dried or ploughed under c ýpletelyjý1 by y 2O1th Failur do sý4 le- es the offender lable to or mailed tc Inspector ded to pro"mlptly Y~ THE COR-N DORER Uniite 'Ohurh yn Friday , ay7h at 2.C0 pm Imitermnc-it Orono JCemectery. Enerai under asie UN MEm)RIA1m ln lovii'ng meirory cof our lovin-gso Jack, wh io st bis 'He on, a tanker on May 9Vh, 1942. It's lonesome ihere withofutL you Jiack, -And sad loglife'S WaLy- For ldfe is not the sanie to us Sînce y'o wýe.reLledaway. Dear Jacký, you ar fot forgotten, Tliov u-bon earth yoUuare'no"mre Stili in m'iemor(;y you aCre ihs Asyou always were eo. -1,oingy rmemere3hyMr.am Mrs>.. Cr'ossley. Newcastle Lions Club STANLEY ST. JOHNW and his Royal York Orchestra Featuring Don Gardon (C.F.R.B.'S Ace Pianist at a DANCE NEWCASrLE COMMUNITY IHALL FrIday, May l4th Special Feature Parade of ADVANCE FASHIONS. By Morris Watkin, Leading CaainStyiist Sýprý,,,verBeach wear and fa!!i-styles sharp 'Amission $1.00 Per- Person Door open 8.00 p.m. Dress Optionai Net Proceeds for Newcastle Memorial Arena TICKETS NOW ON% SALE Bofore Selliug LIVE POULTRY Try me -My Prices Are Higher M. FLATT Bethaiy, R. R. 1 Tel. 7 r 13 Reverse Charges Cenent Now a"Vraijkà1e at our wie h ou se MeLaughlin, Coal & Supplies Phne 1246 -Osha-Wa TheBeuil AFITOL PORT HOPE Fni. and Sat., My - "MAICTOWN" With James Stewart and Jane Wyman -WES TERN ,ýFEATURETTE Comnedy and Cartoon Mion., Tues., May 10-11 "Gol1den Earrngs" With -Ray Miliandi and Mearlenle Dietrich, "T'OPPER TAKES A TRIP" Shlown at 8.30 COly -Wedl., Thuîr., May 12-13 941[ winterCons Withi Walter Pidgleon and Deborah lKerr (Aduit) "CH RSMS EVE" (,0 NOTICE TO CREDITORS TN TU11E EISTATE 0F ORlMA ALU ii thie Towmrisii,) f Clairke, ini the County of Durham, Rotireq Ferm-er, Decealsed, wodiod at Bwrnil oni tire 2th day 'fMar-ch, '1948. TH<E RUISTEIE ACT, r-.S,O., 1937, Ch. b65 - Sec. 51 Creditors and otirers lraving dafins against the abovo Eitate )are requir- ed to send partr(j'icars anld flui! proof thereýof to ire undelsidgnod on or be-! fore 4ire 7th1 day of June, 1948, alfter w riii 'he distibuted, having regarqd oni- Ty to t.be elaimus that 1-uav'obeen ne-] ceiveed. Dated ille th day 0of'May, 19418, ati Bowmarnviilo, Ontarlo. LAWRENCE C. MIASON, 30 King.1-Strieet West, BWm:iianvillie, Ontairio, Solicitor for tire Executor MAJOR FOOTE P.-C. CANDIDATEJ (Çonitiniued from page one) votes. Sire' said there wtere -going1 to ire biig chrange.s in tire ucor1d. Womi-en sirouid ho takingeabigcr intrest in world affairs. Who wants peace to-- day more than -woiinen. Thiere are ne 1women.on tire United Nationis Board but thet ther-e shioiild ire. Major Foote thon took tire pltor cmnd tirnked tiredlgates forires- towing 'on1him- th irboliter to represenit tirem. He s-aid it was tÉire hnpp)iest moment 0of b i le. He said ho had elready rsine rom 'bis cmiso in tire armiiy. ri tire ar-my,,hoe a p -o bis ineck lit army work, and if el-ected would ire up to bis nieck in politie Mr. Cha, Stepirensýon-, M.P. for Duh-m oitty in fthe D omni nion W"ou 5, atieled uon t in nt ýrodý 1u ce tire guestspekr Coi. T. L, Kenned-iey. Col. Kennedyý, fil openingil bis ad-- dresýs, sad ie tatfire ps is past a.-nd we bave to ioolk toi the future. He wa urprisedl to seo so m.eny onttVo tire meeting and ivas of, ieopno that it spoke -weli for R-ev- Foote. Tir gratst r-oorany man coaa hal've is Vo serve tirhepleP and is aý great joy. You, Johni-jFûote, have served youýr coutry well and I kýnow tiret you will serve y.ouir onity we-il. TIr my County of ýPeel2, teire peole are neît voting foir pa7r-ty politics but are voting for tire nan. Mle said tiret it was alih for g-overniments Vo go teý tire country everY tbree ears.IV bas sýiiown tiret wie ectiors are held every tlirree years, the gonverit- ment is retrnled 1to powVe-r, ad if tireýy hold off' for five yer- try r1gn erally ydefeatedre.e-n Col. Kenined!y thon oucr. n he iyro queýtior,.Ho e said that tire Conservaltiv e Gvenen oroposed sýpen1din1g $6 000, aitd that if tire people woreinot uin fer o0'ftins Virey cou-id vote aginst tire Consýerva-- ive iparty ion Juno 7tir. A government V-day needs great vision in running a province. It mu1ist be iale Vo see a long way ahead, Vo see in tire future, from, 25 te 50 and1 75 years. If thegvenen makes a mristake it s;houldi- be defeated. Wýe urned down tireoffer cf tire Domin- ion Governntent et tire conierence ire- tween tire provinces nd Ctir(Dmiio By &loiitgso, e saved tire rovinice -of Onterlo $13,000,000. We are bidn sport fields ini differenitparts cf!Vire province soi tiret cbildren ctn partake of sports. ýGive a lirild a lot of£ good clean sport and pou will do away witir a lot of tie elinquency tiretlis in our country todayý_. Hie alsio touci-- ed ion tire ffmueenV!tex tiret Vire province ires put ouausmetafter tieDominion gvr hmn adirown itoff, Tis Vais bin u.dfu bs- pitals for pbirrrdptet d indigent ca-es. H ada\ekgv erimen wuldhav gvenit pard înleof iic r ire goernenpay iraif týire c,~.letl c u oe ard iandsý. le4 dthtee lm ing our frftrr o eltn u forests aniodl oln urlns u forefatirers Liadteicut dwaceti amount cf forest Vo cleair tir lanid foir cul ivation, but that it we-s us :tiret are here now tiretnare siigtire land by tire drainalge cf swamps. In tire lest fivQ yea"ýrs "tire gvrnetiras start-ed 1forty-ýflve jne-w ro(ct11on of tirese being tire pas-,ture experi- tuent, At Vire stert V Liere was oly one 10 acre plot, on w1dh ir e put ten cat-tie. No- wte hbave forty plots, ail sown with different grass seed. Tis experiment is somretliigl new. We .tartedtie Vacciniaigof cattle un an, effort-Vo rid -berds of thje iea irn's ;ýdis or-.se. Vaccination of cows- m ea-ns mrore mnilk, botter mnilk andl wb'feirY pousdi your cows you Vvii1 re- ceive a higirer priec for tirem. Bang's disease eusod ir'He farmlers lest year Vire Surs cif .$11,000,000J. Wbatl we are( tr iVo do is îalways irring Out somletbing nrew. Peel iCouinty alone shiippcd purehrFe socktio- nin.eteen countries of tire world. Jovws froriu Palestine ca e bre to buy cur Cat- Viýe whiicb are thie best in thre world. The on-y -nty C -Vbe-Vtdees 1 t o Icrow we biave snicb good cattl-ois iýý ûow counLtry. Ontarie ,now liras -appua tion1 of arounicd 5,000,0000, Tire great- est part cf mir provinice ne-w l -or tbern Ontarin, -wireotirere are great ilmber m-ilîs andaour inies tiat are WANTED Cattie Vo pasýture-. Pleli#y Off wa-ýér and sh-ade. Apply to Alorti Harris, Orono0, Phone 7,"r 4. 4.15-pr. FOR I;ALE One 2-Oii-Bturiie C' eStovp, ïSi good condition. Phe, 'ýn nie Rob- FOR- A LE t entmnPian'o, epartmnrt stylo, in g-ood cnitoPhione 26 r 16, Orono. e-16-P, FOR SALE Renfrow Cream Sep)arator, in good working order. Carlos Tenriblyn, pirou 65-10, Oro.no. -ec ORONO Furniture Hospital Reupholstering Repairing Refinishinig Antiquer-s Bought and Sold See our lino c)f Drapery Material Kitchen Unitsý made to, order C- F. Duncan Phono 79-16 -. ORONO0 ~jNNT EXP~ 'Radio Se-rvice!, Tire comiîbination cf experiencee, come- plete data on il mvakes, and moemr test eqipmenit yili ensure PROMPT, RAONBEAND EXPERT REPAIRS Cal R. L. MYLES Phone 79 r 4 - ORONO .Free Estim-ates will be Given Cheerfullly0.1n Rock Wool Home InÎSulation By Blower SyStem, Four ince.hik Insulatien Cnrcea 57 Bloor St. Wesqt, Toronto Dhqtlriîct Repreoenatative fer Durblant County GEOIRGE WADDELL Ph.iie 2a r 22 - BETHÂANT Te RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY Phone 501 - P.O. Boy 622 and Ithre Water Proof WVilloupers1 (Original WieRose0). see my portfoiio of iov-,ely wallpapers. E'n hig-s. -Yo,,u will ho satisiid. Sulfor- a s 'ili inghy. Apply at tiie Timesofie WANTED A hbouse ugetIy Ms.George MroKenna, Oi'oro -5. PASTURE FOR RENT 100 ar v~ el! fenced, 1plenty of sh adàe and water. A. H. Cl-emienis, 38 Concssin S., owntan'ville; Phono FOR SALE Bedste'ad, Dr'esser i d'shstai-ýd, large D.rop-eef Table, simali Square Table, VrnaRocker, 011 Biuiiing i-L-ater, âaduit CmoeChair,/ pic- tures sand soe snll ar-tics./Apply Mrs. J RicharddIson, Chui9ýh St., Orono.na-5-p. FOR SATLE Esseýx Sedan,. Aplily to D, G. ÇFIoper, Orono.a--p FOR SALE A quantity of bedding and Linons, also a few seatter ugfancy d1shesi,à aid cmockery 0-i, display in iMiss Ma>bel Pavey's resicience, Oroo, fram Saturdhiy, 'May 8th, to' Wednes- day, LMay l2th/Mi'Ki. MacKay. Fire, Casuialty, Automobile and Liahility Dominion, of Canada G-enerai Hartford (.Fire Insiurancez WaeloMutual J'ire Insurau Wvawanesa AMutual nsrac isrprsued i 'is district by DANflEFOUND ORONOphone a r l M, i nuacgive Dan. a% trial LEROY HfiAMMLON IN RANCE !Fire, AutomýobilÈe, Laiiy Life, liiospitalizationý, Plate Glass, BrlrCsat Repreàentîng theLadg AMEIRICAN COMPANIES Office, Main St. - ORONO phonos: office S32 r 19,;,Res. i r,16 Phono me and -I wili cail ite-sUit you. Etatsfreely givon, noobigtin the fioig (a) Io owill to youir famlUY =f; thojusand dolarst fa ohava't yu saved ? 1(b) flow to urnteasaiary cheque to ýyourai famrily every moath ! for 10-15 or 20 yenrs should You b. taken onýt of the pcituïro? (c) Hfow tohave- a salary cýheque every month i)r ryourselfas long as, Yeu ivomec nat age .5â-60» or 65. (d) IIow togurne that your son or daugirter tvil haive tire 'moa10eY for an eduicaionv beyond higir scitool? Let us havle a chat aout it some- t im Phonle F RED LYCTTT ORONO 18 r 1 AUCTi INE, RS TEDJASN Auctioneer au'd Valuator Conduncta ýAuction Sale of ail asec and nt reasonable rate communicato with hlm at ptt iPerry, 0Ontario, or se. hi. cïeru% A. TA. Miorton, at Orenlo, for dais. J ACK '.7ý»R EID Orono'&s Licensed Auctioneer and.Vlao Specialize hM Farm aid Furniture Sales Consuit me for ter'ni MEDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PIJSICANand SURGEON Ofic ours: 2100 to 4.00 p.m.; 6.30 to 8.00 pmp. Sundays anid Weduesdays by appoÎinent only PHONE 47r1 ORONO LEGAL Lawrence C. Myason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor -OMN VILLE, OT phones:- Office 688 Homre 553 W. F. WARD BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY phones:. Office 825 Residenýce 409 ~ BOWMA-NVJLLE, ONT. DR. W. W. SHERWIN VETPERINAIRY SURGEON Office Main St. Orouo phione 63 r 7, Orono J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE A