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Orono Weekly Times, 13 May 1948, p. 1

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LY TU ES ORONO. ONT., THUPSDAY, MAY l35th, 1948 Subscriptîon $ 1.50 per Year ýono W.C.T.U. GoId Medal Contest, S. S. Room, Friday, May 14 Athletic Supervisor For Park During July And August 4~< A meeting9 of the OroroAtlei Assoiaton as biseinlutha ofce cf M.Leroy Ils mIilIeu n TÙeýsday exein, ay 41h, - witis twCie s Iserapresest. Tine treasurer eaad lis report and reere o dntosreceived recent- y,$1.0O from iYr.E. R. Woeodyard,i ani$5.ü0Gfrons Visa laVe Ormie Gares- hy 1When tise riksoason startad unp- ck- -vay iàithe fa! cf '47, the Asca - eihad a ar balance of $25.55, ~Itra xery busy sea-son afthtie rinklz, includésg mary actîiies, aIlbRIs sxebeen paid, inelucing oua te E. R. Wodadfor l550.00 sfoÎr rentaI cf et ,he P, A- systasos, and tise Association lias a ibalance ýon hand cf $97.32. lV was mved by AW. E. Arnssoa,- secondad b'y PaeFùunid, that a coni- anriiteaeonsistlng of iPred Lycett -amin f?> W..Roispis ha appoinited te inter- xiemVIs Park Boarýd, asing for auhnty te alke an adm1-isisienp Whrge o sports avants haid la tisa ak.Tiis motion mas carfried. A di sCu ssionî;teck place about thie. aw!dve-sability cf eantansng young and edrbey-, beyslis ard -erd soflisil Lege t was m-iývcd by AI). West, secon,ý-ded Iy Dane FnndVIaI O. W. RolpIs le appoînted chairman cf tisa coutteaoergranize and imanage asq aboya, witIs tne privilge cf selecing oThrS for lis osita ~Mein sotbap mrete For !tise management cf lise gils' o a tonil wa1s mvdby . \W. Star. Payn&oni ne el iisi anct f-ormerly, aastb y PDane Founiid and Miss Basnet. -anFound. ttise fotballcen- a e nder ts- hinasspc =Tul Ri eai u Va t Iiattise 14 e basnbaudrinn I va ctietasof ensmsnc tisa p vi1,e fs ctn bi ass- Q te 0de-inors vrts Ofowling Vra ilie nk.Ti gn goeoftie1 t mbesmael anIùs as raquired. Afler cenisiderable dýî , ISus ienIlre- garding tisa advisahJiiity cf e1l1Pi)Ying ai yeng , man te instruct and coachs chlrnsactivitiles a thVie park (lai- c'lngisuing)it mas oxeýd ly iViaBasuet, seconded by AýIs. West, VsIa cosittea 'De apitt ar- ranige for ,pl,,ygroUlld supervisiîon at Vise park duing the h-nonthss of duly -a!d Aug-uat, and heauathorized te sp-eUp 11,3te $150.00 for tise super- viser s salary. Carried. Moved y MissBasuet, secodd ,fiy O. W, Reluui, VIaI isecmmta fpr, the above purlp6s-e conîsist of Le- rey Hanil1ton, sot. Keane arid Rex. A. E. Eustace. Calrnied, itIt was agraed 1)yVises-apesent tisaI ~eSating cf tiis niattre was badly n-eeded at eOuerk. t wili, w1heinit matnilîzsgive tIse iothers a placa Vo leave Uthi r eldekoigat tise siime tisaI' a istucorlas era taaching te iseciren differant Lines cf sportsý, speviin amers, aidal- segi0 n swfinshng lssons te their ch-iildani. TIis laisaItIse park was irsît oi fo, tehave a Place misera tise cishidr01en coUi.Idp1ly and bha away fr-cwdngrbut uip te this time no ognzdsupervision was exer given te tisir games, ad te sre that thaey teck part. For t-his noir ventureaa sen connittea la ýneeded, and we fceel sure istheViseaappointeil miii do ah lui ýtheir pmeïe te sep that a gee suervserla mplyedte look a -fler tsithe r ost fle young ,ChIl- drn ndattise sam1-e lime enpioy eatisaI is u-a te Ibis- kind cf wovTk. Whan iith;ýis a ccmlihe efeel uetisat isemotisers of the cblîdren ragae'din tise ha t e fortise varios sprts roup te sde tis fiacesrgadng lsirrepctv fods tsae fjssil haoad av 1bafo iecil'reuch -actîvitîies v iisr nect a atrue elf sustain- in. Tis adit acntivitia s oude exe ,'is ssatioxýensesrenýtie an facil-,assij snce if sus, htofivties (lewdn i Cit uthtisaend of tiseir bv aryDve tiato-tise senrlb take cve cfahInapase y ive te J. E. Atkinson Formerly 0f Newcastle Succumnbs HfisTrn uraysigist, nson, omer andr TrtoDily Star ,ey, and -preaidentü an Ltd., died on Sat- Stis, aIuhis homte on oreat 1FU1 Village. i1 publisher -Wiso b'e- on Of a hummle Mil- age cf Necasîla, aeaof tise moa0t in- Ai NerVisAmreria 1eat cniin lad been tie-guid- e ptansince 1899, touI c'f tisedaiy as '00. t bacamie tise St-ar Waekly, which lagstcirculation îýrnun- ' Dec , 8, near Newca-stle, yo est ciiof 5 aliereIy cf eigiI.t 's fthrJohn Atkýinlsoii, eperýata( mii borit twýo asiiles ea-I O-f VIs lag. He wr-s atvnuck ani Ilie mes oniy six ionthas oid. HaraI Atkissr, t'Ise mo m6sedtha illt, tise vill-age, and po hade-r large fa iy -yprL)v r - ~ rooma orl mniii sud fouiry mosY (le ied wl-en Jos-epis E. AVis maýs oiy 1L4 yaar oid F.- 1e itterïdpd Newcastle P Scoi a naipttnieyn ian, peiet -l hi ýpaech i-i-,iniisovs dnt,,vben an le vil- liy a pui faowspaper irons mas misen liesa role t isaZ-ý,- , Ne elanais for tise Port Hope Times. Lal-_- lha ment to Port Hope t(, act in tIse capacity as aceount ci- latoýr 'for tlisa Times. His final real jobi camamisen ha masaccepted as a reporter on tise Toronto World lt $45,00 par,- week, Four months laVer w-vas taken oniitie staff cf tise Tor- ente G('lobe. On tisa Globe ha mas as- a-caewitliTLib)ýaaism, and bec-anse a cenxinced, frea-trader lutIsa days vsntise tm,,o-politicsii parties mare dividedaies only on Vise question o f Iligis anti-loir tariff. In18963, afler seven yýears, as a Globe reporter, he mas offe-red tIse maagin aitorsipi of tise Mnr Herald, H-e tÎeck up MI)haI posiat eis age of 31. Afflr tnunning ,-tise iberal Hanaid in - intýense campaýiga m1-,l itisthe Con- servaliva Star, ha as offeredil-he pos'ýitio'n of maaig edlitonrsiip -f tise Motea i San. Ha umdil domwn. Iu 18,99 a hlandful cf ,waaItihy Liban- aIs purchiaseri tIse fntrn Toronto Star1 for tIsle sure of $32,000. Josepis E. As.îknson, oniy 34. mas tbronght fromn Monreal te fii thapesl of mnanager ernd edlitor. Ha purchasad stock in tise Star fre, ilss salary, and tanlyo nsIter mas abla te acquire ewnevajhip cf tIs e swspapar,, whicln lias gromiste anch trem-en-douspr-o- Ploions, iein-g tIse imn-ast widiely noni pepaler inCaaa the sil-I lle-aof Nma Clarke Townsiihip Council J Tuesýdnyý,M -y14h, at 9 a.m 1', cItal members being preýent. Tse Umnutes nf the rvfos meting sere read alid on motion approved as reand Dealijýng wýit'h the correspondence lhe folloýinig actioýn was teken. A letter from- the Raiwy oard and n from th Iis isurance Com'pan1-1y weo rdered 601e. Arqeî fromr the Orono Horticul- tural Society and one from itise A- putatinSoc'iety were l 1ci eat with by resoiutionýs. A ltter from ithse Onta-rio Hydro re the newA power Une on thse hound- ary between Dariington and Ciarke wis read, and il was reported tisab fise2 nste wseing tak1en1 care of. Tiserewnas. no action taken rethe appointment of a weed -nispeotcoer. Tise clerk repsorted that he isad not reeeived ainy repfly te Is latter toý the Deartinentof Hiwas vo drainage niatters ard te dangerous condition of No, 2 iHlighiwa-y at New- tonvilla A dlegatin cositng of M.H. SFtaples and Clarence J. Alun aypear- ad before eCCril asking tisat the hepudary road between CMarke and Hope,nvhfurm tise 11h Concession lina to tise Federe'tion cam-p site, be made fit for travel. Tihe mtter-a vefevred Vo the road superdntend±anýt who is to wýovk in harmnony witi tuse HiopeTownshp roadsupeîntedent. The foliowing resolutions were pas ed. PA s.147 %avy-MKay: Don tinuing C. F. Awde as1ozecorupt auf including dunwe isit, 98 Ras. 1480'O Low,,ery - Daveyý- In- st tingte cer to contaict thie Municipal Spray G o. re tise iing of Res.148.1 - Lwv ca:Gat t1g V isem f$150 toteOon onirin' theroad superintendent Yto Thfolown ui weeOrderpd no2M T, er Cave . . . .i2.0 Tcvatoen mp- nd Steui Tovo t--tat -n---Co,- ofic J. J. , Me re-vy, postage tC. . 11&99Attn Mrsunt FJ.Randl, v -F, P % ILpNvn. ea hall 2.0 David'E.ndersoýn 4 heepkhli elh e soc 40.00---- Cû,d ouchrin, 4-sheep5ki 7,0d byds. 483- wy MeR. 46.00 aegJ. Aia, t1h sasvler 66 C. F. Ae, ehool A1P t te- x afrcie OffierF10r0 Ctahe T ofhp Dbetr W. E. ave, gantO ronoede Rep 148o- ave y McKay:Thaet Tl-~bs nap-niSpog Aceordlu o t'm. D.Kirk, Zona Fo ester, -f Trent District.m-ho is ,p ... e cf tie Ganavaska plantir tIsa chacees of young tracs survive7 ara msIonce tIse ground is1as- dri out. iTise suppy cf loca labor -AIt' bîime mas ucit aiflciant te plant nlear 0,00young trees ordar-ed fer t Gsnvsabefore tise s e ason 'h asa.TImsstwo plantigng machiný towd y tracter, ma-re Set up, a a 6ma rcea-plan tînc crew 'x - brougýltit late asitfroinsNvh beviad eontx ores-t, misera p!i? laglsfislad. liwas fetAith tis iie tIsaI younger ciiiran on tise job frc Potpoiaicld ot ha -kepî eut scaeselte tie dem ent cof desrA caion. se tisey mare rciea-sed at s t'ime tisI tisae r crama meabr'onglis miueathnýgIs that tIseim r Saior sa te replace (them. ýTis rip ry ing, Townssip, iseraSe iiedfalasislife excapttienî yenvsspeur l We tern Cnd.H asamm rOf tise I.OI.O.-F.Lede svn joined pilotetu odeNe4, Sask. cf rhicisLogeia asaPu5 rnd. Rturnring teOrono in1927, ha transferred bis membersisip te rono Lodge No.436. 'Hacted as Record- ing iSacretary for Orono Lodgefor eigist yeavs, auýd fer thi'rteen yaaira ivas Fîaanclal Sü-relaéý vh iiispest ha isld unîtli Speb 'U3s.,1947. lHa m:as ise Cisual frL.O.L. No, 409, Orono, non Distict Trea.-surer aI tise lime of bis ýdentsý, Mn. Wlsh mas pomfioest md plpatul lan tisedi5haveof lis dui, selde bîn asetfvom a grsie His, haate was such thiaithtIsemeinlsars ay mal emulaite hi-s axampie. ber cf Park St. Uited Civhui.Ts funaer' i mas iseld fo ieCisurcis Or-ono, on iFridayAi0t, tlise ser- vice being condueýted by b i ator, Rex. A. E. Enstae. Tise eautiful 10si.service wmas;condutied (by tîle miembens at tisa graxaside. Tise palliseaxr-ravmre Mesr. H Davey, E Rainey, S. B 'rr.W. J. Riddei-l, H. Romland and F. Truili. Lu- terment.mas made lu Or-ono Came- Liberals Unanimously Name Garnet Shields As Candidate Newcastle M emorial Arena Vote Postponed Ati a recent metn of the Newcas te Veterns Association1, it -was unaninuu1y, votLed Vo,)eilarge thse As- soc iai1ti 0 I y addIlhnoay nmecml- bers, Wýith this in view degas îrlfr1m isýe Ve-ts. in1tervÀpewed a num ber of pýoîinienit citizenis with the resulit tIal tise fxown ere added V-o tiseNate Veerans' Associa- ion rotI ci1: H. S. Bi tton, Dr'. J. A. Butier. Micss Gora Butier, C. R Cmr- veth, 1. GCowil, Fathier Coffey, Gao. CaruthrsJ. D-yer, -Mrs. Oig,,a Gib- son, Hlarry Jose, Rev, "W. W. Patter- son, Frank Rickard, J. inderson Smnith, Hooward J. Toms, Reeve Gee. Waiton., and Kari Weyrich. At à joint mleeting of tis e Vas. and hoiiorary menmbers, the filowing Arena Conimitte aws eiected : H. S Brito, EDr. J.A. RIler, Frank Richard, Rev. W Patterson), Reeve Waltoa, Ted Besey, R. H. Davies, A. Gray.,, Bcanton Rickard, Dong. WaltSn sailli R. H. Davies te act as chairman- Il was again decided to posîpone thse piehescite in ahich tise citizens Were Vo bhaasked te vote for or against theaissuanca of a $5,000 de- benture t- S fait tIsaI a11 possi-ble r sucsbsould lie exisausted bef ove considering an increase ia tise milii rate> A deldegah--tioný of Messr-s. Rielkard, Wal,9ton iand Davies journt-eyed V o Queaan's Park last Friday and wa-re gis-en a cordalriecept;ioni. There il w;as learned that 25% c f t1isecost 01, Cie erena (n0 te excaed $5M"0), coul haohainad fric thaProvncia Gevramntproidigdise buildng, oMona igf adastsaoueo seietingtisene 1,ommiî-e est withtbem ilis tse iea wish cf cûiati (a a visle tht tse omit- andeAteimad douail ineth in o trA ax wl-knwna nd isigiàlyarepcd M cr. Gaîrn et Shiellsfamaof Cava-n Township, lis thse mn ewisoqin ,tie biberal Party will ilch te redeain1 iu tise approaciig Provincial alec,- tien. Mr. Sisields wIas cisosen ulaious- iy a t a 1parly convention iseld ha Orvono Towrn fRail on Waeaday eveing,1ý 'Ma y 5)tih. On Jure 7tis next holie contestpois ses-sion cf the seat against Major John W. ýFente, cf !Port Houpe, Progressive - Conservative candIate,1 a Md M rmn Allison, C. c. F cniaenoasine-ed at Bows anville on Fricday levening, Mray 7th. ThieCneto which- filied thle walLknoa noinaingce-ntre of thae couaty te about ow-hid f ils ca-l pacity, brougLiIt the pasrty staiwa,,ýrt,- Vogatiser from ail scin in tise nid- ing,. Ia thechr was MUr. Mv. H. Sta- pies, of Orono, county party presldnt Two candidates loniy w-,e give'n to is l elegtes. AMv. Shieidsws broug-ht tiefoýe VIse cornvention in a brief aand well-wlorded nominating speech isy Mr. H'arry Holdaway cf Port Hiope. Tisea amie cf _Mr. Roy W. Nichiois, autonsoiotive oeie f Ceol V'iep, was piacad la n ioinaiition bIy Mv. George Anniis cf Dariing.ton Tewn- ship, seconded lby 1_Mr. Willard Loçýrd, cf Hlope Townsh11ip. Mr. Silsresponded with a short "Thanik Yen" adesinmisii he to-uchcd lbriefiyupon camipý,iga isstus. but added thatferoi family reasensis e fait hae musýtdecle lihonour. Witàis ise decksapparenitly cerd MIr. NichioN apýIpeuved [te be h-,ýead frtise jof pnrttysadrdlervs sIseac tise wovkers hlad epce prier t e tepeijng. Tisedegae poiieytisa bcseofbion iaoudbe fvcdte iisv Afler a consultain on ieplt Iise cdiaesMr, ,tpe anain ced ~ ~ ~ ý tiaIM. id wc l nt le, p liaOi Piecneto.ia aordb M ,DA, OnEx Minist.P. c Aculure ,ý ina epbun abiet dert E-M ,D nt oduceki Mv. De w ûn. Frnk Rkar-Î,-M.o, of Ne cadei v.Alneesie-presi-- dnto e ieDrbm vdngasca on ie Drew ovcnme11 li e lictin tise dv's edIcvliaToli- we ise. i I)ý u "rai resumes tefliecalan lec- i "gi'm nt sure hailn't l on tIsewou now. Rut tie spake decarn, Mr. H. H. Hannan To Speak 'At .Annual Agricultural Picniîc ly LeIt mua-lspasgar- i Ag:riciture bld ilts regi-luar meeting HT-. Hannai, PresiderIt ad mife, Letitia He-iiil Waish; a niece -tftise hoýe-aof-Mn. and lMiraama Federat ion cfAgiu as, isF C-bbedick, Ovono; th-ree Larmair il aretîrigistToCsilon To' Isicyd a director' adé naephiew.-Mv. 'W. CbideOneno, May 6tis, mthtie bea7t attcndsance aI laVer date en' Vsle n- asMr. -Cad Wlss Myrtie, 'Ont., and any ra-gullar meetiing up te datat. 1ionging te tIse County m- Mv1rakWesWarus -ak e reports ancldedcisio;ns eeverad Appointed an-dii iI --- - ' may importnt and intaraastingý pro- 1W. H.1. StapIes, H. D TIsa three pvhe isnha C-oua- jacta.AU o leIp -îVise c hé ybv o icedfarrsetv Tisa treasurer reported that tise reporta 'Le ha sent ci osa'f candidatýes for the coming Proxincial frat-nces mare in -eod sc;ha-pe. tors frore imate n cf aletýti-on on Monday, dune 7VI. Thse Tise Secratany repontead tisaItis e Appocýinited WifredE du - Prýogress-ive - sCon-iserývative candidate su-isciptior for tIse Appeal for Chîl- nmaEute pîek bis o-wn bie s ex oh Fnt, fPot cp;dian's Finnil monld go over tise brin-gila ~report to t lai -Mn Garnet Siie-kis, cf Gev-au mili ýb f on-r lons(,îand dollar mairksin th-iseaste soffeti- metisa Liberal candidate, m tle s C.C. Conay of Duh . l euaainAllleieorýZasl ted F. panty eiected N-un lio f auce nsfuî la r-ganizing C hatrgtsna-tnsnd era Bolavle omi-pon a SCisoni Section bsitionl. lis- i lwn ontthVe instructions gien Athoý(,rizei %V-11Ie is lýstîated h1 ale atreol g age a m.achisery' ais fbe TI' - *ofý,,9pA n Pii,- 1T spFeu1e sin ii lallp<I,, nl aica-o -Y /R N 19 v 'J5. .~. s N~-~ rn hie wanits for the niext five yeýars,. 'I~t %waS entirely uinneces'sariy to cail anl election at this time, but il g-'V,-& uis rn oppomtùuity to point ont th,-a presentgoeren' faulits and te dG soieVing Î,about, it. W1,e couid hav'e ulseid aniother year to get readi4y, but wewlInevertîheless put upt a good, fight". MUr. Dewvan recited facts and fi,5 uires tut show whiat hie calied the e-x- traegaceand reekieSas pendirmg o-e theJYew Government. "It is nocV Drew and his caiethle aaid, "buti- Drew anii bis Dummnies.ý". "The offlicers of the supposedlly nort- partisan Hydreo Comm.riisson, three of themii appuintedl by Drew, and who are definitely miot Liberals, were supplied an airpiane wich cost the g-over- ment $162,899.20, and the plane is for t'heir, perSocnial use". "0f t-ise 229 point program dàrawn u bty George as lis platfofrm '.in193 he gave es an excuse for thse littlé dbone cas 'nct enough i îme' sehlihwaaý' accepted, but norw, maiiy points haývc nelrben cridout, 1nor even at- týenspted. Point four of thne pro'grani wa-,s t1ie formation cf a Connmty Con- mittee for ever1y County in thle Proqv- inýce, which would lhave lgstv %iuth'ority anld natory 1powers Vo improve r._,ricultural miethods anml proper hOetig f thiese County G'ommittees onily 28 a ýre now in effect and1 they h Lave no eiieauhr'y " !in t hie three ye r ili y have b e iu pwer, they1have d cone nothing1th, was niot initia1ted, by our office for- agicltreexcep;ticeaethiesua beetsubs.y1ad a fesv other I'smaii thing.Ltiaifomer 1tier;l ro e'amadptd'ythle IDre,': (}ovet11- men.He alao aaid the.(,Drew Ge- evument iwas the on)iy oe ike it'ii thllte wor. p1e-'i; e pnteLrl to setýim an vote.- tD a- Mv. Soi l- iger, Speo1-euheynn peoletsi"r hva sae ilh fuur o Cnar.Th wr rete aMar. i yngpolewowr Countv iu aîaet c eere yout forth% pst18moth" he h versi, Montreai "We1.1il Drew c o t to sevth pu a wr the nexoit fve1h~if ha ï ýIs( rtrn1d,1or is il fo. pEsoni(ad11- vaneemnt toOttaw I" heasked ounath e sonest. it.Lri on o pontncus combus4 ion that ha Nov- wtt

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