Syihopsîs Chapter XXXI: Bairte 1kilîs Pringle itn olep îmquet. Jtit seecs im iand, flot knewinig wo ,s, captures imii. A strui"-gge foi- lows, Juanlita situmlbles ad s avcr- pawered ,jby Bartle. Chapter XL But at thie instant be was rcady ta sunff i ot this lii e tlîat threaten- ed biiis, Bartle saw two horsemen Juianita was srnggling ta, shoot. Bairtle kicked away ber weapon, leaped [up anid ftrew imself ino blis sa(ddleams in ance motion. He tcoled, ' uribis nmouit j( a furiaus gallop. juanlita gai np1, sbakiisg. 'liThe she, te,-aS on beihersand] a aiter Bardle at fuilI stride. At la-,st se lhad seen thie kl face ta face-the mari who was the soitary lonie-handedfunan be(adjo ai]aIlite trouible in )ïecp W,ýater \Valley-. His fa c valdlive in bier memlory frvr Luridly Micliael aezcurscdu thse black inigbit, i.r 1had"thereile mnoan iand stars, tli ighî hiave founid some sîg.ofai juanita. Ever, since he loft tbie Aliman fanin hei bad bceen searcingI for becr, for somnething bad be fallen beir, ince' theiy had flot met thecre as they had agrceci. Onice more as hie rode thse cry af a miountain cat camre from bis, lips. T1-here was nao respo nse. And iUchael Valdez was fiiied witls fore- Sec thse bodficel That's OUR pcc!The sit btsONEpic 1oo! Simply imagic, Patt r-n 4823 bas feàwest passible seamns. Sewuthis býreezy casuai in doubl-quick iiC Pattern 48'23 icamesinisies12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Size 16) dmess takes 3 yards 39-inch iabric. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS 1"25 ceIts) l]s coîins (sitmpa cannat qe accepted) for Iis pattero ta Iosm 604, 371 Bay Street, Tara-n- ta. Prinlt plaitily SIZE, NAMie. ADDRESS, STYcLE NUMBR IISSUE -20 - 1948 bÀdusg wen, lie etfthe ftrst big dra p ai vain strik- hini like a pebble. He aited snddeniy as an aiieîs s_,and iri thse n ýt rcached bus earb. Cand tat be juanuta t He watcd cautioulsly, befi ae voicing their usual su na_ Then he made out what tise saund wav. On thse cliii edge ot an arroyo rode t ,nen wlîa were taiking cxcýitediy. Most of what tbey saîd was inandibîe. But Vaidez caught a ,vo wrds thiat cnt as deep) as a sabre-swtpe. "1' 16il1 is l" repeated o eeoa tIse hersem'en. "Hle needs killingi1" Then fros tis.-e ess cameeusure betraying seunds. Ih was as if thse nigbi had suddenly caine alixe wîtb systenians bersensen - ail ridiîsg sentIs. Wbere? Wby? Valdez made a quick decissman ad cautionsiy foliexvoed. Sonsle deviltrv was afoat. TIsat wav certanis Michael ValdeY rode until a sigo fromr another quarter brougbt irbi np shoý-rt. TIse odor oi buinïig tabac. ce.ý Another fine in a dnyîng sbed1t Valdz venton againi, axer a laiig strech. ien upta tIse croxývu,îai bih. ,Hesaxv lanternu an a i, Iai hnepo)rch many hors'es piekeîe-d nab.riders st ili acivin,_. dis- mounting and entering thîe baisse. And Jas he watcbed, bheit the- t ci'v ah cracklîng with the preseirice of defath. Michael Valdez' teeth w 'ne leîch- cd. Y-nng Straw Aldman Isad toi(] is how lie bad bursi in upen a .ference of cattlemen layiug planss for va -ge war. But this bouse below was ne rancbhbotuse. And about ;t meved oniy men intIse ganb ai farmers. Had they, tee. heen susi moried t a conference? \Vas open, uthlesswan about t, be proclaised? "Fois!" gritted Valdez. "They fly at e-ch other's throats, mmn spigets ai blood - because, they suspect anc anoîlier. And whiie ihey kili cach aiber, ýsomebody elc itss b ck, and ianghs." He dîsinoninted. His wet velvet clatlîiig Isuggiîig bis imbs. lie streaked toward tIse farmriionse, pull- ing up thse soaked scarlet necken- cbief aven bis face. TIse iront dean stood open, and a babbie ai voices- drifteti ont. Val- dez crassed tIse parcb witb the si- lence ai a cat. A wbîskered main whom Valdez' recognizcd as .aid Daniel Nelson finng the lid off a new woeden box, The ian j,, snspended iras the ceil- în, tbIlrcw il - yellew rays upon ncw Co-Its and tigbtly packed box-,es -ai brûlets. "I toid yen me-, 'ail t, caine boee tIse next lime ructians bnsted loase in the valiey," Nelson said. "I said I'd bc rcady ta tell yen wbat wc mus-t do - unless we'rc content ta be bnmned out and kiiled off like sa many rabbits, Tbey tried ta humus down' Chriq Pintgie's drying shed tonight. Thisý tise they d'idn't da sncb da mage, but 1 reclkon .il shows that wc've given tIse iwchance enongb ta ký(eep peace hre ow WC "i's Pete Haskell wbo's at thse head ai il ail!" shouteti a mnain wbose baut rlnpe ain and wbýhoee yes blazedi rage. "Thse 1al! Circle H. Ranc iis!Tbti eacb 'cmii" He gbbdfor- ene af tIse Colts,. Neýlson. "T I ýIs ai wbetakels oneai tseguns miakecs vo_-witl be nsd ny acolecet debt)s owc-d.lIf She's Tops on a Tracto-Bent ,,forrn on a rac.r.adge-s are is spàrted by 16- .erodPliyl'is Bni f igor t. afle sh competed in a jacksonCut(po n cnetiTepet farmnerette placedfrtamg 2cneats gunis i'I acyur d'aim ta t' el rigbt ta burn arnc!uidig if there's another ki iin this vale, these guns are ta colleci a lue . - but only one for an lW ott wanî vwholesalebr naikl ing. Those of you who areare able ta that -' and are ready ta abide by theod-s can help tbemiselves Men sur edtu(f d the t able - Men .who itched foi tie tools at deatb they beliexed culd bning, tbcm jaýticee Then, as if ,saine u resîstable obstacle b-sd droiped be tween them- and thse ,deadly ho\.>x every man halted ad stod ýi [n the door*ay stoaid a iilan, is very1ýi pre-ente a pote'. tcai o for sue. - ad attettoi TIse ear ed,scnena d ableaRa "Shifi ~ va Alc u Away f ram tbt bo1 k f itiiicl ar«~Yg Alex. &. Amati most otitst. ndmig ci'aracteristic.s aie, and a'si îny w o. ýt faîîlts. l)ues my writin- iii-licate that 1 hav e tIse îhilitv ta beconse a writer or a ne\ spaper reporter "writes MIis. F M. fi. Cear 'Mis. E. NM. B.K.if's ork is too important to plan aroîth,)fler pcrson's career by mail ai)no aile with tIse welfare af eqiî '-ai bertv would attempt ta choute a- v cationi for thern. Personal dsusx on aIl points pertaining ta peisou'al histony, heredîty aand sa an wa;ud l5e requined, and et iii then thsefinal de- cisian must lie made by the individual. AI] the analysi eari do is ta list out- standing qualities shown inthse script together wvith same suggestins. Yonn wrinnjg is indicative(Ai quiek and deep tbiinkinig witb, teiidlenicies; toward emotianal andi- senitintal traits. An autstanding characteiîstic ,is that yon bave atn initensetyivsi gative natuire av are at yonr besî when selecting, ands arranging tbiings logically. Yau lhave instinct ta necag- nize thse most important ihings and also a rare gif t ta organize numnerous factors to thse best advantage. Some of thse taults are that you are a definite thinker and others nsay consider that yen are stubborn and abrupt in speech as yon do flot do things diplomatically. A vocation ibat gave you scope ta arganize colorful arrangements ino a display migbt appeal. A second choice wonld be employment that re- guires arganizing and teacbing otherg. Yonr outstanding traits wouild alsa be very tiseful toa apersan d so taking up newspaper reportîng. Anynw i ,fshtng ae more comple11te anal ySiS please ."ensd fdrse, stamlped envelape t-c Alez S. Amanti 13,lh Street,Ne Tont 1. ThrÎsnecrgfothssvi. Jasphie Buaprteinitra duced tecusýtom jiof dai1ý ify batbs itb as in urope. Rev. R. B-arclaýy Wre Malachi Dtad icr Malai 1:1, 6-jb;12: 1-14;3 7I e\t Tct:i icili c i y i Lun rOd, Ili, d do ioo f set:ng lullohi ijiay d 1')"aie Ill: 46. P 111s(>t fliS I to ioten ta ry, tatodwiidî he Uis. ut wben de. . cd, its a a ý tî? rgetone dliui.LOt ei t oas Thibth lily i. ii geiof r o n ilcuotn- tbny w but enabledsta r! eid. their wens asu tfr-tmhe rlon artheor tah waeorae. ',t aitepal To he prnt evlportionf-the fless inotiriMailai speaks oftbree distinc eili rrstsd ai offeing a tIse be t ivte focta ote Lord, tLo reseiteth, e bind, tIe sik an lame. Wb at was o i good ta., tbem, tndse'.' ggs Te taGod Tiswofs ne oenlydfsobedsinceaeod'sp om b- mands, buat it illustrase ave fin wh laer on atttded'on tise partof Mos es. Gd pex i waedspfi.tiflnessi inemaorialreations Manyhenenpeý ldiîigtecrslyby Ttting bawatle wives & tueir v lhtb. Tire- gu a tleast enl a brhat.f wasler mandedrr' by s thel By Anme Ash'ey Q. ow ca'o J 1imp antacreamy A. Place a piece of cieese, about the size of a walnut, in. eacb quart of saup, before serving, and- it will impart a rich, creamy flavor. Q.Hew can I prevent thse sheils of eggs iras cracking wben boiiing tIses? A. This will ot bappen if the eggs are dippeti into cald water in- mediately before putting them into the bailing water. Q. How can I restare a spange- that bas handessed iro-mns nt beîng used? A. Caver thse sponge withi cold water, ta, which bas been added one teaspoonful of borax. Then ba)l It for about, one minute, Remcve the sponge, rub dry borax itito h, aid, then rinse iii cold water. 'A.; cpEickly, tno Cen. 2 Sc 3e50-'$1I.00 t HrIR1STJ1 L self, 1 was divoruced from tpy ivfirst c'alsdie i wa ther p em lasi war, 1I met an 1fl i-love ~ vîIlha wosnan wl'oe hubaudwasilIi serice. We ber landlmarried(i oa n wbe ber, blut I1 oub 1mgt nn myeIotefo-rget 1tIseC atber. fA'teno t.- yarsiiv impii fer me te doli'i ar siîî eote na.My presen1ýt wi lokuas qabout "Jknow \i-L it jusi te ber tej te ice ofos. Shle is at verý-ygood wemai;but ne mattelr ho-w i t ry\., milv beart isn't in aur-11home. Ayad- viceyendangiv- s ilIea rcite.Chilic. Wo)u.ld Wreck Two Homenýs! -~ ~~ýÏ (iu Paighidenot isattera * ret eLý te yeni, doees if? Yen li er Isnsband was seiing his coun1- a tv -a ù-ttycea ik ws' * o itIlï-v v ti voye lo'ved beir, b-n-t fo aur nwni * slfhpuras. lil -ge oye nyrtol i br yen- ereil] love \%* l otssoîsseanle elseC, did yen?ý-) Yen 4,- acpted lier love, iand berfat ii in- yen.Now yen ave otraiged * Anid back yen are %with Is.ile irsi * aneý, dainig your hast ta break up *tIse homne she bas- tried' ta make *for ber hnshand. i, for *your ewn ,purpese. * Hew long de yautink yen - oucauî *get away with it? If wold serve *yen right if this Isnisband(C tooK *thiuigs into bis o)wn ans '~What price Isonor - or don't *yen remnember the, wordj? Do, Wbat is Right * o Ynwilneyer have anly peaceý ii 'i tis world Se, lng a"o hn "- nly ai yonr own d(esires. YoCntîr * eari- may net b-e fin you(r 1homre. *but yen bad bette r r bing ifbei *there and lock it îin - if yanr *wiie- will let y -i. * Yen neyer can be iuappy utili *o yelearn ta do, what is rigbt. 'TIsat is se obviens that yen sbonild *net need anybody te adlviscyeon. * Stop seeing thiseîspir' *wiie at once. Give ber- a chanice ta *rebnild ber marriage - thatmuain- * nage whicb she once betrayed. *Try ta restore tihe wrousg youn bave *dane- your wiie who- trinsted yenu. *Culivate ber as yenneue-did *fC- wheny5uwerecannuting ber. Give * b!er yens' frienidshîp, at tasand * maki1e tnp' a h-cm for this grief yenu * aebyoughit upan b er. * I tisrk' yen wiIl'b-e amânýzed ta * discover bew Irappy a good wiie "ea u make a main wfho, gives h ýem the "~ chance. -i î1catches -'p;with us'. Only wheur we know we areý living right ca an we ke pac.if yen arecCon- insed tell Anneii Hirst about -t. She wiM beip yen fid t- tirage. 4idress lier ai 123, l8tlt Sucetl, New Ta- ranite, 14. HOTEL METROPOLE NlAEIA2SA I'lgLS $50. REWARD $5Q Fur Any Watcb We Cannot, Repair & GIuarantee Lowest Pricesan Fast and, Accurate Service, te at mdt i Geev& We p-pa osageý 1199 .Bay Street at Etoor. Toeronto, Ont, mention ùUr ad andSsve1% AdvnceNotes' Frmthe "Ex-." Stack 'em u p-and Collect '501I ocaybe ilu pride yourself on youilr ;iilli at pan cakc-milak inig. Perhapms your iusband hias told you, some sunny Sundaymorniniv, flttyur just abut the best - Sn he e'syur chanice ta cash in on your skill. Taý the maker 01 the bre bestancakes at next Fal' (amadian NtonlExhibi- tion wvil go a grand cashl prîze Of ather v alule awardsfor seconid, thiird and i ourthas eILl.The CNJE_ w111 supply ail the ma' teniIs too - aIl You neý;ed i s courage enaugh t ntr, anld thse :eilty lo hndfle a frying pan. Spee, skill j)andi a ity w111i be takeýn iota' cnsidleration in the, jugn.And h ere are- a COupA i1- hng Lw anImost far ot mntion. 'Tle conlte«zt is opeta1 ' me,boyls an-dgis as well as wVýe 1 ('. AIl(!c(e f tile me sas N o contestant iiîbe ohigd aenýt bis ar i' br own pa Reterge bsy anfd go iota tinndoni't youink Ik t egfis fil0ce *U N S E. iD.5 m