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Orono Weekly Times, 13 May 1948, p. 3

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B-y Join Hydroponics sonds iike s omne ~nwkind cf nmedicai àtreatasieut ~ ally it'ts împlýy a bigIbbrow n ame for th e pocets of growAing frulit, voge tables and flowevrS withlout thie use o'f so- alfd t'S somleting that's re si't ieallynewbyn en roonscientist, ini a lhrt te st proved thfatc plants would gr-ow luinnotbinig but clear watvaer lu whlich soil hi d been reviu1 l toaed.Butits doveloI menlt vwas spooded up terrificaly dun!,ini-g the -ýwar whe large Ilydmlioponlic farmas wevre es'taisîhed to poiefresh- vegetablos to the tropa on sils reckecrios iko ITwo Jima nd -Ascen- sIoslands. Eveýn uow American, forces inJpangot %vogetables grow'i n l u eendous "tanik farmils" The process is a simnple eue. Thiose wis'hing to stantnin a smlall way ju1st punich a little hiole or tw,,o in th bottom c-f Pa cigar box , flIit. with fine, deacn gravel, put in seeds, give thie whiole ting a southeroi exposure aud hegïi hofceediog procoss. Theneoay cheoilcals can be obtainied thorý maoy drug firms; Sandti tere are alto different hi-antis of "ready mixeti" p)lant foods ou the market. A litle of the mrixture in pewdem foras - stirrmd il[upiiiordin- ary wator -- goes a lonig way, als fte ýiquiti cauigbit y moans cf a drain bole in the bottom c (f thie box, Caol be ulseti ever and over aga1in. '£ou keep the grave! moist untiil the seetIs aprout, after thiat sprnikle tw,,ice a day. Soon the little seediings are ready to I transplantedt t your Tegular 'adn and are said te ho as heýalthy' and stumdy little fruit, vegetable anti flower plants anyone wolid ish t te e. But th1at is i\haut might ho cleia lbalf-way Ihydropýlonic pro- cets depeoinig, as iït does, nthme finailiuse cf so]. or those mwbc w'aut te go the wAhoIe way w itbl gravel, here's ihow ceue maýn-toi about in CoIýlîe'sMazie wt abouit it. Hle rmade two boxes, ch i3 0 by Agood hobby seves adouble pýin-potse.. It gîves yen prsonlo- joyaent y keepig you bsy l'le year-ai- 11(d at fprovides wortb- hieacievmlen atthdesame Silice a terraniiuis actually a miniature Pgreenheus, yencao g 7row xu1anty tinsi] it, from woln Mako youir o u ing ia deep) gasdisb cm fish tanik and iaying a pane cf glassacresOttp. Fili thle bettom w ýîth s teralinches of fibre or ether mixture antii plant A b oibas been prepamei on) the c ame of lbouse plnts, with a abouïsulable sou, a-ir, heýat amd terConitributIing factorsý,. Senýd THIRý!TY CENTS (lu coiîns.>for 'îces W l ontec Plants and Fewrt teRoom 604, 371Ba Stee, lTomoto. Prinit namo addess booiettitIe aud No. b. Dme'tc ~ ufunibl an ial 8.P alar 27. Ï) d5.Hudln 21. fla -c n Ifly 10Aaba ?4. Mention r- 2 22 35. l eln d2 2f2 37. Yurnraoii y 1 15.Haing feet 2. N lodvusl-1 44. S u Il 4s t o a rs 51. CareI roe 52. >Dogmc apia 54. Poldam 5~Y5. jg 56. Haludoze e7. CStone 1) ()rate 2. Clrin 12. N1sellcapia £3. li&alt Th ardrnk t Russell 54 iiches. and set them ata 1ncon'- veienteigh -then planted his dered cical saits in a gallon ofA vater as his"feig tok - thiisbeiingmauedota-s required at the rateiL of ne 0ounce of the mix- tuire to a gallonl sprinklinig can of nater. Flive ek after the planting hie an1(l bis family were eating tender stigbeans. Cuicumbers were ripe on the visin 36 days. The first tulnatoes, st-artcd das seçdlingswre rayfor fthe table in 64 days. And hie sayýs thiat the îu tality of ail hie grwwas iincompi jarably delicious. Asa strictly commericiCalproposi- tion, hcrpncgarin(uiig is stili in theepeiena stage, although millions of dollars- have already been iinvested anid tome commercial growe (rs have mi ade( a cleanup. others have not been so fortunate, Tomatoos, cucumbers and straw- bernies are among the favorite crops; and in mnany cases superior flavor and aperac aecaimed to bring prcmium p îriceC-. Howeverý1, cevenilif bdrpni ard- enîniig qiihoujl e develop loto a real commer-1cial threat for thie old- fashîoned k 1ind, ý-;as ivrio )r h1obby it's catching 1likewidre Thiats because aniy home that bas a biack, yard, a r-oof or even- a winidow sill can 1o 1 have a garden - and onle thlat grows thiiings wit'h a mini- mum oi f trouble and attention, and with record-hreaking speed. Anid îi thentere's the very old neabouit the Soaitheru farmner who wvas told that he could get bis pigs tLo maiket a whole lot faster by adop)Itinig tome new, time-saving miethlod of feeding. "Why should 1 bohr" he replicd disgustedly. "Hc;what's time to a hog?" T ABLE TALKS Mex - Easy - N'e-W Cakýe Mt rre ïs thze new est, quickest way to miake perfect cakes. Jt's "Mix- Eýasy*' hecause it puts a cake to- ýgethelir in just two short beating steps, sav ing time, work, and dse.Thlis new method crails for speialy blanedMix c- Ea sy i-- cipes, like thie fllw G dci HpyDay Cak\e. Preparat-int. Hvethe sotn iing ;at rom ltemperature. L'ine bot tomls cf panis with aper,.,-greate. U'se two round 9 inlaye pn 1~2inces er.ior a x92ic pani. Start oven for imoderate hecat ( !c dgrecs F.). Sift flour once hefre eauring. (Use standalrd' "IïCuips Swans1, Down flour 3 teasoons -hking powder i teaspoon sýaIt icup il'k with veg etale shreigor I cup le st 2 tbles'poonls witb butter or Step . Stir shortening just to softeni Sift in dry ingredients. Add about ;,'cup 'f the milk and mix util flouý)ir is) dam-pened. Then heat 2 inutiles-- or 300 strokes. Step-î 2. Add eggs and remain-ý igc mik 1batiminute. longer, or (Mix b01hando at1alow' speed ot ele ctrie m-ixe r. Takec timne out to rest asïs neCcssaranld serape boüWl Bin.Tuirn batter-ci-into the ans Bakein oderte ven(375 de- ~'esF)abouit 25 minutes 'for layers, ,î5 nmutes for oln cake. 24. Duda 80. MaiLe chilti 23, PuIZ71eS 26. Clothus maler 37 aturcs for r,. 'oredger 42.atf chuarch 43. Auction 45, Voyage 4(;. Volcano. 47. Ooze P ourth calif i ~ ~ I white are ch1ec'ked* together in Mmx odes suit dl-ess. The unvnstripe is closed to formi So Yeu Think You Know Your Food? Sou-ne peopie live to eat - others eat to live, But ail of us do more or less eating, and are interest in foods and their preparations. So hecre is a Quiz regýarding foods and cookecry, which you should find fairly easy. But no fair looking at the ases printed upside-down, underneatb, tili ou've made your own decisions. 1. Chie! Ingredihent In Baking 'Powder lu - a. Boracic Ac'id; b.Yeàast; c. Soda- Bicarbonate; d. Aprn 2. When A 'Recip)e Calis For onte Cupfal It Ia Equal Tc - a. 4Tbls oousfuj; Lb, 8 Table- spoonsfu'tl; c, 12 Tbeposu;d. 16Taisonfl Z. When You, Are Eating Tapioca You Are Eating - a. A Grain rom Ji ndia; b. A Corn Product; c. Ï1 ce Rooýt of a Brazilian Herb; d. A Enarop)ean Berry, The Fowl That Requires The Longeat Cookiug la - a. ChiLken; b. Duck; c. Goose; d. Turkey. 5., Braised Meut la Meat Tbat Has Been - a. Cook I And Then Baked; b.- Pounded'Witb A Mallet; c. Boiled; ( . Slowly Simmered. 6. Raw Qysters Are In Season - a. Ail Year Round; b. Only In Winter; c. During Months, That Containi The Letter '.R"; d. Only In Spring. 7. If ýý - Order 'A Puree Ini A Restaurant Yocu Get- c. Se;d ab 8.Sweetbireads Are Prepared Fromi a. Sheep Kd'y' .Be aces 9. The Chief Irngred-ienit In A Souffla Is- a. Corn Syrup; b. Cream; cr. Whites 0f Eggs; d. Marshmaliows. Il, Eggs Placed In Boiling Water Will Be Hard-Boiled In-' a. 4 Minutes; h. 8 Minutes; c. 12 Minutes; d. 16 Minutes. ,D-9 !V-5 fil-t.!D- Q-z D-1 *D-oI !;D-6 !11-8 fV-Z SU2MSNV We are ahl feelinîg so much better 5pitiszfied now than we were a, few ý)Uyq ago because the men. have ;ictually been able to get on the land. The hum of the tractor hias inideed been a welcome sound after, sncb a cold, wet and backward spring. Now, although we have nio grain sowo, the ground is ready aînd we expeet the drill wiil be doing its job tomôrrow-that is, if it doesn't main again. Bob bias been ruoing the- tractor ail the time-witb bis leg stili in a'cast. It is what car be doue once a person is fitted up witb a "walk- ing cast", though 1 ami sure it must be a very heavv and tiriug tbing to carry around. From iwlhat i hear very lîttiee bas' been done in gardens anywhere- nothing at ail right here-it bias rèally been too cold aud wiody to work outside for very long. Our- garden, this year, is fuil of dis- appointments. There are not nearly as many daffodils in bloomi as usuaI and tome of my sbjrubls are lu a sorry pligbr. Two aieae eiders that wecre so very djecorative are just abouit douie. The roots are still living but the lonig, sweeping branches \will av to be cnt righit down to' the groundl. -Some of the other, shrubs alto look pretty sick, partly the winiter uibbling of rabbits. Growing thiogs on thle south side of tie hontebav been more fortunate. We had asparagus befôre it appeaicd in the stores and the rhubarb bas been partîcuiarly sweet and tender. The taste of asparagus and i-bu- barb may have whetted bis appetite, anyway Partuer bias heen amnbitîous- iy planning our vegetable garder. My, won't it be good to have home- growu vegetables again? After bie- ing without a garden iast year we shall be doubly appreciative of* New,-Ad UsefuI Too The following are brief descrip- tions of tomei of thie ltest uiseffl novelties anid iniventions ten come upon the maruket. A 1UNIQUE (MN.Plastics, wvood, meital, rubb, leaàther, crock- ery, 'glass, irriior's and lals can now fe eaimade to adhere to themii- selveCs or to eacli other by means of a versatile cenent 1havinig a vinyl hase. Tw- year-s of research lias re- sulted in thedelpe ntof this efficient alprosMrnpaetwite cement, whicbi is eatsy to aply and does not affect any mtriite which it is applied. LOW PRESSURE TIRE. A new, extra low-pressnre tire whichl is said to increase an automobile's snfety and comfort bas just heen auinounic- cd. Oficials cf the company miaking this tire say that it requires oniy 24 pouinds of air pressure, and that it will mun coler than conventional tires. Iu addition' to making car handling casier, the tires provide better and safer steering. SELF FEEDING PAINT ROLL- ER A new painting tool bas just been, put on the market. t cousitts of a patente d roller made of plastic, into wbich is poured a p)iitotf paint- ouougb to cover hiaîf the avorage wall or ceiling. 'T'le c tiienbs bolet, like a siex e tbfrough hi ich the paiiit 1",leaks"' o tatwie t'he - close- ftt«ing 'nylon 1roller eme ýr. TIN N OCUlV111)LARlS. Onlly onie fourtb 1thewiht nd one third the size of comuenion-lal kindthse tiny bincîlrs illbcusefutl eitbe(r for sport or iat the teate. onsed ini magues1,inm!, -an1d wib but 4i"4 ountCes, tIl inl asae said to, have a performianice oqual to thoseý many times the( sizo aind we(igbt NO0VEL KEY CHAIN. Made on the principle of the retractable tele- phonte cord, this kev chain extonds te, six times its coiled lenigthi and, on release, immediately retrauts to its original shape. A 5'2-inicl coiled length -will oxtend to approxýimately three f eet.- KINGSWAY CONTRACTORS HOME & INDUSTRIAL INSULATION vo-spec(ialîze ini HOMES SCHOO-S CHURC.HES FACTORlES ifyen have ïanyvproblemis in regard to saiiug fuel inintro )IPv gyour ho olC3(r ler as summeýr, sdrop us <a une a ;t 3245 Dundas t.WToronto 9 Ontario. We w ii edFRFEEcomplete informat)ýion that twoulld cover your problem, oveehoeL.636adw ill firish FREEOf caga compotonit tcucan au place in Onjtario. J. C. MeMULLEN, Pi-esident H. R O NR wha -t we hope te, get thiis tumfmer. But i am ,afraid that 'wýilldpn iargely on Partuer. When I leck areunti the honte and see thie work aheati cf me this year 1 can1t tse myscîf puttiug in mlucb timie on the endi ot a hoe, Ican tee now it doesn'tc pay te lot two years go by witbont doîng tome papering and painting arouud the bouse, New it looks as if every room fi-cm attic te cellar needs attenltion-anti ail at the same time. But houseci eaning bat i ts gooti points. There wei-e days lthis week when it was se colti and wiýity 1 wanteti wcrk te do that. would keep me warm. l(Wo tien't ilike burning wood in a highi wind anti our coal supply is jnst about doue, so th5 bouse was reaily celd). 1 loo.ked arouud at the kitchien. Cleauiug it wais net on the agendal for that day but 1 conldn't tinkii cf a botter job te keep me wammi, se I weut right at it. Believe mie, by the timeI -c1hati the ceiling, walis and xoodwo-rk tboreughiy separated fi-oas their wînter coating cf grime and smoke, I was warm ail rigbt, It w as alto an opportune, time for another i-casent the men werei 50 husy in the fieldti tby batine tiase te pay auy attention te -wbat I was doing-noï te inte.rrupt me. !,Se long as uîeals appeared ou the table as per schiednle I might turn, tbe bouse upside-down, or sieepý ail day, for ail tbey wouid kncw about what 1I was doing. That nigbî i said te Partner-"Do yen tbink 'MY kitchen looks auy btter?" IHe lo<oked aronnd. "Oh," he saiti casu- aliy, "Have yen been cioaning it?" Hati Il My bauds were proof cf that even if the kitcien wasu't. Now wibat do yen thinlk cf this little episode? Last Monday Bob anti 1 drove te the city, Ou ::the way ont te the "pick-up" I stoppe te pick a buncb cf daffoduls ifor Daughter. Some cf theas grow practicaliy wild among the grass. Soon alter arriving lu the city I1 weut te a wasbroom lu oeeof the stores and upon looking in a mir- i-or I wns bornif iet te isoo, canght!:nP lu the niet on top cf my bat, a hunch of burrs, the kind that grovw on those beastly burdocks. "Well," I 'thought, "thlere is nothiug like ad- vertiiug the fact 1that eue coînes, from ibCe contry" Bb saiti "Wy ory Idn' sposlity fulk wude nkno(w vwhat i a in your bat" H, byIlle way, ladt se mu,,ch asneticetli thoas. Whiat a manii! L'lt when I 1told Daughý1ter - -. "other-hew awfl-týitn't yenovenC(11know they wero thcré-?" No,, bt i diti afterwards I sat lu the waiting room for fifteeft minutes picking burrs eut cf that bit cf netting on my bat. Some Notes Ftom'The Farm Front TrEA- GIVEs you rA You've nopver had a cup of test like Lfpton-it's- so delicýins,_-O richi, se fll-bn<ied, anid above ail,e exhilarafingl ha' Li-ptirn's FLAVOR-LIFT-and only Lipton h," it. For iît's the blond that makes Lipton-and the blondis ins own secret. A sk for Liptorn at your grocer's today! LIPT)N**TEABSAGSFOR YOU!" Copyt-Ti~ J. Ll~îoa Lmlccd By Gwendoline P Clarke Aniswer To Thi-, Week's Puzzle A ariesP, re adt ae be biritei re ad hug ardens. birdstithoeir hugeS arntiCs. ro FIRE sundiTHIEVES. %%ae a it ir andi type of Saf e. or Cabipet, rue un> poroose. Isit us, or write fo, ncs etc.. ce Deut, W.. .J. TAY LOR P'L I m iTîL TORONTO SA-FE WORKS 145 Frjnt St. F.. gtînto Fiery,It in Tocs2anud Fe fIera la a cdean, staînles ts et, that will do more tu help yon sxet nid , tour trouble than an tlilnu vou've ev., aseti. Its action tl a [o werfnllt Verîelrvtiug tliat U thebîchna lg oulelly stovtitt; ani In a short time tou are riti of that holher. saine. fleet torture. The same is tri, of ilarber's Iteli. Sait Rheuni, e ma other Irritatinga nsiglitl~y ski» ruls Von con obtain Moones E'menalti Oit in the orIginal bottie at ans modernn drng stor. t tgsale tO Use--anti toiture lu ..,.ç of these aliments lagrare tImceti.

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