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Orono Weekly Times, 13 May 1948, p. 4

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ORONO ~WEUKLT TIllESTHURr>DAY, MýAY l3th, 1948 The Orono Weekly Times Âdvertising Rates on request . Subscription $1.50 Try our uip-to-date Job Plant. sure tO please, and our work Our prices are is of the best Published every Thursday morning at the Times office R. A. Forrester, Publisher Established January,. 1937. Time Brings Changes. A long time ag0, groups of rural Canadians with more deter- miniation than vision set out to plan the highways and byways of this fair provinc!e. Like travelled Right of ways alil over the world, thýeSe roads ran up bill and down, they traversed f air valleys, they îbrid.-,ed turbulen~t treamas, Tliat waa n the cinys before motor This thing cailed the iimechanized age has crept in tpon -us asiîenù,ly yet reIer.tlesaly. Now we are faced with thre task cf making rew roads that will conformi toD tIe latest demands of nspeed ainci safe- ty. For these reasos we flnd huge machines ànd husy men cutting their way hug finely tillied farm lanpds ini a fashion that would Ikave broIkea thre hearts of ourfoTebears. Indeed, seme -of the chan- ~ges wrounght could easiiy prove a heart break to our own-generation 'weýcre -we not awa!re cf thre neecis of auir ow n time. Probabiy when aIl is said and done we will have saddled aur- ,eeIves withi a mnaze cf great ,ýronds, a heavy traffic andi a stfili heavier debt. in fot the iwhole set-up would appear in ian. ironcal i'ight should vwe ndopt air travt\el are these motor roads are coqnpleýPd:. Transition fromn the oId to ýthe niew is su rapid that alnrost anything eo-uld happen. AÀtrn argument in favor of broad safe roads is the hope ofenurgg American tourists, We wonder whether the powvers that be ever recail that our own, people miglit cherish thre opprtuity to explore our hiome province and county- "That 's one of tlhe reasons for n'ew ronads" you say. Well, perhaps it S. Perhaps we wilii vnta cross the distant horizon and bail Uncle Jncl. anind Aunt Erorna, provided ýof courge that thley keep up 4their en'd of the ronad too. MOTHIER'S DAY SERVICE Tirac usual deliglt of, a ýMotrer's KENDAL Day ,se:rvie was furtirer ehanced [Mrs. N. Little and Alec wer iromie lasISndlay imarning wirea the cliii- fr tewe-n d~rn o Pak S. Sbbnir choi jur- Mrs. B. Alexander iras returned ed therandwl cangregation in tfire imafespnig wkinTr cirurch auditorium, anicontributed 0hoe vafstem dr an d a ee n Tom 5yi story and soi,ang a ajor portion1enta'Is grlaie rdfins ef U prraMm. ard âMrs. Arthrur Bell viisted ~oftir prgrame.Mr.L. D. Bell and (Miss Hfilda Bell Mrs. A. A£. Drunsmonud, tire Siirdny oýver tire week-end. Scbal superinitendent, led n graup of Mr. and Mis., Vance iAllen and inturmedate sehlars in an instrue- 1ail, f rona, visited Mr. and Mrs. tlvae exrcise in wiricir printed 'ba-t Wani Mercer and Mmr. and Mrs. E. verms were us6ed teý depit smach virtues! CouaJrux an YrSurd1ay. os lranesty, patience, indaes and Mr. Sehofleldi and Mr. Beetor, of iaitilfiaress. Appropriate stomiex Oshiawa, wer.,e -down for itlie fshinrg -'were beautifuily related by botir Mrs. ard clled anMm.arm. Jas. Swar- Drummiiond and 1ev. A. E Eustaea brik whan Ùieypreenedthe latte "itir a benutiful table lamp. TPhe wi-oe Cide Prayer" Mr. and MýrS. JckGiovar and fani- ~frori- Han2sal anrd Giratel servecias pi ad OfiesGeorgia Drlpln oaf ai iovey uagavointny durinig tire, Ajaxspent othr'sDay wtih Mrs. tûffertamY, whirie ire profuasion *ao .G Driga ard Bill. ehaarcei flowrs refleoýteci tire graciaus Mm. and lWr. Rowe, cf Teomoto~Lr. Wae of tira Young Wyonens Evening and IMas. E Watters, cf Peterbar- Auiimundor mwbose ausp)ices tirey ougirl, aciMiss Juanita Mercer and mi'ere providaci. friand witli Mfr. and ýMrs. Herbert Mereer ever thre week-end. A MotIrer's Day antihrn was ren- Tire Moathier's Day service in Kendal edeoed ýby tire Choir ,vitil Mrs. S. Paynie chirrcliwas takan Iby Mrs, IH. A. Burit- aiMisJeai Raaey taking ieadirg o Sinaymanig and a g.cad nain- 9 ,milLBROOK LA,ýDY REACHES BuaI preaeired a heautifül sermon an the suject "Krowiedge of threLard".A CENTURY MARK TirsmwasdrAimatizeciwIen tire prenarr spoke an tiraclifferent ways Imrs E. Jal-linsan, of Millbreok, are eau shý1ow a knawledge of tire Iaorn Apil 25h, 1848, celabrnted lier Lo rd M iss lnez Gaýrdon aand Miss lfOir birtlrday an Sinday, April 25.1 GAce Maercar camne for-wardi alter- 1rjataly with pannanits, sirowing tire Mr.Johnson is tira mther af Ms.words, TIrarifuinase, 1Honesty, Faiir, 40o(har Rawlan£l ard Miss Jorasan, cfi Sacrifce, IBravamy, Otirers ard Ser- Gravai ad vice, anid pllacad thein oen a board cov- erad wt a pretty sirade of me Miibroak iras ther elderly resi-1,Adulte ad ecirdren aelike ,w7ouliddO ùeiits, sorae f wirem ara Mrs.. Rweîl lb reîieriber Vdiis s n i teir .Ai-rmstmenig 95; A. Melrder 94; MIrs. R. daly lives. Mmr. Ae*ur Rell render-' Gibson 94; Mrs. James Stewart Qý,;ed 1tire sala, accomîpanied by threor Mrs C W.Wetmcot 93; is Wganiet, MmeS. Wîm. ýJackson1, anrd -was 93 adisM ry uruch enjyad. 1The abydug- JIle-tirerigitan 9M; and Ms A. Trickr tam cf Mmr. and Mrs. Gus ilson was 'r-,haptieedMargaret Leane._- WARINING NOTICE RE CO 'R N BO0RELqR IN DURHAM COUNTY -. A1l long Corn stuhfble or other Corn rem- lints, no ni1att r where they may be, in býi ings, in rds, gardens or fields, must he ga'ered dybrndbiieorpohd under mp etely by MAY Zoth Failuire t o so lea-ves the offender hiable to prosec 1ti1 WIy complaint phonet o or mailed to Insý,pector wi be attend to proimiptly UE-PS DESTROY TUE RN BORER P. I.BENTLEY Phono 45 e 48 g S ILRO Weed and Cern BorrIpcer for Diirhami County . SIILDS LIBERAL CANDIDATE (Contiruied fraur page oaae) a weallflgfirulngchance. C, o rt kniow MY apponen-t, but can prmie hm. faim figult. Ard ta yau wiro ha-ve namiarpted nme, I eau iseopromn-ise tint I siral ire parfeetly sailldwitir tire resuit on eletior niglit, wir,,at- aer it may hýe". MKr Shialds concludad Iis brief ne- ceptanca rwith tira following: ."Now Vial you have placeci tins task upon' miy net toa rugged shoulders, you may ha sure I shall put -every -effort mbt tira fgirt, I need ard shail look fer'your hast assistaince in wtinnimg Durhram for tIra Liberr.iý Party". Ha was given a randctiàppirag ovation whor ire fin isired. ~Mr. Shielde' is a wall kr-own fariner living near Ida ir Cuaver Tawneship. n1e speuit many years in the Gavan Townsirip Gouroui, four of then as Reeve, in wiicircapcity iho was aen aetdve memurIra f tire Urited Caunties Couneil meeting at Cobourg. He was pra-sident of tira DurliaurLiberal As- sociation for tirrea years, attends tire Uviteki Churcir in which he haisserved as superintendent of tire Surday Scireol, and -was a niember -of the Durham Fadera-lan 'of Agriculture fer saura yaars. 1Tire meeting wrsbrouglit ta, a close 4y liré singinrg af -adSava tire King. Newcastle Lions Club Presents SSTANLEY ST. JOHN yand bis Royal Y ork Orchestra Featuring Don Gardon (C'.F.R.B.'S Ace Pianist at a DANCE f al style AMission: $1.O Per Persan Dor pen 8.60 p.M Dress Optional Net Procaeds for Newcastle Memariai Arena TICKETS 'NOW ON SA,'LE Ce ent N ow vailable at aur 7wat *house M. aughlin cI & Supplies ýhon. 1246 -Oshawa CA&PITOL PORT HOPE Frn. & Sat., May 14-15 5CUDDA 1100, Sc HAY" With J eo Haver and Lanu.cCallister '-ITe icoeflor- Aiea"HIEEN-AGE:RS MWoy., Tues., ay 17-18 "BODY AND OUL" With John Ga-rflald -iad Liii Palmner Aiea "LET'S LIVE AAN And, at 8.30 Onfly ROYAL SILVER iJBILER' Wed., Thur., May 19-20 Withi Robert Taylor aDI( Auidmey Ttter WihGeorge Brout, Raridalph ýSco)tt and Joan io indlehl COMING EVENTS Tire tlrirdf and iast Liteeary Society mleeting of Orono C. S., will be beld in the Town Hall an Tirursday,Ma ICth, at 8.0 pm. under tiere idrslirip af Mrýureen MKna A play, "For Whonr thre Telephonve Rings" -wiil be presented aiongwtl a programme of! choruses, rec-itations, danees, anrd! musical numib e rs. Admiission, 25c. andi 10e. Proceeds donated to thîe Park Board. b-16-c. Tire Orono _ýbran,'ýïf the W..Tý. w111 hrold their GM edal Ccrtost in. Park St. ta' urch Suaday Sioo aye emIntg, May 14tircom i 8 p..Tbere wili 'no ai "t éan tantS. A speciaIý proýgramm yý.ýhab en .prepa-red, alongI witli Clen. Allia, of Newcastle, cf radio f2qne. Lunch wi be serveci. Adiso,2k, nd 15e. b16c CARDS OF THANKS Mm. "Sidney Hfughes w'ould lîke taO extend ber sincere thanks ta Dr.- and MmS. Mceneizie, Rebek-ab Lacigo, tire Foires try girls, Mr. and MVrs. Tom Lewis, Wm. Harness, Mlrs. Rau.n and Nolie Hall, Mrs. Ernie Green and al tire marny kînd friendsanad neiglibors who visiteci and sent Inr cards and gifts wbile 4in Bowmanvi.iie fospitak Oronio, Ont., May 10, 1948 Dear Frieads: Wairds c:annjot expr'ess m thaanks to you for your klndness ýand belp ta mec during my great sorrow, tmauhtie lass -of amy dear 'wife, andi I knaw la my heurrt s-ire hais goare 'ra join trait1 great.lodge aboya, arnd w,-en muine and lier friands tlime oe to, aleave tIns worldsire will 'be there to wedcomne us. S-d, again,,let mi e eiid my hear,-tfelt thanks and ap~i1~ for 'Yaur1 acta of kindness, mes2ça-'es of sympatliy, andi beautiful floral afrnsreceiveci fraim rny many friends and relatives. _L. Hardenstla, Ranniiie, Eeet Mr. -and àrs. _W. Martina nd fam- ily of 0Orono, -wisli ta expre&ss th 11eir many friands, relatives and nieighibDrs, their flnartfelttlnk and apprecia- tian for acts af kindness, messages of sympatby, aÈd benutifui floral trvib-. utas axtendeci to tlem la thi-re- cent -sad bemavemient' in tire asýs of n dear daRIglter an idSister, aspecially tharking HnhrRebelkah Lodge, of Orono, and tira ex A. E.Eustaca for hIS 0ccmfrtirg wardS. - NOTICE TO CREDITORS, IN TIHÉE ESTATE OF OBJMA AL- MERIIGK GAJMSBY, inte ýof Omo>no, hn the Tôwnship ýof Clacr, in th- County of Drla lRtlred ai nr Decenased, who died at Bwnail ain tire 2Otir day ofMari 1948. 1111E -TUSTFE A.CT, -R..0, 193ý7, Ch. 165 -'iSec. 51 Creditors and atirers havigi ais against tire above iEistate are raquir- ed ta senci particulars anid full pro-of therearf ta thre urderspig--ed cn ar be- fore tire 7t4 day of Jurie, 1948, adfler wiih date thie assts f tlre Estate will, bo distnibutadi, iraving regard an- iy ta the dlaims that 'have been me- ceived. Dated the 6th d(ay of May, 1948, at LAW1-LENCE, C. MASON, 8ü Kiug Str-eet West+, solctar for tire Eauo Hazel Marguerite llardcastl Afler n messof six mnisdr ation, there passed awny au uesdlay, May 4th, 148, in ire Hmlt Hos- pitai, Ha*-zel Marguerte lnrcste daugiter of Mmr. bad Mrs. _W. Martin, of Nortir Orone. Tire late Mn, Rardra l"ws1o0 an Decenuber lOytir, 1917, on itirei th Concession of Darlington Townsichip., She wis a menamber of the Unitod Cirurcir, ailse a arembiýIer cf 'laie Rebekah Lodge, Oon.Sire wa s greatiy devoted ta lier home andhler family. Sirýe laves ta mouma helioe,shiem iushiand, Farcy Lnwrenice H1ardoasîle, Éwo sans, Ronald and Everaett, and fiva brotirers,Lond of Oshawa. Carence af Leekard, Cliif. f, 1 Ajax, Ted of Nawcastle, try of Suinder- Irîrnd ard Neil aýf iple Gra(ve, alea tirrea sista2rs, Mrs, Ray Fourd (tuaI- la) ýof Piceairg, Mrs. Georýge Wilsýon (Giadys)aMd sVe of Omono Th.e fuaeral service na-7s Ireld an 'rdaMay 7tir, ln the United Chuiroo. 1ev. A. E. Euetace lied cag of tira service assistad by mebes f Heather Rabekalr Ladge. Tire mary floral tekeas sied tira grant asle-em in iricisire wslreld. Organrizations seadiag flaw-,ers werae, H-ea,-ther Hbki o-aNo. 334, cf Oono; Goodyear Recrention Club, GodarLocal 189 U.ýR.A., Depamt- ment 232 Godyeam, Ajax Fire De- partinnt, J. AdmenSinithr Ca,, o Nacastla, Ororo Forestry girls Tir e pallbearars were tire decens- edsbrolliers, CIarence, Leanard, Clifford, Ted, Stanl.-ey andi Neil. un-1 tannent ,was mnada in OeutCeme- teI-ry, 'under tlre auspiýes 01 Heathr Rab ekalr Lodge. ANNOUNICE1#ENTi Thre ~ meeting of thre Eveinpg1 Aiuxiliary-, will be hieid at thre home ofi Mrs. C. MIarn enThursday, May! flOth, at 8 Où p.nri. Rev. A, . Eu ts- tace, guest sp-,eakerý. Reilrember yo-ur contrition for thIe no.tlybale. Heather So - ,i ýwvi! old Ja dan,ïce inOr û Hfall on Friday eveni pu. t Dax1ces. Roy ÇF~oresters ~ a u t- tendnce. ci o ,Oc. b-17-e- As a grent nnie of peqople have intinrated tthey desire tj» ýpinyl tennis this year aIt theloa park, iti bas been d'ecided te niake plansfor" ai chiub ta be formeý(d. Everyonre inter- ý ,est(d l uï this sport are a'sked to meet, at the Orco, oTimes offlice, onThuarsday eveniing, May 2Oth, at eight a'clock, GEORGE YORK Orono - Optarjo getfor tbe ,Empire Waullpapers and the Water Pro Wailpapers (OriginaL White Rose). See ,my portf-olio of lIovely wallpapers. Even- ings. You wili be tsfid FOR SALE Apples, f or eooýking arad eating. J. W. Boyd(, Phon)Ie 51 r 18, Oron1o. Mixedlinrwoodin 4-foot lenglis, or reae î 2nches or 1r6 chs aisa aý quanltity of softwood *-1edgings. Delivered. Apply N'ý. Curtis, Poirty- pool; phone 81 Ir 10, lOronio. c-18-p .FOR SALE Beatty copper tub e lectric wash- ing mlachi, ngooci shape. fHenry Gornish, Phione 35 r 16, Orono, c-18-p. FOR SALE Abou-at one ton oif hay. Phono 4549 Orno.a- 16-1). FOR SALE One 2Oi3unrCook Stove, fil, gaod codition. Phione Lamne Ralb- FOR SALE11 IiitmaPiano, apa-qrtilent >style, in *good conidition, Phone 26 r 16, FOR0PSALE Ronifrew Cream epra$iii good wkig order. Cia1 Tp.--byn, phono 65-10,O0nio,c--c Furniture Hospital Repairing Refiniishing AkntiquIes EBoUght and Sold See oumrlino of Drapery Kitchenun'ikts madete o rder Phono 79-16 ,,14 - OR$NO EXPý A40 Radio Serviçe!, The cemnbinatien, of exPeriel plete data on alil makes, aun test equipmuit wil e PROMPT, REASONABL?É EXPERT REPAIRS rce, cern- à modem AND Cali RKL.MYLE - Phone'9 r 4 - ORONO Free E stim-ntes wili be Given Cheerfully on Rock Wool Home Insulation By ]Blewer SaeFu uhsti Wost, Toronto District Repreaonltatlve for Durham County GEORGE WADDELL Phono 23 r 22 -BTHN The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY Port 'Hope, Ontrl Monumuents, Gravemarkers, I Prof esionaI Directory MEDICAL A. F. McKENZLE, M.D.-' PHYSICIAN anld SURGEON 2.00 to L.00 p.m.; 6.30 te 8.00pu, Sunàday%, and Wednesdays by appointment oniy PHONE 47,1 -, ORONe4 i LEGAL Lawrence C. Masen, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMiANVILLE, 0ONT. Office 6s8 Home 553 -W. F. WARD- BARRISTER SLCIO Offie 82 Reàidenco49 BOWMANVILLE. ONT. DR W. W. SHERWIN vETEF-RINARY SÛRGEON office Main st. orens Phonoë 63 r 7. Ozone JC. GAMEY INSIURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automaobil and Liability ORONO - ONTARIO ORONO'S INSURANCE MAN Manufacturera Life IsrneC Damintion of Canada Ge-neral llartford. Fire Insurance Waterloo lMuural Fire insuraflw Wawanesa Mutual Inisuranîc& is repres-ented. n, this district hy DANE FOIJND ORNOPhono 9r8 Ifit's Insurance, givr. Dan.e a t-a LEROY 7HAMILTON INSURANCE IN ALL ITS BACE [F ir e , A t m b l , L a i i y Life, Hsiaiain lt Glass, Buirglary, Casualty Represeniting the Leoadlng CANAIAN.BRiTISsued Oîffice,, Main St. - ORONQ phones. Office 321 r 10, R es. i r 19 Phonie Me and i wiil]cai to suit yu Es lao ee'y gî" ive, looblgeat INFO"-"RMATION WVould Yeu like te k-now wmreaborB the- following?7 (a) HOW te wil to your famîîy 0« thousand dollars that You ha-eu't709 saved ? (b)ILo tegusmantet au choque te your familY &everY mcuMtk fer 10-15 or 20 yassheufld Yen bo tskn et of the piture? (C,) How i-te have a salary Choque evory montih for yourýsef as long a you iîve, commoncinig at age 55-GB or 65, (d) Hew ;ta -guaranteo that your soný or daughitor will have- the monoy foýr aneaon beyonid high school? Let us have a Chat -about i.t some- time. Phonol FRED LYCETT AUCTIONEERS T ED JA CKSO ÜN Auctioneer and Valuator Con-ducts Auctian Sales o iL,1 sizes and at reason1able rates Comuniatowith himo at Port Perry, Ontare, o 50Uh3.Clerk, A. E. MortenatOrn, for idate. J AC"-K R E 1 ID Auictioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm ad Furniture Sales1 Conisult me for terres Oroi~o ~.& I Cla*sifled

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