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Orono Weekly Times, 13 May 1948, p. 6

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He Makes Money " By Wrecking Music ~ By PETER ROINALD If you shoufld happen to mention some eveninig that you're g_;oitg Io a performance by a musician namaied Lindley, Armstrong 'Jones-, very probably your listeners would stare at youini blanik amazement, saying diey'd neyer hecard of the gentle- But juist say that it's "Spike" jonce,. who's in towo, chances are fliey'll want to corne along with you - tand find it utterly impossible to Secuire tickets_ Born atl Long Beachi, California, in 1911, Spike fit bis îinitial rge ailng the muitsical path wen as a boy, lhe received a pair of drums n3as c Christinas gif t - Wjieh i ight, or r iit Ilot, be a fnd parents,.11n no timie at al he was, drumii major in bis High School Baud;l and shortly thereafter form- ed bis own six-piece unît wbicb souight engagements under tbe name ûf -"Spikýe Jonies and bis Five Tacks.' Later on be played' drums with various proifessional bands, and bad a semii-perilmanelit engagement as house drummnier for a reeord-mak- ing conecerni. Here, after regular sessionis of cuittinigreod were over, lbe and a few of the other Inusicianis used to get togethier and play as fancy ditated, introducing Sundlry we uird and lnov- ecets Records of somle oftthese nimi- bers were made, just for thie play- ers' own) amusement, and the frst of these to be offered to the pub- ic was a version of Red Wiug. This was followed by, itemns su,ýh as Behiind Those Swiiuiig Doors, Pass thec Biscuits Mirandy and otheurs - nonie of which attracted iluIch attention or piled up aiiy profits, althougli they are ail niow "collectors items." Tlie fir-si real bit came more or leýss 1)y hai * ie. A rtnber iwas ";autedl to go ou the othler side of a dise of I1 ann -Go, ackto West Viginia, s Spke and !his Der Felirr's Fce ibey ade roi lius! one, but two, thie second colitainmllg the uwfrprs"BrOnlx me1whaIt tu olions' upieti Scond vrsionwas the oeselect- etd by \th reordComipany -and itbat'ts hwthe uwhole th1ing Start d.ThL'lle puiblic wenlt wild over the "razzbeIrry" effcct folowiing ea'h1 'Hi"and b13ôught over a million COPIes of Der FerrsFace. Jues and Ihis ouitfit were immiie- diatelýy offered juîicy motion pie- lure radio and recording contracts W;ti tte resullt that soon Jones wl;as- as crne writer put it-work- ingý 23 boulrs a day', imaking ,ll bbc money cý lu the wrland find- ing1no timei to spend (Iany of it. i,:att year, thîinilýg liecotild enea souring of public baste to- ward sFihh"ae ands, lhc fýrmied whajýt lhe calîs Ibis "Muisical Depecatin evu."This is a trave1lling show thtat carnies some11) foýrty pveople, only a dozenIorso elfMwhnm arelin aniy senise mulsi- ci<lns. 'The sow trv l ntwD Puilîrnan icars, anid i 'cluded(" in thle ùiutfit ar, amngothe(r thiings, a rcoupile of s pga imidget, a giant, a 'Ilady harpibt whoù plays but eue number a;,cd mokes a cigar hiedoiug so, -4ck cran n cln,-ding cone vbch sows Beetho0- ye'ci stickinig out Iis toniguleat a £ritie-ism Iof watthey, are ding 10to bimelodies anid, last but by no rlIeaS lat a col1cctiolý of over 200 no,ýisemauki gadgets of every desc-riptioni. Just as anil amisof tie sir!u ous life -Jonles leads, duirin-,g just eue wcek iin Los Angeles is Re- vueplae ighit sosat fthe Phlýl -iaronice - and Spike also inade a short mov()ing pieture, did bis> regullar weekly boad ast lad found irnie to eutt a few records on] the side. t is salid thbat bis incomle us as bligh as $105,000 Operation "MIVosquito" Is On at Camp Borden-Commander of this mnodified Was'zýp 1flame-throw- er, Sgt. D. J. Read, fires a burst of 1insecticide jntio on,-e ot the miosquito hyeedý(ing groiciiiids Ofl low-lying,- fring-es of Camp Borden. it's part ofi a spring offensivec to cuirb thie wneerr with a mnixture of DDT, kerosenc and vasýte ou. Thi reensadit msutseegn fr-omteirbreedling griounids. - ' a rnbç~& s -J FRANCES DAVIDS ith tlîe air of a deeply wound- ed man, Henry Little put on bis coat and bat and stalked ouf of the bouse, slammiug the door. He could take slurs on bis person, but tbere was ýon1e hing on which he drew the Ihue. We couldn't fake in- sults f0 ithat fith1ful old cornpan- ion, that 'syiupjafhetic f et hat brtited comortr ad unfailiug ccreruppr, is zpipe. U-p to 110w Sarah's in hîiiqhddî't bothe-red hilm, butr this moruing she bad ceased to binit. "Howý long,". she had edd tarîtly, "amn I go- ing f0o have to stanld if?" Henry's sniall, buttony bjrowuj eyes behind the pale plastIic imed spectacles noted the bjeadîjues with interesi. "Bandit Holds Up An- other Local ! "Wel, well. The police st!il ad'f caug)t tbbc fellow, audI this was the thirdhod up be ilad,]pllcd. .. anid wheu Ic isaw that lhole lu ffic ruig, Ianbd o zscreami." liWbt? easd guiltîly, con- scions t hat lhe badlheard only part of ar'sremnarks. Isad"she repeafed exasper- abedly, "i found a hole in tbc rug and ashes ail oyer tbc sofa asf uight. Now, wbat are you goiug bo do about if?" ."Me? Why, er-nobhîng, I guess," be said lamely. "You certainly arc," she cricd an- grily. SSe, wagged a tbreatening finîger. "«I'tii sick and tired of fiuid- in asîses aIl over bbc place. Now you get rid of tbiat smelly ld pipe, Hleury Littie, or l'Il g4 f1d of il RccÏl til bcsto-e' lbe uuloced tbe door and wenf ýin, put on bLis sweater ai-d it up bis pipe-_. The brigbhtly-labelled caris on bb ebevs th-e fresh fruits And vegeta'bles, tbe dairy produects, bbic houshold items, a"Il stâood iii their appoînbied peslike old frieuids. To-day lic wold ibave te go tbrough tb e siock aixd reprice soerir of 0l', canncd -Ce doa>r Opened assd a staekY youlig man carne in, dress d ilu a ark coaf withi the collar nlp abut bis cals ,,iidia sIouicIibat clown over bis ceytýs. PDresscd rathiler warnily for snicb aday\,Her tlîougbt. "Yes, sir, wbiat eauin do for v ou?" fie asked p](lisatly "Quiet in bere toaisuit il:«" the man sajid. "Vlery,"Helny l grVid. "Tlien puilt upyouir baud,I bud, and open ii)up htcs rgse the mn nclc, evllugagun atHcry Heiiry amot aiiued with sur- prise and sbock. H iskesrttled ig ste(bobeaiîdfl ie was powý- criIc sto iiie. '"Coiiucon, lhurry uip","the ml sad rusuey.The roM of Henrfs inb asso (dry poiîîtcdatghiîn W"ith thIis eribepred 1ican 'it faciug iiii, ie no w iutd that ou th]e shIf a 1 ittle beyouidIthe eaand aln -,ijost looked 1ke if was goiig ýto faîi.l. H ry watcbed if hopfuly, nda wiId,- crazy idea forn;,l,,d iii biis mind. Crs!The eau ifelI fo tbe floor, start-lîîîg fi thif so thlat Ihemadle aui ininfiixte baîf ý tuiiru and i e did o, Hnrypuled oufithIle pipe from bi pokefand suckif lui c înalliu's bIack. "No'lpt yu bauids uip," fIe said'ol sey u witb a mucbmace asbe could( wiha tblud anld Heny daggd i l'p. "Go , ouf the door -anidvinto the storeiext oor"le odeed lis baud renîbing Ilu the barber1) , shop net door fhe told tbe a s- fouulpIdd arbr t fcaltbe olice Iwas Ontbcfrnt ag ofth "LCLMER1ýCHAN\ýT FOIls A \ ll eenînglîîg peolple kcpt cal]- iulg auid telepbo-11ng bei coriatuilabe Heur, ad late itbat iigbt bel'psank gratef 11-uly ot lic sofa alid took out blis pie Vaa,110ho bad jtcornle îlu, sïliffi( iâpovnî Hny 1-"',She ,stopewd short. "Let nielighIt if for vyo, der, she -said sweely.InEB'rA itain Soýkars Iln bbc firtquarter of ihis ya C Brîtish steLCAiudusfý,ry blas beatenl 1-bc alI-fimie ouitpub reucord set upr in tbc Dunkilýirk pecriod of tbbc Baffle of Britain in 1940. From lJauuilary f0 Mvarch, produc- tion rail af anl annual rate of 141,933,- 000 bons. During Mareh if was steppecd up f0 t15,117,00 fous. The newý,s also.bas jusf corne ýfrom fhe works of the steel Company of Wacs afiMargam th e bcBritisb and !Fnropean pig iron producion, record was broken duiring bbc wc Mek of Aprîl 12-18, More than, 5,400 tons of pig iroi- were produiece firom a single batfrac30tons more fliarx Ceer bas prcviouslybenpiroduc- ed by auy Orelast furnaqce ;ju Rain To GOrder In 25Mite Rulsfrom A tralan xpcri- men:Its ilu "ra1iinuaiulg" are geuIeraIlly regaded to be more sigi ieant than toseaci oved iwe in thie worlId, accordingf0chefofth radlio physes ixi s ionofthe Ans- 1tra J; lnCounllcil for Sienifie and In dustrial Resarch )r. E. .G. Dr. Bowu Ilaîd tat bewa's eau- tiosh o peful that rain-uiakiugl;! wýould bc succsulydevel(oped by artificial stimulation of cloudaIý. Ex- periîuenfs bad been made with cigbt different types of cloud(s. The miost successful exper-iment ýccuiredaI- Most 12 montis ago wheni 300 pounds of dry ice, dropped fromn an aîrcraff into a cloud, produiced a ramn pillar covering 20 square miles in 45 minutes. Latestepei \:t il] involve tbc use of lud ustbfefr (dry. ice. The plane. fo-, be see l itted., wihl carry sevecral ibundred(l gallons of tbc substibutfe \wbicb ilh iîIbe sprayed ounelc louids. G- tE EN THIJMUNfB.. =By Gardon L. Smith, _________ No RUS-h steemtIo put t of )ýpeople into a fever to get iltheir gar-de laned Thsis a mistake. See-ýd anld plants a're 1rusheld il-,too urrieudly ý,and teeis hablf)e to cvrysction of the u cuitry bothi 4~. eetabl es a n d1 floweruls -eau be tervalsrib up f0 thle end of Julie. it is far be)(tter tlo have fbiîîgs 'omîg ~î prioicaly ýith a Coni- tnuSsupply ocf frcs vgeahe aund fresl- flo-wer-s than to rush 1jthe wholc garde ii lu oua snge fter- noon. Go,0at the liob raullad- vise those y\ou kuw. gef thie sou procrl prpard.and euIJOY a Suc- cession o)f bilom audfrs vge tuce, raidisbI,etc., eau, be plauteud ]ateie . Flowers ton, eau be spedoversvralek. edn etc., should mnot be set (ont iuntil a11. <"langer olf frost is o\ercTede tbug ike gladioli, canas mlonls. squiashl, Cori), ecI., aflso corne in this eategory. Double Check gladioli dotiher pat sbetto soil carried dieas , tcltnt jus îrevio PLI0lntingii ad visal'ble. Tis kilîs spotCS of dsaeen- courage(s quîck lgrowvth aid guards aga;iulst rot and other Isessthat ma a -\v wilnbered oveýr iluthe Little Herman iiioffen visitc(d bis Ulc's sorwhere lie bad easy alceess to swcets, aaftimnes, innoecutly yieddto'tb le tempta- tion to help hiinseif. Mother bc- camie aware of tisý, and remonstrat- cd: "Now, ynimusiitn't ask for auy- thing, nr takIeaytig but wait till Uncle gives yvou smtig The next tiime Hrmobeyvcd anà witda ii a u<d then lsaid:1 anld I doui't fae nyhigI us waift ilI you g ive m oe"If worked. For Autumn Salad For autumn use, no salad green surpasses Pe-tsai, or Chinese cab- bage as ht is inaccura'cely called. It should not bC sowu until Jun& or July, and then in the row. I is diffienît to transplant. A ath or cescohframe to shade lif froP1 îintense may be advisable wbhe' the plants are stili amaîl. Winter lias a -,pecial salad, Wit- bofcbicry.A reL. delicacy, if is well woith tbbc space it occupies in the garden ail season and in th bouse later. It cisown early, mhen the sou has been smoothly wokdas if for carrots. After ti e ecdligs hae bee tinined to stanid about ine il ches apart, they wýill req ireltle attention until the seasnis end. They dlo need çweeding thougb, until plants are big enough to shade these compectitors. Ilu the fali the roots are dug up wifh a spading fork, trimmed of rofesand eut hack, at the top f0 vithin pa nce1of the cr-owný Strdin the garden sbed, a few at a, timie are tak'en inito the cellar, replauted in soil anid covered witb ligt-ecluingboxes or pots un- tiI1 tbcy senld up the comlpact litle Fashion Parade Husb aild (at television Set): Ladies' Qay tv the1('bail galme" \Voice from thIle Kitcheni: 'Il fbe rigbf Éin]-L ssant bo sceen wrýhaf tbecy'rewarg" ~- rpy feei, nd <ub. t 6-6 fst-dyiig, as no Stroia ad,.And it Irag uick relief ta mnuscle and joint soreness, stiffness, ache. LARGE EcONOMcLSZ65 One o a. erie of dveriserenîsi-n ribue b hoseCanaiansintlite service o4cpbi

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