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Orono Weekly Times, 13 May 1948, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLY TEIMES THURSOAY, MLýAX l3th, 19#3 WESLEY VILLE' Mi. SpenIcer Smî 'th, of To r onto, Lýipentt he we-n witdi Mn. aud Mos. Anold Thoundyke. Mus. Jim iSnelI, cf Pont Britain, <)pent a few days w iM. and Mosi. . Pay'-nc. MIi s ses Puieand Ruth PFeters adDr. Oke sjeueit Tuesday afteînioon withMr,. .aud 'Mos f. Payuýe. Mr. aud Mu-Als. Ken D.:inuerand Rou- niie spenit Sundilý,vay aternoon with Mi. and -Mris.Pcocy Spel. MVi. and i Is. Rýeg. Be- called -on frienis i the nigl'hborhiood on Sun- Mi. and iMis. fiao:ld$aiuowclough1 ANNOUNCING THlE OPENING O0lFOiJ NEW FUNERAL SERVICE We are now prepared to-serve ~the public IModern Equiepment l at Your Service in Time of Need -PHONE 18 r 7, DAy OR INIGflT He H. BARLOW FUNERAL DIRECTOR Orono - - Ontario STORE YOUR PURS AT HERMAN PURS CANADA'S LARGEST FURRIER OUR MODERN SCIENTIFIC FUR STORZAGE VAULTS ARE: aMOTU PROOF 'FIRE PROOF SDLJST PROOF STIP.E FT P ROO 0F Sünd us yur Clo,,th Conts and Furs To-day 1 PrCnofYuVauio I New Service Cleaner's Port Flope nal W., J.RDDLAetOrn 1 J; 'p I WE RE AYNG HEHIGHIEST PREVAILING PRICES FO0R DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM ANIMALS HÎORSE - ATE -HOGS eepoeCollect toi Immediate Service GORDON YOUNGN LIMITFED Toronto, Adelaide 3636 - Cobourg 48J ROYAL FLEXALIM VENETIAN BLINDS READY TO'INSTAL Sizes 24 by 64 ---..............- --$6.60 26 by 64..---.-.---......-$6,60 28 by (;4..............$--------6- 30 by 64...............$7,15--- 32 by 64..........7.70 34 by 64...............$8---,25W 36 by 64...............$-8.80ý 38 by 64...............$------- 9,35 40 by 64........99 Blinds Made-to-Measuire Free Estimaites andImeie DelivelrY EXTENSION 24 feevt .. . $95 30 feet . . . $59 1) f eet...............--7--- IEAT WAVE RANGETTES Automatie Oven Control New 1500 Watt Uapacity f.or faster cooking $79.50 HOT PLATES $2.15 and up MILCOR INSULATED OVENS Single, $4,50 Double, $7M95. IColeman & Philp Electric- Phione 89 r 1 ORONO mâIm GEORGE DREW DICUSS ... "THE PROVI AL ELECTION JUNE 7"5 MON. 1 MAY 24Ithj10/0ý - 11.00 p.m F IIDA- MAY 28th - 8.30 - 9.00 P.m CFRB 860 VATIVE JUNE 7 Several ib th comuiyaend the dflo' aaeand cuc service in Oooo udyeeig Mr. and Ms.Alex. Wakeîan fainily visîed ith i. ndMis, Johnli Thiouipson unSunuy fîmiy, nd r. A J.Sou (i f Stak - Wannaal, Kiaby ntdCuchhl tvn nual Motheî's Day-tý service on Sna with a grood congregaitio,1nattend1ing. The superýintendon ýýlt of thie >Sundayý.ý 5chool, Mrs. Rceit Allun, had chiarge of the servicýe. Rev. Eustace tolda veîy iuite,resting stniy.The pro- grmme story was ra by Lloaydi nwey. Avoca dut, rndered b-y Mýis Lwey aindRay Brys )nwa much appreciated. Duringp the seIr- vice William Douglas, thieifatson cf Mr. and Mvisý.LwrneHais Wililaim larince, the sou c Mr au Mos3. CiarenceAln and Jamiies Ross, the soo f M. and Mrs. 'Win. Wn were biptîzed by 'Rev. Bustae Clarke Union Severaï-l ini this section are v.sed up withi the measi-es and sonahflu. Mrs Gero. Foegvisit'ed with ficiends ln Osha-wa last -wee-k. Mr. Vernon 'Saund1ers spent a nligt with his pareuts, Mr. anid Mos. Arthur Saundfers lnst v;eek,. M1-rRoyv Berry, who lias -purechased Mi. Watsonl's homie expeets te move there sooni, it is reported. A Dutch f auiy a atve t Mr. U!- monte Bllock's ou Saturcday te asss lm wlth his frniek ~Mr. anid Mrs. Alex. )Watson lihave m1oved jute, their homielu Oione which thbey uihae frein Mr. W. E. Arr- streutg, MVr. 1Johný Fogg hans accepted a posi- ti,ith tliepon'truction ga-n tihat and Bïll spen-t Ssnday atrno wth her Ister, Mis. Bougihen of Osaca-. Aita and Neal Ncol went on a igh.-sng tép to Niagara on Sun- Miss lois Sn'el, of Port Hope, spent thei ke, d ith ermother, Mo.Jim SnIel of Port Britaifl. ' and Vlrs Lier and dughte and Mrs. Yelland, of saasperit Sraywitih 1Mir.and Mrs. llarold Re eues. Leonua Bihoof fI mition,Sp entý thle week-end 1withthirpaensMi and Mr.Charfs Bigtion1. Mr'. and M3irs. Arnrold Thiorndyvke, Sharon Ani nd ao;adMr. Spen- cor ;Smith, ofTorontp ,spent Sunda with Mr.nnwd Mis. JosbuaBima,- combe of Osaca. AmongSunayvisitors with Mrs L.~ ~ ri ?%l wywreM.ançl MisAU- lin lo er fOhwMiss Nola ffoldaway, ofTrno and Mr. and Mis. Trma ïAstin and children. AogSunayvisitors ibhti . and Mo.,G.Shields. of -Moun-t PIeas- on aghe f Netnlland Mlrs. Wl,. T. NiCholl.sý of Port Ho0pe. The Youiig People's UnViion ldc thei r me eting at the ýsc hiool hob us e with a very good attendanec.îMr.CWi once ih1l, in the absýenCeCof Mi. M4iss DPora Awnrson, themiio'y convenor, took the toie. sunay Sch'oo and Ghreh services were *enbinled in a Mo1ther's Day iService held at 11.00nî.m, 'wvith a very gnood atnac.Aogthe1babý,ies chritened by IDbn Oke. were Sharont ,Ann, the daugiter of Mr mcd Mrs. Arnold Thoondyke; Gloriýa Jeani, the ý5jh teî o f M er . an d M . C arro l NiOh ~ lsaiWanida, the daugiter of Mi aud Mrs. Archie Ford.Thle Ju 1[or Choir, ld y Mos. ReeVes, sa ~ ~ ~ ~ "n g rcosBo" m woods At~Sin mg Dr. Oke preacheda VeV ygoo sermlon o;n a Mothei s Day and Mir. WilIis Fiaîrýow. vistedhiepaent b hepae'sonage. Mr. and Mr. Lennox VseyPor MeNcho, wth her prns i n Mranid Ms.Hîb ilmer, BPowjý- mnanville, wthMr. and Mos. Bert Miss Anniie Nýeszbtt is homeý fr omn Toronto for the su.miner. Comnrtulitions. to Mr. and Mis. -S. RJones; who quietl1y eelebarted their £4Ith, weddingý, annLive-rsary ou May 7th. Mr.1%and Mrs. C. J. Meader, 1lr. Eau rllayward, Miss E. Meaderail of Torouto, Wth Mc. and Ms.Ch S. Morrps. Abtouit forty took in the bea.uty of lossom Day àn Niagmaa ditrict ou Suncay lst.The weathermaui play- ad some Meririck.Ail-report a good time. The Comnnity YHall coinicmittee helid their andvual mieeting on Mon- dy eve, 3rd. Mrs. Fr-ank 7Gihui-er and M . Wibert liancock retired frein the Board and Mr. George Stapleon and Mrs. a Stark were appoiuited. Ap- proximately $600.00 in the treasuuy was reported b)y C. M. Jones, th e treasýure-r. Plansý for repairing and a edecoatng wVere laid. Mr. Anthony Laugsaffquietèly passed away sturday miornlug in bis 'home after some weeks of lulness. A privatýe funieral fis eld onMo- day atrcnand lhe wais 1bried lur Oro cencetery. We entend our sim- ceresyptythi fewhwa femebyHttie Buriey', and asst, Mrs,. Jepnnie Hson f Kendal, also other sorrouing Mrend, .Mother's D?y sriewas bcre in the Sunday Sho on Sundaiy tde evnÏ in heecas a splenid con- gre gation r Folur babies were bOp- t ized. eGI-n EueFarr, 1 so 0n0of Mr. and Mr Clintonnrow; Florence ',îiano,! Ki;- lm sd au tr*fMir. anild 1-s. Jack Kimlbal; FakuGeorge iStaeosn fM. ndMr.H h hîttk (reeaurna Pearce) of _.iToronto.c) Mrs. . McE'en ad GMr. andaL Tule, il of F)teaoouL, . a 'nd sus.andMis Ke ) So e avMi. an Mr~ CcilGl~sr.1 L. liosn, is Med 1, Mr. dMs on adn Min n M .Caec uîeSak Solo Repair Klits for mendingSSesRub';ers and, Over-shoes, kit...........3Ve TalcumPodr large 7 o z tnSeetPa, G ar1- dnaor., Li1ýiac ose, tin .......... ...19C Mirrors, Wo7oden Frame, wvhiteCsià 8inches by 2 iche.......... ..........5.ý9ce Childen's Traning Pantis,'Mies 2,4tan d 6, each...... ..................c PanerSeviettes, wite, pgo 0fo ....18e Pasper Dihking Cups, bo o-,ýf 50,oU .*...35e Paper Pae.6 fOr............5e GROCERY )-FEATURES SPECIîLi, Aylmner Soups, Vegeda ie, ree Pe adOnion )SoupF, '3ireguar tins for 25e KonertGolen ax Beancsstrnana qality, *,20 ounee tins for....... .. ............15ee 5 lb pail 69e SPEC IAL-- Diced Beets or, Carro)ts, Choice Quality, 20 oz tinsý. ....... 10c Sunfilled Orange Juice, u wetnd giant 48 oz tins........... 39 14 ORONO 5c. TO $0 STORE YOUR PPL~SHOPPING CENTRE icutt and Smi IDir-ectceauamiFurnaiture ea COLTRTESY ke rare of the M*doet tunea le charge au weII%.l the larcg. Mozt .xactinlg ,ith SERVICE t thamnd a nd 726 North oKINDINESS Telephene:. Olce 669 Raidevc* :521 S-'PRING TONICS Are essenitial to go health iit this; time f year, espec4,ially wheii convalescýing frùm attac-ks 44 c(ild aid the "flu" ta have been so prevalenit. We list a mumber o-f provering oncsat !loweýst prices:- Wample' PhophoLecithin, "ereFood aimi Tonic" bottie ... $1Î.001 1eminal Tablets, CmlxVitamin B.... . $00 ami $3.75 BolTablets, 100 for------------- ----........................$4.75 Frst No.Chemical Food (1Capsules fiais ami Minerais, at...............................$,5,2,.65 and $5.95 eriideetoamWie16oz.......- --.... .............--------694- RoxailBeef, ron an-Wine,16-oz.......................$1.00 Butrdlockï Blood Bitters.......--.- ..---- ..-. ---.-.--.--.--.-----.-----.--$1.09 PRO TECT Youir Winiter Cl1otiný,g front inoith damagý,e, when trigawýay for the Summ-ýer Mnh D,,eeTee Moth Fume Crystals, 1 lb tin............49e Moth Balis, Moth Flakeýs, 1i b....................29c Moth Proof, Dust Proof Garment B-ags, largle size, side openig, at.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...........4------- ----------- - ------ -- 9c and i98t Larvex, Moth Proofirtg Liquid.....................-- --------83C. and $1.25. Wood De-Moilqf' Blockettes.........................1---and25C NEW STOCK TO-DAY! Kleenex Cleansing vTissues Two sizes, "hbb"anid Mediumr, box .....--..18Se. 2 boxes for --- -- - -- - ------ ------ --- - ------- 35c. Men's size, per box ------------------ ..29C ' Facelle Cleansing Trissuies, small --- --- ----- ------ zoc- Facelle for M ený, box - ---------- --- - ------ 35c. Charles 1B. Tyrrel Phone 68 oroino, Ont. m 1

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