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Orono Weekly Times, 20 May 1948, p. 1

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s 12. N o. 17 OPONO, ONT.- TH-LI ,Y, MAY 20th, 1948 Subscription $ 1.50 per Year .ark Street Sunday. School rniesy This Sunday,4.May 23 Flighlights 0f Federal Government Budget The Doinion Government .brougiht Adown their budget in the Ilueon Taesday ast. Here is he bugtin, a brief form: E-ight per cent sales tax taken Off 'cnepac1kiged çer prepared foods cha s fr u i ts anidy e ge tab ies, inaea ts osiand bekatcereals. l'ederai taxesý on theatre tickets nddanrce lhall dmsiosreînove, bU i&Hla replaced by sinilr pro- -incial tax.ý Sive per cet on pari-muWte bets -t-rce tracles liftedl. cf65Or ovor are ice~dto $1.,50 for inge prson an $2000for umar- pas ipersonsý ITWenty- imprcent sales tax re- -noed 1fronk1alan'1jcksse-llng u Sec $10,00 each Mcdf-rnt pated zCirS,fosanspns Federai sceso uisfroi lerie onIl ocaVs f $, roe uonibe cou gd My on weaes UoF$5, om x for194 to ni iniun ilristi tapi 1 gods,.icudn y, prisf ion mach,1 iin1- lic tblrcu-Li Vax'- ce t 67 0mllo n. 4nlt f1sÉcal!year pro- li1iori. - venue ' In preýso1nifis- m~t.lnilion, oru larg dei noVce Trip To Former Homie &xicken ith a c-oronary thrùm- bIsm on Mcnday, rMy 17th at Ilunts- ville as ho was about Vo depoit a coi in a parkig nreier Dr. J. F. 'W. CheCsteri, 50, of 993 Kinlgstoll Rd.,Col - lapsed and died bofore medicai assis tance arriredt. Accompanliod by iis wife, be -had spont ibe week-end at Port Sydney, and wos in Ilunsvile on an shoppinlg trip. Oniy tbroo months ago, bi father, J F.Chester, Port ynedrpe dd eat bishome from acorocny 'hrbssad w bTedi)rýna o in To o forthe! lasi2> easr1 was hrn aiPortSydnley eand rei ite. 11e graduateci >n medicie front theUiversity of Toronto C, u1122 and iee'ai St. Micha's.- a menwith the rtspayi o blis high seool days 1he was ctive-! Surývivingare1bis iow hefr mer Miidrd Smithof Ooo n Wilim o.eil etean ister, EU"d, ail nf Toconto HoeDestroyed By Fine M0 for erry a-n, oan and The ono FinePepartewnt had a iaada. iExpenditunes wil rude znwakening ai midnpight on Tues- S75 inUion, on $081 per capita. 1 day nîght ast Wwea ty were caoud amding deblat b ande n f baks o extingueli ýà'a Neinela the homte of )c reduceet dby -Ç1,400 million.! Mn. Erereit Gain, South Wr.By la5 foreiga exchange reserres the turne thble brigade arrirecd ai Vie pril .20 -tere $538 mlIn scene the bouce tas envelcped la ce Minister Abbot defended fints, havhug secred suNobbadaray fd big-b tîaxation as needed Vo efolre aoticed Ntaithe Ibuding usas ýy mioney for "a rainey day". pnactially destroyed by the rne te! the international sitation fNe as exiguisedl. ntcenitain, Mn. Abbott warned WVe understnd that neone w as ai nada agbt have Vo ntakeborne aithNe UrnmeHmombers were enfese expenditures on shiort ini atiendance ai Cianke Union Homie M~A sstntial surplus viýii and iSeoniClub melingand meo keep eur powder dry"," he unaware that thein honte tas heing destroyed Liberal President Suggests Pro.-Cons,'PuI1ing Vivian Acti _ue tVo ihe loca'l election all vi, ~. paet 1y, la bu t ih e. ïo r erun-ne2rof, n roaI sVtorm, car eLib)erllireporter de-! cedthiswteck Vo cee that mas ido-i omg along his pariy linos. So, ho laterviewed IMeL, H. Staples, Liberal Assoiation Presidet, i bis home nets Orono. lir Staples, ike aailÀLbeaaI, foundj 1 cs party oigaisatioin Liastate of pnprparenessfor thie surprise alec-1 -c--on rmnnuiceiienV by Premnier Drew. Ntbeilg bo p nlapOtven ite Liberal s .1sed vhon'.teepCon- parar-el uckown e odrof île Vc -Ï insdd' ook Lo eeni t he greatesi gi t'lite Ihhberals1 iyv are poaigfor, Vt nf thein, cancer, ac- Stales Fn ds ar e con-tiibuied by ocal rig o'f w a usbs comn- able ability along govrniiment linos, a trait whiehoshowed uititgret succesas à Carra iowý,>nsnip council- Ior and as lis Reeve for sereral years, AV the momi-ent, hoe is Towvnship As- sesson and the owner of a 200 acre f art. Taïl, gaunt and ruggvd ho is; iic no aeveryting h e s ays anild dioS. -Hoe is intrenseiy ioteried in euninard dlid excellent work1 tubLf thec CourVtie.s Cuacil conînîiticeSi cbsrgo of Ibat function. Al1waiys iaterested lai ungpeoplo, ho bas been sprnodn fthe SudyScbool in Mount leasanIlt fri 20 1( 10r ndwsa-(,o conaected itI2 ba aliadm ccrtni in earper wac aus una fred oo000 ptn persi -na poltl.bitinte ies eronc noV ofiended by aoy gor- eromentW of wblicnheh ua at Mn btpebloredithatbte Liber-1 ais ancd qite a nu1muior f non Ibh- omLS is wore eginning o realize tiba ýt Mjor onethe o Goncêrativo cýandi- dat, is noV quite flic snr--,inner tJe Conservaiive? Vought ho tars thon 'hy ,nminie I, lm Thle Victoria Cr -sas a uodn ful decoration andi Mn. Siaphoes ta1 loudi in bIis pas for any ma-l'i o Dr, Walter Brown, Cuest Speaker For S.S. Anniversary VAby 201 lie tedry of Park St. smuny Sehool-An niversaýýry. It is anl [honour to thlis conunity to have in our midlst Dr. Walter Brown, Presi- dlent of VictLoria University, Tc-ronito, and it is a rare privlege to hegr suoh an eniînent and gifted speaker. Dr. Brown 'willspeak to te chul- dren ai the maorning service, and 'wîll addresýs the y.oung-- people in the even- ing Tbe evening choir of younig peo- pIle will fibe ablly aîitdby GýýlnAI- lin of Newcastle, as guePýsi soloisi.ý WVe urge the whole community to tui cuiit forib lis great ocso.The happ felowshlip and siiuluplift, wîi tus e xprie~cd y thre great-ý es oubr o ppleP, anýd we nee', au your godiadSupp]ort at a qate elven, Teresa1Dowing Miece daughter (yf31 raidsMWsC Horace Dowhicg, Toronto, who had ber cauoi iei anec of Mrs. Harol1 Dean '1'ersa diacrenod xven sent to a toe cape f leksfrmre home or M odla',vc a o exenieoercbo tenegrbodM thie as rushend V spitAa-mene exaicion sbcaed he rutsas suife dcîogî,s from deredfrc tre Acf the frontl nskiroe th aniema-;; iceý So il bore pren gis e rii 1AnL imledeonpetiaws remd alib. ouglii wasV0a10diat ýihet- e gis rin whm oV cnut or tom iý- ronsptoen eoftihe yArue - C thiessi dSt.o.ot.Wl TopNa omiait ork TocL i Norman AIi-son, Deputy Reeve cf Bowrnanviiie and prosideni of Good- yeanr Union, 159ý, is the C.CCF. candi- date for Durlham Couiity in ithe pro- vinciai electioni on June 7th. Four cýandidates -\ore- nomninrted, Wilfridl Bousiesý, formlier CiF. feeal candici- date, WV L. Lycett, formner C. C. F. provincial candidae and 0teBnagg, piresidletVt of tlie C. C. F iia-g As, sociation. Mn Bragg mas chairmlan for thoeting. Those tVbneewiVli- dret la favor of Normnan Allin, wbo CondescnddYolt bic nme go be- fore dthe peopdeieilatho coing choc- Iteeas a mA fwrnout at the opening of jeo meeting, Wuias urne meont on the coucou chamber usas Ril- ad Vo capaciy. Touonsidle sea etrncprese-ni, a Mr. Beaneti, of Torato, a irade unloalsi tub sone farmIng expen- iercee, and Mrsz. Thomas, mnemlier of thep Nationeiýl Coluncil of the C.C.F. Other short addressýes terenmade 1by Mlessrs. Bag Bowles and Lycet rd ib can(]dite MnrAMlison. The finsi speakercalld rc MnU. Boa nfom Tomobeo.Hoeflayd Vh nid-lic partie,lihe iîoceye(d itr esisC ~ore Dres ardibe"aptl c " re, s aguer, erishoSýi tha ,iierthearaootcpiits TFhe speakerdlred ihat)ho' h nid- "e1prtfi e, es l oe conup i )leieIl y docintedbybigcopati eeons ushich life, of Crnd. o-s a idiiat thfe Candia Maufaturns'Asscaion. Lois Turner Showered Prier To Marniage MisLois Tuirner, Orono, was given a surprise on ndyeveing lasi, when about thirty fdrnA andt neigh- bues gathered at her hoine. Lois having tea at a fiends, receiv- el a phone caIl r out aine pm., saying she badi comi)pany at home. On reach- iiig boýrne she opene He doo-r to a chorutis (of voices yeling '"Si-urpise". .ftrshe w,,as seated ai large bas- kýet deorated in pinik and blue cam-ie in laden with arel of ail sizýs' MFis ny beauttifutl and useful gifts were unwrppe bythe bride to be. LaVe a contest "love at the Whýeel" was enoye, ad then rithe Mrs Lou IViie etersf(nee NeC, Wrighi)of ommnvilewas s Oito a nhi e forLiunr on Frid11ay eeie.Abouiwe hidve girls werel p1ement, formrlyOrono gisno brsieto be.1 Atteni touae og ter fmý'1oG,,II Floren e ghil-ngIahe Lodg niBwanul, eb off ib,. e-c 10OOF Lodge sncceded in f io nar ,ther bus to cnpaetdls St uerday m ovei, niy aitended Grnd h Fllndreds of Oddfllows bad gib-h eroed la enotevm merops wVo elcome W. J.enertbyc( a ,hradhM-r tof &iho Gmsran Lnde inOnr lo A od tue oxeipicaio sof i th,ï De- Vn in rmmir e L-,i., odes t. CnaVh- lairdes.ter crieagLodgeirs. crs ,treogprelosaflacopany e situb t Brc e1ownie Newsll Follorwn egar meevtin aoff Browlnes an ihoriimohersGoldene doiigbtfuhy eietanev te hos, me tof CapndAmtrng olnrdmo Si G taBakBoýne vrn-te strong edandso soed ic tr heto Phlans o a heceat L t1p Vo Fnd a. Tesemae andif he picetnoe r mi'h enoyied bya. n ý,s dors lai Couacil laid dtaby the OV- tata ad!-!sirailnIlad een ,db tated by corporatiom iawyens repro- secing the rneyed interests and beiered that tice grenmeat had nov- er locked orer nmno than 1.5 or 20 Or- [dors bfre conirnudng hem. This usas the antihessYofdemocatir go vernmnt.The speaker toWdthat ~effrt b reusinleooperato o amix per cnceiplus bai ad ViteMýin- w:gosas bous ,,- 15e pr r usnsthe speakeýr sniýd it nie national Nickel dclaýred a d diridenidof ",00000 l acil ya r ndiel \ as graniited $ 28,00t),tlff by Otauva as nid for woriime producton. The spealker thon turned Vto the 1njor)ity caiaiipress aad declared thiat iV wsim1poýssible for iV V [ o rsethe C. C. F. renam, Re explainedi that Children Show Interest In Speaking And Poster Contest Restricions And Reguations As To The Cutting 0f Trees 0f the M1unicipaýl Counctil of the Uniit- ed Counties of -,,,orithumberland and Dra.A By-.Law to Restrict and Reguilate the Cittiaig of Trees in DUrham CoUnty.ý beesit is deemred exdin for 'Éhe gereral -welfare of ihe United Coun1ities Of Northuabrelaad and Duilr- ham V niaintain ard improve the for- es>t und cci elurices (pi' the Connies ypr'eserring an'11d developing theI ooadsof thleCones And 1Wheress ýb.y-Thie TreesCosr vationi Act, 1.946;, Staitutes of Otno 196 hatr102, Suct ion 1, the Coiuncil f o uiy is emploweed Vl o (a) esiiciigiad regýulatting the ctigof ireslin n atof ithe (b) Prlovidling .for, the appoinimont tion il(,here orethriunilof Thec nets as foilo ils '2. This By-la'w shî ar efec (ar)ughot ýie vtoii th is iof H 'pe, C Oarke, D arlintl, Manve', Cva andbi lntwisetoxestwithin11 the authori eý rt t riy my eesigishedr 2) Th ,lis By ltiAc hht; (a) Inierfere -witb thbe rigit of nu occupant no1l f Oar V or of ltse theo forrin bis wncseon bisforwn orand. a (b)thenorfernentwiof afiyrigbs o powers cilwonfrodupon anyMunicpality "y The Munwiipal Actr (c)LIterfere witb the cnig'bts or poe!-d r cf , m-theH doEetioe Gommielsio n taloo r nfany ohr nfthe oeramehat sof Ontabero.inv (e) A'npply to roi c roing in any gisdot e1ringan aea nV exeng at Meet Major J. W. Foote V. C.e Prog.-Conservative Candidate One of rihe first things voters wn to k1low ahmDt Li candidlate standing f(yr public office is the story of his cour se in lire up to the point where many people get tog-etherci to urg1-e him to as:sumnegrae public responsibil.ities. ilence thie. people of Durham GCounty îiook 1rý theL local presto tell the 'story. El-ctors pr rtiýcul:arly wart to lcnOw soni1rething of the experience anldapilte of a aditeseekingý th;eir support at the polis. For u1pon eleetion bis lhigh du.ty is V'O serveý al the peopjleL without fear Or fa1vor witLh ail thle vilgor and talents a' hscümn2a1d, CHOSEN CANDIDATE After the Lientcnant-Governov of Ontarjo, Hon. Rr1yLaso hand appi-ovedl a provinial it etion to be hýýel' on .June 7, 1,948, the Dur* ham Glounty P1rogressive Cons>erwative Association nIt a gr eat conven- 'nionin roounanlimou 'sly chose M jo JhnW. Foote, V C., a' their candlidate in the ho L.MaorF nte?>1 WhI ýt j i hi e perýienice and cp'iyfor, theceai ý(ljob h nolsie ks uuA sofill? fin short jus iwht sort ofma is hie ? Wei, hreistHe soy Johin W. JFoote wasor i Mdo, ting outMaý ter ad tre sos.Ai reeied ~urieduca-,tions and1(lwere tauigilh tbhe vir-tues of hi'ard iwor>k aod stict honýesty. After leaývi1g puh7de> scoool, -Johin Set ablouit earningl his on wy o Iigher educ-ation, 1IARD WORT{ RCU9<M. A ver'y profitable evenling was en- ljoyed Friday at Park St. Chrcli Suuday Sehlool roomy, -when the Gld Mdad'l Contesicner ihle auispices of the Womïen"s Christian Temnperance- Union wvas held. There wvere sevený contestants, all ofwon had aireaýdv_ ,von silvermdas Harrý'r Lyncha wa:s the -winner of th-e bos withi Kel West and Gerald' Brown also doing renark-biy weil. Caroline Jonies wvas th(, inner amnonigthe girls wiih speý- cil mention beinig mad11(e of Et'hel- DaeoLillian CGole and Annai Marie Sherwin. Each contestant was presentd crih a book;AIl books being the gift ofAh, C. B. Tirrrll R.1. E. tl-ýustac, the vr effi- cien charman remrkqdon the'- n deArflility of ah wcho ook part in the evoncig.s progrnnune. Judges unc' thubic speakng wu*rosiV. Go- he)1o, inesle, M s . Brgest o Aohrintoeresting, pairt of the Intionof tboe awads topu slic Sehol ppilsandtbree -awards Vo cots or todrwing *of M'Tompe- were on di~pl'y. iss ýE. adl \-p y kiiuiie tepstrthe~ Fe Pblic cboo, lti eof S$3ý.GO tinatin ehol, stprizo of $3ý,.M0-'o P aiPnlton Byd; 2dpieofr$200 t J~'ue Son and 103rd prizeof $1,00ý rade nd dnatied te po-so wpre very mulih appiiecitrd: Vrea scio, by ColinTaylnrqun iPan AMlin alto) hon oo).y Dnn Ln ,rn a c1 duot 1,-\r- . {owad Aln adA lMrs. J. T Bro'wn, Nwa l.Ac- com.pnisf fie evening vere Mr.s. IIowaýrd Alllia, Mrs. Wml. Lynch and Mr.J.J ellor. g Intedrforo ith the cutting of Chrisias trees when growen as a crop for O-hris-tmaýs troc purposesS, er- ieptas helow mnnWed. (b>in ierfe-re -with the ctti-ag )f Hlawthorne, Cboke Ciherry, Red or in Ohry, Popiar, Ironwood or 31anMi4a Maie trems 3. Save aqs oVhierwise PrOvIded l-1 this By-lrw-ý, no pors-ýon shali wUitti (Continued on Page Two)

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