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Orono Weekly Times, 20 May 1948, p. 2

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OR4ONO WENKLY TIMIs TflURSDAY, MAT 2WhI U4& Diec form fits iniiný,e-'wek eruage- Sunday md'gtand eentinuing -'ec-it at tw'i, leadin'gTor nýoeare .hrough WdedyThc -manager of ->SittJing Pretty", the coxn'edyr hit 'of tche C"ap-itol reeommende it t»o evry- vi. ear, wil e shown r 4bhe, first ont,, regardiess of age or taste, and 'in n this' district at theCail says that he iiias never seen anything Theatre, Port Hope, be-ginaing afterlfunnier." you have waited for sa long und , ýrso patiently. But-the hsupply stil isi.t o., te thank Our customers for equal to the demand, and wiIl their tolerance, understanding 'he for some time. So ACT AT ONCE! and loyaltyduring thepastdiffi. it's ae case of cuit years of short supply. But PFM gooid things are worth waiting FRST COMlE-FIRST SERVED fr, and when it cornes to wash- 7W. Ivant e take this opportunity, ing machines, THERE'S NOTHING BETTER THAN THEý NOW ON SALE AT OUR STORE Ted. Woodypard APPLIANCE STORES Corner o! King & Silver St DO WMAN VILLE PUBLIC MEETING under the auspices of DURHIAM PROGRESSIVE-CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION will be held in NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL Tuesday, May 25tha at 8.15 p.m., D.S.T. SPEAKERS: Houa. Leslie Frost Provincial Treasurer C. E. Stephensea, M.oP. Durham County Federai Member Major J. W. Foote, V,.C. Prog-ressive Coniservative Candidate PUBLIC CORDIALLY INVITED NORMlAN ALLISON ACCEPTS (Oontinued frrý the speaker dtecIared that the i iosýt important busines(s introduced by Premier 'Drew was the establishmenta of cocktail bars. Mr. Benniett fetd that the issýue should have been put up to the people. In conclusion, he said: I'm not telling youti o vote C'ýCF., but ýifyo want g1ood g-overn- m ent, ýI s'ay investigate the C.C.F. program ,an'd then ecdewbeth-er your canididate rwilct asý your ser- Vant in yu inte-rests." Mr. BwhesInlhis ,address, said the Canada Packers had reaped a $8 mil- lion dolar profit on bacon o'vernig ht out of the consumiers b ide and the farmers didn"t get a dollar of -It, * 1e flet that, the .C.P. was; the only party under %vhich farmiers could ex- pect hl and a decent 'break. 11fe cahhed for a fair b11reak fron ithe 'Lo- cal pres's an'd that its 'habit of taking phra ses fron,,i the context cf jCF literature could probably n'ot be as- si'gned to the edito'r but rather to the sharp tactios of a reporter with a yen pencil. Mr. Lycett made bis uisual, caini and capable -appeal for, a Eocial pro- gra-m that would, prevent the'sad ex- perience of the iuu-gry thirties. H1e believed the C.C.F. prograni ' would ul- M âr. Allison spoke very briefly on the issues of the times and told of 'bis experience on delegations to Ottawa and Queen',s Park, wh' onvinced. hiri th1at real social justice coud nt 6be exp ected' fro-niol'd-thime parties ami be 'was 'willing to do his part to bring in a C.C.P. regime. which would estab- lish enrduring social Justice. The ne'w candidate made a fine im.press4ion, as did nearly ail the other speakers. The meeting concluded wt a ve-ry forceful addressx on organizationi by Miss Thomas. ýShe proved to hie an expert in- this department and gr1eat- hy encoura"ged the dlegates to --et out and work for Mr. hi~n Red Cross Canivas The Orono Bran-ch cf the Canadian Red Croiss wisbes ;to thank those coon- imuInities and individuals th-roug-hout Clarke Town'ship wbo ave so gnr ous'hIy to the drive for funds 'held0 in 1MIarch and April. The foi owing are the 'donations : 6thi fine Sho S-cIon.......$24.50 Lake Shore S2chooi Section .---8.ý50 Antîochi Sehool Section .-.......---20.00 Anitio.cb Youn'g Preo-pie, dance.--.- 7.00O Newtonviile ShcoolScection.--49.1(6 Cowanvihi'e Scboîoi Section . 14.50 Lockhart's 'Sohool Section.-----32 75 Crooked iCreek Sohool iSection -. -2.00 Crooked 'Creek Snnday S--o-...12.93 Starkvilhe School Section _ 95 Star 'kviIe Card Party.........-----8.7T5 Oronio. Bank of Commerýce.----5 0 W. J. Ridd'ell, ,olbàector....74,00 Mrs. Evelyn H Fail, cohector.----17,50 $277.94 ORONO SENIOR SOCCER TEAM DEFEATS TYRONE 7 to 0 Leskard, May 18th - 'Orono Senior Soccer team. went ail out for a big win in their first game of the season, defeating Tyrone 7 to 0, in a bard foug'bt session froni wbistle '40 -whis- tlie iOwing to the unfavorable con.- ditions of the Orono Park football BY-LAW - DURTA"M COUNITY jContined fom ageone) rhe- said 'Twah ut aî*y trees of iess tha, - theto1~im i4u ()ForBireh, Back Ash, Bfllack ,Locust, Ceasoift 2Maple, Taia- ack and WilLo ïes he mnimiïm diameter for càutting -sha eilIfe ive in-- ,ahes measured four and olne baif feet from Ithe 'rud (b) For 'ail trecs not otherwî5se spec-ifledl in' Fhis By-law the inimumil.i dianileter shall 6be ten inches maue f our and' one baif feet fr'oar the ground. 4. In cttin~g 'or .removiing any trees, no personi shail sio conduot bis opera- tions as tri cause 'unnecessary injury or da-mage to any yoýUnig trees. S5 (a) Where in the opinion of the officers appoinlted to enforce the pro- visonsofthis 'By-law, special' cir- cum-îstanec-s exist which warrant the cutting of trees of i'ess thani theiii- mium -nsizes hrîbeoe meitioned, for example, but without lniigthe generality 0of dhe foregoinig, -,,h'ere the owner of iand wis'hes itto le-ar it for ciiain the said offficers may authorize in writing the cutting of sncb und;cersize trees. ('b) Where in the opinion (4 t'he office"s anpointed to enforce the pro- visions' of this By-la3w, .specýial cir- eurIstancesext whiebh make the un- restricted cutting of Ghristnias trees iniadvisabile, thre said offlicers M'ay, notwivthstedýing anyth*ing con,-tained in th.i"s By-1'a'w. restriet the cutting of Chi.mstrees in any aeea of Lth said Counties to thiningýs ai im- provemient cutiîng. 6 <a The Couanties Road' Superin- tendent anrd imtembers of the- Counties Reforestation 'CoIrmittee shali be of-1 ficers to enforce the provisions of this By-iaw tiiroughoniit thie said Coutiüïesi exoept within the area of arny Water- shed for wbioh an Authority so es- tablished shall, have appointed officers as' ahove provided -(b) Any officer ne .app'inted shal have the p'ow'er to enter on auJd in- sp ec-tthe trees 'on an,; lan.dwti his jurisdiction -Lor the purpose of en- forcin'g-the prov.isions of this ýBy-law. 7. An'y -eso h'o violates any ýof the provisions of t'his By-law shalh be guilty of an olfentce and sha11 hie hable to a penalty n'ot exceeding $600.00 or to impriso,nment flot exceeding threýe inonths. Thi's By--la-w -was pasisied lIn open Co ncion he 13th day of J'une, 1947. ground, thfis 'game mas piayed at 1Les- kard, attendïed 'by a fairly ýgood crowd desp3ite the bliustei-y evening. Tyirone seemed to have the eleo "lhe plaýy in die fir,ýst haif of the peTr- bod, but -with the outstanddingg-oal ten'ding by Rev. A. E. Eus,,tace supl- ported strongly by bis fu1ibackýs, Joe Wlaiker and -Jk"Middleton, Orono iwere a f air mlatch for their oppon- et.The, first goal, scored by Dean W'est, assisted by Jr. West, camie one minute before th'e end 0f the firsti haîf, mn-aking the sco-re at it'he end of the firsit haîf i to 0 for Oro no.« The second baîif (pened wivth Ty- rone going ail out for the equalizer, but Monty Rielhards'on carne thro'ugb with the seconiigo-al for Oronio unvas- sistedi. Froi here on Oronio controli- e'd the g-am-fe Aith goalSs(svored PaS fol- lomai: Stobart assisted by Junior West; Dean West assisted by (Monity Richardson; Stohart unassisted; Jr, Wes't unassisted; Jr. West as'sisted by the Tyrone goalie. With thîs goûd starter, Orono Sen- ior (Soccer team iook forw,ýajd to aj good season, supported by the com- munity, verbally and fl'nancially ýso corne on oUt and iend your Support. It ail helps. Liberai Presideut Suggests Pro.-Colis. Pullig ivanAc j (Continuodl from pageone) I snalablity aur experience in gov- ernmrental] linoes. 'He f oit that th e Conservatives w-,ere trying to do the s'aime as tbey did with Dr. Vivian, 'wbo was electedi, promoted to Cabinet minister and t'wo years ago left Dur- bain county stranded 'wlen be ac- ceptedl a post in a university ansI for- 'got bis political oblig-ation to Dur- h.icounty. During those two years, SDuribam was no>t repreýented in thïe legisiature and the 'Coniservatives lot the cou nty down hadiy when tbey dd not force iDr. Vivian'sý retiren-,it and cal] for a hy-bection. Apýpar-ently, people don't forg1et nor forgiïve such occurrences, according ,--to -Mli. Staples. -To f'utber sup-iport thi'scotni, Mr 'Staples stated that ileha hd been! informed that Major Foote hadce. a job with the. Chaplain seýprvice 'which was payiig $4,500 a year to acceptý the Conserv7ative nomination la Dur- ban-a position -hic 'ould bring him $2,;500 as a niember. of parllia-1 mn.Surely, ho said, there ta soimp- thing out of lino in sucha niva A great urbman hinîself, ùIr Stples wvent on to say thatecuh not understand hOwV Major FooteU, ;'wbo0 is a minister-, could reconjcile hiniseif to foIlowing Col. Drew's, policies con-. cernin'g liquoir. Is Major Foote in favor Of the evident D'rew policy oûf extendig the liquor and beer 'outiets tbroughout tle 'province ihout the People o(f 'thos'e areas 'having any. tbing to say in the matt r ? If lie i'sn't, how can lbe rua on a Conserva- tive pitomandi6e Sincere, he maut-, ed (to know. Su far as 1 can seem, cniudMr. Stapie, ,Major Foufte bas hbeen noqi- ina'ted lui Durham courty- rather than in sorte ot'te(r county because the Conservatives-. consider this ridil-ga sure thing. Thhley are '-oing, to g;et the surpriýse of tLheir rives in ti election because if every Liberai andi every thiuking person milii work anii vote for Garnet ýShbeld and rememuber wbile tbey a1redon it thiat the 'Co- servatives have played us for suceers too long,th Liberals will vvm..-,Ad- vertisemient. iMeet Major J. W. Foote, VI.C., Prog.-Conservative Candidate (Coniti'nued froinipage Dne) ui,,versity. Next hie eniteredj' the Presbyterian Co!ege ôOf Ncil i-h vesty anid won bis 'B.D. d,ýgree. Thus he fon' lsfil.o1erie the .mninistry of the Presb-,terian bc of Canada, For two tyea ho servedi the p-arish of Fort Coul ngeý., Que., and tbeu w-,ent on to, foQh ye rs l St. Paul's Presbyterian hrdPocrtHoe ENLISTED EARLY Theni war claimied bis inmmediate service. He enUisted ia199 went t(>Englai n la 10 asCapaiRoyalHnntnLig-htInnty and vecy 'soon after býecme Director of Etinucatlin, 2ud 'Canadliau Division. Organt)izing ýyoung mien for euatora ourses to ittha into post--war 'occupations Majýor Foote urged aersonailly uonLiet Gen. McNa,,ughton miany .frad-o'igstops Ithat were ec l g-ranted. It was a, grea.t and iinspiving fleld ofi practical srie 1 got to knlow the p)robleis of youth right d'own the ue IN DIEPPE RAID Whien thie Dieppe raid came ou Au'gust 19, £9042, MjrFoote>ý ,,ent along wit'h the 'boys to help with tv'o other CGanradian hpan t> sustain morale. Hie veathered the sarn fire along the beacohu3 until the remnants em'barked for Engiland and stayed behind 'wt 46 wounded as thle Germi-ans tem iii. The press Of the day haiied 'hum as the unkniown Padre X borefused to le2ave bis mn, For bis h'ero:1im h'e was awarded thbe Vi1ctoria Cross. PRISONER 0F' WAR Thbe next thiree years Major 'Foote was a prisoner of war, mx ingl from i oe Gerinan prison camip to aânother as eahe and' Chapc- hnala-aon.g alied prisoners. There hogot a post-gradu1ate coure.lak hum,1ain nature 'which led to 'bis xish toý enter a wider fieid oüf pulic, sýe1vice vv:wh iow prosents itself as a candidate for thehesaur CHAPLAIN SERVICE Back lin'Canalda Major Footýe stuck with the men, in theAriy H1e was appointed Seniior Oh11aplain, 'CampBodn Staff Chaplain, POWERFUTL FIGURE Standling sx-ot ta&ltopping over 200 pounds Majr Foote la a powerful man with a st'eady l'ook WhaNba seen Bf. in ="ny spieres, Ili experience in fachtrmine, fang, tehn'g, clhurch, war, fit hini eminently to serve the people in parlianint amsi forcefuli-Y press the best hegisiaion for the good' cf the 'we Hoas rtre tA smail faring an'd a permanent borne near Port ilope. LOYAL HLMT MIrs. Foote shares fuhi in the ambiti of tuieram's sbamd to 6be of service te the people ofDuhm County -anid Ontarlo lu the faitefuil years a'head. She ,vas the former Misýs Editqi Sheridan, of Brockvilhle. Their hobby is band ami orchestral miuaic. Major F1oote is an acmh he anAman and 'plays. the clarinet as tauglit bisa by bis fatHer who vas bandmaster of the Ma&ef bud for niany years RECEIVEDFl BY KING Folowing the. awairl of the Victoria Cross, MjrFoote ms iinvited to re-turul froco Canada4 to Engian'd for a personai invstiture by fils Majesty tMe. King fie was received 'at Mte palace and renmain- ed for a long t'ak wit b is ajesty on tîhe polnsahead' in a shaken worhd. This vîst more than ever persuad'ed hlmi to turn bis atte-ntion to public Mdfeami' the weid'are of peuple la 'is native province. MjrFoote is the onfy ecanddae in the bistory o f Durbani Countty who baýs promnised te devote bis fuhLime to tA e job if ehetel tA the legishaturé. CITATION FOR V.C. The fohlocing soumniary gives the facts in the Citation for flhe V.C,. awarid to Major Foote: 'His M'ýajesty the King is plersed' t,0 approve the a-ward of the' VictoriaCrs toMao John Weir: Foote, for i the Dieppe Raid, AuLlgust 19, 19412, be atta'cbed hiniseif to a Rgmna Aid Past on a, fire 'swept beach and for eight heus xoe iniîse1f to an inferno oýf fire t(> carry und'ed comirades back for muedical attention. lie saved, ver'y s n ives". When the tide Went ont the Post was set up under shlbtr 'of a %tanded boat and Major Foot. ài cortiued' to carry hack wciun-ded, under heavy fire. When nte boat wasý fired' by enemy shella and live ammunLnition began to expiode, Major ot carriedi the wou1nde' eut wvitb compiete disregard for his' wn safety, Again he saved mnauy lives. Many times he hadi opportunity to en'n.bark -witn othersfor Eng- haand but steadily refused to leave wounded-conirades ho had served in cairps. His exaanple înspired alil who served' the caim- nes's of this heroie man as hb. walked about rescuing the wounded under terrifie lire His heroism wýil',nover 6e frote.Adnt. ~- P4RONO Lýý

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