Hec- as ihikin, o G oubt ,"o Com le o0f biîs P rcvilusDeýrby ex- perien.ces-of tlicliorses lie hiad- thIC;ght ver a cincli that faîIed to ethoglanîd of teonles lW idi't feel had a ch)anice wili Wn0 1. Foi rac ocesCan pick .IltÏlmate- losers thaýt look like cer- ti winn e,,eenas ynani. AraosfirstDebynoieutwa Nellie Flag, ac in 194U. Eey body vhiad Nellie pge as the greatest fýily sinc(e Regreýt-t!he Only one of lier sex eveCr te wi te gra JulupBeievýewlIt. fBut Eddie dis- coverd-aslave imanlyohesDe-. fore anid sn -h fillies are aI risky proposifion early in th yeaýr, and 'NelIeà Flag f;iýIsed up sti'ih j..teeothiers inifronPt of hr His next mounit, three years laSer, w5ýs Lawriu-and ïf Arcaro had had hi4 own way, he'd have 'missed the thrill of forking his first Derby wiumier. "I, want no part of that one' lie told Ben Jotues, the tramner., whien asked to ride, "i' ,Ve goS no confidence in hlm." But Jone *per- auaded the jockey that Lawr-in liad one hurst of speed that waa bound to take 'hiim to the front. Roundinig thse bend for home Arcaro ttirned that5burst loose; and that was that. Eddie confesses that lie was.as duieus i ý regarding Wi.aa' chlances, in14.leddntlk h way, Wliir-laway haýd been eate in tthe Bine (Grass StaIke3 and ni tlie Derby Triai; and lie Ie ta thie liorse liad crazy habits and wýaS juýst as liable teo cliùib-thefence inito teifedas net. Oile of Arcaro's3 great regrets le t(at ie id' take a litle of thle 1) t0 1 som'ebody cffered inii agaîiost the irea ýnewa win ier. w ioas a merei Il Edldie lad They er ,~ssiuî oui ~ * AIhul bs menU 10 th 1944 wantmudli te beat, Edde iad lis doubts als te the hiorse's ab)ility to -a't tlie mile and a quiarcte:r distaniceý. HeC wýas riglit. Stir Upfaiied teD go heroute and Pensbie C o Nextj year lie w'as in the sdeonHoop Jr. and didnl't havt-,e tew r ay htio tan lie dîd ibiis mnhon Citation1. Hop r, butjý Off front" and Eye r lad' evena glinîpse of anoicthe(r lioe ntil thley Lord BoP l 1-vas l .. m nt 3 thou,,glit wýoujld come-i froi b"elind witll terrific speed,1 moCWing down"' ail cenenders i te streteli run. Btit was a big ý1 f Il, lr te e t 21ugl,1 tlhle ch'an]ces are Shat Lord Bosel ivs alte es Slexperts said lie ws nwy Araestili t1hinks admitains thaýt lie gave hlnte14 faqvorite, as gcood a r-ide aspos- heap) Of onlookeýrs wodntare an'd say thlat 1ddie was disinictiy oqnde.That race still troublej(s bsdreanis, and lie's Situdied tie - - evis doensof tes oukingp for, and filingte finid, anymitae "T~aaxwas a slow horse to rlïick",UP pseed sa 1 didn't hurry him awyfrom the gate," Eddie says. 5'ing with tle backstretch 1 thou1,bt « ie, sboulîd lie passing som1ei ,of thé orles in front When, I saw tihat we weren't 1 hjit Phialanx at rh ive-eigls.hhs pole. Fromi the etnds it mriglit have looked as if lwe were fling then, but Il nistili ~ttconvineed that we were Eve nt the head of hestretcli we wr ensable to gain an jet Pilêt;an theý only reasai{ we gained on him te end was becauise lie wvas cmtdu11îg bàck So US, IL couldn't have1 given hlmi a better ride-" Solving H.C.L Besýt Mali (seeking bideron af- erteceremlony): WeesMac? Gus:He's rotînd(l a. th 0bcko teartrying on th0o1c hes A Bit Shy, But Willing To Make Friends-This eight-mnonthýs olddoewa veyfigtendanld i (gea dnger of being bit byv apain car , [hen overtakeni on 'a Lhighway by a Society fo hePeeninof Cruielty to) AnîimaI i atomob,)Iile rcenItl'. The oeis 1n-,vw quýc ithappy on a farm near Ariltr, Ont., and ishr seen mkn friends vwithIns11pecter Morris, of the S.PC.A th n reposileforIputiting lit in a place Of saf'ety,. Wha-t Goes On In The World By Norman Blair Western Euirope L March tie Fore-igu inuetof Britain, France, Belgium, Holland and Luxemýcbourg piut tSheir signa- Sures te a.treaty of iitial defense. Thatwas the stad of the European WVeern Unio; and on the same daY tle treaty wasopsignd, resdet Trtiman p)ledlged the -Uiteid States f0-_ give thle Unionasitne in the time os need, by apprepéiae mean s", NOw, a joiiet gener-ial staff haîs been establisld ameng the f.i've nations; and in aan effort ite letutheUnited Statesknewjust iow' mryucli assist- atîce woid bec edd have madle an estmate ofwtesthem strength of 1the We5tstern Uiïon Nations wouid0 bei ternis of nanpewer. Army Navy Air Force Br ian 527,00o 307,000 147,000 Fran)ce 465,000 58,000 72,000 Holand 110000 3,000 7,000 Blum 58",G ý ,00 nee 7,000 Luxembouý,,rg (,Strength neglible) TM big progran before dhe Min- ises fthe xýfive nations, ho -ever, is lie ' te develop the kind of pro- gram mon t likely to wiinthe wlole hearted United SAtes suppo'rt.Tli are wlaware eta lol a Russia they will be '.cauglît , ",il Su mideind tha-,ttlieir hteutlVwl bfebecompiared te that of the Sovietsý. Therefore, fin Ameirican- te ae-is; th crux of -"th'e whole orsei vudees Australia Witli 5 0 mcitak about isiug Arces. andatJe advisability of re- impSiug pnice contos in Canada, it Msay-b, of ?tuero to know' a litte of Whisat gees on 'DIowýn Unider" The moo recent ava-ilable reports sa htprice conl-trols stili apply tej goo'do sold -ivithin Australia; and ile the Price, Commissioner lias utiredcertain advances, on the whle tne evel lias been pretty wel maintainIed. A reîewof taîl pices îLs six Auîainstate_ capitals sliowed tliat thie index for the three monflis end- cng pstSeptenibr-with the 19s- 1939aveagetaken as equal te 100 -, wee s ollows; Food and,,groc- erie, 12; Ret ofomaL liuses, 106; Clotinig, 191;Mscla g ogods and servies, 126. Wloeaeprice of basic niaterials and oodsuffshave aiso risen ta soue extent, altlough net nearly as much as ou this Continent. The wleesaleine for November 1947 -cnompared on the some basls as àaoxe-w-as 139 for coals and metal; 158 for ous, fat au d, waxes; 281 for textilýes; 14,3 for chemicals; 130 for hides and rublier; 189 for building materials; 150 fer foedstuffs and te- bacco. The United States Te coîîtroversy in Washington over the ar preparedness program boi cowntothis - the Adminis- tration wanýt to prepare with, men, whule many mebers ,of Congress Just For Fun A c eputer con an En7glish newsaperwasreprin-ded for going t ichin ito detail. "Kýeep itbie, orsed the iieditor. Thie next dayie founthl ie flo' on ho sk:Ic Lorýd H esagueQst at Lady Wîsf'l's, comuplainied of feelEing iitokahglibali, 'his hat and' cot in otice iof aynhis d- paituea ax, pstolf omhis Thie Conigresto plani is te re-equip tlie Amïerican aried forces -with thie mest m1--odem iweapenis, placinig spe- cialemlisi on air pow-er as the moest poictnt ort of strenigth against Ruissian threat. The -Adiniistration is Vilin te go partwa in this re- gard, and lias repeatedly_ giveni warni- inig that asxt-i group, Air Force - uing recoinditionied planecs-wa aIl Aniienican economy vcao bear. But wheun thec Appropriationis Co- mlittee votedl, by ani vewhm majeity infavor of butildinig a sevety-goupforce, fthe stronger air-power pogramn took a re-al stnide forvw.ard. 0f speiiterest te mnany Cania- dians is thec victory scored at Wasli- inigten tfor îthe pro-margarine forces. i New York, tor instance, marga- rinec is sellinig at 45 cents a ponind, agaiiý butter price of more than double that. Dairy interests have long contenided that present restric- tive laws and taxes must coniiite, fearinig that urestn-icted rarirne mnay evýenitua.il i meani - literaily - thie end of their breadi and buitter. But ini spite of bitter Opposition the Houtse of Represenative-s veted by over two Se one te repeal thie Feder- aita.oevr r'ougîser sleddinig ;S exýpected inth Senate, ,viere the Simaller da1ir_ ing States carry just as muit weiCI] tas tho)se havinig big city ouato' Palestine Aýffairs i0i that imutch-trouibied lind con!itiue te reini in a condi- ion of chiaosý, and there are many who regard thie Arab tlireat of in- vasio, w\itl iz the ppose of taking, the whele couniitry, :a ývery real one. Thie weue man îvho may held the key te tefliceloe Palestine situation' iç 'Abduillali Ibio EI-Hussien, king of the muntiainiou-s littie couintry of Trans-Jor-dan. For althougli Abdu',- lali's counvtry iÎs smnall (poplationx only 335,000) and J was rec-ognlized as9 a sovereigu, independen(tit kingdomn only two years ago, his Arabl)-egioni is by fair the trongest Arab armiy in the Middle East, and wliat lie says carnies the utmost weighit inti te seven-state Arab league. The Legion lias 15,000 trainedI and disciplinied figliters, li have tank.ils, miobile artillery and other mnoderi .11chiized eipmilient. Tetop- raninig offîcers are British, the Leugion commiander beîgJoini Bago>t Glnibb P1asha. Anid very ls tics are said te exisýt btenAb- duihand tIie British Foreign 0f Great Britain In. April, for tlie forhscesv month, Britain,'s stee l induistry broke its ow n production record. The suic- cessful drive for miore scrap irn as apparently a conn1ilbntinig -factor,1 whicli las carried steel prodluction far beyond the goal set by tise Gov- eromenit. Productioni last month was at an annual rate of over 15 million tons, wliereas thc year's target was only 14 million Sons. Pig mron production aise rose in April, -Witli the industry evidently feeling the benefit of new blast furnaces. S The importance of these figures Se Britishi ecenomy 10 best iderstood ln liglit of the Governmlient's sÉïtt- ment aStle first of the year te- the effect that steel would takith place of ceai as Britain's nmost vital pro- ducS. Possibly witi ilth ret fthe iîîdUs-tr-Y's nationlatiÈon in fSiteFali as a stimu-iflus, the steel anid ion- makers Ihave realhy Showin wlat f ree industry cani do, ajnd thje four ,mentI succession of rcrd roe l reall1y encouiragîn-,g noite in thie tale o'f The anios Khlarey akeýs of Irelad arelu th eenny ofKerry. I GLÂ8SIFIED ÂDVERTISINQ AGEYTS WANTXID Bn arn PaIii4t. oof CQatincs. etc. peai- eso Wanted. WtitV'ltWsco Gres0& 0O i Am- t'id, Toropto. BABYCICO uOO pofits crewith goori hedn.Don't hanik o iasyuoun' get fast gr'owýti und heauvy Production ont of chicks gitis a poor breeinig background. Top oîlichiecks are ail frein Government Approved Puiiorumii testad hreeders and have been aiayn the most exacting peuitrymen ln Ccaada for thse Past 16 years. Can give promplt de-ijvery on al popular pure breeds and cross breefis lu non- sexed. pullets and cockereis. Aiso started chicks and eider puliets 8 weeks te laying. Sýend for reduced pr!celist, for May. Free c ataloue. Top, Notch Chiuk Sales, Gue,,s ontario. -42-Heavy Breed Cockerels-5c- Sussex. Sussex x New iRamen. Ne amPs. prompt delivery: 5c. After April LOtis: 5%c. May lut le May 1th: Gc. Rhode Island Reds 11/2 e. Rock x Leghorn and Sussex s Leghorn 2c, Legisorns le.PFat FaieigRocks and Rock x New llamps te Ma'y 6tis 6e. May 1-1Otis. 7c. To receiva tihese speciaisl enclose, tistûaiwth order. Alil prices suisject to change whh IOTI rontice. HURONDALE CHICK ATCHER. Lon oOnt. IMME1AT deiver chikî.dayivld, started. Your eighors nay ater wis'h they hai moeemggs.1ndpoltty for theismarkets ready foýr them-. Be gise, ho sýure yenu have enougis. Bray ITatche,i 130 o hn Ný<_. Hasuilten, Ont. FREE! 100 HEAVY-BREED COCKERELS witis 'eyor, edor f 100 puilets, LneTp Whita Leghis plos$28 650. Naw Hamos.11111 $28.00. To eree tsis ocilenclose tis alwitis Fur.r" o HURONDALE CHICK HIATCHERY, LONDON, ONT. PUL,1,T hrgin sl tsy iasi. 5 wýeIç 1oid: BEfi Rocks. Black1,>u,,ra'onps. Whitei Wyaandottes. WIlite Rock. Nw ampsires. UV J Halcup leire ý1X Bjari Rocks0.95. Black M\Iinorca X Wýitie Lgsn.Wiito Legliono. B3rownLeaore818. ssnedBeeda 1.00 parnlindrefi l-a. Aise6 wok lfis, Igo anil ttresa sud four week olIdpullots. ekeesandi non sesef et bargaîn onice. DI:ay olfi ceer isangainos: W1i' ELeiors lacis MinorcaK Whsito egio 1.00 . WhiIa Lgsr X Bar- nolRoc. .8.Aise hoavy ;brode trdc vrm..SeufIiofr cmloapniceliat. Tweddile Chîck Rt re Lmtf.Fergus, Ontaniný. BREE DER HATCHERY CHICKS OVER 10,000 BREEDERS IN LAKEVIEW FARMS Ail diluble blond teetod, bandfiant nasto 1Ba nl ycustomers haveiss111d Fi,oar icontjinun suTccos'el. gitIl Lakevilw cIisks. Yon cen tee. Frein John Coos- Gr2, hunt.Ontari- 100,u tIsanke for fine shipnent. 1 hava 10%livai'illîy." Wucfl ucs.71 te 80% poucinwitlis Four ýSuseX."' repentei Arthsunrycre.-Ogoode, Ontaie. EGO SHORTAGE Tota. chic.k tatchings dowo 50%,! frein Fear ao.Feefi onces wlIiho lower sud egge onces iigisr. POULTRY MEAT SHORTAGE -Reporta show cockoreiss tacertefitoe date own 70 to 80% frein Fean ego- 3-4 Ilb. broilers ara aeliing ionr135 te 40e Jlb live wlh.Tise margin ni Profit la groater tchan aven. PRIOMPT DELIVERY 50,000 Lkviwchieke woekli. Wcan rive prompt deiivory in mioat befi.Give 2bd Susses. Susses x N. lHampe., B. Rock x Itaass.BroRcs . Hampe., Risoda- telanil RodaLange type W. N'ýLegisonne.Rock s Legisoro. Susses z LeglisoruN. Illauip. s STARTED PULLETS 4 w-S.-24 wks.1 4îcet a lisad >tart gitisetrtdpulets Onroi O-erfor ftue'olvcy dwek t 1rs .1t l'. tlooks lika twilhI'pste"1 ete huy weli-tartod!piet,s laten on. AIl 1de 1p'lt' rasei oufrc ans nie - ielcodtons. HEAVY BREED COCKERELS 'jbuafsavai!il wely. Seuil forseca 1(ow onces on Iigolon CAPONS 4 WEEKS READY MADE T hora is gond moni uisgCapions.So for as muca chDr is. as t.ky.3 e40ec pear lis. alivo 00w. 'Seuil for large Illustratefi cata1logueaendl mani- agement book anfi weokly speciai liat ni day oId, etnepulets sud caponrs. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM AND HATCHERY.- FILL yàonr bredenisuses wtisMai' or Juno cIlsieka. Il snttoon late testant iner .sY"s" 'Èyetieet wdiesr'maturing ,Ilicks. Tweddlo csiea ave extra vitalliti sud stomasuin ce ve sue grow raiei ounsu tisa bot weacthei> Twe ddie jisigisproduine straIns have tisecharac.teristicH noofloil ion p)rofits. cGives Yon mora-egcge. 11ore moal. We eau givo prompt delivoni',on ail poJpular breedesud cross breefis in day nid. tarteil Itwo, three sud four week oId, aiseolder puileta eigbt weeks tu isybua. Seuil for nduceil pnIce- list for Mai' sud TJune,. 1Free, catalogue. Tweddio Chlck Hatcheries TLimiteil, Fengus, Ontario. 12T/2c - Hurondale Chicks - 19'½c Ail Brooders flouhie-hioodtested end bandoil. heeked bhi' hs edigreef .oundation.stock. Mani' sonrsrpr"B tchka ve hail. nil picea se roasonIsal". -Tise cicsik 1 ised frein yen bave douaeoedili' reports Jame,,s VWrigIst. (3weio Seuil. Pure, Sussex rnîlsef: 14c.Susses xs New Hamoù, Rock xN, ais.Bre Rock and Now RaM)me iuLeil: lVi;plits: 24e. Rock x LegogioSusses s Leisoro, New Hamp x Leglioru ,te May Lot)ris: mxo14e. pulieta: 27e. ceekerel-s. 2e. Aiter jMaýy lts ie Ve Puileta 24el . Large type Wst ohm Puloets "le, misoil 121-ae Fasi Fc ,thelrinai -Rock aoid RokYxNow Hamp ceekereLs 0c te Mayi o; Susses xs New 2lamp and Breai Broascoil New Hine eckenela te may ais: 5 112e. Mai' 1 - lOtis: 6c. Assorted Mixeil !cIueka le. assorted plets: 22eý-. Assorteil iseavi' encLeels, lie when availabl)e. Ail1 pnicos suhioct to change viliisait notice. 100% Liva Dlivery te your Sttion, 0ý, 1.00 poer 100 deposit. balanca CeD. Ordecr frein and enclose this ad. HIURONDj-ALE CIOXi HATCHERY, LONDON', Otno IWEEK nid pullet hargainls whýilo they lest! New Harnepshires. are Rok Wl. Rocks. iackAietalre 49.9->. 1Black Min- once X WsieLegisoru. Wisî Lgseu 1. Assorted Befs1.00 0r huiniiiefi esî. Aise four. tisree sud two week nýid puibets, cocicerois and nnoxe il cicks at refucofi onces. Day nId ceekpret hargains; White Legisorne, 1.00, Biack Austraiorp X White Leghis 2.50. Aiseoiseavy breefis at hargain on:ces. Send for c-omplete pnicelist. TOP Necis h Cbick Sales, Gueipis, Ontario. DYBINO AND CLEANIN(3 HÂ4 VE TOU enything needs ilyaiug or diaso. ina? Write 10, us for Informa,-tioni. Wa are glail te. answer Four questions. Departinent H, P'aisera Dye Wonka LImitail 791 Yonge, Street, Trnte. Ontario, FOR SALE HARLEY DAVIDSON MVOTORCYCLES Paria and Servie. Bort R Kýeiu(cli & Soni, 419 Collage S. Toronto. AýLL-CANÂ;DIAN MiigShenthorn Broeder'i Sale isaîfi et Aldolea Penn, lIýHam1iltoi, Mai' 27tlis. 40choico femailea, 6ottndîna1uila For ctae geswrite AanAi1cirRe.4 1-amilton. Pion te attend. 123 ACRES, Welland tJoutty, oua ile fresu) L a ka Bro. Clay min,.120 oacres hardwood huas, 6 acresgoodf inittrocs. ionti' 0,water. Large brick hbouses,haro 28 s 100, ssei20 z 76. 0e rte silo 2l s 40. 2 haen isonees, 2 brooden, Penn owuod ha ty sains faily .11nce 1825. Advaneng eg r'asu forsoliAl. M.E.Ba VOB SA.LE UWi -ji-e77 Pro 7ef1-7es.m61 K'Z 0 0 ,00. r1ýlnate lo, MoZ t boer 8Io t ou your owr. >- eycla 1e 160.0M. Wiizzar. complt. with>i Chiai tain heavy diity bicycle, fhhai duytia,hay duty spokçes ond haavy duty sPrýing fork q. 6270.00. Corgi Paratroopersp foiding mtryi,$ 28.00. Firan1cis Barnett power-bike, $297.00. PFranicisBarnott "Merlin- motorcycia (Miade b ,Enigiani), 641 0.00. We 7aY shipping charges. Ras, j.Was, 5 Wa-Iington St., London, Ont. Offiai cycle headouarters for Western Ontario. BROAD-BREASTED BRONZE, TURKEY POULTS Aliso SMALL WITE$ and BROAD- BREASTED BRONZE X SMALL WHITES and SMALL B.B.B, 'S THIS looks the year te make real mnneyin l turkeys. Send for our Turisey Guide and lat- ter te get ail thse details. Tisera la a gond American market andl demani. Tise duty la down 2. cents ver tb. Feed Prnces are going down. Quotations for May delivery for grain are dowo $13.00 toe67.0Ver ton. Ameni- can Breeder locks are dnwn 40-10 Per cent. Ponit Production wiii be away down. itlai expocted tisat Canadian penîts will ha sisipped te U.S.A. by liay or before ai goond onces. Plan te ralse pouit8! Tisis la tise eari Bonk your ordet- now? Big ieonsfor Avil deltVery. Senil fer Turkcy Managemienit ulide and -circular wisicis telle ail about Profit-_ prevention of cdisoase and rearing rnotisd, LAKEVIEW TURKEY RANCH EXETER ONTARIO IMMEDIATE DELIVERY- Bu1 ueir ait.EtaPofitday-I chiee an 1;.k,.OUr' cisik.3are vuebreil eroe orcertiiied iloodi-tested breeders. Tise rordcrs are R . P. o 0 s, ndngfrini R.O.p. ckr eI,,Is,Ïassuina ag t theasaine Mlme hIEaithýy andlvgoos h 1k.we knewnD for 1 tlaying arg e egasfrein 24 0to,82 .1u1ceave foo.Yen can always depeil uipun a mIl eg9 baktwhen yen ordor yonr chicike froni u s. Ask for our poce liHt. For immediato or future deiivery. Wilifrid Lefeisyra. 2025 AmsntSt., Hontreal. 24. BARGAIN! STOCK REDUCING SALE NEW pt-tpeQuec O 11 urmine BroodJer steves. 00eW $20>00 or 621 OSnelvrelte your station. Act ,uiekly, wlethey tant. subjeet te ciange witlîout n TeT receive tMis bargain tncee enclose this ad gumis your order. AIsecý BOOM HEATERS asi ow as $3220OS and New Pot-Typa QUEEN RANGE DIL BUOtN- ERS, $45.00vliilc thoY lest! LAKEVIEW HATCHERY AND SUPPLY COMPANY EXETER ONTARIO Hil-POWVERED Rifls-Write for desýcriptive foidters anil prices. 3c(PrE SALES m.. 3296 Queen St.. Ottawa, Onit. EAT HONET, Naturle's finest sweat', wo gi s'Aupjply a casa "f 12 four-pound cens u0f de- licions finle flavoeeil oyen isonai' for only $10.00. OrdeLrtoday wiile tish brganprIce iasts. Big Rock Farm, MileRchs. Ot WEED co'stmni itis ciemnicais is easy, quicit effective antI economIcai witb usa or Han. son ePrayans acnd chemicais. Wlrite for i0- formation te -George white & SenC empaniý Limiteil. London, Ontarin. HIGH-1 PRICEÉS - UJSED- BAGË Minimum quantity 200 baga, Write WESTERN BAG & HURLA? COMPÂNY. 87 Front Street East Torento. Ont. MACHNJIRY NOW IN STOCK. Bleatty ilep and sehailow wel Pressure 3sYstemm. dcep uwaii Rend FPompe, and i Pum Jacks. Air Corassors i ie hotis stationany andl portable.Cope.ln cOi woedworking nmachiory. Biectrie Mfoors, all aises tin'2Îand- 660 cycle. Port -able Elacîrie Welders, 100 ampD. cap-'acity. Write for pnices anldecitive literatora tot Miuigrom 7-ElectnieLite 7q King street MWest lHamiltoýii, Otairin ROOFiNo - SIDINOG B gan- Mili Enfla - Factori' Sacondîs 10 lbAsphJait Shingles 6$L75 sa. 115ý lb. Asisait iingles 295 Sa. Cüoons--Green, Red. Bine. Black, G7reen Blond, RedI Blond. %Il tisick Brick Shuing. Ret or RedI Bienfi $8.95 Sq. Sinootis Roliafi Roofing 45 lb. &J.65, 65 lb. $2110. Rock iaced 90 lb. Reofing $2.65 Se. Red,. Green & Blaek, F.O.B. Hïaiton. Thesa ara reivanios et tisýe ab)oya pricea. Ordar Now. Stock mie. ROBERT 'JONES LUMBE R CO. HAMILTON ONTARIO WRECKERS ALL PARTS Thioronhily guaranteeil, wracked anti catalogu- ed-. Shfiped wijth no miaes anywhere. Mal endors a speciaity. Ahl correspondance au- sweîed daily. No Part teeoisard te get. Try Our fast andl aceurate, service. VWa dcean. ne- p)air, or racore aiiy rake of radilator. Glawss instailld iile yen ilt. Lakcesida 4438, 1405 Biner St. W., Toronto. Ontarin. Write VWira Phone 5 îREGISTRRED Lincnln ewoa. Witis 9 iarge iambe front Oxford rami. Firat $200.. taises them. M. Johnson. R. 4. St. Catsarines. BOXER puppies, brindie. 6 menthe, champion sire. Henry Stameryhanne,R. No. 1, CASE IeI'kue haler. sud trac-ter aide nilske. god onitonte hiaheat t n fr iH Rael MODEN Cment Blek Gage-iully equip- polinidingisyreil iolt:6 eoed i-suse iîh sawood fer.bt.frae lunishr. ardnin illage 'onpajved mai te cuga Lko.Evelyna E. Ceeke. Broker% Nowasie.Onan n isn-Cianke AlOîl.ýl WHI11ZZER lon te eut1onye,n rown icýycle S 1603).0)0(. Whiszcr, compiete wlitis Ciieftain 1iseavy dt bicycie. With holavy duty tires, 1hoaevy duty spoes asud heavi' dut' spr-int ferles. $27f.04. Corgi paratmeopers ioldlng moo Sco 280.00. Francia Barnt Power- buthe, 6'297.00. Francis Barnetl '"Merlin" mo(torcycie (mafia ln Engiand), $450.00. We oay s3Isppina charges. Rae J. Watson. 257 WeýIiUngton St,, London,. Ont. Offiiai cycle headouartons fûrWstn Ontarioe. LEÂRN HIlndssinttiseRobe,,won moth.4 Information Prn rcaueet regarding cime&t Robertson's Hairdressing. Academy. 137 Ah. n2ue Rniad, Toronto. HAIRDRESSERS start a businieqsscf yôt, ogo giving AÂne Cold Wavas 'ttise H.,D, Ânle Coud Wave Co.. 106 Adelaide St. W, Toronto. NRIIIIIAL GOOD -RESUL.TS-Every suf forer from Risete matie Pains or Neuritis shnuld try Dixoîkn Remady. Munros Drug, Sinre, 3285 BfIgkfe, 'Ottawa. ?osteaid $1.00. Thoissands Enjoy New Vîgor FER-BEK TONJO TABLETS contain Ingredients necessary for a feeling etp 'Wellbeing" and for vigorous Gond Hat BEK HEALTH PRODUCTS Basx 25, Station K., Toranvto. TRY IT! Every sufferer 0of Rsuai a or Neuritis soi try D>xisonRemedy, MunrO's Drug Stor,j2Elgin taa.Pa- ýpaid 1.0 OPPORTUNITIIES for MEN and I OMIEN EARN MONEX T HOME Suareor fli-tm mn-aking. Leara tet make canldy a lICme andearn asx ïyou lýarwl Oorespndoce ourse. National institute eP ronfectionary eil elnmirP.O.. Box OPPRTNITEbFOR WO3M BSE A HAIRDRESSER SOiN CÂ-NADA'S LEADING SCQOCL freai rOpporttuniti Learn Ilairdressing tisouseeýda ' uesUýefu! Mrvel C graduaIs. Ile nue fra. Write or Cali MARVEL 9IAIRDRESSING2 o SCHT-OOLS 866 BIner StL. W'. Toronto Branchses: 44 King St..,aitn 4, 74 Rideau Stret. ta, PATENTS FETHBSTNAUE & Comani. Poee Solicitors. Establisised 1890. 14 King West, Toronto. olet ni ini OPUOrMalMOn n lreoUCat PHOTOGR A BT FEHEenirgeentwits roîl 5C'0e,orWits 10 reprints 25e. tuclude ihis ad. Ast Photo, Box 173, Station B. Montreal. FREE COL'R£,L ENLARGEMENT 6. beautiful 4 x 6 eniargament, iand colorel1 býole u gis eacis order. Pilme daevelop3eiland vrnited "0e. Reprints 4e eacb. Daiiy servicea. Quaiti guaranei. Sun Phsoto Serývice. Ste,. P9 16NSORTED afunlnp e eivaine. Meyfair Stamap Co., SainLTrno10. OELP WANTED PROTESTANýT teachers wýým.anted Cor Towogntip Scisool Area of -iCenoahLec. Staleý qualidea- t!ins, rnae.o e.ist insprector antI saierv -DUTIES ta commence Sept. 1,.'1943. Appiv1 J, E. HgeSee.,-Treas. *Adený, 0nt, W%'ANTED: Nursesand nro'aide for mson- mier relief amd permianent staff. FOulis. tenance previded. ApySurntnete Nurses, FropontSnaoiu.Kisee.Ont_ CAPABLE epr,~e il eca os. weork, fend of cidrnrrivate reoin. Refer. on8. 422 peimoeraton Boilivaridorno WÂNTED-i5on enoipe., lne clistdrani. à24e le aossalwttis farsu wonk andI ehorea. se»- ,aaenew five-roosu lving quartera ii btu Blectriciti', fai.,isaat, garden plot funniiseit. John Skeily, R. Rt. No. 3. Preacott, Ont. The termn hawk is applied li a general way to al! the diurnat birds of prey withi the exceptionq of vultures, eagleýs and owls. DOES INDIGESTION WALLOP YOD BELOW THE BELl HleIp Tour Fe'gotzten "Zr For The Kîid 09 Relief That HeîpaNMake To. Rarin' To Go Moro lhmu e ll i eyens digesto am l>enw tie beit -in Four 28 foo3t et of rl Bn gliu ndigestio tike, ,L'Y nutin isShpedigestien l the rstomnecisAN Whtoo me neclJeCarter'ts Litte LOver. Pil egiva nee-,d ealO to that "lorgotte 28 fot hn owels. Tae.on. erereLitt.le ,Lver Put b0ans and ganue eften motels,. Te.the o eording to dircýôw Trwhelp weoý p & arngto AND &bOwOIS4 1¶ yo digest wi'iat yeu hav* Tison wmesStfoll e tt.kida ele surisfes ibjttar isû0e hai t ya to.J uet b. sure yngt tis genulue Cesterl Lita. LivarPilla fom our druggst-53 ISSUE 2î -1948 Cigarette Tobacco 1.