SF REVENEEý B y SyîlopîSL CHAPTER XL: A the insýtanit she i dfrom dea-ilthsb y the timeýly arrivaI oftw riesJuna rConze h ier, Bartle. Valdlez, fadling ta locate Juanlita as prear- rneridjes on and disoesa numer arf vailkiey meniii coeec il- a tarlin bouise. CHAPTER XLI "Tie astthng xant ta do is hiaviianly of youi, or any cattie- men- yt,"El Caballero Raoja said cni~py. "Yn" - is ceyes singied onit Neison - you know something of mie. Cornle here. Pick nip that boand doni't let a finiger get in- side af it. Sabe?" Tl'ie aid man mve carefnlhy as Valdez laaked at no onle i0 par- ticuilar. "a gets imiglit pick up a gu1,nhuisenil-,,my bc,"ie said. "4AIl righit - a s long as you don't i it. If you do, youli n eed a lnew "And -if we doný't ulse one?" in- 'urda vyaung fariiinr. "YCour leader ;%il! be back - pr.iito. Uohiarmied. Bu he levshere wiîh use i lernland thatl- for fort-eighit hours flot one main ofyo il lift a hand aaînisi anly catm n fr any ,reason. is thait Plain?' "We'e ga a right tao protect ouirselves," aild Nel iot. protested. "Tile lawv does inothing for us "Telw is sornetimies like a r4ole, amiga," Valdez said tightly. "Lt fteî canatsee the clearest thins. e wn'tpahaver 'about thant. Ln forty-eighit hours yau right get information thiat l apein your c, a - aind make you glad f kept your hands cdean ofboo" "'ÇVe'd feel a hieap be)tte-r if we kniew whether -auir for nis or agaiost, s"thse aid man muitttercd. "I'm lwitho," El tballero Rojo, said gniiiy. Urging N _elson aiong with hum, ElCbalera Raji a hasily left the cinow.ýded roomi. WhVlen hle and the oid mani were almast ont of ight of thse hanse, Valdez called a hiait. Be wiistled. Týisre came a sla-sis of hoofs in thec mniLd and tise scui af a hiorse. The aimial wasa al blut ;invisible. "That's ail for youi, Mr. Nlo, Vaîdez said, maunlltiog. "! thoughlt it best ta hiave sort ofa-rchp- 'Advance Notes From the ,,Ex." Onie lbundred dollars somnebody's gaîng ta wýini--and it migist be yon!l G et nlp those qnilting f ramd,ithier at haine or niext tirne younwane' granp meets, anid try For thie $100 prize thec C.N.E. is offer-îing tis year for ie bt "Life in Caniada" quilt. Iniiuinay enter as welI as granps. Qulilts isnust ble 72 by 80 inrcises anrd have a Ma\.-pie Leaf in tise centre, either emibroidered or ,apý,pliquted in sailid color. The design aironnrd tis ctre pieccîe i ireîyfl up1 [ ta ya, so lg as it depicts s inphae of Canadian hlf e and adds ta the beaniy -voft the gne'rail effct, Jn-Lst as a suggestion, bowx abouit anl outline of 1your scisool iii one cCorner, yourhr cii n anr- othier, fruit treces ini the third anid a g-arden in the tnrtbi. Quisreceiv.inlg honorable meni- tiinwill Mwilnprizes tao. Sa get, yanir entry faIn a1 t onice by it hîlg toA Mrs. Kate Aitken, Canladian Natioiial EhbtoToronto. On thiS fan-. N' yo ai o back, aiyou'11l bave r.(-,trouble if yau kccp Ctiosý imen o1 yours qoiet for Silddleily the aId man was aJone. Be heard r-etrcatiiig boatheats,, bu t saw o lotbîntg. When be returned ta tilz farisouse lie was smiling. "Fortyý-eigbt hours," Nelson .ad "Ble'hI do mare than we could- faster, better - or I don't k a reaI man,-when 1 buick againsi aise. Meeting adjourned.", Hiding in a thicket the heavy box of guos he had taken away from tbe tobacca farmers, Valdez caver.' cd thein witls brush. Be spent a few seconds i0 sulent debate, Shanulhle continue lis sear -ch for juanita? Or make the su' st of darknegs in Iother effort ta uncoven tise nea- Son and tIse source of tise valley outrages? B e decidcd in favor of the latter, for it was certain that Jn anita's dis3- appearaîsce cauld bes-, bc os'dby day\gh.Buit even as einade[bis decisý* ni he realized e h iadni'îhaîif own unitil 0î o uhti stralige, lhaîf w",i(ldgirl badcare t nsea-n ,ta im. Ble had donc hi beat ta) keep any Sncitl ogltsfr] hi. s, bu cîhe wcre there naw h fulsroî.Adtietogtta shie mighît lie in daîîger fiiled hiîn witb tise unfamiiiar s'ickness of feaý;r. He rnountcd El Cieho, heediesa of tise sîeei-covered saddlc, and con- f ideot iiat tise sure-footed ani- majl could stihi carry biintate, , Baîf "-ircle B Ranch, and Pete Bas- kelI1. \51 Tise raîîchîhouse ahane shiaxed signa of if e, and tisere oniy anc rom, lis scond floar., seerned t caccupic1.i. Hste iingta tu,!e bousev, hec ciiÇisbcd swifîly 1p nt is second story. Tisen hc was an bis starnacis, edginsg toward tise rancis- miao's bedroom. Be peered in throwsgh tise wiodow. Tise laînp was on tise table between doar and bureau. Baskeil was on tise edgc of tise, lied, drawing off bis, boots, bis back taisard bath xx îndoxx and iamp. Valdez knew tIsai if tise sasis shauld lie slowîy raised a cahd drauisi wonld quickhy bring tlise cïritiman face about, And Baskelh had inat'yct uobuckled bis otr anid gunl. TIsec very second tfise biet.. studded belt, lef t Baskeli's fnes isaweven, Valdez flnng ip ftise sasis. was ins-ide tise roo( as s un s the cawnaýn wbîrhedi. "Sit down - ilot taa chose ta your giiin," Valdez said softhy. "'It's a habit of mine ta get bath sides of any 'story," El Caballero Raja said quietly- "About tise ructions gaog an in tise s'aley, I reckon?" Baskell's eyes were thougisiful., "Beîng a kiod of bass on tis range you shouid lie able ta answer for- ahitise cattiemen in these parts," said Valdez. "Nane of us knaw anythiîsg about an of tise fines and kilings," Bas- kelI gros -led. "But you behd a war counsel about dawn* yesterday marning," Vaidez rcmindedhi, Haskelî rcddened. "Sure wc did. And We decideýd thatoif tise tobacco men fence off Deep Water River iii tise nantisend of tevaîhey w'dte-ar it down, every bîessedJ timez they pt tlise sticks 11P." "WntBarthL, who 0own113tiselaiid, "Baîfwy ?" askell, swore ferv- ntly. "Be-won' give us as.t ich-. We offered to boy the north end af tise valyfo whatt WR'sworffh, but he'S askinig a road agent'.pie. (To Be ContlnuIed), M Babies LiIe ThisNeed Your Hl-iy hllsoten u- thousands t bfo eitfro)m teNaina edSiedApelof the'Salvation rm, owinri rs.Toa teeis flot single unit ofrth 88 omes, hsesadhsiasoeac thbroughlout Cnaaby the SlainAîvwihhni ,Armiv can niak!e a dollIar go frhrthlanot ee'dolri M'cdem n Eti qef--e By Roberta Lee Q. s it poprto mallt(.ed ding an-unlcenenîs at te samne t;ime -as tiei(! ital-tins? A. N-o, th-eivtaos are mnaied two cor tbree weaks Ps avance, but the annG7unce2mets snudbe rnailed immediately alter the ceýre3rrony, never before. Saine member of thie family can, attend ta this. Q. Io wlsat manner sol a fo)r- mat, introduction bephrased? A. There are severai forma, but "Mrs. Smith, nmay I present Mr. Allen" is always cor-ect. Q. Is it al rigli ta cut four or fiee piecesof mc'at an one's plate at a timn,? A. No, conly onerout'ifunlho" be cnt at a ti,1e. Q. If the m> o e nalae ofice israridshudaepo c gix'e hum !a1 is niiua ik A. It wouid e brtherta uget to Other esn'oyes taacnrb tienh enl' fID'r the urha cio one gi t foni a71. Q. VWhaî shoýuidact2 rne or engraývedAu')] riting paner sise1d for socialcorspnen& A. A meorograrn secins ta be the most popu.ar o'-namentation. 'Ilbe ssb, ocoîhing casual you ever bad!i Slins-makinig Pattern 4843, with- narrow fr -nt gares, new-look- ing long coliar, takes inches off your figure, yearsoff yonr agel1 Pattern 4843 camnes i0 sizes 34, 36, 38, 40, 4-1, 44, 46, 48, 50. Size 36 takes 4 yards 39-inicb fabric. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS (25c) in coîins(ms cannmot be accepted) for thfis pattera, tai Room- 604, 371 BaY Street, Torontao. Pninlt plainhy SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, S;TYLE -NUMBER. I U 21 - 148 Your ll~dwriting a jdYou By AIex. S. Amaoti Todax ' h ndw i îtin cornýes from Mis tu V\ ninv.l known mo- -S tlte 1ir "J"-nithse word Jane.Sec how paconsthe loops are, csip ,ciall ic h upronie. This indclats a pe. son vwba cap neetL othi, and mnale f iiind s ea sily, hax a' easc of ada-pbng her iwsef ta ne rlû~itio>ns. She; dew ansthe siirtcrniigtof lothers 5and en- dsaouî tasmo~h higs over ra- i~ ~ ~ ~ ~~1 se TehitofteJ"above flicw rilnghileis anîot equia:ito the 4 pt ofiheloopbelîx.This is a an"Ialerajit ttic-,s w ritten ie l.,a' srnall ""'but is very- Me tit the sx r, 1iter ejosclturai pur. its and is alt h vr iff al thin"s w hich e, u tlemmld. Ait undI pn i~int'îest ?slîss Vyman for !1:ba1, tu ar I talnt ta, bldý.I to Luodon il s c bsbeo lea s I ! ii ~ Chi /inq lu lyosiyîa p/m ind re-2vdress- m!adoed ih'clope stap, iea- risi Tisern a aniguap c rt ie ec, osting to thCn - 1?qil n Bhk rqey mi sle yig Q. ossca of en feathes ai by munning thmtsohte be- iy-closed isand inglustardinsuds madfe whwisitcoersoapthern nine bing wat oantise same temeraue sta agndgfr u ta dry tic a piec Q.BHow cao J1 satena-lemonsic A. ALemono isai hae brïec oe theardcnedroicn ong sadncuan ben freshed b oer ingth re quwith stdf r js afw iut Q. Baw cao I te gooiid esický her sickioom car ement of aec mine whethîen they are lhable ta must wben tise ganincot is wasbied? A. Steel hooks and cyca are liable ta rUai. Bafora using them, test with a samail magnet. If the magnat draws themn, they co--ntain steel, Q. How cani ,cnit soft, freas bread ilita very thin sices? A. ican 'be done . wthouî th, leasi difflculty if the bread is placet lai thse refrigara-tor and thilorouagh5 chille.d befor, ullc1lag. Exenfisappjointnenit cat i pove a besgif we ase \cGad. Thiose \who1 band hbeen taken iota captivity had learned thilat Go;ud couhd be warshipped, even aw'Oay f rani the temple at Jeru- saein. Therehad ben a spirualg afthi wrssp.Gd îa pae ta then hroghtbet prophet Ezekiel, sa n,"Aithouiglis bae casi thecin far Oit arogtebaheytw'ili 4 b to te saliritiesacar TC heccbedifie< be àt smpleor arnatý,. onit ta lie a place whiere w meeýt witis God". For that rea'son, it soulds eacargyeplace ià ar lîfe. press purpo)Cse Cf worsblipping car prove a great blessing ta every one oaf nS.. God mnust flot lie confined ta par- ticurbuildings deignated fol that purpose. Il mnst lie an abitaatti- tude of soWei nuitwack and talk with God day by day and hatrby baur.. TI-us by aur daily ife wev will express, the idea of trire wror-sbipj. School Teacher(vcaioin Mi tise caýuntry): Wbat a strýange Ijook,- iuig cow! hy bfas she n haowrs Wal, aine ows e deharn and saî cw re bora w-'ithothrs and neyer have aoy; saine cowvs shed 'ern, and 'san)ie cOws get 'cmj brok1e off. Oh, thiere's phently af ra salus by a Ccaoi turilup1 ithou any banrusý. But sa far- as thlis lbtre critter i is onere , s e s e's gai no haros 0is tisishe ai'ta caait i-she's a ule.11t - e* "And naw, ladies and gentlýreen, Mr. Gobble MV. U--)Pp will teli you about bis hobby." "Ya, sure, folks, my hobby is "But Mi.. Upp .-.. t yonrag" "Am, cnt it ot-I mean spoon- ixg honey-glden, rmaity-rich, ,vet-as-a-nnut Post's GraLpe-Nýuts "v.akes ... u--. "Oh -you like their flavor?" l'Are you kidding? IT'm ca-razy about it, miister -just ca-razy!" "You miean yau asit a.round ail day gorging youýLrself withi that super- delicionis flavor?" "Wall, Posi's Grape-Nuts Flakesçý are sky-higl innounisýimenit ao - GENTLE ANTACID S day, en*bet d h miserable, eloii% blami., on 'ev< Your lddneys imay ýe out of order-fer wlen kidacys Wfail e aystem doge witW-h lnipuiîies.and seada hesackaiche, d., turbed re3t, firequeally fol'o-w. ToIsIi keep your lddneya worlrlng prperlIy-ue Dodsl's Kidriey Piýlla-ai ee for yourself il at 'Ainl' feeing la net boni replaced by clear-headed energy and pep. Get and use Dodd'e Kidrley Pilla ioday, 4 Do 4ý s Kdný.y piiIs so they mrake me f-eet like a tiger." "Like wliat?ý" "Like carbohydrates for energy and minérals for growth and mius- cle." "Say -those Post's Grape-Nuts Flakes soundi good!" "'They dA saund gOd-,/Id they tast ontof-tis-or-ll "And cant you, use themi as anl in- gredient for cooies zand cakzes and thingls*?" "Sure ting. Yo'il find fi variety of recipes on the packagelc,." "htdoas it. W 're s ging off - and I'm sîgnýin-g on for a-,inýe deli' clous Post's Grap)e-Nuts Flakes!", Si Pe4. lt*V«Idl