ORQNO WEEKLY TINIES TILU19S]YY, MAY 20th, 1948. Keduced Ilo clear ELECTRIC AND OIL BROODERS New Reg. Reg- Well Ksîowni Maies Electric - 5,00 Chiek size $42.70 .--Niow $29,95 29 -". 9 5 --- Now $19.95 NoiWtOIIL Reg. $ 2.50-) 0Now $19,95 POWER TOOLS C RAFTIMA %STERVI 8-inch Table Saws $09150 CRAFTMA5TERZ JOINTER PLANERS 1$390 alse Beaver Sawsl, Lat.hes andisnmall Electrie Motors HEA',T WAVE RANGETTES Autoniatic Oven Colltrol New 1500 wat capaciývt fe RFlO T PLAE BROW orBLACK STAIR ,TREADS 18 inc , 9c 2inch, 50e The CH Puihat ieswt waedries fil 1 hosîr are, covers in one eat STARK VILLE Mis.-,1elen 1Hallo'well, Clarke, visit ad Mary al (m louSuaday. MIiss iHýeenDechaît 'spent the, 'week- and ith Mfiss Kitih1een Ard, Kicby. .Mr% Ros's'Hlallouweillwas i Treniton on Sturcdiay.i Mr. and, Mis Arthuîr FalW aiid farily, Bowmanville,Mr Wes. Falls, spenti Sun'cay at Thos. Falls. Mi. Lawrnence Savaîy, Oshawa, f e- ceivedl his B. A. degrea at Q'ueer'3 U-niversiity, Kingîstoni, lst SatuTd'ay. MIr. Cecul'Carveth will êhowipic,- tur'in StankvÙ,lSchool our, ia nîghit. Thýe W. A. will'serve lunch M.and Mr's. 1Hugh Kelly anid sons, Bowm\iianiville, visitcd neceaitly w-ithi Mr. and 'Mrs. Loi-ne Teddi. Mer. and -Mrs. ýA. Dobs on a'nd MPary Lou with Mr. 1-i(d Mis Evan Quanl- -Mr. home Paed a us punch'Ia.sed jMisý. lydasdlale's store at Cîooked nekand isnmoviig sh'ortly. Mr,. anid Mis. Thos. Falls, Kandal, spantt Frid'ay witih.Mi. aud Mis. Llew.V Mursý. Lorne Paadan and Doîcen chad Swinday dinuer with Mis Hos'kin, of Kendal. 'Mis. P'ercy Farrow and Enanton had a pleaàsant motor trip up anound Geoni%îan Bay. The Sihiloh W.- A. mattut the par- suonaga11-, Nawtonvill'e, last Wednesday evaning rwith twanty niembeis pies- cn1t. Afteî the devtional paîieiod tha buisinesswias' the-n.couta an plan1s iIada,1 for the ai'vnay o June 2thi. Mis..EwrRbnonn' Mis. 'lerTihun ha d chargei of th1lýe piorr i fathaev\ein.g. At thýe clsnf ithe meeting, Ms unt ar Trim inivited the ladies to blir 1homie foi the June meeting, KENDAL Miss Ju ;Cord(on spant acouple of da,,s with Mis. Wm. 'Cnitiss, ,Mri ad 'r.Nr hîei Shirley afrý!'iand lspanit the week- Mi. ad is'.T. qibTqeaký and litMaryRaid spentSuaywt Mis, Hady anld son Rog, of Toi- entewspet the week-end, with Mi. and Mi.T. llilditch MmL. J. D. Kenmy, of Port Hope, STO RE YOURFt URS AT HERMAN PURS CANAD.A'S LARGEST FURRIER OUR MODERýN SCIENTIFIC FURS STORAGE VAULTS ARE:* SMOTH PROOF SFIRE PROOF SDUST PROOF STIIEFT PROOF Send us your Cloth Coats and Furs To-day .12 er Cent of YoýurVaýluatýon I New Service Cleaners Port IHope Ontario 'I S'pendt1the week-end wih i 3r. anil Mis. Chs. liiny. a'fe ays at lher smmrcottageaIt AptslCay. Mrc and MUrs. Per-cy Patton, of Ornand Mrs. Keni . Soper were Suidaýy vsto with ' Mr. and Mrs. MacuSoert and Mrs. S. Patton., Mi. and Mrs George Claîlke spentl1 the week-enid -a their summeir 1hom.e, àhe latter is saIrgfor a weak or two. The Rev. H.. A. Bunt bnlue is semn on 011S-n(îaýjmorning 'ih thec thou'ght "It ys s enesy Co)ni al and criticize and so xnuch pene an happiness canbe gi xthro ugh a lit-~ tie word of enicour-tgp,,een Mc., an'd 'Mrv Bruce Anderson and Fî-eddie and Mr. and Mis. Winhy and Sitewart, ofOsaa spetth 'e waek- end with Mns. . Thorne, Little Fred- die went fisinniig and cautýgihit a tront which ha p'roudly pîasenlted ,to bis great graudmoi-«ther. Tha W. 1. imat la tha Sunday School room or. Wadn*sday, May l2thi, with the president, Mis.F Stokerý, la the chair. Thie cou cai'asaswre y "YourFavorte 'pringFlow rMs. Ilry lth district president, ad- dressed the nmellig and spoke of womnlas ominkasand nmothers and of the tanigof cidinto ake tir lac!ue l ia w'2vorld of tomo.rîo-1w. Mis. W.Jcko ravored wtha muscalselctin.Refreshm-ents wr KIRBY Mi. 'imn. Raid has qead p a gro- teyoni'gteth rm n unayafe 0,11 1 w: t \ cuge in haou hrc wa nt s are susuial. ie Mi Sïnîn M va RN.,Cf B3wmanvlle lositalstaf, senta WESLEY VILLE Mn. h. Holdaway spent Suiiay witLM% and Mi Truumun Austin. Snday School wus eldecat 11.00 with an attandlanca ofthtyhre s. HacoldCaswall and jean, of Zion, sent Sun'day with 'Mi. and Mis. Edgar Baîrowclough ti. and Mirs Carroîl Nicholîs and Gloia Jean spent Thuisuday in Toi- onto. Mn. and 'Mns. Harold Biocog -'id BW!] pent 'Sund'ay with Mri-aid Mi.Allenrtn of Brigbtocn. Miss Ruth Paters, of Mnoris'h, spant iu'a fternoon xitlh Mi. and Ms C. Payî'îe Mis.lac Htas'h, of Datroit, spent a fw days zwith 'liai dlauu'g'ti, Mis. Trumnan Austin. iss is Snl, of Port Hope, s'nent a f ew 'days wt her m-loth"er, Mis. Jiu ni Sa. i. and Mis. Davéd Vannatto f KandaL, spant Sund'ay with Mi. and I ____________________________________________________________________________________________ HEAR P R E MIE R GEORGE DREW Dï:,ý4%-tISCUSS.. "THE PROVINCIAL ILECTION JUNE 7" FRID1AY, MAYV.28t-h - 8.3o - 9»00p. CFRB 860 fihurch sas held at 7.30 with 'Dr Oke pîeaching a va'ry 'goond sermon on"eiin is 'cd Pr-inary Import- ance.» Mi.andMrs W.Taylor and Mý,r. SinyLockhart, of' Port 1Hope, spent Sun"'ay eei'g ihMr. n4 Ms R'oyv Nicholisz We a 're sonry to report that Eveý- lyn, uHrat and Helen cBinstd and ariThPorndlykýe naraconfînad te their homeas 'wit'h te sies. Mr and Mis.AW. Tufferd spant Sudywith M1\r. and Mis.' Archia Lord to cele-brate 'Wna"'int birthi- day. Mis. S Milis and -Miss WinCona Sanc1l, of Port iHope. Spent'na wlhMi. a'uMis. Sîmo)n ao- Mf. nd Mis. Bob Hilli-,nd Laurel, of Port Hope, spant Saturday Tvith Mr. and Ms Edgar Bnocluht celabrate Lauîal's finît biday. Miss 'Helene Barromclotigh, of Z-kpor, d Mi-ss Muriel Hill, Of Shaw'ville, Que., 'spent the week-end wihMr-. qand Ma.dga"r Baîrow- clough. The monthljy meeting, of the Wo- mnsAssocition was held on Wd ne day et the home CIcI rs. C. Payne with tetyfA peen, qulit wva' sartled for t h eRe'dCronssý Amnoiig those ,whio took thie trip to- garet andLan'r in'sted. aneeev- "', DoraAndeson L'oisPaneand Donols Dikerýson]. Te Young Peple'sUnion hl cusionit as eciedte tketh1e POTATO CONTE5,T FOR1948 E.Gcinfleidman Q theotr ilo per creouaitycf tubeýr,selecte'd exhbi mdsclafor. cookAin-g quality. Tha flr- '0 alon' with addiio'nal prixes f $125, .$75,0,.00, 0,$25.00, 150 anPd tWO pizsOU$1o000, isb Lidedvhich cooprtigwithi thie Ontairîo Crop IpoeetAsso- ciation la sp'on.sorIing of th-is opai tien., ThePol et(,o is 'open to all On- taîio potato growers' wlio hbave en- teiîed in 500onsaqclub contents or similar contests organî ,zed anîd c'on- ducedun1,948 !by cotinty cedMditict bahs'of the 0Ontanlo Cîop lin1- provemnent As so'ca'ion. EaCh po'tato grnwer aenteri'ng the c'hamýplom!shýip conipetition is reqjuired to select ona bushal hamper of sliow7 potatoes at the 194-8 Royal Winiter Fair, and, growers wh' have not 'baieda yield e f 30a or monre bushels pr acre shah nnot lha eligibla. Geesare L aiso reouhrad to submIit a record of la- bournd materi, outlinuiing c osts in- voivad in produicing h is contest acre of potatoes, ýto thie secretary of his locafi 'Crop rpoemnAscitn by Novemir) 1, 19418. Entilias menut be m'arda to thie'Seed IDptrmient, Royal Wintepr Fair,.'Toronito, on or bafone liha basis 'of the final qwaird for the Chanipionship Tirophy will ha as fol- lows: Yield per rOre, 200 points; murke taibla e tubars ýPar acre, 2001 points;Exit at Royal Witer Fuiir, 100 pIoints; quality test for cooking, 100 points, total 600 points. Fui-Il'ar detadîs eau. be secured froin the Secratary,Onai Crop limprove- m-enit Aýsociation, Dpat on f AgriultretPahiuentBuildings, el~~ok TIMET S.*ýPRING TONICS--- Are essejta to good health flis lime of year, especiall'whe conlvalesdnlg fri attacks, of cold ali the " 'fluï" that have heen so prealet.We Ist a ambner of pee spring tenies at lowest prictes- Wampole's Phlospho Lecithrn , Nerveý Food anid Tome b lottie- $1*00 Beinhal Tabqilets, Complex Vitammîn B. --- ---- $1.00 and $3.j B ecol T 'ablets 100 O for --- ---------- ------- --- -- ---- ---- $ . 5 Freasst Neo-Chemical Foodl Capsuleq; of Vitamîniis anid Minerais, at $1---- -45 ---- ----------- $2.65 and $5.9ý5 Certsfied Beef, Iroxi ami Wine, 16 2---- --z------- .... -------69e Exali Beef, Iron and MW ie, 16 oz -------- ...- - -----------0 BU rdeck Blood Bitters -- ------------ ... . -- -- --- -- $1.09 Your Winter Clothiing from mioth damage, when stAorhng awýay fori the Sumilmer Months D)ee-Tie Moth Fumte Crystals, 1 lb tin .. ------.---- -- 49c Moth B il, Moth Flakes, 1 lb.--- ------------- ...... 29e Moth Proof, Dust Proof Garment Bags, large, size, sîde opei, a t ----4 - -- --------- -- - ---- -- -- - -- - 9e a n d 98e L'arvex, Moth Profing Liquid -8.3-- --- -- --.- and $1.25 Wood D-ofBleekettes ----........................19e and 25c INEWV STOCK TOC-DAY!1 K"leenex Cleanising T issues T#o szes,"Chuby" ad Medum, ox.................1-- l oe or......................3e eu s i e, per Wbox -- ------.---.---- --------- Facela lensn Tssa mahl . FacatHae r Men, boýx...............------ 2..0... .. h-Are B.Trrei I)UG - AGENT FOR JACKýMAN FLOWERS Phone 68 :-: :-:OnOt sportBoss ldeS tipij)edclCoto î szeS 14 t o 20eaci!.... ...............19 New WhVîite RynLace frtimnetc, yvard c-- LreGoldf Colored Barriettes ...........5 Bo ys' Strl'i ped( JerseySwaes short sleeves, size 22 only, each .... ...............65C Chýild's Angel Skin Slips, sizes i and 4, priced at .......... ..............45e and 59c Men's White Cotton Shorts, sizes .34 to 388, pair $1,00 Tea Sets, Sw-irl Pattern, 20 pieces -6 Tea Plates-ý 6 Cups, 6 Saucers, 1 Creamn, i Sugasîr, Set .... $1.65 GROCERY FEATIJRES ,Nabob Coffee, roaster fresh, 1-2 lb pkg.....33e Camnpbell's Bean with Bacon Soup, 2 tins....... 27e SPECIAL - Apricot Jami, 24 oz jar.......... 39C 31c. Christie's Prýeium Sodas, saltedl, 21bbox.........52e SPECIAL- Burfordi Peaches, 20 oz tins ............27c Newport Fluiffs, giant 25 quart box, No Pr-iemimi........45e VanCamip's Improvedl Spaghetti, with Tomato Sauce and Cheese, large 20 oz tins, 2 f or....... 27e SPECIAL - 'BurfordPer,2 oz tins. .. Chocolate Peppermint, Pat- ties, 4 oz....... ... 16e Stuffed Olives, 6 oz jarI for...... .........25 c Johnison's Liquid Glo-Coat, pint tin......59 23e 1-2 lb 53e URONO 5ct TO $1.OO STORE YOUR POPUITEA SHOPPING CEINTRE Not - Funeral Priv-ate Ambulance hcutt - and Smith LI Direceters amd-Furnituro Dealers- KINDNESS COURTESY SERVICE Eqiped to take care of tbzi. iueat funeral at the ment. rea,-oýnable charge an wiàl A. the largeet and mongt ,zactig -i e noideuce- and -724 W. J. RIDDELIL, Agent, Orono Ili