EE OROO.ONT.,TUA, MAY 27th, 1948 T bscrptin $.î)O per Year Sunday School Children He ar Inspi ring Address On Sunday -Literary Society Presenited Sniappy Program ln Town Hall, Ç'le thrd and déstgs'oup imeeting ~oftIe isay Seriety (cf Orono CortduatcuSobolW'as ll oncu ayitunder the capable leader- lpc are eKenua Tise President, Gwendolyn hatrtn 1 rndtise meetig in bier usuial man- uercaliag ounthe scebrRoss Taylr suM tie editr BnAraa Roipli A'xrths usinemss part of tepo 'rimMaureen sud ber grcup tthtie nttametit tbi grcup long te tIe tune of Roîl eut thse Bar1l elen W'ýood then sanIig "a sol, An iOldScuiro" acted ontaand' Màang by Anna Marie Hiall, Kay CMc- xina wti Ross Talcr beiing pap. Ts fo$lowed a iarCchorus, "7TheDwurfYodel Sonig" b ic -[leboys '«C'«r resSQd as bobos cne uiirS amusement. To thse tune cf 7,eUe Dean sud Jean Turner dressed in eve~ngdresessudwid bnmmedi bouetsîtrlle in accus'anedbyq USih Pound, Ross Taylor eMdJack prison, the ghis sang and tCe boys wyhsied at cetrain itervas. Lares were -oenjoyed by ail. Kny eKena atedas a"Lny Liti .Beuniain an Onion Pateis wblich shle sang sittin1g preuty lu a piikg-icaru 'l'ilc the hboys wthbi green baw Vies came in on tl Ic chorus1l". Phe Anuiversarey Waltz wsdne bforgils in eeas o n su flhe solo prs'rt ras taken by Maureen MeKXenua, aise in a ev' iggIn Donald Mcarn gve tIse audience a inugIiwith bhis nrcitatin, "A TaIe cf liard ies.RosTaylot 1 andL the pu'y tise grs'intei1prn AMmeeBoydmtsePioion aroreMAtIs audiece on t5iepiano, wiets grop arnnedtImse sage fourtie (Coninue oupage four)f Hlome I& School. Club Myeeting The reuasi'otbly maeting of Chlanke Unioni Home and Sebol Cl1b wa-s be1 lipnTues, ay,-Muav 1iSt 1, >'w-ithIla good( lLI nmber piesenti. Thie meeting openied 'with "0 Canada' followed y the 'Lord's Prayes' In unioni. Whien tie busineýss was takenj care of -Mr. Orville Ceùtebo, ovenier o e te-~veuiig ïtook thse .Tihe fniowig pogrmmewasgiven : A' soie by. Miss B. Cbiapmuain with M iss Dawn Moffalt at Vie piasýo, "Thse Staris WiI1Renembe"; eadiing- by Miss Aune Mare $herwi ,M. aald thse Auo;Dr. ýMCKenzie shu1wed a-.,group of picures on bi istp to Forida; rdIl- -yMiss Etýhel Da'wsoui, "TIc Brewens Mausrion"; Dr., ceni then slsowed another reel of p-,i cturý ,es on1 t1IseFuuo lliýghbwny a, fihn in the nnroltbern wters;solo iby Mliss Bety Capmlal ihMisMffta Raine, "Te Ca 0". Ovi"lle ti'dered a vote OF tauest1al h had akn prtin the programe. The Ccollecti(-1 on ws htakTi1en up--. TIc meting (2,ed ith "Go«l Save the Knti, a't11Qch- unchara senvd nd a socýial laîf hour was spet iGy ail. a ______________________________________________________________________________________ our bank ýisthrtoereyula mýt 1-ake a eposit your passbookz tanyon e but You and your bal'. 'UjLl- vitarrange a Ioain, that is sticlyyou auý-d youir bank- When you discuss private fmiacial maatters -with youir bank manager, you knoNe they -will stay piae Sucliý privacy is the very essence of- Carnadian banini-g. lu perits ýyou oda -wili your bank anfd to uD'se its many Services ont a bai of complete Dr. WalIter Brown Guest Speaker At Sunday Sehool Anniversary GelesA gia ihurcil, 'I.CasIe (1r fhe weling o LdsKahle Turner1 1, eïider daugýliter of Mrs. RàJ Tuirner, and the l'ate Mr11!. Turner>l, and Edwar-d R)obert JhnMirto1n, o son of _Mr. and Mrs. George Morton., Kendial. For lier weclding the bridle echose a gown ofivo' y s  p eýr s'a tiî'n1 tih FrnesEl izabthhdessandfilnl- ing th bid s e r nlylui- sister Jean dr'hvesioudrleghve n cacdtbuutofpnyarain M,, ChresMron etJy.cui home nd th coupe laer omtrd edb i siidel nvybI1 abrinesi aith ite ïnd a aces oi r The ire;gular m-,eeing of 1 Ornio omen' iinstitut -e was held o i n Fn- da,, May 2lst.ý,v 'wc vr lumr Mr .J allo, sec! rsEtar1tea- atoiveMedicalServ ilies, sokeo itei atýive apia p iiim. O. W Rlphxlind itc-o atvepro- grmm n om Iooic, enri Insoftute for the-Blind ahe programmein 'cag e.-f rs ae E ogleson end he fsor icalRe- îerc1lomnite, inesened ie ous i , aig tm.MisAn Marlie herwn gae to eryhfor-a son enavr inresing etes f edýj ut c uer thyeariand residing nd eo len Mrs ~Htthadtaul~ sccPlatKen- alsixy e.s agoeand referred ia herletlt'er t may oi landmrs ksan l r-urC-e hnreda atce na old hirc boeue neor Thoroelv.A comuit sngsngofrhodsg Csa thenpii:ii enjtoled wt Mr.s stS e- A deligaht 01. ol-fashiened ,tes andi1s sc,'iai hour bouglit the.meeing t ao%ý close.lo e l. o0 'liz NOiCE I l Thi wek, a srytteekowe 1 TLýare olie to arm an extra Counity commission Formed 'For Urham Csunty A vry entîus-iastic meeting w a hel o!Mndy veing a11t tihehm in tIse intere-sti cof Farm Forums in the County cf Durham. There were fory present with ev-,ery Fum rl11le- prmesuted except one. Ms'. Cuare Bur, Povici l Prm Forum ilSec- retary, adMr. J. Gelwary, Dominion Forum ,1Sý-erny veein at t eadanlce. Mn. Biurthain charge cf the Pmeet ing. Af t'r somliýe dscsio ias decid- cd( tefoinaCounty ý-Commisson, on motof Chanls Osbor nsd Han- vey Mclin n, comped cf enc fromi acu Tocnship and tlirer fom tIse Connlty ,Federatýîioýn cf Arclue TIefolgwe apone:Non-i MaciR. G Mofa.Mrs. George man eudlL the CountySeay as sec- icretaryfor t-he rnew origanization A ponstioal ampignwas plan.- ae toosganize mioreiforaums in ercib Township and a commuitte Mas for- mcdl for tlat purpese. It ras ecided te hold a Cotiy Raoy in Orono on Octobes' S5th and .1ýth tIc meeting îhouid lb-ea supper mieeting. Sme projecti wcre pro- poied aed i eft in thee bandi of t1he ecmittUee for developmeut sucis as Leaderihip Traiingiý,. Folk Sehools, Hospiaisatin.Cic, r Insurance aud Credît Unions, Kns -Lusbt on UuitedCuri was tI siettiug for trie mrnag of Betty Magreioldlcreýft, daugîter! cf D.Donald 1j. Hlc"tand tle, late _Mn. Ha'zel Adai Ho011ldcoft cf Jaieo , Toronto. Thc couple were nttended by SM n d MJohn 3M. Hape, str1n1 bot- s-i!lwof tise ~ ~ 17 gro.Rv . J. orwood clii- ciaed ut1Rerv. H. A. Beni-Olil ie were a aiiord sit cf poarder bn gbrieaud nnavy tulle bat handedi bywicfwnavyandfwhic s-ý si r adcosae f cear'l osesý Areception floe at t1-e home cf îLle ric' V.uî. rsý. S. G. Ta-, left fr a sort bncymo n Ty will Tcbieisln nýice(cf >Miss Fier-j W.C.TI U Mcetin lg Theaumal eetngcf the Wo- mans CnisianTenpenuceUnion was bcýd (on Wemdnesda, May -, i PakSt. United Cbnrch with M. R. Rainey preîidng. Abter' te epenin ymatisedevo- tionluaa tkn yM iss Edith SIen- vin,71o gare a veryTon luk- it isoenï uc (1 bkeý ami drnldMIsa a1rs forwed ritb1paye Aonnual repobrt cngir rediug secrétry, frui missinpce seeretarysp odrankinsd preini Clarke School Area Making Mariy Impro'veme] The Area Board wmet aon Wedunes- Mr. GeýorgeCapels'e day Ma ith.a McLen'sSchuoolas muaicaheýr at Noýý'"1 aI and aftir th inuteslad been read Iaccepte'd. and approved, the following bu'Msiness Te t,e- ners for wr g No. wvas transacted op"sed and tne te"der of Jo It wa rpote tat the iesltion Sweanor of Port Hope, wns a,, at o. 0 nas completed.That 13 Thse secrete y a ns rur' n' seats 11ad bee Oset to No. 4. ontact ueacb teac er as o cc ThaIýI p ores oar. instalation of for next sbolyea% sauitary toiets at No.1, 17 ard l Tl,,e Local Levy ra-.-te for tVb 21 -,as beinig -ruýade. That estinsates was set as üol in a xKO tve ±pn t No. 21 be su- Nos, 8 9 and 21 v o vol1. 12 N o. 18 Dfepý grati1lc.tIiOn1 is feis by th-r.ý Superintendeut nud stanff at tIse ves'y sucsfloutcome of Parýk st. Sun- dySchiool aniveraaý-,ry last Suniday'. 'The giorious array crf flowers graeing- tice front of the Churchauioru found itscounteppart lu tihe sen ci bnliglht happy faecs upturned to-. ward S !U sM. A. A rmodh semcoducted grupi cf choruse.s sud - Creul relra à] ruuSIIla ve markd tosepnecdin weks.Thosec in chairge outssexpricnced VIen usueil qualuis as te tIc ultirmate sa sui cf tde ventue, andthe feas u' t thle wetbrighit da nidyI tde bargan Everytbng C me ont ounthe briglt their Sunday best ld thse edge On- theolîtrs bcaseDr. Wal', " Bnow, giestspekerfor the occ- sire, solunlyauiccdni cildrein thtifpret bcmefdgtytey (tie hîlrc) wrete gvethem sa hom'e.Ltterestlessness c >as lui vi dence fren any souce as D r. Bor teck three O01ld Testament stories and, reold tbem ,ýwith in pict nd teIc Soipture po'dstise subýject. A,1C(m'ipanying thse eldrenin thil wmuin service- was the S. S. pianiît, Miss Arlenie Boy-d, bl a doubllle vo- cal duet wns creditably Sung b3y Misses hn htterton, BettyCa- mnan, Ka-y CGamsblY sud Jean RainFy. Mns. Woimnprei4e attise orgian. 111 the eveuiu;og a large chOir c f Y. P . H11es-cupe -ts chlc;i gallery. Tise siu1ginrg by th-is c11Inir was isebighly uý,ipreeiated.lU Glenn Alun cf Newcastie. cnruibtedi two bautiful vocal Solos- s'.Alliai bas becme MIllkuwa fcllong h. recen't radionucess Aus ChaucellrosfVitraClee TorufMo, Dr.WatsBw n loe much cf b 'is evnn icus ecen- tre around thse ieedcfWthe College for OPheuyalyMndsunp ocf thse Un'ied CurcIaî 1I rge. Tho brc' 0f'rig fou thse (day -te ureportced