Synopsis Chaptar XLI: Valdez tries ta per- suiade valley mren flot to run cdown Pete Hal.skell, 1whlom itbey believe'is teculprit tbhey seek, unitîl more evidencue is produced. CHAPTER XLII "Thien yýou can't do anytbiug "B ut otb1erise we - began the T[1)e ranicber brindird like a cat witb its back utp and tail fluffrd out.. "You'vec got a -nerve trlliug mi w-irat wve ca't do witirout buckîng the lawl" lire roared. "You're a shin- ing exampfle of a law-abidig-" "No matter w a Iam" V aldez sni-ppeçc curtly. "Pinm asking you ta hold youir mnin jcheck for forty- "And supposenoe of thlem frais likec taking orders fromr an outlaw?" Haskeîl growl1ed. 'Tenyu eau aIl face the farmier's gunisi Somiebodly tried ta burni out a tarmner inmed Prinigle a few bours back. Anti':if things bati gona t'II - ytbeyý started, after that, at a famrsmeeting toi-igbt, yu bulId- ingsiligbit bave bren asb piles by tiow. And if you bhat trîed taP stop 1' em, you igbit't be able to it hare alkingno" 've got igbit punchaers in the bunkous!" ~ Iu s te r e di Haskell, ".Then tbere wouhd bave bren nine dead mien. Tbirty or more settlerg were> ready to) ride, down hera and, bumi you out, Haskell." Haskell stared "You mnean you stoppeti 'em?" Val1dez srge.'m igiving you orders uiow.Tbyr for your good. For iort-eigbit hbars you and al cattieen keep out of thie farmers' valySabe? If you donoý't-" * Tbroigh tbhe ýen winidow came tiramd-ufldpound ,'of a gallop- Îng horse. -VaYlIez sbot a glanca out- * side. He conid glimipse a rider ha- low', already baîf out of saddle. By the wide split s1irt hae kute tbe rider ta be a girl, aen before she cried out Hsklls amie. Tble nid rancber was amazed suîd alarmi. 1Lm Caillau's dauighitrrl"Fie thrust b1is heiad out of tlira wîndow. "Alicel Up lbrrr!" A dark-baired girl mvdiuto the Oblonig of ligbit oni the grounid. "Youý'va go)t ta camne, Mr.'Has- Advance Notes From the "Ex." In five days recentfly, M rs. Kate Atken, womnen's director ai the Caniadian National Exbhi- -don, ilew ,-the Atlauitic twice and výisited Berlin, Paris ?ani bon- don. SLeh d Exibition busine--ss ta do, as you mîngbt guiess,!fLt was notb)iug short ai arran-,giu.g ta bing Princss Eiizabetb's beautiful, wedtiîug drrss ta thiis yaar's C.N.E, for ona anti ail ta ase, El'wood Hgregeneral manager ofaite "x."ha i matie the,,preliminiary arnemnson bis tnp )overseas. WbLla Lu b1on- don, Mrs. Àitken also went ta tes at Buckingiram Palace, tda gtlest of tire King anti Quren. If yau haven't yet got yor C SN.E. prize ist, there's -ne ta hik» nQoývta sit tiownaanti write f .or Lt. Just send along3your nam to Mi . Kate Aitkau.Womn' keli" she crieti "Dad_'sý tryinig to 1 -p a crowd *from riding te the vailiy. Bartla's brought in more settlars, andt tere's barbed wira on~ wagons." "Get borne andteltrl your dad I'm comiug pronto !" Haskell spun from the windaW, snatched a boot and jammeti in bis foot as there camae the souud of the girl's'horse racîing away. "You can 'Stop those hot-headeti fools if you try bard enough, Val- de said tigbtly. "You've goit ta," "Maybe I can. If not-" "I will." Valdez slid aver the window sIll. "Tbere's a forty-eigbt-, hour truce ou. I told you that." "Not on you, hombre !" -Haskell sntpped. "Looks like you're deati set against us cattîr lmen, That mnakc you fair game whrrever youra met Up with." Valdez vaulteti ligbtly- through the window, into the«blackness. Ha, was ont of sigbt wheu Haskell pounided dowu the stairs andi out te thie corral . . . Pete H1aske1Il racedtietaTim Cal- lani's s.pread Lu a ather. Thera ha heard th)e sorest news he bad beard amîýer thefîrst tobacco farmer bati tbrown uip a long fence Lu tire sauth end ai Deep) Water Valley. "The men hav e already gone, Mr. Haskrll," the cook told hLm. "Tbey al ain't. more'n thrre-four miles away by now." Haskehl raceti on. He must stop them 1 1 caught up witir theiu at Chin- noc, Pa,theli main entrance ta Drap 'ater Valley. Ha rod - with gun Le biald, grim, determination Lu bLa atr-Ieryrs. "ýI'mtrflot arguing," ha tolti themn. "But fo-r the ast time I'm telliug you thiat the man who rides this way and gets by this pinta ai mine dors so alter hae drills me. "lIl ride with yon ta towu ta Bartle's office," hae offemed, "provii-. ing you let me speak ta hLm alone -and'let me get away before oe of you draws a gun. on hLm. I don't want aveni a buzzard's blood ela my bands or conscience. Saba?" The n agreed ta follow tire evel-headet iHaskell. They turured their irrss'batis towýard GolI Ellen Maxon ýay shivering with dread a the mlan she bati once tbought she loved came storming up thec stairs and -ta the door of ber bedroom, He did flot- even knock. Tire knob was twisted, anti Clark Weber stampetijitta the roomn and over te ber bedsïIde. Shie cuId bear bis beath coming Ln fast, b -it te r muatches. "Hiave you bren' Lu tbe barn lat"demautird Weber. Her denial ded at sigbt of" what lay in the palm aif bis outbrust baud. It 'was a hairpiu, ona of the rubber kind she' used. 1He stooped, grabbed up oua of her shors from wbiere t Iay baside tire brýd apti spat ont a curse as ha dis- co-vered thie sole was caked -twitb "Ye1" Elnfînngý' at hLm de- fIiaitly. "i baaen Lu1 1*ýtirebarau lait, I set that poor !littîr Maxicain paon f'rer! Ad ou se-rte freaý wben y -oui triedti t do sncb a con- temiptible thling as to kýidnap h1:lm ta >try' tal get gold from Ibis fathari You'ifii youm ring'ouan t blazed flre. "oulittiaemptyý-e New Canadians-Three hundred immiiigÏrants to Ontario from Holland arrived in TorontIo re- cently. Most of theml are farmr folk and wv.Ill settie in rural sections., Six f;ine-loking new CndianlilIs rest On itheir baiggage while wvaiting for a train to their new homne in Owve-n Sound. From lefit are Adrianne Van de Steenl,lher sisters josephine, Betsy, -Aiei and Maria. LAN N£EI1HP STJ Ffla«1eW a,,, d j FIHow DolJ Know He Loves Me?" "I'va bren going witb a boy for two years," writes a young fiancee. "I love bimi more, than if r, and ha, says be feels the same -,ay about many of My marrird friends said befora tbazy ma:rrird.-'I know;v no0tbhinilg vwill and nme'!" "Ho0w car tbry be so sure? Must we just take tire ba's word for t? Fim afrid Ita bIe toc> sure, for fear of gettiïng IhurLe' Aind niýanyaagirl, ý Lu theweeks befort lier rdd(inIg, feels the sanie \We annredir., tbe ftur;e. We nieyer -can i besure thýat ntig wil bapnci" brtween ourselves and tbe one wc love. A- safer tbocugbt is: "ýIf anytingu. does bappen to' us, I know we'll comne througb al rigbt." Tbat faitb is based on the kuow- ledge we bave of the man we are, A wh Iirl ýkirt likeý Sister's for itthe "Me. Too 1ý" Maka Pattern 48O as a smltdjumpeýr with pfe sîraves, roundcolr for- now. Tlha angelic sunlfrock is for summeiicr! Pattrn 4820:) 2, 4, 6, 8,0 Size 6, frock, lU/ yds. 3-u;~6yd. con- trast. Snnfiirock, 254 yds. 35 -1 Lu. eniTWENTY-FIVE CENTS (25 c) Lcons(stampscaninot ha accepte(') for tbis patterii to Roomr 604, 371 Bay Street, To'ron)to. Priiat panySIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMVBER. ISSUE 22 - if4l te ma.rry-knowledge acctuulated tbrougbý the years ai ouir friand- sbip. Knowledge. ai-d Faith " AhI loyers have mrisuynderstanti- * ings. -How ba% thire yotnng mran " measured up tbrougb h fem Lail? " is be quick to cosl emn you, or " auxions to give you tfize beniefit of "any doubt? " Does be tbiuk, of youý-r pleas- * ure first, or of bis own?ý * Is be tender wiren yo>u arc ii, * or impatient with any, sicknes;s? * Is he jealous wben you talk to * ta an old frienti, or ýdors be trust * Yeu? * 1* hc plea-sant ta yeux girl *friends, or dfoes he resent your *seeiug tbeml? )&e Dfrs(hget aîoug,,well with v onr imily-? * ors ihelielp wý,ith the iseswben *you do' them iat hom ,I-r sit', *ndread a nrwýspaPe-r? * Is be stric-tly, honeat ( 1 uan * as bie real integrity) or -1ors ire *just get by? * Is he generous with moneyý, or a: apenny-piucer? (0f Courser *you've discussed budgetsat * who will haudle his s;alary?j) " And (this is important) d o " two' laugh at the same jok,. Lke " the same fonds, enjoy the raýme " sports and rutertaiument? i'f you " difler, dors be comps-omisr,, or " think youi shouiti go aloug witb, " bîm? " Check your answers, aud you * w ilI know what lov-e e as for Syou. and' your cacsfoir aý ~good marriage. Ta '«S.V.," "A Little Afralci,"> "Wondering"' Instead uf doutinig the affection of these yVounIg înein, h intelligeut.. They haJiýve single-ti ynu otto, mar- ry, romailthe girls thiey o- Sthait proves thley -love yen b l)est. embethioui,that whrn u 0-ï miarry youlilive together prIct- 1 icaly24hous ntof 24. Il(is u- [portant thIat yolutrulst eaciI o.tber. M~ake csure Yeu do. nti Iarui, durl- Lng thîs engagement perioti, ta talkc tbings over w1wit you do'qgrer, eacb Lu the spirit aief ercomn- promise. Have faitb Lu the man you're go- Lng ta marry, anti let hLm kuow t. Don't fear tbe future-yvou caunot es'ape trouble, but you, CAN leau bow ta meet t. Write Aune tHirst at 123 18t, Street, New,, Toronto, 14, if yon think she cau np Thomas Gainsborougb-, painter of the famous "Blue Boy" bati sketch- ed alnmost every trea andi cottage arounti bis borne by the time ha a 10. ROOMS BEAUTWIUILLY FURNISHED $1.50 up Your }Iandwriting and You Aleix. By 9, Arnott RyRgersk Our readers5 should be esped- ally interested lu this week's analy- gsas it iLa that oïfl t handwritlng of Roy Rogers, king of the ccow- boys and- famousmoio picture star. if you bave füllowed Roy',% pic- ture exploit& you wiIl know; that they feature especially bis gailant- ry in protecting the weak and un- fortunate. His script is written with iigbt, fine lines, a strong ini- dïcaýtion f asprta nature wbich tdstowvard idealistn and nobility of tbought. ndpndne asbown in the lietter "d", revealiig Roy's' desire to do thinigs a.,Ccordin-g to biS ;on iclinlations rath)er thlan those of other pot-tpctof the pIionereritig spirit. Extra large loops in bis capital letters areaio ypclof tire adven-turous t, ype of per-san, always5 willinig to take bold s teps, Th'le gsallness of the wr-!itinlg giVes an appearance, of concentration - a sigýn of powcr to focuis attenltion on the more importantissues. In some of the otheýr 1etters, biaving decided ioops withi tight knots to close tbemn, we see u cacity thrat will stick to, a probiem nt ifl it bias bren, solved. On the whole Roy's wrïitÎing is, a good illustration orf ilsîceritye of purpose, really remtrkaiblte energy and a bigh-spirîtedl' pro iy Suknday School Lesson, By Rev. R Barclay Warren. ORAG EO Asron wshnga more compOe cnalysts pease se'uzd s&r ed<avl etoAlex S. Arnott 123, 1tSr ,NwToronto 14.- T 'eis no rrqe fr this serVie i Th91e Quallty Tea Daniel Stands By His Cnitos Danliel 1:3-20. Golden Taxt:-,.. But Danliel PurPo&ýjS ad ini bis beart thiat b<, would not dc- - file bimrself with thet portion 4f th- kin'g's meliat, nor wai thte wixrA whlic be eiutted f thre prince of the einucbis latire migbt noýtd- file bimnself - 1DnniLl 1:8. Da iebs always bren "a boy's bero". As a lad biewa taken ae cap- tive In',jerusale"In au1d led 0fte Babylon, tire capital city of a pagan empire. Re vas to b- fed wïtbh the portion of tbe kîing's meiiat and with tbe wine wlircb b le drankc as Part of bis preparatlion ta, appear before the king. !ri suiclir ircumistanceýs t would bave breni easy to ignore tbe teacings of bis youItb (onAce-rIng cîran and uniclean metats. But Dan- Lai purposed ini bis becart that ha would not d&file imiiselï. Yeýt ha, was flot offenisive about tit and court- eouslýy requeLstedtb, at be -anid bis comp,,anions ba teste,' for tenay onl a dïit whichwod not be lai coniflict witb bis convictions. Gond blessed tbem pbiysîcally, intellect- ually and spiriualy for this noble stand. Whien IIhey appeared before- tha king, bie fouCnd thýat in ah mat- ters of wisdomi and understan-,Iling tbey were antimies 1better t0anfaIl tbe miagicians and astrologers in biis realmv. King NebucbadnIlezzar was atm.ý azed-and ron-vinced. For the bal- ance of their scbool days Daniel and bis cmpair ere permitted ta ceontinue tbaeir ir-nIe diet. Witha the courage of bis conivictionis Dpn- iI dared ta "s ta--i alone" andt, aeven Ln the face -ýf psibedanger te biiimsef, ta do wbatbe ad been brougt u 1P to regard as rigblt an'd proper. Tbe pledge of abstinence from ail tba.t defiles was the safe course for tbose young visitor ta ýBabylonYt, mnaguificent capital of tbe greatest empire than upon tbeý globe. There is foIA wiser cors or tbose, younig and. old, living in-,tblt, presenýt ara, more than two thion' ici years ater. PM1P LESë ANM LAC KH E AD Quickly hePlps so clear rip thcse blemishe Ieaving sz'sfand SMOOth. PonDyaOs-r 50 years. Dr. CaesOnmn OREVENUI LOTEL METROPOLE M'JAGARA rWALLS D&'?. -.m .a TTO