Muf f jr "and Jari today! as it ever waî. asIty pre- e -ve S, j amýS and1 JJcIies inlthe i cile-rg - y ecabI!inet are -1ow MUv TS. ilrvith rhubar)ýl-b amidrtraw berry conseýýrve wheu these fruIits r PCtheirSpea esn He ý,re's a rcp -.wbichb bends theic nscioiisuesi ofT hee to fut oaacnev You'l11 be praud ta serive 1next iiter. The comnat111ion otco' ,r I Isyrup and suar ives anicÏ exue n shealc ud it the right dereeof sweetn1eýss ta thisConserve. Strawberry Rhubar:b Conserve 2cups (112,paunld) rpae rhnbarb Icup seedess rais 2cups sugar Icup orn syrup % age ornge 4 us(!17puns reae strawberries 4clip lan,,cheï wlnt, orsl choppedi le pepae rhnbarb wash and rutsinto 2 nh piecer Pacein deep 1lste Add raisns, sgar and corn syrup. Remo1ve peel froin orange and cnit away one haîf af k1ler ,wbhte par-t. C:hop peel andl add ýtal rhubarb. C Lt or*ange pulip, *niel ree froimemrnit silIpecsao ddt ruar b. Meuhlwash about Il/, quarts flyripe tabriscri u bufll. Add ta rhuibarb mnixtuir,Brinig trja-.bail, stirriug occasionally. -Re- duce heat; sime,stîr-ringoca çsiou1a"ill ithi àk, about 30 ta 3,5 mintes Reovefrai h1 eat .and pool about 5 minutes. iBjlch wal nuts by £overig wmthbaiig water for abtult 3 minutes,ïthinldraiad i" cave with cold water. Drain; chopl a dd ta rhulbarb rmixtulre.Pur Conerve inota atstWiied gses. 'araffin. Ma 7e glass-es. (6 flid rounces each). Servewth Breakfast Muffins 12 uisifted flour 3teasoons dmobeactig bakin poawder 34 teaspoon sait 3 ablespoons sugar 3 egg, wel beaten 1 cup milk 3 tablespoons melted shimrcing 2/4cnp whel'bat fklakeS Sitflolir onc, ma.sure, add bak.- big powýderi, and suigar, anid sift aýgainj. Comlbinle 4gg and1(lkl' andi( add al at, once ta flour mxue add ishorîteýniug.T'O mix, draw spooin firni se af bowl towa-ird center (1,5 tue-is),tnnnbalrdal. Chop spoon through batter (M0 ims.Adid cereal andi x (about S strokles). 'Turuin itca greased nmuf- ini panis, fillling eachi abont2/fuI Bake ini bot aen(42-5 degrees F.) 22 mnts or unitil doue., Makes 9 large muffins. About 10 per cent of the otal aveu of the Philippines is Under clvainfor ïrice. 1. itjva toCrs 7 Yre t al I. 1ý 8>sey .ki race 12. i e. Passenger 3.ondi ese i: 4 Resid e 18 A titud 81. Verant Studûents, Learn Ho-îrticuflture-Ninieteen Young men are attend ing the Niagara Parks Cmiso training sehool just below theWh1rlpool. In thiree er they learn enough horticulture, fIloriculture anid aboriculture toý fit themn for top jobs. Director of hescholis J. B. Liddell (left), who camne to Ontario froni the Royal Bo'>taicalGades t dibu i, Few students anywheire have as pleasant surrounclings (right) for their classes. Requirernents for etyaethiree successful years of bigh sehool and, preferahly some practical knowledge-of horticulture. The Gre'ýýen Thumb By Garý,don L. Smith 'Wilthsa, mutch ta be doue out- doors righ onw, it is very easy ta, forg-et aboùut your hanse plants. Býut miany fascin- atinig kinds - i ;arieties sionme times liard ta- 'get from a flarist - -ca n ýradily bie gwnfroni seed, 10, 7hih ýshauld be 5-a('wn 'no0W, 50 havetune ta deelpinabling fize by3,the Foerinig imaýple, afa vorite of grandmnothecr's era, hias been manch xmproved bY recent hybridizers, Penldaaj1, Ibell-bshaped flawers ane totre inches long corne in deli- cateshaesof yellaow, red, pink, salanorageand w hite - samne with lgtvrinlings of contrasting Paineplant, aniother aIld fa- vorite, Hlons ail year round. Those ththv lowered indoors dnring thle winiter miay, be set ont in a shady spot ta bloom through the summiier. B3ecause they grow so readily f rom cuttings and are sa easy ta graw frani seed, such plants are often hiard ta buy and you will be amaýzedl at the results fr'om a paýcket of iced hybrid seeds. But donj'tore the one great require- mient -of these ever blaoýming flow- ersplety o water. everblooingcanididate for a sun- niy spot iiiorwnow hita Chie er, vrih its scarlct-crimison blrosai ab)oveý darýk green foüliage and Chistas ink, wîth bright 1 q. Eg riveýr 3l. Unit ef ahiv 1.Cnas odge ..capacity 16. Pivatereeni33. 1urry 2o. Bodr 34. Lump of metal 21.~~ Yetv 3. Skinfflat 22. Dlorder 36. Recline 23. Work nut 17. Birld 24. printed t8. Present efamk T atijOn 39. Dingie t6. Proc!almed 42. Wormn 27. trong taste 43. Rail 25. Mlding 44. Metai 3.Veilture 45. Olden times JutFor Fuý-n "Ma!(se" said the Sautheru Col- oniel ta his cnlored 1housernan, "I'm gaing ta have guests for dinnei(r on Sunday anld Iwnt ou ta gel a>nice turkey. But b(! sure it's a tamie turkJy -niot a wild one like yau served lait Urne as my guesti are Northerners and might naot 1ike the gamey flavor of the wild kiýnd." Snnda dinnier arrived, and a nobl looingturke-y adorned the bonard, sure -nug ut wheni he was hal.ýf-way throuigh his pr tioni, teCalonel ang1ýri!Y Suml- "Mse, Ihe s-aid, 1 thloughit 1 to)Ild youta ,be- sure an11d get a TAME turkey!" "And dat'sý what 1 sho enough did, B-oss," was the reply. ,Then'how do you acco1Ant for these - two bnckshot I1bi.on of the slice I'rn eating?" "Dat's i tame bird aIl right, Boss, I wouldn't tell you no lie. De fac' of de matter is, dem buck- shot was meant forME not for de tuirkey I' pink blooni. and lighter green foli- age, are also well worth while. Seedi af begonias are so tîny that it is best ta plant them in very finely-sifted soil, and just barely covered. With ail such seedlings, w,-ýatering should be doue with great care. The soil sh ould neyer be al- lowed ta dry ont entirely, as the drying of thie tiny rot-hairs is- fatal. Geratiînm,otngrîafroni euittiuigs, are also easy tao raise fromii seed. Bt don't ist-urb the. flat lu wh."ihthec seeds are planited, as sanie Seedlings miay appear within, two weeks m-ile others riayv ake four tumes tiat long before shioî- ing. Periwiukle is a charming anmal wbich makes an exceptioually gaod bouse plant because it endures heat welI. It dcvelops slawly intoaa 12-inch plant with phoîx-like flow- crs and waxy green foliage. Primi- roses take six ta eight months froni seed aud require cool growiug con- ditions; althougb there is one vari- oty, with alion pink bloomi, which la supposed ta be quicker, and flow- ers within four monthi after seed- lng, Seeds sown in sballow bnlb pans or flats are casier ta care for than those ln open. ground. Fine seeds àhould Le sprasd very carefully ita1 finiely luifted soil, ,eovere d eery itghtly wilh î3ou et 1,a, anithe ronaI,%ner soake -ntite surface f okls dam-p. 4î,a3ssornepae oule plaýed Over te top un thoc Lprouts appear. Once up, hey m41require snhine and ,a coný stant ssipply of iosue 'V'our ieed!ingr budb oe inito 6nmal pots, or later on nt larger o eoly wenthe ro hegpîin ta crowd. Growo oa ýi unir aeflywace 8~ GendoineP Clarke Evervone steuîs ta o l(fed np vviiiihe the he-aiwind],cod thunerstrnîsandstill more nain. Wýater, water, eeyhr.It is tao bad for thýe fanmers who have nat yet finishied seedig-buit the,(re is flot one thiug any- oiie can dok about it. We were wthigthe skies anxiauslyouîve twad the end oa i lat wekbutthk goodness we were Just abl taget thnough befo)re the ram came. e were so glad. It is aà tirilîg busi- niess-ta sa, notiuig o0f the worry when seed'ing dag0n1hruh1h weeks. It nuit be pa,-rticuiliry dis- canraging ta thcse who hlave re- ceutly taken p friliweold- timer's arcmore r less hrendta the vicissitudes] of farni hIe! 1 wonider if this uniusiuallyv active period of buying and s, ing ,farni lands is geîîieral througho(nt ,the province? lu aIl the yersie have been here we havenve knowo .sa many farms change hin,-s lu sncb a shlort timre. Inu ibis distrifct it daesn'î ee long since w e rated as "uewcriers." Now, by compiari- sou, we eau aImait be classed as "adties as, one by% one, ueigh- bars pll stakes and nl.ýove into town. I wonder how manyri will be conteuted? Often we hear af re- tircd farmers who are sa loue- sanie in their towný homeý,s they hardly know wha, ta do wýii]h them- selves. Probably the \%amcn seýttie down mare happily than thle men -glad of the oppartuitlY tagive more time and thonghit ta their homes without the interrupiitins in. cidental ta fan hýf e.Theylke ta be able ta step ouit, do their ownl shopping and then wlk inem again. If they havýenotgiyer ingi very few admiit it. And then wxhat of the newcom- eirs ta the caunitry-the mani froni the city who suddenily decides farming is the life for him! Some- tumes I wonder . , .pehs that type too, keep thieir fed(iiingita, theniselves. hesýimiple 11f e" is alten euiogised thýrough ,lack af ac- tuaI experieuce. Personal -i myheart aches-and my indignation ruses- when I bear of a middle-aged ian, quitting bis job, putting bis money iota, a hundred-acrc fanm and ex- pecting bis wife and family ta ad- it theniselves ta an entirely dif- fer(onýt way of hife, possibly without the couveniences ta whÀcih hey have iway-s been accusçtomecd. For thcm "tesml U"Very esoon course, ra few acres with 2a Co'n- f ontable hoe, tha-t's somnethinj-g cisc aigain. I 2au tink o' f1nat'hing bet- ter ir, these days of over-crowded living qatr.Buit ,huudred aicres-oh ual Nýot if yon bave-n't been used't a farmiiug. f rjn, wtha tab1le fi lOtf prtniç ob - qUlte rueawa kening; enthusiaini waues-and an- other farm is up 'for sale. But the newcomers that. I t1hink we ail welcome, and who should Lec given every encouragement, are the youug couptes settiug, up for theni- selves. You juit sort of go aiong with theni, sensing their courage, lteir eoergy and their ambition- and you hàpe ta heaven life will neot deai ton harshiy with! theni. Disillusionument cao he a bitter ex- per-ieCe ýCfor Iýthase wO caunat rise atbovýe it, but a calneta those -111ca. Sure, the(se younlg farmrers lyoe hy areý young yet iiu eprec.But' what they lack in experience they malte up for iu iiite.Most of theni are pro- greýssive-the chances are they will give thaýt "nefw look" ta farming- anid Ither wives-, if 'thiey are the righIt kinld, vviil be right thepre with them'lie future of agriculture lies i ic the hands of these youig people* 'il, v probabJly will rot be reqnired ta, fade thec physical hardships that their grandpareuts kniew, at the s'-me time every age bas its prob- lems. Sa we saây, more power ta the yonnger generation. The world needs -you-yourli strength, yaur vi- tality and your hrighter 'outlook. Make It Stick Putty applied ta barewood is likeiy ta "unstick" and faîl away after a few mnooths. That i5 why craftsmen recommend that a prini- iog coat of paint be applied. ta the wood beforehaod 50 that the pntty eau adhere better. It is not neces- sary for the paint ta be thoronghly dry before the putty Îs applied. Painting over the pnltty ater the jolb is done asua heips the filler ta "Stay Put" while at the sanie tueë masking the puttyiog .job. - dd, ,,~ Ends Most people have the idea that prosy l!s a very contaglous disease. 'Yet ln more e4n' fifty years of a&' minlstering telpers in the Amer- ican Natioýnal leprisarum nvo dca or nur'se h9& e-v O1conitrarted thet malady. The ea-ve mani had his own n ro- lons of what cconstîited perfect femiînine bcautLy ai-d bis ideal was a wvom-an who mecasuired thesm ln ail thiree dimenisions. Enotr worde, a lady three ,c-feet tail, thiree Èfeet wide and three feet thick w-,ould Le the belle of the villagec. According toi 1Historian Ernest Gagnon, Canada's firstt harsearvd at Quebec 'just 311 ye-ars ago. w'as ent here from- France ais a present for the Go,,ernocr. Whntere is a severe sotg of food ,amnirg the Australiani ab- orgns tis ftheir cu'stom ta kili ff sanie of thir chin ccarding to a noted a-nth'ropologist. Thiey neyer do away with od peopile, whom they con.sider vlabefor their wlsdom.- Earliest date an whichi an ocean- gongahp arrlved in Monitre4j barbour was April 9thi, in 1945, wle te latest date on- whichi navi- gation was thus officially op)enied was May> 24th, 1943., aigto was closed on Nov. 21m in 19,the *arliest on, record, while Decemn- ber 17, 1941, was the Waest Answcr'To Thic ks Puzzle S quick relief. (,iesýsps. ~AAC ECO CAl Fas.dryng. e sroog =uau MDES INDIGESTION WALLOP YOU BELOW THE BELl? Help Yeur Forgotten "28" For Tbe Kind Of Relief That Helps Malte You Rari To Gu Mlore than hall of your digestGion . doue that helps digestion intietoasAN below thebe. What you may ed1 aresuieLie Pill te gise oeedd",ccf e i s a orgote 28 feet_ ' neai cdbowelet. ýt,Ïrot Take one Carters L-ittie L ii F11Liefore dreetio .Tishelp waen a gfo of tise 3 main digesti'-e jlujes in y'OUr toa AND bewels -heilp ,ou i, gest what zouh, eaten in Nature's own way.iv Thon mess folks get tbiskind Ifrelief tha4 maies you teed better frein our head te zour tees. Just be sure you ges the genuijae Cartera, Little Liver Piliq frm vi,, ~iî350. i 8r15kînqT MI i'M!5ZM