Government, IMore Its 22 Promises eDrew Government bas dlone mfore NIEW the people of Ontario than any othier adiniistra- t. In general it may be said that its filrst term y be said that its fi rst ter-m (1943-45) was, spent 43-45) was spenit in reorganizing al Depart- rts of Governmrrent after "The Worst Govern- nt Ontario ever had". The. second terni195 -8) featured a breaking of new groundi. ere are -ue of the outstandinig FIRST ACHIEVEMýEN-'TS he Dr-ew\ Government of Ontarîo. granits for the cap)ital cost of schools. capital grants for hlospitiýi construction(100-$00 per bed). free pair ambulanice service in history. free metdical exaimination-. for expectanit Émothers (4,000 expectant mothers per Pmoti noni bing examied by om in physicians-n~ot in clinics. T' te reduce the inet debt of Onitarie by $257,0001,000 in a Sing"le year. ýT to pay 80% of capital cests of ail bridg-es. T stattory recognuitioni of organizatioïns ofd c teaýchlers T -Medical Welfare Plani (Province pays for the medicai attentiion roquiredl by id age pensieners, blind pensioni- ers, Mthers' Alloxvance cases, etc.) ýT pacical action on( 60-cycle chantgeover. ;T authorizationi of steam units for genieratînig electrical Poewer, nticeship traýining y o-peatonbtnieen th-e lice and trade Unions. Sion of 1Donioni*ýî labour code te Onitarie indlus- FIRST systenatie training of researchi xorkers it Poica expense hy a systei of aniýarde~d scholarships fýtee total value of $50.000 a year. FIRST permanent Researchi Council lias been establis.,hed under the namoe of "Researchi Council ofOnai" FIRST to undeertake the construction of a central marketing' terminal. FIRST te re-organize the Provincial Police niih on nradlîio net- xorki and special air armn. FIRST temintain travellng T. B, cinics (5000,000free X.rhy examninatiolîs a year). FIRST to previde grants for County Heaith Units. FIRST te raise Mlinimumir Female 'Wage in miajor cnrst $10 a nioek. FIRST te pass legisiation requiring "good forestmanagement" clause in ail timbPer contracts. FIRST tu announce a policy and plan te perpetuate-the Ontario FIRST te bring mning safety regulatiens into lino nith mod- ern advances, FIRST te establish nemniîmne rescute stations FIRST te set up a Dopartmoat of lanning and Develupment te pruide for long-termi com-munity bilding and con- servation projects te ensure PLANNEDPRGES FIRST to e st up a comietely judicial board te grant or refuse liquor licenses and te supervise the sale of liquor. FIRST te set up Conservation Authorites te control sou eo- sA iefood conditions, depietion of streamfs FIRST te create a Departmient of Reform Institutions nihich hias, in two yearsetaishda nmodlemi systemn- of pi son reformi (inclndling segregation of firstoffenders from ropeaters, young offenders from nid, Advanced vorchatia a academnic trainig and Opland rehabili- tation. l, jR sT te set up a compfleDpmn e Ioprmute the tourist indu1tsi ry', nhi'cl bringis millons of dolars of nen i xah teOnt-'arioeeVery year. FIRST te promiote inter sports inOtro FIRST te pass glegsation te raise th'o standards of tourist ac- commodation und ser tice iu sumnme-r resortara Ontario Strong For Foote ,TIVE CANDIDATE e Aýssociation) ~Orno ootalltea ~lyed in Seo-1 ln nWdnedyeveniing 1a1st1, thel gam reuingina tie. JckSt07- sart a or (2thÏ goalfo r OonoIl the fistprc, 1thSon iegti' THE ELECTON ACT Fom 5 [Referred te in Se-ction L 8S(4)] NotLice of Holding an O R POLLS for. Railway Employees, Sailors, Travellers and Others ELECTORAL DISTRICT DiURHAM Notice i s herby gven 'that pursuant, to the prvso f tie Ele, tioinArt (Section ,,)Ia p ijl vii eoq-ened 0on IFriday and (iSaurdayv, the 4týh ami -tll d'utyýýsof J-1ue 98 rsnegtodc in the for-enoon until fixe ùuo4lok In thie atnonndfroim sevenocok intheateriiiion 1until ten o'ciocïk in th l'aýfternon Th-e p'lling place for eEltoa District of(Dul ibe ilocated OrneHall on Johin St. in the Toýwn of Port Hope for thrup' f receivirg the votes I ' ofr Vx ay nl oeyeýe's, saiosand vtrvil (Wh 1s eplornienit lasuch' as t nee~iatetheir. absence from tie io ime fro iteir ordiniary place 1;rsclne oir(hohverasnto helev~ba thy viii be abs<ent upn the ('îiy lxed for the election; ualso acoz c hers vlO whoxiliibe kalsent fron tbb' rdinréyplae fresi-i d!ence o;n Line 7th-, 1948, as the resuI' of~~~ tadabegasholhollday, on producIto the deputy r'unn olllcer r ciate sindby the picploff the pschooliri which bhey ar vepuyd, Or chairin of 1the sch~lbordby wbic-h they arPe eni- ptoed crtfyngto theirv enipioy mien,' t aise dlegates to the annua], miieetinig ýorfifte Caadin Wýeýf a re 'oI iltedn g the annua l meet- igof thiat Cuni in Hmilton in JTune 7'th, 1948, on proi .n a certi- fictesiine< byMr. 1RE. G. Dvs EcuieDirector of the Council, aerfyn ha tth thpie a n i eis- tered asa dele'te t the ana meein; lseiegtes t te Con- Caaato be held in] Montrea n jure 7th, 1948, on rodu ingacertii- fiente signed byGarýnet T. P g, Gn- erai Ma nu_,ofbInsitt, etiy ing,- t hat the picat egsee as a delegaqte to the 'Gonferen-e; and a lso0 delegamztes t the Canmadian Li- bayAzissocia:tion ConferenjPce to be heid in t 'aon June 7th, 1948.on Jean E. SopcaU, 1Sca-T'alr apfpiicn i reo.istered us a del(gat 711e 'bllo-t box wibe olned and the ,-"' - conted t evn oclckin the nafternoon cf Mond'wv. the 7th) day ef Tune. 19418. at the -lid pThceP 1--itEd ýf Orono tis lSth d(ay of Ail ïte m«r*ioned above are Day- MoI,+ qavire Time. RICHARD RUDDOCK WADDFI C K. C., C %m Deautiful PORT HOPE-- Thurs., Fni, May 27-28 "Pirates , f 1Monterey" WVith Mariaý Montez and Rod Cameron (At 8.30) Aie"YGIRL TISA" Satilrd ay Oniy, May 29 BOY âJOE ROGERS 1q PALOOKA M1on, & Tules, -May 31, "WILD HARVESnT" Wtýith Alan Ladd and Dorothy Lamour A-duit Entertaiziment Also "HOLIDAY CAMP" Wed., Thurs., June 2, 3 Ai STnONG --Ir, Ti'miîl pital on11 ursda , Ma '6 te MNr. and 'r.GereF stront, Timm -sl as'en Arii-i (Pauli DEATHS DEWMDNEY, Agnies Isalbelia (Bella,, Douglass - At hier inte residenice, Bowmanbviile, on 14oncly, y 24,1 1948, Aignes Isabelia 'Deuglass, widow of Arthur R. Dewwdney, of Toronto, only danghter of the late Mr. and IMrs. Ilenry D)ouglaýss N,,apuaee, and 'dear qmother f h Rev Dougiass' R. Dewdney, Nw casti1e, and' the late Arthuir D.; Dede.Funeral was he'ld fo the rectory, Newcasitle , te st. Georges Church on Wdensday at1 il 30a.m.Intermrent Riverside Cemetery, Napa'nee, at 2.30 p.m.ý IN MMRA in lo'ving mem'ory of Mrs. Ma1rgaret wb~ss vo lert us MUay 23rd, 1940. Years go by but memoriess-t a y As new and dear as yesterday,ý. -BRIDE SH-OWERED"I On Fi'day evening: a sho'rwer wasi g-iven in fhonour 'cf tlie biet e Mi s mL .Se Turnerof Orono Missý Turner ar-rived at the hiome to he svurprised and greeted hy a giouip cf PBowmaniýivilie girls The rom asheutfulydecorated xith pink an'd 'ahitfe streamiers and sprting floxvers. Mt!er miwny loveiy gifts xvere epened MssTunler ta ed ail the girls. A toast nias then given to the ret-e and the g uirls expresý-sedï their ,wi'shes te oi for a l1ong-) and hanppy imarried, ife. Games iwere played, fllo-wed by a delicious 1iunch which wýas served 'by M'rs. Thomaus Turner and MIra 29c F ee ters. SNAPPY rPROGRAM ýTPRESENTEDI BY O.C. S. IN TOWN HALL «(ontLinued from pagZe one) Taylor; Mrs. Harding, Jean Turner; Mar H rding, Florence Lititon; rc larddinL, Betty Cooper; Tony JoeBill Fouind; Alice Rutherf!ord-, Anna Mar\1iefHatl.l.'Tie scen xvasthe iivingroom of the Hadigho-ae Al charce'hd decpio ul eil. The grioup conclýu.ded with the singing of Before the last number xpresi- dt Gwe'n'Chamtterton, gr'aciousljy l)ihn'1 the student.s ard saf fr ~her o-peatonduring the yearàý. Viii sure the students n :jîl,1iree that Grwen Iias been a 1g'o )d president and bas raised th-e sclhool spirit. Now that the 24th cf May is over tlhe weathier iman is sending xarmner weathier along Prebably byï nexti m.onth nie xil hae 'nicý,e weather. SALE REGISTER I have been authorized te seil y pi'tbiic auction at Lot 7, C'on. 1, Mlan- veors Tewnsh'ip, 1 mile wvesi cfMc Crea's Churich, the prprt f James Muoo, on Saturday, My29th, thie foiwog Horses, Cattlemahney 'llarness' and,!Fùrniture. ;Sale at 2.00 -p.m. Terms ash Poaitively ne Re-1 serve. R. J. PIyne, Aucxtionleer. Tlhe p,-ope,,lty cof Wmi. Dri-@, xiii be s'oi cb pulcauPcinat Lot 7. Con MoCen" Curc, t1 00 p.m. on Fr1- day, June 4Itb; the foii'owýing?: Her-ses, Cattie, Sine, PoutiTyMacAiney, Grain', sud some uritue.Ternis' Cash Nlo Reser-ve. Jc Reid, Auc- tînneer. BRepairs rer anyv make sewming' machI-nesý, Free estimates.1 ElidrIo Machîines avallable for' ret r sale werite or phone SINGER BEWING MACHINE COIMPANY 47 WaItou st. Port Hope Phono Port Hop& 101ffW ýry 1Fri naI D'irectory EDICAL one nie 'I,1 , ,- NOTICE Don't forget the Dîst-rit Annual Mâeting Of West 3'Durhanm W'omen's Institute willi be hield in Orone Town 1 HalI on, Fridfay, June 4th. The er- ing session beegns et 9.15'aad the af- ternaico session at 1 30 A very inter- esting pregramime 'las heen Planned ïn'd dinnÉer xývîIIibe 're at 12.15, 5A. per person. ATTENTION JUNIORS There wiI h a practice in Orono Park on Thursdlay, 7.00 p in., for the Or("IooJunior, Soccer teami. Ail Juni- i ors are requ'ested te be bn attendance as nie are cheosinig tie team te re- present Oron.-o at Enni's'k'ilein on Moni- da,31st of May. Tbxis is your chance y'oungsters. Rally round. T--EACHIERS WANTED 'ClaIrke T1ownshili'p Seýhool Area. m-inii-imm sairy $ 1.50-() alioniance for experienc2e. AppiyJý7 J.Meor Se-cretary-Tre>ansurer, 0Oreno, 0Ontarie., GEORGE YORK Orono - Ontario Agent for te Epr alrpr and the WVater PofWilpaipers (Originial Whit, Rce), See my portife)io e olvely niaipapers. Even-' ings. You xiii be satisfled. FOR SALE Miewd hardwo.od in 4-feet leghs or resawed Vo' 12 Wrces or 16 iesw, a i se o quatt of softwoed ed'giags.z, D'elivered, Appiy N. Cuirtis, Penity- Ypool1; phlon 81 r: 10, 0One. c -18-P FOR SALE Beatty copper tub) elecrie wash- ing machine, in goed shape, -1eny1 'Cernsh, Phone 31 r !, OrenomcM"-. FURNITURE SALE 0f Mr. Max Stapleton, to be held in the Exh,1ýîibition Gro'unds, Oronio, on Saturday, May 29th. This sale xv-ii] include m.odemn and antique furniture, disheîs, beýdding, laxr, garden and icarpenter tois, 1934 Ford V-S coach, 1940 International truck wt new tires, an'd 51ton licences. This being a lairge saie it xvii commience at 12.30 sharp, D.S.T. Se bulis fer further particulars. Termis Cash.- Jack Reid, A uctieneer. ORONO Furniture Ifospital- Reuphiolsteriing Repairing - Refinishinge AniusB43ught and Soid SeeouruneOf rDrapery Mlaterial Kitchen Units made te ordter C, F. Duncan >,NT EXP,ý Radio Service!. The combination of experience, coïn- plete data on ail makes, anid modemr test equipmentý wiIi ensure PROMPT, REASONABLE AND EXPERT REPAIRS Cail R. L. MYL.ES Phono 79 r 4 -ORON Free Est.imates -will1 be Given Cheerfully on, Rock Wool Home Inasulation By Bîower Systoin, kFour inches thick, insulation Crentractors, 57Boo etToronto District Representative for Durham Counlty GEORGE WADDELL Phone 23 r 22 -BTHN Monuments The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY Phoo 51 -P.O. Bol 2 Port Hep*, cOurle PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office Hours: 2.00 to 4.0 pm. 6.30 to 8.0 p.M.. Sundays an-id Wednîesdays by appointment only PHONE 47r1 ORONO LEGAL Lawrence C. Mfason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILILE, ONT. phones: Office 688 Hume 553 W. F. WARDù" NOTARY phones office 82e Résidence 489 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. VETERZINARY DR. W. W. SHIERWIN VETERINARY SURGEON office Mlain St. O'ýron.Q Phone 63 r 7, Orono INSURIANCE J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, AutomobiLs- and Liability ORONO -ONTARRIO ORONO'S INiSURANCE NM-, Domtiion of Canada Genieral Hartford Fire Insurzace WVaterioo M'ýutual Fire Insuarantge Wawanesa âMut'ual Insuranco is represented n this dýistricet by DANE FOUND OROIÇO PhoneoC- r 1 if it'8 insurance, give Dan. a triaL LEROY HAMILTON INSURANCE N ALL ITS BRAN CHES Fire,- Automobile, liability, Lif e, Hospitalization,Plt Glass, Burglary, Casualty Representîng thie Leadi CANADIAN, BRITISH and ARtrIICAN COMPANIEs . Office, Main st - ORONO Phones: Office 32 r 10; ReN. 1 r 13 Phone mie and i will eall te suit y-o)t, E-stimates freely given, nubigaio INFORMATION Would you flke to kn-ow more aboom- thke foliowing ? (aý) 'How te will to YoGUr famlly n0 thîOusa;nd dollar-- that you havyea't ytt asaved ? (b) iHow to- guarantee a *It Cheque to your family everymot for 10j-15 or 20 years Shoculd You bo takien Out of the peiture " (c) Hon to have, a saiary cheilu,ý every moenth for yourself as long as you live,' coiamencing at, age 55-60g or 65. (d) How te guarantefe that yoâur son or dauighter wl have th-emoe ifor an Keducationi beyond higl col Let us have a chat about i, someuý time. Phone FRED LYCETT ORONO 18 r 1 AUCTIONEERS ~.Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auciion Sales of ail)à. and at reasonable rates Cominunicate with him at Po#« Perry, Ontario, or sec hi. Celrk.A. E. Mrten, at Orono, for date. JA C K REID Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator- Specialize in Far-m and Furniture Sales Cousuit me for terme sud dates FIRST FIRST 3. FIRST L4 FIRST FIRST (Our repre in Orfeun 11