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Orono Weekly Times, 27 May 1948, p. 5

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WEEKLY' Mr ~n Monday, Me O C aCU'aF Public 3Meeti-ng Downianville Town Hall Friday,'May 28th at 8.00 p.m. (DST) ly cot, Local News Mes Btt3Bum, f .AC; Ilahei hme in ekad fa garen and baby. fori totoasitnth epng if the s umm]er camnp htplace, p lb Speakers: NGIýUS MACINNES, .M. P. for Vancouver NORMAN ALLISON, Candidate for Durham NORMAN ALLISON Corn-me andlh ear what the C C F wili do for us Everyýbody Welcome God Save the Kin9~ ,Ille.%"%4(oect q4t $'kppe Laýrdies' Crepe andj Nylon Hoýse..........------$1.25 to $1.65 Ladiîes' Shorts,. ice ymateriai and desirn......2 Apronls........... .....---- .............. ----95C te $1.50 Chiidren's RAmpers, suits, Sun Sits and Dresses, P'ina, fores, A-prons and Hseail of nice materiais and moderateiy prjced. M RS. ýL REI Phone 9 rî - OR7OOntarlo RED& WHITIE STORESb-, ADAMN'S AAIS DA M'S orange Puire pure Grapefruit Orange Grapefruit 3Juice Juice Juice 48 ozs. 48 ioztn 48 oz tini 3ec 33c 29e Jeiymrilk, the new, different Ml Dessert, 2 for. 25C Tendtereaf Tea, 1-2 lhb black.. ..........5'3c Prunes, large and fresh, lb .... .........19 Granulated Sugar, 100 Ibs, pure cane ........4 Oxydol!, giant size, packiage.........9 Red Rose rnPke Tea Bags, 60 for...80e Swansdown acake Flour, packiage ............37e York Canned Sausage, I4 oz tin........0c Baby Cheese, ïMapfle Leaf Canadian, lb........ 49c Rubbe-r Jar Rings, "red", 4 dozen, for . ....... 25e Canada Dry Ginger AIle or Coco Cola (6 to a car- foi), each.i.......... ...... .... ..... Waxed Sanwich Bags, 40 for ................ Toma"-to Juice, 2 20-oz tins....... .......... 36e Ide 19C DON'T BE WITHOUT FRESH VEGETARLES New Cahbage, Asparagus, Spinach, and Leaf Lettuce - ALWAYS FRESH- Mes. W. G. Smith andsoFrd- ick en thie pasitweewth Mr. and Mrs. .B. F reste, o heorme ininipg, te2r visit- ingMr nd Mi. . . Frosýte. Mr. m1d Mrs. J. estr adfaiy ~f Torfoî#o ,vnetSna iîth 3Mr. and Mr. . J.Hacok Me. and] Mes. LeRey Bow n o JTohn New'ý,man Bon fClinton, me re eknd vsitw~s ai the home of '1y., nd Mrsliý. J. D.Bown Mm.andl(j.C. E. Milles' andfam iiy, accomnlyied by Mr. aend Mrs. G&l 1.rt and JDiaaeu, spe th wek - e nd t u cottage at Lakei- oe M i,. DnaldSals fTrno nen-t teweJei,(dhlia wt ¾-is parents, Mr. .H Me. nd Mrs. C akmadc dyren, of Trento, sýpent oerthe holiday week-en'd wit1h Mr. and' Mrs. C. V. Cooper M'rs . Rich1aridWodf nhmoe on Wednesday mcseinglst andbrok bier hiip. She as taken y mbl anice to the OshjaiwaHoptl MrY. and Mrs. Franklifn Teirly'!n, ot Toonto, sperit the past week-end visýitîog wîth M.Joh Tmbynan Mr. anti'Mrs. Ivison Tý mln S Miss Elvse Basnet, R. N, clf Toponito, sister UT _M iss Alice Basnet spent n feýw danys in Oronoü with her sîsteri> as't wve ek. MrJj. and mis. R A.- Forrester andi son Johni spent the'weelk-envd at: Cedar ilarbor, L !ke-Simcce, and ile there1 the former was su1ccessful in lning a sil a aseven poiud trout. *r nd Mrs.Sid 7Ta-tham rand thmree boyvs, Ronny, Bob) and Peter, of' Tor- onko, wrgwe~ ngets cof Mýrs. H. Wal'sh ansd Miss Fleretnce Co-bbe- 'he Imge hoHow west ofrtne tan- neîiy bideis nom nieariy ceimpletely MIhd The Police Trusees àdo net want any hruitb dunped inte the hol- lcow fromi no\N, oisas it Iras only te be takeneout agasn. Mr. ani1d Mrs. Roy Cernishe en Billy, of Port Perr,t M7vr. ,!nIMrs Rss Wodand Babe," of iain Me:A. Wilbum and Sareseof Taunton. with Mr. and IM. O. Chat)- mnan fcr the 1ýholiday. M\i. anid Mis. Gordon Mjo and daughiter Penny Jeycùe, of o an ville, were visitors wthMr. and Mr.Russell Majoir anidi Mr anid MsJiji-M\ajor reandfamiistS at- Peer s-eem te ble. gettireg orenu- îe-rous in titis ditrc O edines- day cslf ast ek Mr. R. J. Hlan- cock heard is doslnking and 'wenit eut t- Vo nestigate thr e. 11e was surpriszed te see t-we deer ýin Iis pas- ture fietld We understand that Mr. Art'.hur Bell wiil againi sing during thre "Sun- rise seviceon he mrnig of Sun- day, May SOtI. The pogramme îs coniducted hy Rex. 'A. L. SandeArsere e f Dentonia Park United Churltch, Tes-ý ente; rend is hiearid at 8 anm. Bach Saibbath tithrough Station CKE Ms.Fred Dunican lhe a re turned honme after visýiting :with hien aghe Mf.Rantsber-ry, ini Monireal. Wle t here site had the, -lpasure ofeein BaiaaAnar Scott and otiher world chiampion skaters in) th-e Motreai Fou.SIreaie ealdG eeFields sing on thie same porme Manag2er ,of the Cnvd an Bank of (Cljommerce, andMr JerVesP tvnsn Manrager Bnsinessz Developim'en, Toi'- Ornospent over the wW PYend ith M ,inl is Jl . ine Whlhere thyweret on-a i hn rto Kendoal acomanedbyJF. Am 'onInd Madisn Aironof Torýonto, left thel ity early on Saudr ono by whlqfor OrIonlo, arriving lhere e U Vy inn othe aple rnm n , pyi a su- pei-P evisit t th, grndprensMl' b 1is ho(me on ! nayw 'hhis parents Mmli and lM s rak Ard on and cous Alla,itmite oterioed d(wncon Sunj- d lay. 'Noice te Farmers ,cn ynu wantus to remiove y<iur dead ifar.m stock within au. hour wtitheut charg-e CALL UuS COLLECTr Bowmanviiie 2679 For Crippled [Horses wýe pay aLs high as ... ---- .. $18.001 And for Old Horses as highi ats.................$--- ýý30,00 Wýe are ahie to pay these prices hecause w-e feed the meat tO Our onanimais. MARGWILL FUR FAR" R. R. 1, TYR'IONE Telephone: Bowmanville 2679 Please Note SATURDAY CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE FROIM 6.30 P.M. TO 12 P'.M. Fri, Sat., May 28 - 29 JoeiMcCrea, Veronsca Lake, DoadCrisp, Don D)eFere "RAMROD" TECHNICOLOR CARTOON SHORT ON SPORTS Monday May 31 Thesday Julie lst Joan Fontaine and Aduit Ente rtainment MOVIETONE NEWS CARTOON IN COLOR Wed., Thurs., Jutne 2 - 3 Johni Payne and Junle Haver in "WAÀK E UP AND DREAM" IN TECHINICOLOR Cartoon en iTechuicolor SELECTED SHORT -wmarn PARK ST. UNITED CHURCI. Reverend A. E. Eusite SUNDAY, MAY 3th 9.45 .m.-sunlday Seh-ool. 11,001) -onigservice 'Mature Religion. 7.00 p m-veigSer-vice What is Prayer ? HAVE YOUR Furnace u verhauled iand ready for use during the sunimer months R. conrau)tinito MssCaLrol Sta,- pies, h aaaredfe; ýc"Iolar- ship for- Post<,-g a.dinltien Study ilÏe Nurs in1Lg. e,,eques t of the late sir. Josep Flexileaitbtecomne men e ei>es eld ie Cnvocation H-all, vwith a receptjinfloingin thie nurses e; deeLast evenînig, wher nintydto nrsso-med the Güth gradu.ating class 'of the Sche ol eor Nurses od thie Tornte General Hostpital. Nisttig withIVI M-a . I L ý 1Hîp nýe on frthe utek a eariy they etuy, pio to akng er Vs.Wm. Ir.'ina Safod d HmARTLEY R. BARLOW FUNERAL DIRECTOR & HOME FURNISHINGS Orono, Ontario MODERN EQUIPMENl.T At Your Service in Time of Need FOURTEEN YEARS" EX PERIE'NCE Phone 18 r 'é (Day or N ight) SEED CORN I-lybrid Seed Corn, Nos. 355 - 606 - &15, in flats and rounds Flint Corn - olden Glow. Wiseonsi-n No. 7 and Sweepstakes. Eureka and Bob-a-Lawn Engine Drive Mowers, also Hand Lawn Mowvers Power Warner's Eleetrie Brooders -Reduced Prices New Seaitite Brantford Siding and Shingies ROLPH HARDWARE Phone 43 r 1 - - - ORONO ARMSTRONG' New W Mhite Hats now on display H-ats in Dark -Straw and Feits, while they last... $ý1.50 Stripe Chambray Dresses, sizes 14 teo 38 ---- e4.95 te $5.50 New Blouses, ini Eyelet EBm- broidery, Silk Crepe and Sher, ithbLace Triai, sizes 14 te 20, 'prjced f roIE -----.---._ $4.95 te $5_50 Canivas Sheves, W'edge Teie, colors eof Red, Brewn and White, priced.........$__ 3.56- Tennis Sheoes, in White, priced..........---- .....$2.00 Low Heel Canvaei Shoes, iNavy, ail sizes, priced- .- $2_00 Men'sCre Sole Oxfords, priced...............------$6.00 Men's Tropical Worsted Grey Pants, priced.----$12.50 ChlrasWhite Slilipers $3. Missýes' White Heýelless ShGee priced...............$4" len's and Boys' Jersey and sw"! Srs, p pri front.........$1---- te$2.. -Meni's Wool Spourt ake red and binepriced.c. $12n Ail -Wool Plaid Sport Shirts, priced............... ---- -$7, Ladies' Hand Bags, in white and cors .. $Q35 te $7À Biaslisle and Mricrin Printed Patterus, yýd._$1. PMain and Printed Crepes priced frm... $1,50 te $1. Aise dress Lengths iii Creî, and Spuns. Dresses inl seys anid fashions. Grapefrit Juice, 48 oz tin. . 30c Orange and Gaeri Juice, biended, 48 oz tin........31 c Swansdown Cake lFlouir, pkig 37e Auint Dinah Molasses, bottie 19e Sherriff's Marmalade, 4 lb tin for. . . ........ .......85C Fýood Saver, 1001 ft rolis, pkg 2eýý DmeAie hrtnng b... 130k Monrch P Iastry For 4l bag fori ....... ........$1L29 Sats, k. .... ........25 Order your Meat eairlty fo'r the w'eek-Cnd SPE CIA L CHOICE BABY BIEEF Ayhnier Pork and Beans, 2 20-oz tis for .......... 35 C B'ePlum S, 105 oz tin,'s . ... 95eC Pie Pe-,ches, 105) oz tins ... $1.25 Metc-afie's Peas, fanc-y quai- ittt.............. ..22e Diii Pickles, 32 oz jar ...35c Pahuolive Soap Deal, 2 reg size, 1 bath size, ail for ..29e DaIv's Tea Hags .- 15 bags. 2ke "0 bagS for ..... ......41c Crepes, Peplins, J1 Spuns. AIl lat, ORANGE JULTICE 48 oz titi GIlA NT OXYDOL N C5NG SUAR l, vkg mýý

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