ýa ts and obtain1 e po"ýisonuse l ie cmag a fIani it is îpre ue u cf dri he URSi 'T HERMAN PURS CANAA'SLARGEST FURRIER O3UR MODERN SCIE.NTIFIC FUR STORAGE VAULTS ARE: SMOTU PROOF SFIRE PROOF - DUST PROOF STHEFT PRODOF Snusyour C'loth Coats arid Fuis To-dayý 12Per Cent of YourVaatn New Service Cleanters Port Hope Ontario Wà,. RIDDELL, Agent, Orono REA v GEORGE DREW ~THE PROVINCIAL ELECTION JUNE 75 TFRIDAY, MAY 28th - 8.30 to 9.00 p. m. ITUESDÂY, JUNE lst - 10.30 toë11.0 pm TFRIDAY, JUNE 4th - 10.45 to 11.00 p.m. CF1IRB 86 0 Vote PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE JUNE 7 Pubilkk..A k..the Pro esv osrieP vofOtai i o-prati e txheÇo iipaItc rn e garbae etor, eiara-exermnatotipro -Rer Mi. Wbit, o Rseea-Îto7 the W. A. anniveý-raiyservices -ýin theý ui#*ed Chuicph,,onlSunda evni r uni brouIih afie eso'~Th r fMi. and *MrsleuadAn u Mir. and Mis. rlu aserle aldiod a great deel LO thle sceso t.ho iservice. M'essîs. Bob Peaqrce,, Carlos Snîth Ne~uSexsrnitb1, Gorion McKary,. Ru'll E1ott D1uVinkie and Kouthý Burley ani Mis-es Dorotb1 iou Fse Jones and MryBîu r1(,ey t1uniMss eý Morion Bee, Rutidis aud Dôrisý Reynolds, of Poîrt Hope, spot th 24tb at theTo odisadsairu-- rPort a fine trip. KIRBY Mils rMcGow-an andson are is( itîng ber mrothurT, Mrsmbî Alleni. Lasrt Sunýdray Kiîb cuihcuge gation were, fao'-e wih a.beaui- fullly rendeied s(,o l byMiss Yeonmn ifo Toîon, 'lie c sne u a oee t ser-vice boe.Itiagitcovn ieueto tbo e igr n rionl ing districtL Mnr. ni Mis. F. Biaob t tendod the weddinLg oS teircosin, Mise5 MarDan Scott adMi Alex. Burkeofo Montreal in St. Jh' n glican rC:urch, Bomlpiville, the 'bride' is the daugbteî of S. MSot a for- mer Kirby boy. der to _______________ - I _________________________________________________________________________ Major Foote States iîs Farm Platform A wek ago ,this pproulie the gnerl ttmeint cf Major JonW FeoteL, V.C., Progrres;sive Goniservýativýe CanIdidaïte fer Dnïr'ham- CronntIy, on h mi iseil! the electon cf June 7 fui the Ontaujo Legiuhr.ia subsequent in- upna f o f tho more motn issuLes. Ho blas ["his to saoy on the folloingtoAus: AGRWIULURE r Noquestion is cýfgrao im portance to DumConulty thanl the bas5iic o.no o Agicltuesiatei MjrFooto. The prograrn for he e1xpa,ý-nsocfpsrt of the fan- nrgcomnuunLity of Ontariio was set orthby ou. . L. Kenned!y, Drew Gverunuut, fie o po;ke athe( omntigconvention ini Oeo.Timo iUdiiuot permit (cover- mg tho wolo grou ibt in the spaýce availaIble te me 1I hope to lotlFarners Alone Wit1h- ai(constr 1ULc t i ve progrlai n tnre Mu.Kenndy sii thaIt the basi cfits uccss uusfo intorIfere as littie zas -possible ,,witb tthefam e-ror- they ar:e nmore capabl)e cf caryngon their own usinless ba aynyc u e. l'haielets iterference !)y gororument the bettor, witb this I w1holy ar.The 'goverumets fucinis te snpply money te as- s;ist f, îme is, niolt toorier or control thcem , so his lyear's budget, thie greateve, is laid wt that in r-ier Mney for Expansion "Eulsrgod aporitoshave bëen maie foi-u erb a most necesarytbîg luthîu tiuesfor stock andi feu cropor grrading ani reing frpemnetpis- tueforiow, igcests of milk pîcnctonfor health c f animais, for cotinci anises onu xpoît s'urplu fer wtei- Censervation and for- drnopngsystem ofstoragoe sud tria markets. Tie iin with ail thus areica btter hboalth sud ru- creatinalprogianu,betteî rual uýnato, ererstatioýn sud a wid- ouesoialscnurity asud a bigher stndrdo livIing froïm Hydre ex- Duytrham County Noods embraces oS atie, daiîy ctL-'ýe, grain cro'os, e- 7uui-ca cosof maýny ii niextenisive orchards App) p i-iies mieby the Minis- ton oS Auiculturje appiy to ail these oui if elce a upporter of the goroumet itxvii b my job te sr00 to it t tIti connty- gets its Mao .W. Footo, V.( fuli hîe ftes Pi suiediuba n y leder, Pie Drew wlil u etuund tePC Itrests with yen teLsy wbE I amn to.bueiecte(ïi tisn hlm suad thus te ev o Herd lTesting A program c, f great importance al.ready union wa-y is caîflioci rac- nntiýon sud cur vtostiug unier the fleur reeiing sseufor dairy liens. I neei 0 olDnbmfr nîers bow important this is te a stable and pieuperous giulue It, tegether withipîri atue intîoiuced by Mi.Knndywill Adi mlE'jiocf neerwealtb te On- tairie uniu.To 1botter promioto fiu5y prediet taiIshaî suu at grainate assiîstuant to ouislni A-gricultuu-al Rpeettr .A Sunî uo's. [h n r irt reord(1of Duuluai u Ceunty Ju ior F ý - icI's warranuts tbis ii n apitm t W ater Conservation T'1 en iheceiis the nratteî of pros- siigthe efoestatlon of the s2ni buS bu-i gm u u. cpviis Notbig nu moresuruy conserve imîs wblo sopeauia watur su)ppy for our î 1tenS Aside f--atihe g r(t Gan- T !i'- aa Projeet, I sbaïll ru for e mîerr, iucal ad te luulp a mluncii w!.iei. uforestation scbenîo. The uwboie ether plan is to'ward a ni'efil produie- upoît ien itb greator popei for )oth rural and urblani peorpIe. Youth Program Most cf these tbinugs bave beeni oS' deep eunceru te treo Dnxham Coýuni-tyFederatùion of Arclue I obsîl nmake it my hnsine-s to -î hanui iin baud %ith the Fdrto te pres tese mttes fo.mtle il;- SideI tm e t it iati r ass>ciated he roblnusof fi These have een my priua conceru asyenkuo%-fr rauy years, botb in civU aîuýd mltr ie I count myseîf"fortlunaeil jR bailg had a greasethîan average experience ia îhis sphere. Fulil ime Job 1 trust this rn'iuskelibwill ir 1eaders some ýides fho.'Iiro peteserveJDubam1Cuuty fa mesif ele ta- aupporter oS tlhe geverumrert. uy - ru ie iueI baveviII bu evtiofrig my own acreago ad etiu aou am-ong the farmeis oS4 the wboie countiy te lenin at irut b- niil thir de5res, IJf yo fuitha Ico serve yenfuý -yaiuîsreyI sixIl ho happyte baveyursp port l'y ballot oneecindy Janle 7thl. Vote for Johmn rFoote June 7th (Published by the Durham Progrýiessive Cons ervý7a tve Ascain 1 t NORTHIUMBERLAND - DRA BEALýTITUNIT REPORT- Tin the first fourmots of 19481 threweemore ciýse;s of miump s ref- porto thanin ail of 1947,'n. lms aýs mn cases of red meieJs as ini 1946 as ýiiJ1947 conubined Publie attention lias bceen focusýed on thic icdence IoS communicabnle diseaseý ini trhe HealtUnit ares -t is yeaî by 1itu -olte reporýts which thre Uitý bas-furisodto Lthe newsp ers oc1) weeký. S omIle of thoenceae iu cer- muncade îsoseis moeIppalrentl t1ranreal as theI iroportîing of ums meal'-unichikenox y parents ExýaminatioIu of the iguesfor fu ionitiIs wbîbhrad fewcae *o year Th ani is rue i tl)e ca ehsn can o u dsouet rto h IsuLmumps there is o arailae a i îl vol £ tox o u shusbe p~-eaie to rerut irllox or jIpluihe I-,( l irrue. er hi5 oflot Il l"mtI ' i r'r o o -e Il j ý 1 j odaz sal at sto Lff ville, N EWTON VILLE rr n i.EuWleMs _____ t~ecL Waiey andi Mr. and MUrs AI-1 'I heïireMi.Wlisjones. Rv. 1H. A. Butzl1t d Mus BuIltit, Mus Lusheî Nigaa Fil, Ot. alo i.Ivan Quaýirtri1 vwent to Smitb wihhe ise, r. .T. Pearce. -a1s on Tue'sday moring to attend Mis OiveJ1hsto0nI, o Preboo heBay %of Quinte Conifereace. withMi. nd is. ibrt EHancock. rrand Mu Gore taleonand Mi. rd r~.Keil Sephnso faîlyand Mi. aind M1isWm Reid with r. ad Mr. Ge. Ovns, ttended the Booiaiauon ithe the obbcu~age RoanPort Hopen,lV. Miv. _às Geo. Mi.an irs PeerBrdly, or SmihNerweusrtl, isied Mr. and onto wih br mtbe, Ms, m. us.George Stapletoný. Whitîrke. iA veîy successful cnet vas, beld M eg Pethick and ladly byý the Wornen's Association in the 4'iedofTopuowith bis aunt, cburch basement on the evening oif Mr5 GimerSo~tb.the 24th. More about this next week., M ErstCiewhuist and Miss , Mr. and ýMis. Ivison' fiun.day and Be'-acewhurstý>, Toronito, vvith Mi. family, Mr. and 'Mis. Sami Buttery and is as. aynîd.and family, of Bowman'vlle, with Mi.andMrs E.Edgrto, Bw-Mrs,.John Lancaster. Mrs, Br- ams.Mis. Wm., Lanre, who bas been Mi. nd is erh Gimeran' apnding some timie with ber son Mr. _\1 Heb.and-1claîry and bhis wife of Plattsville. re- Gwe. o Bovma'vlle with i. turned on & turd,.,iy a3cc.ompaniod by Mrs.Bei S upltonthem. Mr .Cha~Rrid ani ugheî lTe choir -wor thleir co gowns l ~ e cWod, of T'bïonto, for the first time euda veniug. "IlhMi adMis. Wilfred Wood Theyy ire another dîeam co(rnel trueto Mr.andMus. anieue Gbuer ndthose who fpel -tbat tboïiî;r appoaranlce ~,uPetr, iagra alî, ~tb isadded a quie-t dirgnity tria service. puîen ~ F, Mr-ni rsFakGimr Ms. Cysalbs l!i er store at Mi. uud is. larnce urle, o C'-crke Crek t MroonePaeen. Cour uxlle w'îb M'. ni rs.W'lus Se hd asuce'ssf sle on tble ?4:111 Farrow v,-and has mov'od iito the bouse vacated Mi-.uni is. ol Witne- an Micore-erinto oui idt 1r Mis Go.Stpltatend the by 'Mi. and Mis. Ache'o We wel-. OROINO v E YOUR F b, BOWMANVILLE TOWN HALL eiMndayMfay 3lst SPEAK ERS: MjR. W. A. ROBINSON, m. P. COL. JOHN DEWART MRZ. GARNET SHIIELfDS (Libe-ral Ciandlidate for Durham) Thiis is youir ppürtuinity to mieetf and héear Durham's Liberal Candfidate (Pbihdby Durham Libiral Assnî.) s e si 4 Keep Ontario Strong YOU ARE INViTED 1,BY GUAR N ET S HIEL D Liberalý' Candidate for Durhîam teî attend a A NEWCASTLE GEQO W01ADE AND lItS CORN'HIJSKERS will provide-the music ROUND AND ýSQUARE DANCING Corne and Bîing Youî Friends NoAdiio (Publishod by Durhamrn Liboral Aýssit.) sý-