WEE TI ES Vol. 12 N o. 2 ORQONO, ONT., THUIPSDAY, JUNE lOth, 1948 Subscription $1 50) per Year OnIy 168 Leàs Votes Polledin Last Election Than In 1945 MIrs. O. W. Rolph Elected Pre- sident For West Durham W.I. On ray -Jute4,t'he Distîriotl -.-jnal Conveitiii of Wýest Durliam Waae~sIniiltues.was hdldi ýni TFise morniing sesýsioiiwais oa -sthe Presàdeent, -Mas. S. E. Wenriy, ofSolcinia., ith the Lord's Pl-I'aYar 'Pastrsfol1k,,wedl by tie vaMmos ro- pons adi us.inesis. Dtriig ise iieng -Thse Adchress od Welcç)m.ew asiven hby Mrs. V.Rbns, PRasti-denit of the Orono Wonaenb lai,-,ýIi Teel-etioll af"officers w-as cor,- dutby Mass. CaýriM1atynes a-f Oak- %sud~aand thle fciluwing imo-ters 'DistricitPet -- Mrs,. O. W. toS. 2tdViePrsdet- u.Percy FdredM Repa tetatird-24; M.Wry Atrae Ms .R âPn owvs a-a -Cassadi n Indus- W, G. Alhison, Maple - Mini. :1. Hardy, et ~esee ch - a-s. J. R. sap ton. sonatcs - Mus. A. Reti-] rs. N. J. Wood- adieus-neti te OROO CMETERY, JUNE 2t as usinai tis year on Sunday, June 2714, et Orono Ceery. The F'ra- te-mal Societtes are invited to take part ia the decmciaton cf the graves of - tieir deccansed b!rethera). Services PMi cmmene et 2.10)cciock.It is expeo)ted Vtise Orono Baind ber.l peetand i aii give a bandI concert during the artiernoon1. Local m]ý,inis- tars ili take part bn the service. pliai-,to be Vhecre. Degree Tean ConDfers Degree Aniel oathe venIiIg was spenit lest Moindaty asen the Degree Terni of fRatier 'Lodge . visitedi Sunsii Lo-)dIgý e ini Osisawa, for tise prOT cofrin hie RbehDgae A nluillaber ef felloýw Rebekahe, aLcs1u- aieitise teutml. Unsintdi raie aas ccodedtis tean ferther exmplflcaionof tIhss degea -wos aaukd eauty haIýs gandts etion cf se maiype.- avar Siser aisè-l Disney, Pas lrs bly, aaqiter Mae BneDistrict Depuity Paiei of the1( local Dis- AsDegren Cli p ta iln 0,f 1Heamther LtgBro. VirtIe Wilson ansheaa!t- ilycoaesandtifor, ths euh -cZ ',f isei dgteamý1 ,ý 1.,B-ro. Wilson hovrever,- modsty dreteitie cretit teL )hi s ro-orensanihiselyatyanti effort wyhicistley isat i îplayed. Folloviag tise b"ésis s mg and( nunreones0ý speechesP, aras ia cioice lunc'h serîvecl b,,y tlie oser f Sun- sis-ina 'Lotige.. sl,"A Dracnn" aitLis '"The fýne uf Yq r i7Smiý,ie" ua anen- 'Pisaise solos w are detIc-lil-htful eyuaha enjoîyadibry ever-yoiieI ithe United COhurcýh r. C. M ines ginve ý(.an adress oüa Jbe &ful eê at-I1stitue wcoU anid ts fLuture.ý Pn -, Fe-fthle 1M s. J, tead Mr.E rw he lattbr -pa t cf t en aIpay-e na due ,ýtait t1le palo, ie 1entKidd, ofthe gthibir onarrangement of soane a f L-w sid(es w7ýe]J1. çown tnuasie. :c-i:i)tiivc ù taLk cftne Tue Co-o ative o'~m as tepd. thien idecideîdu(oi nerealiledi- sessin beia tthrection oflMa JenrKidd, of Tor- chI wls ldby M-s.int o, gieby Ms.E. Go1e, 'liichi- the Nortlinhet. ctudd ssie sluddi~rvtet i.Iiadlv it, soe 1iVefor fsgetos otl fthe Unit tl nd1'[IlieC, prize for Il;he best rora ü '-l mf heyarii est ,il va rteFeýderacIB r1reatdVoSln by Ms.L. S eni given by Mms. L. uma. caitpn ni dB1.cksiock were secPolnd and tid epcivelyý. wedby an i ddress Thtis wa avery 1ovel vapro ,ork of the ;f tttewIhl i~ to sa t their Lord, t. 'lie jilniors will TedinrBo~ vemt-etn't day on ul TIe Conivenitjoiuwas b gt to -a coeby the sinIgývg of odSv n hnrcndered a theing- Aind Displays Arranged FLeor Federation Picnilc içounty Fdeainqueltted byùfour differenit îrgantaiza- TI o 'ir dy, tions; ï-liiiL-rthe next few weks O*ot godatèdne rledoso a ade to holithe a hadi beenl re'ad anld DireCtoIrs Picic eon, theafr ocf1 followmng buIsiress , Jul s1, 14,vat ithle ounty Pieice Grounjdls, suIpp1 erý to be served at 5 ld that W. Bowles o'olock. s;ports prograna 1in Te JConnfy TFederation assume 'Garttwr ght ~ erso;idiyof pyigoi h.r --nie~ rtI s0etin f tIe pricee Offthe prize mone11y fori e d.line of sport.,s tefoly-omd oao batGr n mu cent -iug- cOtamittea a fu is-e ic"to anti, if posible, 1crssppublic meeting-s est yeas- n tishe es aion cof Agritoulture; tise baig iirence AllIen, tonIne,'bas-e-nMakloîn ta conneet otalazatien ~ rt, ~ air te isoltiïa e feil t'cdis- p ssne ou tise Di - ina' July and Tuiesday nî iightin pite é of tCe rata, the Broies held their suarl metnat the Iohlons f tilhi1 Bowni g- citi ' f lhotdcs cae e camand, leinoiode ws~iced by a pregrn inse of raînsandi miusical itnibers arne by tise The Brcwaies ae ookingiforwasd to seeing îaaving pictures of thent- salives in- action takeai a week ago by AIrs . W.E. Armsstrong at thse For- estry, Onîliy tjwo ni1-ore mieetings Vo ,g0 g'irls, so -veryLbody Out. HoId Strawherry Fesivalý 'Pli reuuiar metig of tise Wo- mc L As oc iaý;t ion et LPar k St. Chrcli mas iseld on Tuesdýay atr nuoon, Jtnnle 8dl, tia udten- FPo ter akîg tie devotienl par- lot. olewngtisis tise president, Siseexprssedlierpleaure t being aitlti ise emb scftie VW. A isew deely Csh ud -pprecited tie meevng plns ree 1 mra1de fonr a sta lary f estii -jiv to e ha lelti tise luetof June. Date te bhalanneunced M-.Kelly end IMss. Syorha,! chrgof tlise etatiaea ii wasa rafing tyM-.Kelly, t vol dwt b MsesGwnPiusy ai]Ileen Jns ni a.Ni tw va-ynuclisejyeis al Tish etgcl>e aifithtie ~n~ Wg cf a i-yînsn ianti tise Misupal pis ene- Loca lNewIs TUeOrono football teamdefate tiseý Maple Grove footbaill team at Oroo C roityPark on Wednes- d'y eveinfg lst by' the sco' f 83 to IL Tis:e Oronio team up Vo date lias1 net 1osi a gamie, a big inapr),ovemrelt, o'ver othier yearS. M.Chs.Miller who lias been la paraerhipmibi iarmieni Çorjnisli for nearly two year.s, lias dliss:olveýd paxtnlershlps just recentl,ýy. We un.- deensiad that Carmen Wli take over thse buisiness, while -. Mille-r aili be elvïing soon for otiser fields of lendeavour. ý The Orono girls' softibHtent suf- feret their second straigüht defeat on Mo0nday- evenling, hast at Newceastle-, losintg by a score cf 12 Tuas to 7. Eniti Teanant was onuVie mound for Orono andMure cKnacat-i chiaig. For Necst Y . Fiýsiher anti V. Aldad pttar,vîith MaLIr - garet Asch ectcing. The fiust home gamne for tise Orno -team i lIl be thi, rda vnn agýainstNecs tle. Cornealn an heiorlol Irme. basofgeeOnta i o.. at St. Catiseimes on W saThursdayý an FidayJune 16, 17 anti 18.Bro. Wat'son i: re'eive Iiscommissýîin ai D). D. G. 'NI of DrssDistricti and Bo. 11 delfeis'o tise Hospuial, B'ed Conittee of Grand Lodige. Ell,,even [Orjono Bey ý-S-oits l!eft or SataurldPey l tiand spen til -Moul- day non cmpnga t C cli Spri lg Park, tlise nar camp et tise Durhin Fedrat ofeAgrivulturle. Mesiýss J. Llr JMllsLeig b'on iai 11is 1(i BilBresl wern n l carge, Tise ticie a-sspenit ïlIs h+ies, camup 'fi-es- cýookng Pandritperforntad ,gen a-al scosrthag. 3,524 S"chool Children Immunized During 1947-48i Tise enrolnunt in 1emetar sciool1S ia NonHumq-bertiand liýDur- laiafor tise scso year wihantis in Jun is apppoxïmatedy 7,750 pu- pîilanerl 1%f tis7e pplainof thse Couaties, These sutaasoeccnpy dring scisoolhurs 21siolbuild- ings 0 0 11sol heralt11 supi -;er"v is0on r e- quiresý more tiime thau anay otisar oea part of ise HatsUnitprgama Oaa of tise irst fendions cf Vise h ealftis Unit ila) hol Visecnto cf conuinll ieue amuni- aV ýtac kont co)nami n.uiicabl 1e disease. Duriîlg ftisa 947-48 sýchsool year 3,524 sciool chlduren mare givan protev 1 PLIasuIîiii-n a agaicilat dîistýile rl'a, tise discasýe wC-vhicli iete ssc ro- te(icitin avs a(!e posszible ma commson cause olf serions illness orl deVsamlong cilen.No cases cf! d ip)iheia 1 aiva cret a inAi- tire-o usmgtise sio year la'ise U il i C ount i es. A t otal1 cf 86-9 sco lcisilutren -vme-a vacinatad 'Pla prele-m et eteluingifrons csol thosacý hî1dre-n ar;ise are sus3- Pecteti o-f 1having cmmniabe i-1 tes u is Ie espoaislbiity cf the prinicipal or teaciser. TiseHati Uinit staff assthtie teacher -antis tahilad-viee. iUn 1i nurssma1eý 137 claitroons inspections of pupils forî sîa c- onmaicîbedi.seaseor skiadisease. Wlien aaserreoscosu- mujob dseseis fSou nt0'ou re- pertacian a classa-cns a notie ils sau hiomre te tisahparents et' tise otiser chiltiran in ordea-HtIsatbey may be on tisa leOokouttesf ealy ig f <ill1- ness The case anti cotacits are, if onssible, Visiteti by tLise Unit nurse in orteiesne upimntthe 1instrucetions )f tise fnulytoctor mitisadrie - t'rîlhgeis nrsng reücf tise Pa- tienlt and ed anostae etiodî f isol iation f) tien cf e.300 chudren anti gave Eist aid aniotiser its wst e 1,~8i Hlealtis Unit Medlical Ofcasby tise stauff nurses mdaapisysie-al examn- inaLtion cf2,0 pupilsý. Dnring ix- ainations by doctes-s aninurss S1,ý- 168 defcts othar than Veatisv;wcr e fouti, and it aras o ,sere[it-hsat 378 defetts prviou l teti sa 1 eean ccrraecd. Tise conditions reqIuiiug trentùment or crrctonare clssnudl in tie onder of most trequent occur- rence as: veton -ubormal (tonsýils, anik deýf(cit i ve nlasal1 breeatiing. 0tIsars týounti were enlarged glatnds, orlbipatiic dafects,mlntitiion, eye du isa eeiinig, ana-, andi spueechde- feos. Tusare are a ef ew es acof hernie, ishea-ritdsasaanm ap- peearence,ý skin dsase, pulunolary dlisease, iea-vous tiuiortier, anti pos- tuial dfotIt hais beenecua- lng te I'( biset parents lignea have Ptiaia n iveinraes nhas-- iig sud dîpeauls orri-oceti. Wls hile, 4tis net iseen possible te re-uspect euh puipils, lt has been foundti tisaite tise total melting te vision anti eyes founat durinug tise aaiaini)u- pa-oxiuarety 31%1 are known te have iseen cos-retd, as cail as 44% of' nosaeanti isa eut onitons. Tisera- wme 1,721 etisîdun f Imest t have dental (le etsrnti )î4 ara kanow Vo have la tise nuecesay dental a-k cuarse cit Attention te thase pisy-1 sical tiefeets in tiseir eîiriy stags avil ps-avent semions iilaerss ainuater! lie. A -this,] t-iietio!in uto rthe ce boui healtis ses-ice liasaaslits puipjose the cu roi-ament of tise en ironsnt of tise siolcii(Ld.Elhcischlooi b'uildI- ing is survttycd dumtyrs W seyens-anti a reprtontise cnitosis for- mWed te tise Scisool Benud anid te tis Prvicil(prV0n cf H f,uenl a ecopy o tise SiolnT- spedtos. ThIis rý epenit giuves a lîst cf1 satc'ssara- niimslasriiimprm e55ieints Proresiv-Conservativ Cantdidate Wins In Dur 1i c rîLù i easiînw tse Prgrss te bacli into powr, thugi with a a-e- dnced irunimiber c-f sacuts, tintean in mnmiber, niw ý),having 53 seaits lin tie pesetgioveï-nument oistedcf tise 66! ,seats as ilimiore tie electica. Aiteleadets of tise tlireedie- en 'prie ere re-celcd 41liithie excLptioIIcf Hn.Joua A. DrIew ws1hî a.as defeatedi n lais biga Parnk rid- ing l'y a C.C.F. by, over 1000 votes. Hion. T. L. Kenvne,- MýIinter f Agriellturiin the lasît Progressi-,ve- Coniservative Governîmeaiet, has off er- ed his sent tVo the Peir Ficoota, V.C_ , ci erit Hioe, tisa pro-. gresusuve - Consee5valiva candidate, wsvicteniotus os'er lis Lihesal cn diaeGarnt Shliahii, at ieCCF Centidir te No,,man, AIliscn. Ai tisace ùcundd.uaes tarare nea n tise pouitî ued. Tlise votes cai la Durhisem County in tisis pa-asant alction avare jjusîtL fJbouit tis e a n14. Tlisera w'era ont-y 25vote lceas lise pres- enit lection.. MjrFoole aasden 1264votasotse- 'ýCoisarvativa vot-e ed fnutenseatis, notyait ts x Pense cf the Conservatives, LheTral Labor lost 2 and-LAtbor Pîrogressivea letoaaneat. Twv omauaiss 'se reuna o pavrboth la tis te cIift C.CîF. cani-udate, kt-rew heavy lai ou-. ky tIsane C-plaIces, port 1Hope, Diln. ton i ani Bio wimaaville. ha ýtilisa Mhre centres ire polled a totai of 1948votewliile ttereanlgu-a r'idings oînlIy gave l 598. TIS goan-'- to shlow thiat tlie C.C.P. canidiatea hu ce e saîure tiheir vote.s lumamu faicîttaissg cnre.Thee rural centresý ares iti var y iyoftheCC.Fs ElctinResuit, June 7y 194M C1lika Breai! LCliatl Keadai Pot o Siiel dis FotA S105 1285 g 5 6 219 2 Cfliake...........-9ý7 Bi own'ýs...... Locksasts......70 OooN........-147 Lakat.....7 846 mot-re votes thn n 194. Twîp, qavan li S Tsestndngcf4,thle diffa,ýrent pr lbok ... 8 fies11 late Hbuse xvill11be Tlp. Mnvr' Wu. 7 Conszervativeýs..........3Caie----- Libeae -s.................-- N---a--1e... ... . C~C~...................2-T ----a------- 42 JjlbaialLaÇbr... ...---- -----Daru--g--- -9 Lois ~ ~ ~ ~ ------ or-P--e -e........2-----nvle - 13 A-dVanee poli. . 2 90Active S. Vote 'q 87 In te pese ( lcticÉ-ioehtPro- 70I27 gesive Costiservat0ives s bat 13 seis,60 5 tl,.e Libesat aoe ieir uinlsaoiî f4 V r n,2 Clarke Counci To Build Townsh Chas-li -Wrnsi Co-il at oiam ùstva, Junle la;t, -it] i is ea barsrsen Minutes oet tisa ps-eý- vienis atntw re rai nti prv eti. CcciiSfapleton anti Wan. ale ead- tim-ssati tisa counccilse tisecodtn et tisair s'idereti antiad npnt potin f tise3rd linae. Th is met1es- ras rafarreti te ise RoatiSuasin tend ent. PuiseapiprovalbytsaDpatnsn et biglavays f tiseRodSer- eionts salisy et $1906 pas-year aras receivatanti ortie-d ln. A los rcmL'tise MiicpalSs-p Ce f-athaeiiig f O 0510 ,streats asf matiantialoorrtiadfile'l. Tar ospta ntiemre preatpJ-; eti ai tise des-k a<aked te arake tise! satiathie Departas-, ansmeet on11tisa site e offcias a stonas poýss T'isa trea-sus-er an' -r et, tise Couincifi Vocatl 'o eoillct tise se Tise floig resol, 148 - s-eu -Lcavu, avgsfor mecI antid wor h 85c-. par houa-. 14-- Datvey - McIKý ing Visa ronid sps-c tact ~ ~ fo E.Muta es eil fclaigplaces et ýrerý i c 0R--ONO m 1