ORONO WEEKLY TIMES THUI-RSDAY, JUNE 10, ý1948. BIRTHS EUSpACIE-Inovravll.Hs O3AMPELL - Tr)CCupt ami ýMrs. piral, ,)nlWe(edsia, jure th W0. L. Camïpibell (nee Eild 1own, j 4,*oRv n~.dI, A. E. Eas- aaigtr(Lesliie Bîait) drw.Both d4oing ncy RARTLEY H. DARLOW 'NERAL DIRECTOR & HOME FURNISHINGS Orono, Ontario MODERN EQUIPMENT At Your Service in Tme of Need FOURThEN VEARZS' EXPERIENCE Phone !Sr .7 (Day ur Night) SATURDAY, JUNE l2th Added Attraction "&DEATH VALLEY" IN COLORZ lsoMatinee Wed nesday ONE SHOW DAILY START AT 7..30 P.M. MAi,'ýTINEE 1.30 P.-M. test of ,hem ail! Adyenture! ~ pcae i Unforgtol ID Tnlid' issed andi everrme- chlldren Li'MEMORIAM [DEAN - lair Oving lmem-or-y of a dear husbanid andi father, Edwawld FDeant, who passed1 ay Juneý r-,ugh*hs sîiMbas p rever, Though o1 s severnewar, Ha udllive renniedmemoiry Umtil the end of fime. -Sadly miissesi by h!is wife-, R-ý mena. THE EETINACT (R~.O.193, hapte 8, section 61) Tafollowinig candidates 1have ~annomùiated for dhe ElectHinai jume 7th, 1148, inth EleecoralDs trýict o a -it arbain and thairOMMiia Agents areinasho'ows:i B owmîanvile uie orke - Oif- iAgent, Lucas Niohis, 3 Prospect Street, Bommiran1vile, Ont. 2. Majr JohnWeir oote, aiofl T wai sfiip ait Hope,Clrya - Officiýai Agént, H' I. R. S. Ry ani,1Fa1 Hope, Ontaro.i 3 rntSield.,*f lthe Township ait' Gavan, Faimer -Officiai Agent. ý A. 12. Eustace SUNDAY, JUNE l3th 9.45a..-SdaShol 1100 an. MrigService The Leaven. No- Eývenling Service 2.0pmLeskard Service. .0 p .,Kirlby Serviîce. Bohservices takýen by Re-V Seynouilr, of Eniniskilleun Orono Tinsho HAVE YOUJR Furnace p and ready for use du-Lrin"g the summer ionths r' v-r'~ j~ wli RE IIEsTOE enmý-- ý e2ML*ýÊ i C1ýirke Towuship To Build Office- Loc l N1ws(Continued £rom ,pag-e one) Mi-.Max ,ýStapleton1 ,oiNewncastLle, i86 Bron .LOWe1y: Orde n nsedawni-y 1last weeQk. the 'woka ad' rssinig to Keih ood lhas aece'!pte'd the posi- pr.ceeeed with àat once. store. ~~izing tle le1rk toconiu heivs MsMayPhe'ýsey sipenttheweek- tigatioýn to inaproVe the liv'ing condmi- sndwit Miss M1arJorie H oge f tins,, in refer1ýence to tùwio caseS in theýý Mr. &w)\en Fagan, of Tlbury, spent 1481 SS wr lrw:Renewm- vier the we-edwith Mrs. ag n- gthe PiI?1î T' Liibiity insuraneý Ans 511vith J. C.Gany Mjs sEdra Best, of Tojronto, spent 1 4K9 - MýcKay -Davey: Cniu he wveek-enid rw"th ler nother, Mis. 1inîg, ( C.F.- Awde a lcO f taJxes H.J Best. u ýp to and incîu-ding Jul~&h 98 ~Miýs Kate 'MdýKay 'spent Wednies- 149 Daivey .IMKa:Author- '.sý-y in Port 'Colfiorne, visitinvg ith1 izi'nlg the ol1erle toisu a letter of lier brother, i(occupa.,tion to Alfred Brama ard Mil- Rev. A. E. Ètustace. will take the ton KirnbaIl of the To\vnshýip sid- afternoon amd evejinîýg service at En- roasi hetween Lots 10 anmi Il. Broaken niskillen on Snda.Fiont, when this request a be-n Lkrid Pba,ýey enjo-yed, a few chays' put in 'writing. 'Ilit wilth b is grandfather, Mr1 . C. 1491' - Browni - Lawery: Le2avi-no oVod, in Kitchener. the m-atter a'f bidiga ulvervt on The stu-Lderts . f Oronýo Continlua- l.t11 Broken Front, in the hiarmd ýi schooi are busy tl we wi- ftlie rnd superintendiert. o>ff their ex-Vntos.A.er receiving th'le estinrates oc T ast week-end bu'atterprie in 35 for the building --of an office, oin oodroer1ped Tur cents, fror '272 motion oft' Brommn and Davey, it vwaý ~nsa picund to 8cent. dcid1edl to proceed with the maitte- Mr. and Mrs,. F. ýR. Batof at once. Tgronto, spent Surday wîih Mas. H. The scaleo'wgeto ie 1paid to Walh nd )Miss F. CobihdaIck mlen wVrkixrn01on the rnswas le(f Mr.an Mr. lenTalbln pento-er toinheJuly meetinjg !je .veek-end w1tbthe foriiuer's par- Tefloighiswere ordnered Mr.Ronld atttso , f Tortonto, .H d aeof hl 10 Wî1a is itteliding law ,schoJol in To- Ono 1H\1,),towrm lalligts13.50 bIL, is in tîawn spIend(ling a few of!Bord f ealth........ 148 l'lshîlidays lherýe. T. j Mellorsar, poSta1ge M~r. George WLnudretan nd rent.........15.8 rat-iion for tlie removal. of bis to- Rele200 sus, at, o unileHoaspital on, After Care......... ....--- 42.ý00î Thwirsdýaiyoft lstweek. Mr.E. J. RandaîXl R vs IF._._ '2.001 Mr. !Fr-ed ycl is this week aIt- Charity....................5.00l tending thre annual convention Of 1 tire SinSearle, reprirngKea $125,000Insperial Life Product L-fion sdwls .. . ..40 Club being helsi at the Genrerad Bick T .GnePublicLiablit Hotel at [Ninîgara Flals, Ontario. Iaunc........278 Mr. Jiim Pattersenm, who lasbeen on h.Sun1io <f--r hall .5 clerlking in Mr. C. B. Tyrei' rug R I oy 2 shepl ed, pj.1 sre -hsivei U1p bis position and injured .......----5.- acefda jposition wýith the Dornin- p. j, Ai.1tri$pjas va01uer.. 3 ion1 Canner1s Ltdï. alt Boiwm'ianville. ihvrs odvv&r'o 568 The BwmnvleBoys' Train1ing ý : ofradvoues-N.5 156 SooiBle Band pa-aed hrugh ResW 92 Bon. IoF y Or--oo t 7 p2m. on Wednkesday avený- Ta h ori dor ~pe in coanection wîlih the Néawicastl1e '~ rlhnb nJui 'ly 6iS7 Lamaio s C ub car ti nalat t1hat place. . a.n Don't forge týo take iin the dance thiis Friday evenring, June 111h, u- 1der thie wauspices a t the 1oroo o- hall Club.Rov Forre,(siýer's ý7-p)iec rol o am r Mr. Murraly Phterson, who ha If yoil want us, to r-emove your been onthe staýff oit he Cndin dead farm stok ithïin an hour Bkoiof mece t Bw'anilwithout charge lasoeentanl rrdt th e >staff oit CALL us COLL1ECT fhe Cenda akc Qmreat Bowmanville 21679 Taanworth. For Crippled Horses we pay ___________________ as high as .......$18 .00 IN MEMýORIAM And for Old Horses as high DYEAN In la ving inemory of a, as.................--- -----$q00 dear father andi grajndtteir, Esi- We are able to pay these prices word Freemnan Dean, aiho W55 so because we feed the meat to aur tmddenly 1aken. froon iius June l13, own animais. 1947. ________________ 1ia tears we sevw you sînking, MARGWILL FUJR FARIM Aadj satch-ed you fade aiweyR 1, TYRONE Gosiknos hw mcliwe issyou T'elephone: Bowmranville 2679. As Jt aw c ne year to-day. 1We- think OS 'you in slnc Aýndi often repeat yoîurnanme, Bit alil that's 'lftotaanswe-r - --- Yuui rnmenmlry is oua dearesit treasure PARK ST. In our h1earts, you wl live farever, 11 AluRIlSDIc 1In~ Wiso'sharge bottie ... 18e RASPBERRY JAM "Wethey's", jar..... .... 43c V-8 VEGETABLE- JUICES 2 20-oz. tins............ 31c Orono CREAMERY BUTTER pound for.......... ..67e PURE ICING SUGAR 2 lhs. for ..... .. ...... 25e Kellogg's VARIETY CEREAL pkg. f or....... ....... 37e TIDE Cash your v'aluable coupon pkg for....... ....... 32e- Aylmer SIIOESTRING BEETS ehoiee, 2 tins for....... 23e VEGETA13LE SALAD eontains 6 different 7egye- tables, tin ... .......15e Borden's GRATED CHEESE "4wine cured, pkg ....... 20e SHREDDIED SWEETENED COCOANUT 4 ounices 22C i CORNISH ARMSTRONG'Si 1 Canvas Pumps and Loafers at Dargaiu Prices WýhIte Canvas Pumps and White Loafers, tan trim, al- Oxfords, reg. $3.45,1 for $1.9M So plain white, reg. S3.95. for...............--$2.95 Skirts, short length, ini sizes Chambray Dresses, sizes. 12 14, 16 amij 18, wh ile they to 38, priced $4.5 and $5.50 last..... ............98c-- Children's Cottonl Overails, 4 Dresses, ishort lengtlï, col- Bodlt ut, Jres Sun Suits, Pinafores, Print ors black, green blue .... .0 veralîs. 1 Eyelet Embrüdery, color ý Congoeum by the yard; also white, size 16......... -8.00 Congoleum and Feltol Rugs. Red Seal Sweet Mixed Pick- les, 48 oz jar, each ...... 59e Freez-Easy, Assorted Plav- ors, 2 for . . .......... ý,25e Cooking or Spanish Onilons, 2 lbs f or ........ ...... 25c Grape Nut Flakes, Corn Toasies and Bran Flakes, 3 pkgs for....... .... 21c Cookies 1-2 lb pg....... 20e Old Black Dîamond Chieese, pound for ...........52ec Matches, 3 boxes for ....29e I05~ oz Blue Pluis, ixited quantity, each...... ..95ce Or-der YourMetEl: IBEEF, fRKo VEAL, M a ple 1Lenf Pure L Ed0l. . 27e Aylmier Pork and Beýans, 2 tgins forV. ......... ... 33c Lux our L'IfQr-ebuy Sa,3b f or.... .........25C SwandownCake FýCour, pkg7e Javax, large ........ ....5 SimalI.............14C -a urentian Pottery Teapots wi th pastel florýal decour- ations...... ...........................1. 98Iý Viking Gassware, ideal for weýdi g- gifts- 3~0to $.S Crystal SaIts' and Peppers, pair.......ý-,75c and 95 Rose Glassware, various pieces, at trciepie. Cups; and S-Lucers, Cake Plates, ofEn nglish Chin a. M Rtý.S. l.-%',E ID Phone 9ý r 7 ORONO, Ontario LARGE LEMONS 3 for IOc. DOMNESTIC Shorteninag lb 2 lbs AYLMER 1 lEUý C Sc MAYONNAISE "Blue Ribbont', small jar.'30e Gerber's BABY CEREAL 8 oz pkg ...... ......... 24e Lyon's "Aroma Seal" COFFEE 11btin..........65e JELLO LEMON PIE FILLER it's tops, 2 pkgs for . ý... , 19e Doles' PINEAPPLE JUICE tin for ..........22e LEMON ýLE YoRK BRAND Strawb.erïies 2)0 aztin "FRESHIE" Makes 10 gînsseýs of sof t drînks Orang,-e,, Lemon, and Lime aim-m -,ÏAN