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Orono Weekly Times, 10 Jun 1948, p. 8

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j ORONO WEEKLY TI ESTHIRSDAY, JUNiE 10, 1948. r~IfAI Als. N.Liie Mr. anid Mas. A.yl- Mr. John oodo'scdd farnt. KENDALVL UxrdLttl'e a Ale wr at home Mir. and Me;s. Herii'. Rey*vie f'r t(he week- dPeter a 'IL aeao Mh Vr. 1nd Mis. Norn TeFil yo vr no-ii ona Miw Amid Thompsn spentMr. anavMs. VinLc 'd~.E.Luon spet hewek-at theýir somer ome. Mr. Mit atn fPe1teý1 ed at her sunimer .cotta,. en le ee-ed wî1l Mo.arJMý.C.Kiny se< he MVa.iMs an Derwyook anýd Mrsnora attoni. wekedat Ganan11oqfue. m i hvaken -p residence on Ms depeadaoh _______________________________________________ ess of ihe rebyecan C; 1 i cre's cool news for you C ifered for the first time. Woadwind the compliteIy modern suiting by Damil. Cool, cfisp and crease resistant i's breeze oomd e have had i tailored by the best maker. Be cool this summer. Came in soon Sand ask us for a Woodwind suit, 2 Pair, of Pants I $45,00 MSTRONCIS ONTARIO DON'T FORGET FATIER ON JUNE 2O0th Gifts h. will appreciate SANIBIOYS Theý Super-Sanitary lRefuise Disü,al Unit, BEACH ELECTRIC RANGES Apartinent size CONVERTIBLE CARRi AGES silver, Blue and Marooni $32.95 and uip FOLEY FOOD MILLS MASIIES, RICES and STRAINS GENRALELECTRIC RADIOS FEAT H ERWEIGHAT RON and, ELECTRZIC KETTLES SUNBEAM SHIAVEMALÂSTER The New RmntnFoursomie and SCHIICK ELECTRIC RAZORS Doýuble Head WRITE HALLand TRU TIEIMPER CASINGRODS and SHIAKESPEARE R.EELS $CRïZEEN and COMBEINATION WINDOW SCREENS PIT U iTH VfFTHE NEW W-EDSTER PORTABLE PAINT SPRAYER $ 29.9,5 FROST KING ICE BOXES $49.95 REPAIRS TO ALL APPLIANCES &NîD RADIOS Doue Quickly and Reasonably Coleman & Philp Electric FION FARýMERS TUIE H.iiHST P fRE'VALlfING PRICES OR1- CRIPPLED FARM ýNANLS -CATTLE - - a HOGS cil tis 5tiud y. Peler 'as anti tib~~o~4gb Mm. anti i deecu- honcli cf WM. Boy.. M 1'.Reg !Hmîui iiteti wih Mi. anid Mis. T hldtlio e thvwk-i end d i ago fr hefond ti ha V ulig ntelt omrl Potonahicif OonoAMo. Rny Pti- -!n cf Clmiu, -nMi. Carimana Pato ctiMu. Alfred We'geof Osw<ieye guiests with Mr.. anti tcn overVicwe-n. WVe unerstn acoýin on the tee iras~S Oi as f 'Mi. Spenmce Gem-i d<onsS ig ifdea ofI' itchinig four berses te thre wagcn'anid airQe <and tak- in<-g the w eigdot off bis feat vwhiie bar- When dthamccisiis Netham- doirte fo nmi 'heart tioh glow; But see hlm si icd a ar Wioen ieCe-rniUs on <letIra ee. iVir. Goîtion h hetter ury ýup and secure thoe patenit liit on his ý S nie cf the Keuda-l ladiesated ed tbe Dstrcconvenition f fthe We- nre s osttutsof WstDrham ion Friayletdue 4%, Sinoo Concîtultinste de Orono Gil's Clubce, myeaietpontibie for Ce dinne.Ttwas grand..Congraula- linallo 0 . O. W. Roi'ph on0 ber. at1Ii1on to th,,,offic fDsr Pr odu f the West Durio-no Wo- have thepreidt"at 1 dcci ý ". T Shey levngtheir puirchases ;al o ver Thei vige ry goos pa-cals lu aa 1rdl- c st lover tlime vilîhîge teloal wora oun~i îi h ireedey ivere sittiugindIe convention hl,,notesý they bad aiusaknulynrad.e (tiuYinug f ha meetiîng werL(ýe veortalhily ,-fonnDd afrter tuba labdies lh-ad dtepaired. Pie- fseaare not.lie enl<y 'cnes ýwhe ara absent 11iluId. NE WTONIVILLE Mis Hazai Srnger with i. ant fMi. anti<i.Chs e s peul thehoiy week-end <iitlilicher sister, MssHaywr.rd at Mýouiut Albeut. Counatlaîion teMr.atnd Mis. Hais!Bnrey on the birth cf a %dtte ~on. M1v. and Msou.Cietr f 0 ý'auith bher urother, -Mis. Wm. Mr. nît Mis AihurRedkunap wit tueirsonAlfedanibis wif e in saa <Mu. W. anaisvisitin<g hler du ugioer and ber buebant, Mm. anti Mi.Brucee Lewsy of Por)itHo. Mîîs Willi Farowwith Mr. ad Mis. Rossell uiNeL, Ousiava,a coupleOFcf aps. MP'. :Md. i. alFarrow anti dag Otr f Tonut,î:o, -ivitlr Mi.anti WVe are gainf rpotMus.D. De- nutisnuiimpoei Ai ot Hope Mis Anie osu, fîmeiyof Port Grany ani Tront,%vas laid te rea;t Mu.Jcn TÙtnar, cf <Yroo, m .J anti Mie. Tom Turner anti mnily c Bi w!mail1v il-1le, wvith 1Mu. aniM. M. Bort Butleft enMontiyfer Edoseon.Fmoîm thare ha wiil,,fl Ae GolUfieiarbore ha bas a job We are sýon'y te have terePcrt that Mus. Davitidenults inli tel Port Hoýpe bcospîta foir an oaain We oieli for heian peyrecoveiy. Mm.ant <is.Gerio 5m h, Mîs MalnBea. port Hlope, anti Mil. aic Misq. E. MEwpanti baba, cf Peter-J TPlie grs foait ea 1) 3playeti day ening ¶where t1fey were af- hr'îe y Bro Rev. H. A.,rot Mi. anid Ma MBikeo ,Cno f, edhi hesevic o 'sn r m MiaadMi. Wi. laic-em, fMc. and ~ ~ ~ ~ 'u Mi.Wti arw atne te thryfiJ eddinrt nntee cf (j haC.a01OUJ t lboysxnailtle pon Fn ve Mnr, 'S uch, w thebretof Misoo BrNe, sMis laronît n Mis Chas, itorrisy, esentedis fierest ro 2l gremmes. Fi<owîng tis, pr lunoen We re c'ay o rpot the passin cfe one o- oui ern boy onthe 2pero cf Mrax Stae on b, w-More1etlook i- m sesidenrlcin New!ýcaîe. We ex- ofas Mis ilette illt ,hs o f Fh nd fLly, na hi dhut es Fieln ni ThiMa; a Mls his moth'r, Mrs eorg StaplTt-,of orthope, Ml,, Gordon',(1 e ue) and Vive br po-<ers,ý1 iy f tha2d and1lxý .2dth, aiqitescessfud. The prram imeon' 24h ook th Tom fancidfahinti e:u pro- eý Mais, c ,. Weleyof letMi.Ky of Poot Hope an l-stllekvîl divs give. So<o h Trs More obn son wa invýedireeive.e Goheen' fammly, cfFNw<cas!l*,vwhîsingingt-ýý henjoye1m'd e ,reonvinced ýý.T<hatpe pie sllltelocal t at*antin fom i soial gatherins. A boli- fir lunchivassevtibyte ecl1diOs Toalpocer, , is was a<priaeiyl The gil sftalio team plyeiti o;vening wit hcfw<al ad am ku<o'w ý ivthe isi story feel very rn cif' these irls. ar ofKthidqyear they had-reo frds nti n uifrî. he C11ere whafl for ma wtialanPru. i de rt Pae pubic fndssera c the -f iý girs re akugteir ýcUv un- f cirnfs Nil r1wa1have irls anti uni fouritnsbtsti no plac.te itherý prctceorbd-tetr gaine, -1anilu Tto ite ucnl-.Knilla as% 1andeveuing. Thi is a fin'e gs toua ýfenolha parth Mf.KendlAtiS merpitnd ea na obý1t [Ic onui reac11(A, O oIti' kirk, girlbts Mlý AntieCaro d sipntihusiy af M!Lis. J. DiýseeisuthentwSa îrdayIn Me. anti is.iRobet HiI1, k RE'9S ELECTED!f A we fraim tins Sunday is the National Day to remiember Father-l on~~~~i FahrL D O hs oocasion ithe nation reco)gnizes the titx- paye an isholerbe he a Fathler, like at on othler timne of the SUDY, JLJ NF, 2th IS FATIIER'S DAY ~Ve lis below fef the iua nis four conîplete4stock of hlereý fo-rny casio ad acedfoýr iiiaton extra chitreL.; COUTT'S IFATIIERS DAY GREETING -CARDS NewDesga ofBeutiulCard, from -n 5c. to 25c. each CUPS AND SAUCERS 0f Engliýsh TBon-e China, the cup) is printled with gold leaf "ahr aand it hldsseveýral cups, enough for thie mnan who realily li;kes Tea. Th e C upaadJS au c e r..............................----$------- RAZORS Gillette Razeirs amni Sets, frein 49 . 132 te $6M00each Vaýlet -Razor Kits.......----$1.25 'Wilkinson Razors.....--- .450 Schick El-ectrie........-- --$21,00 Schick Razoers.......... -- -$1.20 Relis Razors..........-----$12,50 Packard Electrie....... $24-50 Pipes and Cigarettes Pipes -----------$1î,00 te $1,.ýO Plipes, $1,00 to) $1.50 te $,0 to..............-------$5.00 each Cigarettes, A the popular brands, factory fresh at lowest prîces. Cigarette Lighters Stormi Proof Lighters at eaeh..---.-.--.-.-......$,00 Ronison Models f rom $6.00 eacb. $8.50 each te ... $13A00 each BILLFOLD AND KEY CASES BilIfoWls froin.............................--------- ---- - -1.65 to $7.50J ench UftiIity WTavelling Kits in Lenther, eaîch...........-$-- 6.00 to $50 Wateirman Pen and r'encil Sets, each.............--$5.95 to S15.54 Meii'ýý Tiolet Gifi, Sets ini Gardeiiia, Yardley, Lenitheric and REMEMBER FATTIER'S DAY IS SUINDAY JUINE 2O9th Charles B3. Tyrreil [~UIU JAGE N",FOR JCMNFLOWERS Phoine 68 :: Oronlo, Ont. FATHER'S DAY, JUNE 2th Stedmnan's Quick DryingEnml colorsgls white, ivoryv, creami, lettuce -reen, Princess bile and wýaln--u.t, quart......... Copper Scourinig Pad(s, each........ SPECIAL - Candy, Orange and Lemoni Slices, I 1-4 lb for......... .... Paper TowelI- Racks (new).. .......... Stainless Steel Knives and Forks, Catalin hand- les, each ...................39C Lady BethI Nylon Hose, spring color s, 45 gauge, pair for.............$19 Children-'s Sand Pails, Watering Cans and Sandcl Sieve Sets, pried from.......25c to 49e GROCl-ERY FEATLIRES SetCherries, choice quality, ~ oz tinis: .. 5 Raspberries, chioice quality, 40O p.c. sugar srp 20 oz tins ........... ......O Sweet Mixed Picles, 16 oz jars........25e JleînýZ Sandwý Ih SPpead, 8ozjr......35 bread Or bunis or thinnied for a tVE OI syrup,1i lb t-in ...... .......ý33C H~I Freez-Easy Ice Cream imix for y~5TRERY rmakiig ice creamn at home, fia- Sors Maple, vanilla;ý or straw- 2 for 19C bry ksfr.....5 Wailnuts, 2 o--z pkgs for.......13 Walnluts, 29 oz pkg, . - ., 13e Cocoanut, SWeetened, 4 oz pkg ..ý.... ...... ý..21C Pitted Date-s, i lb plkg. . -',c SPECIAL - Fancy Biscýuits, ccn nut Cookies, Plain, lb..........-----27C Fropkil 1Creams, lb...........-------- aobCoff ea, ] b pkg, regular grind.............---...........---- M Ï t JE LLO PUDDING I 2 f or19 fin qzTflDr ,ter Equipznent, Prirate Ambulane Northcutt andSmith fiEuippe-d te ta ai Direc4tore and Farniture Demin COURTESY kecare of the mnedestfunerï-ial ble ch'nrge &S WIDI am the large.t moat exactiag uo Office 618 * Rot ..51 SERVICE I at thq ml ït end 8 end 72r; r> ORONO M o n

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