ORONO WEEKLY TIMEýk2 lHUPSDAt, JINE 17, 1948 0F TOWNSIIP A TTEND MEET (Goonued froan pgeonoe> 'Rurl riuy bos, irby 27mi Girl 25yardpotto ace, und er M , Ahler JcsoKendul;Nora Girls15 yAd h'Weiraununder 2z Rosmar Bstok.Orono; Helen Haio'wiiCrokedCreek; Anuee ~Stp1eonClukeUnion. Girs 75 yard dast under 17. Ha-1 mel Farw riashirley Qa-GADN LL GIRL COM-- tri, Owaniil; GaceGambyofPOSES PRiZE WNNING P'OEM Bos25 yarýd buckward race, u- Cr e.k; Grant Tunib-Llyn, Orono; By Boys 251,yaýrd potafo race. undor 11), Biliy But ecsl;Billy Hancoc--k, Antiocit; Rerui Priiker- ing,Bow's Boys 25 yard shoe race, under 12, Ly! Harris, Newcusble; Deuuy Lynch, Orono; Gordon Garrod, New- Casùle. Boys 75 yard Mercer, roo Newcusnil; B11 tle. duasi. under 17, Don Spence Creurner, f Holubounko, Newcas- INSECTICIDES, This is the tintae w youir ïgarden is at its peak and you shoýuld protect your resuits. We have a complete, full range of- Insecticides for every specific purpose aise modern Weed Killers and Sprayers SEE THE, NEW MOFFAT GAS RANGE that ,ooks deliejious ful-flavored meals quickly and uniformly, with economy of operation, for only $149,50 and $189-50 LUNN HARDWARE' PHONE 66 r1 ORONO Defore You Ruli COMPANY Clarike12A - NEW,ý-CASTLE ' - Clarke 1213A Briick, CemientTe Lumber, of ail kinds (B. C. Ontario and Eastern Canada) Doors (700 to choos--e from), Nails, Sash, Door and Window Franies, Gyproc, Lime (Hardwall, Finish- ig and Spray), adwo Flooring, Masonite, Tilelc>ardýs, Walilboards, Asphait and Cedar Shin- gles, Rofng, IMouldin gs and Trini, Plywoods, Fence Posts (Cedar and Steel) Fencing FF ATT 1E NT"iON F AR ME RSà WE RE PAYING THE HIGJIjET.VALING PRICES FOR DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM ANIMALS HORES - CA,àTTLE - -HOGS TolepholeilectforimmnediateSevc G GDO,-,,EiN YO)UNG LIMITED Toroiito, Adleluide 36)36 -,Ccbourg 48J (iConnued fCon page one) (And' if you vo nover hourd of it that reully isui'tstag) And tho' the work is lo ts of ,unId soon excbngethe ife To "hellos 'llysu[y "odbe anid ho atucr'wie Thus my rpoý a uhi n (pîe;- se dothu it ovor If you aucce-tit, I(ne oyu!) w'd reully ho in clover. P.S. IE you roetit, could' you thon for mie a min sii ? Just toil Ikoy po1oct, o al mreup"olcV l MuissOaGodnris a noice ol LAWN BOWLERS M5,IEETÏl'li I Ai11 citizenai irOstd i 'w boýwing are,requested' t,, be at -a meeting called for 8 p.m. ti jis Fridiay at the office of Leroy, Hanuiitont. Planas-will thoen ibe made for aq pl'ay- mng S'ched'ule' to get under way ut t1e bowling green at the' park, whilh Mr. Watsounow bý,ýlas lin good pla-yiung condition. WE THANK YOIJ Thie Newcastle 'Lions Cluib wish to exedtheý,ir tbanks' to those who s wiînMy blp tem souo their ct-ival p on Wednesduy, dunle 9tbi. Thte carnival was a igreat suc-1 casa n a certain arnount oftis credinit i5-~ go to ineuilbers outside, the Clïib -wbo so willinrgly gave of their tMme to lp rmake it a succes-1. Agai we tbank you. IN)MMORIA M COBBLEII -l o iug me'm'IOrY of dear littie -Morley, ýwhopase away one yoar ugo dunle 16thi. He wus a fiowocr too great for enh Senft 1ero biut foria'while., -ýSadly misaed by Graudpa and IN MEMO PRIA M ofour dalig sonau brter Money,-o lftu Jn 1,197 ugo e eaa Two ltte auids arer'tn A lovin heurtis sî A liitti 'nwel'o i utn Four us uatover 'the hii. -Tocpreiousy lved 4'0 over ho- forgotton b Y Mummn-ie, D'd n Marilyn.ý ANNOUNCEMENTS The dune meeting ot the' Evening Àuxliay of' the W.M.S. ,if be hed n Thradn 7th, at the lborne 4f M_. nr i1lhngs. Memb rtr askedl to t at te Sunday School ron t7.45 sar t ake ,up)the ca 11i)oads. Do't gt to bin your articles for the1Overabae on if idJune18. a t.2.30 p.rn. Th- programme, "V,'or ý ld "Citfi zensip mvil in uncre of M. E.,J. H«mB anýd her coinnitt(eo. Te roîl carl wiil býe "A note 1ord citizen", Be- garduug the Co-, perative Mcedical Seviesotliýned at ouir las't meet- ii by 5r.. J. f. Ior DECORTIONDAY VSERVICE iRONOCEMEERYJUNE 27th Deorati n Dy wi'l bie ohserved aS usuai tis year on Sun4ay, JUne 27ti, A Orono Cemetery. The Fra- tonni- Soieie are invitod to take, 1partinu the d eio f the gravesý -)f their dleceîaaed bre-ther-u.Services wiM! coonmoncoat 2.31)'o'cloc.It is oxpleoted theo Orono B'and wiill ho preseuet and will g2ive a ba-nd concert- diluing, the vqftornonon. Local mns ters 'wîli take- part, in the service. Plan to he there. SALE IREGISTEJIS I have heen authonizedt seli Hby pulc auction at 'Lot 25, Cou. 5 CleeTowuship, ",/a mile easýt of Orono,, tho prcopety of Colville Fivuý,s Î& Sou, t63 p.rn. sharp on Fniday, dune 25th, 8 bond of horses;, 5 head of mik)ow; 6herd( of fat fat ate. e Terms Cash. ack Reîd Auciione,, 1 have 'been autborzed to We!l y publc actin a Lot 34I, Con. 6,1 Hope ownshp', nue east ofShio Church, ut 1.00 pin. s1harp, the n'rcpýerty cf Ambrose Robhinson, on [ Weneda, une 23: ;, borses; Il he-d' of m1ilk cows; 13 hoýad o', fat cati( and 8 calrpea; feed rid( a fitli linoe o acary TonsCash. No Reservo. Jaceid, Auctionieer. I have heien authorizod A Sem *hy pMli auction at Lo 29, Con. 7, Clark Towni1ip, i iles wost of tMe propeuity of Whitney Boyd, at 1.00 p m. sharp, ou Mlouday, dune 21t, 114 ilck cow's,1 Regislered Herý!ofrd Bll;21 'headt( of Fat Cat- tle; 46Fedr;og.Terni CSh Noý' Rosero. ak Rid, ÀActoer STORE TOUR FURS AT HIERMAN FURS CANADA'S LARGEST FURRIER OUR MODERN SCIENTFIC FUR STORAGE VAUlLTS 'ARE: 31MOTU PROOF SFIRE PROOF SDUST PROOF STUîEFT PROOF Send us youCoh Couts and Furs To-day 2 PEU7R CENT 0F YOUR VALUATION Newî Service Cleaners Port Hope - - - Ontario W. J., RIDDELL, Agent, Orono Free Estimates will be Given Cheerfully on Rock Wool Homne Inisulation 13Y Blower System, F Our luches thick, GILPIN & Ce. iiisulation Contractorsý, 57 Blaoor St.. West, Toronto District Represenitative for Dlurham County GEORGE WADDELL Phone 23 r 22 - BETHANY The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY Phone 501 -- P.O. Box 622 î Port Hlope. Onitarin l0numents, Gravemarkers Eneraving. Goldleafing CRsife COMINC EVENTS- Corn an orioy ourslf t Les- Kib udySchoo0cI picnlic -wvi11l be1 ido(Strdy Julie 1th ut tHe curht 2 o',clocýk. Spoonsz orIsand cupa will !be provid'ed Bring yon ]le and sket WANTED Alkisof live ponltry fora good Torotnomrkt payingi the ibst o pios.A.G.pjigoe)bt, OronoiIÇ. FOR SALE IN ORONO Twcofrne osewell equiýPpe.d. 'lo ihe aoid for ah Write to Box 16, Orono, Ontarie.c,2p WANTED Seeond!-hrnid bab)y ecarrage, as son iasý possble. -Mrs. Erne'st Greeni, R. R.' L Orono; or pih o ne 86 r 12, Orono.a-21-fp. FOR SALE PinoMason & ischConisole Modxela, 57 iches wvide, 37-,,inchles hiigh. One',like rnew $r97.00, Phonec IL, hs.H Pe'a1Cocký,980Srnoe St.i FOR SALE PianosMa 1ogay annd Walnu.t, eihtto ch1oose- frorn. Ald recondi- tioned a;dluai nee.$90.00 and up. Phono 2î51, Cha. H.Peacock, 80 Simivce St.NotOlaa WoIlrikce 4 by nePotal cretmixer, hndor 41et drivonl. We haýve for saiý lè nmJe stnout- boa,,rd c oor 11.p., Ï11 g)od2con- ditioni. Apyto A. H. SJteven, GEREYORK Orono - Ontaio( Aýgent for teEmpire WaElpaperS aei flWater Pro4 WI'allpapers (Original W1he Rose), See my pýorfolio of lovely wallpapers. Even- i s. you" willh airld 0ORO0NO Furi1urieHo spi;ai Antiquîes Boulit and Si Sve our line of Drapery M ateiîal Kýitchen Units made to order C- F. D11uncanil Pho(ne 79-16 - OR ONOV Radlio Service! The combinatioa of experienice, cora- plete dat a onail makres, and modem-i test equipmuent wili ensure PROMPT, REASONABLE AND EXPERT REPAIRS Cail R. L. MYLES Phone 79 r 4 -, ORONO SOLIC][TOR NOTARY phones: Office 825 Residence 49,9 BO0WMANVILLE, ONT. VETERINARY 1DJR. W. W. SIIE RWýfIN VETERINARY SURGEON Office Main St. Orione Phone 63 r 7, Oreo INSURANCE J. C. GAMIEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automobile and Liability ORZONO TAJ Manufaturera L nurance C4k Dominion of Canada. General HIartford Fire Insurance Waterioo ý Mutual Fir-e Insurance Wawanesa Afutual Insur'ance is represented nl this district b7 D4NE FOUIND If its Insurance, give Dane a tri _, ERDOY HAMILTON -NSURANCE ieAutomnobile, Liability, Lif lospitalizaitioni, Plate, Glass, BrlrCasualty Rýepresenting the Leadling CANADLIN, BRITIISH and office, Mlain St. - OROND Phonles: Office 32 r 113; Re". r la Phoinie and I will cali to, suit you. INF-Oïï.iMATïION Wouid you Mike te know more about the following 7 (a) flow te wlll ta your fainlly trna thousi, dollars that you have.-'t yeê saved ? (b') fHow toý guarantee a salary cheque te pour family eey month. for 10-15 or 20 years should you bz2 taken eut, of the pciture? (c) How te have a sal!ary cheque everymot for yourself as lJong au you live, commenicing at age 55-6e or 65. (d) Howm to guaranitee that youY son or daughter miil have the money for an education beyond high schooIl? Let uls have a ch't about it Some- time.Phonle FRED LYCETT AUCTIONEEKS T E D JA(KCCV, Auctionee~r and Valuator Conducta Auction Sales of ail sizEL and ai rensonable rates Conmm unficate 'with 'hlmat Por Penny, OtrO, r sec his Clerh. A.. E. Morton. at Orono, for date. JAICK REID Oro'no's Licensed Auctoner ud Valuator Specialize ir. Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for terrms and dates Phione 5 r le O-qwnV KINO D, UG KLE FOWR QUICK AND SURE INSECTICIDE Spec-iatl î 10 - 2f) - 50 lb bags 3per- cent DP.D.T. in 10 and 24if lb bags (Oronio and vicinitY) RHARRY DAILEY Phone 8 7-16 - - - Orn ~, DN'TSEND TO FOR GoOODS UNLESS. * you have fiirst consulted your nierrest Customis Office, The import of cerfciin goods isý now prohibifed in order f0 conser-ve our U.S. funds. If tne article you wish f0 buy is on this pr-ohibifed Iisf, if wiI not be atiowed fo enter Canadaý, even fhough you have paid for if. Don't be discippointed... Before ordering. goods f rom the U.S. or other couneries, consuit your nearest Customns Office or write Enurgenry Import CGstrol Division, Department of Finance, tlawVa. eSý Professional Dîrect,.ory- A. F.E McKENZIE, M.W. PHYlSICLiN and SURGEON 2.00tý to 4.00 . 6.30 to 8.00 p.m. Sdasand We-dneadays by appinteatonly PIIO-NE 47r1l - ORONO Lawrence C. Miason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor Ofie68F Hme553 W. F. WARD BARRISTER - q