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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Jun 1948, p. 1

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EE ES ORONO. ONT- TFIUýRSDAY, JUNE 24th, 14 Subscription $1.50 per Year OronoAmater Atletic Association Sports Day, July lst- Trio Badly Hurt When Car Enters Ditch At Dean's Corner! ,,;;e ù-f the eorst ca-a accidents in t 1i3isrict olocurred~ on S u nda , T'vaninng, Juna 2?,thi, vvhen, me lie- avthre ~a-ai~pa-aM ChDrle owlie, Msrs, -Stealla -Meihahr- so -nd Millie Jones, suif ered ser-cous injras win tlha car in ,v'hic-h they mare sing faild te mase nte turc at D~eans Oorner, 2 aMies south oel Onenso and pihinged liteo- six foot Macl aiong the roadside. rLIha trio moue prouceedAing rortli ie-n the ae-ident happened. They adbeau vi;sint friands -on No. 2 îlighw-y do-ring the aarly part «if the îev(enrag -and mare on thair may niorth. A -,Zr. liecks, wluo livas soutli of No. 2 ighaybetweeu Nawutonvilie, anti Nemca-Vl, as drlviag Lis'ý trucit neou four thundveed yards be-hînd MiVr. !oHa.le ri';uaS the fl-rat Ip-n thle sceneo-ad ,ragga thie threa occu- pants eut of' thse car la case aV burst MmIefarnes. r.Cowlia isz the 'most risy edncncie UIh y thoE insp-act anld 4t la feared hae may ha--ve siffered a frdrdsk'uil aafd prbbyinte- ua vijuries. Another one oPAhe paeagrs as ise knickad uc stins muving re(ceived a teriblMe hua-p jut aboya lier' oe e-ye, arieii bac injies AlI rciveýd c frcmý. flyinlg gls.Ail tluee wr by ab in a.Mr Htonwa gv -r.jNormn An ewsSr-,atl lusUitr, Ms. E. FroGre M.and -Mss. -R.Heigsot Scluonr ig. r.AI- X M .A. G. Pa -[Jnd Tnuu liiste er ssa s.E. G , c MsEFarrow and Athrt-satl Sua-day. MonrWteaioan e Shirleys Qua- tfiielaed -eSnirGrsMd a mi la tpeay. n fo r ea pvïile estailuere lueo-n o-ar cpeaîou t-o pedi R e Qigey Boavaju1avîl , con la Vie ab. ene et-3Rev.niPttesonA. saSsvices -oýI eneday Jhy t Durhanm County Trustees' Aid Ratepayers' Associa- lion Annual Meeting! 1 Durlua111'Gourity Trusees,' and f atepayers' Association led thairi alnaiiýns-e-tm-ig in Ml lrokToma! Halloea MenvIay evening Jo-ne 14Qh mit-rh preoident Aiex. Carrit-hers, cf Gar-dan illQin ltVhe s [~ t pro)vad 9tobe a xery itlrestistg rograin - vith tssaspe'akers takiag parttin, -the "Forurn"' as fpoom - 'Mss. J. jC. Tanihlyni, Osono, spea- < ag fron t-haeporent's viewpesnti -"Type et- Education 1 mould like miyl c-hiId te geV". 1%-Ms Perey Stsoi, Milbrook, tik- in'g tise trustees've-wpoint, "Prots lems u inviré aprovidig education- aI faciites". '- * Ms. W. fH. Jordan, port Hope, speaking trom the taeh's angle, "Ce- ertio I apee- trom paa arts r oar f tePdvni Trustees' ansiRatpayrs' ssoiatongaýve an înrereat'itk on lis rýce'nttp l'ar erou opitheauOtr iaead trg- tut-su aad o S outheaOthre. s A brilliant yogpis i cf Mlle - bro, aere I-lao lyd t I as d eided te hld tha Coty C.R.Carvýetli, Ne-r Vi e p fresident- W .Jodn Diî-rcors Haroilton. Caan- akeyCarley, J. H. Qarinto -Garnet R ikadMre. Ciatre Allin. Clare - rook Ccan, Ted tonMrs W.E. Lewis. Miibrok -percy tnon ec Leatl Gane Prte, rs dîlarence Alun.11 Bowmdnyandiil - ntdyOieThmpso PfOrt Hof'. TW. H. Jorwidan both services, Lalcirnschir hi th aftenoon ndmsc fro Mr. And Mrs, M. H. Staples ÇCelebrated Sil-ver WeddIigý thea sti te erfs ar . .F.ý A!iis and Mss.r5 A. A. Dsummýýnond, cale- saad hjy Mls. FMI;kGay et- Oumhaara, d-dng at-tes r wbcitsea uap-le-arapreseated the honoicusad couple mit-h a îovely f t-ha areinut- te-awao and a large silver thse t-say. Ater MsIs. -Dsummnond sýang xr1hulle a medsgsong, Mi% oad Mss. Se tainaed pies very 'fît-tngly repid and short ian t ecesnf a-re mada by Ms. J. J., Mai- daye le and Ms. 'Walter R-ynoids. Th- e bridi maof tis1e evaniag ms a var aresa pprqurit S e sl, 'fdt Day' ;U by Sung by M3.W Siaplasacouusauied - Pa- by Ms.Siapies. M s A-be--ut-lt--it-rea-tiered avadding ýs nec- cake gracad t-ha di ng-soermb -tl chig wbicýh was -leahy 'saiheýe, silvar- Clarke Union Home And 1 Sehool Club,- Elect O)fficer5sqI Tha reguilar moaithly nmeeting of Câarke Uni:c.ih Homit and School Club-t wvas h'lId o-n Friday âmea IlJan 1. The nteetiniig opene.d mih the singing:, of "0 Canada"~, aftacr mhich thel iLond's Pray-er aas' repeated in uni- son, The mdnu<dtes of the last mneting were read and apfl)roved, and ais-o-the- miu-eof t-hae meting a year ago were read, Mhi being thea annual me:eting and eleetior of officers for aao'ther year. The treasurer's, re- port was then raad and adojpted. MIr. lHarold Alluer, was- eeIcted as Ï Ieegate to ate-ad a shof-t trainînng cles ito 1-a hai'd ot Osha-wa in iteý Mau ir. Scott then tocik tble chair for the election of officet-su. The follo-w- ng maere elected: President - Air. ErrýaIv R-ainaY. Ist icPesid'ent -- Mr, Char-lie- Treasýurar -Miss Da-wn Mofft. Secretary- Ovilie Chiatterton. PFei Corr 1espon ý j1dan ýt - -Mr1ýS. Chas,. apleton. Pianit - dissDamaMoffat. Co~rita-Mrs . H. Alen, U- mî-ont Bullock, Geralàd RaineY, pins. G. power, M rsHroid Alln thn nmoyed a vota thnkasacoded'y -Mr. W Chater ot r -.Sotfor, tak- sa hag F tue election of fies Thie programmne 'wus asfoos ton; Mr. J,J. Nllor gave a't alkex paan' thelDurham CouatyCo OpeatveHopîta-lîzation ljan;v- cy sooby Mss Ge hatro with Miss Dann lVoffi t at the pcn entitled i"Tlhe et-a d f a Perfect a iso an- encore; reading b Ms 11arry Roeaaise an encore olo by Miss Jean Raincey, entitle-d TiliWe- Mee Again" and encore with iéss Mlofat as awcampanst. The meetLing was brou,,glutt 'o-a close mth thaesiagg of "God Save theKig" The past presidentAlrs, Al, thlea thanked the pepl fr thleir suLppot duLrinIg the seýcver-al yaars- hchsha was presideatý of t1he Clu4b anid hoped they Vwoldý give thene paietthe sanIe suIpoprt. Lnch wavas then sueadund aiso cialI tLima ac vîs had by ail. spen on hursay, une 17th, we jornya t Ms.CalBillings if.or ed ~ ~ Jl b-Mr111.Bily asitdUlby1ý Mrs, . Tamblyn,*took chageof the buýsnes prtion ad SMrs.F. Lycett ner, cf theIr 1tnp to F llorida anld items M inrest photogravhed around Orso e wrr eaejoyed im- Aduet aesrendueedYssi.- Tambly ad MssElsa Crydtes- man, cconseaied by Ms. Buaet the su"n. shercak me sevadby Cop1 avt sPortter and Mlss.T by Thse Jlîy nmeeting, la tise foru cf a'cileveaing la :ýte haelsi et t-hale On FrdayJo-na 1iti, t-ha e ur meetig cf -lie enseas mtit-uta xva haidi -aCeni Clianbes aiti thirteen eties rset TIse meetinng mas openesi by t-hat siain e- TIs- de, IL)omd Y lie-Crae repatadi nisoni. Tha c,-minutes ware-read oa d apj- prore-d, andcit-Vmas decidpdi tslatthae T,iintp s yCrIsa1 woui a1)vo Clarke Township Te Spend $8500 On Road Construction The Clatlka Township Couac-l me la Speciai nseetîng on thae vanîtig cd Jutne 2lIst in Or0, thle purpese, beingý te discuss road matters a nd voad estmates. The decisions ariv-1 ed at mare cevered i by - olio7 follows: What cona sile north from No. 2ý fli'hlway on the Çlarlke, Darlington lowidary, the Gth -Concessiocn frein the Couaty ro-ad wetthe piece of road between kot 12 and 13 north froin Highiway No. 2 and the 8th Concession front Highway No. ý5 enst be each recoastructed. ThaW 'ithe Couacil ýrovide an expen- &iturc up tu' $8j5OO on rond con- That ith le Counicil atrthorize theý 1 Reeve and [Road SuLperýintendent 'tî arransge forncssr rig',ht of wayi % ente on ne'w c-ostruction of' roads. That tenderns fo 4000 yards of crushed gravai requiied for Towan- slrip) roads ha caUded -for. ruthorized to hire n],_easary equîp- mn for cntuto oko p- cPooldroams, Severalothe attýers under is u-sin wae lat ov tobeloe afieir at tha ragLatr meig Durham bMecdical Services T h e f uam(CumtpCooperative Medca Srvce leld their qurtr Iy dîector' me tin t the ho-ma 2ofý Mt~. nd lMrIs!RaaStewart onýJoune 21, 191K8 Aler the notes had been read and adoeïed as read~, the secretary gave liis repoiit tha;t the;re were 8 mnibers o-p te that date andtht after i-tl 1ilîs had< been paid thri waa, ovar, $2,400 in the 1haak. Hae re- porý01ted that seve'ral or ganIizltis were working on new memlbershi,p) and there would ha coniderabie ià- crease lami besi in the nextýt faw onh.Thle 'aratter of adKertisingý was thoLrough.-ly dliscuasepd ndu it -wasý decidad to ha1ýve doger-ýs 'prinite(l toi be istrîhuted at theFdealinpic- q1ic oi) Jiiur2!ii in Orono and te ai- so have nla oh tw hiclindaorma- tion could bha givan te tho-se inter- The mttrofreomnais for pa1tron1age diidens ms le1ftin the hars of a committeu composad oF Ciarce Aun Rhet ofat aa thetfý Sactary,,!-.,. tohagin at the ne-xtdicts'men. The urtly bWis ere Presoned and onmtunw 1 ppro,1ved and rapi-(y, iit mas decîde teoun at the annui eng thatthe diratitorae hainceasd frnu9 to 12 menubers. thenent u are'Lmetngt wiad Ctulp the buinssofth-e «year xviii! ha held on11Sepit.L tat [lha h1omet of Mn. aid s. LMwrancaVWhite, Mapl-e Gr1va,1andth'e annlual eet ing is to 1,a hald ia the Orýono; To-- ship 'Haull he evanirjg of Saptembarl Ztu. At the close of Jehameeting iMrs Stewarl sernsd a very daintS lunch which ras apprecoiata y ail in at- tendance. tut-eare aailele bt tas dcd heue -he, s cioe-ds-i es say h a iabetlieui, Tise J meigLvlihdtv-u hi-ecof 's.V Rbno.Each memerxviibsing a aedpIea, minLus t'l-adesn.Mrss.Rbno aývil iV giv J e n lSnstatin'tie The remaladies cf theame etn aas in chargi---eûcf Ms, E.liamru r. Mlss. M. H-aill gaýve- a ver',ntr e-t-mgtal'k on NWeorld Citizt-slip. Tha eniasajydverymoc a Gordon Watson Installed D.D.G.M. 0f District 42 1.0.0.F. Receives Ballet ln Head While Rec1in"riDgOn veranda Mr. lutton, ariho Vvthi Mss. Hot- Von hava rcri-s la tIsehomýe of mis Taylor, Osono Noriths,, las a raise-r stranga axpariaence- un Fniday after- noon, June iSîtI, wa'hehasutffrede- guns-isot around in- lis lie-ad fised fr--o- a.22 rifle. After having par-to-han of lis mid- day mteai, Ms. H1utton mwent -out ente tIse front verandah Vo relax. Wh.ile sittinig couforto-liy in a chair with fris head tilted 'back, a .22 rifle bullet ai,peesed front now-hera sriinghl on the top cflubislue-ad, thea holeV pasngletween thae scalp) and skuil1 for a distance of neasly three ln- duies bat-ose it bec-aine spent. 1 riA. F. M -Keuie was imme-f diaely calid an-d exAmted thicbut- ]L -illlc a i)d n haurm ite àMr. Ho-tton w-ho wa,--s arouand again a s usuel on Satusday. called and is î b"leci rdtIse [)Ullet wlun irs;t ïfred r-iocetdrnised laele'atont-an caedoava, pssng thouh ie R"um ton o op -cf tha lue-ad. TheIsole ithascsems t-ovr- edars -ound te ftteaeuion -n n sd.Thiis ine doubt !ia,,pp1edare it struck -cma maiticbjact on, Vise The poji'e hv1i nmsc wo or -tieaarueavreshooting enrtHat day, ý uea adîntted sluoetingat star- ilngs et tIsa itme tbehaaccidepnt hp Ms. Rut-to'n did net ihear thesepr e-fa o- rf! le.Rw-aS -pon1t-e-ê o-uf - hat-i a bulet lll carry ova-l- -a distance- ef a ,mle, and n n ruiho1-a rifle the bullet cama, 'lue Vas uný- aavare- bat Ilue- had cao- s ed a nyoa11e any harmii STARK VILLE MNIis s Ille n a 1Hali omalI, Torcout1o, mas ho1me for, tisbwe-ed waii atandead lest Su1nd1ay M.and i-s. Cerios aullnan'd 'f"i ly. Orono.,visited reanty t Orm-als. Ms.aldMs! .WodHrny wthMs. aid Ms.A.Dos. M a-.aIadUMss. Wil fiedWodan aU iy h lad Sundny dinnr wtliMs and Ms. Rsa Hhiow ll, loaveil. Heary, Edmato, and M.Jc Gordon WatsGn, Orono, maýs rU1- stailad as District De-putïy Grand aes ter of t-ha Independent Ordar of Ofdlfeiloms, Distriet Nuniybpr 42; mwit-h rsîcinoves r~ - at Bomw- mnvilPort Hope, Cobourg -ad Orono, on 'Fridiay, Juste- 8tli. -Hr. Watson w-as installe(! in ~offic-e imne-- diately folle'wing the installation of t'fe New Granid Maser of Onto-rio, W. E KnefOttawa. Mie 1I3#dannual psate-off the ...F of Ont-arin ,vas inss- sien a2t-the Leonuard' THota laSI. Clatlharines l'ast-t eas. simultaneous tetha suliorsdio-V GadLodge Sassions, tha various branchýes cf tIe Order, tIs Rbea-is tha Grand Encamipme-nt, and tisa PtirlsMilitatmit-h heis Lad-I(ies" Auiilry ai se cewvened la St. Ca-tlu- rr ianes . Ci-ve macïme mas xtend ed te tIse Reibekalus on lVindy ng'h 'by MyrW .Mcoad ..e St. Catharies On WVednesday 2evn- ing' ,Ri W;11ship itu aorHec ofNaaafls, exeae a ai gaaFisP oloing ae-nietur cf thea Naigaraf distri scrt et Nwthi ep dce tha tha 194d- objactix'e accforinth e"PTécmpiga- t-haý ati-ccer oiiniii nd atier Acufosi -os are ed on by bt-l risred te y a0,.00 o- hielpeteidm- where a bran'-,eheid cf -iiOra hs oat edf .Il- No mth te cMpaig-n.1.Wr tho-souglu11teranas d 'u the- is- -V- ep ini oljeti'r tese ftînrd afte cofectin, r-e- he1 andndfiit- istered by a C-t-rI C- t mm'tea e prising tIse lue-ds cf ai brnche et t-haOrde, aitliGran Mater .vW M'catlya1Ca. a înd Ms -'I ebr. 'beah Pesientste SecrtaryTreauIerL l aditon -o immeiat asine g-an]otr nedttsefnsaii eqsdt Vamnpire Jet Aircraft Pi Into Lake East 0f Bowni pclngedsteLk aiecul cf mile,-s f eruanvi, aou f-va iles1:2om uchse, ad suier- in (icipth. The pilot cf t-hi lae Squadroa Leader Bodeutc f frontTreataet-144 ..u h Vm Irand ,aaStavilagetl speedestimteil t 60,-0 milles anheu arien hea cahad hiathIelake oad lestL is lta Lyla Brooks, a-Xaear on R. R.4 Bownuaavilles epot-d sîg ltise aiscra-t cas.Berck s(i'd t-ha plane, was Vtra-vi-iîsg uaa'rrfcp-i uvien it phungad laVtIste as. ,Tlie -',,fr in,,heoo ,e vieweVVC' ffie r--a avatar aPtes t-id flT~Q Tluese arasaIt- a s$~nr iad hnppened. flsock sa~ a great spinsh 25 or 3t- i Pseparatioa~ t-or divini - are continuing and tie R ~eak1ng te Iccata t-ha as Laka Ont-asie mie-se tIsa tarsk. A scow, te ha o-ced t-o

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