Good Looking and Speedy Too! - Ail ovçrAmericéa the lîarness horse gamue is booming as neyer before, and the small towns of Ontarico are no exceptioný, althoug-h our larger cities stili seem to prefer the "unr" Seeni her-e is Dillon Flicka, owned and driveni by Ed. Artliur of Ottervilie, and stahled at Nor-wich. In thie 2,15 pace atWaaetn on J une 3rd. she won two out of thiree 1hets, being cLocked at 2.1,3/2 and 2.14, She will be per- frigon 'home ground,(s" when N',1orwvich holds its meet JuIy t . adgret t hings are expected of her. Sp.-ýorts -,And One 'Thingr or Anolther By FRAINK MANN IHARRIS The piece we rar, re!centiy about gue "'Merkile forgot to) tou1ch first", hocident pIlased at least oneý 01 Our le2aders. Wehaveni't heard fromr j e other as yet.) "Glad f0 get the w-dwn n tatMerkl thi" lie writes. "Have hecardi a% million ver- gions of if, ail differenlt. 1 wish som ûtilec youj'd do the same about the eack So-)x" scanidai. I ofteni sec *ï r hear if referred to, bt canl't seere ,,I get if straiglif. For onle fhing, did $iey finid ouf about flic dirfy work whyilec th-e Series was oDin or net?" Iu lich, ycar 1919 a year after Worid 'War C'ne -basebaîl wvas bDOtmingý; anid alfh-ouïgh it's hiard f0 ýeliv thie 'vay thye beenl gOingf reetyearS, h hcg ht ~Ox wvon the Amierican eau tifle a£ breeze, havingýý oný oîF t112 great keams of ail tim1ye. Inthe :th:r lopteCincinnatti toan-s that ever wri~ a pennant, Aiicl the first intimaton that there was skuiluggery aboard came the .morning- of the first gamre, when a fiood of Cincinnatti money appeared La5ýd the price went doýwn ta even money. For fliat was just about like betting even money that the horse piling your baker's wagon tan Outrunl citation. Ili theopne (Edie Cicotte, a ruygreau pitchler whien hie wvas ieeindid everyth1iiug bt throw the bai over the granldstanid. Hle Mit bactsimei n t lic back-! and sre u4p stuiff thiat youir Gren't Aiunt Susie,ý couid sm-rack_ ouf of thec park, the Rcds wîntuing, uile,ý to oie, In flic lext gamei- Clautde -Wiiliiams a pitcher21 nlofed for perfect cont 1roi, wakdthr-ee mni in one inning and Dizcky Kerr was the WhV1ite Sox heaver in the third - and Kerr wvas not O11e oif tho se Ii an the sellouf. kýerr shut out the Rcds, Makinpg flic count tWû f0 one in g ames. By this timne the crooks wereý yeling for some of thne mOney that had been promised fiern; and flie gamnbiers wh wer - responsibie -forked over 10 thousnnd dollars be- fore- the f-ourth gamre, Aga-in Cic otte was the pit01cer; anid lie, and his tean-imate s put,, on-- such a rap, ex- loibition thaýt the oiwner of the Whîite Sa, hries Comriskey, put private deevson. theý frail. Tue lackSox aîuaged Io toîs finet onle vaa too; but if wnsn't a1ver yef s thle Series, fiose days, Not Ailowed p ieclr, sernîo w, hocaios ut f, eucnt -AmenýýjS", asfue miniter batd uery Sim froml iurder to21 chain t card7Ls. Th1enl ilemve 11,u flu th11jpo sufsnfig ber neghboran4 exciaimeindig- "I-l!Thiere nloxv! He's on qui prachin' anid gonle to edlîîI M 1re tho 40)0 differenlt fp Was five out f o! nne. Dici crer- wlio, like Collins, Sclinlk and ail flic others excepf flic ciglit, played his hcart out aiflich way - pitdhcd anoflier wîn in flic next. Iunflic sevent h gamne came whaf appeared f0 lie' a double-crossîng'o!flice doubie-crossers. C icotte, one o!flice ring-leaders of flic "fix", pitchcd and reaiiy turned if ou. Chicago won and crooked gamblers ail over flic counfry, who fliouglitflic game was in flic bag, fook a lacing. In flic iglifligamc, however, flic Black Sox did't even attempt fa look as if tliey wcre frying - and flic Reds fook flic Series witli wliat was probably flic worst team tflat ever won or ever wili win, a world's tÎIe. But aithougli fli Serie was o)ver flic s1eufhls sfayed on flic job. $ome ron-ths iter fic whole fhing caeouf,,Itald fic ciglif guilfy players were b iarrcd from organ- ized bal fo'r 1îife To show liaw cheapiy fliey sold out, Joe Jackson is said ta have rcccived less than a fhausand dollars for lii. bit - Shioeles. Joe, such a sweet nafumai bitter thnt - even- in a Series ie 'was frying fa, pour down fli. drain - couldn't help bat fing for a percentage of .375; and fliey didn't- have fliat ively bail fhcio eiflier. Europe's Hoziieless' At the end of flic wnr if was estïimated that there were some 11,- 000,.000 displaced persons sc-ttcred fhrougliout Eu!rope. Now, fire years inter, fliere are stili something like 850,000 of these homeicss in variotis DP camps, chie! ly in 'Ger- many.' Most o! the DP's are Uk- rainians. Czeclis, Yugoslavs, Poles, or Boîfs, About 18 %l are Jews. Forpolitical or religions renions if is impossible f0 send any of themn bnck f0 the countries of their origin. In flic Uuited StatesPrsdn Truman lias repentediy asked C,-on-. gress for leýislation thaf would en- able a substantial number o! these DP's f0 set tle in that counry-but witliout nny real success. A week or so ago a Senate mensure wns pnssed whicli cniied for tlie admis- sion. during flic next fwo yenrs. o! up f0 200,000 o!flihese homeless. But fliere is a catch f0 if, for fliere are severe limitations nftndlied f0 flic new mensures. For instance, haîf o!flicé DP's adrmifed muist corne from flic former Baltic States -athough tflicBaîts number ,only about a quarter of flic total. Haif flic DP's mnust, have agriculfural backgroundsçl, and there are oflier provisions which wouid bar many Polisli-Jewîsli refugees from entry. S en aftor Pcppcr o! Florida criticized fliese resfrictions biffcriy clinrging fiat flic limitations wil operate f0 handicajp "flic moîf. pcrsecufcd, most nmassacrcd(, most bufchercd o! peol-flic Jcws".ý Affer flic way imany Amiericans- cspecinliy those o! eisiorgnor sympafhy-liavc b)een .shiarpy cntàî- cizing Brîtain forif s attitude iotohli Jews i etineif seemfsrale strange fliat ficy do nof furn some o! fliat sarnie crificismn on points nearer home. Tliey wce wiiiing f0 figlit Brifain in o rder f0 force down flic barriers iu Palestine-but do Rot seem af al',anxiouýs f0 evea iower flic barriers' whicli stop DP's o! Jewisli origin from finding re- fuge wîthin flice United States, The United States Somcfhiing thnt may have far- rcaching and possifily even violenit effects is flic flireaf fliat NcJgroes in flic United States maFy re2fuse foa submait f0 flic draft as ïlng as pres- cnt iiifrrgulationis reaini- cliangcd. A. Phaiiip Randoipli,lia p>f 'fic Brotlicrlioodi o!,:Sleeping Car Porters anid one o!fle ic ort influ.. eninia and rcspectcd Ncgro>es in Amierica, was flic man wlio fouclid off flic fireworks. 'Iu plain language Randolpli told flic President and Congreis tînt Negroci would not go aiong wif h anoflier "Jim Crow draft". Invok- ing tlie name o! Moliandas Gandhi lilraise with e package of super-delicious Pos's rcie-NtsFia kes" 'OK, pal. Tliat's a blue chip if "i ever swoe- pnigdelici- ousl, of 01course." "And these malt y7-idi, houeýy- -gldlen Pos's Grape-Nuts Flakes are a whiole stack of good nourish- ment." "A spnd,-eful of carbohydrates for encerg-y." 'And miner-aIs for muscle and growth and rich blood." "U«'sing fwo grains insfead of anc in mnking Post's Grapec-Nuf.Âs Flakes is a pair tint renlly pays off -in double breakfast enjoymenit and rosy-cheeknorsmn. "Fellahs - Ithiuk l'1pop over to thçe grocer's riglif now an-d buy upo cuough Pist's Grape-Nuts Fiakes fOr a full houise.", as an example, lie called for a cam- Palinl Q1-i el esistance te the cormtng draft by ail the men cf bis racce unless ra-.ce segregafion in the ar i~jW ues is abo.iished. ~~a d&h'sarègumiert is basicaily onle of the legal riglif s for thle Negro, but goes v. deeper than-. thaf. Therc are liuhdreds of fliou- sands of Negro veterans from the iast war who recal the humiliations tliey had f0 1suffer becatise of their color-and who regard the whole fhing ai a maffer, of outraged man- hood and self-respect. Wlien Sena- for Morse, a liberal Republican, re- mionstrated with Randolph 'or bis flireat of disobedience f0eflic draft, the. latter repliied, "Senator' Morse lias neyer felt the sting of Jim Crow-I believe nny of you men would maise hell *n Ame(ýrica if you felt flic indignation and injustices thaf are suffered by flic negroes here." A 'very large percenfage o! the 14.million Negroes in the United States secm f0 be solidly behind Randoîpli and other leaders of the mov ement, and 1unless changes arc made before tinre for flicý new draft rols around(, flic, wliole fhinig miglit very possibly flare up into a really ugly situation. WXhat cot$ld very well happeni down in thie Deep Southi, should flie Negroes there re-> fuse f0 regisfer for flic draft, is flot pîcasant f0 confemnplate. Anif is l from the Deep) Sonîl that the strongesf opposition fo any change in flic milifary rglfin-fa kind designed fe do away wif h seg- regatiou-will undouibfedly, corne. The whole fhing is onke of flic mosf serious probiems f0 corne up in flic United States in mnany -yers-and how if will ail end nobody cao foresee. Great Britain If seems as if fhere's justice in this wicked old world a fter ail, and thai Governmcntls--somle of fl!im anyway-liave memiories, for fhings other than unpaid fincome taxes. Back around 1935 Frank Whittlc, a Royal Air Force officer, lad an idea thaf jet propulsion enginies couid lie made f0 work. But flie aufliorities were chlly fo Ilis notions and turnred them down fiat; and in .19,36 Wh!itfle and~ somne friends got fogethier sufficient capital to formi a private comipany f0 exploit ibis schiemes. His first jet-propulision n rerau successfuliyý in 1937. Two years later tlie Air Minisfry ordlered ifs first jet-propelled plan.e, Deliveries f0 flic RAF starfcd in May 1944 and a few montths Iter flic famnous Gloster F9/40 wenf into action, dliasiug flying bomibs. The Gov- erfiment bouglit ouf Whittle's com- pany, offering him something like $200,000 for bis stock. When lie refused f0 nccept any recompense, liey made hîm take $40,000 anyway. Whcn the- war was over, Whit-. flc's 'friends wanted him f0' file a dlaim covering bis jef propulsion inventions. He refused on the grounds thaf lie had been in Gov- ernment service wlien lie did lis original researchi on flic gas-tur- bine engine, rcasoning that ie was nof morally entîtied f0eflie money. But last monfli, wlien flic Royal Commission on Awards to lovent- ors lield court at Somnerset House in London, if insisted on Whittle tnk- ing $400,000 fax free. Tlie award was utade thfle e- quesf o!f thc Supply Ministry (where Wlhittle works af present), the Air Ministry and ficGoermet "Maggie" Was Real Few songs have been. so blvd or have retained their popularity as long, as "When You and i Were Young Maggie". Millions have sung, or liummed, or listened f0 if. Yet comparatively few know fliat flic homely old bnllad was writtcn b!Y a Canadian,. and that ttMaggieý" was an actuni person. ln 1859, George Johnson, native o! Binlirooke, Ont., wenf f0 tencli school in flic neîgliboring village ,of Glanford, Wentworth County. He feul in love wifh one of lis pupils, Maggie Clark. If was whule What Goes Obt In The World By Norman Blair 22c HEAVY BREED PULLETS1 20C AI-11hsavy hreed pullete 220., Atter lune 6. 20e. Seo ether',advertisement, for particulars. HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY LONDON, ONTARIO WI$ITE for the bargalo prices we are offer- ing on the following breeds of pulleta two and three weeks 0f age: White- Leghorns, Boarred Rocks, New H-ampshlres. LirbI Bosser, Lirht Sussex X New Hampahîres. New Hamo- sbhire X Barred Rooks, White Leghorn X Bal',,red IRock, Black Australorp X Whlte Ler- bon.Black inrc X Wýhite Lerbo rna' Aise older piete irht weekçs 10 laying. Prompt dlvr. Top, oc, Cik aes uelpb, CA\N shIp cek on one daOge notice. %We have ail th'. hopular porrcbl'Sed.4 ad cross bresto choo>se from. Lay aid, two and t)ree week old no- mxd 1olets and cockerele. Aiso sight bek> l1ynrpllts reEs cata- logue. R1ediuced prices for June. Top 1Notch Cick Sales, Guelph. otar!o. 20,000 PULLETS 8, 10. 12 weeke old 10 Roady-to-loy. Far deltvery in luiy, Auguet. September, and October. These pullets are ont surplus. They have heen definitely set aside ta meet the big demand for tbis age of puilets. Ail floor raised under the mont ideail conditions. Send for ful particolame. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARMS WEIN BROTHERS EXETER, ONTARIO DYEING AND CLEANIN6 HAVE YOU anythior osede dyeiog or clean ing? Write ta us for information We are rlad te snswer Your questions Deparîmeni P, Parker's Dye Works Uimited 791 Venge treet. Toronto. Ontario FOR S ALEI A REAL BUY,. Menq & Buy's Wrist Watch. Leather stmap. Jilivered C.O.D, ail taxes,. postage petid. $5.25. 'Moey back guarantee. Neweoaet Agencies, 205 Transportation Build- ing, Montreat 1. BEEKEEPERS Outfitt100 boxes oueen er- ciuders, extractor, wax- fouindation. A real bargain. T. E. Seboon, Istaseey, -Ont. BROAD BREASTED BRONZE TURKEY POULTS ASo moiWhites oend Broad Breasted BrneX Small Whit-ee Lakzevtew Poulie avc abeater lune 11h liand during îiy. AltoAugatSeptemnber and later Foîl If Meat Shortage - There isa reennu shoxTtage ûf ail kinde 'of meat in Cnaaand U-.S.A.. and with Cattie ponces miovinig up il _i a eune bet thot turkeye wili ho ecorce- and 1 higir in prime. Crope look go and grain quoIctations are mucb iower for booking for Fil delivemy. Wonderfal Livablity-"'Market 176 ouI of 200i'-Haold E. Watson, Woodford, Ontario. "Ordemed 500 for Ibis yesr * Bert Wilson, Lions Head, Ontario. Tumkey Management Guide-whieh telle You aIl about raising tumkeys, prevention of dis- ease, and why maisîno tnrkeye wtlllibe more Profitable thon ever tht, yeor. Aiso wby andî how fi l euhpay ta, aies Somme, ,and Feui Pouits. LAKEVIEW, TURKEY RANCH AND ALL TURKEY HATCHERY, EXETER,- ONTARIO' BIDELClaver HuIlerNo 6. Deutz diesel p)owem unit 35 FHP. aur startina. Preston Nei.Bethany, Ont. BOATS 47 qew Detuxe Cabin Cuse. Sieeps two Fuite equipped Lnghtwenîy fteet. Speed twenty miles. Operation ltwenty boums. lfany extlas. tteduced ta 814rù Terme Box 650 Parry Sound. CýOMPLETE Fhome Insulation Service weet et Btrantford. soulh ode chFresesti1mates on biuwn in. Roîk VWool oriberla oMiko, u Itoofior Ltd.. 612 Wateroo. London COLLIES "Of Ego obn tat i oition. Ppie vaibt -wn etock -studs. Box 61, jrhse.Ot CHOICE Reegistemel emshmesos due to farmow in Jub,. AlfedGrve and Sons, ýsaford. Ont. CASýE C racoruerie ube.oe oni to . Cesut , cadrdnw eupe COTrTON TOWELS-B3AGS IIOWLs IEMERABOUCT 17- r 84- Nlou, 5.40 ..zn; ae, dosn, 2.2 AfIENT2 WANTED AGENTS wanted to meil a fine- qual!ty mez's dlamnond wool hose. Newcoast ÂAgencles, 205 Trans'ports.tlnBu1lqing, IMoitreal 1 QILS, GREASES, TIRES, insecticides, Ejlectric Frence Controllers, Blouse and Barn Paint. Roof Coatinge, etc, Deal- ers wanted. Write War.o iGreaso 011 Lîmi. ted. Toronto. BABY CH1C8NS BARGAINS- HEAVY BREED Cuekereis. Thousaznds available, weekly. Send for special pricesi' Rock x Leghorn; Sussex x Leghorn; New ][Iamp x Leghorn coekereis. 214 cents, These medium breed cockerels are Just the thing for broilers. Hurondale Chick Hatehery. London, Ontario. GET, OUR summer priceiist, special Prices. chieks. Started Pullets. Most breeds. Im- inediate deliverY. Bray Hatehery. 130 John N., Hamilton, Ont. STARTED pullets for immediate delivere two and three weeks old: White Leghorn, Earred Rocks. New Hampshires. White Rocks, Light Sussex, Barred Rock X New Hampshires, Black Australorps. New Hampshire ,X Barred Rock, Light Sussex X New Hlampshires. White Leghorn X tlarred Rock. Black Australorp X White Leghornig, Light Sussex X White Leg. borne, Black Minorca; X Whits Leghorns. Aise older puliets eight weeks, te laying. Tweddie Chlek Ilatcherles Limited, Fergu,. Ontario. 10'/2C. HURONDALE' CHICKS 11/c. Assorted heavy breed mixed chicke, l ½c. Assorted light breed mixed 10c. Pure Sussex, Sussex x New Hampe. New Hamps, mixed 14c; pullets, 23c. After June 5. mlixed 13c'; pullets 22c. Barred Rock, Rock x New Hamp '1c; after June 5. 14c. Rock x Leg- horn. Sussex x Leghorn, New Hlamp x Leg- horn mixed 13c; pulletm 27c. Atter lune 5: mixed 12c; pullet, 24e. Aseorted heavy breed pulýlete 20e Assorted light breed p)ullets 23c. HURONDALE CHICK .HATCHERY LONDON, ONTARIO AT THIS timie ut year yoýu want chek hip- Ped ^without delay. We caorivePrompt delivery. 12 pu; r dbe4pind 12 cross breede te choose from. oe e.Puflets or ccees day old, two. three anfoureej oid. Also older pullets eightz week, to iayiýng-. Send fýor reduced pries, :atter lune îh5th. Free cata- logue.- Tweddle Click IHatcheries Lriited, Fergus. Ontario. 1LAKEViIEW CHICKS Éor June and July, aise Summýer and Fall chicks. Prompt deliver3y if You ac't oik but', book ahesd for Summer and Fal. 8 brees and crses to ehoose fromn. Started Pulletsý 2-4 ' weeks te ready to lay. Book yours now-they wili be very sarres and eggs will be high ln prie. Ready Made 4 week, old Capons-Capons are more Profitable than cockersîs availahîs dur- ing lune and July. Buy Lakeview chicks from a reai breeding plant for beet success. LAKEVIEW FARMS & HATCHERY PHONE 78 & 92 EXETER. ONTARIO SAWYER Maseey Thesher 2-0witb Water-. loo Feeder. ten fOD4 puwer bindier. ail tu good shape. H-erb Chamnbere,. herkton, ont, 'WAIININGI We- doni't rive you anytbinýg fies, but, wo do ruarantes finer photof!nlsh- ing at moderate prices. Laborotory cotroliej resulta wiil please you-24 hour service3. Itopp develoPed and 3rns 0c, reprints 03c eu. 35 for $1.00. Gammali Photo Centre, Bor ?Ï' Chaplean, QOnt. LRobefteon'4 laindressina Acedemy. 13? Ave. nu@ oaTorozto. HIFWANTE0 DiStrict i(pia, lkan ak.Otanlo.% Appiy lt uprnenet NURi- SEIS. G enerai Du1ty aoid 0-R.reun by the'Kirkla ad District Hospital, Kjik- land Lake Onjtarlo. Appiy bSpet tndot GTRADUATE NUR~SES For general duity lunemail hospital. 8-hour dap, 6-day week. %lood ealary. Appiy Superinten. dent. Rosamond Hermorlai iHospital, Almonte., Ont. SINGLE or married mon fol, dairy Ïfare. Purebred Hosteins. on 3r and Rt.O..,Appiy Pomona Forme. Thomeeford, Ot BIOUSEIEEPER, WIth boy 14, for tares 1home. Apply to Laurence Browc, Daikeith, Box 54, Ont. MiErIOI1Aà IT'S EXCELLEýNT. Real resulte aller tak4ing Dironsa Remedy for, Rheuxçaic Pains aud Neurtie. MnrsDmur Stoie, 32,5 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 61.00. RUNI)REDS ENJOY 0001) -HEALTH frum the combination of ingrediente used lu FER-BER TONIC TABLETS. These lo)gredi1- ente are being uaed h y imedîcal science to cor-ý rect 1088 of appetite %£id rue down condiitions!. It yuu are tired, listlese or run down., -If you feel the' need of aS ouick pick op SOIND fcr FER-BER todoy. 2 weeks suppiy postpoid 61.00 BER HEALTII PRODUCTrS Box 26, Station K. Tûrooto PEOPLE are taiking about the go eut frota taktng DOtons Remedy for Rbeumatic Pains and Neumitis. Munro'e Orug Store,. 228 Elg9in. Ottawa. Pustpaid $1.00. OPP<>RTUNiTIES, FOR WtOM.EN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADAI' LEADING SCHOOL fGreat' Opportunlty Learu Hailrdresng Pleasant Cdlgnilied Profession, good wrs rhousandes ucceseful Marvel graduates. Americe', greaýtee3t system, hllustrated cals.. Iorus free. Write or Cr11 MIABýVML HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 368 Biool St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St.. Hamiliton, & 74 Rideau Street. Ottawe,ý. PArTENTe FETHEESTONAUGI] & Cmae. Patent SolicitorsEsBtoblIshed 1890. 14 inum West, Froonto Bookiet ut information on reQueet, OPPORTUNITY To ivo $0.0to $,0 0i Ia new ndsrilCornpanIy thaýt can offer inves tors ini Canada ant attractive vstet POST OFFICE BOX !77, Adelaide Street Station, TOR(0NTO ONAR no strong l odor. -goe, eooi 1 FOR. SALE Circular SawmUlI Complet, Jack Ladder, Steam Iciekers. SteamùLoj Eteam l4igger. Heavy Duty Carrnage wl; Friction Set Work, Metai Bpek Pramne' FP Solid Tooth Saws 66" 10 88" " Gunehot Y'e- 42' long.Hoavy Duty Edger. Sl1asb Tablu, Turtie Back Chaîne,. Trimmers. 1 Coval Âut- matte Grinder, 1i Hand Grinder. i 2.R.*.. Boller 72",' 16' Tube 1 Bideerank Stean4 Engins 16 r 22", 2, 1938 Mapfla Leaf D-uni Trucks. Camp Eeuipment to, aucomo-date men. Mill wjli ho opratior notil iast Juiy. Last year's average. 228.000' per a for three million feet. RUSSELL JOHNSON, MLNDE. ONT.- CONCRETE DRAIN TILE 4- to 16" dia. Continuoue eupply. Brantforj Builders Supplie.s Ltd. * 45 Bruce St.. Býrant- tord. Ont.. Phone 1390M. FLOWER and Landscape painting, l00W isf 'Mai., thimty yeame experleoce. Write Berli Correspondence Studio. Box 74, Station D. Toronto, Ont. HARLEY DAV1DS0N MOTORCYCLES Parte and Service Bert B -itinedy & 8cm 419 Coliege St,, Toronto. EiI-POWERED Rifles-Write for descip,tive foidera and ponces. SCOPPE SAEIS CO.,, 326 Queen St. Ottawa, Ont 100 ACRES. suitable for market garden ùî tobacco. About 65 acres bush. 850 loe eut. Cooltetown vlinity. W. F Keowa. Grand REnd. Ontario. INI STOCK for Immediate sale and delivý:v Ailis-Chalmers HD-7 hydraullc angledozer and rear winch approxjmately 600 bours; BD Cletrae with Sargent overhead loader and angledozer. excellent condition: Caterpilas', D-4 tractor with traxcavator loader; Geenea rubber tlred tracter and front end l oadee Hanson mnodel 21 eomblnotlon trench hboe avil crane, rebuilt; Iluber mrodel 4 tantdemi grade, hydraulie controls and scarifier. Als-o fl stock. new Quick-Way. no. Buckeye shuvLes.crines and trencàhboee.IMinneapools.. Moline indusftiat rubber tired traetore aujl loaders, eooveyors, power units. winches, ltS truýcks. magnets, buekets. rubher tired whiel- bairows, mortar and cement mnixeýrs. cinds' and concrete block plante. Contractor2 Mfachinery and Equiomeot Ltd,.,194 Barton St. E.. Hamihlton. -MILK -COOL ERS New chaýmpion three t0 ten coLn sizes,ý Severa1 used trade-ins. Reasonahis onices. Write Heavy Duty Producte, Preston. Ontanie. OWING to lire that destroyed mwy home. anM forced to oeil my Spr1ngers-Trent Valley Breeding. Reosonabie. Taihoîcroft Kenels. Rer'd:. Rockwood, Ontario. PURE WOOL YARN Sip your wooi ta us for sale or tc b@ manufactured imb yarn. VW mýanufacture handkokitting yarns, also warp an'd woft for w'eavtng. supplied ither akeins or cones. ïWe e11 yaro bo5th whiesale and retil, speci attention given -u mail ordere. We pay Bhip. plor charges on icash orders of ten pnounda, or over. Write for further particulfarsý, Sampl4 anld Parces. BRIUGGS & LITTLE WOOLEN MILL. York Milis. York Co., N.B.ý CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING