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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Jun 1948, p. 4

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The Oron c Weekly Times Advertising Rates on request Subscription $1.50* Try our up-to-date Job Plant. Our prices are sure to please, and our work is of the best Published every Thursday morning at the Times office R. A. Forrester, Publisher Established January, 1937, FLYING MEETS WITH FAVOR Air traivel is progessing la favor with more ad more peo- pe Thespeed and eonvenier.ce of sncb tra've'lappeals te those wbo value tien as they value money. We hear more frequeatly of folk who lan aard achierve, cherisbed bolidhys just because ýairway fa- 4,ilities mniake it possible to sandwich inla lot of distance and visiting drnga restuicted space oftime. The future is i'ikeby te sec more and more cf this, because we zre gradua.ll~y devefcpiiig an aptitude for air travel iwhi'c'h bas its Iarlal'elila tihe lasj century when thestearo train uqipaced the stage coacb). Wb'etiher we will ail fancy the idea of flying reanains te be ecee.' ;One thing is -certain, there will grow fron the service new de- waands ifer varions types cf gooduïs and equlpient. We, will be mak- mjg si'lI more thingson the 'ground for ou use la the air. Areus cl travel willf have toe heset -dp, and felIo'w workers will in al irrhbaity thoist their thunib lato the air as an indication tf tihefi i lae of emiploymet. A'lt of the glamona wiff go ont cf 'Ilire "naewý' tis year's cars sàuold the neiîgbours set ýot next year ur 1he year after with ýa nqw plane. That is what is very apt te ha&p- The ranký andf file wilî -be entent with the large pas- , enger t vpe of crafLt We wllfl' pay ou money and - take oua choice, ,Is th-e Euuihnasa3ns. Thensomuboy uith Ford-hike genlus and iiltiative wihl * ~ cf nrv~ u asml inexipeasive jjt for the nian of -paoest mean s. Grý,,1aduahy the ,wbiole country il take te the air. 1-0w 'cr 'twill ail dvel we o nt kaow. Poabyyour guF'Si, is 'as ,oo'a ouilrs'. ila amy cas(e lot of follk ar -e travelling py air right nou. Wesiny irwour ovun coniclusionis. Do net say wc did net air MIONEY. MORE MONEY Anothe asectou rising prices iss possible efect upon the Vieof r oe.Byý vuie, we whean the tiity the worbih, the actual need e iof mey. Don we need inoney ? 0f course w'e do, say yen. ,Yes, but 'how b2dqy do we need it. Well1, it looks as tliougb w'e wic enedn it pretty bad1ly if beef£ goes to a dol1lar a pound, or mocre, and ohrccon'dte se Mla cost accondingly. Somnetime, mte t1he mmiiid of every tinking man ami woinan, has corne the reaization ,thr't mioney afnd petty gain ccpyaIl teeo inucrh iicf qour itl'uoui)ýi-t andefor. igt we canaiý,t get away frinth dnindùf mdm uins micoýqmmerce because we areý tied to-them olul ad sel.'WîÎhout being too idiealistic or illÙ- s:or, ha,-1 i-ý,1 v wenoiý,tbte riglit te ýýpdict that the fuctuire will raïse U'p a race-1f en andlui en ho ilh live for thie saie of living?, Now do t tura ver ila your mJid acodiiobwere wrkwill n'et exe,hecause wrder fincud ieconceivýably re- ùlaice th-e dollr anard ýand ev a asueofa matn 'swoith. Sonetiie ene, he anor ema wh cn ai wiloffer ood eect. Tpbatssd large b)ank accounts maynet disappear ,:frein' l net Ie m.n he. Do ne strtout on a speuýdinîg gyas a re- suI ofwht 'e hvesai. W ae net goiltg t orslvY.Ifyou liv lngenoghuhn-ver yn avseematw are trying te im- A BIC, DAýY FOR ALL DOMINION D AY OR1ONO PARK SPORTS AFTERNOON, COMMENCING AT 1.30 MENS OPBAL -Ornoand Newcastle. Girls' Softbali Orno and ewaste.MENS A RBI-ILL -Orono and Newcastle Park A-dmission - 50 Cents Children Free EVEINING, COM-UMENÇING AT 7.00 FOOTBALL GAME-Owono vs. Courtiée Admission: Silver Collection DAÀ,NCE%.%'F in The TOWN HALL at 9.30 RUT I-I WILSON A-ND HER IMERRY-MAKERS ORCHESTRA Admission: 50c. Cents 1~ BIRTHS DaENT - 'I ownwll osptl on Friday, June luth, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest ' Dent, a ýson (Gor-; don Edward). IN MEMORIA M GAY - In loving memoyof coni dear father and g 1rarnifather, wh-o passed away June 22n'd, 1946. --Eýver remernbered Iby son Char- les and daughter-in-law Rz daughter Eiva a>nd son-în-law Har- old, and the grandéhildren. On Monday eveninlg a number alrom Orono, entertained at fowman- ville Training Sehool. Howard Lintom ,Re-V. Eustace gave a talk on a iining' and ýMas. E. 'Brown, sang a duet; town ont *west; RoyForstrL O- chestra supplied music. THOMAS GEORGE MAXWELL STAPLETON' 1Qarly Friday morning, June 4th, there passed suddenly to rest Max- well iStapieton in hisl houre at New- castie. About a year ago he sufered a severe heant attack. Since that time he has had iseveral more bad attacks but lately liad seemed somiewhat iii- proved, sc thrt b1 is sudden passing came as a great ehoelk to hiis family and friends. H1e was the, see)cn son of Mr. and Mrs. George E.' Stapiton anid was born on the farm i whieie !bis brother, Cecil, noîw resides. M6st of hi nar ried life he owned ati farmied suc- cecssfully what waýs knowni as the anokfr'rm j ust nortýh oif his old hoei-. JTwst before hiis deatht he1 bouughut a lnNevcaistle where hi&. death occurred. Max had a jolly 'dispoitioln ai-d will be missed iby a wide circle of friends. ?He loved to have his friends visit wjth hlm, parlticularly since bis heailth failed. COMING EVENTS k,,.rd snowpbou,,gh party o-n Thursday eý,ning, June 24th, Da,,ncirg and1 c,ýts. Admýissioni, your donatoin te- wardsgood wntr ruads. STRAWBERRMY FESTIVAL A Stran'berry Festival uinder thei auspicees of the Wonian's Associa- tiQn of Park St. Chureih, w111 be bel'd 'mn the church lawn on 'Puesd'ay evening, June 29th. Coirne and enjoy a strawfberry festival. There will 'be homeemade Vies, cakes and tarts. Supper will hae served from à o'clock until ail are servedl. The band wi11 play during the evening. DECORATION DAY SERVICE M~ONO CEMETERY, JUNE 27th SDecoration Day will be observedi as usiial this year. on Sunday, Jiine 27'ilh, Fît Orono Cernebery. The Fra- leual Societies are invited to take part la the decoiration iof the grarves, of their decease'd' brethern. Services will comamence at 2.O0e'eliock. Tt is expeted the Orono Rand bel h present and wilIl give a band concert during the afternooni. Local minîs- hers will take part in the service. Plan to be there. SPORTING -EVENTS The Orono f ohl emsiftered theïr ,flst defeat cof the seasýon when they wr defeated by Gourtice S-at- urday eveniiing last at the latter. place 1)y aq 3 to0 0scoL'r e. Ths efea1t is no disgrac.e to the Orono iteam as Cour'tice is consider- ed the strýongest team laii the league. 11n the Orst teni minlutes of playý the Coujrtice players seemied ,te have caught the 0Orono by augnas they -put in, their th'ree goals l'chat space of timie. After this set kack the 'Orono boys held Couriitice score- Iss but could fl-ot enter the score sheet themrselves. H1e is suarv'ved iby bis wife, foren- *** erly Violette Milison, one- son, Hugh,; The Orono girls' softual tan of Newwtonviie, and t I aungq-ters;, iare ro'w playifiug -far better Ibail than Livelyn and Thelna at homne, ais t-bey dild at the ibcgining ouf the thuce grandenrs. One son Bob, aridsesOnThady vaig c one daughter Irez, prcdeceased h-jim lsas weekO ronod'-lefed G ofc 11e 1s also suicved i y is inother, atwe Tn jeetdCýitc Mus.GOrge E. Stapeonport at Oaroao park by the cls Hop, to strs Ma. oîbt.cou oreM"of 5 ruas te 3 ilaseven îinnings. d (on (11ucre) and Mu-s. Alvini Joncýs Thîs is the -firsb inae sni-cb a close (aolie, ioth ofufor Hope; aid two gae as been played in Oucro.. brothlers, William IIand Cco f N,vu- * M* *î toaville.His faiter Mrn George E.' Th, Orono gials sofbAllbtain Thie fureraiseavice whîoh waýs pnsfthieir rentuan gamne %wibh Cour- Stapleon, and two boter, ilton ico ounMrsyeveniingia7Ist w1hen and Edmurd, pedeceased hlm. tsey worn dfeated by a scoe of 6 held la the M1orris Funeral Chapel te,3. This isnthe second gaine these on sunday, Jure 6tb, was larueyto enshaepaydbi1ta a ateadefi, and was condncted ýby Rev, ig owa ILTA ,hiT ~ pleasgte acb assisted by ýRev. W. W. Pateo, bis Newcastle pastor. ý The inany beauiiful floral o0frerings included one frein Mr. J. A. Smith,ý where Thelena works, and coiïf rom1 the staff. Also one fror shw where jIugh used te work and imne fromi Crooked l3reek section where! Max served faithfully on the Trýus-1 tee Board as well as many frcm re-, latives, neighbors and friends. The palihearerS were six aephewsý. Donald, Bert, Ray, Charlie, and Ever- ett )Sapieton, and Hocward Gordon. FlIowei4bearers were, Jack, Glen, Keith and Laurie Sitapleton, Lelarnd, Edgar, Lawrence and Floyd 'Milîson, John and Bill Henclerson, Ervia Go- heen and GordonMartin. Internent waslai the family plot la Bowmianvile cemetery. CAPITOL, PORT HOPEI Fri., Sat., June 25-26 "TO THE ENDlSi 0F THE EARTH", With Dick Powell and Signe Hasse Also "FABULOUS JOE" Mon., Tues., June 28-29 "I Rernember rai" With irene Dunne and Philip Domi A REALY WREATSTORZY 0F FAMILY LIFE WTedj.,& Thurs., 3-1 "1THE BRIDE GOES WILD" Wi-tht Van Johnsen, Junie Ailyson and ïl Jackie Jenk-ins IMPRESSIVE MEMORIAL SER- VICE AT FENELON FALLS The L.O.L. Degree Team.,of Ornne niotored te Fenelen Falls on Suai- dlay, June 20th, and la a very imi- pressive ceremoay unveihed a mem- orial ir the Feneleni Fallsce te, te the late Wer. Bre. Chasý. A. Brown. Wor. Bro. J. H.Lewer, luii bis brTief well ýchosefn remnarks, spoke of the untiring efforts, and devotion cf oui hate Brother te the Order in Lreneral and the degree teaim iin par-1 ticular. Wor. Bro. A. E. -Morton ledl ia the sripture readinig, after which Bic. Major Miller, of thie Salvation Army, closed writh a dedication p ra yer. The càptair of the teanei then lift- ed the U nion Jack aiid the Tab1let vusdisplayed for aPIot see. our sn timentis which rend(: "in leving meen cry of Woi. lBro. C. A. Bro-svn, who died )Oct. 17, 1947"ý, erected by Orono- L.O.L. Degree Teamn. SALE REGISTERS I have heen anthorized b sel hy Public auction for iNeil Cùritis, at Lot 11, Con. 1, ManversTonhp mile south cif Pcrntypoao, at .00 p.m. on Saturday, ýJune 26, bis cattle, herses, swine and poultry, se so)m mach- inery and furniture. Ternis Cas'ýh. Nqo. Reserve. R. J, n, Auctica-' eer. r will offer b)y public auictien la the, Village of Ponit.ypIool, at the h101-omcf thec eate7W. J. Del-,h'ey.ý, at 7.15 p.m., oin Saturdlay, Jure ZGth, a larg quantity of furniture. Terms ýCash, No :Reserive. R. J. Pa-yne, Acin er. f have been authorized te seil lby public auction at Lot 25, Con. 5 Clarke Townshbip, ',', mile east of, Oreno, the prcperty ý-of Cli ýEvaris & Son, at 6G.30 psn1u sharp on ýF rîday, Jure 25t1, 33head Of herses; lihead of milk cowýs; 36 h1ead c f fat fat catIe. Terms Cashi. Jack Reid. Auctionleer. HAýY SALE 'Mr. J, ;P. Jobaiston will off er for sa'le byý publiceuto at Lot 12, con- esin4, 'CakeTo sip 1 mile! eqsit of Orono anl/ci2,mile snton1 Modyevening, June 28th, at 7.001 p.m. shiarp, 30 acres of standing1 hr'y. Terms Ca-h.-Jackl Reld, Avs-J L.O.L. CHURQH SERVICE Clarke Dist.rict L.O.L. Annual Ou-ch Service ll be heid ;n New- tonvPie Uit11ed 'Church on Sunday, July 4ffh, at 7.80 ýKendap Ul ii a nd Du Band vl]!head the proces- WANTED Womlan or girl te -assist with houseiwork for t'wvýo or three dcays a week. ATply to Box 302, Oron Times. WANTED Woullike to buy o9ne Portalbl cernent mxehand or beitdrvn We have Sur sale oneJohno nt board niotor, l-/,hp, îin good con- dition. Apply ,to A. H. Stevens, Kendàl P. O. c2-p WANTED Ail knids o-f lr ontyfora goodu Torotno muarklat, paying the! bhesit olf prices. A. G. Pigout, irlo FOR SALE IN ORONO Two fraiýe 1houses' well "euipped. ro ha nold for cas-h. Write te Box 4G, Orono, 0Ontar-ie. C-M2p FOR SALE Pino, ason & Risých,Cosl Maodels, -57 iniihes widle, 37 ice high. Onle lke new $:-97.00. Pho,-ne 251, Chasý. H. Pe-acock, 80Sfi dm-coe qt. FOR SALE Ineratonltýracter-, 10-20 on steelrcnied, heavy land trac- ter, at $6G00 'or ibesit offer, seiling tractor mai.chinery, 13qf-urro-w Case po,14-lnch Case 'hanimer m.1ili, tandem dises, J'-tooth cultlivator, scuffiers,, n-ew and0 used ruirber tre wagon')1s, Perfection rncilkinngia- chines, p)ump-j1 jacks, electro-pails. Phone Carl, Tod'd, GClarke 15-20ý. C-24-p. FOR SALE Pianos, Mah.ogany and Walnuýt, eight tecthoose froni. ADl recondi- tioned and guaranteed. $90.0û and up. Plone 251, Chas. H. Peacock, 8ck Sim'co0e St, Northr, OÇehawaý. GEORGE YORK Oroflo - Cntario -Agent fr the Emnpire Waflpa-pers an1 th-e Water Proof W1lpap ers (OiinlWhite Rose)ý. See my portufolio of iovely viall -papcers. Even- inzs. You will be satisleil. ORONO Reupholstering Reflinishing Anitiques Bolught and Sold Sec- our Ihue of Drapiery ithnUnits made to order C- F. Duncean Phoneî9-16 - OROMNO Radio Service! iThe combination of experience, cern-1 plete data oný ail makes, and mo&demI test equipment will enEure PRO0MPT, PREA4SONABLE AND EXPERT REPAIRS 1 Cali R. L. MYLES Phone 79 r 4 -, ORONO Free Estimirates wv'ill be Given Cheerfully on Rock WooI Home Insulation Dy Blower System£D Four inches thick. GILPIN &Ce. Insuatio Conractrs,57 BlorSt. West, Toronto-. Disitrict Recpresentative fer iDurham County GEORGE WADDELL Phone 23 r 22- BETHANT Monuments The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY Phone 501 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ontarlo, Monuments, Gravemarkers Engrapii. goldleafiug Pro fesuional Drectory A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. pH'y SICIA and SUJRGEON Office Hours: 2.00 le 4-0pm. 6.30 te 8.00 P.z.. Suandays and Wednesdays by appointmnent only PHONVE d7rl - OROO LEGAL Lawrence C. Miason, B.A. Barrister and Solîcitor BOWIMANILLE, ONT. i Phones: Office 688 Home 553 W. F. WAÀRD BARRISTER- - - - 4- SOLICITOR NOTARY phones:- Office 825 Residence M0 BOWMANVILL, 'ONT. VETERINARY DR. W". W. SHERWIN VETERINARY SURGEON Office main St. Orong Phono 6-3 r 7, Orenâo INSURANCE ..c. GA&MEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automob!i and Liability ORONO - ONTARIO ORONO'S INSURANCE MAN ManuactueraLife IsrneC. is represented ne',this district hy DANE FOIJND If lt's Inarane ,Dane a t EROY HAMILTON INSURZANCE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Fire, Automobile, Liabillty, Life, Il1ospitalizationi, Plate Gl'ass, Burglary, Casulalty Rereetigthe 1Leadil:ng CýANADI1AN, BRITISH and AMERICAN COMPAINIES Office, main St. - ORONO Phoý(nes: Office 32 r 18; Rez. 1 r l Phenre me and I will cahi te suit you.. Etatsf reely given, neo ýbligation. Would you like te know more about the fohlewing?7 (a%) 19H o wWil eyour faMI1y ome thoeusand do3llars that Yen haxven't YÇ4 saved ? (b) fHow tri guamantee a sýalar7 cheque te your famnily eVery montb for 10-15 or 20 yeaus sholdYOD be taken ont of the piciture ? (c) How te hiave a salary choique* every month for yourself as lokng a2s yen lire, commencing at augýe 55-60 or 65.1 (d) How te guarartee that youi son or danghter will have 'lie meney, fer an education beyoind high ksuhool? Let us have aî chat about it some- tîne. Phone FRED) LYCETT ORONO '18 r I T EDI-)J AC KSe-CD, Auctioneer and Valuator Ceuducts Auction Sales of al sizms and at reasonable ratesq Communicate with hlm at Pogu Perry, Ontario, or s-e. hiej Clerk. A. E. Morton, at Oromo, foer date. JACK REID Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consult me for terme and dates Phone 5rl18 - Oo* .4 s v FROM THE U.S. - avoid dïsoppoý-,itentý by asking your nearest Customs Office whether or net your puvchase can Ie brought întc this cuty The item you wish fo buy may be caffected b the existingj import restric- tiins eceesary te cons-erve our U.S. funds, Be etise .. before ordering goods fromi the U.S. or othekr ceuntres - .consvt your neacrest Customns COffiàce or write Enwgritycj lput Corol Division, OausloFHmo, ~- p 0 êâ4wej

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