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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Jun 1948, p. 5

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ORON OK IME TURSDYý JJNE 24th, 1948. MISS LM1ciKay ieft !or, Noitl Batéle- Mi;sa Adele Morton and AMr. Dck for, ask., or, T-LesdIy *here shej Morton, of Toronto, sp)ent thewe- wiil 4.ake ujp residenice 'with her si-s- J endit ýh their parents, 'r n Mrs, ter,4A. E,.« mor4on. -RM!e MR. ARTHUR DRUMMOND Associate of American Water-eoýlour Society is holding- an exhibition of recent paint- ings in ofis and water-colours at his home in Orono, for one week, Junte 21 to Jlune 27 îincluisivé*, afternoonis and evenings. H1ARTLE'Y H.DAIRLOW« FU)NERAL DIRECTOR & HO10ME FURNISHINGS Oronvo, Ontario LMODERN EQUIPMEI4T At Your Service in Time of Need FO0URTEEN -YEARS' EXPERIENCE Phone 18 r 7 (Day or Night) HUNGARIAN FIE CRYSTAL STEM WARE Goblets .............Each 75c Footed Tumoblers.......Eaeh 75e Stem tSherbJets......... .... Each6 5ec Footed Cocktail Glasses....Each 65c MRS. L. REID 7 ORONO, Ontario REtD& WHITE STORES FRESH STRAWBERRIE S I I ARE ARRIVING DAILY Don't be without this seasonable fruit GRANULATED SUGAR, 10 lbs for ......... 89e MEMBA SEALS, pkgr........ ............10ec CERTO, bottle ....................25c CERTO CRYSTALS, 2 pkgs for .......... .25e QUART JARS, carton of dozen_.,....... $1.15 1 FEL NAPTHA SOAP is hiere, again, 2 bars.. 29e Plcnilc SuppIlies-m PAPER PLATES, one dozen....... ........10 WAXED DRINKING ýCUPS, pkg of 6 for .... 10e SNACK SACKS, "W'axed -Sandwich bags,, 132 for ................ ...............10 MONTSERRAT LIME JUICE, rea1 taste thrill, bottle f or ........... ............. 42e Wý,ELCII'S GRAPE JUICE, pure grape juice, bottie for .>............ ................ 31c DE VON SWEET MIXED PICKLES,' jar ..... 27c. SSTUFFED OLIVES, 4 oz jar........... 23e FRESHIES. 10 big glasses, 6e flavors, only .....5'ae MIRACLE WIIIP SALAD DRESSING, large 16 « PREP, ............49e )MUSTARD, 'large economy jar., 19e FOR THE BEST MVEAT BUY IN TOWN9 Phone 12 r 1, and Have Your Order Delivered Beef, Pork, Cured & Cooked Meatsj Nine sýeems jt-o be Ernie- Dent's eurmiber as he travels thro-cugfr life ps the fo-lowing - wul indicate: H1e Was the 9th child in the famnily of his parents ,was born on June 9th, 199 is D9 years oki, , wsmie in 1939, and fnine yeartis laýter 'was bless- ed with a son. Local News 1Mr. and Mas , RAý Forrester spent the week-end at Cedar Harbour, HMr. E. Dean 'spenti a fe'w d'ays] viiing iTeorot-last \weelc. Miss Dorthea Bullied m d Mr. Roy Fal'sspent the wueek-enid wi )th Mr. an'd ýMrs.ý W. 'B. Froste. MisGrace Hudson, of Toronto, !s home on Irer vacation with ber par,- ents, 'Mr. and IMrs. Jack lHudson. Mi'ss Joyce 'Tennant, Toronito, is spending ber vacation witb ber par- ents, IM4. and Mrs'. 'Carl Tennanit. The Býible 'Clase cf Park Street United "bhurth is -discontinued for the time being. -1 Mr. and 'Mrs, Charles Buckley, of Toronto, spent the week-end as guests of theiraunt, Mrs. Curiis. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Walke and Douglas were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Wailkier*s sister, ýMiss Fern Webýer of Osh.awa. Mr. aýnd .Mrs. W. J. Stainton visit- ,d their daughter, Mrs. Gprnet TOwfls, in Cobborne, over îîhe week- end. MVrs. George Foalbes, Port Hope, undlerwe'n't an operation In IrSt. MHichael's Hos'pital, Toronto last and is progressing favorably. Mr. W. ýF. Riekard 'woni three firsts, Itwo ýsecond and two fourths with his Shrthorn cattle at the Mill- brook Livestolck Show. IMr. O. W. ýRoîpli 'von third prize' with his roadster *t 3illbrook Pair, in the singe roadster class, under 15.2 hands. .Mrs. J. Eagleson-, w I~e'lin Peter- boro last 'we-nttended t he(-ful neral on Friday of the late Mrs. J. Grimmison, of Peterboro,. Messrs. Dr. _McKenzie, W. E. Davey,. George ýLaing and P. M. Lun*n formed a fishin'g party at Bea- verton on' Monday last, bringing home a couple of lake trout. Mrs A. ' Bleçwelt,' Mr. 'Leonard Blewett, nnd Mr. and MVrs. Geo. Boutîlier and grandson 'Garry Har- lock of New Toronto, 'were visitors last iSunday a--t the home cf Mr. and Mrs. W. B. 'Hoar. Mrs'. P. Ln went by plane to visit be oher, at Luhbbock, Teýxasý. She returiied bhome on Mond'ay of last wee'k 1y anotor, ýaccomp)anied by Mrs. P'hillips, who will spend thie summer mouths at ber -sumnier homue in Orono. SRecent visitors at 'Mr. Jr mes Mid- dleton's weeMr. and Mrs. John Cowan ' Sixth ire; - Mr. ~dMs Elmiiier 'Mi'ddlton, Mr. an'd Mrs. Ceo iDenr-y anid Mr. aiid Mrs. L. -ijutchini- son, of'Ob'a Mr. and M-- . L Hadder an.d, abof Toronito; Mr. an'd iMrs. Bruce Tenniant, Oronio, Police lConstable Pollard, cf thie Ontario Provinciali Police and now stationed at Bowman-ýtiville, will reside ini Orono iwitb bisý wife and family in the near future. having rented the home now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lockwood, wbo Will be leavinig to take up residence at Hlampton, 1whiere Mr. Lockwood bhas purchased ai flour .il Mr. and Mrs. James Middleton. Edfga Middleton and Miss Wil'a looey, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer 'Midde- ton, of Osbawa, and Mr. an'd Mrs. Bruce Tennant recently visited 'the fornier's mother, Mrs. Ru4h Midldle- ton and brothers, Geor'ge an'd Mac of Clarem1ont, aýlso,sister Mis. G,)r- do n Haqulin, of Green River. Mr. Hanilin is conflned to'his bcd 'with heart troube.1 Mr. anîd 'Mrs. W. GIaillehîve moved into the apartment recently, vacAted by Mr. and'Mrs. O'wen Fa- gan, 'while )Mr. and Mrsý. Jack SRto- hart of S. Orono., have inovedl into- the apartnidnt vacated by .andl Mme,.'Glan'vilile. B ,,t p aartnients are in the Ku'mrite Inn. Mr&. Faganl had his, furniture remnoved te Tii- hury where he bias secured a house. Mrs. Fagan will leave as soon as ber baby is free frozu an attack of tihe measles. VISIT HEATITER LODGE PORT PERRY LO'DGE Travelling by chartered bius, thir- ty-six memnbers oI. May Belle Re- bekah Lodîge at Port Perr'y.came te Wednesday, Thursday, Ray MILLAND Junie 3th July lst Marlene DEITRIICH "GOLDEN EARRJNGS" CARTOON SHORT PARK ST. UNITED CHURCl j Reverend B. . Eustace ministoe SUN. 9.45a.- 11.00 a. Search1 7.00o pim. Masoni' NDAY, JUNE 27 ,-Snnday &hool. for 'Ilod. ie Service. Orono Tinsl.hop -HAVE YOUR F-urnace Over hauiled and ready for use during the summer months R. E. LOGAN Phone 18-10 %AJN 8TIIWI' - O1ROW CANNING CLINIO We extend a welcome to ail ladies in the district te, visit us at Orono Town Hall on .the afternoon of Fri'day, JUly 2sid at 2.30 p.m. MR. G. T. EYTON Will demonstra te the Burpee Home Tin Can Sealer and Pressure CannYer Takes drudgery out of canning Free Door Prize G. E. featherweight Automatie Iron, value........$49 To-; lady in attendance having lucky number NO OBLIGATION TO BUY Teil your friends Coleman Phi*lp & Electric' Phone 89 r 1 - Oro KING DUG KILLER FOR QUICK AND SURE INSECTICIDE Special in 10 - 20 - 50 lb bags 3 per cent D.D.T. in 10 and 20 lb bags (Oooand vicinity) RARRY BAILEY THEATRE - BOWMANVILLE Please Note SATURDAY CONTINUOUS PERFOR'MANCE FRO'M 6.30 P.M. TO 12 P.M». Fni., Sat., June 25 -'26 Gxiant Drama of a Nation's Cross Roads ! Randolph Robert SCOTT RYAN GEORGE (Gabhy) HAYES "1TRAIL STREETI" TECHN1COL01R CARTOON SHORT "DO OR, DIET" Mon., Tues. June 28-29 .-EXTRA! I'SHERE! ~GABLE KERR, Sydney Greenstreet and Adolphe Menkjou "îThe HUCKSTERS" MOVIETONE NEWS Cartoon lin Tecýhnicolor .HORROR%! ATM11) NW Wednesday, June 30th "VYOODOO MAN" î BELA L-UGOSI and JOLINCARDN Second IFeýature CHARMIE CHAN in "JADE MASK",1 - Orono ARMSTRONG'S 3 sets only of Curtains and Drapes to match, in fiow- ered chintz, reg., $23.0, for .......... ....... $10.00 Chenille Bjedspreads at R1E- 1}UCET) PIRICES . Whifte Cotton sockees, sizes, Nuaýck Front La"e (Cor- sets, priced.........------ .$595 AlieShorts, sizes 141 to White Canivas Puimps, Red Plastic Sanidals, Brown and White Oxfords ..... $1.95 Brown and White Loafers, priced...............-----$2.95 Me's Sport Shirts, plain, colors of Sand, Green, Blue, priced ---- -----$4 50 SPECIAL, 1 week only Shell LIVESTOCK SPRAY Re,-. $1.50, to clear Freez-Easy, any flavor, 2 pkgs. for.... ..2e Matches,,3 boxes for ...... 29e Sugar, Pu-re Cane, per ewt $8 39 Fels - Naptha Soap, bar ... 15e iSunlight Soap, bar........9ec IWE DELI VER Tuiesdays and Saturday-s Seedless Raisins, lb.....2e Jello, any flavoir, pkg....19c Neilson'ts Chocolate Bars, 3 for............0 Orang'es, 34s dzn. 20e- Brunsw-ick Sardines, CUn 10e 'q I SPIECIAL, 1 weeklyI Hlarry rHornie's GRAVE E Reg. 10ec, to clear 1 5c, Red and Brown Leather Loafers, priced . S.9 Red and B>rï;wn Sport Shues with Leather Soles .-.97 Mean's ýSwetShirts, colors White, Winle, Blue -.-.. 4 ptir only Laice Curtinýs, last..----.---............$3- 0 New Length Satin Slips, sizes 32 Io 38, priced.. S2.9-) 2 only, Ladies' Cravenlith Rainco>ats, ecaring at $15«00 Flannel Bla-zers, color red , sizes -14 to 18, pricedl.... $8-30 Stripe Jerseys for childreni with short sle-eves, sizes 2 to 6, priced..........------85c Men's Oxfordsý, reg. $8.00 and $9.00, for.........---$6,50 SPECIAL, 1I week Wyler's RICE DINNER Reg. 18e, to elear at 6c. SPECIAL, 1 wveek, llarry Hlome 's Reg. 2 5ec to clear at PUDDING POWDER-"PS Reg. 10e. to Cle.r 3 for 25ce b t N t N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s 5 N N j',k N. N N N N N N N N N I ) N N N N N N N N c a N. N h N 'N N N h N h h h h h h h '1 h h N N b N N h N h h N .4. h N N - N N N N _N Phone 87-16

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