ORONO, ONT THUPSDAY, J(JLY lst, 1948 Subscription $ 1.50 pec Year, mateur Athletic Association Sports Day, July i st Unrestricted Beef Sale To U.S. Clalimed Would KI U.K. Marketi fersihngc than thiat affrded b Orn Comnunity MmrilPark weetire Durhami Counity Feder- t~c etAgrculurepieaic n'as hel on Sturdlay, .Vul 26 th. Likewýi 8e, tireé Province boastis no grouîp et peeý- pie m-ore deservinrg of thre best thini tirýEsevery ferm f olk, unless, ef cease, it iglit be enother sime gtengdrrewn from tirCýs .same god osenetf ire land. Tie act tiret the Durirearm picnici ýasnet eue and0onlY evas edisclosei,ý lrowever, -by Mvr. HerbrtHaam ~ m i paker eft tire day, n'ien he ttdaiuthtie outset ef his dres trt tIns wa e herourtlrFedeéràtioýn piahIe bmd attended. Ibis n'eek. Tciwu a irunteous pic.ic din- ver et noon, AIland sundry n'erei- vited 9>by Mr. Chas. siernthe ciarran, te assemie betore tire pleefoar and adjacent loud speaker. M.J. J. 'Melior tien outlined tire tire çrogress made by tirelocal Co- oprrieCompany, a'nd tolci aise et newCies-4(ie n'irere futiure sm- mractivities 1)l ie held UnIder Feertionaupcs As edrto SerayMoý. Melleri atiual i, - c tnsnature. Localpros ceve ly Federe-tionMeicl er vics nw totalled 300 l in iei ar enrasse-ts were $2,600(t accord-i OngIo Mr.cMelor.iA "folkaeboou'! ilestig about four days n'oald ire ire d et tirenew amip ite (duLring A ugurth ie speaker rsaýid Tire aýv 'ziaiity et two toucks iun'lnc pncvisitors couldi tour tire 1Refor- esainSte ion vn'as enumouuced by là. Meor, Whro ikewice saistiret uw i >ïsehil g alswerpe la tire et- . E . A . Sm~s rr ty Represitetive, pyoved a necnevisiter n'ir iisassertion irta e urity- ide Srwine Proýducera'is Asso ltin as etlong Wlaaue- sýo,1Lte ce ýaîty. The follon'ing Tensiip minlis are as follos : Lacingiton, Carnet îRikerd and BueTaylor; Clame, Mv. TH. Staples andGordon Martin; Menvers,Ho' ard arclLaverne ivdil et wrgt allton Rural, Murray Byers; Hop, awao-i eubee, Beverlay Grey; ayu Len McNeil, D-)on iLevery; Sentir Ionaglren, Robert Dawsen, Heoi ebee, mos. mJ. M3ellor's cheery and -u,-mýoues introduction otr1Mr. 1Han- nam seved as a lrappy coutteýppat fortie'late'svery fine and M ,Haianm, m oe ome 'ira s ben laWeîirgtÉou Coun-tiy fer tire pect twenty yeerc, streSsed tire sia- celyandi hoaesty et tarm ,peeple. Tre strenàgtir ami influence etftire' Poinial and National Federatiosý h eaun acirierved ytrsesa cheracteris à n the County groups, hie sahd. Ilaving taken pr in the earlIy FeerainwokUr. 'I>-,n-iitm r'elated hOw he used to teýIl of wht co>~opratngfarm-ers cold do. i waS~~P no' i )osition te o pakof what suc~h far mers had docne." The Natial Frm Radio Fomm n'e typically -Caniadien in its ppel and Ïhad won the admyiirin of' Farmý FeerItensthe wrdover. Aïd~ had been given Ay the Canadian Federation to the Freighit Assist-ance Policy, price senisiiies and 'narket- inin nsroenrntwhila Er'deration. representetives were as welcomne in any of the Goveramient Departmonits at Oittwn as those irom ay ohe ,branclr of industry. lions of dl- lars had bee~n saved for Canadien feýrmjera tlrroigh Fedceration services, Mu. ruanam s1%. RqlyIng totlihe criticSiýse .eJ some farmiers, ais te the Fdra s po loy e f trade xith the United( States, Mvr. llarnnaampointed eout thaqt Tunre- sýtnicted sale of Canadian beef te- the Amrcn iarket woumld undenibhtedly bringlarg ùtempora1 reuimete Caainfarmers, lat wouild L)ti- mately rob uns of our United King- dont outet for pork, because Our porkp o 't'or te 1time hein wculd logcalycss the Aeieu bord(Ier as weIL, As tl-e 13. S.faer record hé sown stablity, tis po-rk nrkpet te tlhe sont cwond1di- appear. Our ovin farner - would then lie Ieft minus both an Amnercan orBritish mikt United Statee farmners lvould at presenit ep Caniadiens ýýtoe exîprt cop.rse grains aecrosa The ne wlth a resuitant risec la the pràce of such grains.,'Pheseý hiig1er pricea 'eldreaclt unfevor- abiy iupon, Chunadiý,n poultry and btÉ ter prducers, -wtF goods are not needed in the States, Descro mg the wold-wide got of FarinFedIerations., he speakiIer ýo1d cef Ie World Fediera-tion held in London, twoi yers ago, of theon at HiTh Hage lest year, and of trel rsetyear'a gralhering in Paris whecre behielimself n'as a delegate.1 Frencir fararers bave ever one hun- Ired Federationi rep relsen ta tives as- sociated with their goverament as ceompared te Cjada's' Tour engagedi lim e wr t oe ee Ohi~ f the reu of tyeFreirCh frmils n'es borne eut in the esser- tie that the French annuel outrputi cf wheat sometýines, reaches 0OO- H a lacsels .. jut e millionbshl Iosthan that frequent1y raiàsedr.. Je Canadien West. Conservation of salinl Europe is one cf tlie secrets Of ith,eefine cýro-ps.î A. oheingaspect of. Frencjh farm ]ife, lies ia the ever-presen dea of war. line os ohe netien'age-od prodùct s ilie, andMr. Hanam recalled hn a different tytpe etin (Continued ýon page 8)- lowers Adorn Orono Cemetery' For Decoration Day Serviceý Sùxiay, ;une Z7th, -wes dcrinthecops ua a1 rono ceuietery, when a 'Mr. Heber .SouichPrsdtofie la e unibeof people -were presentu Cemietery Board, eacted as cirirman, tceftoral trihbutes con the graes a-nd. expressed 'a few nvords in grati- eti tfieir beloved ones. tudffefor tbire large' number thet n'ere A----, . ý- nt 1ion tits occasion. Newcastle And OrOno Teams !Promotion Resuits For To Lock Horns Domiion Day This ye insl former y.ea-rs, a sprsday wýll be held la Orono CoanrnuatyIVeorial Park, cnisist-, ii,-; ef Girls' SotballSotaî ind e Hairdll gamie, folle ed by a dace lu the evenîng, -with Ruthr Wil- son1 and ber eryiekrsOrchestra etf Ye-ln'erton in eattenidance, aIse a football gaime. The daiy this year will1 be held un- der the ausipices et the Orono Ath- letic Asseciation. Thre cotrmittee, in a veryy short notiiçe, wetot work aandndd ut a godafternoois prgrmm. The girls' sofibial gamie nill ire played between the Orone and Newcestli-eclbs, wiriel the boys sofirbal will be ira cteer, Oronoi and Newîastie. Tre ibig attraection will ire tire herdibeli game betWeeni tire Newcastiê hall club aud a teain froinOreno.1 Non' tiret threpiayiifd in tire park Iras been enlaged, goed games sbould be 'itnessed. Fer tlire evening entertaiinarent, tire eariy part wlill ire given over te a footbal gamne between Orono and iCourtice. This is, a regula ean game. Give the soya your support as they- need thins n'inagns Cour- tice. Tire gamla ca elled for 7%~ pem. sàarp. The daienlathe tom hall te wind up thle day will coimmence ati 9~0p.m. Tire admïîission prire is SOper pe-rsea tetire dan!e. Leroy Brownï Organizes Turnip Club Ia Huron County hu onCunlty n'ili have a turbip clb this year, it is anniounced by the' Crops, Seed arnd WeedsBrnhO- tarie Departm-ent cf Arclae r gatjized b~y Lero (G. Breown Aigri-[ culturel Repreýsen t'ative et Clinton, it is reported tiret tis club now haus1 thiirty-sevýen ieinibers. Thre hasis of award jla the turnip-gowiiag ouxpqe- tition has been decided as tollon's: field score, 40fi points; field notes nd financial statemeat, 150ü poiipts; ex-ý hibit at club feir, 100 points; judg- ingý comrpetition, i001pits;cu ,verk slud clturel. precticeçs, 150 pints; ettendence et ameetings, 100i 1At a recent m7eeting, the Turip Commttce Ontrjo rop Improye- mient Associationl, paased e esolu-1 tion i ?pienigMr. Oon n on hus iitiative and initerestla turnp production, and e1raig prca tien flor ibis ,work inuthrng tr wýeifaeeoetthLisinq;prtant ca sh crop. BrowiesW elcomed Parents- And riends At Open bousel los; Ing lnightlet edsdy June m rdteoirtfireform et("Ope Hlouse', nhen maay parents and renS cgatered te ce e regirls rec-ý!eiv rzsand a'rdG1oy Piotrecitfed a poem ou Bron'niie ,vork. atter wiich sevea girl.s said "'Weicomre" ia semlaphore. As, A. J. Frank, Divisionral Ceon- missioner, presented Serice ,ýStarsýý te) fourteen oethtie Bo'ne Golden Bers n'ere preseated te Bernice Laaand ieaieCon'an. Tire preseutatien etGolen ands tei Mary Ana iArmstreong nd Marie- Lewisïz made these girls tire fir-st te beecome Fîrs G, lass Bro 1nis and 'regrtue aay nvas cnuuy Me 1 ~' ----1 rin 10àldofi -ror tire service, Tire To opea tireerviceire caiied upon redyte fly icto Guides. Attenctane groandl et thre ceetery n'ere in ex- Rev. A. E. Eustece te reAdthe prizes et Guide purses andmiatr cée5t condition. Tlhe grass n'a, scoipture and ieed in prayer.Fesol eewo yJyeJus gren ad aeu eutn'hcirsirn'e Re. D R.Dewney etst.Marie Lewis, Dereeni Aildreedic, Ana poh a enstakingi cee had been used4 Georg,-c's iCiarcirh, Nee a s tie, toir Best ad rMarl Ana Arnstrong. býy thec vr gv ier time te iri charge eft1tie service. Hle cnhed A specýial treet n'as enjoyed iry purese Mears H W.Muray nded Vire Ceinetery fEeard Dor Ilyînng! tirose presen 1la a ads o Aric Glry.sucir a fine foundation for the ceme- "Birdis and thecirHais by Mo. Ale Addd t tns reatiul ictretery whbIas beeu sheiwuin rmaiuy Kay etfipeterrir)oro ln ir, e enaplOy of ,ways la tire undertaliini e nd tire up - t ire eprtmntcf'Lauds mand Fo- n'retie eryboqut tntdeo - eep thtie cemnetery. li e furt-irer ests for 0O'urie, Mor.Ka is an la- atLAdtie graves. These adde ret elrged ou this teme and said tiret structon lu Conservation et al Wild iy inte ie heaty of t ire e a u ilpecoe siould bad for' tireur- Liteand is Gamre Wardeu etoDur- Ail the lodigeitaere preseuit Md seivs a sou,1nd toajndeution mit i w1hahm County. He kept iis audience dýe oi ate-dtregraveseofthtieir de peaot-aiteerect thek i ie pa leriae triie iirsxneai-tn et nntet- eod brtheo itir tire sigu cl f trirtrta tl nyrtcee t tetake.. aiirgisoes lodige. One in partical ans very ut- firm grip- on tire lite)te uther the air s. W., Arunstrgishowed a mev- trective tiret ot t-ire Masoniic Ldg better-neut o it. a hicr d eoected e ulce fIowerid1- Tire Oreo Baud n's pesenit anding itr e ieBewaes-as pay aient4 feet by S teet, i i vncirsuppiied tire rinnicfor th ire - ee ttreSogsu heraee-n they fdepicted tire e ofleas et t thr et tire hymens aada1so cap ]odgc witir ftwers, the square and inurmerswapy Hldas Brewmpis 1 'Oronio-Public School, Senior Roemi To Grade 8 Bill rmtonJean B-ruto-n, Merleiie Ciatrell (Hon.), Joainne, Cornisir, Edra Goode, Grace Gaursby, C,iro0iy 11Jolies, ~Earry LynTch, Hlarold Mo ùff atEleenor Roflison (Heou.), Auna Marie Sherýwiiu (Ho-n.), Mlar- garet York. Alex. Druminmcnd Faven tire Canla- dien History prize ia Grade *1. ELleane,,r Robinson n'on tire Cana-1 dien Tfistory prize la Gridg 7. Kate Fester Principal Intermediate RoomD To Grade 7 ton, F Mnia(on.), Cooper, Adele, Korapatwa, Lovelene (o,,Len'is, Lorna, ych Buiiiy, Myles, Bruce, Plvasey, David, Strickland, Ethiel, asnJack, WhieMarjorie, To Grade 6 Arstreng, Mary Ana (Hon.) Gamlby JimyLewis, Ros, Lycett DogaWilson' Jack. To Grade 5-1 Alirea, Btty AldredDoreen (Hon.), Be t Ana(Hlo,,Gms, Doula, JnesJoy-e, e'iMare «HoHil.),Lyn'I, Lucelle (Hon.), PIre!seyý, Dianne (o.,Whlite, Do1("r e en Hn 1W1im, he Wilson, Tedd<y. Gweudoyn D. rooks, Teecher. >rade 3 to Grade 4 Joyce Bestoek (Hon.)'",Cylltiria Bruton, Gary Cooper, Everett Cou- vier. Beruiice Luan (Hon.), M,1arilyni Lockrwoed (Honl.), Glory lPîIgott (lHon.. Grade 2 to Grade 3 Mary Jeck Blue (o.,Gai! Coper1, 1Ren. 1ni e Couvier (Hon., Daý'nny Hall, Eerl Hlooey (Ili, i Koptwatýv (Hon.), Jeannie Williams, (o.,Anin Woedpyard.ý Grade 1Ito Grade 2 JonAlidoed (Honi.), MayLriIln Cob- iheik(Hon.), Marlene Grehiam, Jec Inrris, J'fane Knox (Hn) Ca tharine Lynchr (Hon,.), Ru s Sel Mjr(Hon.)1, ,Douglas Sherwin, Lawvn'ecc Sheowic In o.,Grant Tanrlyn (Hon.), -John Taniblyni, Bïiill anlyn (Hon .), Billy TomrI- Dorethy Lynch, Teacher! United Coimiies Girows Tastiest Maclnptosh Apples Moetien four hundoed s-c'ieutific egrculurits tem every province lu Ca aet tire Canadien Agricul- taraI institte Conivention ireMtidi Guielpj)Itlest n'eek. The question "wiricir provinc grcrms tire best epples"n'es settled as fer as tire Outarlo epple gron'ersl are cýonceru)ed. Relsuits et tests coaduc.ted ett he Central Exiperimiea- tel Farm lai Ottewa placed tire Unit- ed Counties et Nortirunberland and Douohanr as prodaciug tire tastiest Maiahtoaha tiran ay other place iu tire Dominion et canada, Mv. W-.,V R. Phillips of tire'Central Expoiierietel Parm sid tiret re- lpeeted teszts n'itir an imapartial teste verifed iresteue. Other epple growing dietricts et Canada toIlened l ins lorder: 'An,- aoisVlley, N.C.; Okanagan Val- ley, B.C.; ýSt. John River Vealle, N.', B., and ciSt. LnrneRiver Veilley, Ontario. Oýntaieoand Mrtm apples aIsej resised rot -ietter than tihose tron Bitiszh Columbiia. tLest's siro we d. *Core flashçl, ae terietf rot cen-mon tertier eest the apple wn'e ronn. But Mo. PiWlps einpirasized tirt ir testsshoald not Ie conszide r conclu- Unparelled Exhibition 0f Art Shown In O1 A mest outstandîng displey et artwa ex"iibited et tire home et Mr. A. A. Drunrmond _lest week. The exibition consisted of around seven- ty oil and rwter clourpatigs Along n'itlir sonne txvo hua)dred peo-1 ple ave to'ok tih r ppOrtunyity et view,ç- ingý the fine art et Mr. Drunrnr-iionid. As it n'es ouir first ,visit, wve %ere greetly 3impriesed( by tire displey n'vhicbhahd been errsnged. The ,luljects e-csn for tire art on dispiay varied, landscape, marinie and fierai. Thre greater part et lendscape paintinîgs poortrayed Ms koktanad Hllatnstieaery. An exceptional ljicae cl .paintinîg whichi every vi;sitor imneiately ad- mires, and onie which _Mo. Drummiond teks great pr-ide in, iras as it the-ie a mounitain s11eene in tire Selki-rks. Tire IruS h et torrent water dow ount Sir Doni-j aid Irasz been conveyed ona canvas with tlire greatest efl'ect b)y tire er- tist's brusir. Marine senscovered e n'ide scope cf territory, corne be- in Ïaîdstanlt as tire coaat Cot MeneeniNvaScotia. lnatiecol- lection oet ma.rine scenes thiere n'as on isly"Tire fHomne of Gloucesý-i ter's Fisinrg Flee-t". Tins priua pitngwas peîited on tirh tlni coast and ït is claimied É tiret ins sai- jeet Iras been _painted iry Imo-reerst thin aaly tlirer scene on tire îcontin- ent. While Mr. Drmmen -n's peintmnrg a sketch efthtiefshg fleet, uhici 'ouldtaire epprexiumetel.y t heurs, touiteen otirer ertists hed brougirt tireir easels te 'work onre caime suibject. The diisplay depicted tire man y rrodis et nature. tre -m a apriing miorning te ea feu evening. Tire strng, ricir hues, c)f tire oils prove tire unusuai alblity etftire artist te ceapture nature in irer various imeedis. Thre n'ater colour peintirns rvae a deliecy and a trealrness whviïcir wmoiffl aeddte tiresplendeur et eny-, fit n'es intereistiug te ire shon'n a sketh wlich approximetely nmeas- ares, 9 luches' by 12 incires and tiren te ire shown a largýe re(productioni etf tIresec. A sketch tekes about t'o Iheurs te - peint, n' iole all repredutction tahes, daysý. Ais nature ýouitin-Cally chan- ges tirrougirout tire day, e painter could nettake ee scene and trensfermr it te, a lrgecaas As a resaIt tire sketcýh la first i-méfade endtirnae tire lerger painitinig. It noad ake Irours to look eýver tire nmeroais sketchies tiret M.Duiodia c cauaiiLlete(l, both la oil amin'de Skerratt - Manilg Ch rist Anglican hrer Ohi wes the scene ef e pretty wfeddiïIg on Saturdeyý;, June *26th, we Marlou 1Loreeni, only daurg;hteýr ofMr. and Mrs. Arthur Maniag ef Oshaiwa> * was united. in lu 9.rrl'i a ýge 0te hr Thonias Skerruttt, son of M/r, Edward,' Skerreýtt ad the late Mos. Skeruatt of Uxlbridge. 1Rev. lever'ton, rcetor of the chuch, officiated, Eniteri'ng tne church on tie arpri of ber father, tAebridle looIked lovely in e gown ef whitesatIn wth fitted sleeves and triinied rwith e medalion. [Hmr veilforMig '; short traii, n'es ceugblt te h hair With a hale headdress. She carraed a cascade ef American Beauty rqse Miss Dorothy Offen., -el'TorOIonto weus maid of honour. Sheoe a floer-length gowa ef bpie aerwt gold sequin trim nd crr11e1eJ cade ef pický roses and ýcarnations. Mr. Frank Skerratt, e Tr-to,!a best mecn for his brother end Ed. -Maintg, Toronto, and Raymoa Follewiag the ceremony, a cecep-. tien waneld aet ihe o tCAr bride's parents et 155 illotp sive- The brie'smother received la 1_ gCÀ.,a-leofblack fgrd esyand were ara geeofelowro,-ss'llie groo.m's sister-in-law, Mrs. Weter. ofrrttetToronto, alsoreeed Shere printed jerseýy end 3or corsa-ge ef pinik roses. Guests ;rwere p,,resentt roim iToýronte Thornhilt, Uxibridiýge, Port perry5 For her geirg-a.ýway cosýtumet,tr bride chose a white eyret emboi ered suit ýwith hleck ~csois Amiid showers e onfetiànd good n'ishes, the 'happyc ou ple _left by motor On a horeymon t'ri tetu-ha Peifc oest. On t.heir returahe nllreside in 'ToroItoD. Thie picof thepiteaods- play rnged from u 0.irasec te $7.0ifor al arge pf) ntrng -ia Most ef the reme-ininîg pitns are -non ',teibe displayedforiesui mer et thre Muskoka Ai tsetGae- hurst, Ontatriaý. The Mro At painticgs. Ail ,ho vin'ed thîs exhiition ed art hihycomeddtearit' V, nÉc. JT. Brown Suffers Loss W' Lightning Kilis Nine ,C J'aun1.roes T.> Brorwn, Holstein Breeder, tw ilsnest oe t Nwcaste, n'ien lightning kilied aine cf iris nureedý HoIsti fou-ndation cows .- e arl y Thasda mrcntg, Jaine 94th. Tire cettle n'erre lath e rpasturb -e ied lh irNe nortdreast emrerfettire tarm -wrere is sitaeted corne large elm trees xliireh ffer srd for tire cattie frein tire Iotsummersa., WIiren tire son srcrtire cato protection undler -a large el wiicir waîs strui< Iby !ligihring. Tire tree, n'as andauraged, bat ireanevlIu- aib-.e conrs were killed otii.TJire sto rtacLr aronnd t .m Mr. (roava dld ne o n'm4etils ls antîl next morining Tire cen~tailed te corne toe ire r for tielir nea ing ~ iilk, a a pn ivestigtiîng tound Itiret tire co'wvs lmd been niped eut n'oireestroke e o gf nig Tbis is net ealy ei finenicial loss, but oee aIicir leves a nide gap in A great numbr eoyed 't1ire strawn"Cetireodiag rg r n orit tires berry social on te lon's et Park St. years te cuHid ucir bloed hues into Unitei Churei on Tuiesday evenàigie rerd. lit is difficunit te placýe a velue laest. SrnIerecake, teots, pies,oucsetissanrdTosns etc. TIre Orno Band sapplid musc c t dllars ý is vshend aitlrtireds- durin aiater tire social.Tet-raioetrsfnehed -six en ofettire baud A ère pres'- tato fllis hr ent ared rendered a Uine selection of Six eoft tirse nure comas weré carr-y- nrunrbrs.. irgicabesby "Clenjafton RagkApple Reliance", and seven iwere produrî six cens ef milk a day, Tire et twe were dry. îMr. îBron'air as been mey -ye in buding ue sach a fie ired wlk ires ail gene for naugnt. Taire patie'.nce aviI gain be neeidled teo bauidiris Irerd. He'r isa list cefthtre' ow n'itir teyrrecords Can:ada. Ninie lactation Oa on RJO.P. test et 161,004 poands lirk, centaimng 611133 pounds everage test &F81%. ý Canwid C ham1-. îý1p ion bu' ýIttertat pod e fret four 306i day lacins. Iler daugirter, lIrka Mey aya reco-rds, as a -1 year old, -'- ti m-ilki-ng, 11,77'7 pourds mnilr, l'88 fa t, av -ýerarge 41I4 ",. As e 5 cl,2tmes milkng, 12,63 pen mk,49pounds fat, average 3.9 mier Pn'o grenddaugirters,.Rage ie May- Fayae -- As asxyear 2 tme mikmrg 1'5 G2 po milk, 514 pouuds fat, ,eveilage 3.7 As a tovo year, old, '- timeisiii 10ýC696 poands ml, 417 pou-nds Yr averaige 31001 And B ircwvieav urke Françy. (Gont~he-An pag four) Vol, 12. ru 1 1