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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Jul 1948, p. 2

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0F EEVENE 7 . 93 iJA C KSO N -COL, E Synopsis Chapter XLVI:Vate shoots ehrant i ;bihotiy is foonti hy Hiaskell ai bLis nmen. CHAPTER XLVII With the shots ringing in bis ears, hoe bati jahhod the glass panel vvith blis ,colt, hringing the jaggeti utpper laîf down in a clanking sbowevr. He usheti in, up the stairs, cimibeti over Weher's twisteti body anireacheti the lantiing, pro- pareti to kili or ho killeti. Tho bIig roomn upstairs was ernphy. He ran hto the'open window, tbrust outI is heati. No scarlet-masketi mnali'lay vdeati on the gruund. Waliace hurneti hack towamti the stnirwa3y wihhi a snort. Pehe laskell waýs thevre, supomrvising the emovai of the body froni the sairs. "H'e's got a lithie hf o ief t in 1dm yeï, fLuke," Haskell saiti thickly. "Sei lBock Andrews fum the duc ani som-e iquor. Might ýgt this Eahre o telli us what happeneti." Thel( liquor camel, but the doctor was oýut üon the ange. Iskeil mnan- age1tu ho ork some flthe putnt fitidown ýiiClark \Weher'sticin Ibroa. Weer'slips quiveroITi Tho bis 2ccaopeniet. lBBr ie.hogasped, "The- oi .-Se,e-Rýansom farm. Et Cabal- aseirose. le hantiedti he partly filleti glass to Wallace. "Thýe gent bas gonie dry, Luke," lie sait griiy.. "He'li do nu more drinkinig ortain. "juisi whah I tolti you!" raspeti Wýallace. "'Phat outlaw anti Bartie are wucrkinig handi in glove." Ho starteýd fdown the, stairs two at a fio,'il hLa hoth legs againsh a ,orneti to-atithat if, hoedos go ho Ransorni's old place, il wouitin'h ho over lbard to finti either bum or Bartle licreaifter-beca-use Fim put- ting thiat red-masked dovil',s naine> onl A grave-marker myseiff" Rach rscowted arounti Wal- lac.e as he horst int the streol. "Al you imer go ho tho valley," orderti Wllac , "i oust out cvory fariner! Brinig thiei ho Steve Ranisomj's oid place. W'ethirow- irig out a rinig oh gunis Ihaon sitie- winder couiti wiggle through. With Ba-rtle anti this Cahlalloro.Rj c (c- oratinig îree limhbs, wvhore we'tl prove; thoy Ihelong, fthere'll h o nomore fnein Duelp Wahor Valey!" Tho mnliscattereti. -Haskell anti Tii Callani camie down the stairs thon ,,anti shoo i besitie Wallace. cRockoni wo ought ho gel Sheriff band, Lue?" askeii asketi. ýWhat's donc ah the Ransorn place woqtihosrichly logal then."' "o'esure a stickler for avi 1" Wa.5llace suiappet i ipatientiy. "Thol- re's nohhing more legal hhan a buzzard out oh a limb anti proof oh gi, your hantis." Michiael Valdez tii nut ride nothh for lon1g. Ho heatiet cash,.intontiing 'ho enhr the valiey ah a spot that PrComised al shaighh cut ho the Wob- ~ rMxnfarmn. But hwo miles out ohf Golti Creek he checked El Cielo brpy.Behinti him, su faint that avn is keen cars harely matie it cI), carne the cmy oh a mountain Valtiez aniswereti thoeau antiu waiteti. Shortly Juaniita ode Up. Thlere, was a strango louýDk i!! her "I 500 Cwhah ,you do i owson- Qr," she saiti swifly. "Onie dayi. you try 1o foý o 0 n o nilii 1j, Thon" "Quien sabe?ý" ho, saitipiooh 11e_ sld bis velvet sorapec asidetie h ce-,,eat1 Barthe's etiger, Juanit!a stared-t iai antinoideti. "Buit flot for lonig. 1 arn acus .fo miurder donc by the( man we are Iooking for." "Shieriff get youý?" Valdez askcd anixiously. "Si. He was xaiting with pusho at. the Pringle Jarm."' "'Huw did you gel away?" Juaniha toucheti Pedmo's neck. "We just ride, senor. But we mu st flot go mbt the Valley again. Not tonight. t is 50 nearly ho daylight now, anti-- "Tonighh," Valtiez saiti firmnlY. "Now. To the Bastemners' fanm. Bartie is thero. At dawn peace wili be in this- Valley again. Ail mon will know, who killoti anti burneti and torturcd,' anti when that mana pays for that, the way wil ho open for cowmcn ho buy legal route for sweet water." "No, senor " J uaniha imploreti, fright in hier voice. "Not ho, the Eastcmners' farm. The Prîngle place-anti the shemiff, who waihs, for yoo-are 100 Ocam, Anti with the sheriff are 1 do. not know how many possemef-" "I ride, Juaniha," Valdez said morefimy "Cowmen in Gld Cekmay pick up my sigo anti trail me.Vo figure, the time anti dist- anice. 1 wanh ten minutes in the Maxon hoose, sabie? Yoor job i5 to, keep back anybody who trails me- for en minutes." "Vo se," Juanita said esignedlY. ,q cao do il without danger-if the trailers are cowmen. Then what senor?" "Then our job is finisheti anti we ride out of here. We meet souhh of the Valley. You'11 hear rny cali. Adios." 'But senor!" Juanita stoppeti him. "The Easherner who knows we ride together? We won'h be saf e r'gain if this mata knows that-" "lis tongue is -siff, Joanita. He made the sanie, mishako twice." lis knees presseti the bloc oan andtieho vanisheti into the eariy mroning.darkness .,..* Luke Wallace was in the van- goard oh the ranchers ridinE the Deep Water Valley trail. Close bhinti him rode Pete Haskell anti Tirn Calian, anti hinging up the rear was a long line of cowmen that gew shorter as mon droppeti ouI oh the grim caravan in pairs, heati- ing acmoss the Valley, rousing out hobacco men with pleas for cuop- cratioti. -"You, think Ibis here El Caali- emo Rojo tieserves whaî hie sure is go ing ho get?" asked Callan. "I do-if be's in cahoots with- Bartie, anti if those books anti pap- ers tell us anything. Othemwise- "'Heyl Wha's Luke howling shboot?" Both men spurreti ahead. The hhrce veteran cowmen drew up side hy ide, gapfing ah a strango sight to be encountemeti on the range. Full in the lasI oh the rnoonight besido a towcring Irce, a Mexican peon sat upou a sieek mounit. The rider appearod ho ho arilesa, he- cause the hantis were tieti behinti the body. Thtme was a gag in the, victim's mouth, a nooso about bis neck, anti the endi oh the rope was tieti about the trunk oh the troc, after i, had b een passeti over a tbicklih Ilaskell drojppet f rom bhis own horseý anti wen-t forward cautîousty, in ortier no-ýt to startie the standing mo1unt. Witb one suice ofhbis jack- knifo holi severe tithe rope, close ta thie troc. la haîf a minute the peon "Gracias, snr"thie Mexican mutertiih grailtiude-. "You bave savo mlife. I say nany pr'ayers for yon' whe-" *ADelicious Co-01 Drink Directions: Make tea exclty as usual . .. Wile stiti bot pour into glasses flhed with craicked îce.. Add sugair and lemon fo faste 991 )cc.cWLQ> 1 Just ONE straigbt piece for the jacket-the sanie for the capi This easy-crochet seh is the tiaintiesh, pretiest you coulti make for Babyl Pink anti bine combineti make a crocheteti sot for girl or boyl Pat- tern 991 bas directions for set. Senti TWENTY-FIVE CENTS in coins (stamps cannot ho accoph- cd) for this pahtern ho the Neetile- craht Dopt., Box 1, 1 lh Street, New Toronto. Print plainily PAT- TERN NUMBER, youir NAM-NE and ADDRESS. Teacher Wins Teacher: "Can anýYonetoitl me wbv,-at lhaappeci ah erNaolo mutro is anmy?" Pupt:"Vo srho peppceotithe enemy ani took Ihu itatiolby as- saulit" Teachor: "Sit dIown-, my lad. Vl h ave lno sauce from o. IAdvance Not-es jFrom the"E" See What ARelyU-oDt School Look-s 1Like - Thelincs modern schools iiiand a over- seas will kLe on view at the 1948 C.N.E., in thie forn of scale moüdels. One of thein will be a reproduction of the farned school at Ruslip, near London, England, said to be the bý,st planned' hool ever huilt. it has a cafeteria cquipped to supply each child with-a hot noon mieal. Menus are arranged so, that this school meal provides the child with at least two-thirds of his necessary, food requirernents. Cost of this mieal is 26 cents, of which the pupil pays 16 cents and the rnunicipality the rernainder. Dcnimark is sending qwmodel of one of itsoutstanding schools, as are Sweden anti the Unitedi States. Canadian provinces ho be represent- ed are Btitish Columbia, Alberta, Saskatcewan, Manitoha and On- tario. One Ontario model is of special inherest to ni ne third-year pupils at Western Tcchnical School, Toronto, for they spent the last two monhhs puting if together. It ks the attractive andi modern IHaina Memorial School at Sarnia. (Uther Ontarib models w-ilI be the Forest Hlli Collegiate, nýow under con- struction and thie Fisher Park: Sehools in Uttaiwa. Details ot building costs and tax ratet for cdut- cation in their municipalities will be disp layed alongside each model. "Neyer mind that now," Haskell interrupteti. "What happened ta you?" "I amr rshîng from hard riding," JuaniÏâ sali glibly. "I wake. I see man who digs. 1 go to hirn. Maybe 1 arn of help. He is very mad when he sec me He do to me as you sce when you corne." Wallace took charge of the st ation. "Who was this hombre?" hoc demanded,. juanita shrugged. "Who knosws? I arn ssorth rnaybe a fortune if I1 canl say who is behind the scarlet nasiK and hidalgo garb of that man." "El Caballero Rojol" exclairned,, Wallace ',Buried thiose paperis anid books as sure as you're homoi!No we'Illfinti outi what ws uimport- ant! \Vhere's the J nanita poîntetiws Cred show you." .A'nmile woold umore tha sutie she figureti, ho delay theýse rnen for the hinie Valdez wanted. Ten minl- Utes Valdez hati requesteti. He haci hati much more than that already. From ime ho thuec certaïn ques- lions are asketi by my corresponi- dents anti the answers ho someO- o thlese are givcn here in the interost oh readers who mnay have in mmid simlar enquiries. Question. Is il possibletho detect whthber the wn-iher is maie Or ho- maie from tbe script? Answe-r. No. The anaiyst cannot defini;tely shate wl,"ether ho i S ana- iyzing a manl's or a wouian's hianti- writing ant iIbis is 31ue ho 'te fact hhiat wnhn i nact oh placing 0on apramental pichuire, a tbouigbt oh thie mmd](, -antlsilice nin nti11lurnetai cao tbink a;likýe ati place their ideas on paper in- hCe horin oh writing, it is; diff-ri ot ellone from the other. Question: DO hwo pensons write identicai bantiwnihing? Answer: Noý. lTwo pensons do nôt write the same bandwrihing. They. may look the sanie ho the aver-ageý person but, under examina- ion, nu twý,o scripts atre exactly alike. itI açbaheen .proven thal îwins, itienticai in jail respects, have variations in thieir wvrihing that identify each as a difYerent person- Queastioný: Cani you tell me, froin, my bnwitnil I Wi1l ever rnary. Answer: adrtn analysis is nlot fortune ýteling. 1h cao b U1you whiat youl are aIt he presetnt liiime. It is !unfakir for anyonle h ecurg anlother ho bleeta adntn canl predict the fuiture. Tt isprb able îbat -a personcaiprvIhi if e b y corectinj. their fults brouigbt ho their attention by hni wiig aiysis buithawrig anialysis itsetf dos flot predicî ifore evulfs. Question: Wbeiv wnhe îtban- other -personi's pe,]I 1do ]0'ot feel t1ImatIle writinig looks liko mly usual hanwnhig.Wbly is thîs so,;0? Answver: Everciy wriher inistictivey knows lbis or ber ove bandlwïihing hy the sense oh feel rather Iti b 1y sight. When you use a Pen flot suitedti o youir witing habits, youi lose somie oh your sense ohfoc andti lerefore do nul write in the sanie form. Anyone wîis111ei' 1a more comple anal.ysispesestieloldssd stamped end i o Alex S. /lrnott, 123, htl Street, New Toronto 14. ISSUE 27 - 1948 STEA GoodMnns Back in the isth cehrWilliam Pitt, Earl ohf hahawmote ho a 14int 'Now as-u; cpoitenjess I -uuldiventhure to ho cait ilbene- 4~~~Il voe ce i n uecao wavârm up ho) lhil if ho is abrupt in his manr,un gra Du iibsspehiOch oer ltil'îdmL nyail nntstnndinIg polite and bnvln"in t!litîi(lo tbilngs oh life. No greater soial asehcal, a boy Or girl acqO:rO thha2 oi manners, Tbey are a sure introduchiqla evemy- where. (Manly a rogue knows Ibis, hou!) You rnay provide your chilti- ren with the mostepeiv educa- ion, tiress thern iin the lahot fash- ion, sec that hhey meeth "right peuple"; but if the(y are rude in manner, curt in their speech, anti ignore the niceties oh polite heha- vior, they woni'h last long witb the riglît peuple andt teir social success is banidicappeti heyon*redrýpair. 1Begn AtlHo-me *Chiltiren leamo hesýt Iy example. *If parents are poule ho cacb *other, andti o their .c hiltiren, the *yoongsters atiopt theid, (ea with- *out heing conscioois oh it. Te *may pick up muh asanti "crude speech run hbrchiildmLn; *bot if tearopeeoh their , *home is getie cai gracâis, theýir *acquiretid t mnes ilfot *stick. * Tiih ntic orgoi anr *springs fo h emantCýi l *ha s e ,)uo unieaIn of *others. Achli na e hota ith *it. -ot ifhoe iar-s is fathier anti *~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~t mo1e mieteioce oecb *other, inlg(lje in! ug langoage *r oractually qultaMre l is mcc 1in- *stincts Vwill be sh1ocketi anti stifleti, *ant ibe neyer willh be abl te x- *pres them. Ta "Disgustied Moth-er" Don'î give up. Vouir chiltiren bave, monienhanity, ;idopteti the attitude oh theirunouae asso- ciates. The phase is onily temporary anti, as yoo strive hoý overcome the inafluence, you wl succeeti. ttakes lime anti pahienjceý; but, as Emerson wrote, "G i nners, are matie up Oh PttY scîies-Vuare, miaki ing those sciie during these difficuit ;Iay, bu,,it you neyer wl regret themi. "He mut hiave a wuoildcr fulj mother!"' Thal is the fîrst rochi0 o oh odýer poo(ple to awelmanee),ili Can youmiltiren deserVe the cm mientd? Write hto Amne "Hirst if Ibis trulsyou. Address lber ah 12- l8tb tetNwToronîto. COntario, Macal yreprtsthat Dr. Sain- net J011n1-o1, Ihe arnouslxio rapher, "thou)tg:li nothing of reacl- lng bi8 S7Ih cup oh tea ah£a sitting.". Wiool1 "5lank ets& Wool SAVE COMMISSI!ONS, ETC,, H1AVE VOUR RAW SHIEEP WIOOL M1ADE INTO LFTIEBLA,,NKETS Car Robýes, Cloth, Yarns, Batts, etc. Or if you have Olti Woollens we will remaake toiint-j Hard Wearing Blankets ah a surprisingly 10w cost. Write for New Price List. T oosans a iiiCshmrsfomCas o Coas: B R AN D0,N VWOO15L L V, ILLïC Ltd.f' BRAN DON, Mntb Micý,aah; A Prophet of Israel Golden Text: As the Lord liveth, ,,hiat the Lord saihh unto mne, thiat willI speak. 1 Kîngs 22:14. Our studies now humn to " heralded Bible Characters" aud tn week we dleal with Mîcaiah, a pro- phet of noriheru-, Israel in the ninth century 1before Chirist. Ahiab, fthe wýicked king of lsrael had soi itet*ad from the good king Jehshahatof Judah. Before they weýnt fortlh to war jehoshaphat 'sug- gested itat v heysould inquire of theLod Four hundrcd prophets assuLred Ahab of success. But ehoshaphat, nasy ini this unholy.- allianci(e, -iskcd ift here mighit he ycî anotherc, prophet. Ahah hatcd Micaiahbeaue saiti he, "He doth not prophesy-, goodcongrcerning me. but cvii". IJovecr Micaiah was sommoned. Micaiah was ugei y the king's mescFsenger to speakz as the othera had spoken. But hie reýplieti, "As the,, Lord liveth, what thie Lord saith untor me, that will I speak,". , At first he ironicallycocrrt with teother prophets ini their pleasing- m Es sage. The kÏing dectetdti.h irony andi presseti. .or the truth. Then Micaiah recounteti bis vision which inidicateti that lsrael, would he defeated anti the king siain. For pronooncing such tfruths he was cornmithed ho prison to be fed on breati anti water. Though Abab tiisguised himself he was killet ini the battle wvhich ended in tiefeat for Israel just as Micaiah had predicted. Den Swift said, "If you) wish to be conisiti-ctia man oi sense, ai- w-ays agree with the(ý person with whornyu areconesîg.It bas alway s been- a tmp t a t ion for preachers to give the people what they an rathier thant what they neeti. Sermions ;jýaanst popular vices arec exceedinigly rare to-day, One magistrate says that is one reason why crime is costing the nation more than ever before. it is oulr responsihility, whether preachor or layman, to ticliver God's trutlL. Care of White Shoes This is the timie of year vvitie soes are put on 'the win-l sut ttg dry. Hlere is a suggestio for grassstaîined white sboes. Aftor: sponiginig off tie old polisb, bitush with a solution of sodium perbo.-. rate (sold ah d rug stores) andti to rinse and p)oua ith white cleanor. Play siocs of cotton fabric rnay be cleýaned safely w ýith a stff brush and rnild soap sds Manufachurers of scotch tape ro- commenti a novel way to d cean white shioos, Stretch a-. picc of the tape across the shoes liUghly and thon renv.The dirh, thcy say, sticks to the tape, thie sh1îýde os' ECZEMA Youl fintd quick reief fort he icig ua inz feeling of ecZeema wheqn YoLU useD. Caesandaseptic Oiotmene, Juet rytodayl DOES INDIGESTION WALLOP YOD BI eLOW T HE BELl? HeIp Yeur Fogie " Foi The Ki-id Ol Reliel That Heips rMake Ton Rarinx' To Ge M1ore dia»haif of vour -digestion ile done below the bet-in yo3ur 28 feet of bowels., So when i.ndigestion atrikea try sometbn tihthe10pedigestion m t taoneehaÊ1N be-Iow the ,beit, Whahyoumay need le Cariei-'s Little Liver Pille VLo give neeýded lhelp ho Shah "forgotten 28 feet".of Lbowýele. Take ouai-V ters Litide Liver l'il before -1d ne f,,er meal.,a.the.- taîn h School's Out!

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