Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Orono Weekly Times, 1 Jul 1948, p. 3

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Trans'planting Twenty yea or saoago c dnr and nreye eebgnigt wondelr -wby itranisplantinlg couiddnl be done in te summner instead of .inst during the spring and faîl. Sa they began experimenelts hbtrn e d ont sa weDl that it isprdce ilow that imost hr~utrss ib in a few years, MiAlbe praticing 411l season planting". The future wllalso fililnd nureries üffering plants of aI]lkindsesci ally prpre or planting, nýot Ft any one set sesason, but at the gard- enet's convenience. Tbis will re- verse the (Iold m ýiwereby tlCie gard- ner had to set bs schedule toesuit the plant's condicition o-f growvtb. Rosar an examiple of what is meant. Alert nurserymen nowadays are offerinig roses estalisbedl in pts-som!e in bnd, othiers in fli bon.Tbey maý;y be planited an fiime Idurinig the frost-free nionths. Som11etinlies they h1ave been tate i a greenhouýse, sa that a niew rose LedImay be plMAne as earl in tje year ns weatber lpermlits. ut is ikely tduit siiliar practices 'ilbefore long lie tajkenip in the field of flowering shrubs. r1n the flrst warmi weeks of spring sthec -1hrub -border burstsinoboma maost overnight; and it is oaly 0'Me t lat thle ownxer rememrbers iit hbe Ingectedcl ta order uthat ffweing y ice or other sbrub wbinch be ,wai tc( o set out. Far-as a Pmatter cof fact, uotof ~ithe flowering and deci(dnou,,s bshrv, mean bcemesiy and successlly trn- planted drn the Summ11er 1monthFs, the per.iod immeiidialtely following fliclilossomns being ideal for 1uany 'vaietiesm Of Course, ýcertain1s precautionis A1Usetlcen.The, llwig ies ' apply to amotail planrts imoved duwing th swminer Montb. Fist-1 ihtý shrubs should Le well-estabilisb"- ctd inurser-yplns Second -- tble gronnd sbonldi be mo1ist before dig-. ging and eaCh Plant sbhould be dug 'with allHof earth atached Tbird --tbe foliage ist beý protected wîtb witb urapor canas driiig the inoving and planits sbould flot bre allwed ta Standsin te folibot Sun. Fourtb - in the iactual planting, whic sbuldbe done witb grea-.t Came, thie hallf eartb shonld bu placed i el-rpae ole and wvater then loodd i". nd.Fiftb -falige shonld be sprayed with a fine mist eacb eývenjing for a few 4ays ,a ay branches, wblerete faliage ba-s iedî, ct aCk. 4. Ruff 1. ilebrew 1propS'hete 21. Artic" a 24. TCatd 2. Schuiced t(arch.ame) i'. en t again 30. Parent 8. No mat'ter 32. LBothersamre 33. Existed, ô84. object b% 37. Dreas fa;ýbrie, 3.Storage roams 110. Tavern, 41. DInInmt- berry speakinri F5e. Fiig bird 53. Owin1g 54,1 oce iunit. 1.Hard on LBU1I IFwnl Farm PtBmi 2-wveekzs-old fawnj, founld 1' l.- ileen anîd Sally Griffith, daughters of Mrs. Rý. iGriffiýth, 2ndconesioSarni Tonshp, nuzzl es Eileen ývhiIe Sally 4/ ' Sentences taken from their con- textare suipposedly misleading. But that theary dçoesn't always apply- flot these days. Sentences-or even a few unrelated words, often stand ontt sharp :and lear, revealing f ar more than tbe speaker realises. For instance, jI passed tmw girls on the street, ;pretnmably young married ýwomen, :Said one--"Have you fin- isbi-ed your shopping?" The other answred-NoI bave ta go ta the' buitchiers yet-and do JI dread the tbounjghtr of .buying ýmeat!" No ex- planat]ýiion is necessary, is it? Ifeeis anlother tid-bit wblicb ol lowed a women's meineting in tbe -onr.Mrs. Aye sidta me next i-niring-"Did yau see M_ýrs. Bee"s noenzi kitchen ?" "Yes" I nsweed, it was loavely, w sn't ? wals riglit down sick -about t after 1 got hm! Theî'eis a story in those f ew words tao,'[t there? Btthe]rec is moretao t than that. It is aLiatter of dleciion and teif beCing satisfiüd afterwa-,rdts. Know- inig bath these w)omi-eti and their famu1ies 1I know that cacii bas thîngs tht othier hasn't got. For Instance Mrs. Aye has-n't gat a streamlined ktenbutL last year there was adedtobr hanise a lovely large sceee -insuporch with the most gorgonsv imaginable. A place' ta ea, ork, sleep or laze ni ta0 an1e's ibeart's content. L'M telling> yoni that porcb is really somethfing. Mrs. Bcee asn't got sa miicil as a front entry buinilside 11L the buseq thee i ths wudefulkitche- you .just feel you h1ave stepped lîinto 0'ne Of tho0se m1]agazinie advertise- ment!s Of thle1modem itchnCoin- plete wt iigacv.StilI an- à- Abouit S3.,Batter caee ~ffl 1. Acivi.ty 35. Hindu IWI RO ILSied container princess Z4 L E M8. roper 38. Linbermod 2- Era 2C, Freuch an- 43. Tabiet 3. haginnuity 44. Smail shieid 4.Sbeet 25. Additional 45. Mgn's name F'. W a eried .2C,. Çiever 47. Scotch uncie 6. ureies 27. Moves gentiyý 48. Unvamyiug 7. Chiess pleoes 29'. Destmoy procedure 11't',V1shwl32 Swooned 51. Amon g other family, satisfied with 3nst &n average bouse for conveniencesý, seera t0 bave found their lheart's desire in the newest and sn)artest tbings in cars. Yan see wbat 1 mean, d(onýt you Nat many of -as cani bave al, we want but if and wenthe time cames wben we can make a bit of a splurge, then we naturally bave ta decide in aur own way wbat we want th e most. And if we decide on a sunporcb rather than a sýtreanI-. lined kitcben' then surely we (,sfioilé flot envy the woman li i er modemnkitchenl. Last week 1 had ta rmake 2a deci- in mself. Iliad! the offer Df anl electric' refrigera,,tor. Partiu r told mle ta please myself. We 1 tionglit o)f the wo-rk i,ntxoldjsa;ve, 1 railing up and down he celiar stairs; anid of the fod it would save --l have sncb' tronhle ikeeping nuet from going had, Cane as -wouild be ur ice-box troubles. Haw offen bave i brouigbt ice back from tawn only ta find the men con- :spicuouns by their absence. And if you think carrying a fifty-ponnd chunk aof ice down cellar is fun you want to try it saine time. Ice tongs ,are useless in my bauds. My mietbad was ta wrap the ice lovingly, 'ina cdean towel, bug iftat my cbe'st and finally arrive, danup, coltd and breathless at the ice-box down ctellar. Then there was that extra beave necessary ta, get my slippery burden inta the ice chamber-usu- ally it wiould slitber ont of my arms balfway ta ifs destination and often break in two on1 the cellar floar. Aýre you ,stirprised that only in ex- tremnelly bot aer did we bother wif lte ice-hoxat ailIf is differ- eut in iotawn -wbehre ice is delivered rigbt ta our box. AIl of ic leads up tac the fact that I1en ill onýt il favour of a refrigrtot(-r and' now it is here and in operation-and I arn pretty sure I arn not goiug ta regret my choice. The only trouble is we are baving ta rearrange the pantry, more or less building around the refrigeratar. Young John was watcbing one nigbt-Partner at bis carpenter work, and I painting this tbing and tbat-finally he remarked, and witb reason-"Every time yau get something new it makes a lot of work, daesu't if ?" And was he rigbt! * * And bere is atiGtlïcr swory in one sentence: Yesterday a farmer's wiife was telling me about their hired man and said-"He is quite greenr but of course beý wants good wages. We don't really mind the wages- its havîng ta board hIim fato that gets us do-wn," Tiniies change, dion't thecy-re- mremnber when ani extra mîan ta feed Xas neither !bere nm there on,, a QU;CkIstop itChing of;ýnsecbisetrah eCz.ema. i1ves. Iapimes.ce, cbeahte ~. L L0'~ bckl your dr gist Correction The delivery boy f romt the fish mnarket presented Lis pickýage ta the servant girl with thec simple an- niouicnceent. "It's C.O.D." The girl br1st)d Up ad replied, 'YOu - neednît speli it outt for me-and be- sieste cookase forhadc" Aniswei To TI-bn- Week s Puzzle Thse aauwer te ttis.puzzle lujêwherc on fibis page. 'lhle 11ntext kwweeKS are an ideal ihime for p)ruinig youir springfowr ~ing shlrubs sucbl as lillac, ;for S3,thia, pserabridai]wratb n d nmocIk orange. '~Once tbee shrub!Is have £(eaScd flowering You Ilcan, a tt1a ck-,th!e 0id ~ f / jsot - thick as a thnmb and duirk ifhem ,oetnt t h -. .wich will lo imore freely,. One third or one quLar- ter of the shrub rmoedeah ea will Imakýe the chore al-,easier one. - -- - - - - - - ý>- ý I.- Cm m

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