Y, JULY lst T L &'% i SP AFTERNOO.N, C.-OMiMENCING. AT 1.30 MEIN'S S0FTBALL - Oribno and -Newvcastle. Gir' 4tball 'tWono and NZewcastle-. NMEN'S IARDBALL - renG and Newcastle3f Park Admission - 50 Cents Children Free EVENING, COMMENCING AT 7.00 FOOTBALL GAME-Orono vs4 Courtice Admission: Silver Collectîin DANCE In The TOWN HALL at 9.30 RUTH WILSON AND IIER MERRYMAKERS ORCHESTRA Admission: SOc. Cents HARTLEY H. BARLOWý FUNERAL, DIRECTOR & HOME FURNISHINGPS Orono, Ontario MODERN EQUIPMENT At Your Service in Time of Need FOU1-RTEEN YEARS' EXPERIENCE Phone 18 r ê (Day or Nighkt) SeÉvg lates.- . ... ...-c.each Clips and Sauceýs.........................25C e Sherbet Plates.....................5---c Beverage Sets --------- ---------........ . . . . . . . .. 15 se Salad Bewls ..... ---- - -- 45c.eeh Cake PIateS 41,c each Cream ami Sugar ...------ -- -- ----50c pfiair Eapcally iilce for sme evn MRs. L. REID Phoe,9 r 7 ORONO, Outarie RED, & WHITE STORES- Mountain Blend Coff ee, select- ed quality, 1-2 lb .......4 c HERRIIy Devon Sweet Mixed Pickles, BLOSSO-M jar for . _ , ,........,.. 2 7ce COOKIES Brunswick Sardines, h- in o,Masml finest quality, 2 tins . , . 19c1lb Oven Baked Beans, Ileinz, 45c 2 15 oz tins......25e THRIFT Corned Beef, f rom Argentina, SOAP excellent, for sandwiches, FLAKES tin..........48e Giant kg Fly Tox. kils ailisects, con-59 tains DDT, 8 oz in25 BA NS Aylmrer Fancy Waxed Beans, FimadRp 2 tins for....... 39 b Robin HT-od Cake Mix, new, S easy to prepare, economnical 5 2 boxes for...... 3e BLUE RIRBON Tleinz Famous "57'l Sauice, bottle . ý... Meat .24 o-wer, large w1hite heads Paro-w ax, Paraffin pkg for..... CAN-ADIAN OLD CHEESE lb 49c Wax, lb .~19e LARGIE FANCY PINK SALIMON lb tin 50C GOLD MEDAL, PEANUT BUTTER fb jar 39c 1 QORNI'SHI MisLocal iNews E M~TN-At the uUnitM-torEquipment rri-ate Ambulance i Me. anCRou.Yadly iaiigcelmaon weked 'etofOhw,0, adraJme2 948, witlh ON rh uta dS~ t Fred LycettEveln, younigest daughte of Mr. o t c tan Sm h MrJ. andý, Mrs, jale Beninett, 0 an~d Mrs. W. J. Martin, w-as unitedItFerlDetrsdFrnteDaerO Vaneuve, BC.,vistedat es.iin marriage t'o F ederic k C. Berry, i Witu' n Moday. son. of Mr ad Mlrs.C. PerU K NNS ORTS EVC MisLoIse Gnwaniof ToInt, il of OronoN. o ORTS " ' fE was aweek-enld gustt the honte ofMis ade rwn.il'n il'sfoalta eet EquLipped to take care of the modet funveral at the ilt Mr.i an Mas E. Taylor of SoIa, d Newcvasitle girls at the local park I reasonabIe chaig au weIl as the larges and vis4tud -with Mr.and IVrs. W. B. 11Ia r o eidayevEnIl-bya scýIoref~Mai exactîng on Satkurday. to 7 a t thbe end of thre firth, The f Mv n r.A.-Drliimm-ionic andi gamoe was goIng ito thre sixth i enI Telephon-e: Office68 Reidence : 523 and 726 son left on Tuesday last f or a fei\w ramn finished any m-ore pain.The days, vaceation in Eser Onao battery -for-Oroio was Joan Coer Telephone CollerzBwaetle n l~. n Mrs. R g, Sutton anIld pl -tchin,-g and Mre M encatci Joy2ce tte(nde-d the, church anniver- eir, and for Neîiwcasle, VelaA il- sayel vie at Nestieton last Sun- direiad and Sily Paynre, pitchers, ___________________________________ day. and Margaret Aihcatcher. LasFModia' tar carries anx cellent picture cf Re2v. Thcrnas Wl lace. Mr. Wallace is' reirinSfoPOTATO AýN» VEGETABLE the active niinistry shoýrtiy. ' Mr. and MArs. iMeivilleý Burns and D UIC l. ER sln Qqary, of Peteiî)oro, pq)I the BA"7r* L week-end ith the lte'sp ets, II ulYIMr. an.d Mr-s. E. J. Hammr. 5 lbs 241 Bug Killer ..............30e Mr.an dlrs. John Marsalad TEAE-BO ANIE 10hs21Bg ile. .......... c r.M ad Ms. itchrda daght H,-ýfE-WW IL iwe,,re Sunda- visitors ýith MrsIS L Wite. tle se25 lbs 2-1 B11g Killer....... ...........$1.00 'M.an rs . .Ty'rreil holiday Note 10 lbs 2-1 with DDT, with Copper........ $1.25 cdl - Ii 't2ek 4it r. and Mes R. 1'~brug t Hte Red Wing -,CabIins SATURDAY CONTINUOUS I~ akeiel',Oniarc. ERFRMACEFROM 20 lbs 2-1 with DDT, with Copper.....$2.25 Mr.an 'rs LoyTrlian 680P.. O 2 M.SHELL GREEN CROSS ~pniga week of Dair51vacationwet wit -/r. and M's. F. Trul, MA IE1 D,5 e etwt Weed Killer and IIs Ed. Daýsonl, 5Mr. andlMs tablle Powder Flo-wer Spray E.dwinEa ilion ian fainily, of Thursday, July lst 1a iebro isited' on Sunrday with 1 1 SHE LL GREEN CROSS M1-I. and Mrs.'J. Eagleson. fù'II eat' c"GOiiLDE N Livesto'ck and Barn (Derris Dust) wvith their, winning ways when they de- at the latter placeipa um u MlissShirley .Porter,,R.N., of odPclanr ndPeevn ete Oshawa, spertit the week,-enýd ,Tth 1 , - at_, July 2ack3rd S Dors and WîdoSeri ees her parents, Mr. and Mes. eil For- Fn Sd 3d rWil lChpman, Mr. axnd Mr,. ROY ROGERS 81qae - hnl,20ls( odpie RmonChpmar and Donald ait- and TRIGGER in SSurs31Sîge 1 -s( odpie talse tOswaoSardyas.IM IE hEurek7a Power Lawn Mower.......100 tened heskerratt. anninSg1N nup- M 1Mr. and Mes Jas. Bal, ,ad ~ A~5AAA. Mra Ed Bal eaan -1d vanMrl. » Andl Mers,'Chas. Gyan'id famiy t-hII<t nd1ed th"Ie SkI'errat-,t-Main'g-iiý, nup- THE IA~~~IJR L H M ULY I W taiis at shwaonIa.ura et. IN RTRIJCOLDWAR Milrs. Erm-est Hmlon e.Jean-ALO-Poe4r1 - - Oon Leivelle. anild'Miýss' s Ruth HamiitonPhn41r oo nd .yeLeivielle, ail of Toronto', A L UR L aad] HARDY _________________________________ 1pentthtwekenli vth 'M-r.and SHORT MeS. Hec ýýtoDr B o \,enri 1N TECHÏINICOLOCR Enrneexamcinations' finishes to- d1ay (Wde Ta) Ibis yearthere ar ixteen welliting, -wihile ilest year Moil, Tues. and Wedi, there~~~~ weetnM.Lehone-july 5, 6. 7 Mfr. Chatrlea Kriox, presidein oIfi ~de Prisii;lla percy Rare, a"re atten'diga dIt___________________________________ Lion Clb metig laTinmin.NNeI Blouses in Eyelfet, slilk iCheneIle Bedspread, rose The'y left on Saturday and -wil arI-'- "FTUN ON Àlii A>deyTlu lr.fr.. I9 i ve home o. ý IThursda1,y of thiis v WebIcreEBro1ideryTrîm coor, afor A troop of Toronto Boy cous re! rom, $35 t $495 vs and Lethe ri$195 camping atli thie out' otion of th-.e EEK-EN D" rVhI e Broadith red Ofoas ad LPu-mps-------CeL9 forth mecý. hls ropNew G-Mgham Dresses, Flare Loafers, Whï'e w-h'i ow Foetr orte w k histe'p, ADED ATTRAý,CTIOGN Skirts, Lace Triim priced Trim iaiso Red and Brown, aiong wihthle Oronoboy, 'l- 2'l mac t ak t Cuc o nna udLufromi $7-75 to $ 5 prsed( ---- 29 mar. oPGOSTELLO c o SriChfia Mbi1yS, in Sand and Whstle Solkeswith Colored Mrand th roBi ABRTanBle with White Stripes Stripe, sizes 6 to 101'2. Mr aiMa.Ja.T.Bow nd ~ f~'T- - ezs14 tol18s$425to $ 0 prieed _ ---- 29e to 501 f miyNecatlMes.11. Milison LIJ I' re oste acks, sizes ,DeLuxe Rexoleunt .Rugs of PeteeboroMr. R. H. Brown, of 14te18,prced.....6N5 6A , picd........$,2 Newat'e Me ad Ms.Ed.Mii ~ J A~ Nay ille AI lietesize 7 1,' x 9, priced.........$6-- 0 son, 'ix 5r and Mrs. L. Buckley IHAtREMdY 16 to 18, priced....... .$4«25 9) x 9, prieed..........-- $775 weovis,,ito'r.s et Mr. and Mrs. J. D. hrtinal oossze1 9x10/,priced.... $90 Br nson SuLtidey. MVEON ESto. 1s priced..........------ 9 x 12, priced $05 MAnd 5ftrs. L. Buckley of Sut Childra' Stripe Jerseysý. 9 x 13U,2. priced.......$11-50 toni es , Me ýî1 -,I. and M erge sizes 2 toi 6, priced .----- 85e 9 x 15, priced.........$--- S135 0 B k_1e e of HuNtvle, r.edMrs. Bedroom Sets, coasistng ofIMen'sad Chiidreu's Strawý W. . Buclo ofNe'ca l, M.--------------------------edsred,90x100, atidCur- filprice-d----- 35ekto 50c Howard Glon'nyi, 7and 5Mr. and Mes. tia0t match- of good Me's Fiae Oxford(s, reg-. Clere Genn wr Sn'r vstosPARK ST. qUa1i.v chiatz. $8 and $9, for....---- f...$50 -'ti _Mes av ts. LacaCrtins, a few plair Men's Crepe Soie OXf ord, JîMr. 5f nrra.y Pat1erson'ýîý, eccomPn**- $,9 poed.........$60 ledJ b, Mr. anid Mes. Fred FrosteIf 1UNITED CHURiCII2 forrie - --------- 60 Tamorh, isted over-ewe-n Mini bis pCerto, ts<>ttle.and.........l 5e CABBAGE with hi parnt, 5r n(l Mrs. oh ,ReerudSredlded Wheait, 2 for ...25eý v'isitLed wit'h Mr, anld Mes. C. H .E utc E and Mes. Irwin, v.ho 1have BAG mIoved VoOrono, have ipurchased a oacPstyFti, f lot on-,CobbHii nd are nrow cim Lloyd( Crabb is îý building. Mrs. le SNDY JULY 4thbafo .......$12 win ils ciIn in CatrmYen Corn)ih' 1.00c,nï. Stock-iley's Fancy Qu'allty Peas, sch~ o Thes'îeyevenin of lest 9 week1, yi'tjjRoyForrester and his 7- NSn'dayS'choollansApl1uce UR lece orchestraesappi'ying the muscT Thle pood rn h ac ilb ib 'nvrs t30 Wax Paper, 100 ft. rolîs . . 2e AR ise l payiing the expen-ises of kýeqplad7.0povi. ing l- the Les'kard ronad op)en niext wln- 11 v. E. Lnstead, Hmpton1MaleuarCes, b...4edozen