1ind Mý1an Headsh PuhishngHouse One of che world's mlost unusualq, puiblisbing bouses bas procýfreadersý who canniot sec. Ifs books and p eri- odicals are produced witbout ink. Anif nýts lbeaded by big placid Bob Atkinsn, himsclf blinded at the age of twenýltye-five. This, oDf course, could only bc a priinig plant for tise blind. Atkin- son developed if, in 28 years, from aonma operaf ion in bis garage f0 a, vasf phýlilantbropic enferprise, theic-Braille insfifute of America. The Inisftuf&ts publications (rang- iug from-j the Bible f0 western star- ics), ifs welfare program and the proetls ofifs research deparfmenf are knocwnt as far awayv as India and Cina.ii Scientifically it is nofcd for the perfection of doutble-plate Braille emnbossýing machiniery and fh ew Býraille portable fypewrifer, Ail this began wif h the backfirc of a cowboy's six-shooter on a Mon- fana ranch 35 years ago. The cow- buy was Atkinson- J. Robert At- kiison - thecn 25. As bie puts if, tin aitwinling of an eye, 1 was W'cks; in thie hospital followcd the acideuft. Then friends put him ou the traýin for 'Süuthern California, wbiere he bfad relatives in El Centro am!d!Los";Angeles. Sevn barowirîg y(rars passedl before lie counquered "Rehbiliatio,"ie say's zow, "is oting more than learn-ling how ta bc blnd.I larnecd the lbard way. Miicb thlat I learnied as wrong - andj unlearing ithceefinwas even m-fore dlifficuilt." Ncu 59, Atkusonlooks 45. 1He i s s ixfeet t ail, we(2igb s 210 pounds aid sas witiiha bomey, we.stern fwng lis step is solid and sure; ibr s nothing in bis carniage that indicates lie cannof se. His wife diýves im f0 the office every morn- ing. Tbey lhave been mairied for 27 Ilu 1912 five kiudl(s of Braille wevre nu) us.Atkiusonlearnied four of fbeml. Me ;also learned Mon. Brille, a syýstem ïof raised dts onIlpa'per, ý, 1ýV~ h ~~J CcIl ~-two Ver1-tic-al iw s 0of o f hrcee dots f orfit 63 dis;tinctive chiaracters. Mooni, alsoi a rasdtpe, is a modification o R ancharacters. lPersons hos sense oe-f itouchi-is less sensitive offeni prefe2r Moon bcasethe charactert are largerI lui 1918, biooks for thIle bliind were scarice. Atkc1inson sezt ouf f0 remiedy f is itua-tlin. With an old Braille wvrifcr, hie laboriouisly transcribed by baud fthe boo;ks blis mothier read aloud f0e, iihim. He bound Vicea in the garage ot his Los Angeles homre. A wealfby couple, learned of At- kinsýOn's activifies in 1919 and gave bimi $25000, at file rate of $5,000 a ,Týar, to supervise a new prinfing plant. Fromn this developed the Braille Institute, supporfcd wholiy by public subscripfiou. Now one of fouir plants in the United States pro-t duicinig raised print literature, if s the nly insfitote combiniug prinfing iha social welfare program whicb includles job placement, handicrafts, homle feaicing of Braille, an ex- te ivefre library, researcb and Bored By It AI-The ana Baskeýt Fair is a big d'ay inf Shanghai, but this lad sceems bored by the festivities. The Fait- commii-emorates the legend- ý:ry birthday of Býuddha. As bé Dhébeir of worshippers grew the amocunt ttnd variety of merchandise for sale* grer propo)rfion-ately. This boy's ta1contains woodlen basins. Proper Recreational Facilities For Young And OId are coming to be looked on as one of the mnost important features in any commuify, and th.e best means of fightLiing juv\eile delin- ~quency. West Lorne, Ontario, is only a comparaltiveCly salcommunliîity-som-e80 people in all-yet if 'bas just completed this impressive At-ena ïtand Sports Centre at a cost of imore thian $30,000.00. i-~e righit nex,,t to the Bowling Green, the Arena wvill serve for miany com- munity activities during the Spyjng, Summner and Autumn. in the Wlinter its ice surface of 10Q by 180 feet wvill be used for Hockey and Skating. _______________ So vmuchi ffere-sf was aroused by Ontario's first Gaslu Day, held last July, at Wosok that it was decided to hold treof ithem )this soummer in ifferenit parts of the Provin1ce, Their purpose is to demon1strate bestmthdsofhnd ing the hay crop)s on our farmis. 1The firsf of the three was sche- dpled for Thursday June 24 on the farm of W. H. Ruthven of AIlliston. Eastern Ontario's demonstration will bc on Thursday, July 22 at the Kemptville Agricultural S c h o o 1, Kemptville; while Western On- fario's Grassland Day will be af the farmi of George lunes, Woodstock, on Wednesday Augusf 4fh. Here's a tip for hog raisers. A farmer in New jersey plays music to hl'is fouir thousand hogs as hie says that ià helps to fatten fhem. H1e also dlaims that experiments have proved that Guy Lombardo and Bing Crosby have the greafesf amount of "hog appeal". Before pttfiug file in any of your fields, -it's a good idea f0 check on the acidity of the soul before decid- ing what type f0 use. Either con- crete or dlay file will give good ser- vice under normal conditions; buf if is saîd that in high-acid or high- aikali souls, concrete tule shows a certain fendency f0 deteriorafe. Hay makes cheap protein feed for fhe winfer months-but you should be sure to get the greatest amount of profein per acre by cutting your hay at the correct time. Authori- ties say that the besf fime f0 eut red clover, or rP-I clover and fimotby mixed, is when the clover ;, about one-haif to fhree-fourfhs in bloom. Alfalfa should be eut when from 10% to 25% in bloom. If you have a caftle-beast thaf shows signs of lameniess, maybe you're overlooking something valu- able. Anyway, that was the ex- perience of Millard F. Holcomb, a New Mexico farmer, 1He. had a cow thaf had been limping for six 1ears and recently hie found-and dug out Just For Fun An officiai conducfing a Giov- eriment quiz called onl Mrs. joncs anid asked her .-what shez did wýithi herseif ail dJay. "I kecp the bous1e ean, co the m-eals, wasçhflic dishes, dû the laundry, men ith clothes, and queue for foodi,ee ele replied. The o fficiailhak b er and made an] entry in bis nofcbook: Mr.jolics -hueie-no -thie cause. diamond ring ifs hoof. Hîs wife's îong-lost was firmlyv wedged in A great 1many h, ens stop layling in July, and fhiaf's a go)od timie to eutC down wastes, by culling tile slug- gards, as tbey will eaf six or seven pouinds of feed a monfh in spife of their non-production. Bîrds ifbh brighf combs ,,aud uncol.)ored beaks aethe layens-aný1d shouild 1be kepf. Some cieken raisers say "1 JLal- ways gef more eggs when i 1furn my chickens ouf for fhe summer." But the records say fhaf thîs shouldn'f be the case, and fhat if your flock gives more eggs wben forned ouf, the chances are that fhey're not geffing a proper diet indoors.1 I used f0 o rn my chickens ouf bot baven'f doue so for es, says M1rs. Harvey Rosfaf. "If juist doesn'f pay f0 do Sn." She shiould know ,because since she bas kept bier hens shuf up, yearly egg production bas jumped from 113 f0 189 per hieu. And careful re- cords kept of the Iowa Demonsfra- tion Flock show that with coufined liens the profit per bird wias $,.8,2 as against $1.12 eacb for those thiat were given a "summer oiit:ing"e. This is about the fime wben manýliy grain fields fhrougbouf the Province will be showing evidence of mois- fard-one of the greatesf "rob,!bers" we have, This brighf yellow,, weed, if allowed f0 gef fbick, shaides tbe ganbesides competing wi*thifà for plant food and moisture, thuts cut- fing dowl, the grain yilds consider- ab]ly. A lighf infestation 0fMusnitar-d in fhe grain mrray be confro1lled by bu pullinig; and with the adivent o f 2-4-D, musfard i0 wheaf, barley flax, oafs, etc. eau be confrolled wifhouf injuring the grain crop, if properly applied. If is nof recom- meuded, however, where fields are seeded to clover. Best metbods of conftrolling and eradicafing mustard by clftivation, as suggesfed by the Ontario De- parfmenf of Agriculture, are as fol- Iows: Give thorougli and repeafed affer-hiarvesf culfivation f0 desfroy successive cropls of seedlings; put in a hoed crop-eithier roof s orcr- tlise following spring, t1hen sow vwith grain the 1exa ye-ar auld seed downD wifb hclover. C ana d ian caf fieaýri- e crfainly dlseeing the wvorld" thecse days. At the end of May forfy prbe eirsleff alonAirport to be flOwn M.taj Quifo, doWn m Ec -uador. This Nwaszthe irt himet f Fny imnportanice to that partïcuflar are, but mo(re dairy caf fle are scheduiedt Muhcb 'ýin1teresf is b)einig sbocwn in the finidings of a New Jersey cattle raiserwh diovrdta by add- ing sait' and molasses peaain potafoes could be made jusf si ;palaf- able and faffenling f0 szteers as corti. If his idea works out, ais if seemis likely f0 do, ïif may accomrplisb future woniders- both il" easin-ggri shortages and in providinig a profit- able method of getfinig ridi of sur- plus potatoes. Then fhere's the old one that Joe Weber and Loti Fields uised f0 pull in vaudeville. "Sc that cow Over there," Joe wouild sa1y, "Sbie's worfh a fhousanddolr. "Is thaf so?" Loti wouild reply Mygodes 1 wonder bow a cow culd ever save uip that much onyl Incloding seasonial odwrers, pulp and pape2r milîs employ abouit 245,0M0 worker-s in Cmanaa bis subur-ban unalw.No Mandy iin thlie n , n ifeGrace in sighIlt, GrcewiIl wam p some- thinig11( à anCa.idner"h spuffecr- cd. "hy deslse play bridge on Ma sdaýy off?" Buit after liv- inig ten years vwif h a bl-ed flat-cesfed if lescr-imp of a man like lisimsel, -a modest-salaried manl- agerzC of a woens pparel shop, lie couldu11't baeGrlace for crin,ýiig He swi1tche(d on a iamp in the, livinig rom nd selýýttled iinto bis chair b'fhe nradio. HJi',,ga-ze lighted on biseccopi. H1e f ok ot fthe first volumle bis liandtchd , Perhapiis ;alittle Shkepere wold1br ight11e 1 bis talk. 11e sfarted as somefinig flew ouf from i a leaf, zigzagged f0the l A tfeu dollar bill! He snatced if wsp, ffe if info bis billfold. Grace, liinier imonepy in books!ilHe yankeCd outï another 1masterpiece, shlook ýit. Two more fens flutteredi before Henry's eyes. Wvitin a few minutes, he had shaken dowen $200 instead of meaty knowlIedge, from fhe aeisprn tomnes. Buf froinv'that inighf onl , nvy wa s worried. The alowace b gave Grace wsismall. Shie must have scriiimped onhousehold ex- penses a long time f0 save thait money. Whamt sinister project was she planning? So he was greafly relieved 'onec cvening vwhen ishe met him atflthe door and quav-ered, "Oh, Henrv, J'vc been robbed!" Henry managed f0 look conceru- ed. He asked, "Robbed? Wbaf's gonle?'" "Two hundred dollars 1 saved f rom fhle house,-moniey I I bid ifin t he encclopedlial I've slaved - doue withiout Maud(iy days on eýnd- savcd w 1tIwuld bave paid ber-" Hier biffer disaippoinfmenf Dver- came bis desire f0 punîsh bi ler. He jumped up, saying, "Waýif! Jusf a minufe!1" He raced u tfars 0 is clofbies closet. Hie reachedf inf o if.s dark confine-s for is o ld hbrown coat. The brown Suit lbad un11accounitably (dis- appearedl! "Wherc in the dickens is my old and niow was clothed binone f tiem, heretuied f0 the shop, a Manidy's blafce wore a broad grin thlat niighf when ishe placed the bee(f roaý2st before Heniry. Shýe sid, "M. al-you know wa? My boy, fren' ,lookýs swell in your old brown lSuif lie bouight ofFen thaf aOr clqs' ma, Ces sure genierous, f00," '~Wha's tht?" aked the sud- "You see, we's fixin',f0 git mar- ried, Mr.l. Nof havin' stead work, I aein't saved mnuch, but tha man's m-akin' up for if! He's airead_ boughfen mie a whaife 'lectrie fr rafr-big as two like you'all's got1' The End Qneqf seie ofadvrtiemntsin ribteb toseCaadians in the- 4m, of te public ois!