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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Jul 1948, p. 7

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Ship Cattie in Aeriai 'Noah's Ark'-Two by two, lie te animais boadig oa'sArk, cti oeto the ramp of a D)C-4pln fIyving fronli New Yrkto Itaby. This ship mlent o)f animais, we-iging 1 1,000 pounlds ;and be1lieved to bc thie 1,argest -ever fonoverseas, Iîfludcd Se2ven blIJs, two heifers, '50 pigs, ani English setter, two Cockerspneltwo fox t1.crr;ier.s and 15 legh,!rn chickens. AIlwe pure stock for breedingpuoss Býaseb)aîl is one sport Ibat bias al- ways bad more tIbanils shlare o)f aowsand screwballs. Soe f bîî-iîeNick Altrock,"ofy Gomlez andLi AIScatwee dn ailly very smaurt char-acters, pting on ii tthe laugbI-gcttinig s tlufif ,.eliberately Dizzy.vDean wais anotnher of Ibis t Ype. [le ipopped of fri pniint and acýte he buffoon on the field il, sucb a manner that mny ivconisidiered bim just a triille uwitty1put il iextra politely, But Ilic snaMr-ý DeaRknew", ,iautbbc pscore wà,-as aI,]!aillimes, iîn ditio 10 crvig upsýjIOm of the Jmres ichilig the Vgame ever Ten tbere1-L zý'sLh te ido abiltyv bu11t w1bose mi 1en talreflexs ar1e s omew1bat1, siower\ 1-th lan ibeir phys ic ai one 1s. Tbey u var1c the sort v.boý cauise maniagers' bair 10 gro-w pentri grh ike the ý,character lbe(y te abu ocame upi)in the cincli witli the bases iadcdpand is team sve rtuns beil]n bcscre Naltual. in sucba siuaotinIbere was only one tliiig for Itle payr- do. 1 bt i tr an walopthe bal ont o'ybbcepark.lutwon lieasent Îinto 117u alc'sbxlie Ikepi glincinig at Ibis; aaerwowa oc inga thîrd. ýThe maniagLýer paid no eno stan araand Finllybe[reibe fîrst il w1-'as pitcbed c bim, the baller caiid "Tin7e" andwalke d doioUtne thrd baselino Bening 0 wisper imbt temaagr' ar bie said, "Wbý1at do yo Iwa l e 1f o J bere ?" The maaerioked at im in IIîiged aamntand disgu«slebt do l avat on10do (?" lbe said sratc -. ahy."Wby vstr-ike ont, of courlseý." S)Ow bc cacerstroeback bth e pat ad swu-tng wýildly al, bbc firît Ilrepitches:ý, missing 'v)y.oe of tbem fora foot or So-. T'lis "oi emawooperales for un eNew York Yankees M10b man , ill rcalfrom )lasI year's WrdsSerîcs, as theacherwbo K..,,. aimît CIthe Brokly Dogers steal bccamiosipaphrsb tavhIe iakîo:igs of a reai srwal He reaiiy cao powder that liorsebide, liowever, whicb is doubtless wliy 90 mianiy of bis catcbing, mistakes, boîli miechanical and mental, are over- looced. Thezre was a lime, according te, Eddie Froelicb, former tramner witli the Yankees, wlien Berra got the idea Iliat it was bis duty 10o drive in al the Ncw York us. He was swing- .ng aI anything and cverytbîng until finially Manager Bocky Harrîs said to hhim, "Wait unitil tIbe býail come""s o ibe plate.Tae a býase on),balls onice in ai whiIe. Wheoyu e t up q)mIn that baUlet 's box, ;t-art tb1inkinïg!" So dibever-Y iext lime Berra Wellt t.-- bat and Le t Irce sîrikzes go past him, riglit down the middle. Then lie came slorming back tu the bench and broke bis bat on the bal rack. "Wbiat bappened?"' asked one of bis teamn mates,- situing in the dugout. "What bappcned ?" Yogi screamed. "HIow cao tbey expect anybody 10 tbink and bit at the same lime!" And wbule we're on the subjeccl of baseball, a Word of explana- lion and, apology. Some weeks ago 1hs column, bad sometbîng 10 say about Babe- Rulb's book "My Hits and My Errors" wrîtten in colla- boration wjtb Bob, Considine, For tb- most part we praised the book as a reaiIy interesting addition 10 the sports sheif -wbich il really i5. But in the course of our "'revýiew" we did - or attempted, 10 do - a bit of miid kidding abouit tbe Way co-authors bad endcd their tale, liold- inig niip -as a glitterinig----ample of ie tcndency of llilete, and spo(rts wn ter o 0slop over front sentýiï,ý[îime to sen timentaiîty. The woetroule was, that, in somne mysterious mianneir, ouri quotation of thie final setnein the Ruthi opus failed 10 appear in print, wbicli musl b ave caused somne of cour, readeis 10 wqnder Wbat we were trying bo gel at-if anylbing. So here it isl "For, above every- tliing cisc," writcs Mr. Rutli with an assist fromn Mr. Considine, "I- want to be a part of and help the devel pmnent of the greatest garni God ever saw fit to let man invent - Basebail." Hot dog 1I T Norm.cui. Blctiv France In regard 10 what is 10 bappen t0 Western Germany, there scems 10 be a basic disagreenient with France on one side, Britain and the United States on the other. In Washing- ton and in London tbey tbink that Europe as a wbhole needs German production anod that 10 gel Ger- dniany back intio production> is the best way 10 belp ail Europe and 10 cut down the leavy cosîs of occupa- tion.' To 11715 view flhc Frenlcb h!ave consistcntly mad; tbe answer Ibal tbey must put their own security abead of aIl other consideraions- and wbeîî one thinks of wbat tbe German m en ac e bas meant to Franice hi the past, lhe'y can bardnly be blamed. trhmbbcFrench vicwpoinlfile mocst imlportanit issue of ail is tbe Ruhlr. France bas long batled f or comiplete allied control of that great industrial in becanse sbe sougbt 10 oblain tlocreby) the coal she nceds for beh(r sîcel induslry andbecause she îbtinks control of the Ruhir would lic the best guarajutee agaînst Ger- many's rebuilding a war machine. 1i> àIte accord rcacbed at London an international commission-on wbicb France would be represented but not Russia-would control the oper- ation of the Ruhr and supervise bb allocation of ils coal, coke, and steel, In sucb an allocation France would lie generously trealed. Genîeral De Gaulle, lias slated flally thal be is. wiliing 10 assume supreme power in France-but il is doubtftil if lie, as bcad of Ilie Gov- erfiment, wouid obtain any moreý piedges of British and Am,,erican aiïd 10 France, in case of war, Iban have aiready been given. Wbat the French reaily wa,-,nt are deffinite andJ categoric ililary pacts 10 protecl lier if sei-; atîacked-but, as>tinlgs are nowm, il is exîri.Cley doubtfi ýif hCwl gel thei Meanwblc, te De aullisîsan ble omuisshave joined iop- pin)ý,g Forcigni Ministecr Bidault's proposai for Nat.ifoîîa Assembly ap- proval of tbe* London agreement- surcly as qjucer a combination as you coid b ope 10 find anywherc in Ibis haywire world. . Australia Ausîralians view wilb certain miisgivings the United States atti- 1tude toward Japan, and there bas been considerabie crilicism in the Press regarding Ceocrai McArthur and lis views. These crîtics tbink they cao notice a growing tendency on the part of Amenica 10 go ahead wîtli plans for Japan's recovery witbout consulîing the Allies-and are flot a bit enthusiastie about tbe 1idea of building up a former enemy intG a "bulwark" against Russian Com-munism or anybbing cisc. Such bulwarks, îbey tbink, are very likeiy to go slriking out on a line of their own 0000cr or lter. American emphasis is ail on tthe restoration of japanese industry - and of recent months the United States Army and State Deparement appears 10 have lot interest in an early peace treaty, andd b be settling dowîi for an indefinite stay in ,-apani. Six great airfields which the Ameni- cans are constructing-airfields Cap- able of accomodating the lalest type of long-range bomber and going far beyond wbat ie rcquircd for normal occupation purposes-certaillly are flot any indication Ibat General Mac- Arthur and bis forces have much idea of leaving Nippon at any early date. Some of ille tinlgs which the United States Army b las, donc un Japan, and wblicihavecauised rýal conceru in Auistralia, are perm2iiittîng t1ue japanese to a erain Ve;ssl for coastal protection wý,i1itt ithier consulting or inforinig the Allies. also, in sptie of repeated bjctoi by Great Britaini and Auistralia, allowing tbe Nipponütese whaling fleets to sail injothe Anltarçtic. For Australians are flot so naive as bo believe that the Jp have bad any, real change of beanrt since the end of the war. Czechosio-iakia Since the Communtnist coupr last Feb ruary,. things bave been mnoving fast in Czechoslovakia. Dr. Benes reiuctaîîliy agrced to a Red-domý,n- ated Cabinet, probably because he, saw civil war as the only alterna- tive, but it is -r eporte.d that lie pri- vatcly told fricnds that the situation could "onîiy have cvii resuits." Â ncw Communist-written Con- stitution for a "Peoples Dcmocracy" was sboved through parliament and sent t0 Benes for signature; and tlectionis were hlcd in wbich the oniy candidates were Communlisilts or pro-C omninsts. On îlthe last day tefo iifl for sîgning tuie îcw Conistituitiont, Dr. Bens-nstadof pti is signia- ture to tle documnent sent a brief letter 10th le Commiuipist Premier tendering bis fesignatioli. The Government attribuited the resignation 10 Benes' iii hiealli and announced that lie would have the Presidential country estate and the Pre-sidential saiary of $60,000 a year, for life, as a rcward for bis great work. "Ignorance- "Once and for all I wanl 10 know wbo is boss in Ibis biouse," the irate busband, demanded. "You'Ilibe 50 muc i bapp)ier if you don't try to findou, replied bis wife, sweetly. ISSUE, 27 -- 1948 II7 L MA C (Made in Canada) I Canada's No. l - 4 Wheel Garden Tractor. Powered by a smooth 8 H. P. Engine. Wilmac Engineers have built, a smooth, fine, economical tractor of finest material. The small land owner, nursery operators, the truck gardener, orchard ownier, and others after seeing the "WILMvAC" perform say - "Just what 1 have been looking for". Price$550 (Il yr. guarantee WILMAÇ ENQJIEE-ING L IMITE» P. O. Box - 53. idor naro hoo 2-5169 Attention- Garagemen and experienced fariXi equipment &iElesnmeri Several good territories opened. ICLASSIFIED ADVERTISI.NG ONTlet the chance gohy yeu. With beef !1-nceoseoarîng. we look for bigh cegg and pýolt ry oleat prices-this Fali. We have fo)ur hatches a week and can rive prompiit deiverY on1 day old. two and thnee week old pull7ets. cockýereLe or non-sexed chieke. -Aiso puilets eight weeks to laYîng. Senti for catalogue and July prIcelist. Twveddlïe Chîlk Ha&tcheries Limited. Fergue. Ontario. 22c HEAVY BREED PULLETS 20c Ail heavy breed,, pullete 20e. Bes other adver- tisement for parlticulIars. H-URO-NDALE CHICI< H3ATCHERY LONDON, ONTARIO CATCH up with these started pOllets 2 ,'andi 3 week olti for immediafst3e iveryý. White Leghorn, New Hampshires. Rarreti Rocks. Llght S F3xl 1Back Australorpe. White Leg- horn X Rarred Roc1ýk, RlackMnoc X White Leghorn, .Ne, w HmeieX RartRok Light Susýex X New Hampsires. Also older pullets eight w-ek- t, laylng. Fre catalogue. Tweddle Chik JzTatcnerîes Limiteti. Fergus, Onai. 20,000 PULLETS 81.12wee-ks .o1ït, oRed-o-a.For delivei'y iu july, Age.Septemjber, at October. Thece pullets are nýot surpluis. Tbey have heen definltely set sid f meet the biËr demand for this ors 0f pullete. Al floor raiseet under the most ideal conditions. Senti for fulParticulars. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARMS WEIN BROTHERS EXETER, ONTARIO IT 1S NOT too laote to boy chieke.. TisleIs the year thaf "" you lllreailycah e wlth egs anti oujtrj met. e o , g ive prompt dellvery on daiy oli cicksl, two aind three week olti etarted. 12 purehreds anti 12 liyblridl crosses f0 hosefromi. Aleo ullets eighit week e to ay:ing. Frse cat1alogue. Top Notch Cbick Sales. Guelph. 9nt& io. WANTED te purchase pullete: RBarred Rocks. New Hampshires, Whilto Leghorns, Llrhf Suasex., Any age f rom eighýt weeke to layinr. Advilse age. ouantlty andti rice -aaked. Appiy Bo" No. 1. 122 iOth Stfreot, New Toronto. Ont. DIrEING AND CLOANINO HA1VE YOU anything vneede dyeing or cleau ing? Write te us for nfýormation. Ws are glàd te answer your queetions. Derarfoieni H, Parkem's Oye WorkIs T.,imltd 791 yenge Street. Toronto, Ontarlo FOR SALEF A REAL RUY. Men & Býoy's Wrist Wfatch. Leather strap- Delivered 0.0.1). ail taxes. postage oaid. $5.25. Mone,(Y hack goarantees Newcoast Agencies, 205 Transporatl;op Build- ing. Montreai 1. REKEEs-Ouffit 100 uxeeQuen ex.- cluders. extractor. wax fountiation. A real barrain. T. E. Sehuen. asy Ont.' BROAD BREASTED BRONZE TURKEY POULTS Aiý0se 5maI! Whites and Broad Breasteti BrneX Smail Wbitee. LkeiW Poults avoatble durlng july. Also Au1gus, Bptn, ber anti latar Fu11 if okeiaheati. MetShortage - There le a treme,ýndlous, shortare of aIl kinds of meat hi Cïada ant U.S.A.. and wlth Caffle onices moving m) If Io a sure het f bat turkeys will bc scarce anti hlgb in pries. Crope look good antid rI Quotations are much lower for bookcing for Faîl delivery. Wonderful Livability * "Market 176 out of 200 '-I-aroîd E. Watson. Woodford, Onitarlo. "Ordered 500 for th!s year' -Rert Wilson.l Lions Head,. Ontario. Torkey Management Canud-which telle you aIl about reling turkey.ýý prevention of dis- ease andi wby raiaing tu1rkeys velîl be more profitable than ever tbiîe year. Also wby a-d bow It wlll pay t0 ,aise Sommer antiFal Poults. LAKEVIEW TURKEY RANCH AND ALL TURKEY HATCHERY EXETER, ONTARIO BIRDSRLL Clover Huller No. 6. Deutz diesel power unit 35 IHTP. air stortinr. Preston Neals. Bethany, Ont. COLLIES "0f Elsfow" combine oluality. dis pMiton. Puppies avoulable. Grown stock -stiids. Box 61, Dorchester, Oint. COTTON TOWELS-BAGS Bleacheti anti washed cotton hors. Fleur, $3,25 per dozen. Sugar. 83.50 per dozen. TOWELS HIEMMER, ABOUT 117" x 34" F'luor, $Z,40 dozen;ovcr 2 dozen, 62.25 loig-n. Sûf'a'r, $2.65 tiozen, oxer O2tozen, 52.50 dozen. a By-Products. 93 Ontairio 5Sf..Toronteïý. WARI.lGIVe ont Kiye yýou antythins frèc ýi we do gi1hte uer pooii lngý atf1moderato onices. Laboratory cnrle rlte wf .iil please ywm-21 boum serce. ls deVç1pe.1 gpd printeti 30c. reprints 0-U sa.. A5 fior $1.00. GammaPht Centre, Box 71, Cbapleauj, Ont. TWO FoxweillAir Gieeforhnin-it 7îdth, cmpletsvwtb fioori t 'ý, s>d , ,ýtube roî 1. Useti for experi- me1ntal idurposes onl..ALPply C-1ldwell Linen Mills Limnit,,tI.irquobs. Ont. AGENTR wated 0 el a finle luallty rmE!U'e d iamr'ond wool hse. N ewc--aas t A genci. e, 20ËranaportniatinBiling. Mon ýlitreal 1 OILS, GREASES, TIRES, insecticides, Electrie Fence Controllers, ooust and Barn Peint. Roof Coatinge., etc. DealJ ers wanted. Write Warce Grease & 01 Linhli ted, Tornto BUSINESS 0OL'FOETUNITIE8 q30YS-GIRLS-ADULTS. earn extra moneY wlJth Wonder Shave. amnazing, new shaving crearn ln powder form. Seai 20 packages at 15e. Keep $2, send mne $3. Every man a prospect. Write todaY ln sinceritY, K. Clarkson, 24 Coxwell Ave.. Toronto. IOABY CHICKS BARGAINS - HEAVY BRERD Cockerels. Thousands avallable weekly. Send for special prices! Rock x Legihorn; Sussex X Leghorn: New Hamp x Leghiorn ocekerels. 2% cents. These medium breed coekerels are bast the thing for broilere. Hurondale Chlck HatcherY. London, Ontario. BITY chicks now for good egg and meat mar.- kets-started pulleis fo,,r carlier eggs. Tou'Il malte money wîth Bray chicks bought n0w. Bray Hatcbery, 130 Johni N. Hamilton, Ont. 1O'/2c. HUÎONDALE-CHICK-S Il V c. Assorted heavy breed mixed] chieks, tc.Asaorted l lght breed Mixed 10c. Pure Sussex. Sussex x New Hampe. New Hampe, mnixed 13c: pulleis 22c. Barred Rock. Rock x Leghorn; New Ilamp x Legborn mixed 12c; Ncw lacop lie. Rock x Leghorn, Sussex x pullets 24c. Assorted neavy breed pullets 20c. Assorted light breed pulleis 23e. HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY LONDON, ONTARIO STARTED chic1,s 11 ,lll hlv ou catch up and we ha ve the ollwin two and three ee old ptilletIs frimdit1eivr-ht firrdRo, RaredRoc %X hite Leg9- har. RackMinrcaX WlfeLeghorn. New TopNoth CîckSalea. flueph.Otai. LAÀK E-VIEW ,-CH ICKYS For lneand .lulv. elso Summer andl(Pal chieks. Prompt delivery if you oct quickly. butL book ahead for Sommer andFa. breeds and crosses ta choose from. Started Puliets 2-4-8 weeks f0 ready to iay. Book yours now-they wi]i bc very scarce and eggs will be higbl n pries. Ready Made 4 week old Capons-Capons are, more profitahle than cockzerels available dur- lng July. Boy Lakeview chicks from a real hreeding plant for h, tsucese. LAKEVIEW FARMS& lHATCI{ERY PHONE 78 & 92 EXETER, ONTARIO B NGfLIslïFCollie Pupe, parents eecellent iàeel. ers.Mae $8 00, 3 montha. Express ipre- paîd. Wmii. Anderson, Moorefield, Ont. FARM Trallere for immediate dellvery-ý, $160 cto $275. Waverley Msotors. 146 Albert St., Ottawa, Ont. flAiRDItBSkSiN6 LEARN fHairdressinu ihe Etobe-rteun nethodL Information on requesegadigclas-s, Robertsun'a Halrdresin& Arcadem-y. 13" AvE. nue Road. Torontu IIELP WANTED DITCAN required hy the Krladand Dietriet Hospital, Kirkiand Lake.Onare tplyf0Superinfendent. N 1ýURSES. General Duty and OR. roie iby the Kiikland anîd Distrt Hosu)taLl. Kirk- land Lake Ontario. ApplY ta ueitnet GRADUATE NURSES go eneral duty in amal hspta. -uda?. 6,-day week. Good salary. A.ppIy Supintenýc- dent. Rosamond Memorlai Ifo.spîtal. Almionte, STIGLE or marrled man £or dairy farn. 1Purebred Hosteine, on 3x and RtO.P. Applv Pomona Farme, Thameeford. On t, IIOUSEKEEPER. wlth boy. for fan home. Apply te Laurence Browe, Da ikeith, Box 54. Ont. TOWNSHIP echool area of Widdifield reqiuines S oqualified feachers wih siiece 'seful ey- perience, 1 for one-room sehool 10 miles frola North Boy, open road aIl yea-r attend7anceý 20, grades 1-8, salary $1.700.00; 1 for ouerouie ehool 14 miles from North Ray on C.N, Railway attendance 14, grades 1-8. soaarY $1.6000. Dutlee to commenceSet 7. 1948. Apply stating qualifications., experlenic anti namne of last Inepecfor fo Arthur, Carmiasl, Sec.-Treas.. Cen. Del., NorthBa. ntr. raIEDICAI -SATISETYOU0TRSEL-F of veysffrne Eheum1atie Pa:insor Nuritie holdtri Dlxun's Remiedy. MnoeDrur Stre. 1 Elgin, Ottawa. PostpaidJ$1.00. glu7NDI6E.DS ENJOY GOOu 6IEAII f rom the combination of ingredien)tsuti un FRBRTONIC TABLETS. These hngredî- ente are heinr usetihy medical science to cor- rect lo0" of appetjte a-nl rnndown conditIons. If you are tireti. lietlesp or non down. -if yenà tee! 'ha neeti 0f1a Qoîclr oieS ull)SEND fCor FERr-ER Ktoday." 2 weeks upp,!y poslt>ali 61.00 BER HIEANLTE lPRODUOTS Box 25, Station K, Tüooto pains qor Neuitieshoouid fry Dlxmi'0 ReeY. Munruo' sDrur Store. 1358Egn OPFOTUN6IESFOR>ft WOMtEI - BE- A HAIRDRESSER, 50524 CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Leari Pleasant dignifeti profession, gondwaee thousinde succese"ful Parvei gad',Liat 8e' A.merca's greetest eys'tem-. Illustrated cafaý rvus f es. Write or Cal! MIAtEJ l AiRDýRESSilNG 358 810-1 St,.%WV.,Toronto Branches: 44 King St.. Hamiltoe., & 74 R(ideau Street,. Ottswei. SARNIA GENERAL HOSPITAL SCHIOOL FOR NURSES given ctonsideraion. atsof caeefra Aug. 30. 1048l. Eucational eurmn1 mfriniumrequiremnt - l -12 mddescboai papers0 Soirnia is the ,Chemicala.lei!y of Otro i7rE1THEBS TOùNAUGEC&1 CoS any patet SBoicîtos.Esfablshed 1 8M. 14 RKiingWe rorontý)oraBookiet of informaIon on request. U, S. A. No. Ï Standard Portland CL'arlo,ýads or Truckloadis Alderwood Buildting Profdcts Company 28 Browtiu Lbw LONG BR ANCfl ZONE 6784 a ~ k FOR SALE Jack Ladder, SemKie-kers, Staam Loýadel', Steam , Nl1-g ,er, Heavy Duty Carnage witb Friction Set Work. Metal 11urA Frame. FoU' Solid Tooth Saw 55r" tf066$". 8" Gunehàot reG 42' lnev Duty Edger, Slashà Tabt, Turtie Bat k Chaîn..Trimmre. 1 Coval Ais4' miatie Ginider. iHand Grinder, 1 OLR.. Rulr7!2 x 16 Tube 1 Sideeraznk Steai Engline 16 x 22, . 98 Maple Leef Dun , rueks. -Camip Eouipmient f0accModte" mon. Mill will he operat0or until laset «, July. Loet Year'saverage. ?25,00Q' per dar for three millin feet. RUTSSELL JOHNSON. MINDEN. O'NT. FLOWER and Landescape painting,. nowb mail. thirty ycars experience. WrteBe3.~ Corrospondence Studio. Box 74, Station D. Toronto, Ont..1 HARLE'! DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Parte and Servie. BertILe Kennedy & -qon 419 College St., Toronto IN4 STOCK for Immediate sale aoddtieu ,11lis-Chalmers HD-7 hydraulie ageoe and rear winch ap)proximately 600 boure: BCD Cletrac witb Sargent overhead loader and angledozer. excellent condition: Caterililar D-4 tractor wlth traxcovator loader; Genersi rubber tired tractor and front end loader, Hanson mnodel 81 combination trench hou anJ crane. rehuilt. Huher model 4 tandem grader. hydraulie controls and scarifier. Also hi stock. new Quick-Way. Hanson. Bucleeg shovels. crones and trench hoee. Mïinnea:polist- Mole Industrial rubher tired tractors aniS loaders, convcyors. powernunits, winchee. lift trucks, magnets, buckets. rubher, tlred wheei.. barrows, mortar and cement mixers. cinder and concrete block plants. Contractora Machinery and Equipment Lid . 194 BarteO- St. E.. Hlamilton. OWINGffire that des troyed my, homne, aie fodto sel! my Springers-Trent Valley Rreediî. esonable. Tîbteoftîenels Fox oonbund upe.old enough for nezl FMaI huntiog. Write for informa'tion.Ame Dora, Csselan.Ont. priea, Sbipedwitbin 24 hus rt for catalogue and pisliet. TranIs -Canadaz MailOrdr. 422Waverley. Motreal 14. 1EATIF b lack and red Cocker Spaniel puippies. âe and female, îpcdigreed. beat blolna Also two hifehes. both bred te champion studn. Should produce coma beautii- fol pupe.Reasonable for uuick sl.Muet redi,, stockl. .Apply f0 Sun .Toy IKennel s Reg., Box 577, Pc, Ont. HII-POWERED ]RIFLES WrVite forne liste and pricee. SCOPE SALES CO. 223Queen St.. Ottawa, Ont. CATTER1'ILLAR Tractor -D6 with, Laplanýte- Cho) Late agle idozer and winch, completely overhouled. Price $07500.00. Apply Welden Motor Salee.Lahe. u. 3 K V A GAS Lightlng rlant. used 6, montha.l Clayton' Steinman. R.R. No. 2, WellealeýY, O)nt. Phone 27t4,

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