Red Threat la ~Ever EPresent There soul be no cmpiacnc ..over the fctthat intei tr0 sectons and the three raet Fed- eralbyelctcnthe Soclis s- tered lmss thn a thid ofuthe ppu- lar vote, says The inlanci Post un a1recent eirai Wthfa lss -:support tlitan týhat there have ee enty of ',orld Cexamp1 Ë' leUSWher -trin arieshave been-aboe - u.tot il rsiLance. 1-1rnanly and itîy lteComnss Nazis adFacitsnye wre1 thle mality' , buLit thyl aci ir compi)'lte cnro.Silice the w !n Czechoslo aia,Blgae, Hn gary ; ad oma ia.rc1 Y> te ecntwis, the !ocialss gins hae ai bee in rbanarea farmersIPand otherclase usidà thes reswiiift etempted byt the C.C.F. hai)oit. 'Ihessk atcha as he ubjgato of the kuiaks Rutîj by he cty-taine tCom auniss ros tha nt îe scadebut regimented minority mmiofer s nyone ofay to fmee ialitse. It il fo-,12be Ometb tLintil hedpatslten Sciaists ar besýt abletogieit to hiri. The aeaeCnda osfo expect or mont Scialism from the tn-CF.parie(s ofCnad, ut ho doos xpeo somthinig thýat h CC cannt pssibofr.Thiat is fiedo to doývuoip is own idiiua nitia- tvto lihs own hf e, to imakle bis o)wn ftreine i ta - tadof rgmnainwith itis crushing taxatioad he will scorn Socur Ný,,ote - Peter Piper, who used and qwerto pick his peko Iled1pppers, should bave l would haehi i ad(l the ýbenýiefit of -the neulectronýie pickle sorter. Eletri eys Srtthe pickles ac -r-n o size, but the' big fellw Alc Gannon is holding -tli te imachine. Canda u fersfrom oul anaemia, prodcin ony aouta seventh of her sedsfomhr own welýls-sa-ys the Montly Ltte of he oyal Bank of tanada Yet xidespead ooages in Rh r Bsin indi cate thé POssibiiity of opening up n ilds t', pp0 mn those t FortNorr1a and in the fac o th orth~'Up toi now theC tliricnity has.ben tofinid an cnoi suas ametodasthie etim-ates of tis anoun ofou ~ aiesf rm tatof tansdiangeolgist of 00 bllio ton staofteUitdSas japan For over a year irumiors haive been circulating in Japon t- the ffert that Emperor H)"-ioito was about to embraceCritaty probabiy Roman Cathli'cismii. These rumors were evived b the recent visit to iapa of Cardinal Speliman of New York, dnring which h le paid a haîf- hour coul on the Emnperor. Asked during the press confer- once which immediately followed his visit to the liperial Palace whether !1irohlito was considering adopting ChrstaniyCardinal Speilman ans- wee htthe subject hadn't even been merntioned. Hoeethe more influential Japane1ise seom to think that it doesin't imotter much what Hiroh1ita doos il] this regard. The J apanesez are, not a really "religions" people in the sense thiat e-ee of tihe Western worid luse that tcrmii.Most Japan- ese homes hv shrines to both the Shinto an-1i th Budldhist gods, antd both reeie racticaily equal, at- tentions. 'Be'sides which many of them, 1ho dressed in European clothe s; carry in their pockets Bibles- orNe Testaments. In other words, tbey believe in trying to propitiate as many deities as pos sibie. So if Hirohito shouid decide tc, become a -Christian, most of his people would not feel it necessary for him to drop any of his former faiths; and while'tho Japanese mnd isý difficult to fathom, the chances are that most of the Niponese would hiave ,,tho idea that The Pope was recognixing the spiritual authority of T:-he Emperor, rather than the reverse. Paraguay Most of the population of Para- guay livos to the east of the ri"ýer of thle samo namie, wh-Iere tise landi isi fertie le ondarable. West of the_ riSridth- rnCac-0,0 sqar ilsofwidnes much of it swmpy.The ir is 50 thick with msutstha4t frequeustly the sun iobscured. Durig the suimmor temlperaturos runniing as bigh as 105 degrees are commion._ Back in 1926 the fîrst of sortie 2000 Mennonites arrived in this savage country. Sear.ghing for a land where they could live accord- ing to their peculiar religions ton- ets many of thero had moved from Germany to Russia, thon to Canada and the United States. Paraguay seems to ho their last frontier. Th, life of the Mennonites in thezCh-aco bas been an nnending struggle against nature- In order to reoch their markets, products have to ho carried first in carts drawn by oxen or horses, then transferred to a tiny raiiroad, then fioated down the Paraguay River. But the Mennonites chief crop- long fibred cotton-has made them, if not weafthy, at loast self suffici- ont. Before many weeks have pas- sed their ranks wili ho swelled by a notable addition, Toword the end of June 1500. Mennonites left the RedRie Valley in Southieris Man- itoba and sailed from Quebec on the Dutchi ship Volëndam. 'Their dest- ination Was the Paraguayan Chaco whetO the life may be bard, but where they hope to fînd the freedom from "worldly influences" that bas been the goal of, strictèr members of the soot ever gince it originated în Europe in the lOtis century, Russia During the past few weeks Rus- sian progress in Europe appears ta have slowed dowr considerably, and it now seems as if the policy- makers in the Kremlin had decid to turn attention toward Asia, at least for the time being.* Reports fromn Burma sî5'und as thiouigl the Commnunists. had beeîs gttinig in some of theirbest prop- agandla work there, and there are many îini(cations that this former British colony is definitely moving toward the Soviet orbit. Don't Cuss 'emn-Eat 'em "Having trouible with dandelions? Do't cuirse thecm-pick a bunch, and steam them- for supper. A Dispatches fromn China give in- creosing ovidenco of reol deriora- tion is Nationalist circles- It is now a serious possibility that before many wqeks have possed ail of China down to the Yoiiow River wili ho in Comimunist bonds. Fronce is making no reai head- wOy ils its long effort to reciaim In- do China. There s trouble in Mai- aya; and the Dutch have yet to estabiish anything like a satisfactory relationship with the Indonesians. J ust how much Russîa s directiy, responsibie for ai: this trouble and unrest connot ho ndetermined with any certainty. But there is litile doubt that chaotic conditions are increasing tbroughout' Asia, and that such coniditions are ideal for Russian eýplitatîon. Sa it seems only reasoni.,ile to assumne that IMos- cow is decfiniiteiy interested ini the possibilities that cxist in that area of »the world, and is fLot just sýIting idiy by leoing ovonts shape themi- "And now, my friends," said the orotor at o Scot tish politicai meet- ing witb great impressivOnOss, "T would like to iiterrupt wbat I have been telling you in arder ta ask myýelf a qjuestion." He paused; and from the bock of the hallcamie a voice loden witb one of zhose Glasgow acceýnts you con cnt %with a shovel; "And a domned suIly ans. wer ye'ro hiable to gt W.quoýtc tIjs ancienit anecdoteý mta ann that we are about te ask areitogether with ail our horse-ioving rueaders, a question re- gadinýg something whicb bas puz- xiedi us thirougbout ail the yeors w'e have spent in trying to improve the breed of handbooks, 'this question is as folaws; Wihy shonld it ho thot al the cievri i st horse-pickers-tho a nos whoc- an select bath long and short--rcý-ed winners with sncb- uncanny alcur- acy-always seem ta ho born with sncb an utter lack of wi-power? Let us illustroto wbat wo mean by attompting to reproduce port of a conversation we chanced ta over- bear ji , the other evoning- the evening following an. afternoon when the Daily Double ai a certain Ontario track has been worth sov- oral ¶undred, dollars. Not tsaving wagered on thons sersonalv, tbrough some mysiorious Dver- sight, we hsave forgotten the, tuai nomes of the two noble Tborough- breds invoived , aiso the exact fig.- ures. But outside that the conver- sation-or monologue rather-ran something like ibis, "So wvbof we fin'ly get ta the track the three of us are protiy near broke what witb this and that; but befween us we manage to scrape op two hîîcks so we decide we wiil bot an tbe Daily Diouble an account if we con put that ocross wo wiil be al set for -the day, sec? Sa Benny and Frankie ast me what do I like, and I say 1 figure thisMAGOO is the biggest kind of a cincb, sa fin'iy after- a lot of argument we put aur two 'oucks on MAGOO and down ho popo, Jgt like I say ho will, se now if we ban only bit the winnor of the second we will have a pock- tfull, see? "Sa Benny and Frankie ast me wh4t do I like in the second, znd 1 tell them there is nothing taeit but ROUND. HEELS. on. accotmit. 1 have been watchl-ing this ROUND HEELS for weeks, and I aimao tel them I1. only vwisht I have a il;lior bucks because if 'l have I wili put eTery.. dim-e-..of,.. t.. on., ROULND HEELS because t-he way I figure RON.HEELS ,. h jstike monoey i the bank or evon boter, se? Buistead of goling aver oand making ROUND HEELS the sec- ond haif af aurDouble, likre we shouid aught to, Beflny and Frankie insist on borrawîng a Fortn from!I some guy, and they get ta studyintg the Past Performances until fin'ly they convince me- that this MUD- LARK con beat RO-UND HE11ELS doing anything from ibnbbie ,,danc,-- ing ta pu-ttinîg thie shot, -sa cIfliy we go oveta fiotise wicket auid makie MUDARKthe seconid haîf of ossr Double though ail the timeit à s doad aginst my bte judgmient, see? "So now Whhapponsbut this, MUDLARF doesn't try -a lick and finishes up kisîing th-- igbtbh polo and ROUND HEELS Just iaughs bis way homne on top by eight, Just like I know he wili, and when tbey put up the price of that Double, four hundred and eighty bucks and change, 1 give you mny word if 1 oniy'have,.a gai I wiil shoot myseif right througb the heart, but that's the- fvay it always is with me, 1 pick them or thon somiebody cornes along and taiks me off themn, sce?" Now that tragic uitile tale, is more or ls o duplicate of hnndreds upon hundreds we have iistessed ta in our timo. More thon that, this very ovening, if you shouid bappen to drop into some tearoom frequentý ed by borse playrs-os you pnub- ably knqw, horse-players are great teoroom frequenters-the chausces are you would overbear several ai most exactiy like it. Sa that brilsgs us bock ta the question with which we started off this litile discourse, ta wit-Why should lit be that ail the clevereat harse pîcers-the ones wbo con select bath long and shart-priced winners with such uncanny accur- acy-olways seem ta ho- born with such an utter lack of will-power Why do they aiways pick themn and thon get talkod ont 'of playing them. It's îodeep for us, sa wo think we'll rofer it ta the Unitoed Nations-or Darothy Thampson. So You Can't Slee-'p If you're troubled with inisonînia, you'ro probably brainier thon the average person-at least thot's the opinioni of o noted.neuropsychiatrist, and aniy mon who con toto, a title like that around without getting a backache shouiti know what he's talking about. This afoutu-etc. etc.mitin that an active m1;td reqires for,ý less sleep thon a mind preoccuïpied withtl duill or unimportonit matteris. AuIth- orities have nocver been abletaaigree on the exact numi-bor of lhours of sloep roquItirod-, by thec average per- son. . But lying awvake otr nighit in a comfortaie bcd is rairly danger- ans tao lsie's helthi. Car owners who Ikc to take care of -their own autos anid tinker witâ thehn in spore miinutes, are enithu"si- astic about a new iâttie busiesstha bas started in a suiburb of Akron, The business niow enabIe:s themn to refit garageae anll tools at à cent a minute on an h-our-ly basis. Its propruotor knè,,w how scarce tools wero during and juIt after the war. Ho lso knew that because of the housing shortage mnany peronsfl do Bot have garages of their own tii work in. Being o "tinkerer" himself ho decided to help his feilow tink- orers. Ho rented a garage and hung out a shiusgie, "garaige space for work- iusg and'tools for rn. 'His enterprise îsis now openr 12 hours a- day, includingl Sundayý,\s,. For 60 cents an hour, a 'home- made mechanie con .Irepilace piston rings and bearings, or ~s i car. A hoist is avaiiabi for Iiift work. -Two high-school boys are tearing down a 1941 Packard there and in- staliîng new ringýs. One cusoiser recently put iin new spr-iigs hin 23/4 hours, ýWeek-end busness is sua 1lly mode up of ubn-ndwfe tamis who'como there to Ilslte famly car. "Somehow the -wýomeis seem taf think the men wof't geýt the ini-de clean enongh, so they corne along," ho explains. FEED & SEED STORE Long estahîished Fead & Seed busiý iocstled in Weston cansistîns et store ondar nine- Year leases, o troche. buding, iheuýsins the mili and the eouipment such as Mixevr. Gind- er. etc. Empiayaaa wil nemoin witb new ewuIèr. Othe interast onits reaeon for selling as this business shows good and sieadily in- cneasins raturna. Fu price, $0800 plus op- proxinsgtely $1,000 stock. Exclusive agents, E. W. Gouldins Ce.. Reaitoro.1 Adeiaide St, E., Toronto, Ont. BEEICEEPEPg, Ouf fit' 100 boxes îsuean ex- c cdas -e actor. wax feundation. A reai bargain. T. E. Sebeen. Massey, Ont, FLOWE1S and Landecape !painting, now -bts moui. tirty yaars expenance. Wrte Brtul Correspondance Studîo. Box 74. Stto 1)D Taronto. Ont. COTTON TOWELS-BAGS BIeachedand'washed ctton bagsa. Fleur. $2,25 per doen Sosar. $3.50 ves dozan. TOWELS HEMMER, ABOUT 17" x 4 Fleur. 02.40 dozen: over 2 dozen. 82.21 dozan. Sugar. .$2.65 dozan. oser 2 dozen. $2.60 dozan, BY-Products. 93 Onario St.. Trante. Circulor Sawmili Complote Jacki Ladder Stsam Kichers, Steani Lea.der, Steanu Nigger. Heavy Dots Carniage ivithi Friction Set iWonk. Mtai EueSkFrse. our Solid Toth Saws 5-1' te 668" Gunahot Feed 42' lntayDuty Bgs.SIaeh Table, Torile BacS Chaîne. Trimmers, 1 C,,vs. Auto. matIe Grindar. 1 SRand Grieder. I1iI.R.T. Baîlan 72' s 16' Tube I Sideerank Steanu Engins 16 x 22", 2, 19308Stapie Leaf Dump Truche Camp Eeoipment to accomedate 22 mon. Miii will ho operating octil Iset of Juîy Lasi Year's average. 25.000' vrpar ly for thneE million test RtUSSELL JOHNSON. ýMINDEN, ONT, OWING te fire that destroyad my home. am forcau te saeli my Sisingers-Ttent Follets B3reedîns. Reasonable. Taiboterofi iteneels ReO. Rcwood. Ontario. HARLEV DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Parts and Service. SaritB Ken,îedy & Son 419 Collage St., Tronto IN STOCK for Immediate sale and delivery: Allis-Chalmars HID-7 hydraulie angledozar and rean winch appneximately 600 heurs: BD Cletnac witbi Sargent evenluead leader and angledozer. excellant condition; Caterpillar D-4 tracter wlth traxcavaor loader: Geneal robben tiind tractar and front end leader; Hanson miodal 81 combînstion tréenbos and crans, rebult: fluber modal 4 tandem grader, hydroulij contrais and scarifier. Aise le) stock, naw Qulch-Way, Ilanson. Spiceye aboyaIs, cranes and trench hoes. Minneapolis- Moline lndostriau rohher tired trottons and leaders. convayora, Power units. winches, lift troche. magneta, hochets. robber tlned wheal- hartirows. morte r and cament mixera, cinder and cancratW buock plants. Contractons .MachIýnant and Equipmanl Ltd., 194 Carton St. E.,_Egmitený WARNbINGl VWe de't give you anythins free, but ws de guarantea finer photofinialih- tns ai moderato pbriso. ËLahoratfonts cntroiied resuits wili please Yoo-24 heur service. Rlis doveieped and plnted 20c, el)Int, Oele.. 35 for $1.'00. Gamma Phboto ('antre, Boa 1. Chapleaa, Ont. COLLIES "Of Elstow' cmbie uIulty, dis positio)n Puppies av (1bi, rown stock -studa Box 61.D hse. Ont. ELECTICAL upplIeýs old i wbolesaic onceýs. Shippeul thn24 heure. Wrile fer ctlgeand pries sal. Tracs Canada Moul (rde1, 112 Wva, M itel 14. SCO11PE ý1SAL1.1ES CG. 228 QoenSt. ttw'n FOI SLEn~l but ranilsam, 0 FOR SALE BÎUT NOW, Whizzar motors. $150. ComùPleta uits at $210.$26 $240. and the famoust Schwinn unit at $260. Sent prepald to Yowr nearst station on recelpd t 0 rice. Boy 0 and wËizz aiong. S. Clhippierfieid Sals .cy, E{ubbard. Saske. FINEST Wo-unng beies mede'lns U.S.A. $30.00 dTellvoed. W"rite for Fre Circular. Flynn nimportig Co., 63107 De Vrmy Ave.,* Montreal 8, Que. TURKEY Thanka te our many customers fer faicilitatiwis our poit Production by placing their orders early. and to, those who have vwrlttn to us cft their splendid success with our 1903Poults. Llnuted touantity still avoulable for late Jid. Orders now accepted for Foul HatchedPeis LAKEVIEW TURKEY RANCH EXETER ONTARIO11 leARM Troulera for immediate delivery. $6 ,te $275. Waverley Motors. 146 Albert St., Ottawa, Ont. AGENTS WanIIta te sil Plfine Qoalltymei's dlaman dïwool basc. Neweýoast AgenCles, 206 Transporýtation Building, Msontreant1 OILS, GESETIRES, Ietcie.Electrie FnceControllers, Bouse and Barn Paint, fiee!) Coatîinga. etc. Deal- srsý wa.nted. rt Warcc, Grease & 011 LimI ted. Torr.ont MAEMoNEF t 10,0 --et 400Sucs plans. Ideas, shees "are formulas, E1xpoises Folio Free. International Mail Order Service, Box 921, paiwtcket, R. OURI Own Business: Sel $1.010 Seller. You lteep the dollars. Ordiers lI1îad free. Start- msg Details $100. WilliamTrbrde 5-9 Wooderest Avenue, Dayton5,1)10h1o. BABY CHICItS aise started pultets twe three and four weeks eld andl older pullets elght weeks te laylng for Immediate delivery. Free cata- logue. Tweddle ChieS ilatcheries Lislted, Fergus, Ontario. BUT CHICKS 00W for good egg and meat nîarket-started pollets for eachier çggs. F0011l make money with Bray ehieks hought n0w. Bray IEatchery. 130 John N.. Itamilton, Ont. LAKEVIEW CHICKS For lune and .Iuly, aise Sommer and Fait chicks. Prompt dellvery if yeu act 0oîckly, but book oheod for Sommer ond Foul. 8 breeds and crosses te choose f rom. Started Follets 2-4-i waek.s te reody te loy. Book yors now-they wil ha very scorce and eggs will ha hîgbin 10Price. Ready Mode 4 weak iod Capons-Capons are more profitable than ceekerelÊ :iaoable dur- Ir, .Toiy. Boy Lalteview chicke from a reýai breeding Plant for hast seso.ý LAKEVIEWA FARIMS & F!A TCHME RY PHONEI 78 & 92 EX,ETER, ONTARIO SUMMER andi IFou ýCI ,kaboolced te order. aise for ime iat elverY staried poilais tn many breeda, two,, three and fou r keeks nid. aise oider polis e;ig;ht weeks te Isyios. Free Catalognse. Torp Notch ChicS Sales, Geuleli Ontario. 16e , HEAVY BREED PULLETS 16e Ail H-eavy Breed mixed Chicke 14c. lleavy Breed Fles16e Leghorn, Rock x Les.. Sussex x Les Follets 23e. Assorted Follets 16c, Started Ciche & Follets 2 weeks add 60. 8 wks. addc2, 4 wks. add 18e, A.sorted 4 weeks old Fllet-s 32e. Order frem and enclose ibis ad wltb order or $100 per 100 deposit. HURONDALE CHICK LONDON HTHEYONTARIO 30,000 PULLETS 8, 10, 12 weeks old te Ready-to-lay. Fer de- livery ln .luiy. Augusi. 'teptember, and Oct- Pber. These pullets are net surplus., They have heen dellniteiy set asie to meet the big demand for this age, of pliets. Ail floot- ralsed under the mestI deai conditions. Send for fu11 particulars. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARMS ~EIN BROTHERS EXETEe Q_, TARIO Wanted te PUrchase poliets ight Weeks te iaying, Pore breeds or bybrid crosses. Advise ose. nomber and price. Appiy Box No. 12, 1231lth St., New Toronto. Ont.1 DYRING ANI) èLEANÏNG HLAVE! FOTJanythins needs dysins or cdeaný ingY W rite te us for information. Wa are glad te answer Ynur Questions. Departmienl M, IFarkers Dys Workie Llmiled 791 Fange Street. Toronto. Ontarie, ISSUE 28 l- 14 Leather strap. DIlivcred C.O.D. ail taxes. postage Paid. $5 25. Money hock guarantes, Nawcoasl Agendaes. 205 Transportation Bujild- leS. Montreal 1. BOSTON pupa. pore bred, weli marked. noted for bes c cOds a Pl. eddy Stewart. nBeC 166, Picton. Ont. ENGLISH Setter bitcb. Year ohi. Excellt foundatien stecî fr kennai. Groea ennais, Lak, fieid. Ont. 160 'ACRES fer sale, lnFTwnship oetScot 5tb Concession. west baif, lot 12 and 13. Best oetiarm and. 2 borna. gond stabling lu eacli. Plentiful water supplY. Sioes ouse, 8 roome, batbroçom and Eofi water in houats., weli at door. Plowad wiiar oa. PP1Y 1d. Vernon. it. 1,. ttbrîge, OntL. $40,000 turnover. reasonabiyprcd.Ret auront fully eaouirped. Bath on main ýireet of' Amonte. Dctrs rasidence and officeo. OIrbossand forma. Sean hY appoi1nt- mient. Albr Gale, ReilEtt rkr F'OR. SALE. new conditionLeldN. GndrLipes Lathe. geared ba.Peatt Whitniey Neo. 12B Vertical Miller and Pro0- filer. Wit teSpaîchake MachjnieryCo.. 118 MacDonald A -ve.. -Winnipeg, Stan. LEARN Baird the iRobertson mtoi infiormation on retiuast regordinglrss itebertson's ltalrdressina Acfeey, 1-37Ae nue Road, Foronto iELP WANTED DIETICIAN reouired byth 1e Itirkiamid ond District IHospital. Eîrkland Laka.Otae Appiyt teSuperintendent D1ETICIAN-1{ousekeevez wantad foÈ S ileien's School, Donham, Que. Api,;,',mi 8 hould ave taîins or prâcticai experince Knowladge of Franch desirable. Appiy Miss2 It. Hague. Mtis Be ach, Quebea. NURSES'. Ganerai oty and 0.11rqia bts the lrliand and District Hoste tai, 1', ni- land ýLake Otane. AePlY te, Suparictarident.L ith EKE oj7 'tho 1' for home Appl i 1 e ,surreesBrowe, Dkih Bo)x4., Ont. COOK General oet mîidçle aeawithepeins fer email club, Fear- iof'nd F0,PJsf1 ve il p)leasant surrindng.Apply G. Pl Dwe KMaple _Creak Ldge.Mapie. Ont., SCIfOOL ,NURS-E \wantad for St.lee~ Sebtoni.Dunhaýn,. Quebec. RN. orTrOd Attendàant witl, exparlenco. Soeasoparvi ory dintes with yeunsalgr children reooijred. AppiY Miss Ht. Ifagýua, Itetia Beach., Qe NI MIiAI; WANTED Evary suffe rer of RhM-11ti' -Pains or Neuris te try Dixon1's aey.Mno Deug Store, 312 911gn, OttWa. ý Post1,, id $'1 00. Dirons Renucdtsfor R mtaPi. e nustL. Monce's Drus Sýtore. 125 'ýElgie1, Otw OPPI>RTUNITRES FOI! 1,0IE BE A HAIRDRESSER fONCANADAS LEADING S0Citf>OL GreassOpportUnitts besn a irdressing pleasant dignlfled profession, gond sgs (housandas sccassfui Marval grdae. Amnerkie'sagreatàt sYstem Iiiustrsied rcata- logue frac WVrite or Ç,ail MAItvFL HA[RDIBSSiNG SCFUO(LS 35à Bleui St W., Toronto Branches: 44 EKing St..Itanuliien. & 74 Rideau Street, Ottasia ARiA-GENEA OPITAL SOOL FOR NURSES 1Opprtunitias in nursins. Applications tvilne given'consideration. Date et close ente! ng-9 Ans. 30,. 1948. Educatîonai roreenis1- Minimum requîranients- 12 middiceceo pa rs. Sarnialeathe Chemîicai Volley etOn ltolo. PATENTL% FETIIERSTONAUGE & Company. , Pt oiiesEstablihed 1890. 14 King West, Torente Boohliioetinformation a rqu! t Cube of Diamonds A diamond cube, nine feet on a side, would equal ail the gent~ dia- monds mined in the world since they Were discovor 2 500 years ago. This cube wouL.d be uncut dialrond, To represent ail the cut dianmnd, the cube wouid ho oniy toada haîf feet on a saide. The figu.res are giveri ie the magazine Gemis and Gemioiogy by Dr. Sidney H. Bail. Yeariy -wýor1d dii.mond production today is ju1st over haîf a ton, uncut. SELL BY MAIL I40,000-WORD fB01K SHOWS 1WH1AT. IWI8ERE, WHEN AND HOW 0Z' MAIL OEDER BPUSINESS. GET [FI,,, READ IM! ROVE T! 61.00Posstuald. IGREEN'S, 1151 Oxford Street TmnO, ni. For quilele rail cau Bank' -ehatýs oo, eý, nples and otiletcbnq cond:itInpr, coolie , msdiceted, llouldl DP. P.D RSRTO.Greaseless and stainlemsSohecemiforts and qulckly calméi Innse It"isinsr. Dent suffer. Aqk yr dm(1rgglet iodsy fer P . O RSRPI N .5 N ~~1 s. z,- N N. N s. N z,- 'J N N. N N N N 'i -s N N N .5. N N N N N v N NI N N N N N N N z,' N N 2-. N N - N N -N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 5. N -N N N * N