Vol. 12. No. 25 ORO0N0, ON T., TH11URPSC JULY lSth, 1£48 Sub~ripion$1 .50 Per' Ye'ar Many Children Taking Advc age of Organized Park Sports ~Clarke Township Councl Donates $-250,00 To Park k The Clarke Township Counrcil met iosen to Italy ltise Couneýi! l Ca'nibem, Oronoý, oni TUebsJay, Juiy 6t,1 ithDil' the rnem1- Pouir richIy ibreti Canadian Hol-ý bers. beiag esat Tie ming tes teinbuils -have just been shipped, ýaise onay caP14.d ib)y tise Reeve for June iy. This is the flrst shipraçnt 21 to discusa n oa-d esatters'were read o Canadi;an Hosteunsavenmatie Vo ani n otonboisapprovet as that country and it i-sh-1ped that it will miark thea o'peng of a ni.w ax- TeHydro bigb-tensiîon Ilîne on port m'arket for Canadiian Holsteinsi the Clarke - Darfiiitoa bundary that will absorib a considerable numII-1 lf¶'as ius eda-d tise Clerk in- ber of cattie. 'Shipm-ent wýas niiad,'e Mr-actad ta, ask for a final plan as by truck to Newv York from whv-eré( z;rranigetd witb th,- Reeve; andthe tise dsebull'r vwere _]ig flaw iett CCouýÀu Vil sppnowve.Italy. L-etters frïom Mis. Seal antid ________________ ,Smiti's Acres wene reati' ami ordered Efled! Reeve ami Clerih atbried to ýfhý rarrviconitin f te rndeyecute La conr.flnmtory deed _con1- Thenarow ondtio o tb rod frm~ngthe s'aie of pari, of Lot 1, leatisng o thea Co-op nll Soutbh u oneson90n VieTwnhpo Orôo ws uentontiant th RotiCarke to Roaýaid"Patterson, A. T. C. Sumpriniteen sedt eabu 150)4 - Lo-wery - Davey: T ha t tise impovng is aietendier of Ch-artes, J. Youlig for the, Tihe dele.gation frais the Fsouth of' crushing cýf appr O x mva t eiy -four theTonsiipas'kis-g for soma action hosand yardSý of grave' follows: co make it pssbl or tha publie 95,. per cub'ic yardo tckpae tVo get ùtote Lake Shora appearetiaa w1 m i1 te ownsitoc i e. leoetheConi andi the Roadi Su.. par cUbic yard'î-,nthse stock pieb painenet nt Cek er n- 1beceapted Tise work t0 commence 1àin atutdto investig1ate the Tmattarreementwith tIse Road Superrin- thorogbly.tendent. ,sthuates of tise year 'ware reati 1 10ý5 -Bon - Davey: TIhat tIse by the Trasre ntid roa by rate of puy for roati em.ployeeas Coni.shah haee lahoners 60e. pavr heur; A,~ Àde!laeation <af the <h-nno Par-k 4nnraors 65c-, nrho 3 ordapproachiedt tsaCouil akii for a donation Vb the renajc Park. Tis1e rsgainof R. H.. Wood- as cýaretakaLr ctisa Omono Hall! was TIhCla x aFsinstructadti tapuis- isstisa faet tbat Civtic Holidlay bce saeda local holiday in thseTo- erk was authoal d'to ro set ax rates and ti ais ift-ia tha bands cf the Clark te .A.- Ibe request cf tise Roati Super- inene t, was' decitiedt.5tohave a elhnainst-alled in tise Tcwnish'ip Ilwsde.citiedto try anti arran-ge a -meeting vwiti tise Darling-toa Coun- ai ethe bn'd-ny agmeeent dur- vagtIe week f JuIy l9th t'O 24. Tis1ne b-lw e th e fnebonus ,vas' belti ven untiil tba n-xtlregular Tis fil'wngresolutiors wer-e 1498- Brwn -Davay: That 'the Rev adDelputy Reave and tha Roat Suenitenent'li auhonzat b0 m1kalt aifcoyarrangemnent witb Wlfed itie e the rond al- Ioaae eain to husa ctt ag tisougs Wllim Mrce's arm lat Kedai. 149 Lwey -Bo :That Vise 'Dak e instructati ta p1pce tise miat.- tam c stIreet aïlowAnce in port Gran-- hy, n-o-w clfaimeti by Mrs. Turnepr, in2 tIs bnd of R. R. Wde witthe o{jc destal bn w'N ns'Isip cf te said Street alwieaften ,an investigtion.bai been maie hby tie Roat Suenitenentandthie Clark, ant tIai a report ba mýatie at the _00an T.nv'- M,.wvu,'1'it.the 1506 - MclKay - Davey: Thait ow- ing to thbe fac-t that MàIr. R. H, Wood has been compelled to resîgn bis position as caretaker of the Town- ship Hall, the Councýil acteepts bis resignatio>n with regret an,wera lie bas gilven faitiful service to ibe Township flor over tbe past 25 years, thîs Cotincil do grant to R. H. WoAd the suiri of $1010,00Q 3rn apprecýiation of biu l«g lars of service- 157- Bromn - Davey: That the drag line a.n'd crassher be advertised for sale by*the Roati Superintendent. 1:5018 - Dacv.ey - TVcKay:Cotn uing (-. F. Awde as collector of t'axes' up toandi including Au s38 1948. A resolution from tne Police Trus- tee's asîiking that a rate of 8 m--ilîs be placed on the by-law for taxaton. purposes in the -vjilage wa cepted. 1509 - Brown- Lowery: Instruct- mng the Cler A1 ask for a revised plan or the -ffydro Ilnre on the- Dar- !ngton Pnd Clarke boundary. The following bii were orderedi pai.d RoaId Voucher N.6 -- ----$0,855.57 -elief...................20.0 0 Mr.E. J.Rndîl 1Jl After (Care.................42.00--- R. H. W o od ...............12 . 0. f J. J, MelIo r ...............11.3 Countie' Teasuer Hosp- tal sa............ ......101 îLa'oLi Glass, sotigdog-, .0 Oro n(u Weekly Timnes, mni-- Lites.....................250 Win. Mitchell, !trimingi Gordion Martin, 1 sbeep kili- ed by dogs .... .. .........50 John cowan, 8 sheep killed Jas. 2 y,3sb eep ki!led' by 3,0 Clarenice J. Allia, 3 trips a Sv aluaer .... ................ kou chi.rge baelk relief..........----1681131 George Buttera, baulinig, brugifrom Town Hall-.-. '2.5 0 C'barity -for 1 child..........--5-00 Orono Park Bad dnation as per resýo!utioni.........- - 25.00 1510 ..Bro-wn - 'Lowery: ThIat, this Coulicil di>now adj 0ir n to meet agaia inr-the Couracil 'hamnýiber, Orono, oný Tuesday, A ?gt8.1948, at R9' ocloctk in tbe xmorningr for tbe itransaebion oA general busiess, -A nd PhiIp Store! Ort Sunday -break in VIse trit~ore s wamei. w il put tisamna t" oue irs tiroeaabout tIse uorthi ýn a' ntinseesiig thapolikce qutis eut 0',ie-wa. ifOw niaIl PolIlnt anti rgave cisase but wene uni- m-taike theise ing car. TIsa an turne t aiDeaai's corneri oHampton. IhislatIsai le-j they Vwent taO,,sh'awa,. [ng tise fcar license whichl 1 ýpraviously ýered, L Miss Marjorie Hale Is Bride 0f Alex. àMeNeil' At acreoypertormIed in Cal-! l'vary Ba'pis' hreiCb'onSaturday, afternocon, J-une 26(h, Vs Mroe Ruth fHale, on i dughter of Mýr. and nwr: arry 'Hale, becam-e th b,ride oif Alex. 'lVflNeil, son of Thomias Mc'Neil of 'obonaindthe laite MINrs. MoeNeil. Rev. J. F. Demp- ter ofFiciated. Wediding MUsC wau playedf by Miss Joyce Mýartin and A Miss Lm~eWoods' suaný. Givea in marrîrge by ber fatber, the bride was attended by àMiss Dorotby May, as naJid of honor, and N'Uiss Frances Cbarbonneau, Iiss 'Graue Harmer and 3Miss Lynn Mc- oeil as bridesmaids. lHamulton Proc- toi was the liest man. The usbers were Alex Martin, Lloy!' M artinan William Dicik For- ber marriage tbe bride wore- a gown of -wbite satin and -net, imade witb a satin bodice featuring a neti yoeand sweetbeart aeckine nt- liined 'witb. a ruflie of laýce, long dles that tapered Vo points omm tbe haa'ds, and fuW skirt of net over taffeta -wvith lace rpepluîi. Her veil was arranged frora a balo beaddre'ssi of pearls and she carried-a bouquet of Butterfly roses. Followvin.g a receptioin at the hom1e of thie bride's parents, tbe couple left jdom a 'wedding trip lby mnotor. Tra-ý 'vellin'g tbe bride wore a tLwo-piee dress of 'bInesik crepe, 'blune bat, and navy blue accessorie,. Mr anid 'Mrs. MYNeil wili reside in Ottawa. Guests from ,out of towni in'cluied Mr. and iMrs. Gordon iMai- tirî of Neweastle, and tbeir ebldr Jo,-yce, lec, Lloyd and Doris, 74r. Tîhom;i-as MeNeil nf Cob-ourg-, and Mr. an Ms. C. _Moore of Aylmner East. .Parade At Cobourg! More Étisai 10,000 ,Orangemuen were in 'Cchourg oiMoîa, July '12tis-for tisedsrc Orange walk, coming freinstise couaias cdNothusser lanid aid îDurbnami, sigVc tora, Ontnioanti Peterbornugis. The praide ,,as an boum anti cire haif pas'ing tise reviewing stad oni a thr7ee-nil'e route w1hicb entesti a tise Park, wisere atdrTesses wer given b!-y Ban Drape, M.P.; 'W. A. son, MP; Major John 'Foote, VC; Mns. E. w. MorantiRobent SmlalI, grrand m-aster of tise Grand Oag L oig f British - Annerica. Mayor Joea mii extentiedth Ie civie we- corne. pr7 wriii ogrwr Beast prize, Peterisoroilsgis Fife ntd i--ru Band ils 315; Ibert imen'slotiep ishwa9o. 2167; beaties' loIge, C7artwright; hast juvenile lotige, cf Cartwrigist; 2usd'pie Trenton Ju- [-s'nila Lotige. J uCLg e s were Frank Parkirsno, Col). Stuart Crai1g aid Russeil Manning. Federation 0f Agriculture Planning Picnic At Camp Site Tise DmasCounty Fetieration ofd Agriculture is' planning a pi.e1iC foi Sunday aftiernoon, July ISthI, 1948;. Is < is opedt tis ai al tise Directans andi famîilies ant a-ny Fatieration mieniber a1id -15cm fLamllies wiIl be on baud as early as poussie ih-tIse afVannoon. Duning tise afiernon tsae wH Ce Directors fayriiiar wýith thse pnopeyiyý to shiow visitons arounti anti expiain, tise setup. At 5 o'ciock we are sop ing tisat ah rn'i hve suppar ltege'ti- er, mter sibanaaa b iof tIse projeet ýwiil lie givrn anti a short re- llgiou's servicýe contiucted by the Rav. A. E. Eustace, BýA., of Onono. F'or the informnation of those liv-,ý ing wavst of Higisway 35, wearana passing tisis information eon. Tise 7tIs 'inea fcf Cante is urotcopn to tnnfficbt a route a <ssapped ouI ant imarkad Y fal¶ow tise 0th lna oie mnile south çof Kixihy, irectly east Vo Sopan's Ida road, tiss nntis ta tise 7tis lina, ther. eas)It Vo tIsa lbouii- dary. Tisera wil ha piaîty of, signas toj keep you on tisa ighioti 1 Bring your ovvi foodi and Mi1 up ypur- cars mith peaple wbo wiI be intanested i n tiis nais, iavelopuiant, !If X ,W 18th ~should e rain the Ûrono Bowling Green Officiai Openled monday The la'wn bowlers, hoth lieginners and expeniencedi, are sh'ow,,iag' thep_ keen interest in this grand old gaméIe at the Patrki. A well contested gme made up C>d players of hotlh ladie-s ýI nd gnlmn started off theplayý, on Moniday evennig. The playing green hcas ýbeau put into good Condition b Wmn. Watson wbo hbas agreed to '-ive it his cntn ued attention. Until s'uch t,.ime as i is decided Vo instai overbead ligbt- mng the playin'g- fee is' being lkept 1 owni to one dollar for the season.: T~he m-eilnberslhiip tickets' are avaii- abile at tbis price fmoïm the treasurer,ý Leroy Hamliltfn, wh42 bas been abl!e to locate a nunifher of good used iborwis at very reasonable prices about one thir-d the regular p-ice, ~ppoxmatlyfive dollars a pair. Thie g'reen la available for your useý 4q any ' limle ins tbe afternoon orý 1 Lvenin.g, anti ail are invited to join In tbJls ~ ~ ~ ' flesotIrl cai p some of your playing friends~ antarng a gamne aan-yong yourseivs.Th score 1'oard, chaIjk, mats and iacks,, are at tbe booth for your use at a.yi It is the -intentionî of the club to draw, up a snheduled contest among aH the mnemtberF; as so on a-sione 1-prase bas been iat.Prior to, thisa proposed sced'uie ýQntesit tisera xill be beld each IMoada, Wc sa ancd Il'riday aenng tarting ati seven ocooa playing d craw of nmis- ed teanis (ladies anid gentlmen1) for eaeh of thesa ev e iàna-s. T4hi ar- rangement gives averyone an equaîl chnance t o develop tbeir ganse before tIhe langer coatestgetsunder wy come out amn fjoy tbe fu 1. Conuty Livestock Judgiuig ConîpelitionWeil Mtended Tiirty-'-fourj. Junior Fammers took part in tisa Annual Judig-ing- Cme tition belti at Blacýkstock on Wdis day, June Sth wthtie -group coni- (lasas tivan tbreprevious cmai tiens) ani elevea Seniors. E. A. Summiers, Agricutural Re- presen-tative aid tise Junior Faý,rmairs aire v'ery moucis inddbîlted to the fel- iowing farmners wbo fmîseistecks for ts cemettin:Nal Malelis, IMurýray Bycrs, Sanford VapCamp11, Erniest Larinmr, anti Howard Fonder. Tisaeuties ere t-be Agricultural, Pounties, nam-jely: 'H. T. Fair, u taie; M. I. Wintar,Vitra F. C. Paterson, PeterIhoro-ugi;qljantassistî- anMs Dougl-as Miles, victoria anti-M. McRae, Pcearboreug-h ani Duia Following is- a sum-mary c.f tIse awards:-1 'Horss- Juniors: H-)oward Trewiný $2,00, Parle BroxvnS$1,530, 'Cisa"île Vina $1.,0 K~ennetbLa ,tllra 50r, Seniors, Mljerrill VanCamip.1 Dairy Cattie - Juniors, Judiths Harris 75c.,Ste-gýer $2,00 ", PRi ch ardo VaisCamp $1,50 Ronald Mititleto n anti Jamnes Harnis tieti 75c, Seniors, Donald Jese. Reef iCa-ttie -- Juniors, Dare Craîg, $2,ý00, -Milford White,$1,50), Keitis VanC£amp $1.00, 'Walter Tusk Seep--J-unîors: Bev. Gray $2',00, Ailan ýWamny $1.50, Alex Moffat $1-1 60,) Ronald Biokla 50,c. Seniors Hwarti Fonder aidStart Dornaîli tieti.i, b 'SWine- -Juniors: 'Orvile H- damai $2,00, Wiiflred Vine $1.50, Don,- Taylor $,0 Glenn Lammer 5NOc, Sen- ions, DltiMmil Resuits 0Of Herse Races At Cobouirg Monday, i'MY 121 Witbfiýne weather orerheati, anti wiitis a fast tracis, a lange nuisuber at- tentiedth ie hanse race-s liedalt ICO- bourg on Montiay, July t2tb, There wcra Vwanty-two Isorses an- tenadtihIe tismea' tiff aient races, with Vise contesta losely eounpeted, Tise- judtges wcre Ted 'Spenislay of Ton- onto, and 'Bert Reid î«f 'Orono; timer, Fred Slade, Ccbe-urg, u gnshiaet Red Cross Swimming Tests For Children End 0f Seaç Girls' Garden Clubs1 Ot Durham COUnty ýHome Economie.at, sise by MIssl LileBarbter of tise Woien's nsti tute staff bas ben îsDectig is gardens of tbe 30 Homne Gardeai i emuhers in Duxham Couaty. Thase c"lbs are sponsore i by theWo n' Lastitute B-raach, Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculure. Leaders of the tbree sýuc-essfuli clubs a, re Mrs: J. Hiltin, Mlbok Mrs. H. H1-ooey, R.R. ý2, Nsîtn anti Mns. Jeod, Hansptoa. Tuisegardens are ia good shape.1 Receat painis'bave couaiteracte(triatb !>ffect of carhier dýry weather. 1,Among the outstanding gardeas aire tho.se beloîg-ýing to Muriel Hni maýn anti Yol-aado Polais of tbe HumtnClub; Irenie Trick and Lois Gartiner of tne Millbrooch Club; Mar- jonce MeLean anti Mrs. Ivan Molunt- joy of tlie Blaeckstock Club. The followinig girls have tise neces- sary qualdification far entaing tise G7arden section at tise Petiirhoroughi Faim; Gwenidolyn Wilson, R. R. 2 Nastleton; A!Ima âGrabans, R. R.8T Burlketon; 1Betty Falliîs4 ltM1iilbrook; Irena Trîik, Milltbrook. A fr11 Acbýieveinint Day will wiîdi uptis gantien project for tise yean. CG WAN VILLE sMr. and Mrs. Sid HalIowelî and family attend'ed the clbainin Coïïout'g onM~n ýMr. WVaddingtoa, of Tor'onto', bas purcbas;ed the lot on Hei 4t-h inre,I form-erly owned by V1r. Richard Fos-' ter and ia buiildi*ng ahbouse. Mr.and Mis. Bob, Hancock were hosta t, o about feorty offtheir iie diate relatives at a picnic on, Jul'y lst 1, o0onto, Lesde Orn nt Nexcastle were rerpresen!ted at the Servîce at Clarke next Sunday, JuL;y lsth, will take the form of nea picnic t li eld at the crepk liy Per- rini's bide.Service at 3.3f; p.m1., follovwed Zby pci supper. Everyone welcme. ringalong your lunch andÎ enj:oy this pîIenie serviceý. Conraultinsto Ruth Mlerrill and SirleyvQuantrili on-qpa-SSi4ng their entrance exams, ShirlIey oh- late our teucheî, Misýs Joan Harnaess on barig i p-upils 'în al-,gradesj The -W. A. met at 'Mrs;. Sid Hallo- el's on We in-esday ý,,afternoonr, The pesidecnt, Mrs,. Robert Hlancoek, Thie supervision of organized sport att the Orono Park bas now -been in op)eration for nearly two wees n- dem tb-e capiaie bands cof Mn. Pisil S'amuis. ,1Tis Orono Athletic Association are w,,el pleased witistisa tumnout 'À cisiltiren, ýbot-h in tIse morning aindJ a ft ern ooîn, The streets of Orono (a ve 5a deserteti by tise youngm foliks who have tumniedti us5ig tIse Park'anti they finti that tIse por beingprovideti gives theia Wi1de s op e o4sports. ýSo that the boys and girls, would not fee qiteo mis acL?,s Vhoug-h thay were a'ttending school, 't 1bai bean decîied at present not, to rmn on a timned schiedule. Thse mornings are now devoted to plaýying of group games. Tbese g1ames are the ohoice of tise ciildren ipresent 'at ths tyie Tisa afteraoons are devoted to swim - mnin g. AUl boys and girls of Cýa rkeý Township who are of sebool age araý Jwelcomre to atýtend. Comm.1-encing- on Monday, thse 191th of Ju'ly ' thera' wilI Ibe a swim-msg peniod fore sir.Tbe younr-e g-roup~ of ten yams aid under wïl-I consiiepice at 2.00 p.m,., andti iose oven teni years at 2.380. Thare mat haehide of youager cge wbi would'like b 'leairri, but ut is feit thea tooj much elindividuai attention 1 Would, harequi rei. -The Orono Red :Cross isoeiety has very kindfy offeretilta rrn to baýve boys ai'dg-irls testeti aI thaeîdný !cdý the- season la their swimnsiugl, ac- e ordinl-gtoth ie RetCross standards, and badtges 'iII lie given to thoseý 1fÇ liketo tK- this, opportunity or thanIl- gail whô ?,heiped make thie isfports da1,y 0onJuvil 1st an obitstand- mgil sucs and Paýrticulairly imenil- tionMesrs. illRiddll nd Bihl Ruthfrtd for arnigth-e dne 01ur appreci'a-ion gesalso to Mrs. HTarry Rowe for a donat'ion of two) dlasforpagondsersin opened the miieetinig with tne hya, "Taýke Tin-e to lbeie (H)oy", floe b ly prayer, Scripture racIn'g y lrs, J. J. W. String'er. Ladies plannfed to) h.ave an ice cream isýciial nJTuly 21s4; at Clairke Cuc. Th e oow progammewas given; duet ÈyDar- een, Langstaffe and 'Shirleyv Farrow;, hry Doreen Lag -aleiuet -",y Bar- iara andJohn Ptero.A lower vont at as uton Iby Mrs. Hlo wland-On ilby r.Rev. Patter- son. The eetngclosed -with th3 beniediýction. A lovely lunimch sse- vedl to ter. ladies and tepn ei~ and Re.Patterson. Orono Girls Victors In First Game 0f Semi-Fir Tise Oro-no irssoflib'ýaîll tsans tniumlpisa in tis-e firai gansie of tise sem,.fi a aainat Newcastle. Mon- dàay, July 12, saw Onono anti New- castle desperately try ;to oust oie anotiser from tise finals in oie of tise mosi exciting balil gamfes. eîmr piayat betwaen tisa two tau ti year.ý Tise Orono gils ene h is ixseard whieb cred',tedi them a ge Ito- wartis tiafaa2tin, Newasla Tise Lattery -for Qroino conaisiti of M. -McKenna, ca.tcher, J. Cooper pit- cher for S innirigs, tisai E. Ten- naît; whila for Newoastîle, M,.8sis as catcher anti D. Emlily pitcher. h wa a saveu innïiags game 'witis Onono coüing ceut on tisa long cvunt of 15 uas- to 12 for New'castle,- Botis teama stanteti off stnong in tisa fir.at jïinings. Onono scoriet fourl rnus by A. Staples, L. D an, ,5 an nait anti1). West, wbila Nawcastla retaîivted wvith three hy V. Gray, E. Bonatisan antiH. Farrow. Naircas-1 Vie bois tisel-aid in tIse second wbcni Vlr-y belti Orbino scorclesa anti 1sconat two rns thaimsselvas, V. Gray and E. Bonathan. 'Not to be outdonac, O rone Iselti lNewcastIe scoraless in thef fountis anti fiftisinisneitiser tea ware 'able tb score. AÉtThe beginniig cf tise sixtis, concises of iboth teams ýcj,, matching 'wits by tais3g al p0 -1 'ibiaPportupljbl 4Iowin tise gai, ~aBo. m,-reisureasiniiy giviug vice anti makiig changes. TIý aogwith tise gî*ifla dotermsitio matie tisaganseone of extrea e Sien. NewýCasI'te wnt inlo Vise le in tiesixtis wisen tiscy acoret i f nuis by rV. Gnay. , E. Boatis&is HIentiry, I. Roganrson aid S. Payr brnnng ise scone i7p tal'0 to 9f NesiVcasile. 'Orüo, e - an -eltiscor leaýs in tise sixtis, Newcastle seo ati Vwo rns'in tise 5'evanths to -brL tiscir total ta 12- ruais. QrGno i an tisa pressura -wiVisa ,-IxËh naily in tIse sevausth and fisai-j nlinea te- baisatisa gane 'Isy 15 r.-a te 12 WWîît the ilq-, . i,44-