A Deliclocus1 CoolDrink Directis: Make tea exacly as usal ý. While stili hot pour intio glàsses fildwih cracked ice Add sugar and lemnon fo faste £ JA CKSON*CO LE Synopsis Chapter XLVIIIL Ellen orders Bar- t fi ro er home but wheu he re- fuss fIlave she goes for the Chlapter XLIX For baîf a minute Bartie stood paralyzed. Wýeber was due soon, Suppose the girl arrived witb Sher- iff Lande white he and Weberwere tbreshing thinga out? Lande would be interested in kuowing wby figbt- fisted Rusa Bartie was wiiling to pa -v ,iuch for the capture of El CIaalero Rojo. He glared at Max- "if she rides away from this farmi, 'il-" He snatcbed bis gun, 1 That's enougli, Bartie!" Maxon P'-poseful1y he walked toward the table where, in a drawer, he liad put the six-gun be had wiench- cd nt of Clark Weber's band. Bartie fluug open the door as -a borse filashed by. He leveled bis gun s-lowly, murder in bis' heart. "Drop it!" Maxon commanded. Bartie wb-Ieeled, 'fired uat Maxon Che t Yax,,on floundered back- ward.But efore be foppled be sbiot twice. The shots kicked white puoffs frcn the plaster wali over the lauon crashoulder. Copeeypanscked, Bartie dasb- ýd for tbe Jbarui. No amount of real estate nior millions iu a bank could- have beld iiii n that bouse anothet minute. All hie asked of life noY was a swift horse! A great shado-x; felI on the barn doo,.r as be, tugged ut if. A cry cameli fromn the banker's' dry lips. He tried to tomr around. Lik e a haulgmnan's biond-a daric velvet cape settle2d over is.,bead. A imuscuilar armi crooked around is,;ueck apcd beld bim baîf stifi il wbile anlother biaud suatcbed away bis gun. As suddenly 'as it had fat- lan upon irni the cape was pulled away Hewbîrled in convulsive fer- * ror to see the- same velvet tigbt aronund 11tba lithe body of the red- hecaded CabIallero Rojo. "Bckinto the bo use," El Cab- allero Ro0jo commanded liartle. "Movl W'll find ontut that ahooting i bieard was ab)out." "If wvas a fair fîgbtl" Bartle crme."He fied-" "So will. 1, if 11ou don'f 5f art for that bhouse." A carnny look cameinto aD j' * eyeýs as hiope kindled. "The gài's gonie for Sbe,ýriff Lande! Youi're rîsk-ing yonr lih-f3 bre." The man in the scarlet mask nmer- ely shrugged. "Tha sberiff rigbt come,lbe aid. "If you'rant a humr. But I doubt if bie'll bave mùcb to do after I leave hera . Get goiug." Inside the kitchen, tbe first tbing Michael Valdez saw was the bieed- ing man on the floor, and, bis cyes above the scarlet neckercbief ha-' came slita of veuom. "Fair figbt," lie squeezed betweeu bis teetb. "You, a Westerner who cnt bis teeth ou the butt of au old Colt. Aud prnbably tbeonue this Easterner shot with was bis fîrst six-gun." He prodded Barfie witb bis own gun. "He's till breaithing," bie growled. "'Briug bim ont of that sleep. Prouto! I wuut a wituess t0 what l'in goiug to say." Burtie started for the watar bucket, bauds trernbliug, kueea weak. "That mediciue cbest in the wull," auapped the man in the cabaliero clotbiug. The laudowuvem dazedly swuug open the small door. Wby, hae tbougbt furiously, did't Weber corne? Or the sheriff? Why didn't somiebody come? Michael Valdez uiudged Bartle'à tbigb witb a bont as the bauker beut over the wouuded mau with a medicine boffle. Maxon gave n igu of returniug couseinusulesa. "'Get op, Partiel" the red rnusked man growled. "I bate to leave the boy that way, but this place is nt the healtbiest resort I kuow of-for me.". The landowner wou'dered if now by sanme miracle bie wus ta gain a respite. El Caballero Rojo',s voire seened tea bave bast its sting. He got up, boping - unt il a beavy ledger was slamimed ou the tAble. He watched witb PnPPiug'eyes as papers follow- ed, the book and bis owu six-gun served as a -paper weigbî. El Ci.ballero Rojo opeued the ledgem. His finger toucbed the eutry that read: Steve Ransom - deceased. He glarad-at Partie over bis mask. "Well?" bie demande&. 'Beefmen killed Stevel" Bartle jittered. "His wife sold me tbe place a4ter thaf. There's notbiug wroug in-" 'The Aldman boy on Don Aftaro'a, Cross. His father dead beside the buruing shed.. Beefmen did that?" His eyes, flery above the scarlet silk, bored juto Burtîe's like gim- let s. Then witb a motion hoth smooth and 'Swif t, bis bauds shift- ed. A borsasboja clanged on the zinc- topped table, His jaws were rigid- ly set. - "'Yours ?" "Nol" "Ynu're a liar!1" "That shoe was ýneer-" "Made f0 bang on the hori- zontal baam of Don Attero's Cross, eh? As tobacco stalk bung with youug Sam Aldman? Maybe not. But thera, is where it will bang. Witb you taking that boy's place!" Bartle's- blond froza. Ris face was .papar-wbite. Yon would't kili an innocent man?" hie cried. "You can't prove anythiug againat me. Yuý "Prove, eh ?" The masked ian's short latigh was flot p1casant. «I niead ino more proof than I already bave. Legal proof maan.s notbiug fo a mnan oufside the law. I arn out- side the law-and you put me thera 1" Ruas Bartle looked up, startiad. Thsfal(ow, ha tbnughf muaýt be "put you the e 1" a sammraid. (To be contirfued) "DEAR ANNE H1IRST:. Why are you sý againaf, young marriages?ý I marriad wben I was t6, and have4 been veryba t'pulymarried foýr 25 years. 1I have( a daugbfer a111d a son, botb grown, and nw grundchild. "True, we had our ups and- d n w n s, b o t aeemed r0 comae out on top of ail these situations. I helieve today we are biappie-r than ever hefore. "I .realize that 25 years ago a girl was much more ,matured at 16 than foday, but there are att1! pleuty, of tbem ready for mur- niage. I kuow of se, mauy wornen wbo married young and are still bappy, as againat a few who waif- ed longer and are uow divorced or separdited. From my experience, it seems the more experienre a girl bas hefore marriage the more iu- depeudent she becomes, and the barder if is fbr ber f0 adjuat ber- self f0 circomstaures. "What's Your Answer?" "TO DAY AT 42, I am still 'youugý annougb for rny husband ànd My childreu to- ha proud of me. And isn't that the goal of avery wn- man-to be youung wifh ber family? So'mauy friands bave told me bow t hey, envy me! So I, for onue, arn happy and fbaukful that I wus fortunuta euoug,,h tf0 flud tbe riglit onue anyouug. "I will be wtcbing for your re- action.- ANXIOUS" *YOU PUT. your flugar ou the *trutb wben you say you "fouud *the rigt onue" an young. If is *difficult. for the rigt onue for * er. Tbe boy is nsually only a *yeur or so, nîder, and as most *boys mature later than girls ha *seems tf0 bceaven lessauble to *kuow wbetbar be will still love *the girl is, aven 10 yaars. Ouly *receutly bave I priuted letters *f rom scver'al Young wives who, * aveu a year affer marriage. con- *fes thcy don't love their bus- *bauds! *THROUGH MY 20 years of ex- *perieuce in reading letters., and *from my observations nf teen- *agers al around me, I hav c on- *cluded 'if is far safer for a girl *of 15 or 16 fa kno more boys, *than onue. Ofberwisa, how caus * she judga whether she is really * is love, or only infatuated witb " ber firat experieuce?, B etween 'the Lines *AND A FEVV years in the busi- *nuss worîd is pricelesa f a girl, *as ant opporfuuify f0; view the l *male lu bis workada-y environs. *She learmus sornetbinig of bis *viewpoint onu marriage, aud ou *women i geucral, and the disci- *pline she experieuces is excel- *lent training fcr the practical * ide of muarried life. *OF COURSE I hava leamned to *read tbetwceen the, fues by this *tîrna. And a young girl reveals * erself in ber letter more than *she kuows. Inu tbis vay it is *o uidifficuit tf0judge hnow mu- *ture abe is, how r'eady (o n) *to assume the aposbhiisof * rnrried hf e. You are very,. very-ý fortunate, and 1 congrufulate yoixu - It's 'baffer tf0 he sure th1an unr-- ry. If ycsu tbink yor arin lova af 16, dn't be-fai t ýait a yaar or two 0 arrdi( e ertin 'Aune, Himat will fe you hy if you writ1ber t 1123-18111 Street, New Iruo Can Start Rain .Or Stop 1t.1 Oua of 'the many "rain-makers", amateur and professional, scatterad tbmougbout the world is Donald diffamnf rm f q-1e oit hsha "VWe'com-e to Canada !" says Hion. Jlames A. Mcinn ie and 1Resouriices ýMini;ster-, as lhe gr(eets six-year-old cFrce McMoiglmoe of 40 imgatet arrive at Motreual ir-. port on the initial Norith Star figh uder fthe Can'adian ,Gov,- ernment Air Charter plan.Frne seemed very happy ta be in Canada. She continued ad thie TCA Northi Star t Toronto where she wilI live wit1h her grandparents. OtLher passengers were delightd to be here, too, and for many It meant a happy rennion with relatives and friends-. Ail were înýtigued' by the scarlet tunics of the "Moninties". Hlou; Can 1? Dy Anne Ashlay * .How can 1 make a tissue face cream? A. A gond tissue builder is mrade of two onces each of cocca butter, lanolin, and almond oil, or olive oul: add a few drops of cologne. Apply to the skin af tez using hot toweis.' QHow CauYremove eisewissg gum fmom the mohair upholstery a chair? A. Try ramo-ving witb turpcutine. Or, if can ha f-ozen. witb a piece of ice and thon -,scmapad, off with a sharp knif a A. By midngonaquart of boilad linzced cil, three gif l ofturpieýtirsc, six tablespoons cfri aw umber, sud six tablaspoons of witing. Q.[-Iow can 1i easily remove Iti, skin of tomatots? A.. Pricir holes in thse bottom of a tomafo witlT >. large forir and hold it over a flame- 'This wiIl cause thre skin ta crack, andi ifrau ha peamedý readily, without waiting 'for water fo bail. lzatterii 4,'75 gasly fouce i f flirt witb ha hemîýjua of tha swishl skitedlleia rs! T op drae ss off with la scarFïtuckcd l imbyii", Pattemu 4675, sizea 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Size 165, frockl, 4'/ys.3" i. petticoat scarf, 25 ' yds Seud TW'ENIýTY-FIVE CENTS (25c) iicis(t ps.cu;mnuot ha aecepfed) Ifor thIis;pattemu f0 B jox 1, 123I8t S., ewTormnt. Plit pl8nyS T 'LIM71DRES yRv.R. Barclay Warren Nuoni, Woman 0f Faith Ruth 1:16-18; 2:20; 4:14-171 Golden Text:-Thy people ahalha my people, and tby God my Gnd- Ruth IL16. The historyof tise period of th,- Judges in Israal îis nue of[aeu backýsIliig followed by' ppresio trom neighbouring peoples. Thacn thefz peoplIe lu thir' sorry plighte woulid rail on God and Hae oi iaisa up a daivarer whn oul iaad Isruel f0 vitory and hecom-Ie thecir judge. After a tirne thay wouild forget God's gooduessanad agafin reve(rt f0 the sins of their uieighi- ho ors, Tie atomy of Ruths is a m-oaýfde îightful episoda. But i:11 du' fesson our attenti'on is; focuisaed on Ruth's mofher-în,-law, Nanrni. Shec with lier two sons bad (1leftBeha hem Judah in a fiime of fain!e aid- gona f0 the land of Moab. The anus married two ynung wornlan nf Mouh), Orpab and Ruth. Affer- fan yeams the men diad and Nuorni de- cide-d f0 retumo bo ber home country. Routi insisted on accompuuying bar, saying: "Intreat me nof f0 ieave thea, or f0 return fmom following affer thea: for wbitbar thon goeat, I wVill go:. and where thon lodgast, i wifll lodge: thy peopla shal ha my people, and uhy God my God." Noiarr-ivýed 1home1disappoiutied. To bier frieuds shac said, "Caîl lme nof Nuomii; (plau,-sajt'), raIl meMur (bitter): for the ýAlmiighlty baith deýaktvery bitferly with iei".Bu tha gooduaess of GcI od onu becarnle mauifasf. 9Rotis, gleainig iii tis fields of Poaz, a knmnofNoni brunie bis wifa. A chïld was ý,;bain wbosa grandson was gthe usti KingDavid. Jeans, tors was a des- cendant of this young womnan from Moab. Naonîi's compluint was gone and as graudmother sha bacamne nurse f0 the c-hild. The love which Ruth bore ber mnther-in-law was appar- ent f0 the, neighbours and is an aýx- ample for us to-day. A buge ammoufu refrigerating plant is beiug manufactured for China by au Australian compsny. Anyo ne wis/zi, a mnore complete anal ysîs please seid selJ1-addressed. stamped envelope ta Alex S. Arnoi, 123, 181A Street. NuToroitto 14 Modern Etiquette By Rob)"erta Lee Q. 18 italgt for a girl to wcar her engagemeiit !)-ringý belore the en- gagement bas bbeen publicly an- nounced? A. It would be ail right if she is ini the privac-y of ber home, when there are wo gueýsta, but she 91houl4 flot wear ît fa public until the en-~ gagemelýnt has beeni announced. Q. a i prperto drink Q sommIle froml a cup or f0 Usez4 spoonl? A. The- firat few sips may b taken with theý spooGn. One miayt cotiniue to uxse the spoon or may lift the cup t-) the mouth. Q. ý Wba lath best acknowledg- metto àïl introduLction?' A. The siLea31-t and'always cor- rect tinig to say is, "How do you do." "I arn very glad fo meet you,u,ý or, "I arn delighted to meet you»' may also be used. ISever say 'Pleased to meet you.,j" Qufcî Sor tchng t ssect bites, heat rasI4 eceea, tnd s imls cales, scabies, athietes, UsErqucký-acting, soothing. antiseptic o. ýD. Pi ECIPTION, Greaseless, étainfess. ltclb stops or yoiur money back., Voir drtugW qtocks 0 D 0, PECITO OGES INDIGESTION WALLOP YOD BELOIR TE BEIT? flelp Tour fZrottesc ,z"rFor Tise Kind 0f Relief Tisai lielps Màke Yte sRarWs'Te ce More thfan hit e o your digeation is dow- below the bi nyour 28 teet of Iswels. So whsninigstonstrskes. cry sosnetbin tisaS he'lpa digstion ,ie stomoseb AN below thse bas. Wbhat youuïsy vsd hCarters Little LÎvo pfllaSe0 i.i needed help Su Shat "f orgotteo 28 f'teeS"of oea TakL e na,arer's ittie Lives pif] beforg sud oe e iter mas Take them aeeording te direetions. They ihelp ake up a larger flow oft he 3 mair, digestive fie in yourstonseb A1ND bowels -help you digest what voms ha". eaten in auesowr, way. l'hen inesS folk,, get tiàe kind of relief tiss aesyeu feel better frocs your head to your toes. Just be sure -yoo get tise genuine Carter', Little Liver Pille fro- -vrdnrit3 Wool - lnes- ool SA VE COMý,,!MISSI ONS, ETC., HAVE YO UR RA W SHEEP W/OOL MADE INTO LWFETIME Bý1LANKETS Car RobLes, Cloth, Yarns, Batta, etc. Or if you have Old Woollens w will1 remrake tem nto Hard Waaring Blankets at a surpris'-ingly lw cs. Wite for New Price List. Tos uda ISa îs'fîedc(ý ustorneï r is oatto toastý BRANIDONWOLEMLLC9 BRANDON, Maýnitoba Aftdvance Notes From the "Ex.", Girls , Maire an Apron and ~1s$10.00. Ion as you're undaýr 13 you ara eligible f0 enter but your entry must ha in by Aug. 16, Yomieau ake the apron with or witfbout a b!ib and it miust ha the kmnd f0 t lasýt thmough wasbings as wail as ha attractive f0 look ut. Anid that is nof ahl - you cu asoh a modal on judgiug day! Ye-s, Al thosa who enter the bous;e cdreas and apmon compati- fions thiis year miuaf model thair baniwork as weclll Judging is fo ta k oplace 2.30 tlica affenooinic Aug'. 3,Eeygrlwoefr an aýrn ill hDpovided îf ani admifncta11 Cticket f0 the grounidsauud ae1ýrtained at a m1eul. Frirat piia$10, second, $.0,third prize- $8,'and fourthe, $1'7. e youir entry in foday by wrLf.iug Mrs. Kt Aifkau, Cana- dian National xiiioTrn f0, tnt a p 'rize 1sf.i