RI 1sCo. Our complete faeilities enable us to attend to every need in f uneral service . . . and to do so a-.t moderate costs. Chapel CipeeyAir-Conditionied INSUIL-DRIC SIDINO OnIy B. P. Insuil-Brie Siding hais thes--e EXCLUSIVE FE ATURES *This is the only Insulated Siding that is completely surfaced w"ith tough, continueuzs Cap Sheet. *It is the mily Insuiated Siding wi;th a Meta! enfre Corner We have fifty squares nt the old priceq à- per square..... .... Roofing-, 35 lbs.....$2.25 45 lbs. $2,75 .55 lbs....$3.25 Shingles, 210 lbs. ... ..... .....$77 Tarred Feit, per rol..........$3.50 Farnhlng Needa iAmeican 2 1-2, 3 and 4 inch Wire Nails, lb...20e 50 Spools 4 x 6, 80 rods, Barb Wire.....$5.75 800 rods 842, No. 9 Fence, rod........79e~ Plynmouth Red Top Binder Twine, 50 lb bdle $12.75 jExtra Special Motor OH, per gallon......... $1.00 LUVINN HARDWARE Phone 66 r 1 - ORONO KINO RUG KILLER FOR QUILCK AND) SURE INSECTICIDE Sneecialinl 10 - 20 - 50flb bags D er cent D.-D.T. in 10 and 20 ilb bags (Oronlo anld vicinlity) RARRY RAILEY Phone 87-16 - - - Orono DeFore You Build Se e ADAMS LUMBER COMPANY Clarke 1213A - NEWCASTLE- Clarke 1213A We have complete supplies for house and fa'rm building ,1Rie- n.r n - i,+ - Tirihai. adof ,ll kigk, (P('- Ontailo and E ehoose f roi [!WESLEY VILLE tThere was nocuw)sriea ,)r.Ok was af7t-eOLake ap Mis Hlelen inse pn usa 1 IeTan Mrs. Don oeinndfa- y. of Tonto, spnt a Jfe w day Marie Atin on Fidy wb cae-!, briiat e her 5th hirthdy;. Mrs. Bruce Dinner, Buce nd Ka Lnsý pentSunday ý,with Mesr>. Charies Snell. Messrs. Don1 Corby-, of Toronito, and aroi an Arnid ustÀin spenit Sunday at Treenton, Mrs. Reg B'ee, cf Port 'Hope, and ber couisin Me. Eddie Peters, cf New York, spenit Sunday wîth Mr. oand Mrs. Edgar Broco.h Missý Dolores Dic-kerson, cf Cam-- beliford, spent thie week-end -with ber parents, Mr. and' Mes. Jack Ditkerson. (Mr. and 3Mes. Percy Sne, .Mes. Ken Dinner, Barbpra Anis idRo)is- nie inotoeed to Buri'ington wbeee a famiiy picnic was heid. Mrs. Arnoid Th'orndyke, Sha-ýron Alin and, Carol spent -Sunday after- noon -wiith Mr. and Mes, eCa of Welcemne. Sundlay Sehool wns b eid at, 10.00 with an atnac of thiety. Owing- to th-e as r~ f Mes. C. Pyethse Seior Gils-Cl a d a 2ene-rai dicsso .f tbe text, Amoffng Su-ndayt visitors -ihMr. and iMrs- C. Payýne were, Mr. fes ,Beaný and bis daughter, 'Mrs.Bi Hrealse'l of Toledo, Oblo, M.anld Mes. W. A. Mýeadows and Ms T. Odhrmi of Port Hope. and 0Miss' Paul- inne Peters of Morrisis. On Wedne'sd<ay evenin.g the Wo- men's Association held1 a garden party on the cb;urc4h laavn. The fisb pond, sewing table, talent table, and ice cream bootb 'were aIl a great suec- cesas. This was folilowed lby a pro- a--ram held in the chu,ýrch -with s'or-ne -f the ladieýs" of Newtý.n'vi!'1e very ~bvpre,nting ýtheir brnorous play 'After lie Chueeb Supiper". MJusie 'vasneovdedby 3Mrs. 'Careoili Nicis- cil. MsesMuriel. Austin and Elsa Schwaez.Me-,sses Cec!il White of Port 1Hýee a.nd Murray Payne: Af- tee1 tùhis a-ilunchwa srvdintHe STARK VILLE MisDolore's Falls, of Toronto, is 'iiig Mes. Orme Fails. Mlr. and IMes. Arthur Gibson-, of Nemwcastle, visited on iSunday wuithi M1Vr. and Mrs. aroid Soucb- Miss iMairilyn LoweveyToronto[, s SPending holidays ýwitb b'1era1unt, Mes. A. Dobson. )Mr. and ýMrs. Don Stap:eton- and BahrNewtonv0iiie, spent Sundaiy withi Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Todd. Miss Caroline Frielander, -Ne- eastie, is holidaying wi*th iMrs. CatrI Todd. MisClara iHearn, o' Toronrto, is son~ga few wek witb e sisý- tee, Mes. T. Fnlis. M.and Mrs. Russe! Savery anid Betty, witb Mr. and (Mrs.Mlrw of Elizabethviile, Me. andi Mrs. Stan F-,ils and fm iiy 'spent th-e week-end *ih r and< Mrs. Thos.Fali and atLew Haliowel's.% Dr. and Mes. Tbompson, of Cal-1 gary, Mr. and -Mes. HIa th erly,, ofl Winnipeg, visited iMr, and Ms. Lorne Todd. Misses iLouise and Eleanor Crum,- back, Oshawa, . Miss idy c Lîmea,, Miss Louise ;Cowan, Mrs. G.ý Henry and 'Me. Claude Henry. of Toronto, with Miss NormaHalo well. BUTTER PRODUCTION IN JUNE SLIGHTLY HIGIIER Production of- ceeamery butter iný Ontario during June shows an -in- crease of 4.4% ever June, 1947, but the cumulative output for the first haif of the year is, stil',38%les than un thie sanie period of las't year. Creaneresreported tTesheir imake of creamnery butter r June 1j948, at 11,1124,200 pouinds as again 10,560,- Mou J g Ual u1A4~\~ . ~J _ astern Canada), MtrEupe Nort ),Nails, Sash, Dooir and Fue Lime, (Hardwall, Finish- ,oocl Flooring, Masonlite, o KINDNESS Equipped t. ta ZlspIIaIl and Cedar Shin- graea sand Trim, Plywyooéls,j A sftateme,nt oni behif of the gov- ernment, he sa-,] aidcnoit be 1m11de n tii officiail oifctinof the resuitu has ,been cThisn a.e,,,his ma be in a few days, Whiie on a pecntg asils the vote was not vew lm inýg, ani totalbaloing sows. flthe City of t.Joins tslfis, exciudeo, t he vo t e iS o)verwhjelmrýinly n wf', prbby oethan 70) perent Eligitee ofthe went-fiejeectoral distriCts vtedfor confederationi. '1his wou]d mea amos;t certain- Iy )that if agoenet were eieetedl it wouldtake eariy actotýomove looconfederation ith aniiunmii;7- te:kabIe r ,mnate. The Ci(t y Of St.* John's itself gave a miajnrity for re- sponsifile governuiment buit the vote for confederýation, wassusatay increased, ý Perhaps mnore im -,p or tanii:t than these factors arýe repo)crts reaching Ottawa that !mor)e than ihaif ci the les clers in thierepnblgvr- ment campaign- have intiimated tùheîr W jllingness te c-prt nbign the change. Thegoermet s n fluenced by the fac-t that these who fought for hofdrto ake the at- titudethat andawouldhe beak ing faitb if it did no ..Ipinntthe offer given t'he Nwonln ee g'aton li-s't yeair. 000O poun's in June 194-'7. For thle first six months peoductiOn now to- tais, 35,6S5,4(0 ou Ids, as gainst 36,9108,700 pounds in the ï,rst six, months of 19417. Butter productior~ for Durpham 'County for the fir-st six mninth of 1947, was 4S~4 b,and 41154,428 lbs, for the flrst six tnlonths oýf198 -a decrease of 31,817 pounds. For June, 1947, creamiery butterprÙ- ,tion for Durham aras ,320pouLnds, and in June 1948, 145,144, a decrease of 8,176 over the cerrespo)nding7 per- iod of iast year, IExper-ts cof býAerfrom 'Canada dur- ing thýe past tweotve i'nnthe diop- ped from 4,96,900pounds to221- -litaê Ablac thcutt and Smith i»I Directo*rnAand Furniture Dealera SERVICE k.cajre e f ie Bmdet funeral aai the mat bic charge ne well am thle argeat azue Suit Cases just arrived, priced .....,2.79 to $3.2 Leather Teeny, Animais for ehiidren, eac.h .. Large Sand Pails wvith Shovels, cmlt . White Bead Earrings, palir ..~..... . 49cv Lde'Broadcloth sport Blouses, shot leeves, colrspikblue, ylogreeni, white, sizes 14 to 20, each ........... 19 Extension Cord, 6 feet -with 3 Oute-ts, comnplete 75c Brass Socket, push. through style ....39c Skeleton Key"s,2I styles, 2 for 5 C .Ladies' W-hi te Purses, clearing price ....79cý Store Closed Ail Day Morda y, August 2ndA Civic Holiday Gý'ROCERY FEATIJRES Swan,ýiswiýgs (Cream Chee-se infnc fruit juicýe tumier), lavrspinleapple, pim-ento, rýelishY roka and creamn, tumblers . .. .25e Nippy OId Cheese. SPECIAL, l P5 ... 50eSO Pinieapple iMarmalade, 12 -oz jar 26c FnyApple Sauce, *20 oz tin-s, 29 fori, .....33c Crabapple Jellyv, large ,24 oz, jars . . . . .. , . . . 32) I i ~ Libb)y's Spaghetti, 15 oz(ins 2 tins for........9 SPos1t's Bran Flakes, large 14 -- ~ OZ PKg ............2 Fehies Beverage, flavors of 7 Orange, Lemon, Lime, pkg 5c Daly's Orange -Pe-koe Tea, 1-2 -lb pkg. .. . 5,c Chioridàe of Lim-e, deodorizes, dJisinfectls, ble-ach- es, pkg for .................1c 4515e o#PCzOX pst& BRAN Fencing ~Telephone : Office -668 -Rudec:523 COtJRTESY FencingZ--