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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Aug 1948, p. 3

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Sometîmeagospeaing of a tsibeunobeeNewfound- ,n i .dCndPrimle Minite «Jaý-cKeîîzi King saidtl tat, in or- der for suich a thling7 to su1cceedI, tueý peopl e ofNwfudan wuid !have 10 approve of the union "cerY an eodthe osiityofa But this àsjust wheAteNew- founianersfailed to do lî th balltin whch ookPlace late ýin July. Th'le-vote, ilu rounld figures- ~"---- ShWtd75,000 iii favýor of Confe- *ratdon as against 70,000 for Re- Thusll, if the proposed Union goes- throuh-as it seems at thsiesrtng, almost certain lto do -it Wil11appear w bc agaistthewishes of almost 49 per cet of the people of Nem- foudlnd-nd as one editorialI writer puts it, "hie sceed of future dis content mighit be soWn if a larg SpumbiIer of NeWvfoiundlanderS Couild laim, Withi any justice, thiat they were hurried or raflroaded into in View of this the que,-stion now arises as to whiethier Canaida shilould take the view that the recent voteý DID NOT express NeWfound!id's VU %"cearly and beyond te possi- btiliiy ofmsudstdig" Ts is nût necessarily so, for il laalmost rcrtain thiat miany who výoted for Respnsib)le Goveýrumenlt re-garded it as a frst step toward union., They thinkl that a NWonin with its own Legisiatuire and Giov- ernmeit nt WOld be Ïlu a position ta b)argatin for better termai than Canr- ada has yet off ered; and it lu- possible-even probabe-thnat lu, their hecarts as iany as two-thirdm2 àf ,the isianders reaily desire unioni. Itit l imost certain that unïion beîw',een Canada and NWonln will conne sooner or later, and that whien it does, moast Caniadians wl welcomne it. But eventa of thec past pW years lu Eunrope and else-whert cle-arly shloW that it la far too s-eriouqa x-a mater for the uise of anyth;eng qveni approaching "high pressure0' methodo.. Most of us thinic it would bca fine thî,ing, for both aIdes, if fudadshold b Iecoml:e Cati- * enth Pr-ovice-but 0o11Y if Oaso xwillingly, and 7 Wtlh te oiistakaleand wide.-spremada- ,woal of the island(er-s. Great Britain Most of the lnew'a comng outo P'ritaini re-cenly con cerned th-e ý)3,lympc Games or the Gua Lean-îý vich-Freddie Milîs prèze flght and Miatters of sÎjiilar imiport, So an cm Went almost unnoiced teil \,.i ng that the British Goverumiient at long last had been-ý able to can1cel the ratýdiing of brecad, Firsî imposed back lui 19416, bread rationing seemned likeýc, the last ittaW vto a people WhO ad unlder- gne o nmany hardships and priva.>% tions durng the =wayarsand ho bad been smoig forWardtoan *asier timiead a greater abuindance of the good things of 1lfe, as soon as peace cam~e, But i4 was not to be-and for a tîme bread rationing was strictly Mnoc d, advas the meanls of s5aving counitlese bushis of hadiy- needed and hrdt -twheat. MorecentlüIIy supplies lhave be- me more pQUAnI M ad Mout housewives have been able to buy xtabread wv'ithouit theluse of Ithe offcia "tckes."Stili, the officiai pttding of bread on the "couplonl- lre"lsI a rift--even if asimal -ne in the clodsan wecmdby the Britis, e veni f Ceý-vry oter 'staple food - except .àsh and fehvegetables -, 18 stili. stityrationcrd. Germany Thle situation lu flerlin is Compfli- c-ateýd by the, fact-nlot genecrally K ncrsoodin Caniada anid thie Unit- - ed Sates--that fear and distrust of lfermaniyeit today on bothi sides af teIron Curtaini. ToD the peop)Ile of France, BelIgiumi-, Luxembourg and the Ntherlands, n iheti one- side, and to the pýeop)le afPoland and Czechoslovakiaon e> o ,th(er, an ieconomically -and pa- alysîronlg Germnaniy Imeans e-- licthSamnetdong as an] aggres- ve nd iitary-inded CGerrnany. 'Jhey Soon Wili Be Canadians?-Mo-st of the people of Newfoundr-lnd-who recently voted on the question oi union -with Cnd-i narby thse sea from , which their Chief livelihiood Is drawn, Th-is peacefuli scene sho(-ws Plate CoveVeWest ini Bonavista B.Pay. _____ ,Eariy on. moruing late lu July- wlhrather sounda as if we'd been taknig %a course lu sang-wniting or orne sàuch-we received tle shock i aur tif*; such a shck that w'eonly getting arounmd ta> report- Ing 15 now. A judior nmember aif fiei famiily lcadbeen giving that aarngspaper thc regular scmu- tluy, -which (customarily consista af a tharough study of the comics, a ~canlg o te sports page head- inies, tIecn tossing the journ~al aside as bing of -if further interest. But on thbia occasion le came bounicing mu tofic -0rmwhere WC were toryiîig.ta persuaeousifla the aamclchad lïed. "Juyst look aS tl4s" De exclaimed. "Look :at wlat?" we weaily 1made asvr trylng taO pry Our eyes open wtI- ouit the aiex ai a chisel. "Just loo)k at the Big League standinlgs7,"hie sau-id. Gepop, it looks like you miàgît le cllinig somenthýing rigît Slýowly It 1be(gan 10 corne ta us. For as long aa wýe've bec(,ýornuected witI îlhe sports wvriting dodge,, it las been our cuistom to make three or- four predictions per year-sucl as caffing lu advauce tle winner of the in' Plate, who wiil finish on topý in the National Hockey jLeague, and the like-aud tIen ad- visiug our clients la go and wager le-aviiy, on sornething else, F'or the quaiplity of our selections botl ou the racetrack and elsewhere, 18 faîous; or perlapa "notorious" Wvouild be miore nearly correct. As an admirer once fondly put it, rigît ater a steed w. had muade hlm bet an heavily finisled a fast- fading last, "You couldn"t pick yaur old man out ai an igloo-f uiliaf Eskimos .ilu nativce . costuime," - whicl will just go te show yau. Be,-ctlat as it my before the rsetbasebaîl seasoni opened we said-right here lu print-that we wouildn't be too mucl surprized ïf te1948 Wor-lds Ser ies turued out la be an il-B'oston-affaffir. And there-, oni this miorning late lu july We started ouIto speak of, were the Boeston Braves leading tle National loop!)y five full games, while lu 1i.American the Red Sox were ln fr-ont by)vlwo. Weo .,W right well that such a Stttc of things cannot possibly last, Judginig of the future by the past wl ar'e absolutely ce-rtaiin lIaf, be- 'for playoff lime roîls -around, some- lhing dire and dreadfufl wil1 have lappened ta ither tle Sox or the Braves, probably both. 5111, If they can be ln front even at the lalfwray mark, lu spite of aur cali- ing 11cthm, lley iuust be good game le.ams, and deserving of a wbolc haofcredit. But nioth.r g's certain in sport cxcept that th* best af us can b. nistaken, John Drebinger was ro- cently recaiing in Tii. Times tii, day that the great Dazzy Vance Iaoked Lita tI-c clouded crystal bail and came up, with t£h. wronga- sjwer. Dazzy ant that tmea, was Sio hlghcss ýepaid -pitcher lu basebaff5 callecting for his efforts on behalf of the Brooklyn Da dgers samnething 1k. 25 thousand a year, wh'tch was a whale lot ai money then-and mdl la , if you ask aur opinion. The Dodgers were on a Spring training trip and Dazzy - whose arml was feeling good and who was supremeiy c >nfidlent of winnng- hadl invite' ,a young and admiringz cousin ta corne along ta the Atlansta Bail Prk and. watch hlm pin back the ears of the New York Yaîîkees lui an exbhition game. on tile way tiere, Dazzy wenit ta sot-e jp-;n[ explaiing 5tehe cousin jusî hIOW lhe Woudpldlto the , faus "Murdecrr's Row" of the Yanikees, Leaiding the lad to a front-row pew lun the grandstanid le saidî, "Now just you sitl 11ec.and watdh ci sely hoýy Idoil Earl Combs was the New York- crs' lead-off man: and when Earl popped out weakly to shortstap, the lad was aaying to hlimself, "Evert if th, y. pay Cousin Dazzy 25 thousand L, year it isn't enaugh- he's handling those Yankees justi 1k'ý he told ir he would." Theni things began to happen. Mark Koen* , second man up), smacked ouit a tWo-baggler. Lou Gehrig saw one of Diazxy'às1lsint he li* -d tle look of, and 'blasted a triple. Bale Rulli swung f rm the heels at -e that was; high and outside-aud tlat's just where it iý -it-higI over the right fleid wall and c-tside the bahl-yard. A triple was ;tbe bést Bob Meusel could doý, but Tony, Lazzeri "poosh- ed one >up" rver left field ba2rLer for a fuli r id trip. î T'hat' was sulffic(ient for Vance; oýr rathier it wa's sulfficientf for* Uncle Wilberî ýRob)insonI, longsufrn mi&aat-ofîle Dodgers, whIo prmtysignialled Daz7zy toWiard the shOWe ,; DaZ7y stalked off the diamond wth his head l anging Iow, lu decided contrast to his dudgeon, which wvas high indeed over the sheiacking le had taken. Lateýr that evening, however, Dazzy had cooled out sufflcientl-y ta be able to -Ik to folks once more. Soeing the young cousin iu the lobby ai thec hotel he said, "Weil, id, what did you think ai 15?" 'ausin Dazzy,"' was the. lad's classic reply, "I neyer did sec any- body make 25 thousand that easyY mm Time To Stop And Think! What are sald ta be, unreason- able wage demnanda onq the part of Communist-led unions are bearlng serious, and What might be disastrous resuts ouit on the Pacific coast. A week or so agao nea' British Columbîa's oidest, and Most productiveý gold mns Silbak Premier - puLt up the shutem and calî.d î", a day; and *Î 15 lasaid that other im.ines lu tIhat Province -may have ta follow suit. At the same time ance of the West Coast's biggeat ship-build- jng yards waasolcd to , lmiber flrm whic h wiell use it for drying and finishing waod. Ti-e mine closing, according t.o the Financial Post,, has the rnoat significant implications for the <rest of the nation aasit threatensý the livelihood of sonme 600 mijninjg tawn inhabilants; and lin bath cases [the unions are Commn-,Ill isl-domînaled. So the words, of A. L. Lawves, presiden)t 01ofMortreal Shipping awld-vice-pres"Idenit of the Slýip- ping Federation o f Canada soundi(ed With extra force lu the ears of is Vancouver aujdience tlI- other day. "Uniess somue propaganlda la forthcoming fromj the unions3 advising the ument, knck down and Wokl "said IMr. Lawes, "Canladian shipping wiii die a natural dteath." Tbere are those whio think, that such a statemient applies lu a far Wvider fieldd than merely shîpping. Eripty fruit jars sbould be kept liddcd to keep fthem dceain androtect the rima from chipping. 0 ROLL YOUR OWN BITTUR CICARUTT5 W/Tif CLASSIFIED AVR1IN G 1 ÏC l S"d, s pal N / aflG Barn 5aist, rtoof Co.atings.e. D eal- or4 warftqd. Wr-ite Warco Grease -Q 01l Limi tel, Toron1to. 'Agents earn big money. fuli oDr part lime, taiflg rders for our door naine plates. Faut seilSr. SIcr. Ceuil. Grand Cascaped-ia, Queïbee. wvrites: "I hewed il ta 1U People and 10 bou-ght., TheY f ound il vry nice.for r>uch a 10w prLc." Write r.0W for dectails or i3eid 75o for sampie wltb your Own namne on Il. Tlnselcraft Reg'd.. St. Hlir.Box 38, Qulebec. BUSINESS OPPORTliUNIIESL FARMERS WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY in Water Bowls. Stanchions. Miiiing MachinerY and Separators., Our motta. '"Better Merchan dise At Lewer Prices." NEW IDEA DISTRIBUTINO, GODERICH, ONT. RABY CilICES BROILER -CHICKS For Sumiiner and Fali. aiso started chieks. puliets and four week aid Capons. Speli prîces th!,- week and next. Send for weei{iy specili oces and catalogue. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARMS EXETER, ONTARIO - 1cHURONDALE CHICKS 12c Al heavy breed puilets or chieks l2e ta August 20, alter August 20, 13c. Started 2 wks. old 17c, 3 wks. oid 22c. Order from and enclose thîs ad. HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY LONDON, 0ONTARIO -TAR'TED c cks lWe o-stil, suippy twIla and tr o el id hc ,pull1els. enekereis, or '1 nn xdi inlany pi-e breedsa and cross breedei. AIo ider pulet elht weeks atai ayn.Sile'. h'llcik alehed toi TweddIle Chi fiHteresL ied Frg. Ontarle. Rroa Breste flrnzeavailablo for rFa1! doivery. Booeur arder 00w. LAKEVIEW TURKEY RANCH EXETEIR, ONTARIO TWO and three weelad started cnicks non- sexed' pullets or cockerois. Many pure broeds and cross breeda ta chaos. tramt. Also puIIets eight weoks ta Iaylng. Summer and Pail Chtlcks hatched ta order. Free catalogue. Top NoýZltcb Chick Sales. Guelph, Ontario. 1NOW'S t he lime la order chlcrks or brollors ta gel good f aIl meat-egg mnarliets. Aise some dayold and started,,for Prompt abîmnto. Bray 1.tchery, 110 Jon N., itamiltgn. ont. L>YINO ANDCLEMANING RAVE YOUT anytLbng -n.eeds dyeing or dlean- lng? Write ta usý, for lýnfor-matiori, W. areý lad ta angwer yoar questions. Departmnent 11Dyre'slýe Worlcs Lited, 791 voueg àtreet. Toroit, Ontariô. FOIS SALER BOATS: Oroyur new unro Beato ori Mercuiry Outhnoard itator flOw and assure rourself of early delivery. Send for cala- logiies. Doalersý write - MUiNIIo BOATS. LON-ýDON -W. ONT., MERCURY OUT130ARD DISTRIBUJTORS. COMPLETE biock-makirgng machlinery for sale; 5 hp. mter with Power lampe-rs. capable of mailing blocks lu aises fËom 4" ta 12". eltber rock faced or plain, ail palettes nocessary la- cludlng 1,300 ln steel: 24-Ion hydraulle Ilif. new; also racks. Thise le 1.0 0)0 block ver day machine and a. good o)PpotunitY ta, start il, business with oa mod- erate InvesImeut. Write John Meic-hor, 12 Orchard St-.Lno.Ot FORÏ SAE.10ars ho. dairy farm, Partiy tla corooration on Nso. 4 Hfigbwýav h, ween I'gamad Clinton. Good 8-1 0oM bouse. hydro, bath. flot water heating. New si1ro. ael stabilng, lie 40 cews; waler bowls, 4tter carrier: aise large impijlem-ent shedand .a hen bose. Piced fr cuick sale at $15.500. A ýPpy IBox il. 121'-181b St., New Tornto. Oni. FoR, SALE,10-arefainbëeeen Winghiam and Chajton.7-oo bus.Bar, 48,x70 fI. limplemen sed2x6 f.and ciekIen tbouse, 22 -7 f. llu« l in90goodrepair. Drilied W'11 and tomle bush, Ail for '5.000. Apply Box, .13 2-101h St., New 'roronto, nt and tfully tanethiee dýoge. onebitcb. sired bhy world's champi)on. Dr. P'. G. Webster, Keîil.N. S. gode ruhher, excellent condition. Prie. $1600. Jae ltoýoney, Bradford, Ont. F-ORI- SALE, 8-week-oid-harred rock pullula. 51: ive-month nId ready la lai. 52.50. Shunt outyFarine, R.R. No. 4. Ainherstburg. 100 ACRE Lot smail amaunt of clearIng.Si rmon bouse wilh hasement. Garage. wood sbed. barn and Sàtables, 1/e miles troin Sehool. 1% lotilos froin Sparrow Lake. 2 miles ta-Na, Il Highway, $2500 cash. Apply ta %August Schultz, KlIworthyý. Ont. FOR SALE.,200 acres lu, Scattownship, grood huildings in Pgeoad repair, hy-dro. Appli Amais Itighway- 16. at Gwrvillage. hlgb echools on. faal. RosI tiliable '11h or mwihut stock. Orval Dali. iower, Ont. RES. Eariy land, large gaod bank 8 roomed brick bouse, good water hydro at gale, colani bouse and three 9. muet ho sald, a real sacrifice, mont ta b. appreciated. pries $1600. James R.R. 2, Belwood. Ont. 'LE German Shepherd females (Reg) cks. black and tan, 7 monthe. Reason- usaex leighb Keinneis. Reg. R.R. 9, Ont. rMc. and itrs. Summerfleld. Yýl-OUR-NAME IN'PLASTIC fferenit, colouced patcnam. pins. niekuamne. $100 each. Poslpald. No Satisfaction guaranteedl. P. J. Barris, les Ave-, Toronto. & S. POTATO PICKýER *the Jobý The modern way of fiar- talees. Write for Information. Gra- Jltd., I-tlllshurg. Ont. Il tractors - three sizes hand and awn mowers wilh ridin sat. rear pumps, stainlees steel shafts. range of engines and llghtlng plants. 1I service for al makes. Gas Engin. 'hburch. Teronto. duty White Iliresher with straW Good condition. Phone AgIncourt I-POWERED RIFLES ~rte for new lista and prics. SCOPE SALES Co. n St, Ottawa, Ont. lIver guaranteed ,deKnnl.Dlcy MUKOtA 10 crs,45 ccrelge ta hous a .nd baru. Pric 20000 lod LEVEL 100 ac highway farin.aerg NAq-CHU'RS LIQUID FERTILIZER Wýondôecful resulîs f rom modern iiauîld teia Increases yld, produces better cmos da for"eingo, side dressing. iawnS and hom gardens. 16 ez.. $1.00,82 os.. 31 7Il We crepaY postage. Na-Churs. Loadoni. Canada NEW CASE TITTESHER 21, x 47 onruer New Studehaker Trucks, lwo and tibre.lo AIipli S. J. Church. Studebalcrtercnd]1 I Case Dealer, Jarvis. Ont. Phone 0- NEW RUBErBELTING. fertrii mpe mente and onîachinery. 2" x t 4"1 x 4 ply. lcfI.: 6't x 4 pfly.1e , Matthew Moody & Sons Compa.r Trrbon Que Estahllshed 1845. 'NEW 1946 24-42 Waterioo Thresher o n ruh)ber. 750x2O tires, coller heaing. Hrt ege and bagger. 100 ft. S" * drIve bell. Onu used 6 dais, $1800. fs John D)eer*e D Tractaor on 1cubher $5550.00. K.%BrendregÉ. Union. Ont. ONE ýRIDSELL CLTOVER I1LRon m- ber. wiih blower and feeder. BerI1irwin, Seaforth, Ontario. "QUICK-Flash" Approvals: CosI les. ut- hinced. more fun. WPIete dai. Beomi. 5347 Yew, Vancouver, Canada. REGISTERED Doberman Pinscher puipples 4by chamopion Goethe, ready ta go. Othere pciced for compoanlans. Harvey M. CGralten. Graýnd RITERE» Sh) ýIetlandA heP doge (miniatura ce1l"e) pupples nd grown '3eg,3. Wahii!',e Kenneis. Mthl.Ot suaeiiving unarters. Api) Weg. Ande-r. son.Camoef r. RH. No. 1. TIRESHERS. Haýy Presses. iPo±atn Digg-ers, now PaVailahie fori, miediate deilvari. deii4 for Illuslratd circulars. Mt thew MoodY & Sens Comiipany, Terrebonne. ýQue.Esalse 1845. BAIIIDRESSING LEARN Hairdressing the Robertson melhod. Iaommti'on on reuueeI regardinïç classes. itobertsen's Hlairdressins Academy. 137 Ave. nue Rnad, Toronto. HIELP WANTED QUALIFIED teacher reuuired forStie Village Schooi 16 miles froin Fart Williamf. grades 1-8. enroiment 26. Excellenit acm modation close hi. Salary$10. Dle commence sept. 1. Experience and extra qualificatIons aPL preciated. ErieSde. Sec. Trças., S. S. 7 Palpeonge, R. R. 1, Fort William . Ont. 11UWNTà ONT. ItenfrgW ~ut:'ece IganîeteýIfr 1edI. à,. 0,No. 1 Dulle "commence npeibrlt. Âjnly etatng sai- ary anti ,uallflcations. Trios. Dixua.Se- Treas., Brent. Ont. QU.ALIIED TEACH-ER requiceti for Mniwck-- land Village Sehool, S. S. No. 19, iohr eugh, Duties ta commence lanSeplember. A>- pli. slating qnalificatians arod exp)erienice. te L. H. Coulbart. Seci.-Troa..Mockan.Ont. POWASSAN ContInuamtion Solsooo reoulcesaa teacher foc grades tram -,9-12. eualiIlled l teach Educalionai Guidance, Englii.Hio. saine knowledge of Art profierrodî but net neceeaary. Write staling eailetosandi religion ta W. S. Wilson. Seeay MEDICAL DIXN' RMEDY--For Neur;iî and Thu m-atie Pains. Thousndas ",tisfed. Sur' Drug Store, 136 lgnOtlawa,.Potad1.0 WET ECZEMA and LEG SORE S if you are sietfring wilh Ithe' bv.try Cuioens tIney uccqsf;.Iïy troatod. na lsok guaranteo. 51.00 batIe. Cuilin r.- ducte,24 GedaoAve.. Taran-te. READ THlqI-veri sufferer .afthelumatie Pains or 1Neuirilie 3sbould try Dlxon's R--Mdi Muniro'.i Drug, Store. 1258'Elgia. Olts1w. Post- paid e1.0 . OPPOIITUNITIES FOEWOIII EN BE A HAIRDRESSER SOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCUOOL Great Opprtunity Leere ,Hairdresslng Plessant dignified profession. geod urages. thousandsasucceseful itarvel graduates AmerIce 's greateet sîstein. Illusîraîed rata.- insue tree. Write or Caîl MtARVIEL FHAIRDRESSING SCH-OOLS 36Eloor St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St.. Hamiton & 74 Ritdeau Street, Ot.tawa PATENTS F5ITHERSTONAUGH Co anPttS- licitore. Estahlibed 19.14 lKiag West, Toronto. Booklet af information on request. PHIOTOGRAPHY THRIFTY gPHOTO SERVICE Fmr.. enlargemnent witb eaeh rail 6 or 8 O1- Pne5uce rail deviaped and printed 30e. Reprinta 4c. P. O. Box 345, Toiaate. MASTER BECOMES FASTER Ta fucîber spoed -up our mil service Adaveid êonfuelan wilb ,ther firmeg, we have faund if, ncesari ta cane ur naine. We hava ehosýen a naine which lipilles aur long etb hiie dm 'Faster- Seýrvice. ,6 boucs froin th. lime îaur wýock lereeeIved. tl1isîl1stho colora mail. Sond Ibis nad wIlh dîme foi, PTFE PHO11TO BOOK wilh popufar sizecoilis. C or 5 epes û11a8l deveiopod and printed 10c. Rpias04e eacl,. Our new Coar pracossing doparrlmeal Isced ta service yauc Kodacelor and Aneco Celai c olle. Sead thein ta us with confidence. 1FASTER PHOTO SERVICE Box 221, Station A, Tocante, WANTED WANTED la purchase pullets eighl w;eeks te laîlax puce breede or hybrid crasses., Advi;es age, number and prie. Appiy Box No. 12. 123-181b St.. Newv Toronto. Ont. WANTED gaod hardwood bush. 40 acces or more. Cash. Box 14. 123-lSth Seceet. New Toronto. 1WANTED SEED SALESMAN To representweil established seed firin a o ,*, direct to fannecs, Preter mon wo are weiiý known ln Ibeir farmlag camainity and wh)o are lookiax for a permanent positien wlth a future. Higbest commission paid. A chanjcc ta start up) a business lna Four owfl district. Ail epie codnai . Sqftt ulfiaî

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