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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Aug 1948, p. 5

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ORONOi WE.EKLY TIMýES 1fJURSDAV,, AUGUST -it, X94S o ~i 1- 'I MoZtr Etupienl Priva.te AiibuMinI Northcutt and Smith' Funeral Directors and Furrinture Deelera K I N 1NESS COURTESY SERPVICj Equipped tO tale caire of the mademt funeral at the moat reasconable charge as welI as th& largeat and flost exaCting Telecphoe : Office 668 Reax4ence: 12 !3 zind 726 naruville. Ont COOL TIIURSDAY, FR TECHINICOLOR CRTON -- SORT MON. - TUES. and WED, - AUGUST 9, 10 and il MOVIETONE NEWS RED& WHITE STORES CHIECK THIESE TWO LIMPORTANT FACTORS which determine the quality of our meats: (1) It is well hung and cut under one constant temperature i.e.-just above freezing. (2) Rigidly inspected and graded. Ord er a Roast of Beef,' Pork or Cured Meat --To-day Pure CANE SUGAR, finie, 1600 bs . 83 Stoney Creek Peaches, choice quality, tin , .... 31c. "Lushus" Jelly Powders, Strawberry, Rasp- Rice, highest qua lity, 2 lbs....... ........ 39c pure PeanùUt Butter, lb jar ....... ......... 39e Bece Hive Cýr-n Syrupr, handy 101lb pail ...... $1.39 Clover Leaf Faincy Sockeye Salmon, 1-2 lb tin 45e Tender Leaf Tea, black, 1-2 lb - .-,,......... 53c Goderich SaIt, 5 lb bag -... ...........12e ",nox's Pure White Honey, 4 lb pail. ..$19 2 lb pail for.............74c 'Canned Tariatoes, 20 oz tin.........21c Roger's Golden Corn, Syrup, froin B. ýC., 2 lb -f1in 35c Ê-1apo Self-Polishiing Liquid Wax, resists -water, non-slip, tin .. .. . .. . ..5 Cordon -Meat Spirea.ds, 3 varieties to choose fromn, 2 tins for............25e CrOO %RNIS H ust. Mr. and Mrs. R. O. COldwill r7 e- ýwrned to theirhý.ome la'n!Toronto con Moaiday, after spei'ing a week's hoîidînys with Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Carleton. Mr. and Mrs. Ervan Rainey, Ger- 5ild aad Jean, and Mrs. Laverne Fat- terson attendied the -wedding of Miss Nos-ma ýCala, in Peterborough, on Saturday, Juiy 31st. Little tM-riv Louise 'Tonnant, daughtor, of Mr. and Mrs, Roy Ton- snwas hsptdlsed hy Rov. A. E, IEiitaco on ber first bitthday, Ju'y Miss Dorothy Swiaford, 'Toronto, Mi. Jack IColvillo adMiss, Berni ' e Coivi llo, of Bowmanville, werehoi dyvisitors vri'tI Mr. aaid Mis. S. D Sou-cIs andmissEva PatteI-san. 'Mr. s'Mrs Ra Calotnhave rented Isîf f the Ra e vesidnce on MaL-in Stree-t. ot Wr.Mrs, Caretn il techlaOrnoPublic M P . C, Ells' and children ofi Souh Prczpiespent, ast eek la lu liMeaurigafe er fath- or r J .Lorri-ma, she said thatf * s ho i onieaby iprvd r. E Local News 1Mi. an 4Mrs. Carl Tennaýnt are oin91 -holiLvayis. ciMr. andc Mrs, Paul Snodg-raais ani yountg son, of Rochester are s'pend- ing this wveek with rekitives in town. Mr. Everett 'Brown n d ,i(er-wenit ar e nie Jge ry voperation for- append(icitis on Suind'5 las't. DMr. asud' Mris John Allin, of Tor- 01onto, spent a day wîtih rs eorgP ÎButters onTusa of this week. Mr. and Ms.W. 'H. 'ors Bow- Imanfville, spent the wveek-end with RoyTonn. *Miss Edria Bes't. Toronto. visýitedi Over the holiday week-end ýwith hem miother, Mrs. IH. J: Best. 'M!.an Mrsý. George Ejns'l]ey, of Brnfrspent the holidlay week- en.with Mril,,d] rs A. G. Pîgott. M.and ' Mrs. Joe Walker and o n Duls spent an' ejoyabljje vaca.tion ifiends at Harwvoodi. 'Mrs.Adîh Ilenry, o1f Toroaito 11s viin 01la1Drono and distiîct tihs Ma1ster Normain Fi<her-, Toronto, bas' turnied homie after sponing is holidy's i s. Lerny Hilïtnnl MIiss Pearli Morrow, of aitn is snmeiîng hervcti x itLh Mrs. Iciha ,Bîgel'oW. Mr. and Mr,. Williert Northc-ott, from Hall's Latko, spert the holýida with his cousin, Me R. Beat. Mrs. Hoakin, o-f Port Hop, ha returned home after vstn e daugliter, Mrs. 1. J. T-amiblyn 1 MissM>ldred 'Hoskin, ofOtaa is visàting with Mr. and' Mrs. Iisoni J. Tanblyn. 'Mr. and lMrsý. Archie Watson ani baby, of T~oronto, visited( over the holiday with the _formrer's parents, Mr. and, Mrs. Alex. W4atscon. 1Mr. and Mis. Franlk ebeo Newcastlo, Mr. George àeleo Osliawa, were Sunday vistrs ib Mr. Roy Tonniant. MT. and Mrs. 'Chas. 'Froste are holid'aying xith the former's' brot hei, Mr. andi Mrs. Fred Froste at Tam- Worth. 'Mr. and' lrs. Arthur Manning and son, &of Os'hawa, spVent over the holi- day week-end visiting with Mr.j Raymond Chapmaun.i2 Mr. and IMrs. W. Hoar, Mr. Neill Rainey snd two sons onjoyed a motor fri'p on -Sunday, north to_ Kushung Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wainnandj( family, of St. Cathar'ines, s ýpent Tueýs'dT-'y last vîiting rend u tliedsri. Mm. Elizabeth Tamiblyn, Mix a Mis.J. agle'onwer-e Stindayi 1guests with Mr. and rs S. R. Cadellin Port HRope. Mr. J. F.,Lrri a a a veryý succsfu ale *f furnituer hieldt ati the agiutrlbuilding onStu~ day oyf lest week. Mr. and Mrs. Jam-ies Gillfillan and family, of Monitreal, are visýitcos herewith the former's mother, _Mrs. J. J. Gildill'an' snd Miss 'Gilfillan. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wallker andl doughter, of Langstaffe, are spenda-1 ing a week ,,,,th Mr_. arnd Mýrs'. Ken BaIl. Dr. J. H. and Mrs. Leslie,' of P1et-i erborough, spent over the holidsy' Week-end with Mr. and Mrs'. W. J. Riddell. We un'derstand that M3r. Lloyd Taylor h'as, pur'chased Mrs. E. Allin's house, Norths Ward, on thse east side of Cobb Hill1. Mr. and Mrs. 1. J. Tamiblyn had. Suday eveninig dinner it'h Mrs.! Ameîiýt and Missg Edith Carrut3hers, Garden 1H411. Mrs. 'L. Reid, accomlpan.ied by Doniald aiDouglas 'Sheiýri, arie viiigat Lonwand 7attending- thei 'Bruce County enin 'Rev, A. E. Eustace, .pastor of Park Street Chu'rch, Ororno, is enýjoyinlg hisý holidýay& durin'g the mnth of AuLg-! O0rono Tinshop HAVE YOUR Furnace and ready foir use during the summer months R. E. LOGAN Phone 18-10 MAIN STRIEET - G-RONC KIRBY e l1arvest is in fuM lswing lin this M'iss Kathleen Ard is atte n ding ui-nier school in Toronto. There is no ehurch ser-vice here dùing11 August while oui- minister ,is on holidays. Mrs. S. 'B. RPutherford' and ch11d'reii lre enjcyin theulselves at the lk Mïrs~. E. Youmans spent a delig-ht- fi fortnîiglt inh' nèphew's cottage at Temiagami. Master l oyd Lowery ishoiayn wiïth the Wiliamison'sý in. London, Ont. Ii'tforget Su'nday vSceol is at 10.30 a.mi. &iriTigI the month of Mrs. Paý,er1son, -Mr. an'd Mrs. Wm. ,Wannan and Roses visdÀted 'Sundaey with 'Mr. iind Mrs. Fred Grahmam. Conratlatonsto iMr. and, M-. iA1 hm 1- 1inid --iay on theý birth of their balbygil Mr.a y MS. ROSa Patteuson, of Forest Hal, spent 1a few day.s la1stý week %vith hbis siîstier, Mrs. Wmi. Wan- 'Gongratulatios ýtc, Miss Arlenec 3Boyd arnd IMrs. George Carsocn, who- were' successful in their musýic examn- ination s. Pe'v. Luxon 'uga and fally are vïsitimg with hs sstrMrs~ W'm. Rutheriford and -Mrs,. Robert Ar, MNsî Pear i Mroo amlilton, is oliayig with Mr. OleyCap aMus.. J(Ain Thomtpison mid )oer fiends in the conmunity. Mr.Reid has had her sister and fa-mily fremHailo -stg'wt ýher for -, couLýple Of we-k's. Ontei return home Br nr nd Elizabeth went )with themfor a lholiday. We' are gl1ad to see James Lowery getting aroundif, althoug i inc ap11a c- tated wfth a caste, 1-ie had twohoe lironken in the anle dinig a foot- ball game. ORMONO ELECTRIC' -tPoile 55 r 1, Orono WTIF'1R-1N G Indu.strial, Commercial, Farm and ID Paie Unes a Sperialty. FIXTURES ad' Appliances. REPAIRS To Wiring - Radios - Toasters Ranges - Hot Plates Ail El Equipment. Mr.%'Chas. Wood, of Kitchener, i th e holiday wéek-end' home this werk for is vacation. Dalymphl. They had a A large nuibfer from Orono and of bass and plekerel. distctkin the' sfrýipons (day aP, hd heîisf1tue(o dan,,ce held e t Nectl'e on Chu Lnewenate hl J-TIliday, Mlond'ay, Augnst ,42ind ' undlerhs neboe teauspi'ces of t-he Ne-wcastle BEas'-î bai lù'b. 1On Tuesday 'evening GirhI,' scftbfall on Wedn 1 y.Junior otalta"f August lth, at Nqewcasdte Park at1 junios 6 to p. On'Satur, 7.ýO'O p.m., roov Nv, ~.Ad E-!îý1<skiIle!1de'e h ni-sÏon to adults 2cdhildren free. iors '2 to 0. Tis Fid1 Tis gamne WYlldecide the cham.- Augus~t Myh Orono Ju pionshi~p for the Clarke-Darlngton -ce va phl'ay Curcel league. Orono Park et 7.30. OA Mr- and Mmth. C. E. -Miller an-d evenin'g, Aug,,ust 7th, C family, tMe. Fred Ti zîniMr ad lors wil play O0n Mgrs, W. R. 'G ilhart a nd(]fa m ily Fspent Orono park comning omestic Irons ectrical Orders for Faîl Wiring should be considlered niow. eeERNIE, JERRY ýr HERB. - - - .RAÀRTLEY HL BARLOW FUNERAL DIRECTOR & HOME FURNISIIINGS Orono, Ontario MODERN EQUIPMENT At Youir Service in Time of Need FOIJRTEEN ÏYEARS' EXP]ERIENCE Phione 18 r 4' (Day or Night) ARMSTRONG 1 Clearing ail our Summer Dresses, reg $15.00 to $18.00, for----.......$oo 2 only,. Sun Dresses, sizes 14 and 16., reg. $3.50, for ..... . ......... -.... 15 3 only, Chinelle Sun Suits, 2 to 4 years, re-g. $1.35? Print Overalîs, sizes 2 to 6 years, reg. $1.00. for.---7 5c 4 only,' Print Slaick Suits,, 1sizes 16 to 18, Clearing $1.75 3 Englisb-ware Sets of Dish- es, 97 pieces, of good qual- ity china, priced per set.........-- -$45.00 to $65.00 Choice Quality TOMATOES 28 ounce tin for ........ 25e FLY TOX 16 ounce tin ....... .43e 8 ounce tin for.....24e Shirriff's MARMALADE 4 pound tins ...... .... 82e HERRING in Tomato Sauce tin for, JINGLE JELL 2 pkgs for...... RUBBER RINGS 2 pkgs for ..... .27e 25e .15e STA-KRISP BREADINGI pkg for ....... ... 15e Neilson's CHOCO LATE BARS 12for ......,. 420c 5Sumumer Parasols, of tic, reg. $2.95, fýr.-- Shorts, sizes 12 to 16, of Alpinle cloth, $2.75, for ..........---- I - Ps Plâs- -$1.50 ade reg. Wash Suits, reg. $1.00 tet $1.50, for..............----7,5 A few pair ers and $3.95,, for of White +~f- Child's Pinafcrte, . e te 6, reg. $,5 o.. 3 only, Purses, reg. $ f or ............. Remnants of Curtaining, yard Iengths, at Bargain 2 $1,15s Prices SHREDDE WHEAT 2 pkgs CERTO SEEDED a I SIf N pkg, 25cc Heinz BEEF STEAK SAU-)CE FRlESIl biottie for.......25C. WALNU S Rl'ICE, lb for.......20Ie -3 ounles Gold Medal PEANUT BUTTER2 c 16 ounce jar......43e at Lake dr. Gilhairt se a 25 Il. hour tueýsle thse Orono or football Sauray curtice sn 4e n i) is at at 7.30 p.m. 55 N N5 N N N 55 N N s N N N 55 N N N N N N N N N 'j N k N N N 'N N N N k 'N N N N .5 N N 'N N 'N 55 N N N N r-j N N N s' N ~1 15, $ k N 'N N N N s s' N k N N 's' N N N N N N N N s' b ý.Idnu2m FOR SALE Your car will look shiny nèýw, if you use "Tarnoff'". Juast ruh i t on and wipe it off. 16 oz. fini Wv. - 36 o(Z.fn$ 0 At Orono Garage. Notice to Farmers

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