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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Aug 1948, p. 8

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ORflNf K END2AL Mary Taýylor speat thewek end ithMo.undMos.Wm yd F mu.lii dch jespeýndinig a~~a w waek uthom. z z z z z z z z Vsit-1 Mr, WýVilfrid Roughiey andl David, ~hw.. spenttheveeK-endi wfth ýhe week-end wjth 'Mr. andý Mrs. C.ý A. GCooper. R ' ýer 'Colan, of IlanilFon, is viitinig his gadpuetMr. and VLs. joe M rui Mis GeryDoninelly,, of Toronto, -., - s Services of beauty, condueted with excellence The finest in modern equipment and-facilities Sincere asssitance coupfled.- with -trained, efficiency Prices in keeping with the moderate budget. Chapel Completely Air-Conditiontd FRUIT JARS 1 dozen Pints ...,...,..:.$19 1 dozen Quarts...... ........ ........ $1.25 Zinc Rings, dozen ....... ...........29e Rubber Rings, dozen............. .... 8C Window Sereens, Screen Doors andè Combination Doors SHELL FLY SPRAY Live Stock, gai. ---- $1.65 DDT Barn Spray,-a$.1 1Flou.-ehold Spray, gal $325 - COMMEWRCIAL TIRES 600 x 16 NIEW NWEISTER PAINT SPRAYERS $29.50 NEW STREAMLINED DAZEY CRIJRNS i ga1lncapacity POULTRY NETTING -33 juches wide, 2 yards for 25C ELECTRIC IMOTORS ,1-i anid I/2horse power $19.95 and tup BEAT'TY DIRECT DRIVE PRE SSU RE SYSTE31S Complete with Fittings $118,00 and-up ROYAL FLEXALUM VENETIAN BLINDS Madeto-easreand Stock Blinds, as advertised on the radio3 Coleman & Philp Electric Phone 89- o i ORONO Before You Buli See.' S LUMBER COMPANY Clarke 1213A - NEWCASTLE -, Clarke 1213A We have complete supplies for house and farmî buildingJ k-, Cernent, Tite, Lumber. of aIl kinds (B. C. Ontario and Eaistern Canada), '700 >m), Nails, Sash, Door -and ~Lime (Hardwall, Finish- ood Flooring, Masonite, Asphaît and. Cedar Shin- 's and Trim,, Plywoods, 'I j; M ~. S ~'~e of Toronta, le ing 'ber son, Mo. A. Stevens. (Too lute for, luet week) Mr. -and sMrs. Mavin, ofBwm - ville, are visiting Mo. Dick Wilsoni. Mr. Wm. Daulington is' visit.inig in Toronto. 'M ise A. Brereton and MArs. N. Lit- tie visited friende in Pon-typ)ool on Fiiid'ay. 'Miss Theresa Couroux of Cache Enty,,is spending a- fýýw \weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Eddcie, Couroux. Mrs. Wilby is sedn a week or two with Mr. and Mo.Miltoei Robin son. Mr. aniMs.Nooma.ýn Thýerteli and iHazel are sediga weeýkut their summner home hiere. Mr. and Mrs. Georg,,e (lark are sipouding their vaication uititheir. summer homne here. Mr. George Pope is spjenldinlg a few weeks with Mr. aund reWm Geary. tMr. -and Mos. Rsel:ose ndl son) Jimmie, of Toronto, wvith _M. and IMos. Cecil Gus We aresry to heur Ms.llerh. Mercer is s'uffeuing -aguinithlier, aid coplinclnhop)e she wllsooni be fully recoveoedl. Mo. and Mtýrs. Milton Lowes undi Mo. 3Morr-is Patton, Of Peterbooough,' are spending their vacation with Moi. andi SIre. Nor-mn Putton. Mo. and Mos. Buoney Watters aindi JTuanita Meocer4 of Peterborougrh.h spýenit the week-end with 'Mo. and1 Mos. Herib. iMercer.1 'Mrs. 'N. Little ani-i Alec are spend- ing a weak or two in Chi ïsg , iil mng the form'er's m'ot her aurd brothier,j Mors. Alec Luniig und Dr. Rose Lang.- Congraul-,ations t Mo. -and(lMos. John Thomfposn an thie birth of a baby daughter ln Port Hope Hospi- tal'.'d (Mos. Robert Murtinel an'dfumiyof ,Pctei-orough, are pesnga. wek ith oand Mos. Jae MuotineIL Mo. ýRoh, Alexander, of Tor- onto, is spending hie vacation with le aratsMo.and 3Mos. (Blake Alexander. Mo. and' Mos, Grud-y 'Cax oaIOx- ford, Vrgnand 'Mie-s R'th Gar- don are v0îii.tin with Mo. Wm., Gor- don. Rey. and, Mrs, Bun.i, Nwovle Any Annis, Oha A, r. n Mrs. L11orne Todfd, Mr. and 'Mr, Do.bson and Mr Lon visited Mr. anýd Ms Gardhouse, 'Mr.Iri Christie and Mrs. E. Gurdhouee. A fial ga-me hetween, Canton andjI Kendazi w apiyed in Jackson's Me- moiiPark, the result bîga even sor.Ail present reco-rded ai vetiy good ganie. 1\I. d Mrs. (Goodon ýPrice, of Gtaevisitîng with the formier's: gr--anihdoher, Mrs. L. Tho-rne. Mrs,1 F. MJaIIory cuaIIed on JMrs. Thorne on Mr'. and Mrs. Bruce Anderson un Freddie, Mr. and Ms T. Gurbuitt, Jackie of 'Toronto, aund littie Mary edviIted w-,ith M r ad Mrs. Jus. SwauIiirik over the wveek-end. Mr. aind M rs . He r]b. Reynioldsl s;penit Snat Ceesurea,, and Ma.s-j ter Peten- yoll is holidiaying at Toronito and Cuesarea, anid w e heu is ha-ving;ý the tim,,e of his life. M-s. Wilson, Gat'hie and Audrey, Mr1% and Mrs. Befw, Mr. and MrS. Ulowson1 and ,Mrs. -Marnock are visit- ing Mdr. and Mos, W m. Boyd ut Spendciing lat week with MIVI and Mrs. Art Low were *Mr. and 'M s. EdI. Turner and c-hikiren, ýMr. and Mrs. Dave Locw and daugliter Shir- ley. We are sorry to heur iMrs, Wm. Patterson le etili having trouble -,vi th her foot uand ise-going to have !t x- ra y ed. We hoýpe itwilil eoon he i-,Il 'Mos. John Patton and r twin brothïer, Mo. David' Lunn, celebrat-d' their birthday on Sunday luet ut thp home ci Mo. und 'Mos. John ,Patton when four generations' wvere repre- senited fla tha thirty ge ; prcesent, includfing ýMos. John Pritchiard of iMilàbrook and' 'Mos. Delbeot ONven of CrmI ieters of 'Mu's. Jahn 'Patton. iThvere were gueste aiea froya Lind- eBowmarunville ami ýPetaobIlorough. Mslll. ans Mos. Leonard Buier of Bowm'unvilla, anvd (Mos, Hall af Duo.r humn, EniglandJ', and saverai nephews VACi N NEEDS is zpendi 'g a weeïk gwtih rs, ere SI T N Qui'e a crcowd from Kendal ut-1 ~ended the Civuic lolid-ay Sports Day Me nzGro u eue 1 Newo Inz GorenonanMonduy. i o and( Mrs.1Welcrii Ltto1undu y. 1ition as otperutor ut the Orono .i re spendiing ;their vacation Cnri sIr summer home here. Mlr. andi Mrs. Grady Cox, of Ox- Mol. dMos Mito Robi1,nsun und fords, Nrt arolin-a, are vîiiing lmos A. G. Durington viÀted Mos. foiend.s here Aiie Evans, Orno, on Sundayý. îMr. APýian Cuth'cart bu retuuoned Mr. and MosJ . }Ilaroid 1Romïac rmala sant vist wth fAieds àn George and Garai, of PeteNbooughWesten 'Ontoro. ire isiting mith "Mi%. end Mrs. Lornie MaeýSer Fred Gavi1.ofNeas Martineil, ' j?, Spent a few dafUyS ;t the Steýwa1rt Mr. and Mosý. Ken Archer ard ,homie. Anne MicTangg wtof Toronto, spent 'Mr, and 'MoS. Oiley rhapnan ani he week-end 'wth Mr.ud r"Mise ý Peari Morrow visited wivh Mi-, Blake Alexander. and o. C. V. CooPer. Miss Shirey Theotell, Mr. Leo Mr.eNeil Stew-art hus returie'd Bubico)ck and Mr. BiHt Kirbyy, of Tor- fromn an enoai mtor trip ta Ot- onto, spent the week-end with Mn aga ard Mo-ntreai. and Mris. Narmian 'Phertel]i n i .adMr.inlrsoo Hazeï Mr nai..ïc!ýBrsn 1 Mrn and Mrs. IH. Haimr and iss Te-ront, are speidinig sorne hoiidays C. ;Matthews, of Toronto, 2Mr. and m'th Mo.and 31Ms. à V. Cooper. Mrs Carter of London, Engind, and Mlisses Ma.\iry and JanL-fth ous-, Mr. Ha.lir2m, aof Montreai wre isi- hwhae ituonedh oeufr tors wth Mr. and' M-rs. F. Stoke spndi gsone hoilidays wlth thIr over the week-end. a ut and uncile, Cathieri-ne and Net! The W. A. -meetingi, wae held' ut thei Stewart. lune of Mos. Evun Qua-ntrili or, Wed- wuý 8i,,,hen, thee-wuaSTR V LL good attendance. The rolli eau was T R "I E "Give the Naime of a Mvis.sionary'". The secrpture reaing wa.e given y Mos. Lorne Pueden visited with1 Mos. Stoker and-d Mos.Nrnn Pat- Ms okn Kendjai. ton r-er'd cone verses entitled "Tro is elenu Hulowýýell, of Toronto, Wide the Gate" A very Wnerestîng1 was hoame for the week-end. readïlng wus given by the president, IMr. und Mrs. Russel Low%ýer-y and Mrs, Roy iMercer on the wom5k of ie- fml,-fTrno pn uia smonardes under diflut and lheart- fMr.aondTono, sn una breaking .conidtons. Mise Shirley! wîthMran Ms.ADosn Quantr-ill oendoed tovery enjoy- M.ud'r.CaleYl n able musical selection. The meeting famil'y, îre and Mrs. L. Savery, of' closed hy the sýinging of the Mizpah Oshewa, utIMr. Ewart Robineon*s. Benedictionïs, after which refresh-Mo. an'd Mrs. Rice and fumlily, 01 mente und, a social time wae enjoyed. Oehuw,,a, have been c amlp i rg th e Mr. undr Mos. Gordon Miartineli, past week ut Decker Holoaw. Kenny and Tirmy uttend'ed the a-Mr. and àlS. R. Hughes, Port nuaRl Elodgett famlly picnicautVic- Hope. spet Sunday Wth Mo. and toria Park, There -was a huge brt-Mos. John Thomnpson. day cake in 'honour of 17Mrs. Gordon Mrs. Le Halw ad Jm Murtinell's birthday which was cut wthMo ad os Tos ads, of for about 45 people. In the after- KendM.a ndl.. h Valn o sion the gueets cttended the un-1 (ln d a'the Memrial'Guta,, th EMisDolores Falh.s of Toronto, ~ntunc toCobungPar $en r espent the week-end -,itVh bler cousin, guesF ,f fhonour for this oyant was May u'owll Premier George Drew. 'MZjr John i Mr. and Mrs. ýLorne Todd vieited FooWe, VC, took charge of Cthel on Sunday ut Don Stapelton's, Ne-w-l Eh umhea.d Service. Mrs, CG. Martin- 1toOlle.1 -il attended the Sunday 'Sehol due,-s Mr. and Mrs. Whetton, aF Toronto,l )f M jor Foote ut Port Hope Church Mrs M. Comistock, MIr. und Mon. a few years ugo and tis gwas the Andesron Iowmanville, wlth Mïis fsttimne ehe hud seen hiim- since. Normna Hllowell. 37e Daly's Orange Pekoe Tea, 1-2 lb pkg .',..,..53e Chloride of Lime, deodorizes, dlisinfects, bleaeh- es, pkg for ...................... ...10 'v Bad-id, eady-made ban1dages, box , 25e Noxema Sunl Tan 0i]..........................30c. and 60e Noxena 5k Creýanu, instant relief froým snuu..19c., 43c., 63e and.....................................$1.25 RZexenue Creanu, quick and lasting relief froýnm unr, jar-_----65c. .1 and .J Uuby Powdjer, relieves heat rush ..28e. aud 5"r. J a-id J Antýsteptic Baby Lotion, healing audsotig bottie.--_55c, Hot DrinkC pe pack-age -. . . . . . . . . . . . ..---- -1--- --------- Pa.,per Plates, deozen for................-------------........15 Seiberliing Swim-i Caps, each ---........................__25C. to 69C Ear 1Plags, pair........................................- -25c. Sun Glasses, Pair................................--- __25C. to 69c. Polanoid Day Giasees, proýteet the eyes from il tM he harnuful raye of the suni, pair ý.......---.----..----- ..------.-_.._-.>$1.95 and $2.69 lPoluroid "Fits-On G;fasse,,, fit on overiod inar y spectacles, per pair.---- --- ---------............. ..........................$215 Mosquito Repelants-----------------__..................... 25e to 50c. White Shoe Cleanders............------ ._ . .----------------._25c. te o Sc. Seholiles Foot Palis, for cornes, calleUseýs and hUnion)s, boýx ..... 2fC. Rexali L. P. C. Aýthiete-s Foot Onmnguaraateed 1satistuec- tory, tube..........................................$ý 0,1 .0 L Quiasana Foot Povwder, tin ------ _------ --------------- . 59,_ Sani-1ed Foot Powder.................------ ............---......4(k. KL 0E E NE X iHaudy Paper Tlissues, sot t and absorbenit, Chubby and Regular size, box --- -----------» 18c. 2 fo)r .... 35c. Kleeuex, MusSzbox.................-----29£. Charls B. yirrei I>JUJGs - AGENT FOR .AKA LWB Phione 68 :- : rono, Ont. Suit Cases just arrived, pricedl.. . $2.79 to $3.2 Leather Te-eny Animais 'fori hde, each 45c Large Sand Pails Shovels, complete 49c White- Bead Earrjngs, pair..... Ladies' Brýoadciloth Sport _Blousesý, short sleeves, colors pink, blue, yellow, gre-eni, vhite, sizes 14 to 20,eaeh........ ...$19 Extension Conýc, 6 feet with 3î Outiets, comnplete 75c Brass Socket, push through style . ... ..9c Skeleton Keys, 2 styles, 2 for, ....,,.. 5)c., S Lde'White Purýses, cleaning rice ....:79c GROCERY FEATURES Swaswrgs(Cream1Chieese in fancy fr i jice tumnblers), flavors pineapple, pimento resh reokla and cr-eam, tumnblers ..,..,...,2 5 c Nippy Old Ch,-eese. SPECIAL, lb.... .50Sc Pineaple Marimalade, 12 oz jar.......26e Fancy Apple Sauce, 20 oz tins, 2 for ......... 23e, Cirabapple Jelly, lage24oz. iLibby's Sp)aghetti, 15 oZ tin1s,, J3 Posts Ban Flak es, large 14 oz pkg........22C _Freshies Beverage, fl1avors o)f -q Orange, Lemon, Lime, pkg "le

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