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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Aug 1948, p. 1

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ORONOI Vol. 12 No. 9 OPONO. ONT., THUý'RSDAY, AUG. l2th, 1948 Subscription $ 1.5.0 per Year Qrono Park Playground Sp orts Day, Friday 13. Morning and After[Ioon O rono Girls Defeat Newtonville HiPs*toria'vn fPr To Claîm League Championship 7-Tne Orono girls,' softballeI ,af- týergetg away te a sdiaky süat, realy 'shorwed'a reversai ýf fi-dm li the latter part of the sehedule, vihen mhyiade the playoff s, put eut the[ Nocstateem le the semi-ti.nals, anýd wenit into tflinas ihNew-. teevilq the teain that eininated COourtice, taking togaies eUt, cf Three. Both team-s having weu a gaine, the deciding honors for thre Ie champins'hip -,as pleyed'at !mc~sleo Wednes',dey evening asOrene taking the dcisien li a sevaninnnsaffTair by thre score of 12 'rues te S. Joa Coperwae on ,tire moundA feor Orono and lield the Newtonville girls srrèess fort three innings, hile-lL Orono seýored' two r-ues in the, first innings, by Auna Stapies and EbGaielStapàs., off the ofeings cf Miss Binsted cf Ncewtonville. lI tire second Orone was bienked, but scor- edi fouLr in the thfird; by Anna Ste- pies, M. Go, . Tannant and Sh- je,, FIihteff., mke the score renïd ii t- 0 foi- Oronio et the end et' the thîrdinniegs, Newtonvllle camie li st ' dstance'ilethe fbeginning cf the fourth when they sconed three rusby L. Binstei, L. 'Pernell a n é G. ioues', with'C. CasiweH z ggout ri> te steal IhonieIplate. This was Dfczet by 'Orooi their half eof the nrhehn they scored' r e ain aIeby nm adCo-e Stapes and ~. Tnnait.Newtonv'lIie ecored twoie i-uns he the fIfth,3'M. Romanannd'ELH. RinsitçqL amI thme ',inf1Me îivlh. vCu. thM. and ide. Lonne'T1dd wlth ir sis'ter, Mvrs. McKnIigh.t, Milîbreoir.- 4n. nd I-s.Ed. Wirite vI Mn and: 'Mrs. L. Witep, iVaple Gi-ove. Mr1 L'et Orono, xiItir Mrar. Pancy'Farrow, H.-- andi Mns. Hapcold Little, Gary andDenisOshiias, ad dieinen wiith Mn. endi Mrsý. Llew lalvei Mn. an'd MnMrley Robins-on and EIva An111 viith ýMn. and mrs. Preuse, :li e d lirseWarren Carson axid faii"y visitedi viiti r Mn.and Mns. AIt. DUbso. -rs.Wil 'Todd-, Ohva ~sed ligafew da-ys wit -1 axid'Mrs. Fred Todt, -Mn.aand MsEwan't Rc4'obson ad sensý, spent S;undey wlthn friands lxi ai. nd Mns. Chilie Eoî t aed ofmly e' oriet,Mr-. nd Mns JonStone, 0Orono, vviltirMrs, Stonïe. Mis 'ýColeen Faîls," eTc' rToiete. lspeding hoiidnays ,itlir Mary ffni lorrey. 'Wxfss Swan end1(i Jss Mollie Bon- et'Taoranto, are odyig lh mi sa Norme IteIllowesl. Mand TMrs. 'Carence G ame ned d'meugite, t Mi-. C. Bur'ly's, New- tonville. Mi-.a nd Mrs. Wilfred Woodh spe-nt tireweekend ilr i. and Mrs. Gr MALOLM-BROOKS Araid e setting cf tail wite i ight- ed aniba andstandards eof sirel pink and iiegeila epretty weddin wev'soimnze n Trînity Uniiited 'irrir owmanvi]Ie, on Se.turd'ay eftarieon, July 24tir, wbax Gvýin'doiyn Doreanv Brooks became tire bride et' Lawreýnce Stanleyv Mai- coinhs- Nestieton). The bri de i s the daughtar oet'Mr, and' Mrs. Samual W. reeks,, aind the bride-' gomis. tire Secneof Mn. nd MrIs. S'tan."Iey W.'ecom Nestleton, The caramony was performad by R'ev. J. E. Griffith, amid Mrs. Reta Dlye, A.T.C.M., F,.'CC._VI., R.M.T'., presd(ei t thMe orgap consolc'. mn. Grant Brooks, brother et' the bride, sang "The Lord's' Prayer" drigthe ceremony. Whit.e thre re'gis'ter view.s being signied' he sang "eas" The bride, given lin me-nrage by han- fatirer, iooked lie-raly le a por- trait' geown- of ivony Ducirers satin wjitir train, a deep set yoke et' nylon net and berthe cf im-por-ted French la ce. A slighlt pephui e,' this lacýe formaeda point et fth.e balck, and tiny, covered buttons, fe'stened' the i-ack of the 'bodice. Han fuil-Ieangth Veil et' s'utix-mrodrdnet wscrovin- 'an viltir ehale -et' seed peanîs. About honr tiroat sha wvnre a doublestraed o-f pearIS'the ýft oet tciregrooml, and ci-r-lad a bouquet et' white roýses anc, stepirenotis viith !lgr1bibon stream- ers. 11Mrs, Glae, i.Brooks-,, Newicastle, s' cvýf the bride, vies Ma- tr'on (et' H10oui-, amidvorea agowxi et truiesilr faille uviith a loy berthe, tiny puif asleeva.s axid bustie aIc'k. She viore mteiIg ýhalo aad drseed abw-eg i ittens. Thie <is'ýene ' tif re groomand MNiss Lenore CalctMaple 'Gi-ove, vora go V, et' similear ieigei s-hah piniik Fail'le., The attendaniits eaccaried cegybouiquets et'f shaded gladiov- las Litte Miss Nancy Van Ný,est, of Brantford, cousin ot' the 'rdmade a, winsýDee dowevr girl, and' ,,;.-re yel- low Engl'ish organdy writh friiled s'evsanid )uff anýIt shirt. She wole a a ptching lbonnet anid carried a nosegay of shacied miauve sweet peas. Mr. N ei Malcolm i, Blackstock, brthrft'the grom, cd as besýt mnax. The usiers were 31r.Donad Quîck, Bowmaunville, an'd Mr. Murrïay jal omYeverton. The recepfion was hield on thie spaciot-s lwn of the brideks home. Mr.Brojoks, miothier of the' bride, receivedc the gues;ts,, wearing a gown of gras, nylon inarquistette over taffeta wih7ý, lila, ceseisand corsageeof mauve and lilangaolmus eta:-1sç. Shie wes es !te ) yMs' Mae immotlher of the gom h wore a geown of Queen'.s llue em-, droidered crepe with navy eccesso,- lesý and a corsage of deep rosear Adafity ed Lngsppe-r waàs ser- veIIe uet by gzirl fiandi(s eof the wilde. They were _Misszes Loutiis e GboHelen Laingm-aid', Helen Lux- (Contined on page four! don Hleei Mount Forest. r.Jalke Haliowell visited wivth 'Mr -aed Mrs. Wý. A. awl, New-. tontvile. C 4hris tmas Tree Growing ~ecoingProminent In Clarkeý mi~~~. r.'I~ qu W. LI. A-rn- - -Oono, aa n"o'w neally in tire Juat a-ecentiy tiraese t-ai entarpris- ingmx puirchased tire 109 acre lot' frcemý Mr. Ro-iaid Pa-tarsen, rxid iris Air Force friandqshk hic t situated ,oi-tir aest et' Kandal le tire Ganan- l asira Fi-arst 'Sunvay. 01 'On il eaw1yi ~' purciràsed erelige tirîeraar 50,000ý - ý- Cirnistînas tree, et' wici 2000 are inredy for shlpmax etin Pall te p)ro- recdy t'on salte range le ireight 'rom- forto aevp feat. Thîs înew gives tire Arcnsti-ong roirGers ahodn et 150 aeres on -whieir have lemenlant- ed 264),OW) 'Cirnistet-as 'tracs. Ail tire Itree ara g'rei-n ekotch -piate anal viera Sireet Ulnited Church, Orono Takes First Semi-final Camei A g'reat event occurred li the 1fe 'Oroin when the annual meeting of the O0ntarioj Conference eo' thec Meth- od!ist Episcopal Ghurch was held lxi the new 'Çhurch on! May l13th, 186e,» The foleowing notices were issuied priior to the mueeting and are of' great interes't no., rticuiariy the li'st of loilletinig places as it furenishes' us wlth the nanies of' the preachers of the Conference and wiýth lthe namres Lof many of the householciers of the Village of Orono, also soim utsïde cf the village li the year 186r,3. The homes thrcwn-i open to the Conifer- ence were naturaiiy ohiefly olf Meth- od!Èt Elpiscopailfam-rilles, but others3 were aiseo on the list, sueh as L. A. Gamsby,' J. Gardiner, W. W. Truli and, T. Hall. Notice of Meeting of Conference The Ontario Annual Conference of the Xethodist EýiscopaI Chureh i Cana-da, wili be ýcoavened (D.V.> eat Orono, 'Coanty DEurham, on Wed- nesday, May 1Ath, 1&W, at 10 G*o'eck a.m. .By ord'eiý of the General'ofr ence and Bishaps.-Jam're:s Gairdiner, Secretary General CouncîIl ~Beleville, Apil O1th, 1863. Local Notice Thle cars wilîl arrive at NewvicastIeI station from the west at 9.4,5 a«m., 4.15 p.m, and fromn' the eas.zt at 3.40 p.m. Carniages will be Jlxi wa'iting t(>econvey the preachers .f r o,i the station to Oreno on the arrivaI of each of the above niamed trains o Tuesday the 124th, and Wedne(sdýay the 13th of May. 1P.,S.-iPreachers' comixg wit'h their oviyn conveyances wilîl benesst- ed to leave their horses le the coun- try, as it will be impossIble to ac- co'Immodate them xiten Billets have been reserved to accommoate ail the preachlers viho nmaY visit thej er, et Orono. Oro"no, AyI1863. Billeting LIAst Hmsfor the pr ocer ,e heý Ontarlo Anniuel Cnfrnc ha ies heid li Orone, cmenigon 'May 3hvlihere as oliowýs: J.Dye-r-R-ev, .Pi ttRev. G. A'bbs. L. Tourje - S, W. LaDu anýd A, L. Thiu rs t on. IL. CI-arke-OGColmrJ Ormierod, C, V. Lake. A, Knox -! M. ýD.Arh, G. Wil- 1son. J. I. Smnale -- Hý. headand T. P. Brad(shaw. J. Dickson- B. W. Blanchard, JT. Cook. M. 'Henry- J. Shepard ua A.- Wright. Rev. N. E. ýScott- J, Cu(rtsý and -W. E. Norman, C. G. Scott -J .Adems and W. A. Silîs. W. McP'herson - J. Gardner, Sfc-' retary of Genieral Goîuncil. Rev. W. Christie -- HT. DocýkhIamI an'd R. Etirl, W. L. .,'Herrimor, M.D. -J. C Poee nd A. Mentiei. L. A.,Gasla - J Hîcks and P. Emrpey. J. Ganýdiner -S. Morn'ison'. P. Miller- C. Taylor and G. W. Aljie -R.Sandersýon and H. F4. Johnson. 'F. Stewa-,rt -D. Wilso-nRAndCG. Miller. 'R. Tono J. M.Smpean J. B. Smth S. Borland -W.Beeson and J.i W.Bya-m. JL.Tuckee- Bisliep Rîchn-rdson and W. IH. Shif. B. Thor-nten - A.'Carmon end N. H. Howard', Parsonegýe -s'opSmnith. John Blette- T. Lew'is and W.! Woe0 dIwa rd,- J. andn G. Clark xdJ W. Bufdd-- T. Glover and W. T. Room-pan - A. Maylbje ed nIP. purchaesdat tiralocal Forestry et Hjiekaý.1 differenit tise,ý2s in orda t hava tirm G. Dbo n.-J .Fis'hýrarind muatura aidcly.J .Wts P ae n new baing sought feri'G. Dobson Jr -A, V7. Hilncd tira seinig oetthase 20,U00 ti-cas. r E Adma probiam la ý,te lied. a mai-kat wiricir R. Hnghsen- . nglrand e7P ,viuldi brmntg bnck oagood mai-i t ,Adei .L idlcdJ profit te tire ponducat .If traPl a . cey novi beiig invcstigated mtneie, J.'obedc-D. 'Canscaddenaned! tireawiîl haempomaf-aaerfoi-C. W.Frs. tireý latter lpart o-f Novmber and tire R. Roltb)y -E..Fuferd ced J foreant et'DacainhanTrweauce01e1i0s.P wedtevioles'lers lintar-lochire W. W, Tui-F. M. Fiine and VJ comae by fruacir, ct thm, eid iraulFot. theIrm ay aet fý,ore- ffty ae plae, T. Rail -S. L. KeranaiT. Ani but from uen wytira profit dcnivad gu'l. R.Rd'ges -B. Lymaan- xd P. la veny' emali from thiat et' a mael Mé order business to NuwYo-k. Tfima D. ndn-J. P. S rw aie-ne M I ai um- wtireatrees w-il Tirie vieere Mea Cenfe-ncea ha ditpose et',preseet, Naaa c ancd Bey! e Playground Supervision Ends Friday, Aug. 13 With Swim Test KIRBY 1We wlo a n. andMrs. te o)ui-cmury Pe*rn ýi Tire August m-eeting eýt'hie Wo-I on ntrelgwas man's, Misionny Sociaty wes haied Mnr.,Birnkal-raid tire periý-ts et' on Tuesdey, August lOtir, and waslx 7,77'5 motoriats vienase ndalst tire t'o')rm oetï)a picniic et oui- park. Inyaar. 'Carela1sis drivers ireaeded tira was a beautiful day and everyoxie lilt viltir 8,376 eft' he total Witie irad e moast enjoyable tima vltirdru.nken driving raaultad in 1,014 about forty ladies present. suspensions. Thé offancas' undar Tira meetig opened witirte sing- which sus-pensz;ions viere Irandad eut ing et' s(el'i-e yn and prayer by, Mrs. Daîe. After tire husixiass vas disposead et'ftne ,da-votienulai ies L faken y Bý-iil ý- d L wn Bowlers]1 stature, and in fevor viltir cd and maxi". F Mrs. M. H. Staplas tiren inti-educed 'tir uast speaker, Mrs. Sisseons, touching ' on Jhirbaing naigirbrs Tire folloviixg liét shows tira dnaw 1eed on thier exehange et' i-ceipts f'or tire first g ofs t'hie "Singles" and other information.s. SiSssonconspetitiox iii got undai- vay gavea c most intaesting and ixformi- tinis yack. ative tailk on "Saeatire Ciildree's At tiraMst oftet'iaontes't A pînys Fuid". Sire teid oet its bcegineiegZ B, C plu-ys D, 'E pinys F, etc, a-Il tire vihicir stertad aftanrthe i-st Wor70 waydevi-,n tira liitIf, lentira first Wer wvian' it was calied tire "Lord gama, B defeats A, and C. defants D, Mayor's Fendý". Sire said tiret alto- tire eext gamie villi ha betwaexi BEed gethar a grant del iad heaxi do"etetira newie'sa9W betvieen A and D slave tirachildren et' Europe but tiret tiraloýsers. By prm th ie l'osai-s tire was stili a great nead amioeg te continue in a second gemle it pi-e- tie childi-an. vents any playen fi-m enbing elins- iMrs. M.L Staplas old eof vsitixi nated aften oniy oe gamne. By tins a igirbo-rood Workars Home et mediod a l'osaji- le r fi-st gama . Cobourg neccntly virea cildren sure et' a secondpgame andi cou1d' ni- wara e ttaixed in tire Summaraundimaely ha tire sinnero et'iacon- dhen laten tire eider 'peoTple, test, Thanka viaraenwdaad tira speaker!In tire second ced subsequant by- 'Mns. MiLTamablyn aen d Mns. -aaes the winner's came, or latter, Ponter for ir splendid telk . la ad-vanced te tirae prepen celuýi-uni as il vies announced tirt Mrs. Ray sirovie on tie score card, wiricir ase Wood would 'ha our deleg"ae teatie shows who 'ns'or nehr ext oppoiexit Sumimer Sirooi et Wiritly. . viiDer. This simple mnethod et' pley Tira mcatingclosed vintirrayai- by, ced sconin'g, vitirtire exception et' Miss Davy and tiren ah set devin te w-iri- a bye is neaesany, la contin e meest bouxtiful suppen. uad tirrougirout tire îconteatunetii tira vininanïladcc-red. et' Quinte. 0Orono 'Circuitvies inH.(>MsH.ioyvsB)M.. Onitaie (ýConife-reveaet fht i îine, its (')MsP. .Luev(D Mn pýreacirer was O. G. (lallomuonre. J. . Wlimrs. f unv D r 1ebe-ns et circuitet'tiret t rer Ž50. 5 Loa Pneachei-sJ. 'Carscaddane n . HR, t. f.Keaeevs (F) W. Ru' and N. E. cot4an-di cern- Mi- .M. A. Meriton. pn)isedi Orono, Kirby, Les'kàrd' and (P) 'Dr. A. 'F. MoRenie vs (R) Ma enrs Bran,,ches. Mrz. P, M. Lann. Thi v we ek concludes thre play- g-udsupervision et thre Par '- danr the spion'sorship of thre Oroïne AaerAthiletic As'sociatiîon, sc 'weJl ade by our nevi superviîsor, There ul beJed et t'e uar n Friday te l3th, linthe merng, cemmiencing et 9 ocoksharp, scoe- tests ini tenniis, epeni teotWh boys, and iland seperete co)nteste' for the, boys and' for the girls ins lawn cro- jquet, The prelimninary contesta 'wal11 býe play~ed linthane rnng ithTHe finai&to ha pi'yd as part cf teral- ternoon pnegram cemniencîng et 2 Aise et 2 o'clock wilbe thea rig swimmniiig centests fer the boysi 5ïî-d giris cf tire various e groupa, Tis sehe-dule of avents is as, folicys':s Ail Swimming Events (m'ixd groupe) -YT( 10 yeaers and' under -- 20ar s-print, 2G yards coi back. Il and 12 y'eer o'lds -- 40 yards Swim, ý 40 yrsswimn on 'acýk> and under water diance. 1,3 y'ears an'd eider -- 50 yards sviim, 50 yards swimmning cxi back, and under vieter distance. For each swimig contestfer tia two croquet contesta, and fer tire ceeý tennis cexiteat there wil! ire giveni a prize te the viiner of ccraet PaIrents eia n iends are Alurged to ha on hand et2p.ticienicouragc. the ch are nd see sieakeýexily coeeed e v'ents. SwinunMing Tests forie Cros', Awatrd Junior Club The Oreno junioir football club throu-gh the sunmmer's play, made a very creditable sownaund has landed a place lxi the pieyo-ffs. 'In the fir-st gamiYe of these- finals lOrono defeated the Tyrone juniors at tlhe latter place on Tues- day evening iast b)y the decisive score of 7 goals to L. The returrn gam1e heltWeen these twvo teams il' l be played in Orone Pairk this (Thurs- day) eeinA.ugust 12th, comanien- cing at 7.06 p=m Reports indcat tht very few, spectetors, attend these junior game-is. Ths s'hould not be. They wNU! be mnemibers of the senior aggregation, la a few years and nom, is the time for dhe people to really tureeut and encourage thein along. A team that w il! ned'ouibt laed' into the finals, is womrth suppoxftîng. Turn out eximasse and don% ferget the s;ilvercoltin Senir Club The senior footbalgl club, as our juniors, isd'ing very wvell for 0t- solf. On Saturday evening last at Oronec Park they took the m-easureý of the league leading Courtice teans, dlefeating' themn by t'he score of 3 toi ThiS Saturday night the seniors wiltake on Zion et the local park,. and ne Orono teem needs this gamne to miake them* sure oI a playoff 1berth i-n the leaigue. This is the last leaueschdùedgame the Oron'o teami have left to play.. This yee-r the teama trite leaguae ar-e very,ý evenly myatc'ýhed, ail'em beipg only a few ý-gines down fremn istplace. A -he exeýcutive ,cf theécub s look- img for a large tui-nout at thnis gaime, anid are hopînig agiýainst hope that there WHil be a very generous collection taken up. The club is li the red, se this mneans that the spi-ec- tators 'are not generous enoeughi with 'their contribu"-tionsý. If every per-son w-ýho attends these gmeswould place a if-cent piece or a quarter li the1 hat, it 'would cover, the defic»it. Let's *see if vie can't npull the e cu'bout of the hole 4rig thirsSaturay nigh's game and the play-,offs. Draw %ScheduIe 'Singles' Contest A. F. McKenz7ie. (K) Ms M. H. Staples; vs (L) Ms.K. Galilsrby. (?M) iMrs. J. E. Williamus vs (N>II mis. Aimai Gauld. (O) 'Mr, Wm. Wtonv P),Mrs Leroy H Iamilton. (Q) Mr. Wm. A'er vs (R), Mrs. G. M. Liintoni. (S) MWr. Sa Payn,.e vs (T) Mr. Lerocy Hnnmilton.ý (TI) Mr, Johnl Blue vs (V) IVIrs. 0, W. Roipli. (W ) Mrs. John Blu-e vs (X) M. Roy A. Forrester (Y> Mrs. Win. Armlstrong -vs (Y1> Mr.Roy A. Forrester. (Z) MisisBabr A.Rphv (ZI) Mr. H. 'E. IHancock. It is homped that ail] players vviil rue theïrgae off as quickly as possible and thus avoid hoiling back the p'layïig schedule Man enliu'iats are regularly making, use of thegre at tche park. Mr. Watson,1 is findilng time to make good use of t-he hlos'e Ind r0ler to, put the green is, as geod shape asý posile he g-reen is avalibble f'or yoLur enj.Oyment eer a ftri OTandi evenling. lWe epe to e placed for the cotnvenieee ofpaiyers a iid sfpectaËtors, this week, benches g.t eacbend c>! the-grene. ýOroHo Junior Football Club Mr. and Mns. Fowlven andi femilyi have moved te Bovimeevilla. uMrs. Wml, Ptattanson sýpent Sun-1 day with han nepirew, Mn. and MIrs. E. R. Brysexi. Mi,.se Evelyn Henderson, Sudbury,l is viîi'hler graidparents, Mn. and Mr-s. George HIenalerson1r. -Mr. and ! Mrs. Lonne Bryson viýsi*t-. edi' with IvIn. andi Mrs. 'Onlcy 'Chapinlanl lest Satunday.1 M11. and lMrs. Wm., Pattai-son have gene te their home in Kendal eafterý sevenal môntirs' sojorewIlh tru daugirter, Mns. Wm.- Wanen. Mr,. and Mrs. -You-mans enjeyed a visit t'rom thaeir neice and eepirew from Eegland; aise tireur son aed. faiyfor, the week-end, Betty i-- maieieg for a hioliday. Mn. qed Mrs. Jiin Rutherford et- tendad the w ofn ethier sister on Saturday. 'Mn, and 'Mrs. Fred Gra- hem aise a-ttendled a ve'îgta day. WV.3M. S. M-ýeeting The W.M,.S. held its m onthl1y mieeting , on W eed nesday eveningy iAugust 4t01, with a vary smwall etten- dance. The meeting -vies olee ed wii l hymn 5)00,', Take time t'o e h holy",foiovedvilirprayer by Ms Robent Aliun. Af'te - an ixtaeesting re innil joined i singinghm 303, "Lord spaak te-nme tiret I 1might S pea k,. !A veny interestngpo grmefellcwaýd con Te -mpa1)ur n ceo p'nepared b-y 'i-.Lovicry viir ev eaa m-iemblers tkng part Ms Brso ave al 'e reading Tue etý- inZ ývins closed ,itwihhyme 388, "O MasterL let mie wal1k -ViitIl Tb tce, and prayen by IIrs. Allie., Over 31 ,000 Drivers Lose Motor Licenses J. P Biciell, reegitrar ret' moton valefor Ontanie ra s anue that aýs' 'et'Januany lat, 1948, a total et 'G 31,,91 motonoists aa hanneiidifreini àâ"i AIl boys andc girls who wîsh toG try for the Re'd Cross' Swîimming Award are asked to get in touck- with Phiil. Samis as s-oon asposbe The mfinal tests by, the Red Cos officiais wqll follow s hortv nd awards' given, to those hpas These awards are wel worth srv-. ing for; somnething to býe p ize i al your Laterer s. Do)n' m ni s s thisý foýppr,,tuity which is free to.)you, range from inadequate ,igghts, tc mnotor nmansiaughter. Since thle law becamleefete . 1900O, a total of 83,47ý3most have, been put mider sseiinfromi diving. The Nbenses have been re- sMWed ii 5LA22 ca"sesater financi re'sponsiHlty was proven, N N N N N N N N N V N N N N N N N N N N 44 '4 N 4' N N N NN N N s s N $ N N N N N 1k N N '4 '4 'i N t

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