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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Aug 1948, p. 3

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,Alter peýriodS of heavy rainfai i ~WW loften befond ha mnyof thc çihed!" ont of your si-n suppLemfeint a r y feedling zat thi ly a go invesi- ment b-cau o For eveni or su prep aat1in in he sprin-g was 2 adequaýte 1iîa1,e 11es ay by this tine blucînee cfti xt>ra feeding. NtratecOf ioaappîied at therteocfv pounds per ,00 qar et sgo for this purpose. Wblen yorinQnotce smaýi ti spots apaigon sidewalaks, or. o(n tue tops cf cars pre ne shade trees, yen Caui be pretty cr fuin they are due to the ahd.Te- swveet anid sticky scection from these insects if often called ony de-whý--ichl is thie attraction for thle hordes cf0, tswhicb oDfteccirn panýy the aphids. Norway miapie is eu cof 1thcgrcýat- ust favorites of the apids, b.ut the.,, yl setie 011 poplar, birch, haw- thoru anid semetirnes even cherry and apple îtres, Spray3s rof nicotine are then suai Iretme t, bt hey must be givcri eu ar n sd repeate-diy as everal diffefreuti generations cf apid(,s can mýake thecir appearance lui a very short tine. Aneýw vaiation cof the timet-ested &SOîl Soaker" isý a newt irrigatory- which fits any hfose-that fbas just tomne on the umarket. TFhe new coni- trpon csists clof ja 'Small on ,ylinder pf ,rated with unrny tiuly lholes throuigh b w'hicthe wtrbb bics, so)akïiug suyd aerating the soui at eue sud trie ame time, Miore and mnore gadeniers, i r ider to improve the quality cf the soul, are makîug a epoint cf esoYing some green Iaue crop in vegetabiAe garderis, iin nulflower beds, or Y în anly other garden paýtcb that eau se pared( during the eamrby fali or e20~y sprig, Falwha s a fine crop for this purpose asud seois ,rye. ïYen wiil need about one cpennd of cthrfor 400 squarefeto about two bushels -ife anre. Scatter thie secrd over- yormrbeds in late Auguîstomr early Setmethen cuitivae teit in Dont deiay too lonig thte pruniug ofyour ramblerroses; n fct th best plan iS te% tackle the, job a seon as possible after fiowerinig is donc. Pruuinig shouild 1be donc every year, becaiuse of the heavy grow,,th., AJilyen bave te do is c:uioeut, elose te the ýground, ailthecanles that bave fiowýered this year, Tyinýg and traiuling the încw shonUld begin imdaeyafter 'iie cuttinig îS donc,ý If yen w.anit pan)siefs te edge a flOwer bcd Or dr a walk rnext spring, start growý:ing tie plants from- seed rigbit inw. Fr-esh sreed, Planted in a coldframe ocfiatwitbi flliexe1t two or tbree weeks, shlouid gerinrate aibundantlîy The steid- fings shlold be thecn pikdont and properlîy sparcd, aÎid th e 1young plantts fiually mvd etheir per-1 manent places il, October, E__vergreen ýbranches ,placed oj ver theni in Dcýciecebr wili generaly fprovide euonigb protection; sud ai- Sth"oughi a few biossomis may appear Ilate fal, or dnniug an extra mild, winter, yeu ýshouîd have plenty of plants ready to bljooni seo ater spring arvs "Even a modest gaýrden containis, for' those who knowhow t0 look and 10 wait, Mor-e isrcinthan a lbay"A IL Just Fer Fun Of bgaesteod Conlthe pl0at- form cf an, OnItario raiiway sDta- tienl, wtbi the snoecf the eptig train a î) enrsing 1ividly Home of Çanada's Largest Inland Pound, Net Fisheries-Situiated on thie.shores of Lake Erie at Wheatley, Ont.-about 25 méils southwvest of Chathami-the Omnstead Brothers ishery has been in, operation-somne 30 ýyears, and has gron nto, the largest project of its kind in the Domriniion. Pouund net fishing is a.ighly developed typeuing specilai-metral boats which- because of lack of docking space-are hoisted up on derricks whn ot actually in uise, Special pile-driving barges are used in constructing the nets, whiich stretch out into the lake' as far as four miles. Whitefish, mackerel and perch are the principal products. This picture, ta-tken especially, for these pages, gives a general view of the plan t. That big day t0 which mie had len lookinig forward for se many wees-the dîay on which niy friend from ngan was due to arrive- bas cone and gene. Thiirty.. years have faIllen awmay and i] our resuimed iriendship wie hardly realis-e they ever existdO. Time chantges the joloujr of onie%'hair, produces mues anid wrinkles, alters the Contour of one's figure (aLas) ut after ail1 is Said and donc it does littie te the rel-- persoui--tbe samie chiaracter is there, the expressions anid imannver- ismis th-at we rceember make thdir appearuCe lat uuexpected times just as they always did. WheIic merýt Ciczly at the airport 1 had ouly on oe moment of pauic; that was whni had watched about twenty personis pass throughi the gate and stilI no sign.of anyonie i thought in any way rescmbled ber. And then jlI saw ber... and ith-oUt tbe ieast doubt at il as to ber Hientîty I went to the gate to meet ber. So thiere, we wecre-after.thirty year-s. inicdenitailî, that was also the day he the men started cutting w,,hcat -,- Snd bad, quite a bit of trouble w ithte binider. It was aIse the dlay when ithie latchery mran phonled thlat hle was briniginig our second lot 'If chiickens-bialf, grown, thank, goodniess, and allI pulletsi. Even at that tE"c thouighitef more chickenis on that, day was the last strawý since Bnob and 1I were going toj the airpjort au3d Partiier, 1i1 thoughIt, woufld have quite Cnough to do wit hout actinIg as"cien sitter." So the arrivaI of the cicks wý,as postponed' for a day. Now w have pleuty of belp-with cbickens, udî biens, and ieaning eggsl Oh yes, and we have made two trips to the bush te pick wild raspberries. Themy areflot as plentiful as they were last -yer-not because it is a poor seasoni for betrnes but because cattle, pasturing in the bush have destroyed so many of the bushes. Ouir trips were without misadven- ttire-a,,Ilough one of tbemn couid have beeni otherwise-the2re was a wiid bC -enct iwicb 1 baýpened to Amswer te Last Week's Puzzle IR AD AED0 EAp R I i Ri E£ PI I. D SL1& 1 séeejust in time. I couldn't 'have mnoved faster had a bear been chas- ing me. Do you know what ?-I have ask- ed Ciceiy t o jot down a few of ber impressions of Canada andCa- dian living so bere they are v(erbýa- tim.- "I arrived in 'Canada by air fromn England on, july 21. The ý,jou-rney took just over twenty-four blours. Owing to bad weather we had to take the route via Icelan-d but due, probably to the skili of the pilot, the Atlantic crossing was smoo-tb, and thie attentionandr courtesy of the stewardess helped to mi-ake ýthe tn.p for nmepa very pleasat expercï- Anid now wh;Iat are miy imipres- sosof Caniada gained in these few days? Thectyie is vast but lovelýy with its wvoods and maple- Elined roads-andi love the pretty blue chicory. 1 sid 1 I wanted to take a root bai,-ck to Enîgland but was told in no, uncertain ternis of. thie nature anid character of this lovely flower tha't I admnired so, much Onario, seems, a land of qucer noises - trains thatsrec like- "AilCer srn;thle conIstant ringing of party hue telep-hone belis~ that nobodysem to aniswer. Thie local shops, (I tbought, wCelag and weil-filled, andclthie uewsppr absolutelyenros The countryside as a wbole seemps very sirnilar te that of Eng- land but the shopping centre wiitb its wooden stores, sud the residen- tial district wt wooden bouses arnong the trees, quite continental in appe arance. Naturally 1 arn en- jeying the quantity sud variety cf food that cornes te the table sud I arn sure many an English bouse- wif e wouid euvy what goes inte Tippy's suipper dish every night., And the bred.ý, . I just caunot get o-ver tie liitness suid wbi:tcnless of the brecad! As forý the egs-1 neyer 55W sncb ieniormoius eggs. I can't quite get used toe e des cf there being ne t !iigt.Itis 'gtadthen SO suddeuly il is dark. I1 love Canla- dian fa11m1lf-at least wbat I bave stecu of it se fart-soon I shiah be au accom.ip'ishiedeu nand chicken feeder. Last uighLt I evcn tried te rnilk a cew suad got at least a um- bler-fuli of imiik, se I am îooking ferward te several weeks happy sud useful holiday in aad. Certainly Net Te-acher: "an five things thiat Bo"y: "Ice cream su ad a cew." Teacher: "T'hat's oiY two tinigs." Boy: "uesyen neyer saw a 1cWii, Thereare many who ciain, that fhey simply ýdo flot like Squash as a table vegetablewhn as a ,niatter cf fact, they bave neyer tasted I t when properly cokedL. For squiashi caui beý very tasty, as wýell as beaitb- fui, whether, it is the crookueck- variety, the Italiat, or Znccbini squash, or the saucer-shaped Patty- pans. Here are asome recipes you arc aimost certaini to enjoy; but oe thing is very important. Squash ocf anly kïind shoid bec sdwe younig and tender-not after the shlwgrows ough aOnd Ibaýrd. S;quash, Pan-friedl Suice squiI'asbouit thtree quar,2teriS of an inich thlick; diîp suices into rnilk, thenl into finec brcedcirumbs seasouied with i ono, sit,ý pepperi etc. Saut"e in buttîer or cooking fat 10 to 12 mjinutes or until golden brown anâd crisp anid serve bot. Spa.nisb-style Squash nesmall summ1-er squýash anid on ediuam -sizc e (ggpIan-t cut in sjmailldice, Arranige in buttered bakiuig dish îin alteruate layers wt two siced tomatoes. Grate One meiu nion anid sprinkle over vgtbs.Add touch of paprika or aly oer seasouings you chIoose. Cover aIitb crushed cornfaks dotted liberaily -wýith butter or fat. Ba ke in mnoderate oüven (350 de- grecs> 50 to 60 rm-inutes. MakeS fromi 4 to 6 se-rvùigs. Squash, Stuffed With Corn Take four wbhole yellow squash of the straight variety and cook in boihing w -'ater 15 te 20 mnteor until tender. Drain and cool, then remiove the pulp, saving the shelis. Mlash the p'uip, tencobie it on e cup cooked cor n',a third of a, CROSS WORD PUZZLE ACROSS 1. Hleavy nail 4. Relief 8. Strokes gentl 12. New Zealand tree 13. Seen 14. Leave out 15. Piece 17, flainty 18. StraIne3r 19. Mimtake 21. Obe3SS piece.a 23. Pronotnu 27, S,ýupport fer a clIrnbîng plant 33. ander 3 4. Swva m p 36. Long narrew opening .Enc(Ollragea 39. Votes 44. Light repast 48. ositve ;4. Becarne legs 56: Closing 67.1 Roffg E8. 'Eo y G2 qýSheep 60. Surveyor's DOWN 2Vegetable 3. Rf ter 4. Girl 6. tity 6. Soiitary 7. Vestibule 8. outdoor game 9. City ln Texas 10. Twitchtns cup fn breudý crumnbs, a qiarttc-e teaspoon sait, dash of pepper, ene beatenl egg aýnd twotaepon cra.Reffil the squcash shei and top wi-th sc of tomato. Spread over the tomato suces a conibiinat;i o of one easpoon min-edý oniio,ionetason minced par- siey and ývtw taLIespoon)rs rmeited butter, Bake-ý in a, sha-llow pan îÈ modera-te oven, (375degrees) ,for 20 minutes Sumrmer Squash, B8oiled Wýas'h the qushbuit do nlot peel, Cut ;nsce or quarters and cooklui covered panri for 10 to 2U inuýites with a -very smnall amoui-t (If boilingwtr (There shold be no wa,,ter left to pour off whenl squash is ready toServe.) A thié.iy siled ouions added to cooking water gives cextra flavor. UDrain, rah andseso with sait, pepper anid butter. A two pound squiash will maesix ýservings. Considerate CLook hah, Rastus you ail know whait you'-lre oi You lgoin' atway, for de weekend and thuee ai stick of wvood cutt for dle housel' "Weli, whatyou aihinin' abou't, woin' i- ain'ttakinig de axe arn ~oOUItjoof Mocea iIi.vop1 ris tcd cm sb ontr.MUc35P,5D4 SI GO. Il. Pigpetn 16, Borring teeS 20. Ribbed cleth 22. Pen point 25. Part of a plant 26. Siainese coins 27. Device for eatching 28. Garinent 29: Close ef day 20. Weep bitterly 82. Land sur- rounded by water $5. Chýannel from the aliiore Inland 38. Undermin* 40. Iueliued 42. Persýiana 46. Tee bad 47. Trade 49, Wlde-rnouthied jug Scollpge official 62. Playing card 53. Line 55. Greuud pine IN_ The Car For Every Purse And Person B 1RITISH QUA'ýLITY - -LOW COST OVER 40 MILES PER GALLON IMMlàEDIATU 1DELITE Y. SALES SERVICE PARTS Easlly Available Throughout The Province Au.stin Ontaris Motors Limitedu Mldway 734.8 TORONTO IL 9 N N N N N N N N N 'I s, '1' t N N N N N N N ~* N N N N N N N '4 N N N 921 YSNGE STREET

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