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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Aug 1948, p. 7

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Gr-eat Britain Thec Chanlice]llor of the Exýche uq- erouhdoif a storml of criticism- lin e diugdwhat the Goe- utIi wýas proposing to do ini order A- ' briug about a still fuirthier re- vival of Brih induty Sir Staf- ford Crippsz' auoneettoît of th-e Sttiug up of a jo'int Anglo- Amnerican Advisory Councl for thi purpose, and spoke (,f thlepoibl àty of br1,ingiuig over Uitet States experts to teacb the BrSih more modemr methods of industri pro- tilher ae pleuilty of Br iiti wh see-ory proes t see-s ethir asnth I1el th in dg riftih Woe eat Wo icie-auc aid the meias Wjll eveqtu- vay try to oerthrow sngtoiaisnl Sin Bhrti a nt orc a rtru to hi down eoed ofrehe cerpie" sys-w1 Buti e fea American! adnt- vice AUl belp step-up production, Sir Stafforti Crpp antimo of the athier em rsof the, Cabinet are likely to dioregard snicb sugges- lions, or any oýf tne othecr hiarsh îh-ings nWbcing beard abuhis proposai fromi ail sides ani-d f romo Maaly Classes, For Cripps bas conisistenly beeni Wehinig t1hc Britisbi unions thiat if ibey Wat impl"roveti Conditions, lhecy mutsf pay for tbemir by protiuc- lnig miore gooçs-and ceven union leaders in the United States :oni- tenld that workmnen hu Britain rely looq muicb on political action,> and &of nearly enough on industrial :ibility ani outrput, in ortier to attain But in spit of Brifan's present glplorable econormic po)sition, there- Rre Stîll fa100 many workmIIeni there wcho bave been adant in refusîg to accept up-t-ate ideas and1 to modern theirprtuio dsStil1 hauutiug a large pro- offactories anld ines is letfear that laio-àvn weyanti equipmi-,nt soor, trnmeans wvorkýmenj ooking iabs. The Far East S Nciuirai observers in Japani anti e. hn an see e.vitiences tha f-jt lic- xneu inhfe Kýreminl3 who plýan 'Rus.. caa gobal strtgy are nmakng- woves Wi ay evenftually resuIlf Iu an enirlynw balance of power ýïl th Far JEast. This tijoes flot necessarily miean thaf Russia intids to, take upr thec reins wv")ithi l flic xt couple of years, Tihe neW Soviet îindustrýial eprinSiberia is still sonie dist- aince from compl1ý'etin, althoulian ýlmposinig sfart, baareti bceen- matie in the tievlopmnent of Liglif t'id heavy îndusfzýries ius hiaîf a% dozen Cas3teImu Sibe)rÎPi are-as. Bttos whor'c wafched Wliat the RuIssiansý titi hI Macu i iuing early 19416, anti who ste fI steaduly dvlpn Sovie power in Korea sis past COUPSe of yera, are prety Weil agr1-eeti thaf4 thie rmiuslong- ,ange objctive,- is f0 achieve a, dc-_ cisive mecasure of conitrol over - pani, Chinaý,1 anidtiltîmaîetly the he cf southeast Asia. This, of course, presellts thieun Welcome andti hreateninig prospect cýf anl 2ironi curfain" enicomlpasiug hemorpori-"on Of the Farp F- .gIon n addtio tthe onewhc 110W obsqcures fromnI westerný cýec sucli a large area of Europe. To thlose whio Cali say thlat sncb %th-ings are nnesor - "miere 1pecu11ltion anti who mlainftain that1 Rr-ssia bas no great Asiati tipesin, If migbti be well to poLint oufnom hoisoricl fcts.Oneof tblese is iatevrsince the days of tbe Cars Rusia bas actively fnied to pusb itd castemu bounidres farther lo th ast anti te the soth An- ~te-btthe leatiiug oppositionl -1~ thlRsinirga as alway S teprescrire of a militarily fuI Japani. M5 it w'as JaYutbat bloke nai efforts tY pentrate Korea "anchunia Aganinu 1931, if Watch His Dust !-Young- Bill kicks Upr a cloud of dust and gives his tramner, Johnny Simpson a speedy sulky ride during a ýtrial woürkout at Good Time Park, Goshen, N.Y., inpraatn for the $60,000 Hambletoniian classiC to be held there in mid-August. Owned by W.G. Rosm of Charlotte, N. C., Young Bill is -a son' of Bill1 Gallon, 1941 Hambletoniani stake ine Management Shouald Tell Labor More Iu a recent speech ithe President of the 'great Generaý1lrFods Corpor. ation ýaid somne thiugs wich shiouîd, eb-of real interest to every emiployer BIX~TC of labor-whether the cimpîoyees IC ~numnber twu, l or ten th.ousand. Some story book cbaracter-We tbiuk ità w'as one of Damon Run-, yon'Cs--oce tolti about tbe' atvice is father lihat given bim as a lad. ý'om mn-emory, If rau souetbing- like tht-is: Sou, as you travel thlrough h 1f e, some day you will meet up it-D b ilia guy W ili Pro- ducea bran-pnew deck of cartis, strip thjevrapper. off if, anti then ofïl2r te 'cet you ie ccan, iake theý j C' of SPaýdes POP 1uP anti SPit cit-der. Anti sou, tion',t you bet býim; f ifL you do youll wànd up witb no mconley an111 an earful of citieri" Wc coldt lelp thinkiug of this very soutidativice whuie looking over a1. neWlvyý-publisheti volume en- titleti "Yellomi Kidi" Weil-being fc rasouî-ably trutbful confessions of a man Wlio w ut fliroughli f e antiam asseti considerable Wealtb byprmtn suckers on wliaf like- wîse appearetil,') le sure things, but whc ater turneti ont f0 be anytingbutthat. The "V'ellow Kid"» intimates here anti there that lie was the greatest 1ail "confitien e men," wbich lu the fechuical term for gentlemen who beguile you into reposlng your ert ire confidence-anti bankroll- with them, anti then prove to be unwocrtby of flic trust. Weil worked mdany angles; but possibly hlu greafest triumphs were along Uines of persuading various cit izens t0 ger heavily on herses that were supposed Lto have already %von- this beinL accomplishedt frougb ah- legeti connivarce of a crooleet race- trkcek telegrapli operafor, who would holti backflic results of a race lonlg Sougli for flic bet f0 be piaceti.1 The vctm Lu sucli cases, of courlse>, wa.,s suppaseti to 'be the foohîih bookml-aker who fook< the bet; ant i il, ut he liati a sul'- flý-cinrly, well-heceleti fish on flie hook, -would sameitimes go ta thli exýtenit settinig up a fake book- m.akerj's e- tlisbment, or "«store," com-pleeWitb, staff, otits-boarti, telegraipli ticker anti supposeti cus- tomlers. By [1he time fthc sucker woke nýp f0 the fact that bis "sure thig" ati'twon, at al, ,anti,..that lie a-! been gy;rppet, aIl thieseWntI have iraculnsîy vaniishieti, nefte reappear utnfil the-re 7a a freili vicm, itbfresh nmonev, iiu sigitý Shoti you ever take flic ffime to. glance flriagli Mïr;.Wei1'_s highlyi inferesfinig pgevou willlpoai ~Ci7 sezei Ili ha feeling of amaze mlîtrea 'iig wa a vasf umbc thiere are in fisworlti of iceil will invesot their lhard-earued han-k- ols ou thie word oif comparative s;trangers. PoýSSiîy Vflic thouiglit elw, can tip you off te an easy andi absolutely certain methati of fioding out whether it could, or not . ust ask y 3ourself this one qsuestion, then give yourself anhoest answer. If you knew, beodte shadlow of a doubt, that a rc was "fixeti" for a certain horse to win, would you-honestly rowfall for the temptation tta have a itebet on Ît?- -If the answer lu1 "Vs"then brother, watch your step-for you're potential pickings for the first confidence man, tout, hustier or what - have - you who pitches a sufficiently plausible tale. Howe ver, donrt worry too mrucb about it, as you have plenty of comy- pany. As' one smart operator-not the "YelloW Kid"-used to saPr, "Everybotiy living has at least a, teenyr mite of Iarceny in bis, heart- and the more they have the softer puishovers tbey are." He was the genlemnan Who once convinced us that his daughter's husbanti was one of eight jockeys riding in a race, who had, madie a secret pact to "shoo" a certain horse in. As we recall it the only reason for this steed finisbing up as sixth was that ,tWO of the others feli dlown making th;e'stretcb turn, Iu basebaîl, one of the season"s features is the 'difficulty Bobby 1Feler is hiaving in getting by. There are probably stili a whole lot, of wVinuling gameus in that riglit a.-ir of b is, but thle years have taken their to11 of if, just as thy o of ail th11in huan except the characters ini the soap OPeras. Eveni his unpopularity - ;7hfich he deliberately courted with his high-hat miethods-is turning out, ta Feller's ativanîtage. Where once the customers jamnmeti the ball parks t0 see him blaze that fast one past the batters, they now turn out i just as big numbers hoping' to see some- body clout him off the mouind with a fulI-bouse homner. Ail of wvhicb mrust cauise Bobby to, crack, occasinnally, in secret, anc of his infrequent srmiles. For Feller, îin addition ta a huge salary, gets a perceutage or bonus basoti an liow his clulb does at the cash regis- ter-andi Cleveland ilooks ta b. a cinch to gré over the 2,000,000 mnark in home attendance, and mnay e.ven break, the New York Yank-ees' record for aî single season. And ever sinice lie started out Bob Feller bas gone on the principle, "Three c;heers mray make more noise thani' three bucks, bDut they don't buy aes niany steaks or groceritco." MNe1t rash foot( ndOther externaî1y cauised l tobe Ino~icatiSûh.atiepi , . , get pý fi ar- die an lie of" fri bu pr, w tic geý op ad ant tht pla te vife day the pay, tievi faî pot an whalý Ydu cao blame wuimen's ate noon teas on the Ducbiess of Beti- ford wbo startedtihfecpractice in the early l9tb ccntury. ICLASSIFIED ADVERTISING CILS, GREASES, TIRES, Insecticides. Electrie Pence onrolesBuse and Barn Patint Roof Cojatlige sete. Deal-1 ars, wanted. WrIieWaceGrease &CI ilni ted. Toronto 10 OUT 0F 12 ARE BUYING Agents c aru big mone.y, fulor par.t time, takingc orders for our door nýame plates. Fast selltr. Mr. Coul ,Graý,nd Csaei.Quee. writes: "2 showed It te 1' 2 pele andl 1 bought. They found it very 'nOce for 81-11 a 10w pries.' 'Writeinow tfror detajisor Sena 75e for sample wlitb your own name on, 1t. Tinselcrafi tegod., st. Bilaire. Boz ô28, Quebe. BUSINESS OPPOOTUNITIES SAVE MONES'; send os yoour wool to hemade lnto yarn or blankets. Wirite for particulars. Copp) Woolien Mille Ltd., Port Elgin, New Brunswick, FARMERS WE CANý, SAVE YOU MONEY tn Water Bowîs, Stanchions., Mliing'Machinery and Separators. Our moliOn "Beter Merchan dise At Lower Pr'ice," NEW IDEA DISTRIBUTINO, GODERICH,, ONT, For Some...r and iialase re hicls, pulets :and four wek nd pn.Special onces this eele and Lnet ï(,endfforweelely special onces a-nd catcalogue. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARMS EXETER,ONAO î2c HURONDALE CHICKS 12e 2 wks. ~ ~ k old17..wk.od2e Odrfri an'l enclose thisd HURONDALE CHICK fH TCHE-:ýRY LONýjDON ONTARIO PCULLECTS Owestoelaying 1On pure red and cosres omrand Fal Cclkls1 hatche-1 teocder, Fre' 'Catalog-ue. Tweddle. Chick Hratceries Limitzed. Fergus, Onitario. PULLETS. Pure breeds and cross brýeede, 8- welsta laying. summer and Faîl chiýcle. Free Catalogue. Top Notcb ChICkSls Guelph7, Ontario. WE'VE a f ew started pollets. aIse some nlon- sexed started. Prompt ehipiment. Day-olds te order. Bray lfatchery, V120 John N.. M-ai- ilIton, Ont. H1AVE SYoU ayhn eededyeing or deani- ing7 Write te us. for informaýtin. We are gldte answer your questions. Departinent MH, Parker's Dye Works Liniited. 791 Yenge Stieet, Toronto, Ontario.1 FOR SALE BOATS: Order yoor new Miunro B3oats or Mercory Outhoard Mloter 00W tand assure yoorself of early delvr. Send for date.- logues. Dealers write - ITOOBOATS.1 LONDON W., ONT . * MEHCURY OUTBOARD IBUTOIts7. .ETE blocl-making ma-cLinerY for sale; motor wltb Power tampers, capable o£ blocks ln izes f rom -V' te 12'-, either iced or plain, ail palettesecsarIn- ,1,300 In steel: 2 1-tO vbdrauflie IlitO lso racks. 1,000 blocke per day machine and a geod inity te start n business iwith a *mod- Investment. Write John Melchior, 12 d St., London, Ont. RE FAR, U mile east of 23 ih 1 nmile froin Fuliarton village. ThIe as geoo choice lad,18acres hardweod ange banic harn, sîilo, ien bouse, dive ,ydr.elgrtromdstone bouse. win;d- ater in bairn-. -piy John HTý. Brooi, Monro, ont.t IE FAPIM. Brockvlleloality, Weil- ped. good buildigs. Orirorof, hydre,- water ssen near railroad, roade Dwed iin Winter. neyer been' rented. errv, JellYIyy Ont. ALE-00-cre are, 8 acres good land. 6 acres wood lot, 2 miles soutb mile, Ont.. Vs ile etast 10 Higbway. right. Immediate possession. J. FP. r.Spencenville, Ont. ,RE FARM with buildings. teole. nery. some hoosehold gonds, 9 herses. e hay: ; ie haîf mile te FraseùrR iver, store. echool, P.O. Pries *$1600.00. ('oreil swmll. Dewey, B.. Menry Sinclair Mille, B.C. -LE. 145 acres choies dairy farm. ln corporation on' No. 4 Hlgbway Winghamn and Clinton. Good 8-room ydro, bath. bot water heating. New v stabling, tUe 40 cows; water bowls. rrier. also large Implement shed and moe. Pniced for quiclu sale e.t $18.800. ex 1,. 123-1Otb St., New Toronto. Ont. I.LE, 8-wveek-old barred rock puilets. re..montb..ld ready te lay, $2.50. Shunt Farie.R. No. 4. Amherstburg. LE, 100-acre farm between Wingham lînton. -oo oue Barn 48x70 ft. i shed- 26x6O ft. and chieken lieuse t. Buildings n goed repair. Drilled 1 soins busb. Ail for $1.000. Arply 123-lSth St., New Tûronte.o Ont. II-POWERED RIFLES Vrite foc new liste and ncs SCOPE, SALES CO, 'nS". Otw.Ot ETTES. abogny oated ariet4o. frein impowrted chamnpions, Sgt. e. 1aranteed. Ârdee Kenanels. Dalmneny. ewan. n'A, '00 acres, 45 cieared. lare rameý and hr.Pricies 20000o. Lloyd. îy, Ontario. 100 acre highlway ftarrn. average cge. near Seafortli. $5.000. Termis. cottag'e in Seaforth. $*4. ,000. Termej. i adroSeafortb. Ont. IRDSELL CLOV51R OOXJLLER on e-bý FOR tSALIC NEMW RUBBEIt BELTING, for farm imrulâ. mente and machinery. V? x 8 ply. 18e fLO, VI x 4 ply. 38e ft.; 6" x 4 lly, 66c Mt Mattbiew Moody & Sons Company, Terrebone, Que. E7ýstabIs3hed 1845. NEW194 24-42 Waterloo Tbyesizer on rulber, 7liOglO tires, roller bearinge, Hart weigher anrd bagger. 100 ft. S" drive hait. Oniy uiee 5 daýys. $180,A.lo Joli Deere D Tracter on rubber $550.00. K. Barendres-t. Union. Ontý. RtEGISTERED White Colesý, nowv. TattooeL Picture. Pets. cow dýoge. StoýnehengeKe- nels. Mac Freeman, Battérsea.Onaro 8-BOOM, brick home incuding geýne-ral store. with garasge, storehouse and ema-i barn, Two acres on county road hi goodJ farmlîng section five miles from Peterborogh,. m - diate Possession.' Prie $7.000. WF.-W. Daw- son, .R11i, Peterhborough, Ont. THRESI{ERS, H-ay Presses. Potatc Di-ggere.ý now evailable for immediate deliveriy. Seal for illustrated cîrculars. Mattbew Moo"dy & Sons C'ompany. Terrebonne. Que. Estaisbedi* 1845. FALL HATCHED POULTS Broad Breasted Bronze available for FaU delivery. Book your order now. LAKEVIEW TURKEY RANCH EXETER, ONTARIO LEAPZIN Hairdressing tho% Robertson metbe6. Uiormaatin ou rquest regardOns clasne, Roberteons arsis Aedemny. 127 Ave- nue Ra.Toronto. HELP WANTED W ANTED-Prrotestant Teacher for S. S. Ne. 6, Hilton.- Salary $1500, Apply to Eve. Freda rIaighc. R.R. 1, ilton Beach, Ont, QUALIFJED Pilingual Teacher for Romzt CatholicSaae School Nd. 2A. Ruthes'- glen, Sept. 1. 1548. SinSall enrolment. ,l stating unjictonslarY expeeted,, Frani Robîchaodu ecc es. Rothergien. Ont. EXPERINCEDSARMER1, imarried orsige dir ly farn1 Peel Coi-nty. bouse. hydro. fuel mfileprvjed Bst wa.ges. State experience, age, jî.e cf fniiy lugo Lyons. Ubeltenhans, Ontario BRENT£. ONT. R7enifrew County; Teaches. wanied for Deacon S. S. n. 1. Dutiee 'commence Septiner iet. Apply stating sai- ,ary and qualifications. Thos Dixon. S'ec.. Treas.. Brent. Ont. QUALIFIED TEACHER required for Monck, land Village School, S. S. No. 19, Roxbcor- ough. Doties teL commncrie ln September A.ot» PlY. stating qiualificaitions and experience. te L. H. CoulthartScTes, Monclçland. Ont, PO*WASSAN CniuainSeboolreQuIres a teacher for grds q o -12, qualifisd te» zeach EuainlGiac.Englieli. History, on Ô knowliedge 0 f Art preferred but net nedesary. Writ staing ualificationsam religion to W. S, Wflsan. Secretary. MIEDICAL NAUES IlIP - Djýxon's Hemedy for Hheumatic Pains. Neuritis. Tosnl prIsiTong it. AMunrlo's D rua rstore, 23 lais ottawa. -PostpaId $*1.0 GOD ESOLUTfION - Every sufferer e Wheoic l ,Palinsor N'eunîtis slioold try DxnsRemiedy. MnesDrug Store, l Eli.Ottawa. Poetpaid *$1.00. OPPORTUNITIES FOB>I WOMEN BE A4HAIRDRESSER 1 JOIN CANALDA'S LEADINO SCHOOL Grea i Oportunity Leare Haîirdressing Pleasant dignifiedi profession. good wagee, theusa'nde suscceseful Marvel graduates, AxnericaIs greateet system-n.ilustrated data. los'ue free.Write orSOeIll MAVL HAIDESSINC Branches; 44 King St.. Hamil!toa & 114 Rideau Street, Ottaws, PATENTS licitors'. Established 13907M14, ing Wedt Toronto, Boolelet tofrmation onreqeet THIIFTY PHOTO--SERVICE, Fres enlargement witb eaeh roi! 6or ex Posuns roll devloped and printed 80c. Hepnintsg 40. P. O. Box 35, Toronto. STAMPS SPECIAL introduction offrr30?ntoreýign coing $1,00. Send us anY coins and stampe yvol have for sale and we will make yo nâoiteef tor thema. We pay $10.00 each, for 199$ Canada 5e and 60a pleces. QusenàCiy Stauk4 & Coin Ce., Box 124, Terminai A., Tornite. '"QUICK-Flash" Approvals: Copt les.on binged. more fun. Write today. ,Bloons, 6347 Yew, Vgtncouver. Canada. WANTED WANTED SEED SALESMAN Tu rePresenit well establisltId eed lirm te se5 direct to farmners. Prefer men wlio ar,ýe vwel knowýr n in their farming commkunity and wlis are 10ooking for a ýpermnanent VpOsttion Witb e future. IMlghest commission paid. A chaact tO start oP a business tu your own district Ali replies conlidentia. State quallaeationg and gIve b)anklng refeýrencea to Box 15. 128. lOtb St. ew- 'noe Just For Fun As thiey wre liaving a heartý- to-luearÉt tahk over a cup e ofe, tflic girl in. the greenjupe said, wif b a *1gbl: "Ihave frieti everythinýg te t he suni fu0 make im npropose te me. Wliat else can I do?" The girl i tepà-rc loketi at lier kolgy Try untier the mooiî," she ISSUE 33 -,1948 For cosat'So ing~easure *0"EXPO RT"I x 'k N t y y 'i 'k 'k s. N 'k N N k. 'k 'k 'k 'k. .5 N 's 'k 'k s' '~0 ut 'k N s 'k 'k s N -.5 s 'k s' s t N. ý 1 -, 11

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