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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Aug 1948, p. 1

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ES Vol. 12.- No.'M0 OVPONO, ONT., THURýSOAY, AUG. l9gth, 1948 subscription $ 1.50 per- Year j--i-)rham Central Agricultural. Sùciet FairaOrnSp.1-i School For 'Leaders 0f W.M.S.1 At Ontario Ladies'Collegeý -' heFifteenth Session of theý ~colfor Leaders of trie Baýy cof ýQuita C'onferanice Branch of the Womn' MssonrySociety of th e Uied Chu'rcb of Canada AiIHa% lheid at the OtroLadicies' Collage, WîbAuguat 30tb o Sept. Srd. Anoeinter-ested in the work o h Woa'mVissionary Society, eitheri unOror aduit, li-my attend and se- pcurs regisitration slip -from the Reg- Cesr,:ms E. S. Dennyesy 2M4 Cburcb St., Belleville, Th-e rates are as fol- --o7' --lId Breakas3 5e.; lunchaon', 5 ine,65c.; roomr $1.1019 per day. Registratian wiAl hghl at the Col- laeat ri p 1ta. onMonday, Augustl Do ah, nd thie opening dinnier will 'ba sevdat 6 p.m. An interestiag fea- -u) f the rn-jinfg prograns of the Sehol hisye'ar 'will be the ani trats orjunorswîeh %vill b e in chreof Mrs. l.DGlor MisHelen GCDyEditor of the(, MI'sioar .MntbyToronto, amd VLs ilna ToaToronito, are 40 e present at the Sclhool for Lea- ders, and are neil kani to WMS ladies. Each afernoon, 2.00 o .00, a ~gronp interested in musie wHi be hi a -ga 'of Rev. S. L. O iorne, .A ýDMus. Doc. Dr. OsIjorne is PU neIpao f Ontario Ladie' Collage. Ws. . t 'mtPembroke. Wi1 be iîchageicfWor.sbip andi Bible Sty Thea oypic w111 ha"Th'y King- Mr-s. R: . ýLS-alioui', Enlniskilen, Mi be Leader of organizéd recrea- i .and TuesýdLy aeig u Yhs 'been,- set ýaside fo.r fun nigbt. Forest Shows Progress A .report Ohn theGnrak Foe, which i s part of the respoii!ity, of the Gailaraska River îContservation Authiorityý, lins heen i îssued by the Pnlario Dapartment of Lands and Porests. Purinig tbe !948 plantjn'g sason ae tota-l of 322A000 trees were planted on 444acesc land la, the Gaiar-l askaFret Most cd thesa trees came frcrn Oroo PoinilNur- sery, 230,000 tre, or 63% CI the total wer.ep _a') iy hand, wlJe tle, hal- ance, 9,0 treesz, or 27%ý, were p 1avedby wo tjeep atigma- cbieslTese m naciai-es ara,'simPilar Vomehnia tcol*acco patrand eau planmt -as much as 50 r'sa dlay, Th'ey re hauiladbytrtos Wýork coommreacd onthe20bo iApril, 'with V'h.a m'arking 4ouLt ef fire.. guard lanas and patainblocks. Tlie aeverely eroded land on lIt09 Concessiroa 8, Clarke Town-iship for- i -erly -n ow-ed by ýFred Bydwa pahtedfisb rsfrnPot- pool an-id Kenýdal. 98,00 ras ware set in 51 acre ' th'is arnsoil. Spe4cies hast ed tce severa rwneodto used, sucb as black locust, jaciý an poplar L o t 5 9ýan-,i d10, ýCo n c ess!ïin0e, Town. bip, nere par,ýtially plat 11 1917, and comfpeteîy fied in Vs , 1 200 acres fa Manve-rs Te>wnsh-ip Y ere planteti hy -machinie. 23acres arvuad Farmers Fader- 'aion land at The Goldlspring am Oronio Juinior Footi Wins First Came celegatas re- inic.Uje iu'wumn, were planîuny sli Vo Mss. E. b otb Boy &ousanti bhiratiplantiag St,, Belevie, crews. iWa fthe existiag ronds 'in thé_ T Canarasha area hava dcganarated teu hrough erossin blowaand, and dis-, 1 s othe po"int nhere 'bey are n efl ials 1nge'passa'ble. hefrst Ggant o le té latyoff's as ~laye hi roco ommuity ,Me11o1- la akon Tesyeeanglst! ataaOronio at a ni ',lshilian Jun- ors Thé g1antie stariteti hbefore a sni ce 5rw t 7,30 pm.Enaiskilîan took talead erywith n apenailty sh-ot tata y BIî aryUhsbea h onysoreolthe fîiiýýs hall. 1-, the second 1hall eof VIte igante Oon oUtplayad their oppoinnts aad peatykc1k. LaVer in the gainea KthWest tooî)a pass frlont George Jone -dout 'Orono tan the leanti anii ->',ha gantae ntied wbith the score 2 to ý1 la lavr of OLono. We wveipléaseti 11")see C 5 mn peoeat thtana.Give VCe boys ï.ote r push nttyou!r presance9 atl nnsien on Tbinursday iIt of tItis waek. IL bacante inecess(ary, the-retiore, to rp air so i f th-ese rndand Vo naew *ona1s.TItis qwili assure qu(lLick acceýss Vo tha nevw plantatfions la case cf fire and, anable planit- ing cranvs te dr-ive Vo fthe patn 'ampas ina thé esprin-1g. A blldzer owedby te Dapart- mnat,-'vas use t o clear outrod in the areas pianteti this year, 'anti Vo itprove the tonnisipï b'ounldary roati about thé north-east corner of Clai'le Towvnship. The township sirpa as loroet o finrish off the 'surfacesý, -Total onieys seatonte GAnar- aska Proecltt C iring L the' Spriag pl1a n tmg -:--secs eai, $4, 22(1. 6 0. TotLal cost of plaatia.g:$46'.8 Cost par 100res,$1,6;c'est pae-r acre> pl'anteti,$9,14 Total mYnoaay ls-ent en. rod,$170.92. VoL te uountly fi . a. aary te enanmge tae macsays n. ýca-- Kayu Fart oe rtwerveaieti a ile ýc-offHiba farar- i Vtebe clos te O~0acres ntera'si nationl loig Match miii 1thare- as for fore ha on Vte ýfarta of1Jack C. chair-. tc'h Vo bers, ,,-Iere thýere is a, large fiel-Il ta O- available for theatqarasan- aces- rangerients anti. aise forte extea- r Ie s 'axhiitsof farm m1acbinet'ry anti on Vteequipyant nbiehI s ona o: the major Lindti featuresof0Itsevafit. Thé pion- Maton, i kg w l ae donc on VCe atjifaig mi'ght fartas, se that a compact set-up bas 0l the bean arrangét onM te m=tc, Th,, se Vitelcal comtinittaa'h plans are naîl ad- ýr ovancetianti cverythingponsVa eron hghfysuesflant 1y ani M.Carroîl aise anacuaeti thati ne te VIte1948 matsiCh Eulbe oficaly MOFFAT - SIJMMACJI The Baptist Church in Asut was the sceýie of a very pety wed- ding on July ";, when Estelle Loa daughter of Mr. Fred Sumimach and the late'M Su ac ofA uth eCamne ut -e AofDr. Gaeme Francis M .Aî us, sont of Mrs. M. Mdoffat of a ,ýý-nd1 the late Mlr. rPerns and garden fiowers formed the setting for the ceremony atI which Rev. R. IL Stade and ,Rev. A. T1oa, coutsini of the groomr, offi- As the wed ing iarcli wa play- ed h1y 3iss Dteeen Trevoy of Sas-ý kýatoon, the bride entered the church on the artàm of her father. She wore a gown of #hi>te 'ai nd 'lace. ller floor lnt veil wýasfatee with a hýalo of tin ywht flowers. lierbouuet as hite carna tions. Miss Silirley Summinach was' he sister's bridesraid and wore Awhe taffeta with tered skiét trlmed with blue. Rler 'bouquet -aswhite1 and pinFg; carnations. She wore a halo of tull and forget-m-nots. The littIe M tisses 'Judy Se-ymonu and 'Gaylene Su'imach, nieces of thie bride, were flo'wer girls, gownedi in pink and hlue *mhodrdorga-n- dy and n'easof ansters, roses and sweet peas. Mr. Gien Weir, student veterinatry, was best ,nan and shr were Ae.- - enneth and Manley Sum- Vesof the bride. ther of the grom ore a eà,Psey dress in pastel shades . ban hacilaccessories, .a corsage of yellow ro,,sesI the ini~ of t ereis ib rganist p¶aye'd "Because".ç e __-ýýtir followed at the home '01 serS.Gceorge Seýymou-0r. ýýf, ha -raeption the happyI couple leIt oen a tîp tVo Bani f ate r1 whIich tbey wili, m-ake their home la Asquith. FPor travelling tb brd wore a mors green gabardine suit, 1 ait and 1hag of cb-ckadà taffeta, ani a Corsaige of red roMs. ut own guests nincIedR. G. MofatFroishrRer. A. lT.Moffat, DodIsland], Mr. aind1 Mrs. G. E. Hus e cf Garlyle. Eaul Fair Dates 0f Ontario centres Thtis ýweak we publish a list of thei cosing Fanil Faitls fa this di-stric,, Cnt out this 0is anti have it for fu- ture refarYen(ce. Auy laina noV -tlistati ini this list for the provinceof On-1 arîýýio my screiat thé inteslo- fiee Minen.. ............ Auge 24 Meuint Forest... ......Aug. 2- ,2-2 Ottu .......... --------_Aug. -7)I B'rgton....... ... A21, Sep5. Ngapanea......Aug. 30-Sept.Il' IToronto C.N.E.) . ug, 27-Sept. 11l Aipsîey..................---- Sept. - --i-mou-----....Sept, 34, P'ort Perry........Sept. 4 anti 6 Sounth Mount ----------.-...Sept2- Almionta................Sept. 7-9 Blac:kstoc...............-- - ---S ep t. 7-8 Orono.............Sep)t. 10, Il sndritige... ....Sept. 10, Il! Wooleýr..............----sept. 1, '8 1Beaverton.............-------Sept. 11 Da.seroato....-- _............ Sept 151 G--o-ga-o-a-----------Sept,, 17,181 London (Western ir).Sept.131 Marmiorai----.........Sept. 15, !Ç Oshawa.......... __.....Sept. 16-18 SuP.1 1adrinci' ...... ..... ... Sept. 14, 151 Tweed _ -- -- - Sept. 14,15i carilphellford........sept. 2 2, 2'3 Kinigston.............Sept. 2 -2 5 Lindsa-y... ........p. 21-2.5 Picton............------Se p t, 28, 2 9 Uxbpridge...... __.........ep.29] Markhain ...... .... Se-pt. 30- Oct. 2 Wark,1wonth.....Septf. 30.Oct. 1 Laka(fielti_...........-- .....Oct. 1, 2- Port Hope...............----- _Oct. î, 2ý RBeaygeon.......Oc.5 Roseaeath........Ot 7 WVOO&ddge....Oct. S. 9 ant il ttw iater Fi . c.25-291 Royal: Winter 1F'ai1r e(Toùroa nto frlever Financing And liard Work Builds Chuirch 10 18621 Cntiuing iithie historical avats of Patrk Street Cburch we b-ave tried to brýing bac-k into mmr the build- ing anid dedication of ffie ch-Urchb; seond(Iy, 0on accounlt of its beauty; fb cnreie of the district was beld ini it. The iamUes of thie familles, will be qite familiar 'lo a numlier of oui, people. 'This third article 'will dea-1 with some of the financial idaaling1s of tbcse eaarly In .lalook il-g over the history as g-iven in Prof. Square's )ooký on Dariin.gton and 'Clarke, -we find Orono Circuit con'sisted of Oroiio, Kirhyv, Leskard and Manvers. In 1857 Orono Circuit appeared with a mehrhpof d'O in l1858, witb 123 memibers; in 1860 it 210 maem- erand in 1802 with 250 menihers. Whnyou edc the membership o the outside thiree aoitnsit wo-uld natuls:ally -evea ssnla rem'besip of the OronoCurh Yet ths otew imembeils built and financad the Park Street Clhurch. We hle quote somne prices on frm p-ti roduce in I1861 nnd 1862:- FMli whet ----_8.5C. to- 9 c. bu s. Spring~w 8ebus. E9arley...........-80c. to 8e bu s. Onts.............-40---1e.c to 44-e. bus.* Peas.............-------510c. Vo 52e. bus. Ptrk (drese..... ..25 c wt. Beef (desdt. 45 o $5>00 cwt. Buitter...................--- ----18c,1h --p-es...........60-- Vo $1M5 bhl. Wc ~ ------------....$l1.50 cord Chickens................--- 25c. pair. Geese, iV is recorded at .... 2- for «)e. :3 tuirkeys soId for...........-- $1-85 Ducks are net mentionedi. Good teýa, retailad at qrouLiid $l.'" lb, Suigur sold for............10-------b. Coal Oil so-)id -from 50c. gaI. Flourc s'old fa 855for.ý5.0û c ewt. but these thrýee item-s give sema-, idea of t'hapic(e rainge'cf farnta produets. La-bour nwas chaap from Oc to $,009 par daýy; yet fromn thesa ea-pniags Our pioneers bulit Our Churches by claer f 1inanýieing and bard labour. Al teamiing rsg v oîutary ias well as the labour. Thus wa sea that the wlll-po)wer found the way to co- pleta the VLask on hanti. Police Trustees An' Hydro Have Quiet Session The Oronc Polic!e Trust-;tees heli thair regular m-ieeting faInthe Orono Hlýdro office on July 26th, wi;-th alI tbe miembers present. The mainutes of the previous imeet- ing maeeadopteif as mrend', by motioni of C. T. ilr and R. E. 'Logan. The. followitig accoun.-ts were or- dered plaid, on motion ,cf C. T. Mil- '1ratid Rz.E. Logan: O. W. 'Rop ---........-13,- Jas.MiidIeton...............--------- Orono Garagile ~ . .25 AturAlia...~... ..50.--0 The î'meting thea adjournet. Thea Orono lKydro ElactneCo miteiet ini the liydro offlice on the evening oýf July 2tbh, for tlheir negular nmoathly nmeeting. iAh the mneinbars of te Commission ware present. Themiue of thé perviouss meet- ing were approveti as read, anti on mot-nion of 'R. E. Logan- and C. T.! Millr wone pa"set. The floigaccou.nts nana or- dwetipaiti: H. E. P. C. ..........$6 9. 59 Grand anti Toy .... ......... 3.25, M'lnyElaectrie .. ......... ---1591,50 J.ý C. Gaie y..............00 E. Dent .................511281 On nmotion oft R. E. Logan ianti W. j.Rtdthese arcceunts navme pass Md for paymnient, The liank 'balance frtbé OQronio Hydre Electnie Sys;ten wasreporteti V-o ha$,e 624 There -was semae ganding te nme t)ehaucastfrn Children 's Competitions Keeiily Contested At Orono Park MUr. Phil Sais waý,s 1kept b)usy o-n orda ff ast wee'k, alonig wtihbis hdlIpers to -w.ind up ýthe s;ummeir's ac- tivities at Ororno Commua',ti'ty M0emor.c !al Park. Thie Orono Aimateur Alth- lete Associationhired tha services of Mvr. Samnis' Vo supervise, gamtes at the park for Jeh children of Orono A distrit. At the conclusion a tournameni ms. held ib swnmnig, croquet and enais,, wýîLh the follow- mg,, entrants takinAg p art, and theý -wînners of t-he avents (1 ao' nd grs free style, 20 yards. Entrants, 10 years and un- ler: Mary AAurmsrogrIiann1e Phaisey, Barnica unDorneen White, oyýce Bostocjk, Lucilla LyTnch and, Gail Cooper. Winnars, Wst Mary Ann Armtrong;2mcdLucille Lnb &Ad, tBarnica Luna and joyce B osîtock. (2) Boys and girls, backstoe 20G ars OnIy three enterd thM clas:istMay na Ar1inst1rof)ng; 2ndl, Barnice Lunin; 3rd, Joycne Bosý- tock. ()By'and giVl, free style, 40F yards, Three entrants: lat, Mary Ann iiArm-ls tr onig; 21)d, Cari-n e Jones; 3rd, B>ernard Lnh (4) Boys and gil, ak stroke, 4-J yards: Two entrants, lst Caroine Jones; (2) Bernard Lyncb. f5) Boys 'andi girls, free styla, 50 yards. 13 years and over. Entrants: Margaret Yorlç, KeithWetHarryi LynbGrceGamshyEdna Good, Denny Lycl,anti Nick Shewýchu'k. Winniers: lst, Denny- Lynch; 2ad, (6) Boys and gis, 50 yards bac'k stroke. 11 and over. Etat:Mr garet York. Grace 'asvEdnea Good and Denny Lnh Winners: lut, 'Grace. as.';2nd, Ednan Good; 3rd, Denny Lyaehi. (7) Boys and girs, longest iunder- water swin.i, l and 12 years. Two antrantc s':lsCarloine Jones, 335 L; 2nd, Mary Aýnn Armstronig, 33 ft. (8 Boys and gilIngsmndier- water swim. 13 years' and over. Four entrants: ls<, KeUiV Wst,52 It.; 2nd, Denny Lynch, 48 Ft.; 3r4,i Harry Lyneh,ý3 5 ft.; 4th, Nich Sbhew- cbu'k, :32 IV. Croquet Compétiton Boys -AbIoult t-wenty boys of var- fous ages entarad this competition and eliminatons were hed and those Mh re'inabd Io enter the final1 round wvere, Boh Hall, ýKeith, Wes,11 Ronniie 'Was>-t, and Bernard Lynicb., The resits of the final on were - as follods : lst, Ronnie ilest; 2d Boub lali; 3rd, Barnard 'Lynch, -4VbI, Keitb West. Girls - Appreox-i-mate]ly fiteen girls etrt this play anti aftar eliminatîoýns naa ondctti those who ententi the final round nera Grace Ga'miisb'y, Ma ry Ana ,iAirm- stronig, Ethel Stniek!aniif ant i Eleen, -Jonas-. Thenlaa of this mratch nas Eileea Jones, foiowed la sec- ont1i Place b.y MaIry Aa rmrog, Gr-aca Gams-by ia third place aadr At Three To Six Dollars Toroato's !ive stock marat eeed oA on Tuesàay wMx the price of roit- tde stdng at a figure $3 to $6 h<îrh- er than .thél price bWI before tha n bargo was Iiftad against sbipping o cattla to the Un-.ited ti Vte-s. AÀlivestoock siec,ïaiîît estÀniatad the retail prica, of t-.e1m'oýst pepula-r ceuts of meat 'would ha increased hy an aveage of 10 cents a pouad ont the bai fthe boIt h rc of cattie. Buyers frota tha Uited State?, stili showed reucane-o, idforý Canadiana cautle in Toronto anM 0t boulii Toroato for teAeia Imarkat since Mlonday nmoing, !Topi increase in IŽivecttena o vcve es, up $ýù4e $6; and uls froni which the cfheIpqr ts ofmet bologaa and sausages' are diedý, advanceld seimialy, 'Livastockuen epbusized again on Tuasdlay the inferionity of caie frora tis markt to te catt;,ease îin the United taes 'lhesa.mie cattLie aàdbefspcil why vthe reta)îI pric- teof aIShoaldt be mioved up abe fo0r e ext ek si nce tihe,,,-cIaimed hcre are stocks on- hand in retai stores and paclcing boules, A lare part ofthe cattiesod for export xill come, fromicouftry points, F. »J, Bridel, a~iutrqr- tia frona the C7andian Wa superior in quallity at ibis the yer o cattla frota On Reports froni Moatreal that the maàrket in that cit. more ttrctve o uyars Unliteti SÉtts than the Tor m'arket. Only V'wo carnloati grade catti aee hV' cas asketi Go higlior Eýthej Stîieklant inf orb This avant anas op)ea girls of ail aase,* only 1terat. They are aufoHoIotný WsBobllKit iLynsh arnd Dny i. layer bati a goot Opétl wia. and afterplyon cludatithe only V onabea Ers laItwera BoA Huala West. Thasa Vwo mat àfa round and provideti the with a fineexitin ft fore Keith West proved Vo winaer, Vakin-g ta ê V 7o oner the art- Threatened Cancellati] Policy For United C Tbreatenied nitb cancellation of the road iiaqbility insuranice bacause of the frequency of disfor dm ag1es, te Nonthu;iheilantianti Dur- hum1 CotisCouncii 'heli a special seo onTuasdIay, Au'gusÉ thb,l which an 'aiitlrinl peimof $170 was authonizeti, Warden A. St-plhéninli-iormnetiVthe meein tat the rcompj'any hati in- dicatat ifis irtention of cailcalliag Vte policy aii that t hare were daiims outstaading of $3,00ù. Ta ad- ditioni the colmpany hati pointati out that, the policy hadtl' been nritf an ont a mîleage of 231 Wýhareas the ctlul total was 24,.2 mls The insuranýe agent ativi saýdti VIt counicil that the companiy hatdi first been disposeti-'Vo canel tha in- surance bujt Inter decideti Vo on- tinue jotbe policy i the rta nva's uin:~ creasati fromn $429 Vo $600 par yaar. The inisuranca cýompaýny fi .ens ilfeit that teecounties shou,,l flac- courag-e sorne of tbe tInais waeebleiag filet, i. atIti-s con daim suce he act'okun 'l dan 'Staphea nti that VI been kltept up Vo thieir ný of maintenance anti bean done Vo encousagý of damage daims. TUi Vo the inlerence hy that the coanties were ing -abIout -the conditon slong as they were l%' The counties clark to? thatilUte poliy nére it Wight ba 'ver'y diffc!ul poamtbl o geVnew in inayfapraNis fahit'l years had Mbeén$1,300' ClamPs pai axre $10fi thare we nan don $?,eue , 'Whenth tsnea hcfore eouacil laslijl tender was $419, b. p)any ý-that .mde hý Woodi ony talk buse-~ cf $750 prqi~ tbatý Larger Site For Internatilonal Plowing Matchý ORONO USÉÏIN

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