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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Aug 1948, p. 3

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Wý!IAT GO0Es 'ON feling in the Uited Sates-lso i , tinsectors ofaCanada-that the 01dConttry" xas dWz adot nn1d practically lbankup. he"viW ers\Wbihalairmn" WI oo uha sanhae hdgo rao ately t revue thlatetia. Firtere n as ctheuiofth Olym-pic gameics-tWil h rts - eople, proved that hycul on bakfrom th e bateong ofthe War- time yasanid puti' great sports evenit over in amanr hch ad aniy paît efîseeitoeof fthe UnIIted StaIes at LiAglslo somnehat feeble. shnving thaIt the Uie Kndmis in thýe Iidst of absns omo 2siounldfing proporIonsI. In ]u!y its recordiln export of goods-takinig 100 per cent as -ï_ýstand- &.ý rd frt erfor ore the w, ar wa J38 per cent. The v-alue oDCtho)se goods ýas ithe euia -n-f $536,- 1Y-00,000-the ighlest fiurein 28 years and only 12 milin dollars shr o he allfi i tmercod ae in ,hiuy 2,riht aftr âthe îst ord mo A n nmAilthenatonscwere- eaing Loudy fBr tihO gonds. More tan that, i p ices ith 'dlar cutîe"te ntdStates Mnd Canada-Sad fo isen 10 ex- travaganitly, cGreat Britai:n Wouild by i10W lie in sighit of balancinlg ber ovrestrade account!f,,iand fhuls hoigthe popetDf claîtnow a-bsurd-ly -wronig theLy we _For the Volume ofcilBriihepr for the past six molintis is 30 per cenlt abovec pre-War-the volume of imports 20 per cent beloW jit. Inee, i tmes wýere Innrmlal, ithe Unite2d Knds oudtodvy le egarddÏas higlip a wve of properUs prcion, Ride Britanniia! Thresl., ife i te nid gai yet! Spain is to a large extet poliialy ,coatd from the rest of the2worId, and does not bulk to anjy great e~ B iWrliews. Btthatdocs not anthat nlothinig is ha_îppenùing there mdthe scenie-o.rthtG eri- YUlloFrancesco Franco can lie con-> ideied a-acknmisç"a. ea hoIlo nger mtesvr uh '> Not long ago Frano-hu ghthce spaus inster to Egy-Ignally hoore IcPresietof Lebann by awring h ioe of îthe hiighcst o ail Spnisl dcorationis, ,he Grand Cosof Charles the hird.ten days later Gueral Franco was aarde thLeh Tcaneýse Ordeýr of VMent, thlat bas lno-obigationstWard the! UniedNaiosand fel otth sl gltest dulty 50 ,give even hp srice to U eoltosregarding Pailes- tine anld the Middle East, Frlyearsý Pranco has been pursig a more-r- less secret pro-Arali poicy; n-hd it lias been a matnter of ciiomn report th-at Spain lias SOîdcnsdral Rlmounlts of rifles and o ýther war mna- terial to th Arliarmesopposing Isra el. INow thus "friendshlip" ma cli Com0ing cout moCre o0pely.- Thiere couild le cithler or both of tWo mrotives for Fýranic's actios. Slîuuild a ne('wwar reakont ài i zIlmost certain thlat tIc Mediterraelian, region Will lay an al-imiportnt Part in iâ; and the more h larmionjou)ts Spaini's 1relatýions are ith tibc Arabs, ?exercisbhIg aelisve nfIluenlcein tiat , ~Thc sconid moi is te ar ap- roach of the Unýîited Nations fail ïneeting in Paris. Sp)aÏin wan.ts 50 hlave last year's anti-Spanlish resoltîon re- snddand tie 1road peae o 'ts OWfl amission tfo itheGenecral Assembiliy. For 1tha tlpurpose Spahil nesfriends - and týhe Arali vote could! be of good servie.sao tere, mIay lie alot mr back -of Geneýralis- rimo Fî an11co's recent movjnýes than appear on the suacen. lieMa'es olf His Life's "Work"-One of the mnost uinusuial amd interestiing figuires on the sporting scene is Frank Stranahan, mightily-ltied golfer who, aiithboug-llihe has o need to do so, works far harder at golf than many of those who make their living b.ItL Sonl of a very wealthy father-it is rumored that Frank has an "allowanee" of more than $1000 per we-i Chief ambition is to em.ulate*the example of the illustrions Bobby Jones anid hold, at the sameli time, the' four miajor'golfing titles - British Amateur and Open and Amnerican ditto. This exclusive piCture shows Stranahan in action duriug the Canadian Open tournamnent at Acse, near Hamilton, which he won. lit is said that he plays or practises golf 365 days ayer except during Leap Year when he Imakes it 366., Wi 'humble apologies to any Turf(adicts amrong our cilits, e wish to -confes 50 Cýa very grave Eýrror, -For yar, ike imany other spý1orts olberwc have been preaching to tlie tcxt iiyOu can't p ýossibl1Y beat thie races". NOW, at log ait w learn that this is a mis- t-ake. rt IS pocssible to make a profit re'ttng on the bïirses-; and to 'make upfris iLeadiing you-ini the past, ive 0W dsclose just how tii go Well t hcn, first of ail you manage ti î-pick out'-rigît at the very be- ginningtçý of its carcer-some sucli sk:ate as thle one called STYMIE. Yolu 1migît find- this considerable of a clore seccng that STYMIE - when le was retired from racing a ewwksback--had amassed by frtelargest winnngs in the litoy f the spo,-rt, amounting to bcecn_--- 900 anid 950tluusanId dol- lars. !HoWeverj, eenif you ave ýto do a bit of searchinig, th1at's h'ow you commeince - find youlrscief a STVY- MIE tc oillow, Once founld, you thien proced to ager a fiat sum to Wifl cdli'tm lie goct t c-Post. WthSTYM IE You'L'd bae ad to vîsit thnmtual ticket wind(ows-or phone your booie-xacly126 times over'a mlatter of fie and a baîf, racing sýeason's. Thlat would reprcsent quiet a lo)t-of time, to say nothing of Wear anid tear on the ne-rvous sys- tcml. EBut thîuik nothîng of it. W'hat wouild youl care, so long as you were bouud cit,-)qitwinr Do we hlear you asking "How great wouid tbose winlnings be?" Hold tighit tii your seat nowl In bis 126 starts STYMIE headed ail Opposition on, exactIy 35 occasions. (He finisbqed second 32 timnes, third 26, and on 33 afternoons ended up what is crudely 1-lnownl as "in the can".) And with a two dollar het on STYMIE'S distinguLished smut every time be entered the starting gate, You'7d findl yourself witb pro- fits totalling,-believe it or not !- sightly over vndlas Sthere now, our sce is out; and don't go around saying weý fail- ed to tell about our guaranteýed, foolpnoof system. rive and a baif years; a capital invesmnent of $252; and a tidy seven profit. For piling uip vweltl tbat's almoîwt as g00d as mýaking a career of sehLing smoked glass for watchinig ediîpses of the sun. The question is occasionally ask- ed as to why Canýadian s'ports writ- ers do nos pay miore attention ÊotiitI noble game of cricket. The answers rcally faîl into two categories. First, in the districts, most of uis haunt there really isn't very mu,,cil cricket to which wecolpa attention., But the real reason. is thiat w-e simi- ply haven't gos, thi necessaýry voca- bulary. Afer rea ding sorte of the things tlat have reccntly cone out of' Australia regarding Don Brad- man, we realize more than evý1er that thc sports writing dodge "do-Wn- under". must lie largely dlifferen-t from What it i5 arounid ere. Don Br1adman, as you probýIaly know, is widciy. acclaimed as tîle greatcîý,t cricketcr of altm-l Éthouiglh there are somre wfio mighst stili hold ot for tlhe late Dýr. W,. G. Grace omut ave b-een a amag- nificent sigît as lýe strodCetwr tIc wýicket ilfoaig i he breeze-,une, of those beards that jooked as tbhough ài igît lec or cealing a couple of robinis' nlees. At ail events Bradman occupies, in cricket, a position similar tii what Babe Ruth used to have in basebaîl. Nnw, like the afore-mcntioned STYM JE, le's retiring from active comipetition. (Whether for the same reasons w e really cannot tell you; we know that STYMIE bas a clip- ped stifle-bone but laven't heard about Bradman's), Anyway, after 21 seasons, h's quitting. And as wc prcviously hinted some of tIc fltings1 that are beîng Written aboïut imi should cause sports columniiists on thus side of thc watcr to blush for shlame, and resoive to take a corres- ponidenice course in language. Here, for your cenlightenment, are just a few sam1plesý. *none bas approacbed' the proifie sconring achievements of, the mighty 1Do."-"Fastidious in al bis actions 011 and off the field. . 'lie bas been dubbed a 'clam' becauýse of bis reticence. ."-B tne can deny the fulsome expression lie gives to bis magnificenù abiiity -Intellectually tbe Don ranka Wvith the greates in cricket... "',The culmrination o!' bis genius was lis remarkable captaincy o! world cbampions 1;P team. Which sbould becnug tii give you a general idea-anid we talke àt that no Australian fan would thinAk of delving into the'sports page with- out a good dictioniary beside him, Howevcr, we maniage to get jtlst a notion- that Mr:. Bradmlarinmust have been quite a WiIIj1oW ildr one sriter says that 1lie had a "hroadcast bat", Waee that may be-and Well wortby of the 'testi- monial gamne which is lbeing cooked up in bis honior. And Bradman Wil1 probably col- lect more than iust a ïiltie onor and glory from that same game. It'g being planned for Melbourne where the Crcket Grountds can accomio- date a mere une hunldrefi tbousand cash, customers. I15 Will lie a four day match, whlich mneans four dif- ferent gates, eadh likely of the cap- acity" variety. Ycs, inr1ýdee when it,'S ahl ove., andfthe rcipstailied up, there sbouild lie qutite a necat bit of take-home mon)iey for the m-ran "whose naine is Writ laret of ail in the annials of world cricket". But we do wish that Ted Reeve, jim Colemarn and the res't of the boys woud get around to decorating thefr prose a bit with sucli phrases as "fulsomne expression of magnifi- cent ability" and the like, Hot dog! Children's Fund Didn't Go Over WeII In U. S. A. AM compared with resuits in1 other countries, the great Chulidrcni's Fund Camipaign in)ithe Uited( Stat- es wassoein of a failur-e. Little Sweden lias raised, tii date, somne $3,400,00O in voluntary contributions. New Ze-alaend, with a small population, bias colcted close to a million dollars. Aithougli faced with man-ýi-y dif- ficulties of their own the people oif Great Britain have contributed close to $2,500,000; and in Canada the committe'e con1dutcsin1gthe Un- 1 ited Nations appeal for Euiropean children lias raised $ ii00iOO p 5 In other words, Caniadiani dona- tions are almost haîf 'the amiount raised in the Uiiitcd Statcs, whicb bas about twrelve times ouir popula- tion. proI.teetour ISOOS and CASH frein FIREL1,a n dTH1dIEV %E S.'Wa have g.smi" sutd type of SfOr Cabinet, for n pures. iIl us, or write foi. pPrre3, etc., te Dept. Wy. ,,iomîo SAFE wo)Pîs 115 Front St., 1eon, CILS, GREASES, TRS wnsectIcides, Eltetrie l!enco Controflra, Houas and Barn Paint. Roof Coatinlga. etc. )el- are wanted. WrIte WaeJctGrease &4 011 UmIIJ ted. Toronto. BUSINESS OPRINTE SAVE MONEY; send lus your -wooitO ho Imade loto yarn or blaniceti.Wrt for PartiCcuarB. Copp Woollen MileLS. Port El1gin, New Brunswick. HELIOPTES - afepersonal Alrcraft. Need prur ai s ii 0financing organ- ization. Ford mad,,e millions for investors. Investigate nw.Jerense Colley, West Clae Carthage, Txs 'EAIINIMONEY AT HOME SPARE' or FULL TIl E MOneOy mai Learn te maire candy at home and earn as, yon leara. Free toola ieupplied. Correspon- dence course. National ntte of Confee- tionery Reg'd., DlrnirPO. Box, 152_ MotrealQue FAR MERS WE CAN S3AVE -YOU MONEY O3n \Water Ews Stanichions. MilkIng Ma- chins ad Searaors Ourineto:"Better N9EW IDEA DISTRIBUTORS GODERICH, ONT. BIROILER CHICKS ,oer Sumner ad ail, aie laredchîcice, puliets annd iour weelk hCapns Speclal urIes hiswee< nd neet. SenS forw9rkly pealpricco anS catalogue LAK',EVIEW/ POULTRY FARIMS E XETER r0N TARTO 12c HU-RONDALE CHICKS 12C Ail !eavy -,edpulee r his lete Auut 0 fter AgusI_,0 20, l:I. Startedl 2 17,, 3 w[cs 010 22e. Order fre HUYJRO0N DAL E LO0N DO)N, ON TA RÏO PULETS5 wekste .iayIrp ng le ure breed and rosbrede.Sommer anSi !,ail Chïih o atche,ï 0te j,derlree Catalogue. Twedde CcklatchrisLIimite. ICergus, -Ontario, PULLES. Pre beedeanScr oss breeds, 8- weeks te laying. Sommn,,er andl Faîl chiclta rie Cajtalogue,. Toi) NotCh ChlnIk Sales, PULLETS afw sare-le eenn seaedl starte'd. Inmmediate shiipmiit. Day- olds teorder. Bray lHatchery, 130 John N.. Hailo, n. HJAVE YOU anything uneesdeyeing or elean- Ing? Write te us fer information. We are glaS te answer your qetin.Depariînent H. Pariers ])ye WrsLnie.791 Tenge Street, Toronto. Ontaie., ALL KiNDS e, parts fr12 odo Tracter, Aise carpat.S Seigel. ItR 1. Ennîsmore, Ont. B3LACIC and Tan hound ppe, 10 weks itber sex $1000. Chas.A e. Merrickvllle, Onitario. BOATS: Order your 00w Muno Bats or Mercuiry Outhoard Motorf now and assure yeurself et early delivr41y. Scnd fer cata-1 logues. De.alers write -- MUNRO ,BO'-ATS, LONDONq W. ONT..* MERCUET OUTBO&RD DISTRIBUTORS. $1000 te TweWe H lunrdecd.three room>e. paon and aitie. ood iscd. Tw."enty acres, ton cleared. E. Taylor. g, wa.Mush1oka. 5 ..motor vith power tmercapable ef makig blnkelu ýisîz frein 4" te 12", eltherý rock faceS or plain, ail palecttes neeessamry ln- Ciding , 100 ln stee: 1-o yrul it new: aise racirs. Tis is 1,C000 id per day macine antd 9agrond oppertunlty ite, start in usneswith a lnod- erate investment. Write John M7lcchior,. 12 Orchard St.- London. Ont. 200 ACRES. 4 miles freIinProspect. me dIate possession, ne reawonable effer refused. Appiy Mrs. Eva Shili. RR Ne. 2, Carton Plane, Ont. 210-ACRE FARM. Bronk,,lile iocality. Wall- equlpped, good buildings. ïron rýoof.hde electrin water systein, nearralad ras snow-plewed In Wlnter. never heen rented. FORSAâLE. 8-week-oid barred rock pulleta. $1;ý flve-monith-olS ready to lay, $2.10. Bhunta 17eultry Fane. R .Rq Pt. No. 4. Amherstburg._ PAMfor-sale.110 acres. Sîmnos Co'unty, ciese te arieschool, churches anS store; 14l0 arsunSr utato, balance pastuire a'nd bslvlln.dyanSlean103M.well endstabiing fr50 head cattle. equipped with tachon i1tter carrIer and water. AI buildin1gs.Hdr aruot rural mail andS telephone(. See wîtfh crop gýrowingr; îimmediate possession. Priulr.owner. D. l. Milier, 250 EizbthS.,Brrie. Ont. FALL HATCHED POULTS Broad Brea.sted B-ronze awailable for Iral delivery.Bekyeir ercier ew LAKEVIEW TURKEY RANCH, EXETER, ONTARIO GUARATEED horoughbre- ocietSpaniel Pluis, theid aeal pet. Heasth-Y. g-ondstock. Mais 1100, Femaies $19,00. P. B!igg. Wenaham. nOnt. GENS SîssWrit Wtchs. 5 -3ewe?. eacb1. IPvt. Williim Kînsbrogh lnS Trnsoaion CrUe.,or eogeG HI-POWERED RIFLES Wiefoi ewlists anS prîr1esý SCORI'E LSC 3261 Qucen St. Otta-a. Ont. EvEL j100 acre hig-hway tarin.average buildilngs. nearSeaeet,5,000. Termes. Modern cottage IrSeafortýh-.$4.000. Ternis. Norman Sanderson,Sefth Ont. NEW 1946 24-42 Waterloo' Thresher on ruhher, 75Ox20 tires, relIer bearinge, Hart weighes and baigger. 100 ft. 8" drive boit. OnIy useS le da 1.1100 lise Po1. Desre D Tracter on rubber $15.00. K. BrenSiregt. Union. Ont. NEW RUBBER BE±LTINO. Gfor tarin Impie- ments a3dr1a1inl y.2" Y. 3 ly. 180 ft. 4" 4 Aply, lIc ft.; 5el 4 ply. 60ft. Batthew MoSY & Sens CoýmpanY. Terrehonne Que Estabitched 1845 FOR SAL0 PE CHIN A1 Suitabile for ctigal tpe of wood. Eigbt differenttpe mauatraiusn the well-known anidreaieIIh.. rc- sn"air-ooled, -2-çcce iou. mml PRECISION PARTS LMT] 6910- irnam tnrel1 IRISH SETTERS S otd arit crats tramin mpoi-rteS chamiuon-s.Safe (11: livery guaranteed. AreeKens. ainy Saskatchewan. PURE-BRE]) Airedales, 10 weeks ld, mIle or female. Priced at $1 for cr sale. H.L H. Doinon, Kippin. Ont. THItESHERS, Hay Presses. PotatoDgce 00w available for imme1iate delivery Sm for t1lustrated circulars atenod Sens. Company. Terrelonne. Que salse LEARN EHairdressing the Rebertsoin meth.1 Intermetin on requesi regardinp classe.. itoberteson's lairdressins Acaderny. 137 Ave& nue itoad. Teronte. IIELP 1WANTED LABOURERS, Capetrs ainters. two e chanice andMaintenantrce mon and weldee, Pair waiges. comoainfer read board. Please write Arge Blorck Ce., Cock - ville, Ont. OWaSSAN Contiuatios hol reuirýies nu, teach er cticgad nfe, ng2,qli led te saieh wducatof CuAncPere. lt buth. ior cne itnowledgrieof Atn uprfred but fot religion te W SWlsoîýn. Secretary,. QUALIFIE]) Teacher wntdforS.S.o. e6. Sherwood, lu village ef Barryv's Bzay, jiuties te c mneSp.1. Potstntprferred. A13ply te John B i. Depuis,Scty Bry' Bay, Ont. MEDICAL TS IMPOPRTANT-Every sufferer of Rires-. matin Plainis or- Neuritîs shoulid try Di--e' RlemedY. MnosDrug iStore, 135 lg Ottawa. Postpald $1.00. RELIEF FROM I TCH Eczema, FPmtItrh, Barber*ýs Itch, Rnwcn etc.. responde quickly te BEnc ite5 UseS by physicians. hespitals wijthexeln resoîts. Clean. cooling, occeting, colorlesaý Order with confidence and be cnvinced.1.0 pestpaid. Money refunded îf net satisilai. GOOD ADVICE! Every slerretEeual Pains or Neuritis should ty.ixnsRein. edy. Mnn lro'p DrugSoe,15Biî.Otaa Pestpaid 01.00. BE A HAIRDRESSER rot CNAD'SLEADING SCEQOL Great Opportunit-yLer PlesantdigîflDprofession. god waaesa , ,,an s !s C e s s f u l m r v e- i u t e . A ecssgreatest Fsystei. llsrtS ct, logume free, Write oýr Cail1 MARVEL RAIRDRESSTNGi SCHOO10LS 958 Bloor St. W., Toronýto Branches: 44 King St,..amle & 74 Rideau Stret, Otw PA TE NTS Torentc. Bookl etinomtnonece. 514 Y.pranICour. Canad WA NTED WANTED SEEDSAfMN Trepesntweies tabls-d eeS flm teseil diette ames ree mnwhe ar-e VBr aelknifor aranetpsiinwîtbha future. IHighest cmiso aSAcac te start 1upa 1s sness ifyvur ownditrct Ail replies onidntal tate uiilain aInd give bnigrtrne oBx1.11 18th St..NewTont HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention - Conisuýt .Your nearest Harnecss Shlop about qttacofHarnecsi Supp)lies. We sCII our1 godls 0o11y throu)tgli your local Staco Leathe"r Goodis dae, Thegodsare- rigbt, and so are our prices. We manu1facitur e in our fac tores Hanei, orse Col- lars, SWcvat Pads,, HreBlan1- kets, and Lecather Travelfing Goods. insist on Staco Braed Trade Miarked Gô",od,and you get satisfaction. Mad 1onY bY SAMUEL TRIEES CO., LTD. 42 Wellington St, E., Torontri WRITE FOR CATALOGUE Class A certificaterqur lModern up-to-date prem-ises. Top pay 8horday AppIy-SERVICE 1MANAGERý,ý MOUNT PLEASEANT MOTORS LIMITE D Toronto's Oldest Chrjy-1i- Plymouth Dea!,ers 632 Mount Ple-asaný-t oad1 Phone HY. 2181 ISSUE 34 - 1948 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DYEINO aND CLEANING

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