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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Aug 1948, p. 4

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OIRONO WEEKLY TIMES THURSDÀýy, AýUGUST 19.,19AUS Many Iltem-s of, Chinla, Noýve- ieLingerie,, Linens, Suits, Pinafores, etc., ARE REDUCED DURING ALTER- ATION SALE MIRS. L. REID hno9 r 7 ORONCi, Ontario Def ore You Dulld ADAMS LUMBER COMPANY Clarke 1213A - NEWCASTLE - Clarke 1213A Brick, Cernent, Tfle, Lumer, of afl 1kind(s (B. .C. Oaioand Eastern Canada) Dojors (00 to c!hoose fi rom), N ails, Sash', Doour and WinowFraes Gyro, Lime (17dalFiih- inig and spray), HrwodFloorîng, Masonite, TiIteb-oards, WalIboaïcds, Asphait and Cedar Shin- gles, Roofing-,Mokig and Trim, Plywoods, rence Posts (Ce-dar and Steel). Fencing The Orono W,ekly Times Avertising Rates on request Sbseiption $150 Try our up-to-date Job planit. Our prices are sure to please, and our, work lis of thfe best Published every Thursday mnorniing at the Týim-res offlice R. A. Forrester, Publisher Establishied January, 1937. AMATEUR SHOW ORONO0 FAIR GROUNDS Saturday, September i1i th UNDE THEDIRECTION 0F %W J.RDEL Dlarlington TewýnsWips) En.rie js mus beluhe bands of Director ùon or befor'e Friday, Sept. 1 1. PBLICSPEAKING (open te, public school pupfiLs Nheof did net pass High ýSchool Entranco previ4ýus te 1948)-----------.............. $00140$151 Z' PUBLIC SPEAKIUNG oe to boys and girI,$ 16Ars and undiïer).. .... .... .............2.00 1.00 :.0 à. GIRLSS1GM (16yer and under.......- -2.00 1.50 1.00 4.GIRLS SINGING (12 years and under) .----2.0 1.50 1.00 5. BYS sINGING (16 yea1rs and un111der) .- 2.00 1.50 1.00 6. PIAN SOLO (Opený to boys an1d girls 14 yea-ýrs aind undL(er) "Twýo LiteFrgis"by H. L_ Cnrm, rom Grade V., T.C.M. . 150 1.0 50 7PIANO SOLO (Opent1 o boys am i 'rls Il yeaLrs and under) "Tc-ýeain G" y F. Schu- bt;froým Grade MI, T.C ......... ..5 0 1.00ý .50 8.MO fI RGAN CONTEST (openî)2 numb!!er.s 1.50 1.00 .50 -' CRT NUBE (oy îv1irs 14 years 2 ess n hous; and sacredumbler "Blest ho sheTie ht ids,2vess.....150 .0 0 1u. CORNET NUMB-ER (openi) contestant te playý PRleErIani, and 2 verses of "Abie Wih Me".................................1.0--.00--5 111 BSTCOICNUMBER F pn........_0 ,0 5 12. (0LD TIMIE FIDDLER' CONTEýT ........2.0.00 .50ý 1. RES'1 MAERCLOWN 9on-.the(-grotnst b)e 4iu1gil foý ,nake.up and ailfity îte entertainr J Ludging t t et onie f rm 2 to 4 p.m......4.0 3.002.00 14 SPECL SCHOOL DRiLL AND CHORUS. Pupils ite meet at Ar.moaries at 12.30 and par- ade ,ce grounds with band. Eacýh achool tîe cer- plýetco their drill and sing- a chorus obr veU in fron1t or graýndstand. Time 1 o'clock.......---.10.00 8.00 6.00 (and te each school thiereafter)............- -2.00 ENTRY PORM FOR AMATEUR . SHOW' Address......................................-- ------ Class Nu-b------------.. CIýas!sîfied ATTENTION the~~qp hom 1, epho ATTEIO'1 N ef the, Duirh'n o ny -prt Health MSerxi e ,er the? auepece oli i herWomtno n e. kidly e from August i5t eAgut3s (both asiclsv) Priice Increase Justifiable, MISi comment has becs occasiened rweeutiy lbu the sharp incicase lintihprice of eggs. To )în iy ,utf ï , tiehp ,ig-,h er11prjice ,, il increse in dthèpl ice of eggs. T,, m'aniy od us, th(- igher -pr-iice will thre apkeýp of a hrrsme lInfA iuemstethe farmerand povutyne howevor, n mst statetht in our hnum'ble opin1ioni, thre î1nCreaýso is Egg produersface thre sarne prolems as dlaryrnen anid hog producers hes if coanes te operatiug expeusces Grains aud cou- centrates have shi-ioy ada iedluprice from ltimet ne t of inte. We haive freqluentljy woudered how aggs centiue Atpois reallevels. Semue oihtiers wiii say that heus (',aiu maintain hemn- setlves_ throukgh the summer monitirs True, tbhirseason of egg pro- diutivity is enuauied by thefine weather. At the same tire, mod- ern akeigdoes not faver oggs lproouied b 1y theacalvenger typje cd heu. Baiancod feedi nprper surrouudings and saniktation are cmned wth expert cri n furnisbing eggs of nmild flaveur nd kpeepg qu -'ie. Uilthis m'eaus addclied ý'expse te the1Prelc and in faîrne te the producer me st aece«W thee highr priced eggs wheu they reachl us through such chanuei. Appareutiy, the oly way eut for sinail tewuand srburban duweles is in tCe «keeig of a few hers in the baci yard. Such a, ciaove frequeutly proves n profitable and iuteresting hiobby. Ex-istant restictions wiil nVailow oulrypigs, cous and nmru te doneti animais te be housed ithin the cornfned of a tou". Cen- Sequemtly, the prevalliug price of oeggs muse ho paicby econsues. Sheulthe crtseeru liiiglîhi. eil te recali the current eipenuses of the preduer befere ,iinrg undcueca lats A Com enda l nnovationi A cemmeudnioable innovation iras coee hiough tirenedîumi of the Ontario Motor, League hi the piaciug of picnic tales and bench- e;s aleug the tarveiled hiighwarys. Anryoue mtrigfar thes righit Summorir days w riilt appreciate the presence of this cevenence. A ltot f «foui delht lu takring aiong a pienie lunchl, and stoppinig by the green flelds and slidytres for refreshurents and rM.t, odiug ou to a FerafIlle pairk or roadside -eatiuig-place ny entail extra distance Here is wheie the iuviting higheway table anud benrýý cones n It affor omort for the traveller on a bief rn. At in an equa- bon te those ou an eatended tour. We eau sue the vaýlue of ka sh0i' distncein n otiugpiauedforchiidren. Porhapsitime isau in portant factor, but thie pci atrai euerthenls, cuse o? tir edsde euc 1't i upiîg too, the simpicity of some these Ulte public services, aud oeeYi led te ask,"Why did npi sornebodi!y thhiuk of it eïore." Manyone smobdy dus Gettnga tirindoueILheimportant nm'ter. Provisii n i madefo thle gat, oflag of wansepfiper and boxes *entaied in the arrangement. The puiblic, we feei-l srwill do their pari;lu raking the wlole eve a success. .Semnethiug ise of equaI value miay ho in the fertile mmid of a Muter League offiiaior a mnotrist. Another seasen imay see i-- proenns that wilil ppeal te us fer their ovisdcum as weillane their thrift. A few peopie have ventured the opiin that *he readlside tables. cuid be a littl miolere nmerouîs. This lun itself la a tribute to, their p)opuiarity. Thre travellin~g public wili join in expr-esis:ýng thaniks for a ,,ii4endid Sumusertime gesture of goeüdwoiIl. The C. N. E. -A few short weeics will witire2ss 'rthe return of the C -'aniiau. National Exhibition at Ioronto. Ia1ted by the prcessure of the lato war, the Exhibtion m'as reinsLated last year. Destruction by Aire of the former grandtand had proen a svere handicp, bt a n'ew and greater grandsland Mras een) erected. This structure woill faiiaethe mnaguillcent nigh'lt perforamunce and freworkswhc Alnd such laver ar-noug the tho-osand(s of visitors. The E-xýhibition offers a show, place for so miucir of tire best in Canadian aginural, cuuitua and induistriel life. Iu addition, Brit- ish maanufacture,ýrs seize upeni the opportunity fer displayln--g and advertsiug their geodstbore.R ,is said thiat even the great Uniteé States eau boast %ev shows of the saine miagnitude and infuence as that of the Toronito Exhibitioný. For thtis reason, thie x"ani- nually draws tbeusands of America,ýn visitorswhwecm a visit Vo iCanada. (Our ouwelcoome touarid Virse fi*ends-, frein acuoss the border sjhould be cordial and unselfsth.laving stated tne son- sou, the Exhibition wiil ho foilowýeo by the srnaller faýirs VreuIghouit the province. Our ewn uocM fi l scbeduled fer Sept. 10O and 11, There la an annual appesal lu-, exhibtioins great and Smniil apart freintiror shewmakiug pispenities. Ope of the great drawig cards; mes' iu the oppoundty of mreetinga old frienisWould it inot buý a good idlea te plan a reunien with fienda at the ig "Eu', the iittle "Ex",or sonne of 'the Exes that exýist bIetwveen ? We thinkl &e. You wiil proba lab thinkîng se tee. Weuwili try and ever- look the rather sobeing fret that fAir tire usiers lu fall tume and thon inter. Wo uwlil eek Ate dal fairy Mih te fair, giin rdit where credit is due, Seedimeand Harvest Sontigabo(ut themi senal inys 1hoi d lun Ille urb-ian ad the irural dwllernuie.Wu hveWeC iedthis fact repeatediy wýhen! disusinsmephase of the weatber with mou engaged l induiàs- trýial parsuýtits. As ofteil as lnet, thee mou wil cene bnlk with the re-ply, Weiit vmlii ho goofr tie arer,"Or vic ersa if the Alot of satisftiLon sbo1uld restit frorn this lubeeupt conceru frthe frmr' ellhing. And uow the hairestisnipen us.1't dues soaýnisaceypossiie thadt tir f intervening- weekýs have wrugtsnb hnges shinýe Spîng. Stokoýd gri i !on flelds s rocoutiy under tMuageappears littie shortof a miracle.sostof us woud ishtlny hold upon teSummnner andd ber rom inuch longer. Olythe wisrn au ad exporiuon f proviesyers cmea omn- FOR SALE Chloice Gaiiat$10 Mrs. F. Tanibliy, Orono. a dozen. a-U0-p. FOR SL SALE REGI1STERý 1 ha",ve ben1s)ute y fr. EdU >Ltsi a-12, C'on. 10., Hope, ýTownv-1 olce ho;aise sme fnrmmchIner "àý-Èat ExIit'i Gons., on Sa-ýtLrdi ,Auv s2set10 p.m, isenir ousel-oid i,.1Iects. Sc usfer frhrpriua ORONO Fornitelre IHospital Boiue (ught and Sold Sée aur fine nof Drapery Kitchen Units Ifiade teorder C- F. Duncan Phonle 79-16 -ORN IS T E X P RLadio Servce! The. combinatien of experienýce, cerný-1 plete data on ail nàak-es, and modemr test equipmenit Will esure PROM P RT REASONABLE Cal R, L. MYLES Phoneie 79 r 4 - OONO Fr-ee Estimates vwil! be Given ýiCheerfully on j Rock Wool Hom1-e Islto By Bleowcr System6, Fo-ur inc'hes thlck, GILPIN 8& Ce, InuainContractors, 57 BloorS. West, Teronto District RePresentative fer Dujrham Ceuity GEORGE WADDELL PhLono 23 r 22 - BETHANY Monuments The RUTTER GRANITE hne501 -- P.. Bo 622 i Port Hope, Ontario Monuments, Gravemarken& 1Enrraving, Goldleafing Professional Drectory A. 'F, McKENZIE, M.D. HYSICLIN and SURGEON 21-00 toe .0 .. 6.30 te 8.00 p.m,. Sundays and WVednesdays' by appjointment oniy PHONE 47r1 - ORONt LEGAL LawrnceC. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Ofie 68 Home 553 W. F. WARD BARORISTER SOLICITOR. Office 825 BOWMAN Re.iidence 499 VRINARY DR. W. W. SHIERWiIN VETERINARY SURGEON office Mi S. Orono Phon2, 63 r 7 Orono J. C. GAMLýEY IÇNSURANCE Fire, Casutalty, Automobile and Liability ORONO- ONTARIO MenuactuersLifre Insuranze C&4 Dmno f Canad-a General. Hartford Fire linsulrane WVaterloo Mutual Fire Insurancv Waaes utunel Insurance is represented n th's district by DANE FOUND ORONO ~phone 8 rw If it's Insurance, give Dan. e LEROY HAMILTON INSURANCE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Fire, Atm blLaiiy Life, Ilospitalizationý, Plate Glass, Burglary, Casuialty Representin'g the Leadîng CANADIAN, ;BRITISH sud AMERICAN COMPANIES Office, Muain St.- ORONO Phmnes: Office 32?r 10, Res. i r 19 Phonoe me and I wil roeilte suit yen. Estimates freely giveln, no Obligation INFOIRMATION W oul ue like te kuow more abe M the following?7 (a) IIow te' will te your faily .e thousand dollars that you haven't -yeê saVýd ? (b) How te guarante. alr cheque te your family every month for 10-15 or 20 years s.heuld yen b. takEeneout of the pciture ? (c), How to have a salary cheque every monith far yourself as long an y(eu live, commencinig at age 55-60 or 65. Id) How to guaranqtee that your Son or daugbter will have the mone.y. for an educaien beyonid highl schoolt Let us have e cha t about it some- time. phone FRED LYCETT ORONO 18 rI AUCTIONEE RS TED JA--CKS CI Auctioneer atnd Valuator CodcsAuction -,Sales of a1 i a and at reas-onable rates Commulnicate with hlm at P.dI Perry, Ontlari, r 500 is Clerk, A. E. Mortùon, at Orono, fer date. JACK REID Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator- Speciaize in Farmn and Furniture Sales consuit me for term and dates phonke 5 r 18 - e r a-.- Sin, empIcewih rain bad, ec yorcar dii -,,okfyu give ih ple, eayo use. ',0 o7. ti 60e.; 36 oz tin 1,0.OronioGage 1 1 mmwàmtà.

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