From England cornes word that *Oiie neiw Qu.ota Act, whic stipu- lateýs tatBritish ciînemas muiiist de- ,oe -) er cent o'tei "first fea- turc" playing time-plus 25per cent fthir remiaining sc--reen m-to Britsh-ade ilm, isalradycauls- As ot comenttorputs it, "WC Yery mnh fear hat abot to-thirds afwht vesetwil e"B" pictures ImasqL( ucrain-g as feaiures"; and aI- reay tereare'muorsofan organ- ~atin beng ~t up to p)ay the fines of exhiitors who evade the quota. In ýptef this, British studios are steiuptheY rschtdules 50 as o icresetht ýnumber af pic- turi theyturu "")t.One-of these, noxvneaingcoml tonwill have thtCanadenctor, Robert Beatty, Titid 'Aothr Shrt"it is a comedy aboutaphospiayun b Jic rtSophnsGren iDb Bemiîi )'I pl atigt aie ro fata1 l aedn.Sonslk qu~iz rg xvih ihpoe ir- ectio, mightha\ ea whoe lotof poair wties. Llt evo i ery wantsktoIget int thýhtacbutirmaiedfor onCt ,of th-t ligateoftht myrial"radi quiMiz progras tapro e fla qthinpartiagamdolprfoesthat peopilege a y enoputu to payh tht r waeS.ol hyanwry qîto eir I estan thcotideanof Mlaigic chiamm for ai.fastý-growing giril Shlî Ifeel s prttyinfthis sinlgy ittîtfmckwitb its detach- abie -pe plul E 7,asy-sew P !a'temn 4 âso ýis designecd taý give oniene Thlis patteri, easy toj use-, simlple2 to s>t-w, is t ested for Ifit. icludes comlplete illusctratedintuios Patt, rn1580 in gil s izs68 10, 2, 1. Sie 10take 2~yds. 3~in.; 1/8 yd. 3-.colntrast. Sen-d TWENTY-FIVE CENTS (23c) in coins ('stamps cannotbe èlccpetd) foc this pattern ta Box 1, 125-8t~Stret, ew omoto.Print piainly SIZE, NAMVE, ADDRESS, ,%rYL-E NUIMBIEK other five dollars. Ail the proceeds go to Charity, who must almost be tied with her sister Liberty for the numiber of crimes committed in hier name, and it is reported that tht questions, and, money orders. are fairiy rollinig in. For -somje timei different Holly- wood film Comlpanies have been after Sic Hiarry Lauider-remnember Harr and hî!ils and his cn? for priso to mlake a icture based an bis stage carter. Up to 1nowhee, the veteran Scots comeidin asturnerI a deaf tar to their pednsadta the huge affers whichi accompanied them, But no, rom E Fdinburgh, comes word th1at, tht "wtt man .wi' the mighty voice" bas -at last relenited; and some time next year Sir Harry will bt travelling -to America aga--in to supervise tht script and thtc selction of the actar who will por- tray him on tht secen. According to Sir Harry 's stipula- tionis, the film' mutst be made in Tchuiico-lor, and some of thLe scenes mulst be actualiy taken ini his native for the reccordI 'd like to cear, inpassing, thanle11(ss thecy ado1pt the "Jolson SIoC, tcniu -tati, by meanslof aIdrecrid- igs, put ILtht ceaILaudr oice in hiis p,.ortraytr's imouth, the pmo-c)ducers of thte Lauder epic are goîng to havé a bard tîm-ie satisfying tht aild timers at least. For millions iný Canada and throuig hotthieworIc ld cao testify that Harry Lauder, quite uinaided, could get m'ore power, vlmfeel- ing -and pathos irto his voice thani mocdemi- croonïsters and so-aris Cani do tha whole studio-full of ikes, amiplifiers and other mechani- cal subsitutes for tht real thing. Dear Mr. Arnott: Your hand- writ ing column interests mie ver-y much and I look for it each wýeek in Our local newspaper. Please analyse my handwriting as soon as couveni- tnt. Vour hand- writing is unus- ual in that every letter is pointed, giving a sharp . or wedge shaped outlint to the wting. Take tbe letter "Y" f o r !instia nce; notice ftht up1- stroke.hoiit moýves ùoff to tht righit of tht ýdownlstroke wthuuiti making a !lup wh1ich îss usaly seen in thiis letrAlso tht body of tht "y" I comles dow lsarpfly and gots off to0 tht rîghýlt, gîviîng it a very definiite wedge shaped appearance. Tht letters "u" and " have the same distinguishing 7f eatures. This style of writing indicates an tgg-essive nature, ont whieh makes you impatient with others in your endeavour to get things dont. You ,drive yourself -with aIl possible haste and become annoyed when youm plans do not mattrialize quick- iy. There are good points, too, about this style of script. It shows that you have ambition to be suc- cessful in any enterprîse you may undertake and that you do not mind competition with others as you tan think and act quickly and are tirer reýady ta take up any reasonable chialýlnge tao I3w your powvers of For a brief casaysis of yu hr acter rend a rompu cf haldwrfitlïng, lp, oAier S. A4r.sf, Ni . Sireet, Nez,, Toeo4,fé She Has Fine Feaýthered Friends-Diania TwýifordT, 3, has somne rare ptis. Th'ley're e riceagles,dagru killers in] their niatural state- Diana's fathecr, Cuirly Twiford, of Hlyod trains wild animiais for the, movies, and tamd hseto hand- DERANNEIRý Ireaýd that columol you tht wýife whlo treats he wveill Waking im ige .~off frai Tha the -e-"-"be girl wou this îctLure without Tha-t I'm sure- of, 100 "But tht bo ys in m married) are ridiculing paint dark and dreary miarried lift, and give stories of their awn true, they swtar. The tht v\ife you mentione an ýimpossibîlity, and t takç the advice of ne known cases'and be gi -not won over bhy fi, of utopîani. dreams.v swer nme? "It is seidom .1 ste your columu for advi I'm flot ashamied to an avid>followtr, and advantage of your aI-ý umn to ask for your am you'll, print it, so that (who lai to be mny unwttiglybecome i of some vtry, fille advx Here You Are *WHATBRDG * fot meet his bridec *both of them drcami *dreams? Else wh)yd *to marryat allAnd *warned him of con'iL The Gardt in corduroys anid coat 014 Joe.tbthtgardener Ta w,ýage bis war01an Si And Cîtend th e arlIy ro Hte plants his flowcrs rows Lke soldiers on paradi And seidom stops as DE S3T: Rmcentiy *wa ro wo int have u' wrocte aboýut * brushed him, off and gant- ahtad? ci-nsan so * Those whio let th-eiir mnarriages entji:y, prepar- * go stale arce ht ues who refuse biis breýak- * to believe aniyone elst can turceed tsendinig brn where thty hlave failedr. Al1soc, in an easy * manly mar1ric ed menwbo are still Lme of imimd. *Young (as 11asum yor assu- iat, to mer, ià ciates are) think1 it benecath their, cideai situa- * dignity to boast of thir wive-is, n.* thinking they'lI be calied sissies. I arn soon ta * Older men, howevtr, wb-o know merried ta a * wbat merriage bas dont fo thtmn, I that 1 think * who look back along years of loir- nild fit it0 * ing comrpanionship, are quiek t-a any trouble. * encourage youinger unes in love D per cent.- * to folloxv suit. Wlith thte assur- ny office (ail * suce and dignity mi maturïty, they ig me, They * acknowiedge humbly thleir dIebt to -y pictumes of * tht wives wbo ha-ve chieered themni discouraging * alolig tht eyý. plight. Al iey dlaîim that Dra YurDexn ied ;s next ta *THSEMEN ini our efice vh0 thiat I shoid *dcmry mamiage-ali miarriages,hin- al, local and *cluding their awn-seem a du(i'lI ided by Chem= and stuipid lot. Thecir duil wit is Cional stories * a neat miatch for tht stupidity of ViII you an- * their chioice of wives--if .tbey are *telling thetrtuth, Wbicb I1 doujbt. *PerhaiSsrfint is as hoanest as a ma usîg *would bc bis tears if tht wife he 'jt 7t)(anm *belittîts came ta ai n nimty end. iamtian *gI1do not publisb fictional stomies. I am rtig l Tht wift whose letter I1 publishtd -covrIg oi- lives nat in yýour ta-wn but about swer. I hcoe * 1,200 miles away. (Dots that t tht eoffers * make ber stoi-y lcss real?) Yet he reiients in your èdty I eýxpeeçt there are ie.hundreds of cople bJut as co n- J.T K. * Go ahead with youc dreams. *If you and your girl appreciate ROOM dots * each other as you say, you wîllI at tht Ita, give lie ta the2se scoffers. ling "uLtop;ian"* * * iid thley waiit Tht wife and 1husband wbho d if aniy frienid cani boast of being hapipily mnar- g d1jiilusions, ried are pm-oud ta usa a ý, 'but tbecy seldom1 do. Their lires .7ener speakc for tbtms)]eivts. If yoDu en rdoubt tht, value of mnarciage, ask Annie Hirst about it. Write bler tof bmowa at 13lt SreNewTorno nail and, siuýg* ~5t. Modesty Forbid, -s ;il ordemed Mail Clemk: hYul ave to nmarkî this 'First-Cisss Matter,'" le Hopeful Puet: "-Em--wauldln't that addy dues bc a littîte oncêeie of mie?" Ta Jean upon his sae And now upon the spangled grasti His eager glances spy A hast of daisies, butttrcups Their faces ta tht sky And tho' I begge d he'd spart a ftw 014 Joe btgan to maw. Ht simply sbook his bead and said "Them's weeds, and weeds must go." But summer sun and gentie ramn Made iovely growing weatber And soon i n spite of old joe's zeai Were flowers and weedstothr Then i d jot growled and set atcbedl bIïs head And multttd, WelI eyr Asý' sure as I'm a gardlening mian Them weeds be piowerful lvr And- as he slowly turnied bis back 1 thoughit I he.ýard Jot sifh Aàid though you -won't be leve mel A daisy wlke er ey'.' -Ir7ene Byers n Ie OirstanScience lMoniLtr ISSUE 34 - 1948 0a On August 27 -thfe gates will again swinïg open r o the wor1d'e largest annual exhibiti. This year wiff see a collection of spectacular features neyer equalled before. A new grandst-and of stupenidous proportions where the mont briliant entert-ainment features from Europe and Amnerica wilbe on review. Welsh Guards band. Those hilajousfu-n-makers - National Horse Shovw; Motor Show. The newest features in inuty agriculture, Sport, pagean- trn usic, electronlecs, science, transportuetion. Make yvour plans £iow. ý'Cone to the C.B CanfadiainMainIEhbto CoL. K. R. Marshffli, Pre4ilAre *lwoodi A. Hughes, eolMngr A Deflcious gCoolDrn stili hot pouvr into glasses f.iiled withcace ice ; Ad. d sugar and lemon to faste %= - MNc- - -aâxz - -e - - ff WVith t-he Molvie And Radio Foiks L flot, of works, lest any man hsl 1~ IINDAÏSCIIO bost" n he6ter hcnd sO1u' havetuly taug- îthat man las ave N'î -bY faith bumt ,have failed ta urge that Lw Nthoseý who believe il Jesus Chtlst shonljtd 1be careful to mnaintain goô4e By Rev. R.Bacly a rren works. Faith itoolt workcs D"orcas, a Woman 1of Good Drcasis aceapî f a Chris- W crksa hse faith vwasdeo rt4 Act 936-2 ytgood wý,ýork.s. Her labours were not G7oldenTet-namuhos ye-hve foth ake 1f pbiiybut f doune ïit ntco une o h es f those inin. dWidows wVept z'4 thee y rehrn, e av dntit showed -Peter the coats ani unto, me1 Mt 5 4. ments- which she had madle Forth Pe'Lople often emphas)ïize unole phiase Peter prayed and Dorcas was re-. of divin tuthi t e htegleet o strdto life. This was flot merely otherýs. Ont gý,rou1p, conSscusOF arear or her good works, but thtetrm to w i nother ha - onc of thtisign, wrought by tht gonie, proceeds t h poit x p SIs by which many were con- tremne. vre to theý Christian faith and Somne have ouhtto) ram her Lore way to heaveun by good work)is. Ths0T dogoo works is to ministew is contrary 4to Bbeta 'ig A to1the(ne"ds of Our fellowmen. la man 'is notjustifie2d byth wrks don so vwe are ministering ta of the law, buit by tfaith oiifiJesus wh said, "Inaslnuch as yg j esus Christ." "ygrace are- ye hv lont, it inta ont of the lePAg saved through faith,; anid thatot of these mi-y brethren, ye have doni< of yourselves: it is thec gift 0of God: i ut M" 1