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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Aug 1948, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES; TIIURS~DAY, ~UGU5t ~, 1048 NE WON VILLE '4 ý sud nsRoal Buriey and Eccini Týononto on Sunlday. '11' Anne Nesitt eft or Tr M s. Cakof Bufio, Ilho-,I Mnvn' IM[L r, A letJoue, of Ton Mi.S. jR. Jones, Congrtulatons t BudJoueson teen Re. Il A. Bunwscotag a gattng bs seiormatric et Port Ruce Lake for he eat two wesc Hope- High Sehool. August. M.aud iMrs. WlisFarrow ipent Cogtutosto n. the~~~v we-n with-,iMr, and Mes, Tî'n Hnero howramr Atpins, Torouto. ed i! luite 1Uiteýd Clc nStr Mi. lwiuB 1on (i nd is-nî l4th. Mr.s.fR. S. BowPort Hope,' visit- liss Jean 5ecyMiý Bnu ed Mi. aud Ms Joe 5exsmith on E lind Mis Em Srdo Suda.Bowmnyville, visited Mrs Ro.ýy'Starý Congratulations to Orono ir' softbali teami for winning the leeguie chamipionship lest Wednes-lay evt - ing in Neweiaistl'e. Mr. nd Mrs. Willis Joues have AND DISTRICT RESIDENTS!l Comlng to the« ROYAL THEATRE, BOWMIANVILLE -Mon., Tues., Wed. - Auigust 30, 31; Sept. lst THE WORLD'S MOST AMAZ1NG ATTRACTION ONLY aï MER ONLY sALe A T eP" 50e T - AND l PERSON ON THE STAGE ELLIOT FORBES fEARL.ES.S HYGIENE COMMENTATOR WITH" A STARTLING -, MESSAGE I PRAISED BY CLEF»GY EDUCATORS AND CIVIC OFFICIALS 1 Special This Week Only 10 PER CENT OFF ON ALL TUBES 600 x 16 ; 525, 550 x 17î; 475, 500 x 19'and 475, 500Ox 20 G. E. FEATHIERWIGHýT AUTOMATIC IRONS Now v$12.95 LUNCH BOXES Reg size, each .... 98e Children's size 49c, 75c BROWN BETTY TEA POTS 3-9c and 45c PYREX COFFEE PERCULATORS 4-cup size, 'each.. 6-cup size, eaeh.. $3.15 $3.65 RANGETTES 'Extra Lajrge Oven, Fibmeglass Insuiated $67.50 SUNSHINE HOT PLATES sturdy Built, Ail Enamel Top $13.95 WESTCLýOX ELECTRIC KITCHEN CLOCKS Choice of Colors, Ivemy or Red $7.44' W bite Wood Frame Mirrors 6 in. x 8 in.....35c 9 in. x ýi n..m . 59e 7 i-x 9 in.....40,r lOin.xl14 in.... 69e 8 in.x 10oin..,, 49c Il in. x 15 lint,, 9 Colemn & Philp Electrie-' Phone 89 r l OROCNO cey. The rnthly meeting of the W.M.'AV S.was 'held last Tuesday eveingi in the church basemeant. M, H -. A.1 Bunt h'ad charge cf the busins e ,Sion and as ldirthlestdbok Mr. and -\1rs. Hector L'amnt an son,of iniea oona- a11 motori trip to0 -tIlwa. When P Il asslîu2 through is vI illagýethywUeth, guesits of hel ite rand) usbnd Mrý. sumd' rsWdgr lc'ourt. Word A 1lIbiieen received coftHe asigof Mes.ï Watson ( Flora1,; day eveniingý. Shie was thie -last suri- ViVin2gmmie of thie tate Mi% and! Ms. yn"ors Wude, a piolleer famu- ilyv of çouth lakeTow-ishp Rev. H. A. and Ms.Buntetfo ai monthis holidirys on- Tuesday mom- mgi-. Theyý are taingý a mnoto- rip West, touch11,ing, varnius points until1 recigDetroit. On SaIturday 'Re. Bunt will officiate at his niiece's wed- dini n Winidsor. Conlgretu.lation'ISTo our local Soft- balil team lu icomiing hack and puttiug ulp au odgm, seilyto our fourteen yenr old pthe. Lura Btrd."You always wini f you lose with a sie.Thewitrovr heard the teatalking 1onth-e eve oIf a recet4gam1ie and 1what shh Ieerd 'is worth i pitsing a1lng. "'4do hop we eaulrigom a vi«tory b !ut ifý we cani't 1I hope we ecan be as good losers as ýCourtice was."That was a higli! type ofsonmahiada fitrihute fto Courtice I1'hope) GCourtîce is htun KENDAL Mr. aud Mrýs Rowev(, of Toro ýo, \ih Mr. and Mrs. Heurýb. Mercer. Mes. Wi1lfred Ruhlyaud David are, vistin Ms. L, Thorue. Mr u Mcs. Normian Thiertel spieut thec weeik-end at she iin umcr Mesý. F. Stoker spenlt'a couple of daswith Mmli, auIVI(Mrs. Cha.Knny, Mmi. anid 1Mes. 1Herb )Reyod and Peter speuit Sunday at Ceae with i Mi% aud -Mrs,. H. R.Rends Mr. and Mrs. Aylward lýi'ttie,Ms Herb Scott and iMr.. ackLiîttie sPeu"t suulday 'with Mrs. N. Little M. 11 allam, of Toio, is svediu aweek w-ith Mm, auid Mrs. FR Stoker. MArs. A. 'G.Dri, o spent a few days iith MAr. alud Mrs. ak lo vuer,Ajax;. Mc-. and Mrs. V. MeMlullini, of ,Pontlyliool, are vislt:oms with Mcý. and Mrs. A. Stephenis. The minister ait our Suniday morun- ýng service Thiis Sundlay ~wilI lie Rev. jA. J. G. CarîWicaddeeui, at XKendali Church. Welcome back homet o M.and Mers. Wmi. P&tteson, who hfave beýen sta'ying ZthMn. anld lvrs, Waunan,1 Kimhy, for thelclasî[ several mnts Mr. adMes. Albert Co à, o Hîamilton, are speudiug 7a couple of wveoký -wîth MmI. andl Mes. Joe 'Mar- Thie hall g-amie in iso'sMem- ori- l Park 'eteen Preci'ous Corners an(! Keuidal ont Thusrdcay nghre- suîted ilu a -vufor Keudal wvith ia -score of 81 to -4 Sunday visitors with Mmr. and Mes. Marcus Sopei riand Mrs. S. Patton were, Mr.nd JMrs;. euli. Rtcheson of eawr, -Mr. Carmon Patitonl, Mmr. A. Wedgeey -and Mr. Sam Con- lin df Oshiawa. We are soTry to hbear of i th1-e acci- dent to Stewart Blamnes vben lhe fell off the.tractor aud injumed bisris aud shoulder, 11e lis ý '1 omnie -fmom hospital and we hope vil!l soon be reco'-vered. fNoice to Farmers If you want us ta remofve yoiur dedfamm stock within ai, hour without icharge il Aw9Auville 26791rýC WELE Y V ýILE t&ruehmg e abf omd.n Biampti'on ;pen'tSday wt n à1nd Mis. W.Payne Moti. W. Tueffo, ifsen dug afe da'yîs ait ermrau C.ten, Mrs. Ac 'Im. GereBiel fBwan-y aile nistd 3with ] reandlth )fmmunityyoniSunday iMî-s. PWi-fced Bnell ipnsi ga Douglas eItSndywtbMrs. L 'Rer. aud Mies.of D-ick LycsofC Mir. and AMns. BWl. IA. Mandows, of ofPort nýt few days with th.enduhM, Mes. C. Payne.h Mîr. andAMes. JArgeold T famýi(l, 'of ocnto, andent Sunday it hrMm. and Mcte..Dkesn Mr. PcI M Sue(lIis sîp.\eendiuga_ oPo Htot, pent atu d wi Me. and'"o iMsEdga% Bardolu hr Mm.d aondyMes' moî 'hcdk Air. amidytirud Me.oldd Mes. Cili MeekI'iI n udi aii spnt Thrsdayc- ti Peterpl a$urifro.e- MClad n.Cf. 'eI],"an fh!\-ily, of Torouto<, , pet ens ciaion Anu ad 'aroland n. ic tomla Thoud'ke attended a fily men- Su suin h neacomesat Co- iI oth re m eeting c f ' WoCusAso citon 'asseld etWMseuttSm. ishd orth CRd r.Thr wr SuuieySîcoIon'Hias hel at10.3 ling ot a senc f Ms. 'C Payue Mihs salnePa es taug-otnte en- Cori Girls' Cle. hch foloe STAR KVI LLE Mmr. aud Mers. Per'cy Farrow enter- tai ned fi4ends ou Sueday. MisBetty Sav'emy spýent the hou- days in Ptermor. Mliss Clama Hearu,. of Tomonto,1Mr: and Mrs. Thos. FaIlis visited ou Smn- day et lewH'loe's MisHelent Dechert, of Tomonto, spenit severai days'ith 'Mis Lor- raine Farrow. r Mrs. WilI Todd, 'of Oshawý,a, is uisïiîng w.h Mr. and tT1s. Lomne' MIr. a-nd Me-s. EWart Rohinîlson -iad sousspnt heweek'-end wih m and Mrs. Chiarlie Walker, of Picto., Mi,s Beu.leh i illo'ell ias return- ed fcom a plelasant trip to thie West 1spending a fwdeys eat Jasper Park Lodge and visýiting friends on,,tire 1way home. ' The Siloh Womren's Asoitn weme e!etie et the home ofMs W. A. Hallowell, Newtouiville, l'est Wrednesday eveuni. Afhýer themet ing wsc'n' ii, asocial time,, was spent sud IMe. Ialowell s erved deicoslunch. CO"WANVIllLLE, lllrvstig in ',his sec-tion ïs usai'- ly comnpleted and sonie fermiera have threshed. Mrs. Thecd;oee Stephens, >tanley and Annahelie spent the week-end with hem mother, Mers. E. Farro-w, o-f Gardien Miii. Mr. lMlliaird Sîimpsuni has resumi- ed womk et the Gýnemal Moto-es, Osh- ewa. Congratulations to Mr. and Mers. George Punlýo.p e Violet Hollings- w%,orth) w'bo were married ou Satura- Hay Fever Reniedies I»uIývLd60e, Tuamine Inhail e)sC.each ---65e ]ýcx-39e. Vick s Vatron-----------i Real ose and Throat Drops %(without. ouIý) -- -------- -------- 50 Vapei, few rips eon ahnkrefadinhale it -.25c,50- Templetoen Razmah Cpsle----- -------- -------- -- 60c. and ~2 (Availabl1e in 3 strengths Greys Reds ard Browns) EpaoeTablets------......rgiab,....----$ 1.00 diyonte English i-reedy---....-.- ----------'25c., 50c. and $1.00 elggAsthma R'elief------ . ...>---------------- -- -.'5c. and $1.00 L A NTIGHEN "E" One of the Famous Lantigen Family of ORALVA NE Taken by d.-p dLosage, it is moýst fecieintroig both Spring aad Fail type-s of Hay Fever LA-NTIGEN "E"ý, fulll treatment akg----------$6.06 PROPHYLACTIC HAlk IR DRUSHIES5 ,AT NEW SPECIAL LOW PRICE Plastie handife, waterprocof nylon brÎistle-s, stronig qntd durable. RMegular seling price $1.75 -while they last, ýeaeh.-------9 %Ch a rleswB.yrreli DpRl sl Phone 68 AGENT FOIR JACKIMAN FLOWERS &ronlo, Ont. DOLLS DOLLS DOLLS Special Feature of Dolîs this Week Ladies' Blous;es or, Sport Shirts, sihort sleeeves, BroadclothcoyeoS, pink, bue, sizes 16 to 20, each............ Ladlies,' Tw,ýin Seam Slips, bisut., new length, colors white or tea rose, sizes 374 to 40, each $2.25 LayBeth Nylon Hose, 42 guage, sizes 9 1 pr $1.29 Ladies' Regular Apronswt Bib, eachi-....85c Skirt Facing, t1o give that niew loo.k to dresse-s and siicolors grey or1-navy, yard....... eO B oy'ýs Long1.,Triýo us ers, s ize s 2 6 t o 3-4, pai r ..$32 Lunch P"ails for, school, 2 styles....5e and 69c- Brown Tea Pots, 2 cup sîize..........5,c ,5 cup) sîze....69c 6 icup size....75e GROCERY FEATURES - Certo), Cer- to Crystals, ÎP 111 1Rubber - Rings, Glas Tops, Meta, ~~j igs, Bot. tie Caps, _________________ , ? , ' p iavor., Pint & Guart Sealers, Fresh Stock Pickling Sie Ogilvie Rolled Oats, .5-lb 'bag-....3;7w Macaroni, 2 lbs f or........23c Apricot Jam, 24 oz lbottie, spe- SCarnation Mlk,îla rg e or ta I tins, 2for........29C - Mirale Whip Salad Dressing, 8oz btie 27c; 1M oz bottle 4e b i Kraift Miracle Saildwic'Îh Spreadî, 16 oz btle !9e 27e ORONO 15c., TO $1.00 STO RE YOTTR POPLILAR SHOPPING CENTRE i ll~ g il Motor Equipiu0nt 1Prirate Amibulance Northcutt and Smr "w. Fune-ral Drtui s mdrtuï, Dea' KINDNESS - COURTESY E-quipped to take tcar*e M the d-pêt nea re Ctal hur'eea&@wV02Uau th* .r. *i#t xactàng Telephome: Office $64 a e-sde-. b: 2à ,Ttelephene ele B.wn 'e 24 s ---- ~5~r ith i; ot and - rl l

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