=i mm Great Britain Thee as really imiportanit news aitio-ugh ;it wasui't the sort that got mauiy big newispaper headiines. Ou Auguist il5th plum and appie jam was finiaiiy takýen off the rationed Iist; anid o-ly those who recail the Irst years of WoridtWar One, and especially those who floundered thmouýgb the mnud of France and Finders on) a diet of that deiicacy com-binied wîtb buliy beef, can realize that "pium"aund-apple" 15' more than Juest something that -ornes lu tins-its' an insttutioni, mojre or7iess sacred. Whenu the German submarine blockade camve within a hairsbreadth nf savn Britain into submaission: More thanï 30 years ago, the food manufJacturers tLurned aimost every- thing tiat couLd be swallowed mbt a food product. The principal iin- gredienit-the"fhlr"înjame was groundup turinangeis, and thle like,mxe wihnpeiidcor Îngs and flavoings. BuýLt waee wenit ith i t, aiways it ca:me 'out pIl]m-and-j 1appi. ' VaudeIville artiste toLotes about plum-nd-apde;sonýge werewrtte on, the sbec;and ifterha been radio 2lu1thoseedascnodoubt, it wouiid ha.ve been thle ithemie for at east a thusand humr 1u" ro- grames. Soe f the namlles thie -soldiers clld t can., oniy b)e r(Ieeat- ed lunuixi.n-,ed comnpany. But hi' spite of everyting it coultinuved te flonirisb lýJthioughi, afteýr peace xa declared, in a considerabily revised fo)rm and the mangels and t'urnips were relaýced by other ingredienjts. (Rght hiere I wouid lk to insert a strictiy personii n-iote. I bappen to, bc ciosely reclated, by marriage, to) alady who, as a child, wenit thrlouigi those years of WorILd War Onetl thee heart of London, anid WOsti bas Vi vid memrories of the "qltity" of tha.t wartimei jami. Here lu Canada,(L she does a gren-t deai of can- *ing and preserving of such things as strawber ries, rshris ece aiil ti he re-st. But one of ber primie staudbys is-you guessed it -umand apple jam. The kîds an1d I are fond of lt too-aithioulgh the fact thant real plumrs and real apples are Used may mrake quiteadff- ence.> Anyway, atog uhpreserves as bilack currant; raspbAerry and marinalade stijlirequire cou.ponlsl Bitai-ini fact the amounit ai d bas been cnt froml a poundc to a haif- pound per -nonthi-good oid piumn- an-p ie i't rationed auiy more. It's a rcai step in the righlt direction and mnigblt prove a biggerbos to United' Kiigdom miiorale than most of uis suspect-bigger than ail tile »~p~comes ejit of Berlini or ýnôwlua month Germaiy Mjich as they desire suoch a session, the pr,6spject o"f anothler nmeting of the Gçrunicil of Foreigu, Ministers over the probiemi of Ger- ïmany is flot regamded very optimist- kcaliy in1 officiai circles of Britain, France or the United States. Since the end of the war every phase of this prob-Iim, has been discussed again and a-,gaini withouit arriviug at any reai basis for agreement. The whloie thiing binges on wbý-at ï. te be due itb BPeri.n. Thecou- filt of ideas between Russia al o-urselvýes centres on the determiin,- ationi of the Western Al-lies to stayv ha the Germran Capital, and Rujs siaun desires to get tbemi out. But at tie sirne tmthe Russians say,'thapt they refuse to even conisider tle Berlin scitulation apart from th Ge posi- tiont of thre iwboie of Germralv. Pacificists of hie Flenry Walace tkype dlaimn that there is pienity of1 zreom for comrproise- ,and intimate that one side is as bad as the uhr B'ft it shiould not be forgotten thatZ tise, present conifict arises soIeiy 'because the Soviet Union neye",,r evena attemipted tfo Imake the Pots dani agr-eemeint wr.The Western lAies took;ý the m-1easlires thley hiave taken onily after years o ftftiess efrsto get the Russianis to re- spect their obligations andalo a solutrin of the Germanproiem Right norw no permnanenit sclltion seemsI' possible uniess ether the Sojviet uni on gets exactiy whiat it Perbape the most unusuai happen- ing at the Olympic Gamles was somrething which failed te, bappen --which may sound, at that, as if we Pare growing a trile "punchy" lu our old age, and commencing to in- dulge_ in double-taik, after the man- uetr of boxe ýrs who bave stopped too niany wxitb their chins. No-rws the non-happening refer- mcd to the reireshing lack of pctty squabbles and two-for-a-nickei con- troversies WhiCb bave marred such events in the pat-in fact, even if they didu't amass many points, the British cer-tiuly showed the rest of the woDrld how succeseful Olympics cnbe, w flitc emphasis is put ou "spo)rt" rathier thaui "spectacle". but for the firet tiume since the Olympic Camies -were revived-at Atheus in 1906-thier-e was no maie athlete good enougli to cop even tw,,o track events, wvhich sbouid give a pretty good idea of how keen, comrpetition 10 these days, and of how a man muet be right at bis peak, aiso favored by a smile fromn Lady Luck, in order to get down in front,' Iu fact, it's getting to the point where-îf we are to bave many more track and field recordls brokeui-tbey'il hiave to use vwatches thýjpi sçconids into hunýdredths rather MTan tenthe. But ffith the ladies, it was entire- ly diffement. Mrs. Fanny Blaukers- Koen of the Nethemlands won three races on hem own, aiso rau the anchor lap of the elay to bing victomy to the Dutch team. Hem fuur--count them four-goid medals are just double the number won hy Babe Didrickson Zaharias et Los Angeles back iu 1932; and some of as who have been thee-cbeering "the Babe" as the greatest ail- ounder who ever lived are begin- aing to wonder if we dtidn't open' eur big mouths too soou, Iu al probability some zmsart promnoter wflI be trying to sm-oke Up au ath- letic Contest betweenl the twoe ladies; but while it might draw like a por- aus plaster il woul,,d hardly be faim, as Babe would be spotting her rival five yeams lu age and lias been de- wetmng most of hem attention to golf for the last tw,,o or three. Mms. Bllaukers-Koen is thity years old sud the mother of two childen-and while we know uoth- ing about the latter, sud have't even seen pictures of them, theme's ene mnatter we would't mind lay- ing libemal odds on lu their connec- tien. Que will get you .five that those Blankers-Koeu youngsters nover tmled te hook cookies out of the kitchen aud then outspriut ma- rne te the gate-or at ail events that they neyer attemnpted kt twice. The United Sýtates, witb a total cf thity-igbit firets quite naturallyle il the rest of th-e nations; wbJ"i, ail thýings conisidere-d, is jus abouit as surprlsing as to find Tuesday ciii- in.g after Monday. Bu-ct when you lation, climaite suid other factýorsý,plu ont oý.pinion the performaiince of Swedu-wtb sveneenfrSts-was 'far Lmore xltstaj1', l ac b rnos-t remnarkabule thunlg about thic entime affair, As for Canada's shiowing-well, perhaps the best thing to do wouid Pe to draw a merciful veil of silence and, say nothing about that part of it at al. However, few of us ex- pected very much, and 50 didn't, receive any great nervous shock; and ail the officiais, at least, had a nice summe-cr outîng at a ver-y littie persoual outiay, and should have mauy interesting tales to enter+ain friends with during thie long, cold wiuter nights, AnC that's some- thing; for so long as the coaches, committee-men and assorted badg- ers are satisfied, whc cares about the athietes, or how they fared? Ytsc)nu.,fow or other wThen you inkof, aaiataiîg nefrst plIace,; Austria one first c eor- way one first placce;Lidia oniirst place; even Peru,-of ail tbt.ngs, oue first place, it makes you wvonder if our much vaunted naturai Canadian athletic ability and love for sport hasei't been sightly overrated. There's certainly something scciewy someeýýire-,wheu acuny as big as Caniada ,coul't produce even one atiete whio couild shiow comition wblere to hlead ;in; and iiu ouir opuniion the fauit i s righit up at the top. Fat too miany of tos nomiualiy at the head of our amateur sports affairs are miore greatly con.- cernied withi commn-ittee-room ivuc- tories thau with winniugs in1 actual competition. But it's aIl over- now; and track and field sports ini Canarda will b aliowedý to peter out to uotiug for1îQ anothier three-anid-a hIaif yearzs--or untP i thre is aniother ree ctr-ip--to we'I einto see omeacticon! Which may be ail very well for thosýe who take charge of such mnatters, and who mnake those trips. But Fas for thle rest of uis Canadiansq --who s;tand by and suifer, miore or iess, in silence, we're in somiething the saine position as that of the beaten boxer, who was stigdis.. consolate in the dressing room after his most recent fight. "Cheer Uip, buddy," said somebody, siapping hlm on th.e shouider. "Even if you didn't get the decision, you fought a good gamie fight." "Listen, mistet," was the earnest reply, "im just about sick of being told what a good gaine loser I arn; I'd like toý find out what it was like to be a good gaine winner, just for a change." MECHANIC Class A certificate required Modemi up-to-date premises. Top pay 8-hour dlay MOUNT PLEASANIT MOTORS LIMITED Toronto'-s Oidest Chryser- Flymoutfi Dealers 632 ounit Pleasant Road Phione HY, 218i ReCceniy fthe noýted Toronto col- umnIIioýt, J. V% . McArcce, exreosedý doubt ùtatone Canad'1;I n outaofte could fi luinthe lette'rs foliowinig C C F. '"There is, littie in eîiher the abbreviation or, the futi iftie of the party - the Co-operativeComn wealth Fdrto-osuýggest that it is reaiiy theL Sociaiist Party of Caniada, no less, îno mlore,lhe went On to say. "it corresponds prec-iseiyj with the party whInow suIpports the British Gocvernmenci-t. "'ButrcntyaStatemeut o, fit ends ought tu lrf any former vagueness and misundecrstanding. The clarification m1ay bring strength te it from soin',E quarters and -weaken it in others. The .state- ment annlouinces the îintention of the CCF, when it attains.power, to nationalize the banks, thec trans- portation system, the manufacture of farmi impiements and other es- seutial services, "This is- socialiim, Tt is the s-ame program that bq beinig puIt ,nto Cf- fect by the British Labor Party, which b ealythe BrîtishSocS,.-ialist Party. If you l. ike iit,'aui'!t'he pros- pect oDffrte nationaiizing ais time goes oil n, you ili like thie CCF, On the othier hband you may be re- lieved to learu thlat nta wordJ is said about utoaiigCanadian women-." Conmmentîng on theý above a well known Canaâdian said, "MVr. McArec might have said! 'if' ià attain-s power rather than'wen'After al the 'goters stiIJ have somne power- wheu they bothler to use t. Theio idorg vwas empioyed iu the rniddle ages for i-atng S81FIED ADVERTISING Uis WN OlSL BE ROiilER-,C H9C K S For Summer andPa':li. aIso started chicks. Puilets and7 fouir wek d Capons, Specil prnces tbis wceka-d next Scnd foc weekiy sciiprions and cata7ogue LAKEIEWPOULTRY FAIRMS Fil TER ONTA RTO1 12e U O D L CHICKS 12C Ail heav bee oliîs r hiks12 2 Agt2ate A uguet 20, 12, ic. StartMed 2 wk nid17e.Il ws ni SIc Orer tropi ac ilHUR1.ONDALE LONDON. ,NTARIO P1ULL11ETS 5wksto iay ,7g bPure bed and rshed Sumnier and Paul Chiche hatiedf0orde-r ree Catalogue. Tweddle ChckHtcherîce FLimiitcd. ,Fergus, 'Ontario. PULLET. Purebreedsadcross hreeds, 0- Ïek o iyn.Sm',er and PFl] ehicks. Fre ë atlgu.Top Notch1 Chicis Sales. PULLE"TS-afwsatd-iosisnon- sexe strte. Imedateshipinent. Day- olde sto order Bray Haýtchiery, 120 John N. WR HVE omeetared ulltsand a f ew non-sexed, Cdelivcry 0nW. Hatch ing tonorder. Bray !Hatchery. 120 John N. , iîilln.Ont. DYEI N 0 A-ND)CENN HAVE YOlJ anything needs dyeîng or (dean- log? Write to os for Information W.e rare' glad te answer your questions. Departinealt H. Parker's Dye Works Limmued. 791 Tnge Street, Toronto, Ontario. rIzARIitSFOR AL F.ATIM for sale, lot 13, Con. 5, Proton TP3.. Co. Grey. coGnta1mine 1'00 crs,80acres under cliain bal. swamip ndi pasture; on eounty road. echàrool iitcorner of tarin. 21 miles fro)in vililge0fcedri ;gn -oxe bouse, barn xOdled el.MsE.. $5.500 CASHI; 10()acres on lNo. 47 higghwaty, n i1.les f rom xbide seeLooThr 60x40 Impemen she SOxS, sontbhousqe. hydre in lhouse andiIharni. 1Apply UCIles Service stiation, Ubrdge Ot. ,on SQUARE AREgond -oil, buildings. fences, good repair. hydre, wlth or wlthoftt eQuioretr me. i> 11/niles to ilagblghi srhool, ,/j mile t ihay hmsIrvine. Mûrevô,od, Oniaro 10 ACRES stone IosDm.Sallien Rouge at thsy, Wm Rm i oore- fleld> Ont, FOR SALE ÂLL NRINDS 0of partsfor 12 odo Tractor. Aise car pa'rts, S, SeigelER 2. Enn1,smore.0Ont, BOATS: Order your 00 kturo Bats3r Mercury Outhoar' d Motor no,, and assure 5'ourself orfearl'y dlivery Seno for cat- logues. Dealers write - MUN11RO BOATS.3 LONDON W. ONT. MEUTOTOR DISTRIBtITORS. COMPLETE hok-a i mahinery for sale; 6 1h.p. motor with oowe lmps-, a abl f makine hlocks b!ilsites fron, 4" *te 1". elther cluding 1,800 ste: ½tooyda lbolft. new; aisroc riks This is 1.000 boSprday mach,ý1ine and a, gond opporiunity testrSlu usnes ith ïa mmd- erate inveinent. rie Tnlin Meichior. 12 Orchard St.. London, Ont 1:n _n-plowed In eWint ee ee et FALL HATCHED POULTS - Broad BreastE Bronz1e aalbe for liail li r CG L, i0-ý~ - dllvery B onSyurode 0 - LAKEVIEW TURKEY RANCH 'EXETER, ONTARIO HI-POWERED RIFLES rieforOO' l iste1,an r'ires buidigs 1narSeaforth 8,00. Termei about tnes!Ioem ctag n eaot 4.-)000 Terme MaeN Ya POUND TIN Sothefor ut ttng7ail1types of wood. EighIt dittceentÉ type'srnan1-utured., ail usi P CIINPARTS LIMITED 001 Brnant Mosoteal X9 GENERL stre Sepamate resideuce, eu* able foi two familles. WiI assiet purchamE finance and eti present volume"' twenrty-five huad plus stock. Bnicj e eral SoreJMple. Ont. SELBC1(T usc bas Potato, groin, teend vegtable ,houaht and sold inluanyquntt Aul boas v elntc:aned. Oct .our pri,.e8 firoý. evinthe tnad for a quarter of a centurY. Londîs oa nmpny,466South 5treeý, SURPRSE your tnï,inS nith a Los Angeiop postinorkl Letters me-maited 120. S iz scenl postI.00, n e-mailed free. tIofg.. mono PO.Box 185.,, Sfttion O, Los Ananlea tN OILLA Cotag for sale, newiy bulit. sitelOxS tmneand a haîf bloche tnroé Lake inoce: 5 oos ,11utsite basemeot,ï hamdoodf torsbuiî incuphoards, electricl-t> andioae;ltst 040 immediate posset- smo nic 04500.Appy O E.Hoover.24 GI ituS rît n.Dial 4791. FORSAE lothey veIle.abihed in on2 0fbn etos ofOnt'in Wetteouippse sud iO oo bsies. t8,e 500, neasq4.. abt teme 0 npercncd oemaor.Box if, COLLIS ofchomponchp bmedina, bred fo intttîenc ou haut, K. D, lnos Weilîngton, On boum ChUlampion, Cormesponmdene lnvlted. areoLea Kennels, PireRier. n, A -ESARANT Business for sle1, irm copitey ndemnizef i-lnd11p to odatel.-,or turherparictor aplete George Seto. 2t BEATIFL id EnýgtishShnI DoPuppisi, 171 Ave.,Mon. ""TRACTOR TIRES These tires are ait nniandavalabte for bin s4% Wiep o orvire W. Ï- Ba1- uentne imled,100Fient West, Toronto 2B. Teteohone ELgits 3277. Information on rquei egardbns cjasseqý Rob-etsons iaidr rsngAcdemy. 187 Ave- nue Road. Tionuto. IOLA WANTED LABOIJERS, Crp)enites. Painters. two chianlesan Maintenance men an d weldersl Fair Waes ccommod(atJon for roor nn boarqd. PeaeWrite Arg'o Block Co.. Cooke- vill, Ont, POWASAN Cotinuaion Shool r.quires m t c e o rdsfroin 9-12, qualifled t$ô teach Ed',ucational Guidante, Engllsh. HistorV. 1 mile troni: hi9hwaýy and 25 nùilleq SastSte,, re Apyto Ellen E. mai" A TRIALEvery u£ffeerof Rieumatic Pa1time orNeuritis should try Dlxon's Remredy. Munro'e DrugStore. 2253 Elgin, Ottawz. RELIEF FROM ITCH tea.Foot Itou, Barber's Itch. Rlngworm, etc.. frespondý,sQouicly 20BeozeoQintinent. Usýcd hI' pysclns hspitals with excellent resttS. Clean, cooing,& soothlng, colorless. Order wlvth confidence and be coovlnced. $1.00 post*pa-ld. oneyrefunded Iîf not eatisfied, Ac7r'e SuppliesR 1ead1., Box 114. Granby, Que. HfAVE,, YOU HEAý,RD about 'Dxon's Neuritis and 'huai ain, Remnedy? It gives goo'5 reàsuits. More Drug Store, 35 Elgin, Ottawa. 1Postrp1aid$1,00., OPPORT1JNITIES FOR WOMIEN BE A HAIRDRESSER .tON ANAtY'SLEADING SOHOOL retOpportunlty rLearn Halrdressing PlasntdsnIsled professqion. eood wagele. thouand suceesul1 Marvel graduates. Ant.nlcss grates sysen.Illustrated cati, loge rs. Write or cali b0 lorS, W.. Toronto Brnces 4 ing St.. Hamtilton &74 Rideau Street, Ottawa F'BTERSTNASJH &Compan, Patent - Toronto Boit0 oomto nroet U,47 Yew, Vncou'ver. aaa WVANTED SEED SALESMAN To eprsen 1well esblished seed firm tof0 el! diret tefomers.Preer mnflo are weil knlown b hithein i-na omulyand whoc arýe Cohn or 1.a permanent pLositon wîîh a futre Hahetcommlissioni pald. A chance '0 strnu obsies OUr own district. AIl relis1 onj dn "arSate Çquailficatione r nd elve nInrnfrne a lx1.2 Eau Clair.lOntanin cH--iRTITM-AS T RE S Wate cnla lts Peaegive bee prie fnb.sidias. leas seni fouparticlare. BX 1,12.12h Nt, w Toronto. -UEU,2I1ED or sei!-turnishefi house, aatet.or fiat 1bY professional mats andwie.no snoer, bain iers. PO, B1ox 424, Detroit 1, 7Mieh. Just For Fun t; Heu was av lawyervwh Special- 1ý iz.ed in acdn cases and, waiký-. ling aon'Yng treet one day, ili apereo to otcea lady who lîau benknckd own by a lYassîg car.After helping ber iHr' ycrd ay ,1get "Dontbe afool,," site replied 11'-ned aiymoredamnages. ISSUEi5 -1P48 A Sonie of 50 Army master cadets from aýtil parts off Ciaada camýiping in Baifï National Park see bufralo fromn the windows of their tri bs. Due-to-, Park reguLlations-, the cadýets couled not leave their vebîcie býcause o posibleattacks by the aias