ORONO WEEKLI TIMEÇ, THURSDY A7CMSGST26, 194Î. Defore You Dulid ADAMS LUMBER COMPANY- Clarke 1213A -- NEWCASTLE - Clarke 1213A BricIk, Cernent, Tile, Lumiber, of -ail kinds (B.- C. Ontario and Eastern Canada) Doors ( 700 to choosé. fromt), Nails, Sash, Door, and «Window% -Frames, Gyproc, Lime, (Hardwall, IFinish- ing andî Spray), Hardwood' Flooring, Masonite, Tilýeoards, Wallboards, Asphaît and Cedar Shint- gles, ;Roofing, MIouldings- and Trim, Plywoods, Fenice Posts (Cedar and Steel) FVencing' îmotdElisb Woohin iiNavy aud Scaret ithWite EmrodeedTrimmped Silk Bose,2,4and6 ear aires; iSkirts of 1Bea,ýutiful English 'Wool Plaid, AG te 12 yeýar sizes. 'We have a goof assortment of Gep nt ting Yarns. MRS.- L. REID Phono 9, r 7 ORONO. Ontario GREAT OPPORTUNITY CLAIMED WADDELL- Mc-)INTY NUPITALS IN TREE, GROýWI.NG (Continuedl froni pag-e one) tials cf forestry! Polcywt gh P irýv iecw cf thse rian n tai,)r.-he ttret ÈaD Mostlge puilp ni Paprer coin- paisaleradly bulýy large qatte cfpnpwodfrom isettiersý,and asnali operaýtorïs, Sucl pu-rChasoýs nrmýlly iimount te 30 O iper cent of tthe total ascd] and thie aî na s tht farmes' wodlotsant uch hlins wocd¶ts ar estmatedby te Can- danPulp and PprA-ss-ciatïmon at 48,7û8 square mile , la oth ier wvords, oneifdU t he b-c-o-Cimcup farm area iniCana-da laalredy used in the way suggested yiir m FOR SALE Quantïty cf Preeerviuig Pears, and1 Abundant Piums; also 12 Yorkshire pis,6weeks old. Kennet ils phone 5 r 8,,Oroneo. The C AN IAAlhas a,,banrking system whichl, fiîr eflcenyaind eedaii is unsurpassed ,iein- the orlJ Comet itive, flexibl,,e, dpal t'O the chainging nedof fthe cou t t seres anaa'sprodlacers, iheràindustrie-s, ier trades-andit serves your personal necds, tn No cuistom-ier lias to fear for the privacy o f hsreguh lbittlýng transactions. This privacy is cowipletely free of political pressures or ceonsidertionýs-it is rooted in Canadian banking practice and tradition. Confrast thi's Cainadian way with cndt nn ejns here freedom is denied-wthere every bacnk ki a poUiical tool, every banlker aSae offiiai Stte onoolyof banking, propos-,ed by Scait here, would fasten the Marxiest fOreign atenonyu SPONSQRED DY YOUR BANK \wl-th white satinribn Mr. CG len G., adelbrotherc f1 thie 'bride, wavs best mianr. Ush1ersý w,ere Mr. Mlo S. Waddell, brother cýf tdie bride, and Nyal E. Nelsoni, broter-n-l'wof the bride. Ju)stice James Waddell Il, rnephew cf *the bride,care the rings on a white For her dlaughIter's wedlirvg Mrs, WNaddell, worea delphinnimbine bon n ercoag ws of pink elfrseu. The pick an'd white'c lor scle1ee was'1e1; rie euit tthe wedding reception vwhichwa held at the homne cf the1 rie'sparents on11 ateliýCrsby), Road. After the 'initial slice by theý bride andlrdero the ý,lride's cakýe ws ut -yMis. Jeannie M. Sehuett and sertedi by MiLssar gare't O'Sheaý,Mr GergeH. Mas1- sey cf Envijula lï(ld-Mis. George P. James cf Seat1tle, aunt c f the bride, presided at tiseuus. Mrs.', Justice J. Waidde,s>isýter-ini-law c the bride, served the iClelran M pink coccautnes. u t of to'wn guests were frcm Newv Jerlsey,Cai fornia, Oregoni, Puilîman, eti and Tacicma. For the wedding trpt, anfo Lake Lcuise, Canadai, 'tisebride clsse an aqua ibine hallerîna suitL, w blcaclc esories and an o.rc'id cor- sage. The newlyweds are snaking thi hcme at 1400 Greenleaf vne Chicago, Illinois. Mrs. McGinty graduated tfrom Enumnelaw H11g Schot and the Uni- versity cf Washington Schcol cf Nursing. Durirg, the war she was aflight nurse in thecfe U. S. AiyAir Evacuation.i Since the wýar she l,as been on tisîe U. S. A. T. Geo. Teitem n tkingdiplee mersons frcm BesraeGr 1 miany, to. vari cs pa rts cf thie wo id. Mr. MeGinty graduaited 1 rom ii sclsool in Weehawkeni, New Jersey. 71 was in the Navy duri,-inte var i id since then hes bee aLiuten- an1t in the Merehanit Mineontheý U.S. A. T. Gen. Ilentizelman.ýýi Mrs.MGitisaneecth Misses Waddell, Oronlo. SALEIEîSE 1 have received ntrcisfaomn hbe executor cf tihe Estatfe cf the late Frank Soe esIb ulcsc ien at hs ut rsdece Lt10, jC'oncession 15, C:k owsi.1/2 mile e',ist cf Sakile nFia ,Sept. 3Ord, at 1. p).my., hi hrss at Ife harness,mciey t.Tri ý0ash. No Reserve.Jak eiA- tioneer. Auction Sale EA.Weïrry iii sdihy pubie Auct On o SATURDAY, AUGUST 28thi 80 head of top Yearllng Stockers With cattie bei aloege ot thec United States, d c ely buyi-ng youir ekr (Free Deiivery) This sl will lie held at Hye Far-m, just east of Ennishilleni, JACK REID, Auctionleer Notice to Cred(itors AND OTHER.S IN THE ESTATE 0F GEORGE WILLIAM HENRY 1POPE, Far- mer, deceased. Ail persons haviaigdam agis tce Estate of George Willia Henry Pope, late ef tihe Townisipj cf Clnrkýe, in the GCbunty fDuhmF:.arrner, who died on or ah 1oi ,t i e '/n-d dry of Jully, 194,.ar e 'hler, by ni otified tc send particulars of s ete the un- derigedonor fbefo "ý1the u2lst day cf Sapteniber, 1948,0Jt which date the Estate wiHl Se istri Ltd.having regard only te ci o f which the bnesgesil h ave no- tice and tie utaderpsied iiinot lie hiable to any perr;on cf sv ose dlaimr he shah n-lt ften have'notte. D<ATIED a I tHope jhlis9th day7 cf Augu.sýt, 19418. ARTHIUR THTOMPNON, Kendal, Ontario, Executo ,by bMs slicito ERDAN RIESEN, 3IWalton Stet TO BE 'GIVEN AWAY A homewantedforSotholi dcg,3 earJ od good watV hciren. anyk :0041,-3 PUFOR SALE One192 Bick; ais( 1936 For. Pete S'maker, Neweantle, a-31-p buse nd praerd, Chuch Sre oold wateqr, ouible garage mitmiC ce- PLOSRO ci (0 50.pril quart baskt, r$15 FurnurUe AHospaly Ri-eupholfs foring Phoe 79-1ne6 f raper 'NNT EXPEîe Radio Service! i The comnatioýÎn ofepeene com- plete data on ail makes, and mnode-m test equipmrent vwili ensur PROMPT, REASONABLýE AND EXPERT REPAIRS CaIl R. L. MYLES Phono 79 r 4 - ORON O Free Estimates will be Given Che-erfui-lly on Rock Wool Home Inisulatio By Blîower Systema, Four inich-es thick, GILPIN & Co. Insulation Contracýtors, 57 Bloo9r St. West, Toronto District Representativo fer Durkam County GEORGE WADDIELL Phone 23 r 22 BETHANY The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY Phono 501 - P.O. Box e22 Port Hope, Ontario Monuments, Grayemarkem 1 E~iravng.Goldleafiu ClasuUif-ed1 1eLi h SeviesUndrth1usie Sfte oensiittekdl t An tochwih N 011Ti Bal", tle -- ou-Areictrs'e n iue attend a meeting cl hd y teSkat-' nrgCoemiteefoirFriday even'ingl Asrg. 27 , the MsncTemrple ati S o'clck, Weare veryn'ouo ail tàs h areit e res teds COMING EVENTS ternoon Teai, heldi under thre a us piýes c)f Heather social Club onrithie là w r at the Ton all, OGreo, Sa4urday, Septeniiber 4 -th, 3 Vo 5 p.. very- body weleomie, a-31--P. NOTA RY Offic 825 Resience409 DR. W. W. SIIERW'4,IN VE-TýERIN-ARtY SURGEON Office Main St. Ors Phone 63 r 7, Oronoý J. Cl. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire,- Casualty, AutomOble,ý and Liability ORONO - VNTARIO ORONI'S - N SUVR A N CE MA Mnltufactugrers LAfe liisurance ï,4 Dominion of Canada General Hiartford Fire Insurance Waterloo0 Mutulal Fire Insuranco Waiwaniesa Mutual Insurancê' , is represenited n this district y DANE FOUND if it's Insurance, give' Dan. a triai., L E R OfHA MILTON ý JINSURANCE ÏN A'LL liTS BRtANCHES Fire, Automobile, Liability~ Reprseningthe Leadlng CANAIAN BRILSHan& Ofc e, Ma inPSt. - RO0NOù PhnsMfive 32 r 105: Res. 1 r le P'honleme an îï CIwI l liteslit you. Estimatýes freely givenl, rn("obligationù INmlFORà,MATýlION 1Wuculd you ieteko or bu the floig (a)> How te(43 lIte youT family Oernu thousand dllars that ycu haven't ye savedr (b) IIow te gtarantee a saair7ï chleque to yolur family every mnontL for i10-15 o'r 20 years shîould youa be taken ei ut of the pcture ? (c) How te tohave n salary choque everymot for yýeurseIf as lo-ng W-' you live, commenceing at age 55-6#' (d) HU o te uaranItee ithat your, son or daughter wiil have the oe foýr n edueation beyond highi school?ý Let ùs have a cha:,t about it some-ý' time. Phonoe F REDil) Y C E TT AUTINEERS T ED J ACK Auctioneer and Valuatur Conducts AuctionP Sales of ail 3ze and at reasonable rates à Coimuictewith hlim at Peet Perry, Ontarlo, ior sUeo hlmClerk A., p. MIortün, at Orono, for date. JACRE i Orono's Licensed Auctionieer and Valua-tor Specialize in Farm - and Furniture Sales Consult me for terni and dates Phoe5rl8 rr. / MEDICAL A. FE McElÇNZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON office Hou"rs 2,00 tc; 4.00 p.m.; 6.30 to 8.00 p.m- Sundays and Wýednesdays hy appointmîent only PHONE 47r1 - OROV, LEGAL Lawronce C. Miason, B.A., Barrister and Solicitor BOWMNVILEONT. office 688 Home 553 W. F. WAfýRDr BARRISTER SOLICITOR