By Grrace Sharp Tbysay that Hollywood is,, i r n idst of anotherl-of7 its hunts o)r "nlew faces" ,, but this timle it'sa differenit. What are wanted in,, the P resenit search arei"t manly lead- ngman profiles, or dimipled-chini, dreamiy-eyed :jfem1iine i 'ad it's character actors with a 'new pk"the suidis are, after -- faces that tbie fans bvntseen before; ndalready a branid-niew crop o!ý suc-li actors bas appeared -in the $crI2en capital to take adataef tis buill miarkect ini str«anigeeýss. neeample Of titrendwa T'he late Mark IHellingeýr's selection 0f W,.illiamn Conrad to play one of tht, co1ldest - blooided kcillers' ever ~crened Helinervanted an ab- soûlutely niew face for tbis part, bc- Caus-elhe bougbit ftbat it would make the- chracter far imore authentie ta audiences thian onie tbiey were thor- ougb'Ily f-amiliar with. Conrad had ineye -r been iný front of a inovie came(ra efre but once he was seen in ýi,"Tie Kilers" bie becamne a leadinig screen "hieavy" overnigbt. Tbsclumfl uibs already spoùken abou wht tese gi-e-aay"pro- zramls are doing taDradýji-an11d -Twe otiltat :11in te States there is ta'lk of the Federial autbiorities clamrping donon suichdoings.Whthr o poet ayh will comie of it ,1n0- boyco say; ibut if thInee dots, i nont be bfore it 'as timre, iiitbe opIIii of miany who twiddle the dials iight after niight seeking somne- thing otheur tban a -glib-tongued M aster of Ceremonies talking a ilea-minute uldn up ta the GradPieAad It is reported thiat lreadly upj- wrsof $100),000 per wekin cash1 anîd mlerchanidise, is beinig given) ~wyin this mann'ecr îIn e York City alonie; anld wihach programn tryjingta ouitdo its rivais in thet mat- te'r o! bigniess, thetre's no telling whecre it will end, uniess somebody puts the brakes on. Tht men wvho concoct such pro- Your embroidery bears usciaus' fruit wth these transfers! Six de- lightul Motifs ta malke k'iitche(n tow- mls gay and freshi-lookcingalas It's eaC-sy; takes littie time ta d co tl 4ese, gay motifs. Pattero, 774;tas er o! 6motifs 4A6/ nhs .Laura ïWheeler'snew, improved pattern makes neediework SOsa m- le 1 h Uihis Charts, photos, concise Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS ~p oils stapscannot beacet di) for this pattern o t te NeedýJle- ~ L Det,,Box 1, 123-l8th Street, w osmomto Print pIainly PAT- jRN NTJMBER, your NAME ,,ADDRESÇ, iTl 35 - 1948l gras dimof course, tbat they are't buyng"audiences. Perish thre thjought! thecy say. But -ta a lot o! jisteniers it sounds like exactly thlat liîttie thiug; and adver- tisers arc;e beginning ta wonder if it,,s go.od poicicy ta spend a modest frueweekl1y tai make a single mdviua hppy while m.illions are were't te fotunae ae Pen aliy, t've listene.d ta scores of thesee "gie-aay"shosbut daubt if i coulUd name more than one or two o! the sponsors. (Saur gr-apes, per- hapis;Iv never wnevenl a silvecr- plied saiadspoeihr" To' the smiaii fry movie fans Johnnie Weissmuller and "Tarzan" are practically idenicai, In just how muany screen dupcs the former Oiympic swimming champ bas par- tra1yed tht "'Ape Man" 1 can't say ofhdand don't intend taking timne ta find out; but 1 knoon it's a lot. Ayabefore long we're go- ing ta se Weissmuller in a new pa2rt.He igned a five-year con- tract ta star in a stries featuring tht haero of tht comic strip "Jungle Jimr." Tbe first picture will be film- lcd on1 sets sbowing the depths of the tropics; and even if tbe "Jim" part -may seem rather strange ta Jobinny, Le should be right at home in the jnl. If you sigo yaur naine witb a bail point pen your signatuýre cao easiiy bc forged. Examine auy writing madel with a bail point pen and you wiii set how the lines fade on the upstrokes and become beavy an the down- strokes, causing xê ~ breaks betn'een lette rs, and shading duc ta unieven pressure, Writing with thsstyleiof en does flot portray the truecbara -cteristics of the writer because the bail point slides and skîms over the surface of the paper with such case that na twb similar letters take the same formation. Steel pens require pressure and guidance ,ýta forma each letter wth tbe ïresui4thtat the writing is clear and deeýp without variationsin letter formaý.tionsF. Tht effort put ino writing nibasteel peu makes forg- ery difficult and easiiy rccognized by tbe, ad-1itngexpert. The ioauesigoed with a bail point pen is cteeydifficuit ta analyse for indication,.s of forgery, due ta tb1reev41aiis and the absence of pressure in the writing. Legal documents sucb as wills, cheques, and cootracts sigocd with ball point pens.cao be easily cQ)pied by an amateur forger and may cause, con siderable difficulty in legai circles, financial and banking insti- tutions, as handwriting experts bave no way of dtecting a forgery af the genuine signatures. For a brwj anaiysis of your char- acter send a sam ple of han dwriting, with a stamped, self -addressed eisve- lape, toA /lex S. Arnott, 123-lSth. S)treet, New Toronto. Just For Fun "I'vc miade a sad discovery, arng"saidl the yaung busband. "Doni't teil me we can't have tbree eek for aur vacation," cie tt ltelady o! tht bouise. It io't tha-t," sighed tht mnan, "Buot 3oukon we boughit that wod rfultiler, spent al aur sav Iglon t, toa."1 Sawe aentenougb money le-ft for gas?" asked -the wife. "That ýisoj 't i, ither?" The hsad groa,,ned. "Our car Quatý,,- len, WHIAT CAN a maothier do wbien ber son is consýidleï ingfor bis ln'ife a wvoman is izfamily thinki ai l n'ronig for imi? Read boný1' ont- moitheur f(ecs abouit it: "M\,y soni is 29, disgigwith n'îdow n'ba is 40. She bas tn'a b ýildreo, 15 and thing: ees! fccnt1itan my i, anid is net uscdt cidenadth(ee tn'aare bcîng naîsd vey dîffencntly than "Hte Ud ta o ',with a lovely girl near hî,, age Sh woi ake a n'anefl, aughc-n-aAn Hinatî. She is s'e-emeca good mngeand Isavinig; and she and my soit arc se coogniýai! 1Ht ieft. tbis n'idon at ont timeand wnt back cailiing on thiis gi, bt tht wîdon' sýtepped in and brokeit up. Non'lbe secýýs 0o1yiy er. "My son is good-hleated laod(! vrY geinero)us. Noeo! bis friend(s think ha anld tht n'idaow Could gct along if tbecymay" Rlis De'cisian- *THERE 15 litie thlatqa motller c 1-aoi d o tasway bier soni's chice. *Thte decisini is biis. This soui is *)not a chil, bult a man nel-arly 3%0. *Al shie caiO doi0 tht cic- *stances s ta hljopýebe lis wcig- * ig tht ftutre as tbought,11filyas *she is. *For a ïman n'ha neyer bs imttr- * ied, ta mavoe iiota a r, eady-madeý *home, n'itb a ray-aefariiy, *means a marriage vcry dlifferent *thanm most yoauog mjien contera- *plate. Hte is robbed o! ahl the * tbrills o! planning bis own home *andi its furnisbings; he must settît *down in a place where bis wife *startcd ber first marniage. In- *stead o! iuu'kigforward ta lus *first baby, bc- must adopt haif- *gron'n children n'hase characters *airtady are flormcd, and (in this *instance), be' must adapt bîm*self *ta tht difficuit role o! stepfatber *e ta girl who already is bal! bis *age. Re Can Be Happy * HE WILL bc missing a great * deal. * More important, tbougbi, isbi *belle! that be can bc happy n'ith *a wifc n'hose ways o! livinig and *tbinkîng (a cc or d in g ta is *mothen) are vastly dffertot fromn * is own. Tht differcoce i0 ages *is not so vital; it is wbctbcn these *tn'o can agree ontht fundamentals *o! living and being that rcaliy *matters. And no ont cao pnedict *their success-uor their failure. * His mother cao be sure, I ex- *pcct, that be is giving tht dcci- *sien bis best ýthought-unless be *is tht victim o! an infatuation, in * n'ich case be is daing no tbink- *ing at aIl. Ail she cao do is ta *bc sure lie knan's that she n'ili net *interfere, audn'ilil ecoenhat- *ever persan lhe marries iin ber ost *gracions n'ay. Ifyou as a mathecr aeconi- cerned about your son'scoi, remember lie is aid eniough ta knoan' nat be is daoinýg. Let hlm alone, buit be rayta stan]d by if ht ntêds you. Anne H lirst may bc able ta belp, ifý you write bier at 13l8hStrcec, Nen' Tonontan. Wood experts offer belipful sug- gestions as ta hon' ta remonve spots on vannished furnitunre. If tht spots are slighi, thty nmay be removcd simply by rubbiug n'th camphonatcd oil or ail of pepper- mint. Or they may disappe2ar wbhen tht surface of tht furniture is n'ash- ed n'itb a mixture o! 1 quarýt o! n'arm n'aten; 3 tablespoons of bail- ed linseed cil, and 1 tabiespoon o! is This Tht Style Yau'd Choose?-This haýt, representi- ing the more voIiuptuýous type, is one of eîgbit especially de- signed by Karen Ross for the 1948 C.N.E. tao suit eight types and moods of Canadian women. It was top choice of Toronto press women attending tht pre- view. Others represented the light-hiearte, tht iîc romantic, danintg, sW ,,- tacc oredrestless and inteliectual, Wmnvisi- tors ta the Coliseum Ti 'ea Court at "The Ex" wiIl be invited ta, choose their favorite three styles, and ont this basis will be given a free hrce reading. Ho, Can ? By Aune Ashiey A. How cao 1 make a <good bt po'der foýrLuse dIigth ot pawder cat-_I be ade 0by mxn eq'ualpartsa!c) rntarbnd taiý- cuM. 1Q. Hon canI nemoii-ve ges fnom ttiba!ck o! a leathier chair, caused by bi nsig A. pea ver thtstain a paste o! full'sý earth and water, ietting thîs dry and then brushing off. - Q. Hon'cao JsW I htsfrom squealcirg? A. Bore a smail baie àiota tht soie, up under tht arch, and poura littie ail inta it. Let tht shats stand up- side dawn as long as passible a!ter filing the haies, toa alw the ail ta get ino tht space betwveen the sales. A. Han' cao I id tht bouse o! fleas? S A, Use spirits o! turpen.-tine in the water when roomis are scoured, or, sait pleutifuily spr-inkl-d aïbout wiil also kili them. TuTut dres gandaugterjust dooned, withconidenbledisdain 2and dis- glist.-Thtimodem young miss inattd tht, apaen iSapravai and ini- quired "r mte dear, when you were m age didn"t yaui set vour cap fr randdy? "O!fore I did?ý," replied gr-and- moitften, I"but it wa-sn't my ktecap." It bas been estimated tihat the 400, feet greatest depth of any oceanis3,5,- By Rev, R. Barclay Wa7rreni wVill, 0 y od; eatbhy Law .s Ttconiversion 0l Saltou the road t[ amsu(nawihu dou[bt, tems ipratevent îin eutor of "tht way,." After is on version be bcam'e the gireaes o the Apostles, takin1g fte essge f Cbristianity ta heGetleIiiAi and Europe, standIîing befo)re in'îgs and bearirig xnjineýss ta i sracel. Thirteen .ofdbis ltesare ,inclu,,ded in the New Testamenit. But to-day.i's lessonis :ý>not abýout Saul but about ithe unbraihý ded chiaracter,Aais Ti a e- ceived iii a vision, amsaefromn God ta go toaSal for "behold, hec jraet,"Ananias 1mîght havreai- iz ýd t1 n wb Io Ilis ituly ry ing"' is rlot ta )beceaed Btthe hcs.itated for fhe knen' of Sau's breatbIinlg out thIrcateningIs against thie disciples. HowVever, Gord dis- closed to him HT'is purpose caniceru- inig Saul and Anianias promnptIy obye. e prayed anid thtc scaleIS felfrom iSaul's cyes. Ht re.eivd thtb, Haly Gbiost and n'as baptlize-d. Sooni hiena racigta "Chirist is the Son Dof God." Behind great Christians there. is usually an Ananias, Susannah Wesley piayed an important part in mouldiog tht lives of John and Charles and a humble man pointed Charlts Spurgeon ta tht Light. Parents, Suuday School teachers, pastors, and folk in every walk o! life, be encouraged(: If you are living in God's will, you may point otherse ta tht Light o! the world, Christ Jesuis. You mnay not be a-Paul, but you cao bt an Ananias. You n'ill share in tht rewards, Ifnsarecflot able ta thecir eyes ýaccuirately untfil thrce lmoniths after brb facu:3 Canvcadi, an Natonalhib uon CoL P. .MrhlPreskderd By Rýberýta Lee Q. s it oeCceSsaýry thiat a man hoMd bis bat iii bis hand when in a i a womlanl? A, No, he need not remove bihW Q à' t emssbeta use affic or bsines satîoenyfor social A. Na; tht persan o! gaad tas-ta wiil nat do sa. Q. Is it ever permissible ta CaOO tither food or coffet by b!Giikg uýlpon 'it? A. Neyer; this las tht height of ill.. Q.S ouldon speak ta a man if ont ets 1him it a woman other tn is wife, and kýon's that this \vifo tbli er hbusband is work-..- ig, orl sblould ont just ignare hÎm? . ASpak tac him just as tbaugh h. weVre with bis wife, but do nat refe taý it later an etier ta bim or toý anyane tise. Yau may be making à big -mistakeo in your inference and bidits none o! your affair. Q Watsort of bat may one wvear n'ith iani eveoing dness? A. Non; tere- is neyer any kind of bat warn with tveniug cress. 4949 SIZES Looks asi shegoes to 'Charni Scbo l ths aorbl umerot- fit! Pa'ttern 4949 buttn nfront so she cao dresaerseif and h!as a Thlis pattern-1, easy itoluse, simple to se,; 5tested for fit.hicludes compleistte edin,'struiction1s. Pattern 4949 corne(s in sizeýs 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. Size 6, jumpei)cr, 1lT4yds,. 39-. in. ; bous, 'syd. 35 inl. Send TWENTýlîY-FIVE CENTS (25c) in coinis (stamips cannot be accepted) for thlis paLttern ta Box 1, l23-l8th Street, New Toronto, Print plainly SIZE, N.AMvE, ADDRESS, STYLE NUIMBER.